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Hey Joe Offer

07 Nov 97 - 11:52 AM (#15945)
Subject: Hey Joe Offer

I thought sure you would come up with the words to "Bunts, the nautical dog". Wha happen ? Ron

07 Nov 97 - 02:48 PM (#15956)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Shula

Dear Ron,

Contrary to unsubstantiated rumour and popular belief, Mr. Offer is NOT a free, 24-hour, user-friendly, universal-access, all-purpose, Boolean operator, search engine. He IS, (and you may be assured that I have this on unimpeachable authority), an actual human being, who, it is reliably asserted by competent experts, has been observed, on occasion, in pursuit of a life.

Perhaps it would behoove us, while he is away from his desk, to endeavor to perform our own research, if only experimentally. Should we fall short in this enterprise, the experience might, at the least, have the revolutionary result of a more courteous request for assistance from Mr. Offer, upon his return. Eh?


07 Nov 97 - 06:12 PM (#15966)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Ron

Thanks for the put down Shula. I had been researching for days for the info requested, and I was only being facetious. If you don't know, don't bl.., sorry .

07 Nov 97 - 06:23 PM (#15967)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Tim Jaques

I think it is a story, or so says the web site relating to Tom Lewis -- a good shanty singer, BTW. Do you know a version that is sung Ron?

07 Nov 97 - 07:08 PM (#15970)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Ron

First, I apologize to Joe Offer if my tone seemed other than teasing and facetious--he had been so quick on another request--actually I was praising his efforts. Yes, Bunts, the nautical dog,who fell in love with an Afghan hound, is sung on a regular basis by Terry Belnor and his group at Aristocrats in Indy on Saturday nights. I'm somewhat hard of hearing and can't understand all the words.

03 Dec 97 - 04:19 PM (#17043)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Joe Offer

Gloriosky, you leave on vacation for a few weeks, and people start to talk....
I tell ya, Ron, you've come up with a real puzzler. I've never heard of Bunts the Nautical Dog, but that's just the kind of song I like best.
In my 25 years as a federal investigator, I have made one important discovery: People will tell you everything they know - if you just ask them the right way. I'll betcha Terry Belnor would be thrilled to give you the song, if you'll just ask. Then the rest of us will be thrilled to see the results.
So, go ASK him, already! The rest of us are waiting, Ron.
-Joe Offer-
(By the way, I figure we're all here to have fun, so I rarely take offense at anything that's said here, and I got a good chuckle out of this thread.)

03 Dec 97 - 06:39 PM (#17060)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Alan of Australia

G'day Joe,
Glad ya back.


03 Dec 97 - 06:43 PM (#17061)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: alison

Hi Joe,

welcome back



04 Dec 97 - 12:21 AM (#17070)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Max

Hi folk, Joe is as valuable as the forum and the database. Wish I could take credit for him too.

04 Dec 97 - 10:46 AM (#17074)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Bill in Alabama

Hidy, Joe-- Proud to have you back with us.

04 Dec 97 - 07:02 PM (#17106)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: dick greenhaus

It's a spoken piece written and performed by Tom Lewis on "See Dog, Sea Dog".

04 Dec 97 - 08:58 PM (#17112)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: BK

We're temporarily visiying in the great state of Texas for a street festival, (Galveston's "Dickens on the Strand") but tuned in anyway... "Poor Old Bunts, The Nautical Dog" is both explained and sung by the Author, Tom Lewis, in person, ie, it's a song, and, if I remember correctly, (I occasionally do mannage to remember something right!) on his CD entitled "Surfacing." Tom, in addition to being an excellent balladeer, (often acapella), and a world class one-of-a-kind character, is a retired Royal Navy submariner. He also has a web page, but I don't have the URL here in Texas, it's back home in MO; it is from a Canadian provider; Tom resides there now.

Cheers, BK

04 Dec 97 - 09:49 PM (#17117)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: BK

Was off-line; just re-read this thread - the song is certainly on at least one of his CD's; now I'm not sure after all which one, but they're all good listening....

Next year, Tom said, he'll likely again be at the Galveston Dickens festival; he didn't make it this year, but has in the past sung at the Elisa, docked in Galveston. So: anyone in the vicinity of Galveston the first full weekend in December, check it out, and help the historical foundation preserve a truly special part of U.S. history. (proceeds go to preserve the city.)

