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Barry Finn - TWO (March 2001)

17 Mar 01 - 04:07 AM (#419798)
Subject: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

The other was over 100 posts, so I thought we'd better have a go at this one. You can read the other, which has a great new update by Peg, by clicking here

Keep singing, Barry and we'll all back ya up!


17 Mar 01 - 04:44 AM (#419808)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO - Peg's Report
From: Joe Offer

I think we should start this thread with Peg's report. It was #101 in the old thread, and some people might not be able to load that many messages. Thanks, Peg.
-Joe Offer-

Subject: RE: Barry Finn
From: Peg
Date: 17-Mar-01 - 01:40 AM


I stopped by to see Barry at the hospital today. Brought him some milk thistle tea bags, which apparently his doc said "won't hurt him."

He was chipper and in good spirits; if tired and weak. Says he has trouble sleeping and of course is bored out of his skull. He played a bit of Dan's new CD (nice stuff Dan!) and I am sure this is helping alleviate his boredom.

Barry said he lost a lot of weight rapidly ("Now if only I can keep it off!" he says; sheesh what a maroon! Actually most of us would think the same thing, I bet...) but that his condition is now stable. He is numero uno on the liver list so if a compatible one shows up it is his.

Never fear, Mudcat, Barry can still sing!!! He joined me in singing General Taylor, Red is the Rose, and Highland Lament. So there.

He tells me he shall take up gourmet cooking when his new liver is up and running.

I have a whole collection of those old Time-Life "Cooking of the World" books (great photos and recipes, and history of the countries and their food customs), so I guess I know what I will be giving him for a prezzie next time I stop by...

Two doctors stoped by for a brief conversation and to test Barry's alertness they asked him who the president was, then the previous one, then the one before that, etc. By the time they got back to Reagan, Barry said "some other asshole!" Yay, Barry! They also had him subtracting numbers and asking him for answers rather rapidly I thought. He did well (came up with answers faster than I did).

His wife thinks he is a bit low-key these last few days, and indeed Barry seemed rather tired to me. (Then again I am used to seeing him in a roomful of people excited to be sharing songs together).

But compared to how he was doing a few days ago all is going VERY well! So everyone, keep thinking good healthy thoughts about our Mudcat pal! Maybe have some (calves') liver and onions in his honor!

Get that liver and get well, Barry. We miss you.

17 Mar 01 - 06:22 PM (#420116)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Susan A-R

Jaysus, you go away for a while and what happens? Barry, I hope they get a replacement part soon! If you want any cooking lessons, I'll certainly do a house call (Kitchen singing required)

Much love, and hope that things move quickly, and well.

Susan A-R

17 Mar 01 - 06:53 PM (#420129)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Nancy King

Barry, you're in our thoughts! Hope your new liver comes SOON so you can get out of that boring hospital. Looking forward to hearing you at the Getaway, if not before!

Nancy King, and Ken and Dan Schatz

18 Mar 01 - 01:16 PM (#420465)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Happy Day After St. Patrick's Day, Barry. Still thinking and praying.

18 Mar 01 - 09:23 PM (#420651)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: CamiSu

Checking in every day! Hope they find you a liver SOON!

(Considering the irony of this, but still hoping you do get one soon)


18 Mar 01 - 09:31 PM (#420655)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Sorcha

If I had two, I'd give him one of mine.......hang in Barry, they're gonna find you one soon.

19 Mar 01 - 12:23 AM (#420684)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bert

Hi Barry, Hang in there. Sorry to hear they need a whole one and liver slivers won't do. Now if it was a kidney (or a ball) I might be able to help...

19 Mar 01 - 12:59 AM (#420697)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

Barry, I know it can't be easy lying there waiting for someone else to finish using their liver. There you are, sick, tired, and missing your own normal life activities so much, and wondering if this will work out for you at all-- thinking at the same time how awful that you will benefit from someone else's lost battle.

But you know, whoever it is that passes it down to you, they will have wanted you to have it. I don't know you. But I suspect, from all the things people have said to you and about you, that if you could turn around and give that person your heart (or bert's testicle apparently), you probably would. What I am thinking is that there is someone in this world as generous, and that he or she decided long ago to give every last thing to LIFE that they could.

So you sit tight and get ready to TAKE it and do that person, and their family, proud.


19 Mar 01 - 01:14 AM (#420704)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Sorcha

What Susan/Whizzy Wig said.......I know it can't be easy, waiting for someone to die so you can have the liver.But, that person wanted someone to have a part of their life, so they could continue living in some way.

If I were dying, or brain dead, I would want someone to have any useable parts of me. (I am an organ donor, but I doubt there will be much left after my abuse)

Take the liver in good faith, Barry, someone wanted you to have it.

Transplant technology is a puzzlement, isn't it? Especially heart transplants............does Heart go with the heart?

Here's hoping you get one soon........

19 Mar 01 - 08:25 AM (#420781)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Peg

If anyone wants to check with the Transplantation Unit desk before droppping in to visit Bary, the number is 617-724-8610.

I am hoping to drop in briefly in the next couple of days and if i do I will try to offer an update...

19 Mar 01 - 08:28 AM (#420784)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: RoyH (Burl)

Barry - So sorry to hear of your predicament. Hang in there. Burl (Roy Harris)

19 Mar 01 - 08:33 AM (#420786)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Bert, What in hell is Barry going to do with three balls when he is flat on his back in the hospital??? Or did I just answer my own question? Barry you have had multiple offers of various organs. Do you think they will move faster if we give them several kidneys, some liver slivers and Bert's ball in exchange for one liver? Just a thought...

