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math based love songs

16 Feb 01 - 01:25 PM (#399524)
Subject: math based love songs

what is the name of the love song that instead of saying forever ti gives a math equation that can not be solved but goes on forever.

16 Feb 01 - 01:37 PM (#399539)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

How about "When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Piece of 3.14159265358979323746264338327935627953, That's Amore"


16 Feb 01 - 01:59 PM (#399558)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Uncle_DaveO

Not mathematical, but alphabetical: "A, you're adorable, B, you're so beautiful" etc.

Dave Oesterreich

16 Feb 01 - 03:02 PM (#399589)
Subject: RE: math based love songs

Wasn't there a true horror of a recording called the "Multiplication Song" back in the fifties? We are all ignoring that Spaw. Clever but not helpful.

16 Feb 01 - 03:09 PM (#399590)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

Well Sins, I generally don't make any jokes on a serious request for lyrics, but this one was just laying there and I couldn't resist. BTW, I've searched some but I don't have a clue as to what to search.

GUEST....Do you have any fragments of actual lyrics or anything......something??? Outside of that, we can only hope that this rings a bell with someone........Of course that could take an "infinity." .....oops.......


16 Feb 01 - 03:12 PM (#399594)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: mousethief

Clever but wrong in the last 5 digits.

16 Feb 01 - 03:12 PM (#399595)
Subject: RE: math based love songs

"It Takes Two To Tango"
"The Twelfth Of Never"
The Twelve Days Of Christmas"
"Memories Are Made Of This"...

16 Feb 01 - 03:17 PM (#399602)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Bert

Spaw has always been wrong in the last five digits.

16 Feb 01 - 03:22 PM (#399608)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: mousethief

Counting from which end?

16 Feb 01 - 03:28 PM (#399615)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

Rather than do the math for just a joke, I pulled it off somebody's website. Nice to know that the math guys can whup up!


16 Feb 01 - 03:31 PM (#399618)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Bert

Counting from the middle of course. That's the most wrong one of all.

16 Feb 01 - 03:33 PM (#399621)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: mousethief

Spaw: Either that or my obnoxiously know-it-all 17 year old can whup up.

Bert: Um, yeah, sure.

16 Feb 01 - 03:49 PM (#399635)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

I think they both have.....or at least I only have it correct to the 8th from the end. I can't believe I even care......oy................OCD problem???


16 Feb 01 - 04:15 PM (#399658)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Maths teacher

"Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds, you and your arithmetic will certainly go far" "The square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle, is equal to the sum of the squares on the two adjacent sides" "Yours till the stars lose their glory" "How much do I love you, I'll tell you no lie. How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky?" "We vowed our love, from here to eternity",etcetera, etcetera. Sorry, can't help!

16 Feb 01 - 04:15 PM (#399659)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Russ

Bob Dylan's "Love Minus Zero/No Limit"?

16 Feb 01 - 04:16 PM (#399660)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: mousethief

Oh a Limit is a number in your neighborhood!

16 Feb 01 - 04:32 PM (#399677)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Maths teacher

"Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds, you and your arithmetic will certainly go far" "The square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle, is equal to the sum of the squares on the two adjacent sides" "Yours till the stars lose their glory" "How much do I love you, I'll tell you no lie. How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky?" "We vowed our love, from here to eternity",etcetera, etcetera. Sorry, can't help!

16 Feb 01 - 09:25 PM (#399852)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Susan of DT

It is in the DT as Eleven Thirds.

16 Feb 01 - 09:42 PM (#399862)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

You have it in the DT at Eleven Thirds? Gee Susan, couldn't you get it all in one place? Why divide it into thirds anyway, just put it on a couple of sequential pages.

susan, thanks so much. I knew someone would come along who KNEW this thing!!!


16 Feb 01 - 10:07 PM (#399872)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Amos

That Susan sure can put the torque on a problem!


16 Feb 01 - 10:28 PM (#399885)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Fergie

By bye Miss American Pi?????

16 Feb 01 - 10:56 PM (#399911)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Fergie

Or maybe Elvis singing "Oh put your elipse a little closer to the cone".

16 Feb 01 - 11:05 PM (#399919)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: catspaw49

Sorry fergie, we already played Pi, but your second one is genius!!! Fantastic!


