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BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II

24 Jan 01 - 09:13 AM (#381178)
Subject: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Hello! The old thread is getting a bit long.

For new people, I'm writing a piece of fiction, and I'm wondering if any mudcatters want cameos or even maybe roles.

What I need is:

AD&D style name:
Preferred race:
Preferred role:
Alignment - Valley, Neutral or Invaders:
Possible description:

I need Faeries, and a lot of Temple Mages (female). I have enough Invaders, Gnomes, Elves, and Dragons. I could possibly use a few more people to be tradespeople in the village: stablemaster, blacksmith, etc.
I also need a God for the Invaders. (A chauvinistic one.)

If you want to be the MAJOR villian, PM me before posting your character, as I don't want anyone to know who it is.

Micca - I may only be able to bring the Morrigan into this as three ravens on the battlefield. (But maybe I can work in a scene with Matt - I mean, Maithu.)

LTS - Beer is going to be Beer, '3 day Ale' is the House brew, and is more expensive. No sherry, I hate the stuff! Basilisk (cheap whiskey), Wine, and Mead. Oh, and Dragon's Tears, but don't drink the stuff!

(The first thread is here. if you're new to this Call, read it first.)

I will be putting up info on this at: ~*hesperis*~ Sacred Dance, Sacred Music, and Sacred Story, in the Mudcat pages. (It's not up yet though.)

Phoaks, thank you so much! This is awesome already!


24 Jan 01 - 10:08 AM (#381218)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Ok, hesp, to answer your question--no! LOL!! Dearg Doom is Gaelic for "The Red Destroyer", and is one of Cuchullain's other names. Ha ha...since I have red hair, I've adopted the name. It's also a kickass song by the Horslips. Oh dang! I need to send you my first tape, I sing it on there. As Jenellen told me "black as hell!" Lyrics are here.

I don't know about the "official" deity of the Invaders, but Maithu's a follower of St.Columba. A' Grian!

24 Jan 01 - 01:56 PM (#381415)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Micca

Matt, do not meddle in the affairs of the Goddess, or issue challenges, look what she did to Dearg Doom last time!!!! tied to a Standing stone... and very dead....

24 Jan 01 - 02:03 PM (#381423)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

Yeah, but she ain't ever met a Scotti like Maithu Ruadh before. Throw stones at a raven? Hell, I'll take a Sawzall to her! RRRRRRRRRR!!!!

24 Jan 01 - 03:06 PM (#381475)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Liz the Squeak

Mmmmmmm. like the sound of Dragons' Tears, is it like Baileys?? Or Potcheen.....?

I think it should be green Potcheen with a sort of oily rainbow effect in it...... external application only!!


24 Jan 01 - 03:48 PM (#381496)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: NightWing

WOW! This thread is expanding exponentially! *G*


Re my mage character. 'Twould be most appropriate for the owl not to be named at all (since MOST humanoid-type creatures [humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, trolls, etc] can't pronounce 'Owlish' very well). Doubly appropriate if the mage type person (I think you called him "The Hallmaster"?) ALSO is unnamed: i.e., no one knows what he calls himself and people in different places call him by their own local names.

Something like the way that Aragorn was called "Strider" in Bree, "Aragorn" by most of the elves, "The Dunedan" by Bilbo, and still another name -- an alias, to be blunt -- in Gondor (if I remember correctly Aragorn served as a captain in Gondor during his younger, roaming years ... quite a while before the adventure of The Lord of the Rings began; see the section on the history and the lords of Gondor in the Appendices of The Return of the King, toward the end)

So in the area of "The Hall" he is master of, he would be known as "The Hallmaster". In a different part of the country, he might be "The Owl Wizard". Elsewhere, he is known as "Grey Owl". Still other people in still other places where he tends to only appear at night might call him "The He-Owl", thinking him (how correctly?) to be a skin-changer. In yet another place he might be called "He Who Walks By Night". Translate one or two (last couple might be best for this) into whatever tongue you are giving the invaders as well, 'cause he's BOUND to be VERY widely traveled.

Regardless, he answers to whatever he's addressed by (sometimes) and is generally polite to even the most foolish of requests. However, while polite, he does NOT suffer fools gladly. He generally loves children, especially since children are very rarely fools.

Possible bit of business:

The Hallmaster enters an inn where he is not known. The innkeeper is uncomfortable at the wild animal on the mage's shoulder, and addresses the mage:

IK: Pardon me, yer lordship, I'm sure, but is that an owl?

