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Woodford Folk Festival

21 Dec 97 - 06:10 PM (#18035)
Subject: Woodford Folk Festival
From: John in Brisbane

For the benefit of any visitors to S.E. Queensland between Christmas and New Year, the annual Woodford Festival is on for 6 days from 27/12 to 1/1 inclusive.At the risk of heresy I believe that it's now the largest festival in Australia. With 18 separate stages this year the sheer variety on offer is staggering. For those who know about it I guess I don't need to say too much. For others, the Website is

Regards John

25 Nov 03 - 12:03 AM (#1060362)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

refresh - super new website -

The 10th year (just on the Woodford site, i.e.) this year! Trees are growing fabulously!!


JUST when there'll be a shitload of a cappella singers for The Singing Shed (Roaring 40s e.g.) and we could've drowned out the Diddly-I sessions nearby, I'm seconded to work (sorry, "play") again in the New Year Fire Event!!!

Must be me Bad Karma ...

(my Mudcat badge that "Tony in Darwin" got for me from Bob Bolton last National, got "lost in space" anyway ...)

But maybe I'll catch up with some of you there anyway!
Cheers! R-J

25 Nov 03 - 03:00 AM (#1060402)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Margret RoadKnight

My eleven performances scheduled so far (9 listed) include running a Singing Shed session on Tues 30th at 5pm.
It's titled "Courtesy of Pete", and anyone is welcome to lead us in a song learnt from Pete Seeger.

25 Nov 03 - 08:23 AM (#1060512)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

Rich-Joy - why not contact Bob, he could make you another, & Margret might like one too.

Margret - (Pete Seeger is my hero)
Bob made us badges for the National - he copied the Mudcat image & put our names on them & we did or did not wear them around so we could be identified by other Mudcatters. We forgot to get a photo taken of the massed Mudcatters (bugger) tho we did get one on Saturday night at JennyO's place when Brett & Naemanson were in town.

JennyO will be there this year & no doubt will wear her badge. I'll remind her!!

Sandra (who will not be at Woodford cos she can't stand nasty hot tropical weather & cyclonic rains. Have fun!!)

25 Nov 03 - 09:50 AM (#1060563)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: JennyO

Brett & Naemanson Sandra? Is it past your bedtime? Actually Naemanson (Brett), Charley Noble (Charlie), and Judy B (Judy) were in town. I haven't developed my piccies yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing Sandra's. There were about 8 of us Mudcatters at the BBQ, as well as the other massed hordes of folkies, numerous instruments including a hurdy gurdy and pipes, the strange little woman who wandered in the gate then wandered out again, and three dogs (my cat hid throughout the whole production).

This will be my first ever Woodford. I'll be there with John Warner and the Roaring Forties, and assisting in the singing shed. I've heard all about the heat, the humidity, the mud and rain, she sheer size of the festival, and the not-to-be-missed fire event. I'm looking forward to it, and I'll try to remember to wear my Mudcat badge.


26 Nov 03 - 06:57 AM (#1061243)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival

There was me wondering if this was Woodford Halse or Woodford Green or a Woodford in North America.

26 Nov 03 - 07:44 PM (#1061671)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: GUEST,ozmacca

No Guest. There is but one Woodford (well, that's what it sounds like if you live down under....) and I for one wish they'd hold it some other time of the year. The weather cruels it for me every time, and I've said for three years that if the mob I play with weren't in it (and I got in for free!) I wouldn't go! One day, or two at most, is more than enough what with the heat and the rain and the smell..... and that's INSIDE the tents!

Always wondered why the organisers don't hold mini-festivals throughout the year each one aimed at definite types of folk or culture or whatever you want to call it.

End of rant. Must be feeling particularly liverish this morning.

27 Nov 03 - 02:05 AM (#1061808)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

Ozmacca -

I get headaches & fall asleep in hot weather (humid & dry) so see no reason to pay money & travel several hundred miles to do so.

When one of my friends bought new rubber gumboots to go to Woodford, I thought why do it?



27 Nov 03 - 04:05 AM (#1061841)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

The traditional time for the transplanted Maleny festival was always Xmas - New Year.

