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BS: When your boss says........

01 Feb 01 - 03:51 PM (#387710)
Subject: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

When your boss says, as mine did to me the other day, " I notice you are not a team-player" do you suppose that it was intended as a compliment or a criticism?
When I asked, she said it was merely an observation.....but I'm wondering just how much doo-doo I may be in and whether I should clear my desk?Is it a bit of management speak I missed when not paying attention in class or should I go and get this paranoia seen to?

01 Feb 01 - 03:59 PM (#387717)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: UB Ed

Mort, most bosses, like other folks, tend to want to avoid conflict. Criticism is both positive and negative; I sense she might believe its negative and thus the "observation" clarification. Regardless, your concern seems to be well-founded.

As your supervisor, she has an obligation to assist and "coach" you to make you as valuable an asset as you can be. I suggest you go back and speak to her along the lines of "I've been thinking about our conversation and would certainly like to improve my team skills if you think that would be helpful in improving our office productivity. Can you help me with this?" I would hope she would honestly tell you what she's really thinking.

Good luck.


01 Feb 01 - 04:10 PM (#387725)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Allan C.

Eloquently and beautifully said, Ed. I could not agree more. Nor could I add anything to improve it.

02 Feb 01 - 09:04 AM (#388184)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,Brian

I don't disagree with Ed or Allan, but do think there is room for a different perspective too.

Firstly, I doubt if it was meant as a compliment, sadly. I also work as part of a team. However, the nature of the work means that each team member takes on a very different area of the work. The long term goal being to link up all the aspects of that work. It means that I can be left to work on my own initiative for long periods - often several weeks. The only consultation between team members being in progress meetings, or to clear up queries that arise along the way.

I (think I) am good at breaking my work down into task areas, organising my schedule to stay on track and focussed on the final target. Normally, I achieve the required results at the right time. I work well that way, and am let to get on with it. Not everyone can do it, some need to be kept from going off at a tangent.

Am I a good team player? Probibly not, too independent. However, the team benifits from the skills I bring to it, and uses my character in a way that we all can live with. Certainly adapt to working as part of a team, I have to (and sometimes fail), but don't become one of the clones. Your boss also has to learn how to handle different personalities and how to get the best out of them. It is for her to see the benifit that your individuality brings to the team. If she can not do that then maybe you will end up clearing your desk. But if you're forced out that would be a sad reflection on her management skills, not on you.

Being asked to leave your desk could also mean promotion, of course.

As I say, it's all a matter of perspective. Maybe, you're not meant to be part of the team/flock/herd. It could be you're too good for that. Let's hope so.

Talk it over with her. You'll get a clearer picture of where you stand. If it isn't right then leave. It looks better on your CV to say you left because you weren't fulfilling your potential, rather than being sacked for not fitting in.

Best of luck


02 Feb 01 - 09:36 AM (#388206)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: catspaw49

Yeah.........the best advice here is to get a clarification of what she meant. "Team" can have several meanings and some people also value independent work, although in today's management style I doubt that's what she meant.

Its sad that a great concept is often "formulated" and then taught to people who have no ability to implement it. Too many managers at all levels are more interested in covering their own asses in anticipation of the next "promotion" that what has worked so well for the free thinking, imaginative types becomes a rulebook ill-applied. As a manager, I worked my way up without playing the game and tried to stay loose and creative. It worked well, but I worked each day believeing it to be my last. Eventually it was! .......But I had some spectacular successes in the process.

Go have a talk.


02 Feb 01 - 09:40 AM (#388207)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,late 'n short

This definitely warrants discussion with your supervisor. It's your supervisor's responsibility to explain what your role is on the "team" and how you're expected to fill it.(Obviously, this applies to all team members.) It's your responsibility to make sure you understand what the expectations are. If you're not sure, ask! Often, these situations involve poor communication of contributions/expectations rather than lack of skills. Keep in mind that just because someone has the role of supervisor doesn't mean they have all the skills required for that role.

After the discussion you may realize that you are not a team player, at least in the sense that your organization wants, and that's okay. You may just be in the wrong place.