19 Mar 01 - 11:06 AM (#420849)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bill D

actually, re:liver slivers...I have read they they DO on occasion use partial livers, the liver not having the same sort of construction as hearts or kidneys. Seems like I read of one liver being split between two twins. (Also makes it possible to use a large liver in a smaller person, like a child..whereas a heart MUST be within size ranges)(Rita was fortunate and received a heart that was almost perfect for her)

not that this is relevant, as Barry will no doubt get a standard, complete and fully functional one.

19 Mar 01 - 11:40 AM (#420877)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: MMario

I seem to recall having read a few reports regarding this, where only one lobe of a liver was transplanted - evidently the liver is one of the few organs that actually shows some regeneration capabilities....or have I beeen reading too much science fiction.

19 Mar 01 - 11:46 AM (#420883)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bill D

I do think that is correct...the liver can regenerate to needed size for the individual in many cases...

19 Mar 01 - 03:46 PM (#421081)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry on sis's laptop

Hi & thanks to you all for sending out your continuing support, messages, cards & love. I gotta say here a special thanks to RiGGy who sent along a new solo CD of his doing Sacred Harp singing, to Shipping News for a CD of mostly sea related songs that they've just released & to Dan Milner for asking Sandy to send along his new CD. All of these I can't say enough about or ever thank you enough for sending them.
As of yet there's been no sightings of any lively little livers on the horizons willing to implant themselves in my humble abode. Still, I'm top dog in the New England area so hopefully it'll only be a matter of a short wait. I haven't been able to manage to get a lot of sleep around here, though as I mentioned somewhere above I wasn't one of the most religous ones floating around the cat but what I didn't mentioned was that I probably am an agnostic, dyslextic, insomnatic who's been spending a lot of late nights contimplating the meaning of the word doG. Hopefully I'll have that all worked out by the time I'm ready to leave here. I'm still hoping to be well & able enough to make Mystic in June but NEFFA in April isn't looking to bright. The DC Getaway I will be at for sure, baring the East Coast doesn't fall off into the Alantic. This year the Getaway would be the most meaningfull music gathering for me seeing as it'd be, I'm sure, the one I'd see the most Mudcatters' at & would be able to personnally thank for all the kindness shown me. By the way, anyone who has e-mailed me or sent along personnal messages I can't access them till I get back home, I don't know how to do those things from another computer. I'll post back soon when I get some future internet access &/or something to report. Again, my love to all for your support& kind thoughts. Barry

19 Mar 01 - 03:52 PM (#421085)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bill D

*smile*...stay with it, Barry..not that there's any doubt!

The Getaway will be a grand event indeed if you are there in good health!

19 Mar 01 - 03:54 PM (#421087)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: annamill

Up until now I haven't been an organ donor... I am now. Can't wait to see you at FSGW my friend.

Love, Annamill

19 Mar 01 - 03:58 PM (#421090)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

Rough way to build a CD collection though.

Poor Barry. His head will be so song-stuffed when he gets out he won't be able to keep the songs separate in his head. We'll need decoders just to listen to him.

Barry, are you singing along with all these? Don't let them give you a karaoke transplant. Liver, or nothing!


20 Mar 01 - 12:44 AM (#421313)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Uncle Jaque

This noticed in Maine Sunday Telegram yesterday (March 18) Pg. 9-B; don't know if or how it effects Barry's situation, but passing it along for what it's worth: (AP) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr. in Boston suspended it's liver transplant program Friday after they lost a patient, and the Dept. of Public Health "had concerns about the mortality rate associated with the program" (R. PAWELEC, MA DPH).

"Other programs like .. the Lahey Clinic of NE Medical Ctr. have survival rates of more than 90%" and will remain operational, according to the Boston Herald.

Apparantly BIDMC has had some problems previously when a bunch of Dr.s bailed out to the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, and are currently undergoing an "independant review" in hopes of sorting things out.

20 Mar 01 - 01:49 PM (#421728)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Mary in Kentucky

Barry, I'm thinking about you and praying often.

A friend of ours had a liver transplant 5 years ago. His wife says he must have received a woman's liver because he's a lot nicer now! If I weren't using mine just now, you could have it!

Seriously, I'm very passionate about organ donation. I've signed my driver's license, have a "donor dot" on the front of it, and have informed all my family members of my wishes. I wish more people were aware of the need for donors. Here in Kentucky the circuit clerks in each county work to publicize the fact that people can sign their driver's licenses to indicate their intent for organ donation in the event of sudden death. It kinda forces one to make a decision.

Good luck,

20 Mar 01 - 02:46 PM (#421773)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Waiting is the thing I do least well. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

20 Mar 01 - 05:36 PM (#421933)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: lamarca

Wow - go away for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose! Barry, I'm appalled that you're in such offal shape. Oh, well, liver and learn...I could go on in this ridiculous hepatic vein, but mostly want you to know I'm thinking and praying for you...

20 Mar 01 - 11:57 PM (#422166)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Joy Bennett

Hi Barry --- we're all thinking of you here in NYC -- if you didn't already have the Johnson Girls' CD, we'd send you one!!!

we're all praying for you and hope to see you at Mystic.

lots of love

21 Mar 01 - 08:39 AM (#422283)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Jeri

Barry (watch out - cynical mode) - I saw motorcyclists buzzing around yesterday without helmets. Bodes well for future organ availability.

Still thinking of you a lot here, reading your threads, and looking forward to seeing you hale and hearty.

Barry and buds at the FSGW 2000 Getaway.

22 Mar 01 - 08:42 AM (#423068)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Just read your post on the Shanty Sing thread. Glad to see you are still full of piss and vinegar and planning to join the crew (such as it may be).