Cheers, BK

06 Dec 97 - 07:27 PM (#17234)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Gene E

Hey Joe

Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

Hope you're not after Buntz

06 Dec 97 - 07:44 PM (#17235)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Joe Offer

Hey, Gene - I've always kinda thought "Hey Joe" should be a folk song, but I guess it doesn't fit into the category. It's fun to sing, although I've never gotten the lyrics straight.
Another should-be folk song that I've always liked but never quite gotten the lyrics straight goes:

And then along came Joe
Along came Joe
Slow walkin' Joe
Slow talkin' Joe
Along came lonely, lanky Joe
Oh, did you say that was "Along Came Jones"? Well, that's the Folk Process. While I'm thinking about it, there's one more song, not a Joe song, that oughta be a folk song - "Long Tall Texan." "Oh rah, Oh rah, is that your HAT?"

-Joe, who may have to go out and buy that Buntz CD-

17 Feb 99 - 12:04 AM (#58914)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Lonesome EJ

rich r...your comment on the possibility of existence of a "Joe Offer" software program sent me(still laughing,by the way)to the thread archives where I was able to dredge up this refutation of that theory. Was unable to locate any evidence of the original proposition, but if in fact there is truth to that rumour, it is possible that the aforementioned software deleted it.On the other hand, your comment came through uncensored(far as I can tell) which argues for the fact that if Joe Offer is software,the program is at least as fallible as Windows 98. I would have to agree with those who believe that Joe,though seemingly omnipresent, is in fact a living breathing diligent folkie with a heart of gold.Hey somebody has to step forward and assume a leadership position, and he certainly deserves all of our appreciation (and sympathy!)....LEJ

17 Feb 99 - 09:00 AM (#58947)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Cuilionn

Aye, Joe, Sir Offer, ye're aptly named,

For lyrics obscure ye offer tae match...

Ye're helpfu' an' wise an' desairvedly famed

An' For resettin' ma "cookie" desairve a hale batch!

--Cuilionn, whae has Joe tae thank for returnin' her tae th' happy "land o' th' leal" itherwise kent as Mudcat Membership

17 Feb 99 - 09:02 AM (#58948)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Mudjack

Hey Joe, way to go, You have obviously reached mudcatter celebrity status. I know few that have threads named on their behalf. Jack

17 Feb 99 - 05:20 PM (#59016)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Barbara

As I recall, the discussion of "Joe Offer" as software came on a repair thread with Max. Try searching that. Otherwise, if you put Joe Offer in the body of the forum search you'll crash your system or be here forever, one or the other. Hope you're enjoying your vacation, Joe.

17 Feb 99 - 05:51 PM (#59023)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: rick fielding

Hey Joe...since I'm still pretty new around here, I don't know much about you, other than you answer a lot of questions, like Peter Paul and Mary, and have found out that church musicians are no better than other musicians.(mudcatters excluded) You seem to be held in huge esteem by the folks who've known you for a while, so is it possible that you could post a brief biography so the newcomers could get a bit of a handle on the "real Joe Offer".

Now look, I don't want to get in trouble like those aggressive dorks who write in demanding the words to "Old Macdonald Had a Farm", without searching the data base or even saying "please", so if you've already exposed yourself in another thread, just ignore me and I'll pick it up as I go along.


18 Feb 99 - 03:03 PM (#59154)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Pete M

Ohmigod, Joe exposing himself in the threads, we'd never get the girls away, that would definately be the fastest growing thread of all time!

Pete M (reaching for his flashers mac')

18 Feb 99 - 05:35 PM (#59168)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: fan club member

If you hunt around old threads, you'll learn all about Joe - I've already read where he was born, where he went to school, where he lives, what he works at, what he sings and plays, that he canoes, has a sister in Boston, still does his ex-wife's plumbing, has three grown kids who are punk rockers, etc. - it's all 'come out' in discussions on various topics.
And all I was looking for was song lyrics!