02 Feb 01 - 10:23 AM (#388236)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Mark Clark

Morticia, "Not a team player" is definately not a compliment. It's leadership (formerly management) jargon that could mean any of a number of things. It could mean that you come and go at the scheduled times rather than come early and stay a couple of hours late. It could mean you are trying to achieve a healthy balance between work and your personal life. It could mean you actually take coffee breaks and lunch periods. Maybe you missed one of the team building exercises scheduled during your peresonal time. It might simply mean you choose to express your true feelings even when they are critical of the organization. I've even been criticized for having too much knowledge, it turned out others (or maybe just my boss) felt intimidated.

Ed is right, you need to talk with your supervisor (sorry, I meant to say you should dialog with her), although I'd be surprised if she is open and honest. The jargon exists precisely so management doesn't have to be open and honest. Her choice of catch phrases suggests she doesn't want you to know what she's really thinking.

Don't let this sit too long, and good luck.

      - Mark

02 Feb 01 - 10:43 AM (#388246)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Scabby Douglas

Somewhere I read a REAL manager quoted as saying "Teamwork is all my people doing what I say"..

Teamwork is, like beauty in the eye of the beholder....

02 Feb 01 - 10:59 AM (#388258)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Mine thought I should "consider all my options" when she wanted me to take early retirement. I'm still hanging in there!

02 Feb 01 - 12:29 PM (#388343)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,Russ

Make sure your resume is current.

02 Feb 01 - 12:36 PM (#388357)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Allan C.

I do hope you will update us on how things go.

02 Feb 01 - 12:47 PM (#388372)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: annamill

If you need the job, don't confront her with the question "What did you mean?". She might tell you and that could be a problem. Those that said she is concealing something, may be right. I do suggest, however, like I said, if you need this job, is to let her know you will try to become more of a "team" player. Let her know,also, that any suggestions would help.

In other words, kiss ass! Hey, maybe thats what she means by "not a team player".

This is a serious suggestion.

Love, annamill

02 Feb 01 - 12:54 PM (#388386)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

Crap, it's not looking too good, is it? The 'team', a bit like Brian's 'team' is actually a loose collection of people working in different areas and gathered together in one place.I have always been a bit maverick and always worked on the premise that it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. I'm also one of the people who has had some of the most creative and influential ideas in the last ten years....I figure you can have one or the other but not necessarily both. I'll talk to her again as you advise, but if she's asking for a change in personality, which I feel may be necessary to turn me into her vision of a team player.....well, guess I'll have a lot more time to hang out here, huh?

02 Feb 01 - 01:18 PM (#388427)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,Brian

Don't get depressed about this. Talk it through. Acknowledge the fact that your creativity sometimes gets the better of you, that you perhaps don't always 'follow the rules'. But also point out that you use it FOR the team, to achieve their aims. Say that in future you'll try to remember to bring your ideas forward before carrying them out. It might just be that they'll become come to value your abilities a whole lot more.

If that isn't what they want then start shopping around. You have more to offer than they want. Kiss arse? I wouldn'd.

I hope it goes well for you.


02 Feb 01 - 02:08 PM (#388500)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,guestguest(intruder)dilbert

manager is to leader as

soldier is to warrior.

i ignore managers unless they have a witness with them or if it is in writing.

02 Feb 01 - 02:19 PM (#388510)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: annamill

I don't kiss arse either ;-) I'm very creative too and I understand being a loner. As a consultant, I'm not required to be a team player. They give me a job, I do it. Period. I like it this way. As I said, it depends on how important this job is to your existance.

Maybe she just had a bad day.

Love, annamill

02 Feb 01 - 02:37 PM (#388521)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: UB Ed

Mort- be cool when you chat. The sole purpose of the discussion is to clearly define your supervisor's expectations. It would be foolhardy to expect to change another's personality; hopefully your boss has a clue to that.

You are seeking to gather objective information from this exchange. You need not offer your opinion. Get the info, politely (and positively) thank her for the input and then assess the data.

As Allen said, let us know how you do....

02 Feb 01 - 03:15 PM (#388554)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Skeptic


My organization (County government) is transforming through teams. Not easy because it isn't lip service. The County Manager is fairly committed. A lot of others aren't.

I've heard him explain to employees who weren't acting as part of the team, (at all levels) why he feels teams work, why the employee is important and suggests ways for the employee to work better as part of the team. I've also heard him agree with at least one employee who explained why what he was doing didn't lend itself to the team concept. The manager agreed.