22 Mar 01 - 12:32 PM (#423262)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Dan Milner from Roscommon County Library, Ir

Hi Barry!

Cool and wet here in Ireland. Everyone tired of hearing about Hoof & Mouth but apprehensive at the same time. It appears they may have it contained in Northern Ireland. The 'hoof' thing has made the rural gigs quiet but... had a magical night in Dublin at a singing club with 100 patrons... and again in Cork City. We are with the South Roscommon Singers tonight and I hope to see Martin Ryan again. Martin came to our Dublin gig. Bonnie arrives tomorrow for a flying visit.

After 7 straight nights afterhours in pubs singing away, I feel almost like joining you in the hospital. Back on March 28th. I'll check in on you then.

All the best, dear friend, Dan

22 Mar 01 - 04:06 PM (#423464)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Ferrara

Oh, Jeri, thanks for the link to the photo.

Y'all talk to your friends, now, about organ donation! -- I think there are about enough usable organs every year, to save everyone on the list -- if every one was a donor.

Barry, we'll have a celebration party for you at the Getaway! ... Have to be something really special .... Maybe dunking you in the pool? No? A little too cold in late October? Well, I'm sure we can think of something. Oh, of course. The pond would be better, wouldn't it? There's no fishing in the pool....just ask Liam's brother....

Anyway it will be wonderful when you're out amongst us again.

Love, Rita Ferrara

22 Mar 01 - 04:14 PM (#423470)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bert

Hi Barry me ol' matey! I sung a couple of sea shanties for you on Mudcat Radio. Now you get well soon and get your butt down here and show us how it should be done.

23 Mar 01 - 09:16 AM (#424009)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

I had visions of you barefoot, concertina in hand, and a "devil-may-care" scarf tied 'round your flowing locks...CHILLS I tell ya. Now when are you going to sing us some naughty music hall songs?

Barry - your name is on a yellow Post-It note on my desk. I think of you at least a hundred times a day. Hang in there, Love.

23 Mar 01 - 10:13 AM (#424075)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Good morning, Barry...a few of us have posted to this thread hoping to bring a smile and maybe even a good belly laugh.

I think of you all through the day and continue to give thanks for your complete recovery.


23 Mar 01 - 01:05 PM (#424260)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Tinker

UGH !!! Found the perfect card, took the envelope up to the compeuter to address it and someone yelled MOM!! I know it's amonst these hundred odd papers somewhere...

Keep the spirits high. You were clearly in my mind last weekend as I wanted a bunch of mainline Episcopals to "throw back your head and SING!!"



23 Mar 01 - 04:48 PM (#424469)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,kendall

I just returned to civilization and what do I see? An outpouring of love for our own Barry. I'm sending you some healing energy. No, you dont have to believe in works anyway! luvya man!

23 Mar 01 - 07:20 PM (#424617)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Joy Bennett

great to speak with you this morning! Wish I could get there in person. We're all pulling for you here in New York and keep you close in our thoughts.

fair winds and calm seas


24 Mar 01 - 10:21 AM (#424839)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Big Mick

I spoke with Barry last night and he sounded better than the first time I spoke with him. He remains upbeat and optimistic. He told me to thank everyone for the good thoughts and prayers. Our guy is doing fine. Please keep the cards, prayers, thoughts and emails coming. He really does appreciate them.

All the best,


24 Mar 01 - 06:08 PM (#425102)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry on Sis's laptop

Hi all, Kat were in the world did you ever come up with that Farmington article. Our John Nolan ran/organize single handedly these yearly event with other features like best dog & master look alike contests & cat gymkarter (as in martial arts) the Scottish hay toss, the long John peg leg race, the hospital bed race & more outer world events for the day & then report on them in the local newspaper that he wrote for at that time. The weirdest Home Day event in New England for sure.

Kat thanks for trying to put yourself in the shoes of me & my family but there are no negatives here. I was born with a horses's ass & a mule's hide (& those are not my parents) & don't really see much as not positive, it's really a neurological disorder, my wife calls it being pathalogicaly affirmative, I sometimes think of it as being selectively unaware. Anyway let the thread go where it may I'm just tickled & greatful that there's such an out pouring of well wishing, support & all the forward looking to better times.

As Mick had mentioned my spirits are in tune & I'm still in a holding patten waiting for a liver. I got bumped back a couple spots to make way for a couple kids that are much worst off than me but once they'er all set I'll regain my top dog status.

I just last night received a new CD from Deb Cowan, I haven't seen her around these parts much lately but I gotta say after just hearing the first cut, "Edward Boyle" (trad.) that YOU GO GIRL, WOW. Justine was there with me & we were both bowed over along with the nurse taking my blood. Thanks from both of us, Deb. The chances of catching you & everyone else & performing at NEFFA seem to be getting slimmer & slimmer, still I'm holding out with hopes of seeing a bunch of you there. I've gotta sign off & give back the laptop. Thanks all, LOL Barry

24 Mar 01 - 06:50 PM (#425117)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: DebC

Awwwww, Barry. Thanks. You get better, now ya hear?

I'll try and come see you this week, my friend.

Cheers, Deb Cowan

24 Mar 01 - 07:00 PM (#425119)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Barry. Glad to hear about that tough hide of yours. I wondered if you'd seen that article in a while. Just did a search on your name in google and joila! It sounds like a load of fun!

You sound great and in such a good frame of mind. That is more than half the battle, so keep it up, ya hear?! All those year I lived in Mystic and never went to hear any of you guys, 'cause that's just not where I was at! Sheesh! My son-in-law now works across the street from there. If you get there this summer and I get to go visit by grandsons, you can bet I am coming over!

