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Special Prayer Request

19 Jan 01 - 02:49 PM (#377970)
Subject: Special Prayer Request
From: GUEST,calico

This was sent to me asking for all the prayers they can get.This is the only way I know how to send a prayer chain. Calico!

Subject: FWD: Special Prayer Request

Prayers needed for Michael Novenche, and his parents. They don't have a large forwarding list but I'm hoping that some of you do. Everyone with a large mailing list, please forward what I am writing to you now to ask for your help. I do not really know how to start a prayer chain, but we need a miracle. Michael Novenche is a 2 year-old beautiful little boy in Clifton Park, New York, and the grandson of a very dear friend of mine. A few months ago, he started throwing up and telling Mommy "boo boo in my head." He was brought to the doctors and tests were ran on him, later that week he started losing feeling in the left side of his poor little body. They found a large tumor in his brain. He was brought to a hospital in Boston where doctors told his family the tumor was too big and it was too risky to operate on it.

His aunts and uncle would not give up, they called Beth Israel, then E-mailed Dr.Epstein for him to look a Michael's films. Michael's uncle then drove the films to New York City himself for Dr. Epstein to look at. Dr. Epstein operated but couldn't remove the entire tumor and now he has to go through chemo to keep the tumor from growing and hitting the brain stem. We need all the prayers we can get for the chemo to kill the tumor entirely.

As I write this, he started chemotherapy and we are hoping desperately that it works. We need all the prayers we can get. Please stop and say one prayer for this beautiful baby boy Michael when you read this letter. They need a miracle of God's healing so that their precious baby boy will grow up. I am asking you to send this letter, or copies of it, to everybody you can think of that will pray for Michael. Please also take his name to your church and church groups and ask others to pray for his healing.

Many thanks and may God bless each one of you who care enough to pray for a little boy's life. I am asking that each and every one of you please forward this on to everyone that you know. Just think if this was your little child going through this right now. We all know that God can heal this little angel, if it's His will. Please take time to do this right now. Please just take a minute and pray for Michael. He could be your child or grand child. I know I would want everyone to take a minute if he were mine.

19 Jan 01 - 03:33 PM (#377992)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: MMario

a little outdated - but at least this is one of the "true" ones and not just a net-clogging chain letter. " The Truth: (Update 9/20/00) According to Michael's Uncle, Mark Novenche, there is some good news today...although the prayers are still needed. Little Michael had his most recent check-up and there is evidence that the remnant of the tumor has decreased in size. Mark said this is Michael's six-month check since the surgery and that it would have been good news if there had simply been no change, no further growth. For there to be shrinkage of the tumor is not only good news, but a type of news that few people outside of Michael's praying family and friends would have anticipated when they got mostly bleak news at the time the tumor was first discovered."

19 Jan 01 - 03:41 PM (#377997)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: wysiwyg

Calico, are you aware of the massive prayer circles at (There is a member there with the name Calico, I believe.)

At Beliefnet, one can post a prayer request and watch the replies pile in, in a thread, just like here. E-cards, pictures, etc. can also be posted there. On B'net's home page there are notices of new or active prayer circles that attract people to prayer needs-- in other words, the prayer chain does not depend upon people knowing either the person who needs prayer or the one who requested it.

Also, the B'net prayer circles include a feature of being able to e-mail the prayer right off Beliefnet out through one's personal e-mail address list.



19 Jan 01 - 03:51 PM (#378008)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: flattop

Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known?

- Kris Kristoffersen

19 Jan 01 - 07:39 PM (#378145)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Praise, from your post in the Catspaw thread I gather that God needs a fairly detailed clinical briefing, His wonders to perform. A bit tough on all those millions around the planet who don't have access to good diagnosis.

I wish the little kid the very best of course, but if things go badly, will it be God's fault? Or perhaps ours, because of a shortfall on the prayers front? And does God always respond to the biggest lobby? Or does He/She exercise subjective judgment from time to time?

A pox on all your religions.

19 Jan 01 - 08:03 PM (#378163)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Ebbie

Fionn, I don't suppose any defense is needed- but I would like to say that my attitude used to be the same as yours. I always resented the notion that God had to be begged and nagged at before S/He deigned to notice a problem.

Then one day it occurred to me that prayer- concerted, whole-hearted, childlike prayer- was for our benefit, not God's. It's kind of like going into meditation for attitude adjustment; meditation doesn't work until and unless we somehow let go our own agendae.


19 Jan 01 - 08:24 PM (#378184)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Peter K (Fionn)

That's a good point Ebbie.

19 Jan 01 - 11:46 PM (#378282)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Gypsy

Ebbie, how is your friend? Playing banjo again yet? I would also add to your statement that prayer, like words, is quite powerful. It is stated intent. That always gets the wheels in motion.

20 Jan 01 - 12:23 AM (#378298)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: wysiwyg


Those are hard questions. I don't have all the answers but I think they are worth thinking about. If you want to think about them with me, it would be a pleasure to hear from you.

I don't write about God anymore at the Mudcat. But you can e-mail me or PM me if you like, and we can communicate that way.


20 Jan 01 - 05:35 AM (#378344)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Ebbie

Gypsy, my friend George is still progressing- and YES, he has played banjo several times with a mandolin and a guitar. He starts the chord changes -and with correct chords- at the right time but his hand is not yet fast enough to get there in time. But he hears it, which is a wonderful thing. I think music is going to be a great tool in his rehabilitation- and fun besides!

Thanks for asking, Gypsy. Mudcatters have been so great throughout his trauma I can't express my appreciation enough.


20 Jan 01 - 04:14 PM (#378574)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: jeepman (inactive)

Fione, I am reminded of a man who said he was and atheist. His friend said"I find that hard to believe", and the man answered"I swear to God". Jeepman

20 Jan 01 - 10:16 PM (#378781)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: Peter K (Fionn)


20 Mar 01 - 03:48 PM (#421830)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: wysiwyg

This was brought to my attention again today and I thought I would share the following with anyone interested.



20 Mar 01 - 04:06 PM (#421838)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: mousethief

Is a prayer-request thread really a proper place to be poxing all religions? Seems singularly impolite.

20 Mar 01 - 04:13 PM (#421844)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: wysiwyg

Alex-- I am asking you let that go. That was an old shot, long forgotten, and not at all why I brought this thread back up. Step light and see me out back please.


20 Mar 01 - 04:16 PM (#421847)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: mousethief

The preacher's wife has reasons which reason knows not. Awaiting your PM, Sue.

20 Mar 01 - 05:00 PM (#421891)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: jimmydemoonlight

i ain`t sayin,i`m just prayin`

20 Mar 01 - 06:35 PM (#421972)
Subject: RE: Special Prayer Request
From: wysiwyg

Dang, jdm, welcome to the Mudcat Cafe!

Don't miss looking at THIS, now. Lotsa good stuff in there.
