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Mudcat Man's Engagement

26 Apr 01 - 07:14 PM (#450235)
Subject: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jeri

Oh, my - another eligible batchelor off the market!

I don't know if I can follow Liam's Brother's ballad on the "Mudcat Man's Marraige" thread...perhaps I can find some song lyrics as a clue...

26 Apr 01 - 07:35 PM (#450241)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement

Jeri - How about you just flame yourself and tell us who it is. My potential New Years Eve date list is getting smaller and smaller. Is this the last to go? Or is it the beginning of the end?

26 Apr 01 - 07:44 PM (#450244)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jeri

I think this is just part of an ongoing phenomenon, and I'm glad to see this fella rising from the ashes on the wings of love!

(Smarmy, but true.)

26 Apr 01 - 08:31 PM (#450255)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

It must be a hoax. I think Jeri's just trying to get back at Dan Milner for the hard time he gave her in the Mudcat Man's Marriage thread. It's high time that somebody got the best of Jeri....
-Joe Offer-

26 Apr 01 - 08:36 PM (#450258)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: catspaw49

Way I hear it, the guy is gonna' marry a chiropractor and normally I would say that she'll have one helluva' job straightening him out. But in this case..............well, let's just say there's some irony on that point......................


26 Apr 01 - 08:42 PM (#450264)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: JenEllen

Just goes to show what us gals knew all along. Our MudMen are worth their weight in gold. Some lady got VERY lucky.

Best of luck

26 Apr 01 - 09:06 PM (#450275)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jeri

Well, I'm about ready to log off, so you're all going to have to talk amongst yourselves until late tomorrow night or Sat. Unless, of course, the engagee wishes to "come out" before then. I have a feeling a bunch of people already know anyway.

26 Apr 01 - 10:14 PM (#450297)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Naemanson

Well, it isn't me. The way things are going I think I'll be available for Sinsull's list for the next several New Year's Eves.

26 Apr 01 - 10:21 PM (#450303)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: CarolC

Joe Offer, you wouldn't be doing something like trying to put us off the scent, would you?

26 Apr 01 - 10:40 PM (#450308)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Well, maybe the poor guy is shy and doesn't want people to know about it and get gushy and all that. After all, that's part of my role as Joe Offer, to Protect People's Privacy....

26 Apr 01 - 11:06 PM (#450317)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Big Mick

C'mon Joe, quit Joshing us will'ya??? Keep this crap up and we will make you do the infamous waterfall walk.............who knows what could happen then?


26 Apr 01 - 11:15 PM (#450320)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: catspaw49

It's nice the guy has found a woman who can appreciate baldness doncha' think Mick?


26 Apr 01 - 11:18 PM (#450323)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: MMario

Seems the scent of wildflowers is filling there air all over the place...

26 Apr 01 - 11:26 PM (#450325)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: catspaw49

Yeah Mario........And for all those who felt they were completely pathetic, hopeless, bachelors, this guy is like a beacon on a rough and rocky shore.


27 Apr 01 - 12:03 AM (#450334)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer


Dang, the poor guy can't defend himself unless he comes out in the open...

27 Apr 01 - 12:50 AM (#450348)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Sorcha

I am so confuzeled I gave up a long time ago.......and unless he/she/it--we/you/they come clean, I am not sure I can work up the energy to care much any more (I know, I am and Old PoopHead). If he/she/it/they are happy, that is wonderful, I wish them well. Sorry, I'm just tired of games.

27 Apr 01 - 01:53 AM (#450356)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Barbara

I think if he comes out, he's in danger of being defrocked, hmmm?
And don't you think this will take a little adjustment?

Blessings, and congratulations, you lucky stiff.

27 Apr 01 - 03:06 AM (#450362)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: katlaughing

I reckon since the bone-cruncher (**BG**) is from Rhode Island, she'll probably be able to tolerate his penchant for lighthouses, too.

They took a walk on the wildflower side
Started talking, next thing you know she's going to be his bride

Sorry, there's more in my brain, but it is now 1a and I have got to go to bed.


27 Apr 01 - 05:41 AM (#450375)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: bbc

Joy & blessings! We love you, anon. one!