As a modification of Ed's idea you might consider finding something in your job that might benefit from a team (or at least that a team could form around), get her approval and ask for her help as a mentor in setting it up. Listen carefully to what she says about being part of the team and what her idea of a "team" is. She may want you to continue coming up with the ideas, but to play the roll of "team member" and generate minutes to show her boss. She may be really committed and just not expressing it well.

Regards and good luck


02 Feb 01 - 03:35 PM (#388575)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: R!

Morticia, I would follow Ed's advice. You may also wish to ask yourself if there's a fair haired favorite son (or daughter) you are outshining? Could it be the manager herself? Don't let any of this panic you but do think about the office politics, vexing though it may be, and how you fit in. I'm happy to say that I am in a team of one; I get along with me and never let me down. Ain't office politics ugly? Best wishes for you.


02 Feb 01 - 04:16 PM (#388602)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Uncle_DaveO

Don't flame me until you understand where this is coming from.

A judge I worked for for 23 years was a great team builder. He supported his people, and his people supported him. He said something like this about teamwork and gender roles:

"Men's and women's ideas of teamwork tend to be different, largely because of sports. Boys are raised being immersed in sports, and teamwork means something specific.

"If you ask a woman (generally speaking) what teamwork means, she'll say something like "Getting along with the other players(workers) and generally cooperating for the good of the organization.'

"If you ask a man what teamwork is, because of male grounding in sports he is likely to say something like 'Each player has a specific function, and does it, and keeps out of the way of the other players.'"

He went on: "With today's greater opportunity and encouragement for women to participate in team sports, that difference will be lessened, and women will benefit in terms of their position in life."

I haven't quoted him exactly, but that's the idea, and it makes some sense to me. By the way, I'm a lifelong missionary antiathletic nut, so I'm not sure why I fit in so well with this judge's organization. Perhaps because my particular job is so specialized nobody else could do it and I couldn't do the other people's functions.

Dave Oesterreich

02 Feb 01 - 04:38 PM (#388618)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: NightWing

<THREAD_CREEP> When your boss says, "The corporation has decided to reduce some extraneous expenses in order to reach toward profitability in 2001," the next thing he says is "I'm sorry but your entire department has been eliminated."

Happened day before yesterday. *sigh* </THREAD_CREEP>


02 Feb 01 - 04:43 PM (#388624)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: R!

BightWing, I am so sorry to hear that. I got the same news in 1986 (on Christmas Eve!). It was painful at first but I was determined to survive. I have. Best of luck to you.

02 Feb 01 - 06:01 PM (#388719)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

Sorry to hear that, Nightwing.....makes my problems seem a bit insignificant really but it has been interesting to hear other peoples opinions.This woman also mentioned at several points in the discussion that she was unnerved at how little I had needed to go to her with a question.....she implied I was 'covering' or not admitting to mistakes....when in fact I simply know my job too well to need to.Hmmmmm, now I come to think about it, the doo-doos looking deeper by the minute.

02 Feb 01 - 06:06 PM (#388727)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: mousethief

Sounds like she feels threatened by your competence. Insecure people are such a pain in the ass.

03 Feb 01 - 03:54 AM (#389062)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Liz the Squeak

Morty - we could have talked about this last week, but bagpipes got in the way. I had my end of probation year meet on Tues, and passed, but not before a fairly new manager (new in that he has just been made our managers' manager, and not that he hasn't been in the same office as me all year....) had insulted me by saying I was too intelligent for my present job, that I character assasinate too many people (oddly enough, one a complete waste of wages and one a definate solo player, both his favourites..... spot the pattern?)and that I should be quieter and less disruptive..... This from a man who has started 4 stand up arguments, caused more meetings, friction and upset in the 4 weeks (yes, just 4, count 'em....) that he has managed our team than I have in the year I've been there. Oh, and apparently some of them look up to me because of my age..... HA!

Being a team player when you are part of a team is the only way to work. However, your team is only as strong as the weakest member. If the weakest member is totally destroying morale then you have to work around that person or get rid of them. If you are the strongest member of your team, then naturally you will want to lead them on to greater things. The difficulty comes when you have a manager who is less "creative" than the team's weakest link. That manager will see the strongest as a threat and will make efforts to undermine, if a bad manager or encourage to promotion or team leadership if a good manager. If they just want you to join in or else, then they are probably aware that you are better than they at the job, and just want you to make them look better.

