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FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???

04 May 01 - 05:46 PM (#456036)
Subject: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: catspaw49

Okay.....It's a cryptic title, but read on and you'll "get it." First, this is in regards to my heart issues that I explained in the first post of THIS THREAD.

Since that time, I have undergone bookoo testing to get the best possible info on the condition of the aneurysm and how it will affect any surgery to repair the valve. We found out that the aneurysm is stable (no aneurysm is truly stable, but at least it's not changed in two years) and that the false lumen (tube) created by it is carrying an equal pressure, which is good. The problem is still that having any aneurysm while undergoing a surgical procedure is a loser.

I have been very fortunate to be where I am and to be accepted as a patient of Dr. Robert Michler, Karl Klass Professor of Surgery, and Chief of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery at Ohio State University. He has ordered most of the testing and today I had an appointment to discuss the possibilities and make a decision. Michler is very straightforward and did not downplay any of the risks involved, the most likely being death. The flip side option is that my heart will continue to worsen and in a reasonably short time......poof! So.......The good side of all this is that providing all goes as it should, the surgery will stop the excessive wear and I will have more "quality of life" will improve significantly and my life span will approach "normal." I feel good now and I'd love to have more energy, not to mention seeing my boys grow up!

The news gets even better. Although there is danger in being on a heart-lung machine in any surgery, open chest surgeries are extremely traumatic to your body.......Your sternum is sawn through for chrissakes......and I've been there before with the by-pass!

Enter "da Vinci."........The heart-lung can be placed at the femoral junction instead and a less invasive surgery can be done.........ROBOTICALLY! Dr. Michler now has more time on this method than even Dr. Wolfe (who helped develop it) and he has accepted me as a candidate. I will be calling on Tuesday to schedule myself into the queue of one of the busiest (but one of the nicest) surgeons anywhere to be found.......and luckily, he is here!

The robot is called the da Vinci and OSU had one of the first, prior to FDA approval. They now have two and when the new Heart Center is built, there will be four there alone. The surgeon doesn't touch the patient....he's several feet away playing a video game inside your body! For those of you still reading, here is some info on the da Vinci Robot and also some pictures of the da Vinci and Dr. Michler. This less invasive surgery is much less traumatic to the old bod (and the aneurysm) and recovery time is shortened to a few weeks instead of months.

I've said before that I have never believed that this is "the ONE" that will get me and I still believe it today, perhaps even more strongly than before. I'll keep you posted on when all this will take place.


04 May 01 - 05:51 PM (#456041)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Peter T.

Just make sure the doctor remembers that da Vinci was left handed. yours, Peter T.

04 May 01 - 06:00 PM (#456055)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: mousethief

I thought he was ambidextrous?

Spaw, great news. Godspeed, best wishes, and my feeble prayers.


04 May 01 - 06:03 PM (#456057)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Allan C.

This is all very encouraging news, Pat. It almost goes without saying that you could count on (and in many cases you already possess) pieces of our own hearts. But in addition, I suspect you might need a dram or two of blood for this operation. I have a bit I could spare and there are others who would be equally willing to do the same. So, can you give us some particulars as to where to specify delivery?



04 May 01 - 06:34 PM (#456074)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: katlaughing

You know how I feel, Pat. Thanks for posting this and I am going to be working on seeing that aneurysm knitted back up and healed in the meantime, as well as seeing you AFTER recovery...hmmmm...long about tall CORN time in Ahia, that oughta be about right, then Karen and I can just set you and Rog down in the field and let you have at it.:-)

Seriously, I am thrilled that he okayed the DaVinci. That program we watched on the Discovery Channel about it was just incredible; truly revolutionary surgery. I know you will be in the mechanical hands:-) of the best and am grateful for that.


04 May 01 - 06:45 PM (#456084)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Jande

Wow, 'Spaw! That's amazing!

Anything that reduces the trauma to the body is helpful, but this sounds... well... wonderful! Congratulations

The best of luck, and all the prayer power I can muster goes out to ya!

~ Jande

04 May 01 - 06:48 PM (#456086)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: catspaw49

Allan, with any luck, there shouldn't be much blood. The da Vinci goes in through two PENCIL SIZE holes in the right side of the chest and a "fibrillating heart" type procedure is used. But it is a good idea and I'll find out any details..........and THANK YOU!


04 May 01 - 07:13 PM (#456098)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Ebbie

Wow! The trauma to your system will be so much less- You GO with da Vinci, boy!

I just had a small procedure done without incident- there's a lot to be said for leaving the driving to them, so to speak.

Please let us know the time frame and we'll row those oars mightily, to mix more metaphors.


