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Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!

26 Feb 01 - 11:55 PM (#406964)
Subject: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

Thought I ought to let all you eager Mudcatters know that the brand new CD by our own "Liam's Brother" (Dan Milner) and Bob Conroy has landed in Folk-Legacy's warehouse (that's what we call the cellar of our old barn of a place). It's a GREAT record of songs, ballads, and tunes created by the Irish who came to this country, and it got here just in time for you to honor St. Patrick with its music. Included are two of the finest examples of Irish-American balladry I've ever heard: "The West Rutland Marble Bawn" (about quarrying white marble in Vermont - learned from Margaret MacArthur) and "Scovill's Rolling Mill" (telling of the dangerous work at the "pickle tubs" -- acid baths used in the brass industry of Waterbury, Connecticut -- collected from former U. S. Congressman John Monagan by Jeremy Brecher).

Take a look and give a listen at FOLK-LEGACY. Hope this clickie works; I've lost my Joe Offer instruction sheet!


27 Feb 01 - 01:05 AM (#406990)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: katlaughing

Hey, SandyGramps! I am listening right now and it sounds fantastic! Great job and congratulations all round!

Would love to know more about those *pickle* vats...having taken a bronze-casting class a few times and metalsmithing, I have shirts with all kinds of *pickled* holes. Hard to imagine big vats of the stuff!

Thanks for letting us know and the new wallpaper looks great!


27 Feb 01 - 01:52 AM (#407002)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

Imagine working over one of those huge vats of acid, inhaling the fumes for a few years. That's what happened to the immmigrant in the ballad, and then his friends "got a raffle up" to raise the money for him to go home to die. The former Congressman from whom we collected the song lived in Waterbury, Connecticut. Incidentally, he happens to be John McCutcheon's father-in-law! Jeremy Brecher, who organized the Waterbury collecting project, learned that Monagan knew the song, and when Jeremy and I went to his home, I got to push the "record" button on the tape recorder while Monagan played the piano and sang the ballad. So, collector's credit goes to Jeremy, but, by doggies, I helped! It's a powerful song, wonderfully sung by "Liam's Brother."

Now why, you say, is "Billy the Kid" on this record? Well, it seems Billy's real name was Henry McCarty, and he was an Irish lad from New York, the son of Irish immigrants. Dan's notes for this CD are very informative!


27 Feb 01 - 03:20 AM (#407018)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: katlaughing

Very kewl! I just figured Billy the Kid was Irish and that's why he was on there!

Those vats must've been incredibly awful! Thanks for the little tidbit of your adventures in recording. That's the kind of stuff we want to hear more of, dang it! "Tell us another story, SandyGramps! Please?!" **BG**

luvya and thanks a bunch,


27 Feb 01 - 08:57 AM (#407130)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: GUEST,Dani

Gee, it's good to hear Dan's voice again! I remember hearing him sing the mill song at the Getaway-before-last, and well remember the goosebumps. Powerful stuff.

I got one for me and one for a friend. Mudcatters, if you've heard Dan, you know you need to have this. If you HAVEN'T heard him, give a listen and THEN you'll know you need to have it.

Thank you for making music like this available, guys. You're the best!


27 Feb 01 - 09:19 AM (#407142)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

I just ordered my copy from Folk Legacy (easy to use website, secure transmission for purchases - good stuff). I am really looking forward to hearing it! Thanks for posting the info Sandy.

27 Feb 01 - 01:52 PM (#407300)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Frank McGrath

Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
I've been itching to learn "The West Rutland Marble Bawn" for two years since I heard Dan first sing it.

Best of luck Bob and Dan. I know "Irish in America" will be a winner.


28 Feb 01 - 02:30 PM (#408148)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother


"Irish in America" was a logical "next step" after Folk-Legacy's "Irish Ballads & Songs of the Sea" CD which came out in 1998.

I've been finding songs - great songs - since 1980 that are about the Irish-American experience. The oldest one on the CD dates from the Revolutionary War and is about a battle (skirmish) which takes place at King's Bridge, the only land access between the island of Manhattan and the mainland of North America for centuries. The Irish troops in that ballad fight on the British side against the Colonial Army. That same King's Bridge gave its name to the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx.