HM (glances in astonishment at the bird on his shoulder): Why yes, it is. hmm, Great-horned owl, Bubo virginianus. (turns back to the innkeeper) Indeed sir, you are correct. It is an owl.

IK: 'E's not wild, is 'e?

HM: She's a female owl.

IK: Well, she's not goin' t' be attackin' anyone in the inn, will she?

HM: I don't know, just a moment. (He turns to the owl again and makes some odd chirrups and coughs. The owl ponders for a moment, looks around, and coughs and chirrups in reply.) She says not. Unless that rat that's on the floor next to the end of the bar gets any farther out in the open.

(At this there is a scurrying of people away from the end of the bar, with much brushing of skirts and pant legs.)

IK (starting to back toward the bar): Well, all right then. 'Cause I don't usually 'low pets in 'ere.

HM: Hmm, perhaps I had better go then. (Turning to speak to the owl again) My dear, he doesn't like pets in his establishment. I had better leave. I'll be just outside when you've finished your beer.

THAT'S the kind of guy he is.

Oh, and here's what the owl looks like: about two feet worth


P.S. He's not really a skin-changer, is he? *EG*

24 Jan 01 - 03:55 PM (#381502)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

Don't forget that in his younger years at Rivendell, Aragorn was called "Estel" (Hope) to conceal his identity.

24 Jan 01 - 04:11 PM (#381513)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: MMario

I'm looking at thread titles and all of a sudden iI see:

Ritenuto, ritardanto and ralletando - perhaps two brothers and their cousin?

24 Jan 01 - 06:40 PM (#381595)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

MMario - Hmmmmmm..... Might be too good to pass up...

NightWing - I was definitely figuring him as that kind of guy.

Maybe I should make him the Hermit instead of the Hallmaster for Mages Hall. Then he could be just known as "The Hermit" and "That guy what lives up by the mountain with only an Owl for company", and find myself another hallmaster. He seems the solitary sort, and might only socialize when the Traders come in... That sounds more fitting for him, actually... I may give a usename to the owl though, but I guess varieties of "-wing" are out? Greywing?

I'm going to go to another forum, and see if any more people want to be Temple Mages and Faeries.

There's a Baird's Hall and a Fighter's Hall, and a Thieves' Guild.

LTS - Dragon's Tears is milky and translucent, but with a red glow to it. (It's partly a magical brew.) Anyone who actually drinks the stuff is in danger of spontaneous combustion!

Matt - If you ever met the Morrigan face-to-gaze, you'd piss yourself and then melt like ice to water. (Oh, and btw, Christianity doesn't exist yet in the world I'm writing about, so no Saints. Sorry.)

The first part of the story is up! The cast list isn't. (Not even a draft version of that yet, with all the changes I need to put in it!)

24 Jan 01 - 08:11 PM (#381659)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GutBucketeer


Great start! This is going to be worse than the old cliff hanger radio series! Waiting for the next installment.



If the story does wind its way toward the ruins of James Corscaden, he wanted me to tell you that he hasn't been just protecting treasure all of these years. What do ghosts care about treasure? They can have the golden goblets, strings of pearls, and jeweled encrusted armour that is strewn about the place. However, he gave his sacred oath,as his father and his fathers father had before him down through the generations that he'd protect the Shadow Crystals through life, death, and beyond. And he had kept that oath. The only way he can be released of his burden as LandSworn and the knowledge of the Crystals on to his heir. Oh if only he and is son had not quarrelled on that day many years ago. Now, the Crystals May be Needed, for they hold the key to preserving the valley and all that surrounds it. Only one of his blood can use them... and the blood must be warm and alive, not dead and turned to dust ages past...


24 Jan 01 - 08:44 PM (#381673)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

No Christianity? Dang, that puts this back a ways. There were no Scots then! Just Picts! And they didn't wear kilts OR have the Hieland accent! They painted themselves blue and orange and went around completely naked!

24 Jan 01 - 09:17 PM (#381710)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Susan A-R

Well, there's Nel (born Eleanor Corindane, to upper middle class parents, to wom she's a VAST disappointment.) She spends half of her time studying magic (with lots of spell components) and the other half as a cook at the local inn. Usually she keeps the two straight, but she adapts all of her spell brews to try to make them taste very good, and some odd things happen to the customers at the Inn. They still keep coming back for more, though, because when she's cooking, the food is amazing. There was this gnome who was VERY angry about the hair on her breasts. . . .

