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BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

19 Jun 01 - 01:32 PM (#487092)
Subject: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: katlaughing

Spaw thinks I'm not going to post this until after his surgery, but now that I know he's gone to hospital, I can do it before, 'cause he won't have computer access to find out otherwise!**BG** I didn't start it before for two reasons, one) he was tired of talking about it and asked me not to, and two) I've been working on a on, you'll see.

As many of you probably already know our Spaw is having heart surgery tomorrow morning, that is Wednesday, the 20th. If you'd like to read more about the cutting edge technology which will be used, please see THIS THREAD. He is scheduled to be rolled into the operating room about 715a with actual surgery starting about 730a. With everything going okay, he expects to be in Intensive Care around noon. I will post here as soon as I hear anything from Connie or Karen.

Please hold him in your thoughts, prayers, songs, dances, whathaveyou. The surprise I've been working on is to raise some funds to help Karen and him out with expenses once he comes home, i.e. meds, housecleaning, dogwalking, groceries, whatever they might need. I've contacted a few of you already and am really proud and pleased to say there is over $700 pledged and on its way. Karen and he know nothing about this.

If you'd like an addy to send cards and or a donation, of any amount, please PM me, as I do not want to give out Spaw's best friend, Connie's addy in public. She will be coordinating getting any donations, etc. and whatever they need to get with them.

He sounded really excellent when I talked with him last night. He is ready to get this done and move on. Here's a message from him:

Hi Gang!

Saw Yogi Berra the other night and his latest book title, a classic "Yogiism" seemed to hit the nail on the head:

"When You Come To A Fork In The Road....Take It."

I leave for the hospital tomorrow morning and the operation is scheduled for early morning on Wednesday. Karen and the kids are staying at Connie and Wayne's and we have the trailer set up there and Karen can get some sleep without making the long drive back and forth. The boys have some exciting things to do this week so they're in hog heaven and thankfully Connie and Wayne are real family of the best kind.........chosen and not genetic!

I have lots of good 'Catter CD's going along and I am hoping that perhaps within a week, I might be home. They sometimes keep patients of the da Vinci machine a little longer to assure that you don't overdo because you don't have all of the post op trauma that would normally slow you down and the "innards" still need a chance to heal up. I am lucky to be here since Ohio State is one of the only places to have the da Vinci and Michler (Head of Cardiothoracic) has more time on it than anyone.

I am a bit anxious but I'm very confident in all of this going right. The aneurysm makes it a high risk surgery and is certainly a "Wild Card"......but I've had the feeling since the gitgo that this is going to go well and I'm looking forward to feeling better and having a heart that's fully functional for the first time in many years. I suppose I'll get run down by a Peterbilt as I leave the hospital and the whole thing will be academic!!!

Karen and I are making plans for camping and such in July and with a few bucks saved perhaps we can make the Getaway in October....that's the plan now at any rate. We really didn't have to think very hard about this surgery because the other option was a significantly reduced lifespan.....very reduced. When it's fixed, I can expect a reasonably normal lifespan and a much better quality of life overall. If by some chance it goes badly, well, "so long, it's been good to know you.".........But that's not what's going to happen and if I believed it were, I wouldn't make a joke about it.

Our love to you all and our many thanks for all of your concern and good thoughts. Kat will keep you all posted and I'll be back within a week or ten days after a good valve job.

Pat & Karen

19 Jun 01 - 01:36 PM (#487095)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Clinton Hammond

Spaw has a heart???

Who'da thunk it!

We're rootin' fer ya Spawzer! Give 'em hell!


19 Jun 01 - 01:39 PM (#487097)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: katlaughing

I forgot to say, my 50% of all the books for sale in auction right now, will be going to the Spawfund, so check it out!**BG**

19 Jun 01 - 01:43 PM (#487099)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: MMario

good idea Kat.

19 Jun 01 - 01:44 PM (#487100)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Hey Spaw "old chap" get the fock out of hospital soon, they are made for sick people not you! You are in our thoughts and prayers always my friend. Yours, Aye. Dave

PS. God don't want you yet, and the devils scared you would replace him, so no worries mate.