27 Apr 01 - 05:54 AM (#450377)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Wolfgang

What a lucky bride. If need would be, she could sing this.


27 Apr 01 - 06:21 AM (#450379)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Will the light from the lighthouse shine any light on this mystery?

27 Apr 01 - 07:00 AM (#450386)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

C'mon folks, we have to look at the poor fellow as a timid wild animal peeking out from his little burrow, wondering if he's gonna get pounced on, attacked, chewed up, spit out, and roasted if he ventures out into the open with his news. Just because his main diet is wildflowers, his drink purest mountain waterfall, doesn't make him the most brazen of critters. His mating call may be melodious, but he sure ain't gonna stampede around in the open till he's sure he's safe!

27 Apr 01 - 11:01 AM (#450438)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Seems to me a heck of a lot of people have this figured out. I suppose it might be hard to keep this a secret, because it seems he e-mailed the news to 60 of his closest Mudcat friends..
-Joe Offer-

27 Apr 01 - 11:04 AM (#450440)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Naemanson

So does that mean that those of us not in that "clique" are going to be kept in the dark?

(The use of the word "clique" is included for its humor value alone and is not to be construed as a reopening of that old foolish argument. - Signed, Excluded)

(The signture of the previous aside is included for its humor value only...)

(The above disclaimers are included...)

27 Apr 01 - 11:11 AM (#450441)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: CarolC

Well, as one who is originally from Rhode Island myself, I must say this man has sterling taste.

Congratulations to the lucky couple!


(Not in the clique... just a good guesser)

27 Apr 01 - 11:24 AM (#450446)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Aw, Naemanson, it wouldn't be right for anybody to be excluded. I guess Jeri isn't as subtle as Dan Milner was in pulling people along in the thread about Martin Ryan, and the timing of this thread was a bit anticlimactic after Milner's Martin Masterpiece. The man in question isn't particularly subtle, either... Neither were all the hint-droppers above.

I'm the man. Christina is the woman. She's a chiropractor who doesn't believe in "back-cracking" - she thinks that approach is invasive and harmful, so she uses much gentler forms of treatment. She lives at an elevation of 2,100 feet in a mountain community in the Sierra Nevada in California, 40 minutes from me. She lives a life surrounded by lovely people and lovely wildflowers.

I've known her very well as a friend for five years; and I was close friends with her husband Jim, who died just recently. A month before he died, Jim asked me to watch out for Christina and her son - and if something romantic should develop, that would be wonderful.

Well, much to my surprise, it did develop. It wouldn't have happened so soon and so wonderfully without Jim's blessing. The wedding won't be for a while - we're planning on the Spring of 2002.

Wish us luck.

-Joe Offer-

27 Apr 01 - 11:27 AM (#450447)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: mousethief

Jim must have been an incredible man, to have said that. Clearly his love for his wife-cum-widow was greater than his insecurities or jealousy.

At the risk of profaning something very sacred, this would make a great made-for-TV movie.


27 Apr 01 - 11:30 AM (#450448)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: jeffp

Congratulations, Joe! All the best to you and Christina! She's getting a great guy.


27 Apr 01 - 11:31 AM (#450449)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Fibula Mattock

Joe, that's lovely. Best wishes and much happiness.

27 Apr 01 - 11:34 AM (#450451)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: mousethief

I am remiss. Let me add my congratulations to the fray.


27 Apr 01 - 11:45 AM (#450454)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Naemanson

Wow! Romance blossoms at the Mudcat. Congratulations Joe and Christina. What a romantic story.

Between Martin, Wdyat12, and Joe Offer I hope they haven't used up this year's allocation of roamnce. I hope there is some left over for the rest of us.

27 Apr 01 - 11:52 AM (#450457)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Now that's another stag party to organize! All the best Joe & Christina!

27 Apr 01 - 11:55 AM (#450459)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: katlaughing

What did I miss about Wdyat12?

27 Apr 01 - 12:17 PM (#450467)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: gnu

kat... check out the Mudcat Man's Marriage thread. wdyat12 is in love as well.

Congrats Joe & Christina.

