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Spaw's Spew

05 Jan 01 - 03:05 PM (#369196)
Subject: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Dr. Laura

Reading Spaw's spew, and the flotsam and jetsam that comes from others in the Mudcat inner-clique, I'd suggest that Spaw, and all others in the Mudcat inner-clique, are in need of help.

Don't make me come down there guy - Bert

05 Jan 01 - 03:39 PM (#369207)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Lepus Rex

Hmmm. Whining about an 'insider-clique,' and targeting a popular 'catter? You wouldn't be a dickless loser, would you? What do you want? A hug?

---Lepus Rex

05 Jan 01 - 03:41 PM (#369212)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

Physician, heal thyself.

05 Jan 01 - 04:45 PM (#369256)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Ebbie

Waaaaahhhhh! I'm not in the Mudcat-inner-clique but I've done my share of flotsam-and-jetsamming. What about me? I insist on my share of the help. Waaaahhhhh....

Spaw, who loves ya, baby... (Yuck. I never liked Kojak!)


05 Jan 01 - 05:02 PM (#369263)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: wysiwyg

Stew? You bet! Serve it right up!


05 Jan 01 - 05:10 PM (#369274)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

Guest Laura, if you got something on your shoe at Spaw's house, it might be something Cletus spewed. I think Spaw's spewings are limited pretty much to hot air.

05 Jan 01 - 05:18 PM (#369281)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Ebbie

In order to avoid such contamination myself, I really should know more about Spaw's household. I know Cleigh (too well!) but just who is Cletus? And the Reg boys? What am I missing out on? This is what comes of not being part of the Mudcat inner-clique.


05 Jan 01 - 05:22 PM (#369285)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

I thought "inner-clique" was a medical condition.

Cletus is his ... um... ferret? weasel? cavy? something. Occasionally Spaw turns off his cookie and lets Cletus post as a guest. He doesn't spell well.


05 Jan 01 - 06:24 PM (#369320)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Mousethief, I know what Cletus does, I just don't know what he is Homo sapiens sapiens? Or a lesser or greater form?

Remember 'This is my brother, Larry. And this is my brother, Larry. And that is my brother, Larry'? That's how I picture Cletus and the Reg boyz.

I expect if I did a little digging in the files I'd find Spaw's explanation- but can you imagine requesting a list of Spaw posts! My computer would lock up, for sure.

So, Spaw, when you wander in here, and if it doesn't hurt their feelings after all this time, would you introduce your friends? And tell us how they came into your lives?

I suspect the only spewing would be over the various keyboards...


05 Jan 01 - 06:39 PM (#369333)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: katlaughing

I was NOT going to post to this load of crap, but since you all are being so nice trying to turn it into something useful, you will find a complete explanation, by Spaw, if you click here. It's a good read and, yes, Ebbie, I suspect some will wet themselves or their keyboards before they are done!


05 Jan 01 - 06:46 PM (#369340)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew

hilarious for those who are 'in' on the joke I suppose, childish nonsense to the rest of us

05 Jan 01 - 06:49 PM (#369342)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew

Cletus is a sweet soul when not led astray by Paw and the Reg boys. He occasionally attends Mudcat Concerts and insists on entertaining everyone with "blue blazers" but he is harmless and quite loveable. Keep him out of the fried possum and white lightnin' if he drops by for a visit. Poor boy had a terrible Christmas with assorted injuries. I wanted Spaw to ship him down to NYC for some sophisticating but he seems afraid to let him out of his sight. Maybe we can get him out on a Mudcat adventure. Bet he can play the mouth harp.

05 Jan 01 - 06:51 PM (#369344)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew

and there's not a mudcat 'in crowd' ???

05 Jan 01 - 07:22 PM (#369360)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Big Mick

Yep, I think there is an "in crowd" here. The only thing that pisses you off is that in the entire friggin' world you are about the only one not allowed in. Dammit Spaw, we gotta loosen up those damn qualifications, there is someone who doesn't qualify............


05 Jan 01 - 07:22 PM (#369361)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Lepus Rex

Christ, guest. So people know each other. When you enter a restaurant, and see a group of people having a good time at the next table, do you sit there, alone, quietly sobbing, because it's just not fair that you're not sitting with them, having a ball?

I'm guessing that there are two reasons that you are excluded, in all aspects of your life:

1. People know each-other, often in real life. This is because they are social. You, on the other hand, are a sociopath. It's different.