We have a problem with a non team player at the moment, in that he refuses to cover other phones, won't use anyone else's PC, will do nothing if it is not his allocation, and won't let anyone else touch his, even when he is on leave/sick. He is being not a team player because he has different working practices and has been screwed over by someone giving him grief for something someone else did on his allocation. The other waste of wages (WOW) has a chip the size of the pyramid at Giza, so won't play because he doesn't want to, and his daddy says he doesn't have to. I end up being NATP, because they drive me to distraction because they don't want to join in, and I don't mean conform....

Confront her and ask if being a team player is more important than getting the job done to the best of your abilities and in the best interests of your 'customers'. Ask her if there is anything she feels you ought to know, and why she feels that way. Then shut her fingers in a drawer... no, sorry..... erase that, wishful thinking.....

If the job is getting done and no one (staff that is) has screamed obscenities across the office at you because of something you have or have not done, and you get invited to the staff drinkups, then in my book, you are doing OK, and she should recognise that fact. If no-one will talk to you, your work is piling up and most of those office appraisals you sent me apply to you (when two people are talking, one looks bored witless, then he's the other one) then you need to move on, you are in the wrong environment!!


03 Feb 01 - 04:00 AM (#389064)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Liz the Squeak

The WOW gets more money than me, says he's brilliant at filing because he's being doing it for 2 years.

When I got my first job, he was 5. When I got my first filing job, he was 11.

Sour grapes? Me???

He completely f**ked an entire rack of filing (25 metres about 30 feet)during a reshuffle, because he would not listen to his instructions, as he is so much better at filing than me......


03 Feb 01 - 08:56 AM (#389112)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

Do you know, it had never even occured to me that she might feel threatened by me, or have such a devious way of stating her own position. I don't seem to have the necessary mind-set for office politics, being the sort of person who pretty much says what they mean....not bright enough to do otherwise, maybe?
I guess my chances of advancement are remote without this set of skills, but I'm damned if I know how, or if I even want, to learn them.

03 Feb 01 - 10:08 AM (#389133)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Bristol Ted

Sorry folks, but all this makes me feel so glad I am self-employed. I got the big 'E' from a college six years ago after turning in profitable and enjoyable work for 13 years for them and that's the thanks you get.

My advice to anyone is go it alone and chose who you work for, on short term contracts if possible. Mine are often for a single day's work. If you like them, go back. If you don't then there are plenty of others who want to employ people on a contract basis.

Good luck anyway, but just remember your boss has been to the toilet as well as everyone else today!


03 Feb 01 - 10:39 AM (#389147)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,Ditto

Nightwing, when the shock is over you'll see that it was time to leave anyway. When we don't move out of a situation when we need to, the Powers that Be will do it for us. If you are patient, and wait, and look for that place that is waiting for you, you will see just how well the Universes is looking after you. Been there, done that, am very, very happy it happened. Regards, Ditto

03 Feb 01 - 12:22 PM (#389183)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: JVZ

Well, Morticia. I've read a lot of interesting comments to your question, but Ed's response remains the best. I supervise a number of people although I prefer the term Director instead of Manager. I also don't care for the terms "team" or "team player". So let me tell you the way I see it from my perspective.

First of all, if you assume, as so many have suggested, that your boss's remarks carry all sorts of meanings other than what they say, you are surely headed for a pitfall. Let's try to paraphrase her without the catch phrases: "You are doing some things that are counterproductive to the efforts of some of your co-workers."

There are all kinds of ways in which you might be doing just that, while still doing your best to advance the cause of your organization. That is why we have supervisors who make themselves aware of the activities of all staff members on their watch.

Coordination of staff member duties is one of the primary elements in the success of any company or organization. Failure to maintain that coordination has been the downfall of a good many companies putting staff members AND their managers out of work.

I didn't mean to start preaching to you, Morticia, but do yourself and your organization a favor and follow Ed's advice. And if, in fact, there is deception, back stabbing, pettiness, and other counter productive activities going on, then you will not be a part of it. Perhaps you will even be taking the first step toward eliminating the problems.

I wish you the best,

John VZ

03 Feb 01 - 01:51 PM (#389233)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Amos

If your difference is that you show initiative and can come up with creative solutions then what she means is " make me feel vulnerable because you're more of a leader than i am...". If your difference is that you partition your personal life in a disciplined way even at the expense of the department (or whatever this "team" is) then what she meant is "you piss me off because you won't bend to the artificial necessities of the group". If she's very enlightened or particularly sensitive and empathetic, she could have meant "Your individuality and intelligence make you stand out from the herd", but this is a low-probability interpretation.