19 Jun 01 - 01:45 PM (#487101)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Mary in Kentucky

Thanks kat, I'll PM you for that addy.

Spaw, -- oh HELL -- what can we say! All the best to ya! (You've even got me cussing on the Internet.)

19 Jun 01 - 01:50 PM (#487104)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Peter T.

Take care, CP, really. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
yours, Peter T.

19 Jun 01 - 01:51 PM (#487105)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: jeffp

I have every confidence that Spaw will be bouncing back soonest. God knows Spaw is doing His work here and the Devil is afraid of what those farts can do around fire and brimstone. Hang in there, buddy and see ya real soon!


19 Jun 01 - 01:56 PM (#487109)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

The only thing that Catspaw ever said to me was hateful and venemous when I started a thread aimed at convincing people not to smoke.

Still, I'll pray for his quick and complete recovery and that he'll have the wisdom to quit smoking. Smoking is biggest **preventable** cause of heart disease.

19 Jun 01 - 01:58 PM (#487111)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: wysiwyg

Kat, good job. Now remember-- you were going to rest today so you could be effective in your own support tomorrow. Treat yourself as well as... you'd treat Pat. *G*

Prayer Chain and Mudcat Address Book notified.


19 Jun 01 - 02:04 PM (#487118)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: JenEllen

Ach! Only a day and I miss you madly! You have to hurry up and get better (notice she didn't say 'well') 'cause it's just no fun runnin' nekkid without you.


19 Jun 01 - 02:08 PM (#487125)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: mooman

Please pass on to 'Spaw and his family my thoughts and best wishes. Although I've never met him he feels like a "soulmate" after my couple of years in this place and I'm rooting for him over here. Hopefully the DaVinci device will give him an altogether better quality of life once he's back on his feet.

"Keep yer pecker up guv" as we say in Sarf London!


19 Jun 01 - 02:10 PM (#487126)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

Candles ready for the lighting. Be well, my friend.

19 Jun 01 - 02:17 PM (#487134)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Justa Picker


19 Jun 01 - 02:17 PM (#487135)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: bill\sables

All the best Pat. I'm looking forward to meeting you again at the Getaway. We have much more to talk about to put this world right.
Cheers Bill

19 Jun 01 - 02:18 PM (#487136)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Kim C

Many good thoughts coming your way! Luvyaman.


19 Jun 01 - 02:19 PM (#487139)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Sorcha

Oyez Oyez Oyez!!!

19 Jun 01 - 02:31 PM (#487147)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,SharonA

To anonymous GUEST: Despite the fact that I am also a rabid non-smoker, I don't think this is the time or place for anything but good thoughts and hopes for catspaw's swift recovery. Venom comes in all flavors; let's us GUESTS not be the ones to leave a bad taste in someone else's mouth, okay? Thanks.

To kat: Sorry that membership is not an option for me at present, so I guess my contribution must be to keep those good thoughts thinkin' and best hopes hopin'. All my best wishes to catspaw for long life and happiness.


19 Jun 01 - 02:34 PM (#487151)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: mousethief

Spaw is one of those people who make you think that the creation of the human race was maybe not such a bad move after all. Prayers and candles and good thoughts and songs for you, Mr. P., on account of the great love you bring to this world. May all that is good guide your surgeons and their tools, and may all that is not good get permanently lost on its way to you.

Love you, man.


19 Jun 01 - 02:34 PM (#487152)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Melani

Go for it, Spaw! See you in ten days!

19 Jun 01 - 02:50 PM (#487169)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Mountain Dog

First off, there's no BS about this thread, regardless of how it's labeled.

'Spaw - with a heart as big as yours, there's no doubt about your ability to pull through. Thoughts, prayers and all the best will be coming your way from here.

It's also a fact that the "worst" patients (i.e., combative, difficult, and just plain ornery) make the swiftest and best recovery...need I say more? ("NURSE! Another 1-liter drip of piss-and-vinegar, stat! We can't have him running low!)