2. You're a sad, bitter, self-pitying, unlikable little fuck who does nothing but piss and moan about what an unfair hand life has dealt you. I mean, do YOU even want to know you? I thought not.

But I shouldn't say anymore. You're probably just sitting there with a hard-on because so many people have acknowledged your pitiful existence. "Oh, it's just like having friends, I THINK!"

So, whatever your mental problem is, why not take it and your serial-killer-type lifestyle, and piss off? (No offense)

---Lepus Rex

05 Jan 01 - 07:23 PM (#369362)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: SeanM

Why, yes GUEST, and you're it!

By constantly creating these troll/idiocy based threads, laced with lackluster guest monikers and bizzare personal attacks, you've created quite possibly the only exclusive 'clique' on the 'cat.

Congratulations! Thank the gods you're alone!

Now just go away again.


05 Jan 01 - 07:24 PM (#369363)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Kernow Jon

I choose to remain a guest but I must admit it's clique I'm ashamed to belong to at times.
Guests whoever you are just take the time to look back, There are no hidden agendas or inner circles. Just look back over the threads to understand the references. It isn't the 'catters fault that you haven't been here as long as some and may not get the old jokes or the references.
If you look up Spaw you'll find at times he even takes the trouble to link connected threads to make life easier for us!

05 Jan 01 - 07:30 PM (#369367)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Lady McMoo

Whoops...misread that as "Stew" and thought it was another interesting recipe thread...



05 Jan 01 - 07:31 PM (#369368)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Ebbie

Spaw: Even worse, I've put other parts of the story on at least 9 or 10 different threads!!! I should have started another thread to add story to a long time back. Spaw, this might be a good time.

I finally got through those links! Thanks, kat. (Although one took me to a wheat site(?)

Spaw has an interesting, if appalling,life.

I had no idea that the Reg boyz were Rick's relatives. Well, you know what they say about family. Sigh

I will now go meditate. Or medicate.


05 Jan 01 - 07:33 PM (#369371)
Subject: Lepus Rex
From: GUEST,Chris C.

Lepus Rex,

Guest suggests there's an in crowd at Mudcat.

You respond by calling him/her "a sad, bitter, self-pitying, unlikable little fuck" with a "serial-killer-type lifestyle."

I am shaking my head in disbelief.


05 Jan 01 - 08:13 PM (#369391)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Lepus Rex

Chris, I wasn't responding just to that comment. I was responding to Guest's two-day-long campaign of insults, whines, and attacks. Maybe you're not familiar with Guest's activities, or maybe you are. If not, maybe you should be. Thanks.

---Lepus Rex

05 Jan 01 - 08:29 PM (#369399)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Catrin

Is there an 'in- clique' at Mudcat? I'm sorry, I hadn't noticed. I became a member about four months ago (as opposed to some people's three or four years) and found everybody very welcoming and helpful.

Oh well, I suppose I'm just incredibly naive.....

05 Jan 01 - 08:38 PM (#369405)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Big Mick

Nope, Caitrin, you are just incredible. I have enjoyed your posts since the first day you walked down the street. Thanks for being here.


05 Jan 01 - 08:48 PM (#369414)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Catrin

Errm Mick - I had better come clean - people often confuse me with Caitrin (the one who makes cookies? - I have been asked for the recipe many times!). I joined up using my real name, not realising there were so many with very similar names (caitrin catlin....)

I would really like to think your comment was addressed to me though!



05 Jan 01 - 09:01 PM (#369423)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Gypsy

Gee, i guess i'm a moron. Thought that the opening comment was just a facetious joke type thing. On second thought, i'll continue thinking that. Makes the world a little brighter place.

05 Jan 01 - 09:13 PM (#369429)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Big Mick

Well, CATrin, I just went and did a check on you going back to July 8, 2000. It still applies. Thanks for being here.


05 Jan 01 - 09:30 PM (#369439)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Catrin

Oooooh mick! I feel fuzzy all over - I knew you thought I was somebody else - but I also know that I'm OK too - so it could have applied to me *BG*



05 Jan 01 - 09:52 PM (#369457)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Big Mick

Absolutely, m'dear. I went back and looked at a number of your contributions. You are giving of your time and knowledge and have a great personality. I am glad you are here. Having folks like you around is exactly why our little village survives in the face of it all. Thanks for being a Mudcatter.


05 Jan 01 - 10:06 PM (#369464)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Catrin

Now I KNOW that's directed at me - ooer, definitely fuzzy all over - it's 3am now in UK, so I will have sweet dreams tonight (or this morning)

The mudcat has kept me going when I've been low, and given me a lot of laughs - and due to two mudcat gatherings in the uk during the past few months, I have met several catters in the flesh. - and had some brilliant nights!