27 Apr 01 - 01:22 PM (#450497)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement

I guessed it! I guessed!. Now please tell me that you are both moving East to live. Congratulations, Joe. What a lucky lady to have found two perfect men in one lifetime!

27 Apr 01 - 01:30 PM (#450502)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jim Krause

Joe, what a wonderful story! That's great, simply marvelous. Best of luck and a long and happy life together.

27 Apr 01 - 01:40 PM (#450514)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Big Mick

Nahhh, Sins............the dirty bird doesn't even think he is coming back for FSGW.............I am sure this is a fine woman, but...............WE HAD HIM FIRST!!!!!!!!!................DAMN............C'mon, Joe and Christina, come to FSGW so's we can have a proper party..........jump in here, you bunch of Mudcat layabouts......let's start the pressure campaign......we can tie it in to the 2nd Annual Mudcat Concert/webcast at the brewpub in West Chester after the Getaway...let the campaign begin

Mick, the professional troublemaker

27 Apr 01 - 01:49 PM (#450524)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: GUEST,Melani

Congratulations, Joe and Christina! Come and see us so we can meet the bride!

27 Apr 01 - 02:04 PM (#450552)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Mary in Kentucky


and Mick, need any help with the troublemakin'?

27 Apr 01 - 03:06 PM (#450601)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Liam's Brother


Way out in old California, where the lighthouses blink and they fade
A sharp Sacramento lawman, fell in love with a Rhode Island maid.

He'd started his life in Wisconsin where the cows they graze and chew cud
And dairy farmers with milk pails follow after and slop through the mud.

His first few words were in German and he fit them right into a phrase.
The next language he worked on was English. It bothers him still to this day.

He tried a few years of Latin at the seminary to say
But he up and he left in the middle although he never was gay…

…or particularly unhappy, just not cut out for the priestly life.
He just figured the best deacon's training was to live a few years with a wife…

…and get a good job with the Government, saving the nation from harm,
Saving the good guys from the bad guys without fuss or cry of alarm.

He stealthfully learned by computer each man's net worth right away.
How much he had made illegally and how much he'd socked away.

Years have rolled by since it happened and time soothes a husband's pain.
The lawman passed into retirement and an eligible bachelor became.


27 Apr 01 - 03:17 PM (#450608)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Lonesome EJ

Congratulations, Joe! All the happiness in the world to you and your intended.

27 Apr 01 - 03:19 PM (#450612)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Amergin

Well, here's a heart congratulations for you, Joe! Though I had it figured out before I got a quarter of the way down the thread.....and like Brett, I hope that you all didn't use up this years romance allocation....

27 Apr 01 - 03:49 PM (#450639)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Kim C

That's very sweet. Congratulations!!!!!

27 Apr 01 - 07:14 PM (#450763)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: catspaw49


I think there are some real plusses here for both of them. What with her being a chiropractor, she can use Joe as an example of her work. I mean does anyone know anybody straighter than Joe? A real relationship like this will also help Joe get over his fixation with lighthouses and the penis envy obviously attached to that pursuit.

I don't know about the wedding date though.....bothers me a bit. It's hard to tell how bald Joe will be at that point and I think it'd be a lot safer for him if he moved the date up......a lot!!!

All my best Joe. She sounds like a truly wonderful woman that will make a great life pardner and I doubt she can fully realize at this point what she has found in you!!! (If you'll send me her e-mail addy, I'll be happy to tell her, in which case she will change her name, have plastic surgery, and move out of state)

In all seriousness, Karen and I send you our very best. We met and I proposed virtually on the spot, so I can fully understand. Fate is a funny thing. Well, it's not as funny as that mess growing on your face, but, uh.................


27 Apr 01 - 08:08 PM (#450778)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Uh...I think I'll stick with Milner's analysis of the situation, although I'm wondering where he picked up all those tidbits of my life story.
As for Catspaw's view, don't go there...
-Joe Offer-

27 Apr 01 - 08:09 PM (#450779)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Morticia

Congratulations Joe and Christina....couldn't have happened to a nicer man and I'm sure she is a delightful lady!

27 Apr 01 - 08:24 PM (#450786)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Liam's Brother

Stealthfully learned by computer, Mr. Offer.