If you ask her for "How do you think I could improve my team skills?", she will be forced into the role of trainer, which she should have had the brains to take on in the first place, instead of the role of critic. So far, it's just a comment, not an emergency. So I would play it completely cool and treat it like an opportunity for dialogue and let's see how good she is at communicating straight instead of obliquely.



03 Feb 01 - 02:26 PM (#389243)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: GUEST,JohnB

Please ignore absolutely anything and everything that I may say. I was accused of having a similar trait back in 1992. I had just downsized the six different departments that worked for me from 185 people down to 93 with a 200% productivity increase in one. Many of the people who worked for me would have walked over broken glass to do anything I asked of them. They were all working together with the same goals for the first time in the history of the company. This was MY team. We did everything and more that was asked of us. The problem was that I had a few 95 Db discussions with my immediate director about different aspects of the job. Mine was an area that he knew nothing about (engineering, tooling & stuff), he had come from procurement (buying) background. His problem was that he could not control me. I therefore became "NOT A TEAM PLAYER". So my advice would be to get the F%&k out of there. Perceptions of the idiots that you work for can invariably NOT be changed. Go somewhere else, it will be better for your own peace of mind and the way you work. If you stay, you will be constantly prejudging your own decisions and ideas, just to try to achieve what someone else thinks you should do. You will become stifled and be unhappy. In the end you wil hate your job. Stay ONLY if they pay you an exhorbitant ammount of money. Above all ignore all my advice, I was layed off myself in 1993 by a guy I worked for for three weeks, after 15 years with the company. I spent 3 years enjoying myself making little money. Now I am totally miserable and have been for the past 4 1/2 years making lots of money, back at the same place on contract. I wish I could just listen to myself. I'm not BITTER either, just a liar. JohnB

03 Feb 01 - 05:26 PM (#389312)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: hesperis


Good luck, Morty!

I'm not good at office politics either, or at record-keeping, so I'll just repeat some tips I found elsewhere.

Yeah, if you can start a dialogue with her, and make her your trainer it could help. Especially if you can find subtle ways to make her look good with her boss. (That's not kissing ass, that's trying to get her promoted and hopefully out of your hair.)

In the meantime, keep a job log: what you do, who asks you to do what, by when you completed the work, what useful ideas you came up with, etc.

If she is concerned that you are covering up mistakes, ask how much reporting she needs. Then follow through on what she asks. If she doesn't clarify, just give her information about your work regularly. (In writing, and keep copies.)

And at the same time, polish off your resume, take a critical assessment of your talents and your work environment, and see if you want to stay there and deal with this, or find a better job elsewhere. Do you like the work? Your coworkers?

04 Feb 01 - 10:18 AM (#389628)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: John P

I am the general manager of a small company that employs 40 people. I have the place organized into teams (they used to be "departments"). We really do have team based efforts, so I never hire anyone unless I am pretty sure they will work well as part of a team. One thing I have never done is tell someone that they were not a good team player. That is meaningless doublespeak. When someone's behavior needs to change, the manager should address specifics in as clear a way as possible.

It sounds like you have a manager who is not very good at communicating. Tell her that you have taken her comments to heart and ask for her expertise and help in learning to be a better team player. As someone said earlier, this will force her into the role of trainer, where she should have been in the first place. It will also play to her ego, which is a fine thing to do if it doesn't make you feel dishonest within yourself. And it will force her to tell you what she thinks you ought to act like, which will give you the information you need to decide whether or not you can put up with staying there. One thing to always keep in mind is that employment is a two way street. It has to work for you as well as for the company. If you get information that makes it sound like it is not the place for you, don't be afraid to quit (do it nicely, with at least a two weeks notice).

Another thing to keep in mind is that qualified, intelligent people are very much in demand by employers. I usually get one decent applicant out of every 25 or so when I advertise for a job. I don't know what happens to the rest of those people, but I find myself being pitifully greatful when someone walks in who is intelligent, presentable, alert, and who understands that they need to look at the interview from my point of view as well as from their own.

It is an unfortunate truth that managers who give lip service to the team idea without really understanding it say things like "you are not a team player" when they are trying to find a justification for firing an employee. Yes, you have cause to be alarmed. But rather than worry about, find out how to turn the whole thing to your advantage. You can use this to make your life better, with or without the job you currently have.