The local council allegedly only allows them one Festival per year on the property, plus other "working party" weekends - which I hear are better: cause no spectators go, only the hard working talented folkie musos who pretend to plant trees, dig sewer lines, etc during the daytime, then drink and sing and drink and sing and drink and sing all night....

03 Dec 03 - 05:57 PM (#1065070)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Poor Misery and myself have been 10 years in Maleny now (which is only 35mins drive up the hill from the Wonderful World of Woodford) and though it might be just the Great Mental-Pause, I can't REMEMBER a colder Spring than the last 3 months ... now what that translates to as regards Woodford Folk Festival, I can't say!!
But I wouldn't miss it for quids - there's such a variety of entertainment AND involvement AND cultures available - something there for everyone - and ALL the senses are engaged! - a wonderful experience, by and large ...

OK so it CAN get a trifle tropical - but that's what much of SE Qld is : sub-tropical - but there are millions of "Mexicans" moving up from those Southern states every year (AND driving the property prices sky high!) who seem to appreciate a little heat!!!

Peace, Love and Joy ...

03 Dec 03 - 06:06 PM (#1065079)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

I hope the site roads (or pedestrian paths) have been improved sufficiently that Gum Boots (wellies) won't be needed this year. The long range forecat hints at some possible rain, and the SOE index hints at 40-60% chance of above average rainfall over the next couple of months.

At least you don't need snow boots and jumpers...

Anything to keep this thread near the top... :-)

03 Dec 03 - 06:14 PM (#1065085)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Callie

Am greatly looking forward to the music and the vibe, but any hints for coping with the extreme heat would be welcome!!

03 Dec 03 - 07:50 PM (#1065148)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Alaska Mike

It is currently +3F/-17C here in Anchorage today, and its only going to get worse for the next few weeks. Somebody find me a way to get to Woodford. I could use a few days of HOT weather. I hope you Aussies have a blast.


03 Dec 03 - 11:42 PM (#1065234)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Don't s'pose it helps to say : "LAST year the weather was brilliant!"

Callie, folks speak highly of those coloured neck ties (that have some gel-stuff inside) and you soak 'em in cold water - then they keep you cooler for ages ...

Also, the ubiquitous plastic spray bottle is very handy - esp with a hint of rosewater added ...

Drink plenty of water : there's also a stall that refills your water bottles cheaply with spring water ... (those handy crochet bottle carriers are available at many stalls too)

Sunscreen and Sunglasses and Hats are very necessary - but sadly, some people forget the height of their hats, when they sit down in a concert!!!

Wear natural fibres (all over!) where possible - many use sarongs as a light, all-purpose scarf/hat/wrap ...

"Body Shop" Peppermint Foot Refresher Spray has a place too ...

Lightweight, poncho-style, rain capes are good ...

Extra camping tarps are always handy ...

I was born in Perth, WA - in the days when it was hot and dry (i.e. rarely ever humid - those days before the aliens started mussin' with our weather!!) and I've also spent 10 years in Darwin, NT with hot/humid/wet conditions, so guess I'm probably better suited to hot than cold!!

Cheers! R-J

06 Dec 03 - 11:42 PM (#1067072)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

here it is December 7th - and it's overcast and freezing!!
this is "Sunny Queensland" fercrissakes!! : we should be basking in glorious sunshine by now!!
(IS it the aliens? or just The Shrub?)


07 Dec 03 - 05:01 AM (#1067117)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

Freezing? in Brisbane, it's from about 17 deg Cel at night to 26 deg Cel at daytime - compared with normal for this time of year, I suppose it's freezing...


07 Dec 03 - 05:54 AM (#1067136)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Hrothgar

First Maleny Folk Festival was at Easter, if I remember correctly. It was an alternative for people who couldn't afford the time and/or money to travel to the National Folk Festival (Alice Srings, 1987?).

07 Dec 03 - 05:00 PM (#1067418)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: cloudstreet


this will be the first Woodford (or indeed Maleny) that I miss... Oh, England! We're having a great time, but we will miss the big one back home.