Now I wonder if you were part of a small group from the Seaport who sang at an informal neighbourhood shindig I went to once...we were trying to save bluebird habitat from developers. Some posh neighbour up on the hill had us all over for a meeting, drnks, etc. and all of a sudden these shanty/chanty men were singing their hearts out. It was great!

It's still very Boston-weatherish here, today. The mountain has disappeared behind freezing rain clouds and it is bone-chilling cold.

Take care and thanks, again,


24 Mar 01 - 09:23 PM (#425168)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: John Nolan

Kat: In the small world of the Internet, you stumbled upon my Farmington Corner collection, which is a work-in-progress. is about Barry winning the Long John Silver Agon - I don't think he ever saw the article. Anyway, I have just added a photograph from the event to the page, if you want to see what he looked like, dressed as a pirate, 15 years ago. In addition, FC042, which can be reached with a couple of clicks from your link to FC058, describes what Bary had to endure the day he took me to my first American folk event in 1983. I don't think he has ever read this one either. P.S. All the best, Barry. Thinking of you daily.

24 Mar 01 - 11:21 PM (#425189)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bert

Yeah Barry we know you've got a tough hide. The fact that it's all yellow at the moment is neither here nor there;-)

24 Mar 01 - 11:28 PM (#425191)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

John Nolan, thanks for the info! Great picture!! I had not idea that was your doing!

25 Mar 01 - 09:18 PM (#425510)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Lucius

Keep on the sunny side Barry. I've been out of the loop, but I'm glad to hear that you are first on the list. My thoughts are with you.


26 Mar 01 - 08:59 PM (#426230)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Wonderful stuff, John. Thank you. Still thinking of you, Barry.

26 Mar 01 - 09:55 PM (#426244)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

Barry, I hate to introduce a dark cloud into this thread but I just talked to Meg and she hasn't seen your volunteer form yet for Mystic. Hey, man, ya gotta get that form to her.

I told her where you are and how to find this thread. The people at Mystic had heard you had trouble but didn't know what was going on. I told them and reassured them and made sure she understood you wanted to be there.

They are cutting back on volunteer help from 40 people to 25. This means longer hours and fewer of the familiar faces. I'd hate to be the one decding who cannot make it to the fesitval. Oh, and your ususal job is gone. She says they aren't selling the programs this year, they are giving them away.

I'll repeat this message in the other Barry Thread.

27 Mar 01 - 04:05 PM (#426843)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry on Sis's laptop

Hi Naemanson, it may have just snowed here last night but there ain't dark cloud in the sky. There was no way in hell that I could've volunteered myself in a physical way this year as I had in the past but I sure they all know that they're always welcome to my voice. Meg called the house the other day & Justine filled her in on my condition & it must've gotten around cause I last night received a very long & nice letter from Julie Moulton who was always kind enough to put up with lously jokes while on her clock. I will be there this year just not as a volunteer, for years I've always concidered Mystic as my vacation time that, this year that's changing, after this ordeal the whole family wants to go on a vacation so Mystic will just be my piece of cake (unless the kids want to come too).

Hi Chanteyranger, part of the above mentioned vacation will be us visiting my wife's 2 sisters in SanFrancisco but I like to arrange it around the week of your shanty sings & any other music haappenings. We'll probably be headed your way the week following Mystic & spend a week in SanFrancisco & a week in the Hawaiian Islands but those 2 weeks can be taken either way depending on music. I'd also be looking to hook up with RiGGy, it's been way to many years since we've sung together. I'd also want to meet up again with Richard & the Swan I've met & the one I haven't along with yourself & Joe Offer & the many other catter's that I haven't met out from around your way. Anyway let me get better first.

Also in the works after I'm out've here (with all this I'd better get better) "Finn & Haddie" were planning to go into the studio & record a CD but I just spoke with some of the people from the New England chapter of the American Liver Foundation & we may end up recording live using the proceeds from the concert to benifit the Foundation, we'll see?

Wow John, it's been nearly 20 yrs, with all our folk bickering it's a wonder we haven't both been shot by now. Anyway as you can see it's always a silk purse from the cow's ear.
Again thank you all for your support & cards & posts you can't imagine how much this helps me to keep a light in my eyes & a smile on my face. And Sinsull thanks ever so much for the "Salt Water Ballads" by Mansefield

"I must down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life
To the gull's way & the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow rover
And a quiet sleep & a sweet dream when the long trick's over"

27 Mar 01 - 04:39 PM (#426859)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: MartinRyan

If the liver realises the amount of energy that will be coursing through and around it - it'll turn down the gig! Good luck, Barry.


28 Mar 01 - 10:07 AM (#427476)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Mary in Kentucky


Barry, I wonder if you know the tune to my version of Sea Fever. I've bugged everybody around here (Sandy even sang one version to me over the phone)...oh well, we're still thinking about you often. Hang in there.

28 Mar 01 - 10:40 AM (#427517)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

Hi Barry!

Just back from the trip. I have a number of things to do today so I'll try to give you a ring tonight.

All the best,
(Bonnie) & Dan

28 Mar 01 - 11:10 AM (#427555)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

FYI and refresh
(POP-ee-kock) (n.) Nonsense; rubbish; senseless chatter

Prudes may think they're keeping their language clean by using "poppycock" instead of stronger terms, but they're in for a surprise.