04 May 01 - 07:22 PM (#456111)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Rick Fielding

Dammit Pat! I thought I WAS THE ONE who used tricky headers to get peoples' interest in obscure topics.....

Heather saw this and thought you were WITH Da Vinci (if you get my drift), she was scared to open it!

You will be fine 'cause I suspect you have the constitution of an ox (or a large menacing possum)

Our thoughts are with you as always.

Rick and Duckboots

04 May 01 - 07:48 PM (#456127)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: hesperis

Wow. Best of luck to you, Spaw. That sounds much better already.


04 May 01 - 07:52 PM (#456131)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Áine

Well dang it, 'Spaw -- looks like you'll be running rings around all those other Saggy Assed Barbados Tortoises after this da Vinci thang . . . no more plodding along the beach with you then, admiring that short, but awful cute, wrinkley tail twitching in the breeze as you gavotte down the beach with the scented surf thrusting itself against the sodden sand . . . geez, I better stop now before I blow a fuse in this here 'puter ;-) . . .

Great good luck to you, my darlin', and know that this here Texas gal will be genuflectin' for all she's worth when the time comes for her favorite SABT to hook up with that eyetalian thing-a-ma-jig and come out sangin' The Wild Irish Rover or The Yellow Rose of Texas for you're worth!!

With a big Texas-sized hug and two Texas-sized kisses on all yer purty little cheeks, Áine

04 May 01 - 08:12 PM (#456144)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Mooh


Good luck! There's a certain grace in something named da Vinci, isn't there? Almost as if it is somehow divine. No matter what you believe, I believe it will work. Thanks for sharing this, it allows those who care to hope, care, pray for you. Cool technology too.

Peace. Mooh.

04 May 01 - 08:32 PM (#456153)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Giac

Well, Spaw, the daVinci line seems like a good road to ride. Good thoughts, prayers and love to you, Karen and the boys.


04 May 01 - 08:40 PM (#456159)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Dani

Geez, Spaw! I've heard of pissing contests before, but what the hell! Just 'cause Barry got all the love and kisses for a while you gotta horn in. So to speak.


04 May 01 - 08:56 PM (#456170)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Banjer

Way to go Spaw...!! Be looking forward to hearing the results of this revolutionary procedure. Make sure that we are kept posted please. From our family to yours, the best wishes...

04 May 01 - 09:08 PM (#456177)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Ma Fazoo

Spaw, Jody and I haven't been at the Mudcat very long, but we eagerly look forward to your postings, and already think of you as a friend. I've had A=fib and A-flutter for a while now and they think ablation won't work because it's multi-focal. I' going to see to it that my doctors hear about da Vinci. Most warmly sent wishes and our multi-denominational prayers go out to you.
Ma Fazoo

04 May 01 - 09:41 PM (#456194)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: bbc

Trust you to do something interesting, dear. Thanks for keeping us informed. Tell me when to pray & about what.

love to you & Karen,


04 May 01 - 10:03 PM (#456211)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???

So do I send the "Turkey In The Straw" singing turkey to the hospital or your home? This sounds like out-patient stuff. For you Spaw, I have endless supplies of blood and a perfectly good spare kidney. Be well, Love.

05 May 01 - 12:03 AM (#456271)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Mark Cohen

I've always believed ol' Leonardo was a time traveler from the future. So, 'Spaw, as long as I'm not your doctor you should do just fine.


(I am a little upset with Dr. Michler, though. By dropping that hint about Da Vinci he just let the cat out of the bag: we write those prescriptions BACKWARDS!)

05 May 01 - 12:54 AM (#456294)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: CarolC

Great news, Spaw. Good luck with the procedure.


05 May 01 - 03:08 AM (#456324)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Metchosin

Wonderful news Spaw! Hang in there baby!


05 May 01 - 03:57 AM (#456335)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Roger in Sheffield

Thanks Spaw, just had my breakfast, and I think it is about to come back !
Good Luck with it................but please no more links to pictures of surgery!


05 May 01 - 04:19 AM (#456339)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: wysiwyg

Dang, Pat, there ya go again with the BS! Can't you keep a grip on that crap!?

First, I don't believe you actually got Nero Wolfe to design a procedure for YOU-- that smell! From orchids to YOU? I DON'T THINK SO!

Second, pencil-sized holes? Whaddaya tawkinnabout? They must surely use a tool such as reamed out the, um, I'm too polite to say, the BUTTHOLE (there, I DID say it, good-girrrllll!!) of that damn' possum! Only cuz it's you, they gotta ream ya TWO new orifyce. (Plural, rhymes with MICE)

Cuz any other association with you and pencils, well, pencil head... or, pencil HEAD! (good girrllll!)

