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Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!

25 Jan 01 - 08:40 AM (#382034)
Subject: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

SANDY- reading your anecdotes in your birthday thread, and remembering the tales you have told me in conversation causes me to say ONCE AGAIN, please get down to writing an autobiography. You have had a fascinating life. Mudcatters would like to now more about it -Wouldn't you, Mudcatters?. Petition starts here. Get to it Sandy. Yours impatiently, Burl.

25 Jan 01 - 08:43 AM (#382037)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

And while I'm on the subject- ART THIEME - write yours too. Burl

25 Jan 01 - 08:51 AM (#382042)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: catspaw49

.......and you too????

I'd agree and second that motion. Reading some of Sandy's contributions here over the years though, I want all kinds of things included, including stories about trying to convince a southern waitress that its OK to serve eggs without grits. Lots of livin' to tell about...........What about it guys? I think I could compile a big chunk of Art's from his posts here too; some absolutely great tales.....and lessons.

We're waiting.


25 Jan 01 - 08:57 AM (#382043)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

And while I'm on the subject- ART THIEME - write yours too. Burl

25 Jan 01 - 08:59 AM (#382046)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Big Mick

This is a must do project. Please.


25 Jan 01 - 09:02 AM (#382051)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

Hey Art - didn't mean to post to you twice. But do it. Burl

25 Jan 01 - 09:03 AM (#382052)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: kendall

Great idea, go for it.

25 Jan 01 - 09:08 AM (#382058)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: sian, west wales

I'd pay in advance if it got the project(s) rolling!


25 Jan 01 - 10:39 AM (#382143)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Deckman

Hey Catters! You're missing something here. The heck with the bio! Let me be the first to suggest "SANDY PATON FOR PRESIDENT!" Whatcha think?

25 Jan 01 - 12:11 PM (#382234)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Nah, Deckman, we need him around to heckle the prez! But an autobio would be nice (in your spare time, of course, Sandy!)

25 Jan 01 - 12:24 PM (#382245)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Rick Fielding

Big warning Sandy! With all the info on your glorious and checkered past you've shared with your'd better hurry and write that book....or we'll get together and write a "tell all". Hey Burl, did ya hear the one about "James Dean in a kilt"!!?


25 Jan 01 - 12:34 PM (#382251)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: NH Dave

Go for it, both of you.


25 Jan 01 - 02:31 PM (#382348)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Joe Offer

Actually, it's CAROLINE Paton we need for President. She's the politician in the family. Sandy's a hopeless romantic.
-Joe Offer-

25 Jan 01 - 02:47 PM (#382359)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Doctor John

Yes, please do! It would make wonderful interesting reading for Mudcatters and others. Too many interesting people haven't written about their lives so much has been lost and missed; and too many dull people have, when you come to think of it. It took Jimmy Longhi over half a century to write his book and what a fascinating story that made. Dr John

25 Jan 01 - 02:51 PM (#382365)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!

If writing doesn't appeal to you, carry a small tape recorder. The tapes can be transcribed and edited later. (Yes, I among others will volunteer to do the grunt work). Art? What do you think?

25 Jan 01 - 02:57 PM (#382374)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Doctor John

... and Frank Hamilton; those snippets of yours on the Mudcat were fascinating.
...and Hedy West; those notes to your recording about your early life conjured up vivid images which merged with your songs.
...and please do not, Cliff Richard.
Dr John

25 Jan 01 - 05:40 PM (#382547)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

SANDY, Art, are you paying attention to this. the Mudcatters are speaking. Burl

25 Jan 01 - 05:56 PM (#382564)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: bill\sables

While you're asking Sandy and Art why don't you write an autobiography Burl. I dont know if any other catters know but Burl was one of the first pro folksingers I ever met in the early 60s and since then has been a well respected and prominent member of the folk world. He has recorded many albums, run radio programmes, organised folk festivals, and sucessfully sung in folk clubs for the past 40 years.

25 Jan 01 - 06:01 PM (#382574)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Jeri

This one's speaking too! Based on the bits I've read here, I think the autobiographies of Sandy and Art would make fascinating reading. DO IT! (Please.)

25 Jan 01 - 06:21 PM (#382599)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: katlaughing

I'd be honoured to transcribe tapes, fact, I am sure Mudcatters would help all we can, for any and all of you. Art, Sandy, sure hope you're reading, too Burl and also Frank Hamilton and Hedy...priceless stories need to be preserved and all that love of music shared in that way, too...