"Poppycock" comes from Dutch "pappekak," which literally means "soft feces." The "pappe-" in Dutch "pappekak" supposedly goes back to a Latin baby-talk word for "soft food," while the "-kak" derives from Latin "cacare," meaning "to defecate"--and yes, it's a linguistic relative of English "caca." The first recorded use of "poppycock" was in 1865 when a writer noted:

In shory, it is a gentrified version of "Oh Shit!"
Glad you enjoying the book, Barry. I have my copy out as well and think of you when I read it. Be well.

28 Mar 01 - 11:27 AM (#427576)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Dani

When teaching word skills classes, one of my favorite things is to show people how related words share roots, changing meanings with prefixes, suffixes, etc. And there's nothing like the example of '-phony' to turn on the lightbulb for them. 'Euphony' means it sounds BEAUTIFUL, 'Cacophony' means it sounds like...... " ". Most people know what 'kaka' means, and don't have a hard time making the connection!

I do think that 'Poppycock' now seems like an unfortunate name for a snack...


29 Mar 01 - 04:18 AM (#428186)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

HeyaBarry! I missed a couple of "Good Mornings". The past two or three here have been pretty, if overcast. Unlike New England, the clouds have not kept their promise and it is dry.

I ran into a rancher the other day at the post office, who said he'd been feeding hay to his horses since September, a very long time and that the price of a ton of hay was well over $100 because last summer and this winter have been so dry.

I scored big at the Library Book sale, may do so, tomorrow as it is half price day. I had a thread about the music books I found there.

I don't know about this poppycock stuff Sins is trying to feed us...seems to me a poppycock is just something that won't stay put where it's supposed to, like Cletus and the Reg boyz' members or somethin'...maybe old Spaw will elucidate for us.

Anyway, it is 221a on March 29, so let me be the first to say "Good Morning! Been thinking good thoughts about ya and wishing you well!"


29 Mar 01 - 05:10 PM (#428730)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

I thought it was a rooster on heroine...Refresh.

29 Mar 01 - 05:14 PM (#428734)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Keep hanging in there, Barry!

30 Mar 01 - 09:44 AM (#429198)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: CamiSu

Jessica and I waved as we went by yesterday. She'd just gotten in from Scotland and was pretty wiped out, and then I went to sleep at the switch so to speak and nearly forgot to get off 495 to Rte 3... Thought I'd already done so. I think if I had I'd have just gone around and visited on the way through again.

Thinking of you and praying every day.


30 Mar 01 - 10:17 AM (#429226)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Good morning, Barry! Next time you are on, tell us what you need, okay? What would help to pass the time away? Any thing that any of us could to to help.

In the meantime, here's the weather report from Wyoming: sunny, clear, bright, might even get up to 50 degrees! Also, there must be spring birdsongs tuning up outside because my cockateil is going crazy this morning.

All the best and sending thoughts and prayers your way,


30 Mar 01 - 11:53 AM (#429281)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

Hi Barry!

I picked up a few interesting musical artifacts in Ireland. Do you have a cassette machine there?

All the best from... (Bonnie &) Dan

30 Mar 01 - 12:25 PM (#429316)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

Just checking in and wishing you well. Reading isn't enough for these support threads.

Hang in there! We need to have another gathering at your house. Your driveway is a very comfortable place to sleep.


30 Mar 01 - 12:47 PM (#429342)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Still turning down the hotel room, Naemie? I thought we were friends by now.

Barry, our friend Cranky Yankee is apparently the real thing. Jody Gibson/aka Joe D. Gibson with CDs, records, and all. From R.I. Maybe you know him after all????

30 Mar 01 - 12:48 PM (#429343)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: annamill

Hey Barry! Guess who just became a Mudcatter!! Ken Schatz!! 'bout time, huh?

I hope your feeling well, my friend. Glenn sends his regards and good wishes. We mention you often.

Love, annamill

30 Mar 01 - 01:52 PM (#429394)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Ferrara

A little bit of an update, I called Barry this week, partly to say Hi and partly to see if he had any questions about this transplant business.

He just seems remarkably resilient and optimistic. As he said, there were a couple of more desperate cases that got on the list ahead of him. The doctors have been very happy with how well he has stabilized, which is good because they said he's having a longer than average wait for his liver transplant. (Heart transplant waits, in the Washington area which is all I know, average about 18 months....)

They are encouraging him to get up and walk around as much as he can manage, because the more fit you are before your tranplant, the faster your recovery and physical healing. It's work, but he's doing it.

Barry is the ideal candidate for a transplant: his optimism, determination and courage are huge factors in his favor!

30 Mar 01 - 01:54 PM (#429396)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Jeri

Barry, I'm still thinkin' boutcha. I don't know what it's doing in Boston at the moment, but if you were home, you'd be shovelling snow. It's SPRING fer-cryin'-out-loud!

Love to you and the family.

30 Mar 01 - 02:39 PM (#429432)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Joy Bennett

lots of love, prayers and good wishes --


30 Mar 01 - 02:51 PM (#429443)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

A little nautical nonsense for you.

TODAY'S TIP: SCUTTLEBUTT by Martha Barnette (SKUHT-ull-buht) (n.) In nautical language, a "scuttle" is an opening cut into a hatch or the side of a ship to admit air, and "to scuttle a ship" means to cut a hole in the bottom of a ship in order to sink it. That's the vivid image behind our use of the verb "to scuttle," as in "They've scuttled today's launch of the space shuttle."

Anyway, sailing ships once commonly kept their drinking water in a "butt," or "cask," on deck, with a small hole, or "scuttle," cut out of its side. The cask was therefore called a "scuttlebutt." Naturally, sailors would gather at the scuttlebutt not only to get a drink, but to gossip, much the way modern folks do around the water cooler or coffee machine. After a while, the name of the place where rumors were exchanged came to be applied to the gossip itself.