07 Dec 03 - 05:47 PM (#1067437)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Callie

There's an on-line survey on the Woodford website. i suggested they install a gaint portable swimming pool. With a mandatory"shower tunnel" so all the crap doesn't end up in the pool. I haven't heard back from them about it - I guess they're thinking about it


08 Dec 03 - 03:30 AM (#1067661)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Hrothgar

Want to swap, John?

08 Dec 03 - 07:33 AM (#1067720)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Klavdivs

Oh, it's such a pet(hate) topic for Queenslanders, I can't resist weighing in.

I agree with most of the above gripes about Woodford FF, and also agree with Richenda that it's an amazing, unique experience which everybody should do at least once.

But when you've done as many as me, and feel like a change, for a bit more comfort, and more predictable tunes, there are 3 alternatives, which all run concurrently with Woodford FF:

1. the Woody Head gathering, 70 kms north of Grafton, in a National Park van park on the beach. Extra plucking pheasant and relaxing.

2. Gulgong - civilised camping and dormitories, 3 mins max walk to all venues. Concerts, workshops and dances of course, and great singing sessions every night, (well last year there were).

3. Nariel creek - need I say more ? Just reminded of this one this evening by Corryong local Jamie Molloy, who's an organiser. he says Nariel these days is more compact than it was in it's "middle era", and it's only $20 camping fees for a week !! I haven't been for 20 years but I'm half thinking of making the pilgrimage. BUT i AM TORN BETWEEN THESE THREE, having enjoyed them each.

Anyway, best of British to Lawls in your first incumbency as El Pyromaniaco Supremo at WFF, but I'm headin' south.


08 Dec 03 - 11:23 PM (#1068196)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

They've known about the pool idea from day one - trust me! - it's just the cost of safely installing something permanent (or even temporary) that will be sanitry - and the possible amount of expensive water it will consume....


09 Dec 03 - 08:24 AM (#1068370)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Robin (07 Dec) - you can say anything you like using stats and figures - reality is often a different story!! Climate varies with the terrain of course - and then there's the inland distance from BrisVegus too ...

Hrothgar - that's right - 1st Maleny was Easter 1987 (I was at the Alice Springs National instead!!) then after Easter 1989 (which was 23rd National) it moved to Xmas/New Year (yes folks, two in the one year!) so as not to compete with "The National".

However, the CURRENT "National" title is a misnomer and it should be more correctly called "The Canberra Festival" or perhaps "The Golden Triangle Festival", as it cannot be claimed that it annually grants equal participation from all States and Territories of Australia, despite their "featured state" programming ...

hmmm of thread creep there ...

Hi John & Nicole! hope England is all you'd hoped for - And More!! We'll miss you too!! Fitzy is back here now of course and warbling up for Fire Event singing ...

Simon, thanks for your good wishes, I'll pass them on!! Enjoy those Southern climes then!

Cheers! R-J

09 Dec 03 - 11:38 AM (#1068465)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Cloudstreet

For those who are making it along to Woodford, pop along to the Breakfast show with Martin Pearson every morning at the Troubadour. I won't be there to give him a hand of course, but he should have a few CD's of last year's brekky show on hand.

We're spending New Year's on an unidentified narrow boat, with some of Andrew Pattison's wine (or at least some of his labels if we can't manage the real stuff).

And for what it's worth, Woodford is one of the most amazing musical and spiritual adventures imaginable - bloody tiring, but vital!

09 Dec 03 - 08:38 PM (#1068880)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Margret RoadKnight

Greetings from Down Under, John & Nicole (cloudstreet)!
We'll miss you at Woodford this year!
One of my 'extra' (read unlisted) gigs this year is on Sun morn dec 28 at The Troubadour tent as guest on Martin Pearson & John Reed's "Snack, Popple & Crap" - really looking forward to it.
Take care

10 Dec 03 - 03:11 AM (#1069059)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Hrothgar

Canberra is still far more important as a FOLK festival.

10 Dec 03 - 08:01 AM (#1069233)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Margret RoadKnight

No argument there, Roger

11 Dec 03 - 08:29 AM (#1070176)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy


(Peace, Rog!)