I've also managed to persuade several local catters to come to my local folk club (singaround) and, without exceptiion, they have turned out to be brilliant company!



05 Jan 01 - 10:18 PM (#369471)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: catspaw49

Yeah Catrin, but I still think he was hoping for a cookie!!!(:<)) You need to put Caitrin's recipe on your bookmarks and just give it out!!!!

Well here we are again........Maybe its the weather that does it or whatever. Lepus, you crack me up sometimes! That "hug" line is priceless.

To all the many hundred members of the Mudcat Inner Circle Big Blue Click".......Set your Secret Decoder Capos to B36,R11,C98,D66,D41,S12,O18,L9,D28,W55,G23,and E4 to get a secret message from Cletus.


05 Jan 01 - 10:26 PM (#369476)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Sarah

Well, usually I do my own research (i.e., have bought a Rick Fielding CD from Mudcat so I can look into this deity thing -- I figure it's worth $19 or so to find God). I gotta draw the line at inspecting spew, though.

Spaw seems just fine to me: Decent sod in that graphic way of his. Helpful, interested and slightly weird. What could anyone ask?

So, Spaw, do you have a spew CD?


06 Jan 01 - 12:37 AM (#369532)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: kimmers

Hmmph, my secret decoder capo appears to have gone "pphht" and failed to function. That's what I get for buying the black-market version instead of saving up all of the boxtops like I was supposed to.

Seriously... I've only been around a few months, and am slowly starting to get to know a few of you. I've had a blast. And Guest and others like you: Spaw's mix of bizarre humor and deeply insightful comments were one of the factors that made me decide to stick around. One moment I'd fall out of my chair laughing, the next moment I'd be profoundly moved. His eloquence is shared by many 'Catters, but his humor has a way of drawing in newcomers. Sure 'Catter humor is full of inside jokes, but it doesn't take long before all of the little pieces start to click.

06 Jan 01 - 02:05 PM (#369786)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: John Hardly

Reasons I consider myself in the "inner-clique" (believe it or not)

1. I try to post where I can be; a.helpful b.encouraging c.insightful (rare indeed) d.funny (even rarer because, face it, I'm kinda warped).

2. I try to participate in the song challenges (6 of the last 7)

3.I review the threads to which I post so as the thank or respond to other's kind help.

4. I LOVE music!

5. I participate in PalTalk--which means I try to listen and encourage/feed-back as well as play/sing.

6. I log on to this site more than once a week.

7. I don't assume that everyone is hanging on my every post. I've seen almost everybody's posts get stepped on from time to time. (I still laugh at LEJ's suggestion to conspiritorily pick someone to a. always post almost exactly the same information as them (in a subsequent post) and then b. have a friend acknowledge your post, not the victim's--wicked plan indeed!)

8. When I read the caliber of writing that goes on here I realize that I am not necessary--but it sure is fun to participate!!!!

9. and finally...I'm wise enough to have caught on that some other 'catter is likely to post a "...uh...JH...I never considered you part of the clique *BG*" following this declaration.


06 Jan 01 - 02:25 PM (#369798)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Morticia

We've had this discussion many times before.....if the Mudcat has a clique or inner-circle, it's one comprising of hundreds of people and is exclusive only in as much as most of us publish our names to go with our opinions/wisdom/advice/drivel.....that's it, that's all there is.Every now and then some poor, insecure soul pops his/her anonymous head above the parapet and whines about the percieved clique,has some gutless little dig at whoever they see first.....usually Kat, Rick or Spaw and then sits back and basks in the 'attention'.
The saddest thing IMO, is that he/she gets it.Take a look at some of the really worthwhile threads like Wes bringing Brendan home, it got twenty something look at the Rick thread and this.....what do we learn from this, boys and girls? You get a good response if you are mean/gutless/anonymous sit back, there will be lots more.{End of rant}

06 Jan 01 - 02:32 PM (#369801)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Pete M'Gurk

Hi, Gang!

I'm a very new member (as of yestiddy) and am still learning about the features and functions of this (in my 'umble opinion) fantastic website! I have already found the other members to be very supportive, helpful and complimentary (See other postings under my name and the comments that follow), and in my brief perusal of various threads, I can see that I have a lot in common with many of you.

I think Spaw is a very funny person, by the way. Anyone who can't find entertainment value in what he writes is very likely suffering from some nervous disorder, such as Chronic Cranial-Rectal Insertion.