"The scuttlebutt is that there's a photo from his college days that shows the candidate dancing nude on top of a bar, but no one's been able to find it." I am counting on you and Cranky Yankee to disagree on this one.
Be well my friend.

30 Mar 01 - 02:52 PM (#429444)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

And when you have a chance, check out the "Good Morning Captain" thread. You will be pleasantly surprised.

31 Mar 01 - 11:25 AM (#429981)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bat Goddess

You're still waiting! I hope you're better at waiting than I am; you're certainly getting enough practice!

Just want to let you know you're in the forefront of my thoughts and prayers.

Bat Goddess (just back from visiting HER sister in San Francisco -- I know you'll have a great time in the Bay area when you get there!)

31 Mar 01 - 02:06 PM (#430078)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

Just had a nice chat with Barry, who's patiently awaiting the start of the rest of life. We made a date - which I hope will be broken due to the installation of his new liver - that I will visit next Thursday.

Barry has about 10 or 12 CDs. I have a couple of new ones to bring him. He might like one of those ones sitting on your shelf with the plastic still on after 9 months - or - one of your own.

All the best,

31 Mar 01 - 03:30 PM (#430131)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

suggestions Dan? I know he doesn't want my Dion and the Belmonts Spirituals CD. Hell, I don't even want it.

31 Mar 01 - 03:53 PM (#430145)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Barry, If things continue as they are here, you'll be transplanted and recovered and STILL able to get in a bit of shovelling. I can't believe that it'l be April tomorrow, and we've got a couple feet of snow on the ground.

Keep singing, and lots of love from the slowly thawing north.


31 Mar 01 - 04:39 PM (#430170)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

Just look around the shelf there and if you see something that a) needs to be recycled, and b) a guy who likes any kind of traditional, blues, spirituals, etc. music might like... just pop it in the post to our pal.

All the best,

01 Apr 01 - 04:36 AM (#430433)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Dan, does he also have a cassette player? I will look through my CDs, I am sure I have one or two, but I know I have some tapes he might like.

Thanks for the update.

Sorta to Buffalo Gals:

Gonna find a new liver for Barry
For Barry, for Barry
Gonna find a new liver for Barry
He'll be singing to us pretty darn soon!

Made ya smile, I hope! Take care, Barry!


01 Apr 01 - 09:50 AM (#430513)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

No, kat, he does not have a cassette machine. That's a shame because I ran into a cassette sale in Ireland and bought 20 trad cassettes!

01 Apr 01 - 10:18 AM (#430527)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Meg Frost

Hi Barry!

Have been thinking about you, and Sea Music Festival. That's how I found out, that you are "in the bag"(that's what we call the hospital in my family). Glad to hear you are on top of the list. Many of the volunteers are pulling for you. I'll definately keep up with your progress through this web site.

My prayers are with you.... Don't get rusty!



P.S. Karen & Kelsey Baker send there prayers for a speedy return to full health.

P.S.S. Betty & Julie are in the information loop too.

02 Apr 01 - 08:45 AM (#431121)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Embarrassing but true. In a "senior moment and the height of the bidding frenzy" I won three John Fahey CDs. A little Christmas music will give you something to look forward to.
Does Barry have a Walkman that plays cassettes?

02 Apr 01 - 09:32 AM (#431143)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Sins, two messages up from yours:

Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother
Date: 01-Apr-01 - 09:50 AM

No, kat, he does not have a cassette machine. That's a shame because I ran into a cassette sale in Ireland and bought 20 trad cassettes!

LOL...Good morning, Barry! I heard my first meadowlark of Spring, yesterday. They are always a welcome sign, come even before the robins, and even though the morning was gloomy and gray, I took it as a good sign that they were back and singing their hearts out.

Fare well ahd health to you,


02 Apr 01 - 10:11 AM (#431163)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Forsythia and daffodils in bloom today. Winter is officially over. And allergy season has begun! Thanks Kat. I am not quite awake this morning - between the time change and staying up until after midnight to see the Rock get his title stolen (sometimes they cheat on the WWF!) I need more coffee.

02 Apr 01 - 10:30 AM (#431174)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

You guys talking of Spring are starting to get me down. We got more snow on Friday and not enough heat to melt it over the weekend. It is April 2 and the world looks like January! I still have not seen any ospreys and no flowers!

Sins, you have to realize, dear, that I am not turning down the hotel room for personal reasons. I am just lazy. The bed I build in the back of my station wagon consists of two foam pads, a blanket, two sleeping bags and a pillow. It's a pain in the neck to move all that around for one night's sleep.

Besides, I snore!

02 Apr 01 - 01:27 PM (#431310)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Too lazy to join me in a hotel room????? Gee thanks! Anybody else want to rain on my parade???

02 Apr 01 - 01:48 PM (#431324)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

Oh, Naes, it's not really spring here, yet, there's plenty of snow left on the mountain and the meadowlarks will even sing while it snows!

He probably "nests" like I do, Sins. Gotta have it just so and once you get it that way nothing else will do! **BG**

02 Apr 01 - 01:53 PM (#431328)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

Well, Sins, what kind of invitation is this. There are certain invitations a gentleman NEVER turns down.

02 Apr 01 - 01:55 PM (#431330)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

How is this deal? I'll come to visit you in the Big Apple and if you can stand to have me snoring in the next room I'll drag my bedding from the car into your room.

Did I mention that I am an early and restless riser?

02 Apr 01 - 02:04 PM (#431342)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

See Barry. Some things never change. You are always welcome, Naemie. Just let me know enough in advance to have clean towels available. Or do you plan on sleeping in the driveway?