26 Jan 01 - 01:18 AM (#382839)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!

I whole-heartedly support this idea. Sandy, this is a MUST DO.

26 Jan 01 - 01:41 AM (#382846)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Amergin

Sounds like a great idea to me too....

26 Jan 01 - 06:51 AM (#382906)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

Hello Bill, Thanks but, don't think my story is all that interesting. it could be duplicated by many on our English folk scene. But Sandy and Art have travelled so many roads and done so many thibgs beyond the reach of most of us, as well as gifting ustheir music and inspiration. Let's hear from them. Keep this petition going folks! Bill, drop in next time you're down my way. Mudcatters in the PNW, I hope to see some of you this autumn.

26 Jan 01 - 06:53 AM (#382909)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

One day I'll learn how to stop doing double posts. Or at least how to cancel one of them out. Sory about that. But the message still holds good-keep this petition going.Burl
Burl, if you double post, don't worry. Deleting double posts is the job of Joe and the JoeClones, and we do it rather well. If you like, call our attention to it in the Help Forum, and we'll be glad to fix it for you.
-Joe Offer-

26 Jan 01 - 01:48 PM (#383182)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Liam's Brother

I spent a good part of yesterday with Sandy. He wrote his autobiography and gave it to me on the back of a matchbook. It goes like this...

"I got married and lived happily ever after."

All the best,

27 Jan 01 - 12:16 AM (#383431)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: karen k

I've been trying for years to make this happen! Maybe we'll all just have to do it for him like Rick says. How about posting any Sandy Paton stories/memories you have and we'll go from there. There's a lot already in mudcat posts from the 2 years Sandy's been a 'catter. I'll start going through and taking out the good stuff and get the ball rolling. Maybe we should start a separate thread requesting stories/anecdotes/memories.

I think this definitely would be a major contribution to the folk/tradition world and is an opportunity we can't let pass through our fingers. I surely wish I could remember all the stories I've heard in the more than 30 years of treasured friendship I've shared with Sandy and Caroline. Let's do it folks. Mudcat can make it happen. I second the motion for Art, too.


27 Jan 01 - 12:56 AM (#383452)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: katlaughing

Karen, excellent idea...let me know what I can do to help, okay? A new thread for each might be a good idea.

And, any time any of you are around either of them, take a tape recorder along, please, and get them to talking!



27 Jan 01 - 08:18 AM (#383545)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Jeri

I think we might be embarrassing Sandy a little. Tough poop. Sandy, you have some incredible stories about places you've been, people you've met and things you've done. Put together, they'd make one incredible biography. This is an opportunity to expound on the "folk" aspect of folk music. You have the best liner notes around, but there are just some things that won't fit.

27 Jan 01 - 08:40 AM (#383560)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: karen k

Jeri, we are embarassing Sandy, but as you say, "tough poop!" This is so important. We have to find a way to make it happen. Also, Jeri, if you were at Fox Hollow when Nixon resigned and so was I, how come it has taken all these years for Paton's and I to meet you. What an incredible waste of years! See you at Anna's gathering next weekend, health and weather cooperating. I've never been to one of her's and I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Kat, I think I had in mind one thread for Paton stories, anecdotes or memories, not one for each one. I think that might be too hard to keep track of. I'd be looking for people's experiences with them as well as stories and stuff they might have told folks. I need something to get me through this long, cold New England winter. Glad to see the interest sparked. Spread the word.

27 Jan 01 - 09:27 AM (#383572)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: katlaughing

Oh, Karen, sorry, I meant one thread for Sandy and one for Art.

You "gals" have fun next w/end and let's do keep this one going!


27 Jan 01 - 10:06 AM (#383608)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Hollowfox

I can't in good conscience demand (or even ask) someone to write a book, since I hate the physical act of writing, and have trouble transferring my thoughts to paper. Not that I wouldn't love to read these books ..On the other hand, has anybody else noticed that none of the books on the "history of folk music/the 'folk scene'/whatever" in North America have "gotten it right"? (No linguistic/semantic arguments, please; I think you know what I mean.) With one exception ("For What Time I Have Left", a history of the Mariposa Folk Festival in Toronto), the books I've seen focus on the Greenwich Village scene in the 1950's. These quickly focus on Dylan and Baez. Except for mentioning the Newport Folk Festival, and maybe the Philadelphia Folk Festival, the rest of the folk world might as well not exist. I'd love to see a book that mentions the Patons, the San Fransisco Folk Music Club, the Chicago folk scene, Fox Hollow..the list goes on. I know the whole history of the past 30+ years couldn't be boiled down to one book, but I'd pay good money for an overview that covered a good part of it.
I'll bet the European folk scene(s) have had the same problem in documentation.