They fittin' tuh pack them orifyce with Vegemite then right? after? to promote, um, well, WE would normally think of healing...


iglglglglglglglglll.... (giggling)

I just GOTTA learn to express my feelings better when I so happy!

We all have issues I spose!




05 May 01 - 04:32 AM (#456342)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: wysiwyg

S'cuse me Pat. I am trying to learn how to be more appropriate.



05 May 01 - 05:34 AM (#456345)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Naemanson

Wow! Ain't it grand to be living in the 21st Century? Heart surgery by robot. Pencil sized holes as opposed to sawing a great gash down the middle of the chest. Too cool.

I'm pulling for you on this end. You (and Dr. Michler) take care of yourself.

To Karen:

Remember all Pat did while you were laid up? I am not going to enjoin you to repay the effort. I'm sure you are already worn from worry and working to reduce stress on his tired old heart. Instead this is a reminder that you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of him. Don't wear yourself out. And don't worry excessively. This sounds like a great opportunity to get Pat all fixed up and back to you side in record time.

Hug those kids for me.


05 May 01 - 07:12 AM (#456364)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Morticia

How someone with a buggered-up heart can have so much of it to spare constantly amazes me.You make sure they have that contraption plugged in right, or fresh batteries put in or whatever, don't want a 404 error message when they are up to their tentacles in 'Spaw Spare Parts.Let us know when they are fixing to send in the clones and I will call in a few favours from the deities,you're worth not getting that Porche I had my eye on.
Terri xxxx

05 May 01 - 08:11 AM (#456380)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Fibula Mattock

nice one, Spaw - I hope this works out for you. All the best!

05 May 01 - 09:06 AM (#456385)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Fin

Spaw, I've heard some people will do anything to get attention, but couldn't you choose something less spectacular than R2D2? My prayers and best wishes will be with you and your family. I don't think the votive candles will be enough light for this one, I'll have to go for one of the 12 inchers, as soon as I know when, just to make sure I get the attention of THE POWERS THAT BE.

From the "other" Patterson, Fin

05 May 01 - 10:05 AM (#456393)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Hollowfox

'Spaw, I almost PM'd this as it is an in-joke, but I have two things to say to you.

1) Stay sick.

2) Turn blue.

(For everyone else, these are not insults, by any means. They are, however, indecipherable by anyone who did not spend some of their teenage years in range of Cleveland's TV channel 8.
For something like a translation, do a Google search on "Ghoulardi". It will help a little in explaining why people from Ohio are, well, recognizable as different. Think about it, they set the show "3rd Rock from the Sun" as taking place in a college town just south of Cleveland. And for the more observant of you, Drew Carey has been known to wear a Ghoulardi t-shirt on his show. Which explains a lot right there.)

05 May 01 - 10:15 AM (#456397)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: gnu

Black Irish Catholics don't usually prey much, which I can personally attest to, but for the next nine nights, Saint Jude will get an earful from me. It isn't very high tech, but it's all I know.

Morticia.... you got that right !!

Thanks for the update, Spaw. Keep your stick on the ice.

05 May 01 - 01:48 PM (#456490)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Banjer

It just occured to me that with a name like Pat Patterson you would think that Spaw was an Irish Lad....Now with this new procedure we have to think of him more as a Guinea Pig.

05 May 01 - 02:19 PM (#456500)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Telerobotic surgery"...This gets more like Star Wars every day. (And Leonardo cropped up in that too in a couple of episodes of Voyager - and I if I don't say that Matt would charge in to point it out.)

I'd imagine if a robot can do microsurgery it's probably be up to playing a dulcimer when it's of-duty. Just you show it what to do, spaw. Maybe it'd like to join the Mudcat too.

05 May 01 - 02:20 PM (#456501)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: McGrath of Harlow

I meany Star Trek. Sorry Matt.

06 May 01 - 05:09 PM (#456546)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: catspaw49

Geez 'Fox.......Some of the Ghoulardi sites are stranger than the original!!! Folks, I won't even begin to explain the Cleveland movie host.......It was one of those things you had to be there for.................

Thanks for all the kindness of course. I was just doing this as an update here, but believe me, I'll take anything ya' got including a half eaten can of jack mackerel!!

Mooh mentioned the technology and the name and the certain elegance to it.........I had exactly the same thought and anyone who isn't impressed with this technology must be a real anti-tech hardcase! This thing is a quantum leap from the lap/endoscopt/lased stuff and hard to absorb in the way it works. And the inventors/users are saying that in a few years it will be primitive!! Forty years ago, heart surgery was inits infancy and only a few years back were valves being repaired..........To do all of this through two tiny holes...............

