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What song just drives you crazy?

13 Aug 01 - 10:42 PM (#527347)
Subject: What song just drives you crazy?
From: richlmo

Just responded to the thread about the worst song you ever heard. Made me think of songs that aren't always bad songs, but they just get in you head and drive you NUTS. "Man I Feel Like A Woman" - Shania Twain is the one in the last few years that makes me want to scream. If I hear it in the mornings my day is shot. What song gets in your head?

14 Aug 01 - 12:37 AM (#527407)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: twister

I'd have to say that that song is annoying but not as bad as Fly away like a Bird, or something like that, by Nelly Furtado. It just gets on my nerves. It's not a bad song, I just hate it. -Twist

14 Aug 01 - 12:40 AM (#527409)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?


I may need a week or two in the Neil Young Center for the Terminally screwed, if it doesn't stop soon.

Sometimes eight, sometimes ten
Plenty of eggs for the railroad men"
Somebody please help me!

14 Aug 01 - 12:42 AM (#527411)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Liz the Squeak

Any one that gets into my brain and won't go away and I find myself waking up at 5.00am and singing it, like that bloody annoying Mambo No. 5 which was bad enough when it was the original, disgusting when it was 'a little bit of Monica in my life' and now it's been hijacked by Bob the Builder!



14 Aug 01 - 07:06 AM (#527514)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Murray MacLeod

You guys are lucky. At my work, I have to listen to Spanish radio all day, and if you have ever been to the Costa del Sol, you know how trite and insidious these Spanish pop songs can be. Currently I have about ten of them buzzing around in my head.


14 Aug 01 - 07:31 AM (#527526)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Ella who is Sooze

ma na ma na num naaa manaaaaana ma na ma na num naaa manaaaaana na nup ma na ma na num naaa manaaaaana bada da bada da ba ba ba ba badup bup

(think Muppet show)


14 Aug 01 - 08:45 AM (#527561)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Naemanson

It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all,
It's a small world, after all....


14 Aug 01 - 10:21 AM (#527630)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: RangerSteve

da da da da da da da da dum Macarena, da da da da da da da da dum Macarena, da da da da da da da da dum Macarena, Hey, Macarena.

14 Aug 01 - 10:34 AM (#527640)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: MMario

this is the song that never ends, it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

And the smurf theme song!

14 Aug 01 - 11:56 AM (#527719)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

The best remedy is to stop watching TV entirely, AND to stop listening to radio also. In this way you can avoid annoying songs, plus 95% of all advertising! You can also avoid hearing all kinds of bad news that you can't do anything about anyway, and it will greatly improve your daily state of mind, which will help the world a lot more than worrying about the bad news ever did. If we all did this, we could wreck havoc on the commercial system around us.

Another course of action I recommend is regarding junk mail with a return evelope, postage paid:

collect a bunch of 'em, fill out their forms with totally bogus information, then mix them all up so that the form for one is in another's envelope, and mail 'em back.

They pay for it, and it wastes their time...which is only fair, considering they have wasted yours ever since you reached adulthood.

One more suggestion: Get an unlisted phone number. If you still get called by a telemarketer somehow, there are a number of highly creative ways of wasting his/her time too, such as placing the receiver next to a stereo speaker on which is playing Dylan's song "Like A Rolling Stone". That usually drives 'em away fairly quickly, unless they are Dylan fans, and research has proven that very few telemarketers are.

There was a song driving me nuts a few days ago, but I have fortunately forgotten what it was...thank God!

- LH

14 Aug 01 - 12:06 PM (#527727)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: MMario

LOL LH! However - even without TV or Radio if you have contact with kids you will probably be given a number of annoying earworms...

14 Aug 01 - 01:33 PM (#527821)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

You are right, Mario! However, I don't have any kids either. I have a Master's Degree in avoidance.

- LH

14 Aug 01 - 01:57 PM (#527847)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Jack the Sailor

The pepsi song with that little kid bugs me.

Mul of Kyntire ???

by Paul McCartney used to drive me crazy till I started sing "Canadian Tire" instead.

14 Aug 01 - 02:27 PM (#527886)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: LR Mole

"Kumbaya", led by someone with an endless supply of gerunds (Someone's flying, a tire...selling insurance...workingwithdiophantineequationsinthemathdepartment...playing D,A,E,A until cramp sets in...)