19 Jun 01 - 02:55 PM (#487171)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Liam's Brother

We'll, my thoughts and concerns are certainly with the man!

All the best,

19 Jun 01 - 03:02 PM (#487176)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: RichM

Naw, I don't believe there's anything wrong with his heart. It must be something else they're gonna fix!

I've seen it in action here on Mudcat for the last couple of's gotta be the biggest and best heart out there!

Good Luck, and prayers

Rich McCarthy

19 Jun 01 - 03:13 PM (#487185)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

19 Jun 01 - 03:14 PM (#487186)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Lonesome EJ

Well, Pat, since you're not going to see this until the surgery is over and you're on your way to recovery, I'll just say "leave the damn nurses ALONE!!!"

19 Jun 01 - 03:18 PM (#487188)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Kernow John

Someone posted a prayer on Mudcat once and the essence of it was:
Dear God
Please look after this one for us. He can be ornery, cussed, downright vulgar and many other things. So you wouldn't want him yet and besides we aint finished with him.
So like I said, take care of him for us.

19 Jun 01 - 03:24 PM (#487193)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: kendall

Well! I must say, you picked a hell of a way to avoid that "Insult off" we were headed for. But, I'll be waiting. The very best to you mate.

19 Jun 01 - 03:43 PM (#487207)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Quincy

Prayers, love. good wishes and more besides to Spaw and family!

best wishes, Yvonne

19 Jun 01 - 03:45 PM (#487209)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

From Pete peterson to Pat Patterson. . . people with alliterative nicknames are too tough to kill. Trusting and praying that all will go well. . you BETTER be OK, hear?

19 Jun 01 - 03:51 PM (#487213)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Amergin

Think he'd like a copy of Ricky Martin's greatest hits as a get well present?

Well, you had best get better soon, Spaw!

19 Jun 01 - 03:58 PM (#487221)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: bbc

Thanks for the reminder, kat. We'll be praying in NY. I'll see if I still have Connie's address or I'll PM you.



19 Jun 01 - 04:02 PM (#487223)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Pinetop Slim

Aneurysm -- it's kind of a blister, ain't it? And you get a blister from working too hard, right? It's no wonder Spaw's got one on his heart.
Thanks, Kat, for keeping us posted on the big guy and offering us an outlet to help. I'll be looking forward to him coming back soon with his virtual bear hug welcomes for newcomers and his knack for letting out the air when we get too full of ourselves. My thoughts will be with him tomorrow. -- Pinetop Slim (Mark Flanagan)

19 Jun 01 - 04:18 PM (#487231)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Pseudolus

Never met Spaw, never talked to him in person, didn't know what he looked like until I went and saw his picture in Mudcat why should I care if someone I never met is going to have major surgery tomorrow? How much can you care for someone you only know through the internet? .......A lot........just the beauty of Mudcat I guess...there's no other explanation.

Hang in there my friend, Frank

19 Jun 01 - 04:42 PM (#487243)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Micca

Spaw, for once, there are no words, even vaguely adequate...Love... In abundance... caring... more than you can handle... Friend, brother, cousin...we are here and we are waiting to wwelcome, and to sing you home,, and we are greatly cheered by how much we know you would be embarrassed by all this!!!!

19 Jun 01 - 04:58 PM (#487253)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Rick Fielding

'Got our fingers crossed, and our thoughts firmly on ya guy.

Heather and Rick

19 Jun 01 - 05:26 PM (#487271)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

With good wishes like these, how can you help but get well? You know I'm holding you in Light and love - and the Old Songs crowd will be singing and playing you well! Karen, hang in there- you know where to find your support system. And as always, blessings showering upon Connie and Wayne.

19 Jun 01 - 05:28 PM (#487272)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Deckman

GOOD GRIEF SPAW ... Some people will do ANYTHING for attention! I have a good feeling about this, I'm SURE I'll be talking with you soon. (Kat, I'll be in touch with you privately in the next couple of days ... it's a good thing you are doing) CHEERS Bob(deckman)Nelson

19 Jun 01 - 05:33 PM (#487281)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: CarolC

Good luck with the procedure, and best wishes for a quick and easy recovery.