Nel looks fairly fragile, but she has the arms of a cook, and a tongue like a chef's knife when the need arises. She has short dark hair, huge dark eyes, and long fingered hands, (beaten all to hell by cooking, but gorgeous). Oh, and did I mention that her magical familar somehow wound up being this skink named Spaw??

There's Tiel Hawkglyn, a priestess at the temple who has a gorgeous soprano voice. She seems to have a very strong and promising link to the goddess. However, she has an incredible bent for practical jokes at the worst possible moment. She's a big woman, strong, round, and beautiful and with an amazing laugh that fills the entire dining room (or sanctuary.)

24 Jan 01 - 09:26 PM (#381718)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: sophocleese

If you're going to have Ritenuto, ritardanto and ralletando, then what about giving them a sister or two, Allegra and Sostenuto?

24 Jan 01 - 09:34 PM (#381728)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

JAB - Thanks! Hmmmm, that bit may tie in better...

Matt - Well, it is a fantasy world... and there are Picts *and* Scotti.

24 Jan 01 - 09:59 PM (#381755)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Susan - will consider Nel.

How about Tielglyn Falcon, "Tiel" for short? Character description is good.

soph - LOL! I don't know how I'm going to do it...!

24 Jan 01 - 10:28 PM (#381772)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GutBucketeer

Thanks Hesperis:

Small typo above. It should read:

The only way he can be released of his burden as LandSworn is to pass the Oath and the knowledge of the Crystals on to his heir.... BTW the heir can be male or female, human or of mixed blood.


24 Jan 01 - 10:29 PM (#381773)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GutBucketeer


Is anyone getting the Comet Cursor Popup Window when they go to the story site? Is there a way to turn it off ?


24 Jan 01 - 10:38 PM (#381787)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Pop-up window??? Sorry, I didn't know it did that... Will remove the cursor tomorrow. (I really don't like pop-up ads!)

BTW, the cast list is also up on that site. (It needs to be updated already, but that's good. *g*)

25 Jan 01 - 05:39 AM (#381948)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: English Jon

Picts in nothing but blue and orange paint?

Luton fans?

Mind you, we had a good team in those days.


25 Jan 01 - 09:08 AM (#382059)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Noreen

In nothing but blue and orange paint? In this climate?? They'd not have fathered many more generations...

25 Jan 01 - 09:35 AM (#382079)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Actually the (historical) Picts were amazingly hardy. I'm going to have to portray them wearing *something*, because I don't want to have to put little {-censored-} bits in my story, except where totally necessary.

Re: the pop-up - I just got up, so it's not off yet, and I think I'm going to see if I can make a cursor that's better than that. But I'll take their one off first.

25 Jan 01 - 11:18 AM (#382191)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Ok, the pop-ups are gone.

The next version of the casting list is up, and I've added colour to each name so you can find your character more easily.


4 or 5 more Temple Mages (female, 1 to be the betrayer -PM me, or email, if you want that part.)
2 Temple Guards (female)
Queen of Faery, and Consort
8 more fairies (male or female, and 3 to be "Special Faeries")
Child Goddess, Nimue-type
Mother Goddess, Earthmother-type
Crone Goddess, GrandmotherOfWisdom-type

Thanks, guys! (And thanks, JAB, for asking about the pop-ups. Let me know if there are any I missed!)

25 Jan 01 - 03:24 PM (#382399)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: NightWing


Owls (like most birds) make a WIDE range of noises other than the "hoo-HOOOOO" they are known for. (BTW, that owl sound is really only made by a couple of species, one of which is the Great-horned Owl which "The Hallmaster" or "The Hermit" is mated to er, hangs around with)

Her name will be Owlish. So it ought to sound like owl sounds. Something like: cooErlEww (say it with a pretty high-pitched voice. Owlish, like Chinese, is very tone-based).


25 Jan 01 - 04:13 PM (#382458)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

The problem with that is - I don't speak Owlish! I'd rather she had a "usename" that people can call her by. I could try to learn, but I don't know much about owls. (I'm a city girl!!!!! Waaahhhh!!!)

You two make a really great coupl - er, I mean, you make really good characters.

25 Jan 01 - 04:44 PM (#382492)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Hesp? Little (censored) bits? These are dudes from Alba we're talking about! Everything is big!