14 Aug 01 - 02:41 PM (#527904)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: twister

I hate kumbaya. It's like the song that never ever ends!!! This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends..............

14 Aug 01 - 05:26 PM (#528075)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

I guess the justification for such songs is that they're really easy to learn, and teach to a bunch of school kids.

The one I really detested was "Reuben and Rachel". They used to divide the class into males and females and force us to sing alternate verses. What torture! (specially for the boys, who were mostly embarrassed out of their minds).

Mind you, I'd really like to hear William Shatner's version of "Reuben and Rachel" sometime. I have the feeling he could give it a whole new twist.

- LH

14 Aug 01 - 05:38 PM (#528085)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Denise:^)

There are certainly songs that drive me crazy, but there are certain 'treatments' of some songs that just about make me batty... when some one sings, "Happy Birthday to you, CHA-CHA-CHA...Happy Birthday to you, CHA-CHA-CHA!" or "Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er the fields we go, Laughing all the way--HA-HA-HA!"

Stuff like that makes me want to scream!

Just one of my personal quirks, I guess!


14 Aug 01 - 06:26 PM (#528123)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

I wonder if they could put out a new Billy the Talking Bass that sings snatches of popular Christmas carols...just in time for the next holiday season! Whaddya think, Spaw?

- LH

14 Aug 01 - 07:05 PM (#528166)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

My son Ken says that the antidote for any song that gets stuck in your head is "Gary Indiana"...

Cheers, Nancy

14 Aug 01 - 07:07 PM (#528167)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Callie

All - the people - living in one world. ARRRRGGHHHHHH!

15 Aug 01 - 12:57 AM (#528363)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: RangerSteve

The Candy Man can, cause he sprinkles it with love and makes the world taste good.

To Sammy Davis' credit, he hated that song, but the record company made him record it. That's why you should only do private issue recordings.

15 Aug 01 - 11:13 AM (#528486)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

Gary Indiana Gary Indiana Gary Indiana...Thanks! The hen is gone.

15 Aug 01 - 02:53 PM (#528690)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: John MacKenzie

I got you babe, Sonny & Cher ( The original Cher not the plastic copy )

Je t'aime.... SergeGainsbourg & Jane Birkin


15 Aug 01 - 03:09 PM (#528708)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Kim C

She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy

15 Aug 01 - 03:14 PM (#528715)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Denise:^)

Any song in which Reba McIntyre distorts her vowels into strange and nearly undecipherable sounds...

15 Aug 01 - 03:35 PM (#528741)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

"Desperado" makes me queeze
"Summertime" just makes me sneeze
I'll ask you kindly, please, Oh Please...
"The Wreak of the Edmund..." disagrees.

15 Aug 01 - 06:17 PM (#528850)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Amos

Any song where the singer insists on stretching two notes into ten, thinking that this proves her virtue (it is most often her) as a vocalist. It seems this is a recent fad, perhaps an extension of the beutiful gospel technique of putting octave stretches pausing at bluesy intervals in certain places, but now exagrrated until it sounds ridiculous, affected, unmusical and pretentious -- preee Teh-heh-heh-heeeeehn-cio-ou-ou-oussssss! Beepopwaaawadaaa!! Yuck!!


15 Aug 01 - 11:46 PM (#528979)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: richlmo

Amos, are you sure Reba didn't start that? At least Mariah Cary (sp) had a big part in it.

16 Aug 01 - 12:23 AM (#528990)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,

the song from monty python: Oh I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders and a bra, I wish I were a girlie, just like my dear papa

16 Aug 01 - 12:42 AM (#528994)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: ddw

It's not a particular song, but does it run anybody else nuts to go into a restaurant and have the staff all gather around somebody and sing (or, usually, chant) some incredibly stupid "Happy birthday" thing for some poor embarrassed schmuck?

I went into a Red Lobster about five or six years ago and had to endure it five times during the meal. Since then I've taken to calling the manager immediately and complaining about the disruption of my meal.


16 Aug 01 - 02:00 AM (#529012)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Bert

It gets even worse when the song intrudes on one that you're trying to write. For the last few days I've been working on a song and "Grandfather's Emigrant Eyes" keeps intruding and taking over the melody. Kept me awake half the night on Tuesday.

I think I'll have to just finish it usimng that melody and change the melody AFTER I've got the lyrics done.