19 Jun 01 - 05:44 PM (#487290)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: IvanB

Spaw, wishing you nothing but the best and good thoughts for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to meeting you at Fall Getaway!

For just this once, let your concerns be for only yourself and your family. Even though you may not think so, the rest of us will manage to muddle along for a few days without you. ;-)

19 Jun 01 - 05:58 PM (#487301)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Steve Latimer


Here's to a speedy recovery pal.


19 Jun 01 - 06:10 PM (#487308)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Bill D

......get well, SOON 'spaw, and I'll send you this CD of a farting contest I've been saving for you....(really! would I lie to you?)

19 Jun 01 - 06:11 PM (#487310)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Max

Thinking about you Spaw. Good thoughts for you and all those around you. You are truely all super people.

19 Jun 01 - 06:11 PM (#487312)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: InOBU

Well, Spaw old pal, may you be rolling in beans in a short while! We want you on your feet soon, so we can abuse ya, praying for you, well, it just isn't funny enough! But, well, we are and choked up about it as well. So Don't play any tricks on the Doctor, like drawing "this arm not the other" on yer arm, these days Doctors haven't much sence of humor... See you on the posts soon,
I can't even bring myself to add a plug for the band...
All the best,
The old plugomatic,(thanks for the handle)

19 Jun 01 - 06:17 PM (#487315)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Tedham Porterhouse


Not much to add to what everyone else has said, so I'll sing along on the chorus.

All the best!

19 Jun 01 - 06:19 PM (#487317)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Dave Swan


Since you'll read this post-operatively, I guess it's a little late to tell you about it, but I did some research out here on the left coast and found a newer surgical robot available at a reduced rate. It's called the GOLDBERG, made from recycled Volkswagen wiring and old hookah parts, it's demonstrated its efficacy in retreiveing lost roach clips from storm drains, a nylon stocking from the gullet of Beans the performing dog, and has sucessfully fished the wiring of a '62 Morgan.

The inventor/operator Josh "Free Wind" Lotbotky completed his certificate in alternate reality communications and applied degaussing at the Berkeley Center for the Enchange of Information and Microbes. Although not currently accepting any of the nationally recognized health plans, Free Wind's services are available for "anything really righteous and knee-walking, man, or a Harley...yeah,...that'd be cool..."

Sorry I couldn't have gotten this to you sooner.

We hope this finds you on a speedy and smooth road to recovery.


Dave & Pam

19 Jun 01 - 06:28 PM (#487325)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Barry Finn

From one recent ICU grad to a soon to be new ICU grad. My best wishes buddy & I'm praying that they feed you well. They all take care of you but feed you decently? We'll/I'll be waiting for the after post just to check to see if you're not raising to much hell. LOL Barry

19 Jun 01 - 06:28 PM (#487326)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: gnu

Spaw.... I know I thanked you for your recent kind words to me in private, but now, I thank you publically. You have enriched my life and the lives many others. Despite your penchant for bathroom humour, you are a gem of a human. Thank you. Get well soon.


19 Jun 01 - 06:34 PM (#487331)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Drumshanty@Home


I can only echo what everyone else has said. Keeping you in my thoughts...


19 Jun 01 - 06:38 PM (#487334)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Good Luck with the op mate & get well soon


19 Jun 01 - 06:40 PM (#487337)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: McGrath of Harlow

I've just checked which saints are supposed to be on duty that day, and here's the list:

Bain of Thérouanne;
Crispinus and Crispinianus;
Crispinus and Vitalis;
King Edward;

Be well soon.

19 Jun 01 - 06:54 PM (#487350)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

St. Vitalis???? They kicked St. Patrick out but left in St. Vitalis? If it is all the same to you, I will pray to the glorious sense of order in the universe to watch over our Spaw. And let St. Vitalis battle it out with BrylCreem and Dippity-Do.

All the worrying in the world won't change a thing. All the worrying in the world won't change a thing. All the...