13 Dec 03 - 10:19 AM (#1071513)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: GUEST,niki

I missed Woodford last year as I was in WA, first time missed in 7 years and i wont forgive myself, he he, nutrient for the soul, feast for the senses, muse for the mind. Weather irrelavant, cost a drop in a bucket, sleeping in car all part of the experience, cant wait. Awesome talent, creativity, food, people and good 'vibes'. Its all real, dont miss out

19 Dec 03 - 04:07 AM (#1075964)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

only a week now, to The Wonderful World of Woodford - any increase in the 'catters planning to go?

SOoooo nice to see The Wise Family Band, from West Aussie, will be featured - luthier, Scott Wise and wife Louisa (nee Myers - originally from Illinois, I think?) and their 3 girls - all multi talented instrumentalists and vocalists - Great Stuff!!

Cheers! R-J

19 Dec 03 - 07:28 AM (#1076049)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: JennyO

I'll be getting to Woodford on the 24th, and camping in the performers area with the Roaring Forties. I expect I will be spending quite a bit of time around the Singing Shed.

Is there any point in trying to arrange meetings? I've gathered that this is one humungous festival. I've never been before, so I don't know the layout of the place, but if anyone wants to nominate a time and place to meet, I will try to be there.


23 Dec 03 - 12:45 AM (#1078214)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: John in Brisbane

I'll be there for the 10th time, a rather terrifying entourage of 45 people, including a number of young kids. The best way to feel human at Woodford is to visit the Municipal Swimming Pool at Woodford Village - turn left after the School. It closes about 6pm.

I'm doimg a session at the Singing Shed (Tears and Hard Times) and will be assisting Late Delaney with the Great Band Competition in the evenings.

Thanks for the reminders about Bob Bolton't Mudcat badges - I'll dig mine out.

Yes Woodford can be stinking hot, wet and any other codescending adjective you'd care to use but it's a truly great festival for those willing to rise to the occasion. Special thanks is deserved to those Mudcatters (and others) who are represented on the committee as volunteers, performers or guests. It's the people that make Woodford such a great success.

Regards, John

PS Richjoy, could you please remind Paul that it would be fantastic to have a Committee member on the judging panel of the Grand Final of the Great Band Comp. I tried for Paul, Becky, Bill or Dave last year, but they're so frantically busy. Thanks.

23 Dec 03 - 04:16 AM (#1078261)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Hi John! - just sent you a PM re my email to the Committee Members, but it's doubtful if any of them will see it, at this late stage!!

Hope it goes well and I hope I get to The Singing Shed SOMEtime - give my love to Kate please!


23 Dec 03 - 06:08 AM (#1078305)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

say hello to Kate from me, too! now if the singing Shed were a bit closer you'd find me there.

I'll just have to sing along to my CDs - no one left in Sydney to sing with.

sniff, sniff, poor little me


05 Jan 04 - 05:03 AM (#1086236)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Hi John - I believe Sam stepped to the board for you! Good man!

Well, due to my FE duties, I only yawned my way to The Singing Shed for one hour, late one night - and quite early in the Festival too - but I met JennyO!! - AND got my MudCat badge - THANKS Bob!!!

So how was it this year? Did you hold yer own against them damn diddly-i's, 't'otherside o' the bar??!! (BTW, NICE bar, Manus!)

And weren't the Gods smiling upon Woodford this year - the weather was amazing!!! The heavens finally opened for Jan 4th, as Paul and I were ALMOST finished bumping out ...

Wish I'd gotten to see Scott & Louisa though ...

Cheers! R-J

05 Jan 04 - 06:05 AM (#1086263)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

I heard the weather was cooler than usual (maybe there were hotter days here, but ...)

Rich-Joy, Scott & Louisa will be at the National, if you can make it.


05 Jan 04 - 06:32 AM (#1086280)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Hrothgar

At least you got your badge, Rich. Now you're a real Mudcatter!

Shame you and Paul didn't get to sing. You'll have to get away from that pagan fire event.


05 Jan 04 - 07:07 AM (#1086290)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Chris Maltby

I've experienced all 10 Woodfords but no Malenys.

