11 Jan 01 - 03:53 PM (#372943) Subject: RE: *#1 PEASANT* From: GUEST,Amergin@work That's a bit of an understatement... |
14 Jan 01 - 08:42 AM (#374305) Subject: RE: *#1 PEASANT* From: *#1 PEASANT* For those interested - Handy Car the Epicetral Shrine of the Helping Hand Vehicular is now on line! He is musical too with lots of hand related songs.... Eventually an external speaker... Click Here for Handy! Enjoy! Conrad |
14 Jan 01 - 08:08 PM (#374603) Subject: RE: *#1 PEASANT* From: Snuffy Can blue men sing the whites? (Bonzo Dog Doodah Band) |
15 Jan 01 - 10:57 AM (#374885) Subject: RE: *#1 PEASANT* From: McGrath of Harlow I don't think there's much difference between us on principle Dave - maybe I'd keep the taboo words and phrases a bit more restricted than you, maybe not. There are words I strongly object to. (One is Caucasian used the way Americans use it, because it enshrines false and deadly racist theories. No problem when it's used to refer to Georgians or Armenians etc from the Caucasus)
As for Essex girl jokes (there aren't as many Essex blok jokes), I don't like them, and I wouldn't like them any moreif they were about some other county.
Essentially they're anti-women. The effect is that a girl from Essex can be made to feel under attack just by someone saying "You're from Essex?" in a particular voice. But changing the name of the county to Lower Suffolk wouldn't help any, if the same jokes were coming out. And if the jokes were about some other county, some other girls woudl be getting hurt by them. And in any case they could be about blondes, or bimbos, or whatever. It's not the words, it's the attitude.
Maybe the place to continue this might be on thesensitivity thread?, There have been a few threads about all this in the Mudcat vaults, where it is always fun to root around.