When I recorded the song, "The Sons of Liberty" I wanted 2 Bronxite friends of mine to play on it: All-Ireland Champion fiddler, Brian Conway, and Joanie Madden of "Cherish the Ladies." Joanie was unable to make the session at the last minute and was leading the "Ladies" on a 3-week cruise starting the next morning. Brendan Dolan, one of the country's top Irish flute and piano players and a grandson of the Bronx, was able to fill in and we went ahead with the session, adding U.S. National Guitar Flatpicking Chapion, Orrin Star, on guitar. All did a lovely job in my opinion.

As you can gather, I'm not the only one on the CD. We have a total of 5 All-Ireland Champions on the recording including Billy McComiskey (accordion) and Patrick Mangan (fiddle), both of Brooklyn, Jim McFarland, a great ballad singer from Derry, and stepdancer Niall O'Leary of Dublin, a Riverdance alumnus. Two Mudcatters, Lisa Null and Dick Swain, and two members of The Johnson Girls - Bonnie & Deirdre - are among the chorus singers. My singing partner, Bob Conroy, sings 5 songs (I sing 9). There are 4 traditional Irish dance tunes.

Given the fact that there was a 200 year song timeframe and because I had so much great talent to work with, we were able to get a lot of different textures on the CD while, I believe, remaining true to the music. Someone who listens to the FOLK-LEGACY SOUND CLIP will be able to understand what I mean. The sound clip, by the way, plays very well on recent Windows Media Player programming.

As Sandy mentioned above, the CD just came out. I'll be looking forward to more comments from Mudcatters as they hear it.

All the best,
Dan Milner

28 Feb 01 - 09:02 PM (#408451)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Big Mick

I recieved my copy today (Thanks, Dan!!) and have listened to it twice now. Listening to it reminds me of a number of things. I will list them in no particular order with the exception of the first one.

If you love traditional forms of music, especially those influenced by the Irish, you must get this CD. Dan is, simply put, one of the finest singers of this type of music now or ever. He is my friend, but those that know me know that I wouldn't say this unless it was true. He and Bob Conroy are masters of this craft, and this CD, like the previous one are proof positive of that fact. One simply does not get folks like Mick Moloney, Brian Conway, Pat Mangan, Billy McComiskey and the formidable BONNIE MILNER accompany lest they are at the top of their game. On this CD, they are.

Where does he find this music? I am simply amazed at the song and tune selection. In my own band, we are working on a CD now, a part of which is dedicated to the Irish in America. In fact, Dan has given us an unrecorded song he found as well. I am very impressed at the scholarship represented in his book, as well as these two recordings. McNally's Row of Flats, Scovill's Rolling Mill, The West Rutland Marble Bawn, The Hardworking Miner, and Portland County Jail are absolute delights to me. Selections, arrangements, and continuity from beginning to end. I will say it again........where does he find these songs. They are put together in a way that is wonderful and reminds me how far I have to go on my path as a singer.

Listening caused me to ponder my own journey in this genre. And that caused me to reflect on our wonderful Mudcat. Where I was when I started and where I am now are miles apart. Dan Milner, in addition to being a wonderful friend, has become a major influence on my direction and style of singing and music selection. He, Sandy and Caroline Paton, Kendall, Lisa Null, Dick Swain, Art Thieme, Dick Greenhaus........what a blessing this place is!!!

Back to the CD, let me conclude by saying that it is a wonderful effort, crafted with much thought and executed with the skill of the ages. The recording is mixed very well and represents the best of an already great label...........our own Folk Legacy. Congratulations Dan, on being the driving creative force on one of the finest yet. And congrats to Bob as well. His vocals really captured the songs he did. I have never heard Drill Ye Tarriers in a way that made me want to perform it before. And the harmonies, particulary the female voices, lent an element to the interpretation that was powerful. Please pass on my heartiest "Goodonya" to your friends. I love this CD.

All the best,

Big Mick

28 Feb 01 - 09:13 PM (#408458)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Jeri

The first time I heard Scoville's Rolling Mills was at bbc's party in '99. I went outside for a bit. I saw Caroline Paton and Dan sitting opposite one another in the warm dark. Dan closed his eyes and began to sing.

I'll agree with Mick about the "one of the finest singers" bit. I had goose bumps that night, and knew it was something special. Every song I've heard Dan do feels that way.

28 Feb 01 - 10:09 PM (#408485)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Lonesome EJ

If it's half as good as Irish Ballads it must be terrific. I'll be ordering a copy!

01 Mar 01 - 05:00 AM (#408657)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Wolfgang

Having enjoyed Irish Ballads a lot I'm convinced every single word of praise is well deserved. I'll have to wait a little longer for my copy, but I'll get it.