Are there any of you Catters who live in the Corpus Christi, Texas, area? I'm interested in finding places here that offer folk music events and such - instead of Tejano stuff.


06 Jan 01 - 02:37 PM (#369805)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Cliqueless in Cleveland

Everytime the word Clique gets thrown around here it's meant to imply a small group of mudcatters who exclude the majority. Wake up and smell the macrame! If this is a clique, then it's the largest one I've ever seen existing in ANY group. Spaw, Peter T, Bert, Rick, Kat, Sorcha, Mick and countless other greybeards CONSTANTLY chat, interact, welcome, and embrace newcomers. The word clique only comes up when some nasty piece of work wants to stir up trouble.

Get real Cliqueheads!

06 Jan 01 - 02:40 PM (#369807)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Morticia

Uh called Kat and Sorcha greybeards.....I'm telling!!! Boy,are you gonna be in trouble!!!!

06 Jan 01 - 02:44 PM (#369809)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Sarah

You are right on all counts, M'Gurk.

Well, good luck in Corpus, too: I'd feel sorry for you, except you're close enough for a weekend jaunt to Houston, where there is some folk/blues/jazz/whatever. I'm in Amarillo, where we have both kinds of music: Country and Western. Have, after almost 20 years, located two people who will play folk music with me without trying to talk me into forming a C&W band.

I have to drive to Dallas or OKC for a decent jam session. (Well, okay, once a year there's a good one in Pampa.) Sigh...


06 Jan 01 - 03:02 PM (#369825)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Cliqueless & Clueless in Cleveland

Morticia, please don't tell them! I wasn't thinking! Kat, Sorcha, and you Morticia are vibrant vivacious veteran Vixens! Now Kendall and Art, they're greybeards, who welcome the teenagers, and I love them all.


06 Jan 01 - 03:08 PM (#369830)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Morticia

Jeez, CCC, you think you can buy me off with a few flattering phrases? You are, of course, quite correct in that assumption .I'm still dubious about the word 'veteran' but I'm going to assume you're referring to the amount of time we spend here, yes? Ok, maybe your ass isn't grass after all :)But I'm only speaking for me, Kat and Sorcha could still catch up with you!

06 Jan 01 - 04:42 PM (#369891)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Amergin

Always knew Kat had a grey beard....

06 Jan 01 - 05:41 PM (#369945)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: R!

Like Catrin, I've only been here a few months. I haven't participated that often because I'm still learning my way around. Any group will have a central core of people who play a larger role. We all don't always get the jokes. That's life. One of the things I've enjoyed about Catters is that there's a lovely cameraderie and a great sense of welcoming. OK, that's two things. Now I wonder if I'm a witless pratt who didn't recognize that I was being conned OR if the guest is some sort of violent hyenia?



06 Jan 01 - 05:52 PM (#369948)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: catspaw49

Rowana, how can we not like anyone who has "outlaw reindeer?"


06 Jan 01 - 05:53 PM (#369949)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: GUEST,Sarah

Rowana, thou art not a witless pratt; believe me, if these weren't good folk, I'd've recognized it and disappeared early: I am socially paranoid. Guest has some real "issues" to work through; most of them seem to be adolescent emotional ones, if you isolate and read his/her postings throughout some of these recent flame threads (like the one we all hope will die). Guest's postings in that one read like a teen-age crush reaction. I hope he/she finds some help, or manages to get a grip somehow.

Meanwhile, like Old Faithful, carry on, Spaw. The Mudcat Masses are counting on you to keep it light here.


06 Jan 01 - 05:57 PM (#369954)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Little Neophyte

I was a total elitist snob before I joined the Mudcat.
Lowering myself to join an inner clique was quite the humbling experience.


Little Neo

06 Jan 01 - 07:02 PM (#370009)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Dave the Gnome

What's wrong with cliques????

Surely it is what keeps us super beings apart from the plebian masses?

Hang in there Catrin, we may even get a Mancy clique going and stop the foreigners infiltrating....

(Good job somone knows I am joking:):):):))

Happy yew near


06 Jan 01 - 07:09 PM (#370012)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Firecat

I'm not sure if I'm in the clique or not, but NOBODY slags Spaw and gets away with it! Not while I'm around! WARNING! WARNING! Yorkshire temper about to be lost!!!


Weeeellll, I'm loyal to friends, relations, etc., etc.