19 Jun 01 - 07:04 PM (#487355)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: mousethief

St. Patrick's day is March 17, Sins. Not June 20.

On the other side of the Carpathian mountains, the saints of the day for June 20 are:

METHODIOS, BISHOP OF PATARA. Methodios sought to correct and invite the great and the ordinary to Christianity. He took issue with the early temporal writings of Plato, giving a reply in which he stressed the spiritual and moral aspects of man. He also embattled heretical ideas of the theologian, Origen, who believed the body of Jesus underwent transformation within the tomb. He would chastise the idol and sun worshippers. He would mingle with the skeptics and agnostics, attempting to encourage them to leave their false beliefs and accept the teachings of Christ. He was tortured and martyred for his faith by the pagans in the early fourth century.

KALLISTOS, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Kallistos lived much of his ascetic life on Mt. Athos in sketes near Philotheou Monastery. He recorded the lives of St. Gregory the Sinaite, St. Theodosios of Trnovo, and wrote many homilies. He returned to Athos after only four years as patriarch and later was again called to serve in Constantinople. His death was foretold to him by another saint, Maximos of Kapsokalyvia. He said that he would never return from a trip to help council Queen Helena of Serbia, which came to pass.

Hmmm. Well, that's the way the calenar crumbles.


19 Jun 01 - 07:05 PM (#487359)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: McGrath of Harlow

St Pat's on duty March 17th of course - they've got a rota. Though I imagine St Pat might be putting in a bit of overtime in the circumstances.

19 Jun 01 - 07:09 PM (#487368)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Morticia

My dearest friend, look at how much love and support you have here and know you are loved, trusted and truly admired for your warmth, your humour and your down-to-earth common sense and know that we can't possibly do without you, it simply isn't an option.
much love

19 Jun 01 - 07:16 PM (#487371)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: wysiwyg

My money's on St. Genulf, since it sounds faintly dirty and magical.


19 Jun 01 - 07:21 PM (#487375)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Dharmabum

Get well & get back soon,the place ain't the same without ya.


19 Jun 01 - 07:23 PM (#487378)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Murray MacLeod

What can I add to everything that everyone else has said? I felt in my bones that Barry would be OK and I feel the same about you. Also, as I said before, only the good die young :-)

I will be thinking of you on the 20th.


19 Jun 01 - 07:27 PM (#487382)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Stewie

All the best, Spaw. Have a speedy recovery.


19 Jun 01 - 07:29 PM (#487385)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Allan C.


Aw hell, you know what I'm wanting to say...


19 Jun 01 - 07:30 PM (#487386)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: TishA

Spaw, you've been helpful to me and FRIENDLY. Now don't tell any of my redneck friends I said so but I noticed all this and I kinda' liked it. I'm gonna' miss you while you're away. So hurry back.

Chip A. at Tish's computer.

And Tish too only she's not here to say so right now.

19 Jun 01 - 07:35 PM (#487389)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Mark Clark


It sounds as though you're in the best possible medical hands, I pray that everything goes perfectly and we'll soon see you posting back here.

      - Mark

19 Jun 01 - 07:38 PM (#487390)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Giac

Best thoughts and wishes, 'spaw.

Love to you, Karen and the boys.


19 Jun 01 - 08:18 PM (#487414)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,skarpi iceland from home.

Halló all, I just the thread I hope you get well very soon Catspaw, I will send my thought´s to you over the sea , It´s a long way but I you will get it. Last time you helped me hmmm last Friday I think I wrote " after a storm come´s sunshine even In our lives " I feel bad. In Icelandic we say " Láttu þér batna fljótt " Kat I think you can transl, for Catspaw will you. Anyway I had a good time up In the capin but the wheather was not good. All the best skarpi Iceland.

19 Jun 01 - 08:48 PM (#487429)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Noreen

Gentle cuddles for you, Pat... when you're ready for them... :0)


19 Jun 01 - 08:54 PM (#487435)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: katlaughing

He is in a private room with a couch, so Karen is able to stay with him until time for her night shift in the lab, then she'll take off early to be with him before the surgery. He is comfy for now.

