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BS: Briard Puppies!!

16 Jul 01 - 01:52 AM (#507450)
Subject: Briard Puppies!!
From: Sorcha

Sorry, shameless brag here! My best friend Judith's Briard bitch had 4 babies this morning! 2 dogs, 2 bitches. (Briard--French sheep dog. Giant hairy dog sort of like a Lahsa Apso on stilts). If you know Briards and want one, PM me for more info. This means I am a Great Aunt!!!

Other friend J'Nora's Basenji puppies are due Friday. Want a wild and crazy dog that doesn't bark? (Doesn't mean it doesn't make noise.......) Cool African dogs!

Sorry if this bugs you, but we have been really worried about Nunca (Deja Vu Non Negotiable) ever since she was bred. Virgin breeding and Briards are known for large (12-18) litters. We were worried about both Nunca and her "Mom" keeping up with a large litter.

If you really are interested in either breed, please PM or e mail me, OK?

16 Jul 01 - 10:48 PM (#508241)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!

Congratulations! My Alice gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens today. One tri-colored one means a female. Won't know what to make of the others for a while - two black/tigers and three black/white. Alice took it all in stride. I on the other hand...

16 Jul 01 - 10:54 PM (#508247)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Gypsy

'Tis the season, and many congratulations! We are the proud parents of a baby pomeranian who entered as an anniversary gift for the handsome mando player. She now dominates/enchants the twice weekly sessions.

16 Jul 01 - 10:58 PM (#508253)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Sorcha

Basenji's are a little cheaper than Briards........

16 Jul 01 - 11:18 PM (#508272)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: catspaw49

Dogs??? Cats??? What is this??? Are you all trying to ruin the joint? These are completely inappropriate topics here at the Mudact Cafe. Or maybe they aren't....Or maybe I should post as a nice Guest....nah....maybe the more nasty flaming/trolling Guest and suggest you are all sick puppies!!! Have these conversations elsewhere!!!! BRIARDS???? What the hell is that? A brand of ice cream or something? Dogs are like things like Weimaraners I don't mind telling you....Not some damn mint chocolate stuff!!!! I think you're both.....uh,....well,.........look here, you're got're both FEMALE for gawdsake!!!!!! Yeah....that's that means you both probably pray for your ass to get narrower huh? HUH???? Betcha' do!!!! Go ahead.....start a healing thread........I know you want to..........

geeziz......Read a couple threads last night after a weekend camping, and then spent the day trying to heal up the walking or limping wounded (sunburns, tetanus shots, assorted sprains and cuts---it was one helluva' weekend) and finally tonight, I read a boatload and am once again completely fascinated with this place. I'm generally around for the hash-outs, but I missed the hot and heavy part of this one and when you sit back and read the stuff..........fascinating......Still one helluva' place.

AND.....I figured that with this bunch on this thread, there might be a chance to post some inanity rather than insanity. Really though, I am happy for the Mommas and glad that all is well.........Sins, calicos are handy because you rarely have to guess the sex, BUT.....there are slightly over 1% of calicos that are male...tis a fact!

The big question here is-----When do my seegars arrive???


16 Jul 01 - 11:34 PM (#508287)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Sorcha

LOL, spaw! Just what kind of see-gars do you want? Will Swisher Sweets do? I lost my source for Havanas.....

17 Jul 01 - 02:52 AM (#508347)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: The Shambles

We had a briard in our family for many years. This post brought back many happy memories.

I remember standing in the garden, and gently pulling on a shredded nappie (diaper), the other end was still mostly inside of Remus.

The smell of this dirty nappie, a stolen meal, had wrapped itself around the insides of our 'son' and was about three feet long before the whole thing eventually came free.

This took some time and I remember smiling and politely waving to passing neighbours as if it was quite a nomal occupation. He did not appear to suffer any lasting injury but did not repeat the experience, I am glad to say.

17 Jul 01 - 01:03 PM (#508737)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Mrrzy

I especially like the description of a lhasa apso on stilts. These are the ones who look like they have dreadlocks, right?

17 Jul 01 - 01:41 PM (#508781)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Sorcha

No, those are either Puli (small black) or Komondor (large white). Briards are large dogs with a part down the center line and straight, coarse hair. Come in tawny or black. Ears are cropped or natural. Click here for Briard

17 Jul 01 - 10:28 PM (#509220)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Pelrad

Congratulations to all the mamas: canine, feline and human! No potential home here; we have four cats, seven cockatiels, and human offspring aged seven months and three years. We're contemplating a dog, but not till the Little Terror is two. I'm trying to sell Himself on a schipperke. :-)

Enjoy those babies, and I hope they all find good homes.

17 Jul 01 - 10:45 PM (#509224)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: katlaughing

My friend got a schipperke when her daughter was only 2 or 3 years old. She finally reconciled to keeping it, but was leery of it around her daughter until she was older. It was snippy and yappy. (For what it is worth:-)


17 Jul 01 - 10:48 PM (#509225)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Sorcha

I'd be leery of putting either a Briard or a schipperke into a home with small children too.

17 Jul 01 - 11:19 PM (#509237)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: catspaw49

Get a Weimaraner.......Lovely, gentle, and ultimate companions. Jaeger, a blue longhair, has had kids rolling about him and on him and falling across him his entire life and the worst he does is groan when they accidentally hurt him. Get a shorthair grey and you'll have a clean, velvety caoted hound and your child will see "my doggie" on Sesame Street (Wegman's Weims are regulars--the "dressup dogs")

Seriously, I know we all have our favorites and there are many outstanding breeds and mutts to be found, but had I the money and the place, I'd have a houseful of Weimies!


17 Jul 01 - 11:48 PM (#509246)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Dave Swan

Woman goes to the vet because her dog has frequent ear infections. The vet says that are prescription veteranary preparations which will help, but for far less money she can go to the drug store, get depiliatory cream, and apply that to the dog's ears. Getting rid of the excess hair usually does the trick. The lady trundles off to the druggist and selects a well known brand.

"Does this work well?" she asks the man behind the counter.

"Yes, indeed. Strongest we've got. In fact, if you're going to use it on your underarms, you should cut the strength by half. Anywhere else, cut it by two thirds."

"What about my schnauzer?"

"Oh, well, then a ten percent soultion. And I wouldn't ride a bicycle for a week."

17 Jul 01 - 11:58 PM (#509251)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: catspaw49

......geeziz............................What is that funky smell?.......................Aw yeah...the joke...........................El Swanno rides again.....well, at least after a few days...............


18 Jul 01 - 04:11 AM (#509313)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: The Shambles

Spooky, we had a Weirmaraner also?

18 Jul 01 - 03:31 PM (#509790)
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
From: Pelrad

We had a schipperke growing up. We were well past the toddler stage, though. Our biggest trouble was her guarding us from people who came to the door. She also took on a Rottweiller once out on a walk. Molly-Come-Back was a little yippy; she barked whenever anyone in the neighborhood was out of place.

I'll have to give this some more thought. If I could find another Molly I am fairly sure s/he would be fine with the kids, but maybe she was an exception to the breed?