02 Apr 01 - 02:30 PM (#431366)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

I think SINSULL and Naemanson ought to come to my gathering and then we can see what happens!

I think I know how to get Barry that liver BTW. As soon as I send him a CD I Know he will have just gotten it and be getting out within days. It'd be like lighting up a cigarette at a bus stop, or washing the car for rain.

I'll have to see what I can do. Oh! I know! I have an extra copy of Mudcatter Susan in CA's hubby Keith Johnson's WOULD YOU? CD. And I'll mail it today.



02 Apr 01 - 02:38 PM (#431370)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

BTW, is this address till correct?

Barry Finn
Mass General Hospital
55 Fruit St.
Blake Bldg, 6th floor
Boston, MA 02114


02 Apr 01 - 03:04 PM (#431390)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Ferrara

Can't remember -- was that the second address, the one that Barry gave us? I don't think he's moved.

Barry did say that ALL the cards arrived at their destination, even the ones where we used the first address.

02 Apr 01 - 03:17 PM (#431395)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Liam's Brother

Well, that was a good excuse to call Barry. Yes, the address is correct. He sounded well and we talked about boats, music and our mutual lack of regard for golfers.

02 Apr 01 - 03:17 PM (#431398)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

You're on Sins! When is the best time for that visit? It'll have to wait for May at the earliest. Do they have folk music in New York City? *BG*

02 Apr 01 - 03:18 PM (#431399)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

That's it, Susan. And it works.

02 Apr 01 - 03:28 PM (#431408)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: catspaw49

Hi Barry........Lots of good cheer and all from these fine folks huh? But like I said in the card, I bet what you really are at the moment is BORED STIFF! So lemmee ask.........Have you gotten into any of the wackiness that comes with laying around a hospital and doing basically nothing? In my case(s), I loved the music, got to read some, enoyed the visits and all, and the calls.............but this doesn't cut it does it? You can only do so many of those things and even adding in sleep, there are a lot of hours left open. I hope you are a saner man than I..........well, come to think of it, that's not too hard........but I started getting into some bizarre behavior.

TIME: Time takes on an entirely new character. I am always one to try to show up places on time and hospitals tend to run pretty much to a schedule on certain things. After awhile, the slightest discrepancy from the norm had a big effect. Since you have learned all the places where things come from and the "noises" associated with them, when something doesn't arrive when it should I started trying to figure out the reason......."It's 6:15 and supper arrives on the floor at 6:00. Did it arrive?".....prowls down hall, no carts in sight, none by the service elevator either....hmmmm.

MEALS: Frankly, I may have been lucky, but the hospital food was pretty decent and after awhile you begin to know what to expect. Do you get a menu card? Mine arrived at 9:30 and I would spend an inordinate amount of time reading and making selections, always planning what I would eat and what I would squirrel away for later. Then the meal must arrive on time (see above). When it did, I would "organize" the tray and mess around for about 5 minutes before starting to eat. I mean it had to be just so! This from a slob who normally wolfs down a meal and has no idea what color the plate is. Geeziz, I think I chewed my food longer there in one meal than I would normally chew in a month!

CLEAN-UP: Showers, shaving, etc. Oh man.....Did this stuff ever take on massive proportions! At home, I'm done with the whole works in no longer than 20 minutes and that is if I stand and soak under the hot water for a long time. In the hospital, I spent 20 minutes getting the stuff laid out "properly." With the IV's and all I would spend a ridiculous amount of time keeping them protected from the water, but I'd spend at least 10 minutes shaving!!! When I had this time for completing everything up to about an hour and fifteen minutes, even I could see I was losing it!

REAL DUMB STUFF: I developed a method to peel and eat an orange that took about 45 minutes........After a week, I had memorized the spouse's names and children's names of every nurse, aid, and tech who cared for me on every shift and weekends. "Hi Robin. How was were your days off? Did Charlie take Carla to his Mom's for her birthday?"................I organized every detail of my personal toiletries and reading material; just had to have it in the right place. Checking this twice a day will pass about 20 minutes if you inspect everything......................Play "Guess Your Vitals" which amazingly enough, you can do after awhile!

Barry my friend, I hope you get the good news soon and you and your family continue to be in my thoughts. My Best To All.


02 Apr 01 - 06:24 PM (#431554)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

That address WAS the corrected one, I just wondered if he might have moved. And it's odd, but I never saw a link to Part One in this thread-- so here we were asking everyone to send CDs, but the address was buried in the old thread. Ooops! I figured I better post it, and it was easier than making a clicky.

I sent three CDs as it turned out-- the one I had in mind, plus two that are all nature sounds.

I have tapes too if anyone is going to present him with a Walkman. (Hint hint).

Would anyone like to sponsor a CD-raiser in the auction? You know, donate MudBucks to Max for any CD's sent to Barry? Or would anyone like to start a CDs-for-Barry project with our favorite purveyors? Just a thought.

I just know if me make a big fuss and over-complicate the CD thing the new liver will materialize. Especially if I am involved-- never fails!

How about a Boston Mudcat gathering on the hospital grounds?


02 Apr 01 - 06:31 PM (#431558)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

And it's odd, but I never saw a link to Part One in this thread

The link to Part One is in the very first posting of this thread.

02 Apr 01 - 09:18 PM (#431651)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

I am sorry Kat. I really can hardly see right now and I had looked but I was skimming for the usual all-caps CLICK HERE and I missed it. My screen brightness is also so poor I can't tell the dark blue from the black type-- my apology. I thought in everyone's concern for Barry the link may have been left out in a sort of we-all-know-the-situation kind of phenomenon. I did not mean it as a criticism and I would hope you did not take it as such.