02 Mar 01 - 02:06 PM (#409684)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Big Mick

Yeah Wolfgang, you will enjoy this one. I know we all love Dan, but take it from me..........if you had never met him in your life and heard this, you would know it is special. It is a very interesting collection in that it makes associations that one wouldn't normally think of in a collection of Irish/Irish influenced music. A couple of examples of this would be "The Day I Played Baseball" and "Billy the Kid". While I was aware of the Irish connection in both of these circumstances, I would not have thought to include these songs. Yet it works wonderfully.

I will say it again...........Dan and Bob have done a marvelous job and assembled a CD that is not to be missed. I would urge all Mudcatters to get on the hook to Sandy & Caroline at Folk Legacy and order this CD. You won't be sorry.

All the best,

Big Mick

02 Mar 01 - 06:52 PM (#409880)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

I think you're right, Mick. While we're all praising Dan for his outstanding ballad singing (and he does some great ballads here), there's his musical cohort Bob Conroy with "The Day I Played Baseball," which is probably going to get more airplay on the folk radio shows than all the other cuts combined!


02 Mar 01 - 07:35 PM (#409904)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: catspaw49

Obviously we all are in need of this one. Dan, I promise it will be at the top of my list but like Wolfgang, I may have to wait just a bit........but I'm looking forward to it. What a great place this is!!

And BTW, you're right....the sound clip is excellent! Sandy, if that's your doing, congrats!! The F-L website has gotten better over the past year and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed. The clips are very well done.


02 Mar 01 - 11:14 PM (#410018)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

It ain't me, babe! The new WinAmp clips are all the doing of our volunteer "web guru," Dan Lyman. He does it all, and, to me, it's pure magic. I still don't know how ones and zeros can give us pitch, timbre, tempo, texture, volume, etc.! I was just beginning to understand how magnetic tape worked, for Pete's sake! Graphic images are a little more comprehensive to me, but music...??

Dan sent me a note several years ago saying "I really like your recording of The Boarding Party. You ought to have a web site! Want me to build one for you?" Now I wouldn't want his paying clients to find out, but he swaps us all those web miracles for CDs and lots of undying gratitude.


03 Mar 01 - 12:52 AM (#410056)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: katlaughing

Can't wait to get my copy. Sandy, did you see I added it on in the email I sent you?

This sounds really terrific.



05 Mar 01 - 09:27 PM (#411651)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

Thanks Mick and Sandy for mentioning Bob Conroy. Bob is a low-keyed guy highly respected in New York but not well known outside it. We've been singing together 3 years now.

Bob was a banjo student of Erik Darling, the man who took Pete Seeger's place in the Weavers and, I believe, Tommy Makem's banjo teacher also. I think Bob's "Billy the Kid," frailing banjo accompanied on bass by Denny Ryan, showroom manager at Mandolin Brothers, will become a classic. I've told him too that "The Day I Played Base Ball" is likely to wind up in Cooperstown.

All the best,

06 Mar 01 - 04:53 PM (#412262)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Art Thieme


This is a fine CD ! I especially enjoy the way the American songs sound American even though they are from Irish folks in the USA and about happenings in the USA. "Drill Ye Tarriers", "Portland County Jail", even "Billy The Kid". I had never known of hthe Kid's Irish background and that his name wasn't William Bonney (just an alias) but HENRY McCARTY born in 1859 possibly in Brooklyn, N.Y. (but maybe Manhattan). Both Dan and Bob have distinctive vocal styles that enhance the differences between those types of songs. Instrumentally, this record is a gem too.

So, Dan & Bob, which one o' you has the beard??

Sell a million of 'em ! Fat chance of that happening, but it's a beauteous effort that deserves to sell that many.

Art Thieme

06 Mar 01 - 06:31 PM (#412334)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: radriano

Just received my copy of this from Folk-Legacy. It's a great CD and I really appreciate the wonderful liner notes. As usual, Dan finds really great songs and the instrumental sets and accompanyment are first rate.


06 Mar 01 - 08:56 PM (#412432)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Art Thieme


The tune used for "Billy The Kid" is not the one I know to go with the lyrics. Tex Ritter and other cowboy singers did it differently. If you are wondering what that tune was, listen to Woody Guthrie's "So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya"---the verse. It's the same tune as "Billy The Kid".

