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How to search for songs -READ ME!

27 Oct 97 - 06:52 PM (#15328)
Subject: How to search for songs -READ ME!

there is a page of tips & instructions, but it is buried in small type on the search page. I'd like to see a link to it right below the Search box

so-for new,occasional and clueless searchers-
go here and read the hints

(In occasional threads, Dick Greenhaus and Susan of DT make suggestions about how to DO a search, but it is always within a thread, and does not catch new searchers and questioners BEFORE they ask un-necessarily..perhaps this will help a few)

27 Oct 97 - 08:18 PM (#15342)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!

an example, from another thread, of how to think about searching for a song

Subject: RE: Whiskey In The Jar From: dick greenhaus Date: 21-Oct-97 - 01:41 PM

FWIW- If you search for whisky (Scots beverage) you won't find whiskey (everybody else's tipple. If you search for whisk* you'll get both (as well as whiskers and whisked). If you search for [in the jar] you'll find all the songs that use that phrase (the square brackets specify a phrase}

28 Oct 97 - 03:43 AM (#15381)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Murray

It seems that to search for a phrase, one can use either a space between the words, or enclose them in square brackets? Is this right??

28 Oct 97 - 04:00 AM (#15382)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Joe Offer

Close, Murray, but no cigar. If you put a number of words in the search box without brackets, the database will bring up any songs that have ALL the words listed, in any order. If you put the phrase in square brackets, you will get only the songs that contain that specific phrase. thy the following:
foggy foggy
[foggy foggy]
foggy train
[foggy train]
If my calculations are correct, one of these will bring up no record, two will bring up one song only, and one will bring up several songs. If my calculations are not correct, I claim no responsibility for any disaster that may occur. But believe me, this demonstration will give you a remarkable demonstation of the amazing search capabilities of our database. Or maybe it won't.
-Joe Offer-

28 Oct 97 - 03:26 PM (#15418)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: dick greenhaus

Joe, you have it. A space between words is equivalent to an implied AND. A square bracket before and after searches for a phrase. [foggy foggy] gets one hit; foggy foggy gets 18. If you want to expand your search horizons, {not} (surrounded by curly brackets) can be used to limit searches. foggy dew returns some sixteen or so hits, foggy {not} dew returns six that contain the word foggy but not the word dew. And, as a reminder, wildcards are very powerful. The DT accepts a wildcard * BEFORE as well as AFTER a group of letters. So, *bird returns bluebird, blackbird, redbird, bigbird etc.; bird* gets bird, birdy, birdie, birding etc.

09 Dec 97 - 12:36 PM (#17332)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!

'Nother hint: type ONLY the words that you KNOW are in


PART/ial words also work.

13 Nov 98 - 01:41 AM (#45200)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Barbara

Nother t'ing trip us'n up betimes is da words in da transcription we tink day goan be 1 way, an in fack, they be done nother. Ain't spellin', 'zackly...
In particular, somethin's and nothin's and comin's and goin's, you kin gettem all if'n you use dat wildcard thingie right!

13 Nov 98 - 06:16 PM (#45279)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: BAZ

I'd like to help out with supplying some of the tunes to songs in the database that don't have them. How do I list the songs that are without tunes?
Did that make sense?

13 Nov 98 - 10:21 PM (#45304)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Joe Offer

It's easy with the PC version of the database, Baz - all that songs that have tunes have asterisks after the title. there's a link to the downloadable Fall 98 version of the database on our home page, but that link leads to a page with the Spring 98 version. Don't know if that's a typo, or if the late 98 version is not quite ready. Maybe Dick or Max or Susan will set us straight on that.
-Joe Offer-

14 Nov 98 - 08:03 PM (#45420)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!

Thanks for the above. What I was thinking of doing was generating a list of the songs without a tune so that I could check and see if I had them. If so I could send them along.
Regards Baz

15 Nov 98 - 02:17 PM (#45479)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: dick greenhaus

Hokay. Since all the songs with tunes have the notation "CLICK HERE TO PLAY", you can find the ones without tunes by searching on: {NOT} [*CLICK HERE*]

where the asterisks take care of any non-printable characters that may be present. Generally (NOT} and {OR} work fine; {AND} works too, but it's actually implied by a space between two words or phrases.

12 Jan 99 - 11:45 AM (#53665)
Subject: RE: How refreshing?
From: Philippa

What does it mean when a respondent simply writes 'refresh'? I've seen this message in a few threads from a few people (whose names I won't mention).

12 Jan 99 - 11:50 AM (#53666)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Philippa

okay, I got it. The thread's been dormant for a while and they want to activate it again. Still, it would be more refreshing to add some contribution to the discussion.

12 Jan 99 - 12:31 PM (#53673)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Bill D

Phillipa...I am hoping that the basic information in this thread..(and others) will eventually be made into a 'how to' link by Max and his elves...refreshing this and several other links and/or re-explaining it all to newcomers can get wearing...

15 Jul 01 - 01:00 PM (#507076)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Snuffy

All the hints above refer to the Digitrad Lyrics search, but the Database has not been updated since last century.

There are thousands more songs posted in threads in the Forum, so try using the Digitrad and Forum Search instead. [And you don't need square brackets there]!

Wassail! V

21 Jan 18 - 12:34 AM (#3900797)
Subject: RE: How to search for songs -READ ME!
From: Joe Offer

Betsy - I moved your request here (click), to a thread with its own title.
-Joe Offer-