BTW I just this a D&D thing or just a witch thingy influece...why are there lots of goddesses, wise women, etc, and no guys? Don't tell me all we're good for is soldiers, dolts, and fat shopkeepers? Look at The Dagda, Bodb Dearg, Aonghus Og, etc. And WHY are there now female warriors, like Skya? The Tuatha de Danann had no jqualms about female warriors fighting togther with their fellow male warriors...

25 Jan 01 - 04:52 PM (#382507)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: MMario

Matt. it wouldn't be an alternate universe if everything was the same, now would it? Be glad we (males) haven't been reduced to mindless sex drones.

on second thought - maybe that wouldn't be so bad...

25 Jan 01 - 05:27 PM (#382531)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Mostly a witch thingy, but with a lot of DnD aspects to it. Don't worry, the Invaders will be potrayed as people too.

Who said anything about *fat* shopkeepers? They're mostly Gnomes anyway! Do you think the Stablemaster would be fat? Or the Blacksmith? Or all the guys who are shopkeepers and Thieves? (If the thieves were fat, they'd be more likely to be *dead* Thieves, LOL!)

"No guys?"
Don't forget the Mages... They don't like it when we forget about their powers... and the Faeries and Elves are both male and female. There are many men in the Village, just none in the Temple.

25 Jan 01 - 05:37 PM (#382543)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Bradypus

What sort of fairies are you looking for to inhabit this land? If these are sweet and graceful flower fairies, I don't think I could qualify. But if these are good old-fashioned fairies like Puck (of Pook's Hill), let me introduce Puckoon Wartspickle, an old, brown and puckish fairy with an ear for mischief with words, and other mischief as well. There's no pun so bad that he can't make one worse. He has a habit of dropping rhyming couplets into the conversation, which sound wise, and sometimes are. He'll also drop the occasional non-rhyming singlet (well, single line, anyway), leaving you with the feeling that if you could work out the second line, you'd know something worth knowing.


25 Jan 01 - 05:38 PM (#382545)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

Aw come on, who ever heard of a stick-boy gnome??

25 Jan 01 - 06:21 PM (#382600)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Liz the Squeak

Never seen one in any garden I've been in.....

Sticky elves yes. Sticky fairies, yes. Sticky gnomes - only when the dog has widdled on them.

So mixing Dragons Tears and the Gandese Rat special not a good idea then.....?!


25 Jan 01 - 08:01 PM (#382673)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Irish sergeant

Hes: Eyeballed the web page and added to my bookmarks. Glad you like Aidan. Let me wish you the best of luck. Being a writer also in the middle of a few projects, I know what a trial it can be at times and what a joy it is at all times. Let me offer a few more Aidanisms: " Tis a deal I have with the Gods, Boyo. I don't perform bloody miracles and they don't write lecherous poetry." "If the Gods didn't want me to be drunk, they wouldn't have given me a taste for the creature, silly git!" "Money is for spending, love is for giving, Mead for drinking. but poetry , my friend is for honouring the Gods."

Again, best of luck and let me know where and if you use the bard. Kindest reguards, Neil

25 Jan 01 - 09:01 PM (#382723)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Rollo

Here are two figures that MIGHT remember some people of two profs of mine.

Mother Dumnoriga Human Woman Wizard/Priest Alignemt: true lawful


Cassibelunda The Refugee Human Woman Wizard/Priest Alignment: true lawful

There's this temple mage called Mother Dumnoriga, a sturdy red-faced woman in her mid-fourties. She is really devoted to her studies of the lore and has develloped some really astonishing formulas. The young students hate her because she is VERY definite about everything not directly involved in the arts to be just stealing precious time. Expecially the "beau artes" and everyday business like making eyes to young men are themes of her regular angry outbursts. The other elders in the community accept her competence, but dislike her because of her self-prudence and her tendency to get personal in disputes. The reason for this arrogant behaviour is her unorthodox approach towards the lore that brought her a lot further than most temple mages but made a lot of traditionalists very upset about this lack of respect towards the old ways.

Her greatest contrahent is Cassibelunda The Refugee. This old hag is said to have come from the south in her younger years, which noone can remember. Still she speaks which a strange accent. Cassibelunda is said to know more about lore and theories than any living individual, and she can recite every passage from every song or text being part of the holy canon by heart. Cassibelunda is very small and fragile. She nearly cannot walk anymore without helping hands, and she is also slightly deaf. But she has very keen eyes and insists personally in regularly watching of the stars. She is the keeper of the calendar and will not give this duty away.