Art Thieme

06 Mar 01 - 10:43 PM (#412485)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

Yeah, that's the way I learned it, too, Art, probably from Burl Ives. But Bob's melody is beginning to really get to me. Next time I see him, I plan to ask him where he learned it. I'm told Ry Cooder recorded the song once. What melody did he use?


07 Mar 01 - 06:04 PM (#413004)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Art Thieme

Sandy, I don't know which melody Ry Cooder used. Sorry. But I heard somewhere that it's generally known which early country & western artist wrote the song. But I don't recall who it was. I'll keep looking for it.

I sure do like this CD.


07 Mar 01 - 06:12 PM (#413008)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

Dan - What a treat!

I received my CD over the weekend have been listening over and over ever since. I have enjoyed it immensely! This is a great collection of songs, beautifuly performed and recorded. My congrats to you, and all the performers.

I have long sung and loved, "Drill Ye Terriers" and long enjoyed several of the others. Still are more are new to me. I am sure I'll spend a lot more time listening, enjoying and learning. Thanks!

12 Mar 01 - 04:05 PM (#415966)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry

If ever there was a reason to get a CD for one song it's Dan's singing of the West Rutland Marble Bawn, I've got the same itch as Frank about that song. By the way Dan, thanks for the 50 bucks. can't wait, thanks Barry

12 Mar 01 - 05:50 PM (#416058)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: katlaughing

I thought I had posted to this after receiving my cd last weekend. What a wonderful collection of songs and musicians! My dad was excited to find he knows some of the songs and eager to hear the others when next we go visit.

I especially liked Bill the Kid and Portland County Jail. Well done and wow! on the fiddling!

I sent it home with my sister, bet, the elementary school music teacher, for two weeks, so she can share it with her students, esp. the ones they will recognise like Drill Ye Tarriers (did we all grow up singing that in school?:-)

Thanks so much Dan, Bob and Sandy. the notes are esp. appreciated and SO interesting.


12 Mar 01 - 09:53 PM (#416258)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

Hi Art, Jed, Richard, Barry & kat!

It's interesting, of course, for us read the comments and see which songs people focus on most. Thanks. Now I'll tell you a few stories:

I don't know where exactly where Bob Conroy first heard "Billy the Kid" but he sang it for me the first time while we were grounded on the tarmac in a tremendous thunderstorm on a Southwest Airlines 737 at Kansas City. That's when and where we workred out the idea of frailing banjo and bass (only) playing together. As soon as the plane took off, we fell asleep. By the time we got to Oakland (hey, wait a minute; there's a song there), the car rental counters had closed... one helluva trip.

Two of the musicians are child prodigies, though they might not like to hear me call them that. Eliot Grasso lives near Baltimore and his buddy, Pat Mangan, lives in Brooklyn. They were 16 and 15 respectively when they recorded "The Girl I Left Behind" and "Katie Kearney" medleys with us. They and the bouzouki player who backs them, Terry McKee, a well-known NYC session player from Co. Antrim, were very professional and very easy to record. Many an adult could learn a lesson from those 2 fine young fellas.

A man by the name of Thomas Casey came to our New York Singers' Circle last month. He picked up the CD, looked at the back and said, "I see you have 'Drill Ye Tarriers, Drill' on this. Do you know who wrote it?" I looked him dead in the eye and said, "Yes, you did." (The lyric of "Drill Ye Tarriers, Drill" was written about 1888 by Thomas Casey, a vaudevillian who had once worked on railroad construction.) The man bought the CD, of course.

We're taking off on our annual Irish tour tomorrow and I'm looking forward gauging the reaction there. If I don't get back on the Mudcat tomorrow, have a great St. Patrick's Day everyone!

All the best,
Dan Milner

13 Mar 01 - 09:59 PM (#417043)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Bob Bolton

G'day Sandy (and Dan),

Is there any local conduit for Folk-Legacy records into the deep Antipodes (Sydney, Australia)? It is taking a bit of courage to contemplate slapping down the readies in US$ while the Aussie dollar:
Goes down, because the US$ went up and we are seen to be linked
Goes down, because the US$ went down and we are seen to be in balance
Goes down, because the Yen went down and we are seen to be in competition
Goes down, because Asian economies are lagging and we are seen to be in Asia
Goes down, because Asian economies are booming and we are seen to be European
Goes down, because American socialised subsidies undercut our free market produce in world competition

Failing this, I will have to run the e-commerce gauntlet and get my copy by fast charge / slow delivery mail. If it is as good as the last ... it is worth it.