Thanks to you all. You are all wonderful. More as I hear it.


19 Jun 01 - 09:04 PM (#487442)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Amos

HEY! SPAW!!! WAKE UP!!! Someone's been dicking around with your ticker!!! Or is it docking around with your tocker? Or decking around... awww, never mind.

Pat, I have never known so great a friend, from so far a distance, sing so true a note in so gruff a tone, or play so many people so clearly and smoothly, and with such fat fingers, too!!!

You are deeply loved, whether anyone admits or not, so shut up and get used to it.



19 Jun 01 - 09:07 PM (#487445)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Dancing Mom

I take care of Cardiac Surgery patients. The most rewarding thing about my job is seeing people get their problems fixed, walk out of the hospital, and get on with their lives. The DaVinci sounds amazing,and it sounds like he's in excellent hands.Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Spaw. Sending loving thoughts to you and your loved ones. Sharon

19 Jun 01 - 09:49 PM (#487474)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Jon Freeman

In my thoughts and best wishes, Jon

19 Jun 01 - 09:58 PM (#487478)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Amergin

not so sure about those other saints, but Saint Nathan of Idaho has you in his thoughts....

19 Jun 01 - 10:11 PM (#487481)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Jeri

Spaw, my best wishes. You're a big reason why I'm at Mudcat at all. If it weren't for your humor, some of us would take ourselves far too seriously, Some still do, but that's not for your lack of trying. Hope everything goes as smooth as snot, and they don't try to feed you any lime jello afterwards.

19 Jun 01 - 10:12 PM (#487482)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Night Owl're an incredible gift to us here. Sending hugs and holding you and your loved ones close. I also wanna send a hug to each of your amazing friends in this community who have joined in this circle surrounding you with positive energy.

19 Jun 01 - 10:21 PM (#487484)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Night Owl surely DO have a way with words!!! lol

19 Jun 01 - 11:06 PM (#487499)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Áine

Hey you saggy-assed tortoise! Don't let the turkeys get ya down - pluck 'em and fry 'em up Cajun style ;-)

There's a candle that's been burning for you here at Moon on the Hill, and our prayers are with you and Karen. We love you, you ole buggah, so you'd best be gettin' better toot-sweet! This place just ain't the same without you around causin' trouble ;-)

And Karen, don't let the ole fart get to you -- you know how men are -- if he gets on your nerves too bad, hit him with the bedpan and short-sheet him when the nurses ain't looking!

Hugs and snogs from deepest, hottest Texas, Áine

20 Jun 01 - 12:28 AM (#487546)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: wdyat12

Rest now Spaw. I know you will be dreaming up new Mudcat Threads while you recover. You were brave and faced all your insecurities before the surgury with outward humor. I hope you had a surgeon with a sense of humor too and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


20 Jun 01 - 12:36 AM (#487551)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: ddw

Hey, 'Spaw — here we've been talking about getting together in July and I didn't realize how serious this thing was you were going in for.

Wishing you all the best, friend, and there's no doubt in my mind you'll get it — we always get back what we give out.



20 Jun 01 - 12:37 AM (#487554)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Amos

Hi Karen....

How's it going?


20 Jun 01 - 01:01 AM (#487561)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,Don Meixner

Do well Pat, I will keep you and yours in my thoughts.

Don Meixner

20 Jun 01 - 01:19 AM (#487567)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: wysiwyg


Tell the nurses you have these conditions and need help right away.


20 Jun 01 - 01:33 AM (#487574)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: alison

prayers, hugs, and good thoughts to all of you from Australia.......

love you


20 Jun 01 - 01:42 AM (#487578)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Lyrical Lady

Great gusting gales of Gulf Island good wishes heading your way ...


20 Jun 01 - 01:47 AM (#487580)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Peter Kasin

Dear Spaw -

I send you blessings from St. Gaseous, St. Windersphere, and St. Boomer. Seriously, even though we haven't yet met, you're a kindred soul and a buddy, and I send you all my best wishes, and prayers for a full recovery.