As a mudcat lurker I sang in the shed without a badge. The shed really worked well this year - drowned the diddlies and dragged in the passing punters with its joyful sounds.

The fire event wasn't very pagan this year I thought...
And after six days of bliss a good pagan blast can really overwhelm the senses - new director this year so they say. But Jenny Fitz with a 200 strong choir sounded pretty good where I was.

As someone who would rather cool than hot, you do get used to the
SE Qld climate - walk slowly, drink lots (water or darker fluids), avoid the sun and chase the breeze. Early nights ease the pain of the forced 6:30am tent evacuation as the sun hits the awning and the inside temperature goes from 20 to 35 in 15 minutes. The last 2 years program has made it possible to drift off to the tent at 10-10:30 without regrets...


PS We missed you John and Nicole, but John Reed did a pretty good stand-in job at the brekkies. And he plays a mean cittern...

05 Jan 04 - 07:13 AM (#1086293)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

oops, sorry, Chris I forgot to mention your name when Bob was making new badges. But Im sure he can make you one in time for the National.

sandra (your email is still giving the Out of Office message)

06 Jan 04 - 05:56 AM (#1086939)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Hrothgar

Chris, be very careful what you say about the new director of the fire event. One wrong word and Rich-joy could suddenly come raging through your computer connection.

God bless her little heart!


06 Jan 04 - 08:26 AM (#1087017)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Sandra in Sydney

Martin Pearson told me the perfect way to cope at Woodford.

1. Book an air-conditioned motel room 12 months in advance.
2. Stay in said room all day.
2. Come out for evening events, & either stay all night (or go home to air-conditioned room for a nap)
3. Get to the Breakfast session he & John run, then back to air conditoned room.

Sounds ok to me, except it might make for an expensive holiday - airfares & motels & festival, and I might not be able to afford my normal holiday - at the National which I wouldn't miss for quids.


07 Jan 04 - 04:41 AM (#1087711)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Yeah right, Rog ... be afraid - be VERY afraid!!!!!!!
(Warning! Virgo Virago on the loose!!!)

But seriously, there were many contributing factors, but, the bottom line was that it was TIME for changes to the Fire Event.

There was also a conscious decision to include more singing (and melody!) than ever before, with lyrics that matched the visuals where possible. And I will certainly agree that that Fitzgibbon woman just gets better and better!!!!!!!!! Go You Good Girl !!!

And Paul just loves a bloody good bonfire, with speccy moving parts - and HUMOUR - and those are just SOME of the things that mark his style of Directorship ...

Well, back to running ABOFOTS (A Bit of Folk on the Side) once a month now (but a part of his Pisces mind will always be off designing quirky firey bits!)

Cheers! R-J

07 Jan 04 - 06:10 PM (#1088288)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: Charley Noble

Thanks for the update, survivors!

Charley Noble

07 Jan 04 - 06:33 PM (#1088309)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

Now that my cats are gone, I would like to go to Woodford again, but on my fincances, I can't aford the ticket price.


07 Jan 04 - 09:59 PM (#1088435)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

I certainly have understanding of a low finance situation!!!

However, as regards getting into Woodford, there is always the Volunteer Programme - I THINK it's 5 hours per day on festival work (huge variety available) and you get a season ticket with camping into the festival ...

Also, the season ticket price - at the gate - for Adults was A$297 with camping (A$254 without) - this is for SIX days of ALMOST round-the-clock entertainment and numerous chances for involvement in folk/arts activities. That's a pretty good deal when considering what is available to you for your initial $ outlay!!!

Of course, if you CAN pay earlier in the year, it's cheaper still.

Cheers! R-J

PS It's nice to see we are attracting more Canadians to our shores and to Woodford too!!!

08 Jan 04 - 04:46 AM (#1088523)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: GUEST,dougie

Hi everyone,
We survived Woodford and it was terrific.We've been to most of the Woodfords and some of the Melaneys.
The weather was good this year but the thing I will remember most will be Andy Irvine performing ,despite being affected by Bells Palsy[If thats how it's spelt].I wont ever be able to pike out on anything again.He set a great example.
Thanks to all those involved,it was a great festival.
See you next year!