Bob Bolton

13 Mar 01 - 11:00 PM (#417067)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

What can I say, Bob? I buy an occasional book from booksellers in the Antipodes (don't know how deep) and the shipping cost and time for surface mail to arrive is most annoying, but...

Well, I wish I could help. I have never understood economics, exchange rates, or much of anything about "business." I do know that I have to sell CDs in order to finance the production of the next one. We try to keep our shipping costs at a reasonable level, but as to the USD/AUD exchange rate, you'll have to talk with Greenspan at the Fed, I guess. I know that our Canadian friends suffer the same inequities.


14 Mar 01 - 01:25 AM (#417124)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Rick Fielding

Just got my radio copy....goodie!


14 Mar 01 - 08:48 AM (#417217)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Dani

I don't know where to start.

Took this CD with me on a really long drive last week, and listened to it over, and over, and over. Part of the trip I had my two little girls with me. My older one would rather play Ricky Martin, but after the second go-round was saying,"Play that one again! And that one! I think I've got the words now!"

The choice of songs gives such a broad (in the variety) and deep (in the story of each one) picture of the Irish-American experience. Some of them brought new life to the all the stories my grandfather told me when I was small, which I heard with a child's ears, but 'get' now with wisdom (one hopes) gained since then.

And the way Dan sings these songs you can see the glint in his eye, or the tear, or the laughter. WHAT A TREASURE! The music, and the additional voices, really give each track a different flavor, too.

I'll be digging through it for more trails to follow in studying history, and can't WAIT to sing some of them myself.

Can we talk about some of these songs after we've listened to them all a bit more?


14 Mar 01 - 05:21 PM (#417655)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Sandy Paton

Dan and Bob have left for their annual Ireland tour, Dani, to recharge their cultural heritage batteries, so the discussion had best wait until they return and can enlarge upon the published notes. I'm glad you liked the CD, and even more glad that your daughter did as well! Reckon it's time she got introduced to the Getaway. Sounds like she's ripe for it. How old is she? Maybe we could bring a grandaughter of a comparable age.


18 Mar 01 - 12:42 PM (#420453)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: catspaw49

We went out and got haircuts, shoes, glasses adjusted, ate Thai..........You know all thoses traditional Irish things on St. Pats...........Anyway, when we got home I didn't check the mail and spent the eveing 'Catting with several Irish programs on the TV in the background. Upon checking the mail this AM, I found this package from Folk-Legacy containing this CD and a note that a lovely Irish 'Catter had requested Sandy to send it (along with instructions from the Folk-Fogey about listening to Doctors and such).

In the past couple of years I have watched most of the Irish music programs on the tube and listened to a lot of grand Irish music, but this CD is by far the best thing I have heard. I don't know who to congratulate because this is the BEST Irish Tad Recording I have ever heard. Everyone above has sung the praises of all involved and I can only weakly echo what has been said...........


Thanks to you kat for the gift.....but thanks to Dan and Bob and their lifetimes in this music and to Sandy for a superb quality CD. Beautiful work.


18 Mar 01 - 01:31 PM (#420476)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Fergie

Dan& Bob were the guests at the Goilín singers club in Dublin on Friday. It was a great session, lán go doras. and the boys were in great voice sang most of them stuff from their latest CD. Thanks very much "Liam's Brother"

27 Mar 01 - 03:47 PM (#426836)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: MartinRyan

Can I just add my tuppence worth to the well deserved tributes to a great CD and a great package? Just been listening to it for the first time on returning from the Inishowen festival in Donegal where Dan and Bob did the official Irish launch (or one of them, anyway)!


28 Mar 01 - 07:03 AM (#427366)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

Just back from Ireland with a brain fried by merriment. All of our gigs at the singers clubs around the country ended with "lock-ins," i.e. the doors were locked at closing time, the curtains were simply drawn and everything continued. We left most places about 3am... and that was night-after-night. Martin Ryan's South Roscommon home club turned out a number of octogenerians (including the publican); they were every bit as active as the rest of the crowd, no less talented and a great pleasure to hear.

There was a rare 5-string banjo session at a restaurant at Malin Head at the northernmost point of Ireland led by Alison MacMorland and Bob Conroy. The adjacent pub/garage - with 6 seats and standing room for 18 more - had a singing session attended by many of Ireland's finest singers.