20 Jun 01 - 02:53 AM (#487604)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Escamillo

Already sent a personal message to you, Spaw. My very best wishes join those of so many friends you have.

Un abrazo - Andrés

20 Jun 01 - 03:29 AM (#487612)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Wolfgang

best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery


20 Jun 01 - 04:08 AM (#487624)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Patrish(inactive)

So much has already been said, I echo all the good thoughts and love that has been sent to you. And I add my own special positive thoughts and love.
Patrish xxx

20 Jun 01 - 04:19 AM (#487626)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Sourdough

When I started hanging out at Mudcat, it took me a while to develop a taste for Catspaw's paerticular tastelessness and even longer to admit that in the middle of the crudeness there was cleverness. Then, suddenly, I discovered that I was looking forward to his postings. Arrrrrgh!

Catspaw, now that you have been cured, what do *I* do? I am going to have to wait for a while until you can answer. Hurry and get well!!!


20 Jun 01 - 04:26 AM (#487629)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Lyndi-loo

Best of luck ol Spaw. Heaven (or hell) ain't ready for you yet.

20 Jun 01 - 04:54 AM (#487635)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: dr soul

hmmmmmm the best of thoughts, brother and sister. If it's time we'll be jamming on the other side. But hurry back if ain't! love,

20 Jun 01 - 04:56 AM (#487636)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Lin in Kansas

Pat, your humor was what started me hanging out at the 'Cat...trying to figure out what the hell you were talking about (Neal Young Center, indeed).

Holding you and your family in our thoughts. Get better, hear?

Karen, strength to you as well. Take care of yourself, too.

Lin and John

20 Jun 01 - 06:25 AM (#487665)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Sam Pirt

Catspaw I hope the surgery all goes well, my thoughts are with you in England. Hope it all goes well.

Cheers, Sam

20 Jun 01 - 06:48 AM (#487675)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: InOBU

I just remembered the speach that Edi Amin gave to the doctors in the documentery... "The most important thing, to be good doctors, is to wash your hands!" This is very good advice, and remember to tell your doctors this. In order to get on your doctors best side, I would say something like, "Oh! One more thing, Edi Amin, a hero of mine, and one hell of a good cook, always said Doctors should wash their hands. So before you go mucking about in my inards, remember what President Amin said, and do wash very very well, and please if you must smoke during the operation, don't flick the ashes into me, that may not be very higenic."
Lighting a candle to St. Boomer, as mentioned above,
Larry and Genie

20 Jun 01 - 06:55 AM (#487681)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Fibula Mattock

Spaw, the best of luck and good thoughts to you. I hope the recovery is speedy and painless so you can get right back here where we need you. Make friends with the catheter - you have a lot in common - you both like taking the piss.
Fond regards to you and the rest of the Spaw family,

20 Jun 01 - 07:04 AM (#487687)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Les from Hull

All the best, and hurry back here soon please.


20 Jun 01 - 07:20 AM (#487695)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Diva

Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you've picked a good movie to watch when you're feeling better......something cheery.....Schindlers List again?...or perhaps The Last Picture Show. I could always sing you a nice "cheery" Border Ballad...hehehehe

20 Jun 01 - 09:13 AM (#487751)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW

I hate waiting!

20 Jun 01 - 09:20 AM (#487758)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: wysiwyg

When Kat posts a post-surgical thread I bet the simul-hits will lock up the Cat. Hope she e-mails as well! Maybe she should also post it in the Help forum!



20 Jun 01 - 09:27 AM (#487764)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: A Wandering Minstrel


Take it easy and get better soon

Like many others we have never met but we clearly share a sense of humour and I count you as a friend


20 Jun 01 - 09:29 AM (#487765)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: black walnut

All be well....


20 Jun 01 - 09:44 AM (#487770)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: UB Ed

How fitting for Spaw to go from the Neil Young Center to the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery at OSU. The DaVinci looks amazing, and after reading the piece, I feel the old fart will be back here in no time. As Spaw is keenly aware, any minimization of the surgery is helpful.

