29 Dec 00 - 03:26 PM (#365220) Subject: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Angelo I'm looking for two lyrics and chords of thiese two gaelic songs: 1. Tá Mé 'Mo Shui - from Sean Nua in the LP The Open Door 2. Neansai Mhile Gra - from Clannad in Concert mòran taing Angelo |
29 Dec 00 - 03:36 PM (#365230) Subject: Lyr Add: TA ME MO SHUI From: MMario TA ME MO SHUI (trad.) ( I am awake ) I have not slept since the moon lit the heavens last night, Just setting the fire and stroking the ember to light. The household's retired and I am left here to sigh, The roosters are crowing, all the world is asleep barring I. My soul is enthralled with your mouth, your face and your brow. For your sparkling blue eyes I abandoned contentment and glee, Due to longing for you, I 'm unable to travel the way, O friend of my bosom, the hills come between you and me. Wise men proclaim that lovesickness can leave one unwell, I did not believe it until my poor heart came under its spell, A malais in my craze, I failed to ignore, With a hundred and more aching pangs it's pierced my heart to the core. I met a Banshee by the Fairyrath near Ballina, I asked her politely if one could be cured of this "Gra." She answered me kindly in tones so simple and low, Once it set in the heart it cannot be freed evermore.
29 Dec 00 - 03:45 PM (#365242) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: MMario a thread you might be interested in url=http://www.mudcat.org/thread.CFM?threadID=6030 |
29 Dec 00 - 06:59 PM (#365346) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,JTT A search for "neansai" got me this link: http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=6030#119282 which has the lyrics for Neansai Mhile Gra. |
29 Dec 00 - 08:38 PM (#365394) Subject: Lyr Add: TÁ MÉ 'MO SHUÍ From: GUEST,Philippa Both JTT and MMario give links to the same thread, where you'll get Neansaí lyrics, translation and tune. Here is a Teelin Co Donegal version of Tá mé 'mo shuó as taken down by Pádraig Mac Seáin. You may hear slightly different words, such as "tá 'n tsaol ina gcodladh ach mé" instead of "tá 'n tír 'na gcodladh ach mé". The spelling below deviates slightly from the standard modern spelling, mostly in the retention of the letters "dh" or "gh"at the end of words: shuidhe[shuí], toighe [tí], luighe [luí], grádh [grá]. croidhe [croí] and so on. Sometimes the spelling is represents the pronunciation much better than the standard spelling, for instance "domh" rather than "dom" in Ulster, and - in Teelin - D'fhiarthaigh [d'fhiafraigh] Popular recordings include Clannad, Altan and I think Eleanor Shanley.
Tá mé 'mo shuidhe ó d'éirigh an ghealach aréir,
You are my hadsome love for whom I forsook pleasure. I am very lonely now that the mountains lie between us. I don't think "Béal an Ávtha", Ballina Co Mayo, is sung in any versions I've heard (see MMario's translation above) |
29 Dec 00 - 08:40 PM (#365395) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Philippa correction of typos - shuó should be shuí and Ávtha should be Átha. That's just what I notice so far, but I think the rest is okay! |
29 Dec 00 - 09:29 PM (#365409) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Annraoi a Philippa Fáilte romhat ar ais. Cúla cartúchán beag: "tá 'n tsaol ina gcodladh ach mé" instead of "tá 'n tír 'na gcodladh ach mé". Both these renditions are incorrect. They should read as follows:- "tá 'n saol 'na chodladh ach mé." and "tá 'n tír 'na codladh ach mé." As for the "translation" that MMario provided; It falls far short in so many respects that it is not worth considering other than as a non-metrical approximation of the original. The five accented syllables required by the original song are absent from most lines, thus rendering it unsingable. Even the English is somewhtat fractured, e.g. "A malais in my craze, I failed to ignore," Annraoi |
30 Dec 00 - 04:40 AM (#365533) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Philippa thanks Annraoi. I'm feeling stupid because I know the grammar. I simply copied MacSeáin and then put in "saol" instead of "tír". But MacSeáin and the publisher, Irish studies dept at Queen's U Belfast should know their stuff, so I think MacSeáin did take down what he heard. Wouldn't it be like saying in English, "the world is in their beds" instead of "the world is in its bed"? typo in second line of first verse: 's 'á ódh go géar should read 's 'á fadódh go géar first line, third verse Deir lucht an éinn should read Deir lucht an léinn Bhí ar intinn agam fhreastal ar Scoil Gheimhridh Frankie Kennedy an tseachtain seo, ach níl na busanna ag dul go Gaoth Dobhair mar gheall ar an aimsir. |