02 Apr 01 - 10:55 PM (#431696)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Ferrara

'spaw, you had me howling with laughter up there. That's just how it is!

Actually, part of the s-l-o-w shower and cleanup was probably a natural reaction to being tubed-up and full of holes and sore places. A natural part of being in the hospital, I think.

WYSIWYG, thanks for the reminders about sending CD's. A very good idea.


03 Apr 01 - 08:46 AM (#431926)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

At least they let you shower. I had a minor infection and wasn't allowed to. Gross! I still remember that first splash of hot water and the feel of shampoo.
Brett - give me some dates and I will put you on my Social Schedule. Maybe we can get to the South Street Seaport for a Shanty Sing or catch Sorcha Dorcha in concert. I will PM you.

03 Apr 01 - 08:54 AM (#431931)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Naemanson

That sounds great, Sins. I've always wanted to see South Street and a Chanty Sing there would be stupendous!

Instead of me giving you some dates why don't we plan around the chanty sing. Are they regular enough that we can plan on them?

I would PM you on this and take it out of this thread but when you are bored and in the hospital any kind of entertainment will do (see Spaw's post above). Now Barry can speculate on what is going on and he can enjoy endless hours of guessing.

03 Apr 01 - 10:30 AM (#432012)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: CamiSu

Perhaps the hospital has a cassette player as well. I know that Hitchcock had one for Ben when he was in, (though that was the PICU-Pediatric Intensive Care) Barry, let us know. Otherwise I think I can scare something up around here. It may be a full size boom box, though I don't think I have one with both tape and cd working.

Thinking about you EVERY DAY! Several times a day....


03 Apr 01 - 02:50 PM (#432284)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

I know! Let's send him a karaoke machine! Bwahhahahahahahhh!!!

Barry, do you have your guitar there? Need any fresh wacky songbooks to try some new stuff?


03 Apr 01 - 05:12 PM (#432436)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry from Sis's laptop

Still no little lively livers poking their peppered onion eyes over the horizon. At this point I'll even pass on mushrooms & butter. Talk about stir crazy. I do have a CD player & a fair collection of CD's on top of those that sent me some, to them, Dan Milner, RiGGY (just before I got here), Deb Cowan & to Shipping News & to Sinsull's Sea Ballads by Mansfield, thanks is not near enough.
Hi spaw, I've got more ways now to cut an apple, peel an orange, floss my teeth while on all fours & how to swim the backstroke go into the sidestroke & finish off with the American crawl with out once falling off the nurses' station.
Hi Meg & thanks, please send along to the Mystic crowd my apprecation for their care & concern & that I'll see you all in June come hell or high water.
I'll be off now, supper just came in so like a well behaved pup I've got to play with it for a few hours.
Thanks to all of you & with Lots Of Love. Barry

03 Apr 01 - 05:14 PM (#432438)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Bedridden Barry from Sis's laptop

Still no little lively livers poking their peppered onion eyes over the horizon. At this point I'll even pass on mushrooms & butter. Talk about stir crazy. I do have a CD player & a fair collection of CD's on top of those that sent me some, to them, Dan Milner, RiGGY (just before I got here), Deb Cowan & to Shipping News & to Sinsull's Sea Ballads by Mansfield, thanks is not near enough.
Hi spaw, I've got more ways now to cut an apple, peel an orange, floss my teeth while on all fours & how to swim the backstroke go into the sidestroke & finish off with the American crawl with out once falling off the nurses' station.
Hi Meg & thanks, please send along to the Mystic crowd my apprecation for their care & concern & that I'll see you all in June come hell or high water.
I'll be off now, supper just came in so like a well behaved pup I've got to play with it for a few hours.
Thanks to all of you & with Lots Of Love. Barry

03 Apr 01 - 05:35 PM (#432454)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Bert

And actually he typed that whole message in again, just to kill time.

03 Apr 01 - 05:39 PM (#432456)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Jeri

Susan, Barry doesn't play guitar, just bodhran.
Hmmm...anybody else getting ideas? If he had the bodhran there, they might find him a liver in a hurry!

03 Apr 01 - 06:27 PM (#432511)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: wysiwyg

Yes. I do have an idea. Thank you Jeri!


03 Apr 01 - 07:03 PM (#432547)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: Jeri


03 Apr 01 - 09:14 PM (#432628)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

Electric drums might even be better. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

03 Apr 01 - 09:58 PM (#432648)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: catspaw49

Well Barry, I can see you are well into it!!!! LMAO!

I think you all are onto something here........Remember the Monty Python "Meaning of Life" section on live organ donor transplants? I figure we get a dozen bodhran players, a dozen banjo frailers, a few accordion squeezers........pass around a few cases of the vile stuff, and pretty soon every hospital worker on the floor will go out and rip out the liver of every passing hospital administrator. We just keep them playing til they find a match. I dunno'............could work.


04 Apr 01 - 09:20 AM (#432933)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: GUEST,Roll&Go-C

How about a Morris Dance team?

Which reminds me of the joke which secretly circulates among banjo players and concertina players: "What goes jingle, jingle, boom, boom, jingle, jingle?"

"Why it's the Morris Dance team marching through a mine field!" (-::-)

04 Apr 01 - 09:56 AM (#432953)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO

click here
Brett and I are planning a trip to the seaport in May. Tell the nurses that you have to be out by then. Don't bother telling the doctors - the nurses really run things there.

04 Apr 01 - 10:02 AM (#432957)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn - TWO
From: katlaughing

This one is getting kind of long, so I've started BARRY FINN-THREE. Please post there. Thanks!