Hoof-and-Mouth is a great threat to Ireland. At the time of our leaving, there had been one incident reported in Northern Ireland and another in the Republic within the same border area. We had one concert cancelled and another considerably curtailed as a result. In other places, the rooms were packed so that you could hardly turn around.

There was a considerable amount of interest in Folk-Legacy's "Irish in America" CD and we are very thankful and very gratified. The Irish distributor will be getting copies to the media over the next few weeks and we'll see what feedback there is.

The CD has been played quite a bit on Clare FM radio in Ireland which has excellent programming at 7pm (local time) most weekday evenings. Caroline, Sandy and Rob Paton have gotten play copies off to many US and Canadian stations. If you haven't heard the CD yet, look for us on the radio or scroll above to Sandy's first post, click and take a listen. Thanks.

I'll get back a little later after I get to the supermarket and pay a few bills.

All the best,
Dan Milner

28 Mar 01 - 08:22 AM (#427400)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Dani

Well, I haven't figured out the time difference, but you can listen to that radio station here:

It doesn't sound QUITE as lively as Max, et al, but, then, I just started listening.

I LOVE the Internet!


28 Mar 01 - 08:30 AM (#427405)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: MartinRyan

That session at Malin Head was the highlight of the weekend, for me. Lovely atmosphere, great acoustic and lots of little runs of songs - some conscious, some not. And if you got bored (unlikely) you could pass the time checking out the weird and wonderful selection of goods for sale on the premises. "Pub-garage" doesn't really begin to describe the place. It also served as farm and fisherman suppliers, confectionery, dairy....


01 Apr 01 - 05:12 PM (#430771)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: MartinRyan

Liam's Brother mentions the South Roscommon Singers Circle home base in Murray's of Knockcroghery, Roscommon. There's an account of it and some fine pictures of at least one of the octogenarians (assuming that means 80-year olds and not some obscure cult...) HERE on the Roscommon singers website. Just follow the link to Murray's Bar!


01 Apr 01 - 05:26 PM (#430780)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Peg

I listened to a bit of this when I went to visit Barry in hospital. He spoke very highly of it, and I can see why! Great work Dan! You are one of our premiere song collectors this side the puddle...

02 Apr 01 - 04:36 PM (#431454)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

I just got a note from Brian O'Donovan who hosts a fine Celtic radio program over WGBH-FM in Boston. He pointed me towards last week's RTE "Late Night Sessions" broadcast from Dublin. The show opens with a selection of reels from the great Washington-based '70s-'80s group, The Irish Tradition and follows with "McNally's Row of Flats" from Irish in America.

RTE is Ireland's national radio network (similar in that regard to the BBC in Britain). The program is archived at... for a few more days, I guess.

All the best,

02 Apr 01 - 09:53 PM (#431675)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Big Mick

This CD deserves all of the attention it is getting. Are you listening Fiona Ritchie???

All the best,


19 Apr 01 - 12:42 AM (#444096)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: GUEST,Bruce O.

If you want to see a very old Irish-American song look at "Old Granny Wales" (Granuaile/Grace O'Malley) on my website in the Scarce songs 1 file. The copy there now (replacing a later copy from the Steven-Douglas MS in 'the Pioneer Songster) is by courtesy of Margaret MacArthur, who didn't know the tune, but now has it. The ballad ends with the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. The oldest printed copy of the tune "Granuaile" is also there as an ABC, and tomorrow I'll add an older MS copy of the tune. [See the Irish tunes index on my website for other copies of the tune, G dorian until 1842].

19 Apr 01 - 08:48 AM (#444269)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Dani

Which website, Bruce?


19 Apr 01 - 09:16 AM (#444292)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: GUEST,Bruce O.

Click and it case I fouled up blue clicky it's

19 Apr 01 - 03:43 PM (#444667)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Armen Tanzerian

Dan Milner...Isn't he that guy from CHIPs?

19 Apr 01 - 06:37 PM (#444871)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

Bruce - That's very interesting and I thank you for it. To my eyes, it certainly reads like a pre-19th century political piece.

Armen - I called my 13-year old nephew and he told me that he thinks CHIPs was a tv cop show. He added that, although he's never seen the show, he doubts I was on it.