27 Jan 01 - 10:15 AM (#383616)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: catspaw49

Nailed it in one 'Fox!!!! I don't think Seeger's stuff does the job either.

Sandy, I know you probably hate all of this, but read Hollowfox's post and I think you'd have to agree.....and if not you, then who?


27 Jan 01 - 10:37 AM (#383624)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Hollowfox

Maybe a collaboration? The Mariposa book's layout has a straight narrative of the festival with photographs and **lots**of sidebars with first-person oral history monologues, songs, and selections from performers' routines. So perhaps a collaboration of first-person pieces, third-person articles, etc. would better serve? If one person gets stuck with the job, they won't have time to make music.

27 Jan 01 - 11:26 AM (#383638)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Dani

Dan, I'm not sure what cockles are, but if I have any in my heart, you warmed 'em. Thanks for sharing that. Seeing those two together reminds me what this whole boy/girl thing is all about.


27 Jan 01 - 12:44 PM (#383685)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Big Mick

Any damn thing I can do to assist in this will be done. I would be perfectly willing to drop all this other shit I do and make this my life's work.........watching the fruits of my efforts play out with graffiti in the White House/Blair House, pardons for 45 million dollar tax cheats, and a shallow gobshite in the White House make me think my time might be better spent collecting memories from Sandy. And a whole lot more valuable to the world at large.

Who wants to flesh the outline? Let's get on with this.


27 Jan 01 - 03:01 PM (#383779)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Jeri

But Mick, who will run the 2004 campaign to re-elect Gore?

27 Jan 01 - 07:29 PM (#383946)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Sandy Paton

Talked with Big Mick this afternoon, and he warned me about this new thread. Gave me a few moments to think about it. Here's what I thought:

Work on these first, guys: Moe Asch of Folkways Records (who put out fifteen times as many recordings), Alan Lomax (who collected and published thousands more folksongs), Utah Phillips (who really has some stories worth telling, and tells them gloriously well). These are people who should be biographed. Burl's story would span the entire folk revival scene in the UK, plus it could describe his many trips to the US; I'd vote for that one! Art Thieme is such a great raconteur his story would be a gas to read, assuming he was allowed to surround the simple facts with the greater truths. I'd also go for that one! When you get these done, come back, and we can talk about it some more...


27 Jan 01 - 07:40 PM (#383950)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: catspaw49

Why did I suspect that your feelings would be exactly that? Sandy, you're wrong on several counts......and although all of those are certainly ideas (let's face it, Art's greater truths and other embellishments would fill many volumes), none of that diminishes the import of what you have to say or the perspective from which it comes. I'm not going to argue with you, you ol' poop, but I am asking that you truly consider something along these lines and take some help that's been offered in putting it together. Again, your perspective is different and if not you, then who?


27 Jan 01 - 10:13 PM (#384017)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Malcolm Douglas

I'd buy it, with money.


27 Jan 01 - 10:39 PM (#384025)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: bbc

Sandy, lots of "regular" folks, my dad & his sister included, have jotted down their memories w/ the computer as an aid. Makes for fascinating reading for family & friends. I know you have *at least* that much to offer. Even if you don't want to do it "for the world," it would be a legacy (no pun intended) for your kids & grandkids. My dad lived in a log cabin in Detroit for awhile as a young child, w/ wolves howling outside. He installed electricity in his parents' house after returning from WW II. These are things my generation & the following ones find amazing. Think about it, please.



28 Jan 01 - 10:37 PM (#384531)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Rick Fielding

Ha Ha! Hey Sandy, I could have written your response practically verbatim. Perhaps the one quality that sets Mr. Paton apart (and I mean wayyy apart) from other book worthy subjects is his complete disbelief in his own self-importance. Whether it be complimenting him on his solid guitar accompaniments, great voice, strong songwriting skills (yup he's penned some good 'uns) or even his incalculable positive influence on others (like me) he still goes "mmblmmblmmbl....pass the peas".

When you croak Sandy, watch out...there'll be a book all right!