I am right now both excited over the prospect of this and the end result and also using this new technology, while also scared shitless over the possibility of things going wrong. That worry centers more around Karen and the kids, but it isn't what we're focusing on by any means. Both of us are confident in the ability of this man and this machine and Karen feels as I do that this will be sucessful........we're now looking forward to getting a date with daVinci and getting on with it.


06 May 01 - 05:34 PM (#456558)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Lady McMoo

I'm rooting for you 'Spaw. Part of my work covers cardiovascular devices so I'm following with great interest. But my greatest interest is that hopefully you'll get much better quality of life at the end of all this.

All the best mate!


06 May 01 - 07:39 PM (#456629)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: hesperis

"Stay sick" -minded?

I don't get the "turn blue" one, though...

06 May 01 - 09:01 PM (#456665)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Bugsy

Wonderful news 'Spaw. I actually watched a doco the other night about that very machine, showing how they repaired faulty valves. It was absolutely amazing!

Good luck to you - I'll keep you in my thoughts.



06 May 01 - 11:57 PM (#456734)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: katlaughing

HeyaSpaw! I KNEW we'd missed something! Happy Second ReBirthDay Late!! For any of you who wonder what I am talking ahout, please read THIS THREAD.


07 May 01 - 12:00 AM (#456736)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Bert

You know I've got this picture that keeps popping into my mind. That helical helicopter thingy that Da Vinci drew.

I just HOPE they don't stick one of those up you Spaw ol' fellah.

07 May 01 - 09:06 AM (#456870)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: jeffp

Spaw, that machine is absolutely amazing! Best of luck and keep us posted. We'll be praying up a storm.


07 May 01 - 09:12 AM (#456874)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

SOunds pretty encouraging. I'm sorry you need this but it does sound like a good idea. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you; not as articulate as some others but the thoughts & good wishes are there. Hugs from Pete Peterson

07 May 01 - 09:21 AM (#456880)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Frug

Hey Spaw last year at my tender age I had a by pass and can confirm that the split chest ain't enjoyable. However it sounds as though the latest technology has a lot going for it. Good luck with the procedure. Mind you luck ain't in it. It's the surgeon and the aftercare plus your own positive thoughts and you've got all those, plus those of you fellow 'cats. So add to that some positive thoughts from one who's already had someone dance a fandango inside their chest and all will be ok. Take Care

08 May 01 - 06:00 AM (#457684)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Great news, Pat, hope all goes well, all the other inmates are rooting for you.
RtS (and all at the NYCFTTS)

08 May 01 - 09:30 AM (#457792)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Gervase

Good news Pat - and good luck.
Despite my curmudgeonliness in the "What if..." thread, there are some people who transcend the thoughts expressed there by genuinely enriching the lives of others in a real rather than virtual sense, and you're one of them - definitely one of a kind. My best thoughts for you, Karen and the kids.

08 May 01 - 11:02 AM (#457867)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: KathWestra

Blessings on you Pat, and on Karen, and the kids as together you face both the fear and the promise of this procedure. You'll all be in my thoughts, held with love. Kathy

08 May 01 - 06:55 PM (#458299)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: catspaw49

Again...thanks all...I do appreciate it.


I'm thinking we need one of these things at the NYCFTTS to perform those many ops we have to do to correct "Cranial-Rectal Inversions."


08 May 01 - 07:06 PM (#458307)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: Bill D

....and at my optomologists today, there was US News & World Report magazine...(last Dec.) with an article on the DaVinci machine...pretty fancy, but they seem to have LOTS more planned for it...

08 May 01 - 11:04 PM (#458445)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: GUEST,WyoWoman (where'd that damned cookie go???)

Hey, Snooks, I just last night -- or was it this morning -- saw something on tv about the da vinci thaing. Now I have a close personal friend who's going to be vincied. Coo-wuhl. the problem, of course, is that your heart is so stretched out from using it so much. That's what you get for being so damned big-hearted, ya big lug. I'm full of hope and good vibes for you and yer ticker, darlin' --

xoxo, Pansy Rue Twidgett aka WyoWoman, and cetera ...

11 May 01 - 10:47 AM (#460432)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: wysiwyg

Sent out to the prayer chain this AM.


11 May 01 - 08:58 PM (#460782)
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
From: ray bucknell

When I made my first post on the Mudcat, not that long ago, Spaw was the only one who responded. Thank you for that. My thoughts are with you and I know things will turn out just fine. Ray