John Peekstok

04 Feb 01 - 12:41 PM (#389734)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Pixie

Moriticia: Speaking as a "boss" (I don't usually use the term - I prefer director)I would not go off half-cocked thinking there was a underlying hatchet waiting for your back.

I have been blessed as a director of 6-8 staff who work well as a "team". I like that term because it is unilateral, so no one (including myself) is above the other. However, I have the responsibility to ensure that our integrated program for 25 children (many with special needs)is a quality program that families are happy with. In short, the buck stops at my door. Therefore, I would certainly want people who are willing to shoulder every aspect of the job (read: cooperation, initiative, respect for what other team members bring to the table, etc.).

I give the staff the autonomy to do what they do best. Communication is of utmost importance, and perhaps that is what your boss is trying to do - open and door to see what you do with it. Follow Ed's advice! I see a supervisor's role as helping the staff develop skills. Perhaps she has some ideas for you! Explore it in a non-confrontational way (everyone hates confrontation, but our philosophy about it at work is that it is a growth opportunity - get over it!).

Our program cannot function effectively with incredible teamwork, and one person not participating can really f**k things up, if you get my drift - I know, because I've lived it, and almost gave up a great job because of it.

Good Luck and keep positive!


04 Feb 01 - 02:05 PM (#389784)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: R!

Morticia, I still say follow Ed's advice. Years ago I had a supervisor who got her job as payoff for an affair she had with her boss. The supe was hideous - not qualified for the job - and made the lives of everyone in the department miserable. One day I put a burr on the seat of her chair. It stuck to her skirt and she walked around with a burr on her arse (which is what she was to us) all day. It was a tiny act of rebellion but it sure felt good. Now follow Ed's advice.


04 Feb 01 - 04:15 PM (#389884)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: jeepman (inactive)


12 Feb 01 - 03:23 PM (#396534)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: UB Ed

Hey Mort:

What did you do?

12 Feb 01 - 03:31 PM (#396542)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Firecat

I read a thing somewhere saying "When you do something of your own accord, you're acting above your status, when your boss does it, it's initiative. When you're out of the office, you're wandering about, when your boss does it, they're out on business."

12 Feb 01 - 05:19 PM (#396623)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet....I only see her once a month or every 6 weeks for 'supervision'.I did talk to some of my colleagues though, and asked if they had that perception of me and if so, what could I do to improve things? To a man, no-one seemed to feel this was an accurate analysis of my performance,all felt I was friendly, supportive and there for them when it mattered. It was mentioned that, due to heavy workload and split site working, I didn't show up at team meetings very often and one colleague was unhappy about that.I suspect this to be the source of the problem but it's not easily resolved.Thanks for your interest Ub Ed and for everyone's support and point of view.

12 Feb 01 - 05:33 PM (#396637)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Liz the Squeak

Working here is like a tree full of monkeys. The boss looks down from the top of the tree and see happy smiling faces. The monkeys look up from the bottom of the tree and all they see are arseholes...


12 Feb 01 - 05:47 PM (#396650)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Morticia

Interestingly, the colleague I suspect has problems with me is the same level as I am, but was the only senior member of staff before I arrived.....could there be a connection or am I getting cynical?

12 Feb 01 - 06:48 PM (#396692)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: kendall

Be prepared to hear the boss say "How long have you worked here, not counting tomorrow"?

12 Feb 01 - 10:20 PM (#396812)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: John Routledge


12 Feb 01 - 11:33 PM (#396841)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: Amos

Nahhhh.... just take the buggerette out back and slap her up the haid a few. She'll never bovver you again. 'S right, innit??

13 Feb 01 - 08:36 AM (#396969)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: UB Ed

Mort, that's great you spoke to your colleagues! Next time you're "supervised" seek the counsel of your boss to suggest solutions to the split-office, miss-the-meeting situation. Even is its one of your coworkers who "seems" to have raised the issue, this will put you and your boss on the same team working toward a solution (which could be everything is just fine; your coworker needs to get a life). Regardless of the coworker's motives, the boss will get more comfortable with you and address any potential animosity with that person.

You're doing great!

13 Feb 01 - 12:08 PM (#397089)
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
From: LR Mole

I was once told that I am not a team player. I volunteered to be Mr. T...