25 Jan 01 - 11:41 PM (#382799)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Bradypuss - "What sort of fairies are you looking for to inhabit this land?"
Although I have a few flower fairies, they will not be named, so I'm not putting out a casting call for that kind of the little folk. Ebbie is a sprite, and won't be named either. I was actually thinking more in terms of the extremely powerful and dangerous Tuatha de Danaan type of Faerie. "Court Faeries", I guess you could call them. Think "Thomas the Rhymer", that kind of power, except a bit more fair according to our terms, for the purpose of the story. Will keep your Wartspickle in mind, he'd be a good one to hang out in a rotten log, and ride foxes. (I doubt the foxes would be pleased about it.)

LTS - "So mixing Dragons Tears and the Gandese Rat special not a good idea then.....?!" Ummmmm, Dragon's Tears *at all* isn't a good idea!!! LOL!

Neil - "Money is for spending, love is for giving, Mead for drinking. but poetry , my friend is for honouring the Gods." I love it. (I like the other sayings, too, but that one is Good!)

Rollo - Mother Dumnoriga and Cassibel (is that ok?) are good. Will keep as much of the descriptions as I can.

Other new characters:

A homeless person. Alignment: quietly Valley.

Crone Goddess: Hel (unless somebody applies.)

Mother Goddess: Eridu (unless somebody applies.)

26 Jan 01 - 12:02 AM (#382807)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

Hel? Dang! Throw Fenris Wolf and Jormundgand in there too! Woo hoo!

26 Jan 01 - 12:26 AM (#382819)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Amergin

I have an idea for the Faery Queens consort....not exactly an original one, but still an idea....

Thomas Truetongue....a long thought to be dead human who disappeared into the mists centuries before...only the bards remember his existence....and the tales they tell of his exploits... He was a warrior bard out hunting with his clansmen, just before night, he was sitting around the fire trading songs and stories with his comrades, his fingers plucking his harp, telling the history of the land, when he glanced up over the campfire and saw a white faced doe gazing at him from the outskirts of the light.....His fingers stopped and his voice silenced...but when he blinked she was gone... That night in as he lay sleeping by the glowing embers....her face haunted his dreams, her eyes spoke out to him....and he heard her singing....He awoke and saw her there again, just before she ran into the trees...He picked up his harp and his sword and followed....never to be seen again....

Well anyways, the doe is none other than the queen of faery, and eventually he marries her...and on his wedding night, he is given a glass of beer and he drinks it....the beer gives him immortality....but it also gave him the gift of also addled his tongue in such a way that he can only speak in rhymes and he doesnt tend to speak much....but when he is with the magic of prophecy.....


26 Jan 01 - 11:18 AM (#383079)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Matt - roles and descriptions? Did you mean for the Faerie? Names are cool, but I would prefer Fen Wolf and Jormund. Whaddya think?

Amergin - great! He is just known as "Truetongue", because he doesn't wish to dwell on what he has lost, even though he prefers being in Faerie with the Queen to anything else.

Working on te second part of the story, give me a few days, and it'll be up. (Maybe even tomorrow if I can...!)

26 Jan 01 - 12:41 PM (#383140)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Irish sergeant

Hi All: Hes, it sounds like you're off and running. That is really cool! I can't wait to purchase a copy! Kindest reguards, Neil

27 Jan 01 - 12:36 PM (#383677)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Thanks, Neil! Purchase... Hmmm. I hadn't though so far ahead, even though in one way, I'd thought father... (I'll explain that later.)

The next part of the story, featuring a few people, will be up within the hour. It's a short one, and I'm still writing.

New characters:

Fen and Jormund Wolf, Stablekeepers, neutral.

Rowan, Temple Mage, Human/Faerie, neutral.

Reno Bel'Baaht, Lazy Blacksmith, no alignment at all.

I still need a few Faeries, both male and female, and the Queen of Faerie. Also Temple Guards.


27 Jan 01 - 03:11 PM (#383787)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Little Hawk

Here's an animal character:

Tribley, the hedgehog.

