31 Jul 01 - 10:51 PM (#518793)
Subject: RE: International festival of the sea
From: Julia
Just for the record, at the last Portsmouth festival they had Johnny Collins, Tom Lewis,The Shanty Crew (Chris Roche et al), Rum and Shrub,Baggywrinkle (Swansea Shantymen), The Portsmouth Shantymen, Bob Webb, Long John Silver, Shanty Gruppe Breitling (Germany), Harry Brown Shantymen(Bristol), Bosun's Call, Landlocked(Doncaster), Mollyhawks (Norwich), Hughie Jones, Jean Paul Ferrec & Christian Desnos(France), Shanty Jack, Armstrong's Patent(Holland), Forbitter (Liverpool), Les Souilles de Fond Cale(Brittany), Czerty Refy, The Cromer Smugglers, Shep Woolley, among others including Reggae and Maori music There were literally hundreds of vessels from viking longships to chinese junques, to Thames barges to the Mir, Sedov and Kruzenshtern, the Matthew, etc etc as well as a lot of motorcraft
It is a "Festival of the Sea", in a variety of manifestations, not just shanties and sailing ships
By the way, Kendall, regarding "qualifications" for singing various songs, You do credit to the Massacre of Glencoe, yet I don't believe you've had the personal experience of having your immediate family viciously murdered...