All the best! Kat, any word?


20 Jun 01 - 10:03 AM (#487782)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: LR Mole

Sunshine, calm seas and fair winds from New England.Heal quickly and stay tough. LRM

20 Jun 01 - 10:11 AM (#487785)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Bardford

Be well, Catspaw.

20 Jun 01 - 10:13 AM (#487787)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,SharonA

Dontcha hate sitting around in the waiting room... the industrial-strength furniture retains your butt-print for the next fifteen minutes every time you get up to pace the floor... all the magazines are way out of date... everybody's doctor comes in the room except the one you want to hear from...

Anybody have any news at all?? How the heck is it going???

20 Jun 01 - 10:20 AM (#487789)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: katlaughing

No news, yet, phoaks. It's only about 1020a where he is, so they're probably smack dab in the middle of things. He thought, if all went well, they'd probably have him in recovery/ICU around noon his time.

I will start a new thread to announce any news, as tihs one is getting long in the tooth.

Thanks, everyone, you are all just incredible people.


20 Jun 01 - 10:30 AM (#487802)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: KingBrilliant

Best of luck & get well soon.


20 Jun 01 - 10:43 AM (#487807)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: marty D

Hey Catspaw, you're one of the best. More than once you've left me speechless and laughing maniacally. Get well guy.


20 Jun 01 - 11:12 AM (#487843)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Naemanson

Here I sit in Washington anxiously watching for news. You're going for the gold Spaw! I know things will turn out for the better so someone (Kat) keep us posted.

Thinking of you Spaw, KarenSpaw, and Spawkids. Good luck and blessing on you.

20 Jun 01 - 11:22 AM (#487854)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: McGrath of Harlow

Just called in to check how things are going. Noon in Ohio you say The Hidden Paw* should be in recovery room, kat? That's 5pm in England.


20 Jun 01 - 11:26 AM (#487859)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: mousethief

Naem, I think the technical term for spaw kids is "Spawlings".


20 Jun 01 - 11:27 AM (#487860)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: McGrath of Harlow

Last part of that got missed off:

*Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw..."

20 Jun 01 - 11:33 AM (#487867)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Wolfgang

'Spawlings'? But surely only those he has spawed himself.


20 Jun 01 - 11:50 AM (#487893)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: InOBU

Well, it is 12 in New York, who knows what time it is in Ohio? One or two hours earlier? We should come up with an appropriate folk song to all play on the CD players around the world... while spaw is under the spell of the wonder drugs, so in his bardo state, he can hear a lovely hum... Something that all mudcatters would have on the shelf, Icelandic folk songs?
Sweating it out with all the rest...

20 Jun 01 - 11:50 AM (#487894)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: katlaughing

And, here I thought they were SpawSpawned! LOL, nothing yet, except an update from Connie. She says it will be another hour or two and will email as soon as she knows anything.

Karen was able to spend the night with him, which is really good, for both of them.

20 Jun 01 - 11:53 AM (#487897)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: annamill

So... how is he?

20 Jun 01 - 12:55 PM (#487985)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: Mountain Dog

According to Webster's Unabridged, the term for Spaw's offspring should probably be "Spawls", defined as "fragments of stone". Certainly they would qualify, being chips off the old block, eh?

20 Jun 01 - 12:59 PM (#487988)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: mousethief


Spaw's condition is addressed in this thread HERE.


21 Jun 01 - 01:35 AM (#488497)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: TishA

O.K. Spaw here's a wish on this thread too. (See post 115 on yer other thread.)

I wish you happiness.

Well, anyone with this many friends oughta be happy. You are happy right? I mean, I wished it and all.

: ) Chip A.

21 Jun 01 - 02:09 AM (#488509)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


Just when we need little sage....

There is none to be found.

21 Jun 01 - 02:40 AM (#488523)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

If wishes were fishes...

If pigs could fly...

If frogs had wings....

Then CsPaw wouldn't have died.

Neither would you...neither would i.