Tribley is small but courageous. Unlike other hedgehogs, he is interested in more than just eating, sleeping, and typical hedgehog socializing activities. He longs to be of service in a noble cause, and has been known to help travellers in distress, or anyone in need. Tribley uses his natural assets which are:

1. Small size 2. He's a hedgehog, and therefore can go where he pleases without arousing suspicion, cos who worries about what a hedgehog is up to? 3. Keen senses 4. Courage

Tribley would like to use his small size in some heroic fashion, like the way Piglet did when Owl's tree fell down, and they lowered him out on a string through the letter slot to get help.

Tribley has a natural affinity for the good-hearted, the kind, and the virtuous. He likes the Elves very much. He can spot any evil being a mile away...another handy asset. He would make a very good companion for an adventurer lost in the forest.

He's a Valley character.

- LH

27 Jan 01 - 03:33 PM (#383811)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: NightWing

Lady Hesperis,

Since nobody *else* knows how to speak Owlish, everyone assumes that she is a "mere" animal, which is indeed the truth, since most animals are far more intelligent than people given them credit for.

Most people would simply address the Owl Wizard, and refer to his familiar (his consort?) in the third person. Most of them would figure that his speaking and listening to his "pet" is merely a sign of eccentricity. Even after having seen proof of it. Speaking of them, villagers will probably refer to them most often as "the owl's wizard" and "the wizard's owl". *G*


27 Jan 01 - 08:18 PM (#383964)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Ooohhh, I'm a Lady now! Y'all hear that?!!

NightWing - that makes sense. "The Hermit" "The Owl" "The Owl's Wizard" "The Wizard's Owl" - Good.

LH - I like Tribble. Maybe he'd be good for someone who doesn't have a familiar *yet*...

Another character added: Jande, Temple Guard.

27 Jan 01 - 08:24 PM (#383970)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Amos

Take into account the oversight of the All-Father, Krolog, the all-powerful Source, who still keeps an eye on his ditzy chilluns and occasionally gets into mischief with little creative acts like redirecting rivers, transplanting forests, shifting planets into alternate time-streams and back again at random intervals, and occasionally dolling himself up as an old fat wino of a Friar with an eye for shapely fems of various species...or some other acceptable source of masculinity, such as a mastiff or lion, depending on the target environment.

Not someone to mess with as he tends to get his testosterone up when crossed.


28 Jan 01 - 04:23 AM (#384105)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Liz the Squeak

Mmm. like the hedgehog thing except for 3 things. 1. They roll up if you so much as breathe in their general direction and stay that way for hours on end. Not much good for espionage would you say, when you have your nose shoved up your bum?

2. They are dormant for half the year. See point one.

3. They have fleas, ticks, lice and several other bugs I can't even begin to name.... (James, Susan, Henry, Julian....). Now although these might be OK at the espionage bit, being on the outside as it were, I find it hard to take the word of something that has more limbs than me.....


28 Jan 01 - 04:24 AM (#384106)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Liz the Squeak

You could make him a haggis, instead of a hedgehog......?


28 Jan 01 - 12:42 PM (#384250)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Porcupine maybe?

The thing about Tribley is that he will be a part-magical creature soon as he finds someone who needs a familiar...

29 Jan 01 - 05:42 AM (#384626)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Ella who is Sooze

Can I be a cheeky Faerie? One of the special faeries, a bit haphazard, always in a spot of bother, but cheeky?

Gender - Female....

Race - Faery/sprite

Name - Ethene ( another version of Aine same meaning - Queen of the faeries/bright radiance) O'Tiernan Ethene

An Irish faery, who is a young, tho eccentric - haphazard, and gets into trouble? With a big mischievious streak, she is also thoughtful and capable of kindness and helpful.

Dizzy though sincere

Perhaps, the Queens of the faerys troublesome daughter - I don;t think I would ever be responsible enough to be a queen... I am too much of dizzy thing to be on anyway.

S'up to you...


29 Jan 01 - 05:46 AM (#384628)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Ella who is Sooze

what about a Arulius Possum Belly the younger... the wise old possum of the valley - who people seek out for words of wisdom

29 Jan 01 - 09:12 AM (#384701)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Ella who is Sooze

Liz... perhaps an espionage hedgehog could send out his or her (I'm being pc) fleas to do the espionage... Off they hope, and then they have to report back to the mother ship... the hedgehog, has a cunning plan and reason for being curled up... it just can't ever remember why...

Amos...Not someone to mess with as he tends to get his testosterone up when crossed.....

is this the modern way of describing the ship in full sail?