30 Dec 00 - 04:47 PM (#365809) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Angelo Thanks everybody for your kindness. I'm beginning to learn some songs in gaelic language (irish, scottish and welsh too). These languages are very beatiful and they have a fascinating sound, but in Italy it is very difficult find something about gaelic language. Anyway I believe I disturb us again !!! Bliadhna Mhath Ur agus moran taing Angelo |
30 Dec 00 - 06:18 PM (#365851) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Philippa I wonder if the translator might be Paddy Tunney? He does go for high-faluting language |
31 Dec 00 - 09:38 AM (#366195) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: GUEST,Angelo Hi, everybody. I told that I had disturb you again ;-) I'm looking for three other songs: the first of their is called "An Innis Aigh"; I listened it in a Chieftains' LP (Fire in the Kitchen -track 2). I asked for it already in last october but nobody answered about this lyrics. the second of their is called "Bogie's Bonnie Belle" and it's sung by Rod Paterson & Wendy Stewart; it isn't written in gaelic but, in any case, it is very nice! the third song is called "Uamh An Oir/Cumba An T-Seana Chlaidheimh" and it's sung by Margaret Stewart & Allan Mac. tiaraidh an dràsda Angelo P.S. I ask to you to be patient for my bad english. If you don't understand some message of mine, it is because I make mistakes very often. :-(-:
31 Dec 00 - 01:40 PM (#366279) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: George Seto - af221@chebucto.ns.ca The An Innis Aigh, I think I'd better go do some work on. I've got it, and I think it's been requested. Thought the words were in the CD booklet? Give me a few days and then check at http://www.geocities.com/george_seto.geo/land_gae.html I'll try to get it typed up tomorrow. There's actually 9 verses to it, if I remember rightly. Can't remember which ones they sing. I KNOW that Margaret and Allan has the words in their CD booklet. That's where I got it from. Though I think it's on the net somewhere. It might have been the recording Orain nan Gàidheal that I got the words from. It's also on that recording. Will try to do it up tomorrow as well. |
31 Dec 00 - 03:18 PM (#366345) Subject: Lyr Add: UAMH AN OIR From: Malcolm Douglas Two versions of Bogie's Bonny Belle may be found here (I used the "Digitrad and Forum Search" box on the main Forum page to locate them: Bogie's Bonny Belle -the version recorded by Ian Manuel (The Frosty Ploughshare, Topic Records 12TS220, 1972) Bogie's Bonny Belle -as recorded by Archie Fisher. Uamh An Oir: The text of a song by this title, with English translation, may be found in an earlier thread, here: Uamh an Oir (Cave of Gold) -it's not the one recorded by Margaret Stewart and Allan MacDonald (on their CD Fhuair Mi Pog, Greentrax CDTRAX 132, 1998), though. Theirs' goes as follows: UAMH AN OIR (CAVE OF GOLD) Chuile té 's a còt' am bogadh, toir' nan gogag as an tràigh. Seisd (Chorus): Mas tig mise, mag tis mise, mag tis mis' à Uamh an Oir. Bidh na laoigh bheag nan crodh féille, mas tig mis' à Uamh an Oir. Bidh chlann bheaga nam fir thaighe, mas tig mis' à Uamh an Oir. Chuile té 's a còt' am bogadh, toir' nan gogag as an tràigh. Toir' nan gobag, toir nan gobag, toir' nan gobag as an tràigh. Each line is sung twice. The CD insert gives the Gaelic text above, but does not provide a translation into English, though a set of translations of the songs on the record is available from: Greentrax Recordings Ltd., Cockenzie Business Centre Edinburgh Road Cockenzie East Lothian EH32 0HL The School of Scottish Studies' periodical Tocher has published the first version mentioned above, which came from William Matheson. It may be seen, together with a translation into English, staff-notation and a sound recording, at their website: Uamh an Òir (The Cave of Gold) Malcolm |
01 Jan 01 - 10:26 AM (#366695) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: George Seto - af221@chebucto.ns.ca Angelo. I did up the words. I haven't typed up a translation yet. I'll try to get to it. |
01 Jan 01 - 10:28 AM (#366696) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: George Seto - af221@chebucto.ns.ca Oh, Next time, Angelo, would you please post separate messages for the songs individually, and if you know something about it, put it in the subject. Makes it easier. |
01 Jan 01 - 11:54 AM (#366721) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: George Seto - af221@chebucto.ns.ca I should explain that a bit. When, in some future time, one is looking for that particular song, it helps to have the song title in the Subject heading. I know that someday I will be looking for An Innis Àigh and probably won't remember I have it in my own pages. Sounds funny, but it's happened before. I go looking here, and find one of these links to my own Gaelic Song pages. |