16 Aug 01 - 05:50 PM (#529655)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: M.Ted


I like you once, but now that I know that you are the idiot that sends those cards back--it is all over.

I worked for a small company that made electronic/microprocessor-based control equipment--we used to get a few pieces a month returned, all in the same handwriting, and all with the same stupid, nasty messages written on them--The were a real pain for all of us(I hope you enjoyed yourself)--who were, after all, just people trying to make a living and take care of the family.

And they weren't such a bad bunch, either, in our little factory, the sales mgr was a drummer with a great working band, all three of the design engineers were guitar players(two played "Chet Atkins fingerstyle")--their were three or four other guitar players in the repair section, one of the salesman was a guitar maker, and there were a couple of whole bands working back in production--Even the photographer had a band(and a folk band, to boot)--altogether, that factory and those ads supported about eight working bands(my band played folkdance music)--

So thanks a lot for all the grief, buddy, your fellow musicians really appreciated it--

16 Aug 01 - 06:34 PM (#529679)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Hey, Ted, it wasn't you guys in your little was Time Magazine, Reader's Digest, American Express, and other various mega-outfits like that. Your place sounds pretty unique to me.

Be that as it may, I have a lifelong hatred of advertising that seems to be growing stronger, not weaker. This may be one of my personality flaws or it may be a genuinely revolutionary impulse...or both.

Who was this guy you were sending several ads to per month? Oh, I guess you don't know... But why would you send several ads per month to the same person?

Well, I don't think it was me.

Did he send you back a card with a caricature of Winston Churchill in the nude giving the finger?

If so, I think I know who it was.

If, on the other hand, it was a cartoon of Groucho Marx uttering various obscenities, I can't help you. I have no idea who's behind that one.

- LH

p.s. I also want to vote for "I Got You Babe". Anybody seen "Groundhog Day"?

16 Aug 01 - 07:56 PM (#529736)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: M.Ted

Well, OK, I am sorry then, and you are back in my good graces--though there is probably someone else opening envelopes for a very low rate of pay, getting depressed everytime they get something from you. Really that was the thing, too, sitting in some windowless office, breathing recycled air and being abused by complete and anonymous strangers--one of the less well known aspects of the American experience--anyway-

Keep in mind that this stuff is bulk mailed, a lot of it was postcard packets, generally to the subscriber lists of magazines--since most of our books were controlled circulation(which means that they were free to people who qualified by being employed in certain industries) we really couldn't tell where the guy(or guys) were--above and beyond the magazine--and the thing is that the person was recieving the magazine and the packets because they had requested it--

I remember a rubber stamp with the finger, but I don't know that I remember Winston Churchill--anyway--

For what it is worth, advertising keeps the economy moving and growing, and, in its place, is a good thing, however, I think the place ought to be restricted to magazines, newspapers, and TV(TV ads tend to be better than the programming, so they probably ought to stay). I hate the fact that my in-box is suffocated with gambling opportunities, penis extension kits, a and opportunities to make $10-50,000 in the next 30 days. I also hate the fact that there are ads on the mats in the bottom of urinals(though it is a fitting place), and that I get recorded phone advertisements in addition to the almost daily solicitations for long distance and aluminum siding--

Except for the fact that the song is totally un-memorable, the music to that Faith Hill Pepsi ad would drive me crazy--

16 Aug 01 - 08:34 PM (#529763)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Sounds like we've been getting the same mail and spam ads. Some outfit tries to send a fax to my girlfriend's phone number, every afernoon. It doesn't get through, because there is no fax on the line. Reader's Digest sends us forms suggesting strongly that we have won a million dollars, if we will just put the fancy stickers on the embossed certificate and order some book or something. As for the penis extension kits, I fear that that may be what happened to Spaw. He is completely housebound as a result. Too much advertising can seriously mess up your life...specially if you're sitting in a windowless office hour after hour opening letters from sickos like me!

Talk about thread drift...

- LH

16 Aug 01 - 08:49 PM (#529773)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: guinnesschik

It's 3 AM, and you've just returned home from a gig. You turn on the television, and playing is a commercial for a '70's CD collection.

Since Saturday night, I have had "I heard my mamma cry, I heard her scream the night Chicago died." It will not go away.