All the best,

20 Apr 01 - 10:44 AM (#445333)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

Dan - I have been listening carefully and trying to decide which song or songs I will learn from this collection, and I keep coming back to the prettiest melody on the album, a song a truly love is The Sons of Liberty. It just has a drop dead gorgeous melody and is a wonderful tale. Then I see from a second reading of the credits, this is your melody? Wow, great stuff, Dan! My wife and I have really enjoyed the whole album, but that song is a real standout!

20 Apr 01 - 10:45 AM (#445335)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

Dan - I have been listening carefully and trying to decide which song or songs I will learn from this collection, and I keep coming back to the prettiest melody on the album, a song a truly love is The Sons of Liberty. It just has a drop dead gorgeous melody and is a wonderful tale. Then I see from a second reading of the credits, this is your melody? Wow, great stuff, Dan! My wife and I have really enjoyed the whole album, but that song is a real standout!

20 Apr 01 - 11:45 AM (#445382)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

hmmm - there's an echoe in here. Sorry for the repeat message!

21 Apr 01 - 07:31 PM (#446314)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Frank McGrath

Dan and Bob,
Congratulations to you both. I only got my copy of the CD a week ago and it's damn near worn out already. And I'm sorry as hell I missed Inishowen and didn't get to meet you while you were over.

Most of the songs on your CD are not sung here in Ireland ('Drill ye Tarriers' may get a rare airing) but I'm sure that will change. I have no doubt you have introduced a couple of songs which will be learned, sung and passed on for many years to come over here.

Thank you for a great recording and keep up the good work.

Love to Bonny and Mary Ellen.


23 Apr 01 - 11:06 AM (#447299)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Liam's Brother

Thank you Jed and Frank for your kind comments. As you both know, from your own work on The Streets of Fall River and The Nenagh Singers CDs, there is a fair amount of preparation and resultant nervous energy that builds up just prior to the CD release. One thing that's always tempting is to speculate on how the recording will be received. In this instance, the Launch being made in Ireland first, then the USA, Bob Conroy and I will be having fun seeing how right or wrong we were for a couple of months yet.

Frank, one of our hopes about Ireland is that Irish in America will catch the imagine of people there, many of whom have relatives in the U.S. It is a great story and, we think, the songs are equal to it. Bob and I are very happy that the work of Jimmy Carney and Michael Sullivan, to name just two of the composers, is finally being heard in their homeland.

Jed, I started writing tunes for traditional songs about 2 or 3 years ago. By all reports, the melodies sound traditional and that, of course, is just what I had hoped for. What I think has helped me is that I now no longer listen to other kinds of music so I believe that, musically, I believe I think only in a traditional idiom. Anyway, I'm delighted to hear you will be singing "The Sons of Liberty." I take it as a compliment. Thanks.

I'm very sorry neither of you can join us on May 4th at The Blarney Star in New York City. We'll be having the USA Launch with Brian Conway, Brendan Dolan and with many of the musicians and singers who're on the CD getting up to join us during the evening. It would be great to see you both there.

On Saturday morning, April 28th, at 10am New York time, Bob and I will be interviewed by Kathleen Biggins on WFUV (Fordham University Radio - 90.7FM in NYC). The program is also simulcast over the net at WFUV. That is...

All the best,
Dan Milner

23 Apr 01 - 11:13 AM (#447308)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

Dan - My son and his wife live in the city. I would not be surprised if they make the show at The Blarney Star in New York City. All the best ... we'll be listening in to the webcast.

07 Aug 01 - 12:41 PM (#522647)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Midchuck

Hadn't read this thread before, and wasn't aware of the CD until Sunday.

Was browsing at the Patons' booth at Champlain Festival, picked it up, saw the title "The West Rutland Marble Bawn," and decided I had to risk $15 to hear it. (West Rutland is about 15 miles from me.)

Now I have to learn that, and The Sons of Liberty, at least.

Are the lyrics in the DT? I assume not, as a search under "West Rutland" came up empty.


15 Nov 01 - 12:24 AM (#592977)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Amergin

Well...I had just picked up this wonderful album from the local record shop./...and I love every bit of it...especially the story of sons of liberty....wonderful story it is...

15 Nov 01 - 08:29 AM (#593098)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: JedMarum

I've just recently begun singing Sons of Liberty to my pub audiences ... wonderful song, wonderful CD!

15 Nov 01 - 08:34 AM (#593106)
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
From: Midchuck

Be fun if we could get Dan Tyminski to add The West Rutland Marble Bawn to his setlist - it being his hometown (about 12 miles away from me).