17 Feb 01 - 08:03 AM (#400070)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: MartinRyan


I'm tempted to say "Multiplication - that's the name of the game...." but being a scientist restrains me! < p> Regards

17 Feb 01 - 11:14 AM (#400153)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: JohnB

The Inuit in Cape Dorset do Math Music. I don't know if they do any love songs but when you are so close together who cares. JohnB

17 Feb 01 - 11:48 AM (#400184)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Hollowfox

Glad somebody found the exact song you wanted, Guest. For a geometrical encore, check out the DT for "Shape of my Love".

17 Feb 01 - 09:59 PM (#400542)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Knicke

There's a chemistry love song on one of the McGarrigle Sisters' CD's...about a little atom of sodium and a little atom of chlorine...someone would do well to track that one down...

"Think of the love that you eat/ When you salt your meat"


18 Feb 01 - 05:50 AM (#400694)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Crazy Eddie

There is a Robert Service poem about a square who fell in love with a triangle. However the triangle preferred a cube.
The ending is something like:
"now she dotes on her kids, such cute pyramids, in a world of three dimensions"
I THINK it is called Maternity. I have heard it sung, but the tune was not very memorable.

18 Feb 01 - 07:21 AM (#400719)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Nat

What about "the elements" to the tune of "A Modern Major General" (from pirates of Penzance) - I think sung by a guy called Tom Lehrer.

18 Feb 01 - 09:20 PM (#401158)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Roll&Go-C

Tom Lehrer has several other math songs, as does Phil Hose & family (Children's Music Network), but what's the differential?

19 Feb 01 - 07:21 AM (#401345)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: JulieF

What about the Jethro Tull song which contains the line :-

"but my zero to your power of ten equals nothing at all"


19 Feb 01 - 09:37 AM (#401401)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Susan of DT

WE have 32 Tom Lehrer songs in the DT, or at least 32 attributed to him, including New Math and Elecments (chem)

19 Feb 01 - 01:26 PM (#401546)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,Roll&Go-C

Then there's "The Old Triangle"

19 Feb 01 - 04:25 PM (#401671)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST, Jerry Friedman

See also the non-musical "Polly Nomial".

19 Feb 01 - 04:37 PM (#401679)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Joe Offer

You know, there are a lot of songs mentioned here that we don't have lyrics for. If everybody would post lyrics (or provide links, if it's a pop song), "it could be a wonderful, wonderful world...."

-Joe Offer-

19 Feb 01 - 04:50 PM (#401691)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Lonesome EJ

THis is tough. I don't know much about algebra. Don't know what a slide rule is for...

20 Feb 01 - 12:46 PM (#402271)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: JohnB

Flanders and Swan do one about the first and second Laws of Thermodynamics. 1.Heat is work and work is heat. 2. Heat can not of itself pass from one body to a hotter body. JohnB

20 Feb 01 - 01:09 PM (#402291)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Bert

Not a love song, but mathematical

Whoops! that link expired long ago. Here's a new one Exponential Blarney

20 Feb 01 - 07:58 PM (#402556)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: harpmolly

Well, we don't really seem to be talking love songs anymore, but...

math & science favorites of mine:

Monty Python: "Just remember that we're standing on a planet that's evolving..."

They Might Be Giants: "The Sun Is A Mass Of Incandescent Gas"

Moxy Früvous: "Entropy", "The Mitosis Waltz", "Guinea Pig (well, biotechnology, anyway ;))


21 Feb 01 - 04:57 PM (#403141)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: dwditty

99 Bottles of Beer - an exercise in subtraction.

Not math but science - Mose Allison's "Your Molecular Structure"


21 Feb 01 - 05:12 PM (#403156)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Sandy Paton

My math skills never went any higher than Jean Ritchie's lovely "One I love, two he loves, three he's true to me."

21 Feb 01 - 05:12 PM (#403157)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: MMario

one is the loneliest number

12 Feb 11 - 12:29 AM (#3093736)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: GUEST,naveregnide

The Limit as x Approaches Girlfriend

12 Feb 11 - 08:37 AM (#3093740)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: quokka

867-5309 Jenny

12 Feb 11 - 11:26 AM (#3093833)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: open mike

someone should suggest some of these to the producers of the show "NUMB3RS" which is about an FBI agents..and involves some mathemetitians in love...or mate-a-ma-titions..

12 Feb 11 - 03:46 PM (#3093973)
Subject: RE: math based love songs
From: Bert

Seven Lonely Days.