18 Feb 99 - 07:34 PM (#59202)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Mo

Listen, that's all ANY of us were looking for when we stumbled upon this cafe. It's a bit like just wanting a cup of coffee and finding a place that not only grinds and roasts its own, but also grows the beans in the first place. And has an interesting clientele. Max may be owner/proprieter - but I think of Joe as Maitre d' - he always knows the best tables..... Here's that five spot I promised you Joe.....!!


18 Feb 99 - 09:48 PM (#59216)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Joe Offer

Hey, just remember that I have no official status here at all. Max and Dick and Susan run the show, and they do an admirable job of it. I tend to be rather....vocal, so people notice me.
-Joe Offer-

18 Feb 99 - 10:12 PM (#59218)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Anne Lee

Ahhhh, Joe. Who couldn't notice you?!

Greetings from the North!

18 Feb 99 - 10:49 PM (#59225)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Ferrara

Damn, Joe, I had forgotten "Long Tall Texan"!!! I have a friend who used to sing it. I'll try to get her to play and sing it for me again. She's gonna hate you for this Joe.

Which reminds me. Weren't you saying recently that you feel nervous about exposing your repertoire of songs to other Mudcatters? (I don't know why... apparently you expose other features right and left .... ) Well, come on over to the Washington DC area as soon as you can because we can hardly wait to sneer at your songs! In fact we can hardly wait to see you in the flesh, especially if you're going to go around exposing it.

19 Feb 99 - 06:04 PM (#59291)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Roger in Baltimore


If you can't wait, there was a thread request for the lyrics to Long Tall Texan. Gene provided a link to a Real Audio version of the song, so you could hear it today.

You could ask Bill D., but I don't think it's folk.


19 Feb 99 - 09:45 PM (#59324)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer

Where have I been?? How on earth did I miss all this kerfuffle about my old shipmate: BUNTS????

Hi - Tom Lewis here and this is the first time I've come across your discussion group. I was sent some of this thread, by a friend, and I thought I would just clear up some of the mis-conceptions that seem to have arisen during this discussion - though I thank everyone for their interest and well intentioned efforts. Here goes:-

The story of BUNTS (The Nautical Dog) is a (95%) true account of the adventure of HMS Striker's mascot, in the summer of 1964, during the ship's visit to Marseilles (France).

Both song, story and folklore; this became (essentially) a piece of 'performance theatre' and was;almost accidentally; captured on tape during a memorable concert at The Center For Wooden Boats, in Seattle, and eventually arrived (in its entirety) on my second CD entitled: "SEA-DOG, SEE DOG!" The rest is history ..... actually ... it's ALL history!

Now .... if someone could put me in touch with Terry Belnor and his group at Aristocrats ????????

Nice to meet you folks, - Tom

19 Feb 99 - 11:54 PM (#59339)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: BK

Hey, Tom! It's nice to see you on the mudcat. Welcome home.. ie, it's gonna likely feel like home here at my absolute favorite - by a long shot - website.

BTW; my partner & I sang at the Dickens-0n-The-Strand festival this past December (I think of it as this year, instead of this winter.) I would have sworn you said you planned to be there, so my wife and I kept going over to the Elissa btwn sets looking for you. Sure hope you're there next year. Adapted my version of "Sailor's Rest" (very loosely) from your arrangement.. thanx..

Hey, 'Catters; this guy is a simply great singer of nautical ballads, both dramatic & fanciful.. Don't miss his performances if you get a chance to see them.

Tom: yer gonna like it here!

Cheers, BK (Buzz Keiper)

20 Feb 99 - 03:19 AM (#59356)
Subject: RE: Hey Joe Offer
From: Bob Biderman

Greetings Tom. Hope all is well with you out there in B.C. Welcome to Mudcat. It may be your first visit here, but I'll wager it won't be your last.

I was just about to E-mail you to tell you about the Bunts discussion and to suggest to you that you get on to Mudcat and respond when ... there you were.

For those of you who don't know this man and his music, do yourselves a huge favour and listen to (buy) one (al) of his great CD's, If he's singing somewhere near you - GO!

Bob Biderman

20 Feb 99 - 12:59 PM (#59377)
Subject: Tom Lewis and Bunts
From: Joe Offer

Click here for another discussion of Bunts. Click here to travel off to the Tom Lewis Home Page.
-Joe Offer-