04 Jul 04 - 12:49 PM (#1219324)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: The Fooles Troupe

The Site says that Volunteers can apply about this time of year, but they haven't updated the pages yet - they are still showing last year. If I don't get in as a volunteer, I can't afford to go.

22 Dec 04 - 06:39 AM (#1362989)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: John in Brisbane

Another year and another Woodford to look forward to in just a few days! Must admit that after a number of Woodfords et al that renewing old friendships is as important as catching the performances. Hope to see lots of Catters there.

Regards, John

PS We're pretty well equipped now to handle just about any climatic vagary, but the forecast for Boxing Day morning is early rain. Setting up camp when its wet can tax the temper a bit.

22 Dec 04 - 11:10 PM (#1363722)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: JennyO

John and I aren't going this year - or to any other festivals in the Xmas-New Year period this time. We've decided that we'd really rather spend our time pottering around on the home front, staying cool and generally relaxing. I don't enjoy rushing around in extreme heat, and I am actually looking forward to having a real break from everything.

Quite a few people we know are going to Woodford, so it is a sort of shame that way, but I think we've made the right decision for us. However we are having a big BBQ session on the 8th Jan, so see a lot of you Sydneysiders (and any others that are visiting) when you get back!

Jenny (keeping cool)

23 Dec 04 - 09:42 AM (#1364046)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

well, it's almost upon us again!
Don't forget to visit the new Amphitheatre site (TOTALLY AWESOME!!)

The Fire Event theme this year is "BALANCE within" and has something of an Ancient Egyptian flavour ... the recent rains have caused us some stressful delays, but I guess it'll all work out fine ...

Some more visitors are venturing down from Darwin this year, which is good (including a Mudcatter)!

Wonder if we'll make it to the Singing Shed this year though ... sigh ...

Well, that's it from me until some time around mid January.

Cheers! R-J

27 Oct 05 - 10:38 PM (#1592211)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
From: rich-joy

Well, The Wonderful World of Woodford time is fast approaching! (perhaps too fast, for those of us who are a tad behind on our departmental preparations!!! ... ahem ...) and the launch of the fabulous 2005/06 programme is imminent!!!

We at the Fire Event, now have a page on the Director's (Paul Lawler) new website :
and have a look at some images at :

But be sure to checkout our Links page too - and the folk club and a cappella singing pages
AND! our T-Daaa!!! :

CD for Sale page too!!!

Cheers! R-J

28 Oct 05 - 04:56 AM (#1592335)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival (Australia)
From: Shimbo Darktree

Oh dear! Sandra, I cannot let one of your comments go, I'm afraid. Your friend with the new gumboots ... Tasmanian, or Kiwi?

Shimbo (originally Tasmanian, but no longer ... sold the gumboots, and moved to Queensland)

29 Oct 05 - 03:21 AM (#1592949)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival (Australia)
From: Sandra in Sydney

Sydney-sider & Roaring Forties member.

29 Oct 05 - 05:38 AM (#1592984)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival (Australia)
From: JennyO

Which member was it Sandra? I don't remember John buying any.

Anyway, we aren't going to Woodford this year - but we are seriously thinking of going to Gulgong. I'm intending to join Dale Dengate there for a reunion of the WWW women. I can see a number of days or nights of necessary practice coming up in the next few weeks - accompanied by a nice meal and the obligatory bottle of red, of course! It's a hard life ;-)

29 Oct 05 - 07:39 PM (#1593413)
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival (Australia)
From: rich-joy

The programme launch for this year's Woodford was last night : a really beautiful-looking, glossy programme and what a fabulous festival lined up for us all !!!!

Though it has been necessary to cap the festival's attendance this year, it is most assuredly NOT sold out yet - please go on-line to : and check it out.

Please note that you DO need to pre-purchase your tickets on-line though - the gates will be "cashless" and there will be NO tickets sold at The Gate, like in previous years.

So avoid disappoinment and book now!

Hope to see you there!

Cheers! R-J