01 Feb 01 - 11:46 PM (#388025)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GutBucketeer


I saw that you just sneaked in Part III on your Website. Keep it up! I like the brothers. They remind me of my two sons (always competing, always rough housing).


02 Feb 01 - 08:21 AM (#388156)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Sorry for being a nit-picky prat Hesp, but the black text in the midnight blue background with the stars is impossible to read.

02 Feb 01 - 01:03 PM (#388397)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Eeek! How did you get black text? I put in white with green names for the cast list page, and white with orange titles for the story pages!

Do you have your browser set to override other people's font formatting? It looks fine in my browser...

Thanks for letting me know about it Matt, I want to know if there is any problem with this at all, little or medium or big!

Note: the special faeries are actually even more dignified (in most respects) than the normal faeries. And they live in a different part of the "worlds"...

Ella - Ethene sounds good. Daughter of the Queen, and quite a tomboy type, always getting into scrapes. I might use Aine as the Queen's name, but will PM the real Aine first.

JAB - thanks. Yep, I still vividly remember guys doing that in high school, especially brothers or best friends! It's sorta heart-warming to see them come in bragging of giving the other a rough time, with big grins on their dirty faces.

More new Characters:

Saphire, a male Faerie
Alex, a male Special Faerie
Emania, a Temple Mage and Prophetess

Amos - Krolog sounds too Greek, the character sounds good though. I am still looking for another name for the Crone than Hel, but I'm not comfortable with Cerridwen. I may have to do some research and see if I get more comfortable...!

Also, when do hedgehogs come out of hibernation? The story season is early spring... Maybe he can wander out later in the story, and be seen by a mage who needs a familiar... once he's magical, he won't need to hibernate, of course.

02 Feb 01 - 01:28 PM (#388450)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: MMario

what about Oma (or Omma) for the crone-goddess - that would give connatations of "grandmother"

02 Feb 01 - 04:05 PM (#388593)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

MMario - Omma it is. Perfect!

Matt - someone on another forum had trouble reading that forum because it was white text on black. She has Windows ME. Another guy said: "Look through your preferences setting. there should be something to the effect of "always use my colors". Try toggling this setting and see if that helps." Hopefully that's it.

03 Feb 01 - 04:13 AM (#389068)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Liz the Squeak

I had a cat called Ceramen - it's latin for earwax. Everyone thought it was Celtic.... He was small, white and ginger. He'd be a great faery, one of God's happy cats..... apart from spawning the great cat fart thread..... I miss him still.


03 Feb 01 - 10:10 AM (#389134)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Irish sergeant

Hedge hog espionage? Cool. How you gonna keep 'em in the hedge after they've seen the village? Neil

03 Feb 01 - 11:02 AM (#389152)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Matt_R

Thanks hesp! It must have been just that stupid computer from work!

07 Feb 01 - 02:36 PM (#392374)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Important news to everyone following or in my story: This Thread!

07 Feb 01 - 08:28 PM (#392703)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Irish sergeant

Hes: Sorry to hear about the provider. Let me know about the new one. What I saw of the story is marvelous! Kindest reguards, Neil (Who is gettiing over the cold from hell and has done jack diddly squat for three days)

08 Feb 01 - 04:52 AM (#392964)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: Ella who is Sooze

I think hedge hogs come out in the spring - though... our garden ones are not around yet... but then it's not quite spring yet...

Monty and Tigger, the two puddy cats of my household are looking forward to seeing them again...

The behold them with awe and wonder... Especially the younger Monty Moo... who hasn't quite worked out yet that they DON"T want to play with him... So, the pair of them follow Hodge and Heg (our hedgehogs) round the garden... Just sitting watching them....

It's so funny to watch...


08 Feb 01 - 09:58 AM (#393095)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: CarolC

Wow, hesperis, just saw your web page for the first time. Fantastic page! Sorry you have to move it to another server. The story looks great so far.


14 Feb 01 - 09:02 PM (#398233)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Okay, I put up the old pages at a temporary place, it will be integrated into my new site when I can do it. Still not working on the story, will post here when I have the next part up.

Goddess Quest (Mudcat Story)

03 Mar 01 - 05:00 PM (#410433)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

YAY! The story now has a home! see this thread for details: A HREF="">Mudcat Story by ~*hesperis*~

The password is in that thread, in my opening post.

Thank you guys so much!

03 Mar 01 - 10:59 PM (#410557)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
From: hesperis

Bah Humbug!

Mudcat Story