29 Jan 01 - 10:15 AM (#384747)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Sourdough

It is hard to 'fess up to one's ignorance but here goes:

I was active in the so-called folk scene in the southern New England, Boston, and New York City area during the late 50s and early sixties. I even appeared onstage at Goede's Folk CIty. I helped form the Indian Neck Folk Music Festival, I produced concerts with "unknowns" such as Joan Baez and Odetta Felious as well as with established performers such as Pete Seeger and Cynthia Gooding. I worked at WGBH on some of the first traditional music television programs with outstanding performers. Th point of this recitation is that it seemed natural to me that the music of Appalachia would percolate North to Philadelphia, New York and Boston and that's where you would find the people who were what Pete Seeger calls the newest "links in the chain". In my provincialism, I never thought about there being other concentrations of folk interest and activity in preserving and presenting the music that means so much to me. It has been through Mudcat that I have learned of people like Sandy Paton and Art. Unfortunately, I learned of others as they were memorialized on Mudcat follwing the announcement of their deaths. I have started to get some idea of what I have been missing both in people and in music. It has been an eye-opener for me to learn about the Chicago school and the quality of both performance and recsearch that was centered there. I would sure have a lot to learn from a book by/about Sandy Paton.


29 Jan 01 - 10:34 AM (#384776)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Rick Fielding

Hey Sourdough. Until I met Sandy and Caroline, I was completely unfamiliar with

Bob Coltman

Dillon Bustin

Craig Johnson

Helen Schneyer

Cindy Kallett

Kendall Morse (gawd forgive me!)

On the other hand, Sandy couldn't name the Beatles!


29 Jan 01 - 06:19 PM (#385197)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: RoyH (Burl)

Hello Sandy - I started this thread because I thought that your exeriences and insight into the folk world would make wonderful reading and I wanted to sound out some other opinions. You can see by the response that a lot of people agree. But,I don't want you to be under pressure about this. I fear that you might feel yourself being emotionally blackmailed, and that is the last thing I want. I/we want you to write it all down, but it has to be your own choice, and done at your own speed, whenever you feel the time is right. If you don't want to -well, OK, but do give it some consideration, for the sake of all of us out there. This applies to you too Art. Fellow 'Catters and Paton/Thieme lovers, let's leave it up to them now. Thanks. Love to all, BURL

29 Jan 01 - 08:02 PM (#385275)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Nancy King

Poor Sandy, they're gangin' up on ya. Of course I agree with most of what's been said--all those great stories need to be preserved/shared.

It is possible to get a real good start on such a project without anyone, Sandy or anyone else, having to "write" anything. Treat it like an oral history project--just set up a tape recorder on the kitchen table and have conversations about what happened way back when. A series of these informal interviews can provide a wealth of material, and it's fun to do! I'd love to facilitate this project myself (not having heard a great many of the stories referred to above), but as Sandy and Caroline know better than just about anyone, I'm not always real good at actually completing such projects. Besides, I'm too far away. But I'll bet a few of you local Connecticut types could make a go of it. Why not?

Love ya, Sandy -- Nancy

29 Jan 01 - 08:03 PM (#385276)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: mousethief

Hey, Sandy, please don't wait for those others to write their memoirs... They might not get around to it, and that would be a shame, but it would be an even BIGGER shame if their not getting around to it prevented YOU and Art from doing yours.


30 Jan 01 - 08:17 AM (#385579)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Dani

OK, I could DELIVER the beans... or cook 'em there!

I'm doing some oral history work where I live (very small potatoes) and seem to have a taste for it. I love to egg on a good storyteller! My grandfather was a famous storyteller, and impromptu showman. I have one worn out, cheap, precious little tape that is barely audible. It's worth more than gold to me to have a frayed thread of his voice in my life.

C'mon Sandy. If you insist on the self-deprecation, let us PRACTICE on you, and then we'll move on from there! Actually, that's how my project here is developing: "Oh, but you should really talk to_________"

Dani (who's not above begging -- or travelling!)

30 Jan 01 - 09:18 AM (#385615)
Subject: RE: Sandy Paton - write your autobiog!
From: Hollowfox

As much as I hate to say it, folks, I think that if we want any of these books, than WE are going to have to write them. So how about this - we all have stories, ranging from how we discovered Mudcat to James Dean in a kilt (could somebody please post that one? I'm dying of curiosity). Some of these stories go back some few years, but even the newest ones are receding into history. So whenever you think of a good 'un, jot it down. It doesn't matter at this point whether it's on a scrap of paper (that you throw in a shoe box with the other stories), or in a file on your computer, or on a casette. Then we can see about getting a compiler/editor, and worry about the mechanics of publishing, so none of us goes broke on a project we all want.