:-))))))))))) but :-@ (if that's the emoticon for angry)

06 Jan 01 - 08:38 PM (#370066)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Bill D

...I been here a LONG time, and I have the secret to being in the special, limited, inner circle/clique

what you gotta do is kiss spaws a**, gotta care, post, listen, smile, gripe, sing, worry, laugh....and all the other things that make 'people' into friends....oh, yes, and you gotta have a name other than **Guest**...those who don't LIKE to simply join in, be themselves and share, can just hide 'round the corner and post silly troll messages.....

OH!...I see you've figgered that out already!

06 Jan 01 - 08:54 PM (#370077)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Banjer

So, 'Spaw singularly spews stuff, sending some songsters speeding suddenly somewhat serruptitiuosly somewhere safe? Sad, sad state. Seems somewhat senseless.

06 Jan 01 - 08:54 PM (#370078)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Dave the Gnome

"Yorkshire temper about to be lost!!! "

Firecat, as a Lancashire lad all I can say is


Trembling in his boots


07 Jan 01 - 07:18 PM (#370531)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Firecat


That's better! I did warn you! Sorry to anyone I've just deafened!

07 Jan 01 - 07:22 PM (#370537)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Firecat

Ooops, i forgot the explosion ....



BTW that was a building falling down!

07 Jan 01 - 07:30 PM (#370549)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Dave Wynn

You may as well lose your Yorkshire temper Firecat...we Lancashire types believe you lost the war of the roses also lost part of East Riding to Humberside and some of West Riding to Lancashire....:-)). Send a stamped addresed envelope and I will send you honorary membership of Lancashire. Spot the (Lancastrian) Dog

08 Jan 01 - 04:08 AM (#370755)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Seamus Kennedy

People, Spaw is NOT GOD!! No, wait! Shit! That one's been done already. Sorry.......


08 Jan 01 - 08:29 AM (#370789)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Snuffy

I always thought that Spaw was Kat's daddy - ain't that what CatsPaw means?

08 Jan 01 - 12:14 PM (#370896)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: katlaughing

LOL, snuffy! I keep tellin' ya guys...he's the evyl twin, not me!


08 Jan 01 - 12:21 PM (#370906)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

I have the beginnings of a salt-and-pepper beard. Can I be an old fart too?

If I can't slag Spaw any more, I will have to regretfully leave the 'Cat. Slagging Spaw is what gives my wretched, pitiful life meaning. Slagging Spaw is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys with Ebola Zaire (actually just about ANYTHING is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys with Ebola Zaire). Slagging Spaw puts the sun in my day.

What does "slag" mean, by the way?


08 Jan 01 - 06:30 PM (#371167)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

I'm not even cool enough to be publicly attacked on Mudcat (sniff, sniff), so I ain't gonna touch this one. :)


08 Jan 01 - 06:32 PM (#371170)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

I'll attack you, Rich, if it would make you feel better. What achilles' heels do you have that I can target?


08 Jan 01 - 06:43 PM (#371177)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: catspaw49

Geeziz MT, he plays bodhran and is a 'Burgher, how much else do you need?


08 Jan 01 - 06:46 PM (#371179)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: mousethief

Thanks, Spaw, now I don't have to.

Oh, and by the way, Spaw, I hereby slag you.


08 Jan 01 - 07:52 PM (#371227)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Locks

It is better to be talked about than to not be talked about

29 May 01 - 07:34 PM (#472664)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Little Hawk

Well, this one is certainly a classic. It even has an offended GUEST raising hell about the Mudcat inner clique.

And now it a monster from the once again stalk the halls of the Mudcat Cafe...


- LH

29 May 01 - 07:37 PM (#472667)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: InOBU

January! JEEEEEZZZZEEEE! Did I fall asleep in front of the computor!!!!?????????? I MISSED CHRISTMAS!!! Larry

29 May 01 - 07:38 PM (#472668)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: InOBU

Woof! I just noticed LH revived this... whew! I though I missed half a year......... Larry

29 May 01 - 09:18 PM (#472731)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: MAV


29 May 01 - 09:27 PM (#472734)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: WyoWoman

I thought this was just a result of my recent cryogenic thaw, but indeed, it's just a revived thread instead.

Whew! I was about to tell Catrin that I used to feel warm and fuzzy all over until Catspaw told me about the Mudcat Special Duct Tape Bikini Wax and I nipped that little ol' problemo right in the butt, yessirreebob.


29 May 01 - 09:33 PM (#472738)
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
From: Amos

The secret message from Cletus turned out a gastrointenstinal emission that was misinterpreted as a native drum signal.