27 Apr 01 - 11:06 PM (#450850)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jeri

Dan, wonderful song! I'm not very good at being sneaky. Either that, or it had something to do with the fact Joe E-MAILED EVERYBODY!!!

This is a real-life fairy tale.

27 Apr 01 - 11:14 PM (#450852)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: CarolC

Even for those of us who didn't get an e-mail, Joe gave it away in his first post to this thread.

He didst protest too loud. If it hadn't been him, he never would have posted.

We know you too well, Joe. Even those of us who don't know you.

Congratulations, again, and best wishes to you both.


28 Apr 01 - 10:01 AM (#451038)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Hollowfox

Congratulations and best wishes to you both!

28 Apr 01 - 10:02 AM (#451039)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Morticia

Hey,Joe, if you are now engaged does that mean that you were vacant before?

28 Apr 01 - 12:27 PM (#451090)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Hmmm, Morty. I think that's a subtlety of the language that did not cross the pond. Here in the States, we would respond to that with, "Say, WHAT???"

If I am currently "engaged," does that mean that I was previously "for hire"? Christina likes to say that we are "betrothed," which is such a beautiful word.


28 Apr 01 - 12:46 PM (#451096)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Morticia

so what do you have on your public lavatory doors then?

28 Apr 01 - 12:51 PM (#451101)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer


28 Apr 01 - 12:53 PM (#451104)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: CarolC

...otherwise, they say "occupied".

28 Apr 01 - 12:54 PM (#451105)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: katlaughing

occupied/occupado/in use

28 Apr 01 - 12:59 PM (#451110)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

...with pictures of stick people

28 Apr 01 - 01:03 PM (#451115)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

...and signs that say "out of order" or "closed for cleaning"

28 Apr 01 - 01:09 PM (#451122)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: CarolC

Joe, you seem positively giddy. (Either that, or you've got a bathroom fixation... )

28 Apr 01 - 01:39 PM (#451144)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Bat Goddess

Congratulations, Joe, and all the best in great quantities to you and Christina! I'm a sucker for romantic true stories, having been fortunate enough to be one of the main characters in at least one.

Bat Goddess

28 Apr 01 - 01:44 PM (#451149)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Rick Fielding

Uhhh, Joe. Heather and I have kept the e-mails and calls about your upcoming happy event a complete and closely guarded secret. Is it okay to tell the cats now?


28 Apr 01 - 04:22 PM (#451227)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Jeri

Joe didn't even send me the e-mail until after I'd started this thread. He told me in a PM, and I got all excited. "Can I blab, huh, can I...PLEASE" or something like it. I thought I had a "scoop" - no idea a bunch of folks already knew.

28 Apr 01 - 04:45 PM (#451236)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Gee, Jeri, don't be jealous of Rick and Heather. It's true I told them first, but you were one of the first. Heck, my parents don't even know yet... (unless Dad is monitoring the Forum on his WebTV)

28 Apr 01 - 04:56 PM (#451242)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: catspaw49

Hell Jeri, I was on Joe's "Z" List, but I was happy to get the e-mail. On the other hand, if she gets a gander at this thread, the whole thing may be in the dumpster.

I must like Joe because I have really kept these posts clean. Did you notice I said "in the dumpster" when "in the shitter" is a lot funnier? Maybe I could have split the difference with "down the crapper." I dunno' what's gotten into me.


28 Apr 01 - 05:05 PM (#451245)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Joe Offer

Aw, Spaw, you're just an old romantic. Keep it clean, now - I'd like to be able to let Christina read this thread.
Update 27 July 2001. We finalized the wedding date yesterday - it will take place January 12, 2002

28 Apr 01 - 05:27 PM (#451251)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Rick Fielding

Christina, you MUST know how much I like joe, because like Spaw, I've also put a lid on my most base instincts. One mild joke about our anthropomorphic approach to cats, and that's all.

You haven't told your PARENTS!!? Oh man, you could be in a HEAP o' trouble!

Rick and Heather

04 May 01 - 08:27 AM (#455626)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement
From: Night Owl

Congratulations Joe!! Exciting news.....especially with the knowledge that you both have Jim's blessings.