03 Jun 02 - 01:35 PM (#722164) Subject: RE: Tá mé mo shuí From: GUEST,Philippa see 29 Dec 2000 lyrics; apparently "Tá mé mo shuí" doesn't have it's own thread. The first verse, so important to this song, also shows up as a loan verse in some songs from Connacht and in at least one version of Buachaill ón Éirne (info from writings of Éinrí Ó Muirgheasa) |
26 Jun 21 - 09:36 PM (#4111543) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: RunrigFan Tha mi nam shidh' bho dh'èirich a' ghealach an-raoir A' cur teine sìos gun sgìth is i fada gu geur Tha muinntir an taighe nan laighe is mise leam fhèin Tha na coilich a' gairm 's an saoghal nam cadal ach mi Dh'innsieadh iad dhuinn gur claoite an galar an gràdh Cha do dh'aidich mi e no gun robh e an dèidh mo chridhe a chràdh Bho aicid ro-gheur, ochoin cha sheachnainn-sa i Chur i saighead is ceud gu geur tro mheadhain mo chridh' 'S iad a's àilleadh leam fhèin - do bheul do mhalla is do ghruaidh Do shùil ghorm glè-gheal a thrèig mi aiteas is suairc Le cumha nad dhèidh cha lèir dhomh am bealach a shiubhal Is a charaid mo ghràidh tha na slèibhtean eadar mi 's tu Choinnich bean-sìdhe rium shìos aig Lios Bheal an Àtha is dh'fhaighnich mi dhi am fosgladh glas sam bith gràdh Is thuirt i gu h-ìosal am briathran socair is sèamh "Nuair a thig e nad chridhe cha sgaoiltear às e gu bràth Scottish Gaelic translation from Brian Ó hEadhra |
26 Jun 21 - 09:49 PM (#4111545) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: RunrigFan I am up since the moon arose last night Putting down a fire again and again and keeping it lit The family is in bed and here I am alone The cocks are crowing and the world is asleep but me It is said that love is a fatal sickness I never admitted it until now that my heart is broken It's a very painful illness, alas, I have not avoided it And it sends a hundred arrows through the core of my heart I love your mouth, your eyebrows and your cheeks Your bright blue eyes for whose sake I gave up contentment In longing for you I cannot see to walk the road Friend of my bosom, the mountain lie between me and you I met a fairy woman in the hollow of Bèal an Àtha I asked her would sny key unlock the love in my heart And she said in soft, simple language "When love enters the heart it will never be driven from it" |
26 Jun 21 - 11:26 PM (#4111553) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: RunrigFan from album An t-Allt |
27 Jun 21 - 12:30 PM (#4111594) Subject: Tha mi nam shuidh' agus Tá mé mo shuí From: Felipa Thanks, Runrig Fan for the translations from Irish to Scots Gaelic and to English by Brian O hEadhra. Shidh' should be spelled shuidh'. Literally the meaning would be more like the English language expression "I am sitting up" [late]. Incidentally I saw an expression "suidhe fad-oidhche" defined as "late-night sitting" in the Learn Gaelic online dictionary. There's a typo in "Dh'innsieadh"; it should be "Dh'innseadh". I think the rest of the transcription is fine. I haven't heard Brian O hEadhra's recording of this song yet. I think the other songs requested on this discussion thread are covered elsewhere in Mudcat, so it should become specifically a thread for versions of Tá Mé Mo Shuí (or very similar songs). Irish language lyrics for Tá Mé Mo Shuí were posted in the thread on 29 Dec 2000. There's is also a typo near the start of that message, shuó should be shuí. |
27 Jun 21 - 12:51 PM (#4111595) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: RunrigFan Dh'innsieadh is from the album booklet |
27 Jun 21 - 12:54 PM (#4111597) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: RunrigFan https://open.spotify.com/album/21aX8ZlCldMSrPcoXjME5B?highlight=spotify:track:4hlDiLrtPNm1TpJODgRUiL |
27 Jun 21 - 01:02 PM (#4111600) Subject: RE: Tha mi nam shuidh' From: Felipa The album booklet needs a proofreader then. Dh'innseadh should be spelled with one "i" only. |
17 Apr 23 - 05:48 PM (#4170198) Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs From: Felipa old links in this thread don't work, so here are some new links for songs requested/mentioned in the above discussion: a Neansaí Mhíle Grá (Irish language) https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=6030 Innis Aigh (Scottish Gaelic) https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=26606 see post from GUEST,seanair (grandfather, from sean = old and athair = father) Date: 07 June 14 Bogie's Bonnie Belle (English/Scots) https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=136938 Uamh an Òir (Scottish Gaelic) https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=2461 Buachaill ón Éirne (Irish) https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=30948 |