16 Aug 01 - 08:55 PM (#529777)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Isn't it "I heard her pray the night Chicago died"? Not that it really matters. "Scream" might actually be more appropriate in the case of that song...

- LH

16 Aug 01 - 09:03 PM (#529786)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Chicken Charlie

Me, I just always hated "Horse with No Name." Also the one with the line about "alligator lizards in the air." Tied for the senseless lyric of the millennium. I guess I just got no soul.


16 Aug 01 - 09:15 PM (#529797)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

The song is "Ventura Highway".

Alligator lizards are actually really neat looking lively creatures that live in dry terrain from Canada on south...

For the Canadian alligator lizard visit:

For its southern cousin visit:

For care and feeding of your alligator lizard visit:

Senseless lyric, indeed! Hrumph!!! Philistine! :-)

- LH

16 Aug 01 - 09:51 PM (#529818)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: twister

The monty python one, banjo lady, is called the Lumberjack song. I thought it was hilarious. And I'd have to agree that Gary Indiana, Gary Indiana, works like a charm. Until you get that stuck in your head.

17 Aug 01 - 01:53 AM (#529930)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: M.Ted

Thanks for posting the Alligator Lizard link, LH--I was pretty depressed, and the little critter just turned the day around--lizards are like that--

If you are haunted by "The Night Chicago Died", maybe you can clear it out by humming a few bars of "Billy, Don't Be a Hero"--Does anyone remember any of Helen Reddy's other hits? just the thought of "You and Me Against the World" is enough to spoil a day--

17 Aug 01 - 10:33 AM (#530124)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Denise:^)

"I am Woman, hear me roar,
In numbers too big to ignore..."

...and that one's a classic, compared to,

"Angie Baby, you're a special lady,
Livin' in a world of make believe-->br> Well, maybe..."

Unfortunately, I have quite a memory for lyrics, and rarely forget what I've heard. And if it's something I've had to learn--say, back in choir or something--then FORGET IT. It's there to stay! (I had forgotten that I'd ever learned "The Windmills of Your Mind" back in 11th grade, but somebody on another thread mentioned it, and IT'S BACK...

"Round, like a circle in a spiral,
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning..."



17 Aug 01 - 11:05 AM (#530150)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,djh

I can't believe no one said Margaritaville. I run in the other direction when I hear it so I don't have to spend a week looking for my lost shaker of salt. I think I like the song , but there is only so long any song is allowed to occupy space in my head.

17 Aug 01 - 11:21 AM (#530164)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: sian, west wales

Two come to mind: You picked a bad time to leave me, Lucille puts me in a seriously bad mood. What an a**hole! Didn't mind that she left - just that she left at an inconvenient time.

Also, the guy at the next desk to me used to sing something he picked up from some TV show (someone in UK is bound to know which one):

to the tune of 1st half of Buffalo Girls Won't you Come Out Tonight:

I know a song that'll get on your nerves
Get on your nerves, get on your nerves
I know a song that'll get on your nerves
Get, get, get on your nerves
(repeat at will)

And guess what? It really really does.


17 Aug 01 - 11:31 AM (#530167)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Denise:^)

...that's, "You picked a *fine* time to leave me, Lucille..."

17 Aug 01 - 11:40 AM (#530174)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Grab

On the subjects of cards, ANYTHING put through an 8-bit low-frequency sample and then inserted into a greetings card. ARGH! I'd rather not get any cards than get one that bleeps and crackles at me!

Anything with the "gospel howling" mentioned above - I swear, gospel singers are constitutionally incapable of holding a single note and have to disguise it by hitting every note on the scale on the basis that one of them is probably right. If the guitarist inserted a screaming riff in the middle of a verse for no apparent reason, would the singer get annoyed? Of course they would. So why do singers perpetrate the same crime vocally?

And Alanis Morrisette. The line "the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me" is guaranteed to ruin that song, even if you liked it before (which I didn't).


17 Aug 01 - 11:58 AM (#530191)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Kim C

Heeheehee! Guest Denise, I had the SAME EXACT THOUGHT about Reba!!! :-)

I have said this in another thread, but I really hate Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses, which was a HUGE hit for Kathy Mattea. I like lots of Kathy's other stuff (especially what Don Henry writes for her - he is a NUT) but this one was pap-n-drivel.

I have probably said this before too, but growing up in the South, you get REAL tired of Free Bird. I'm thinkin I'll take my flintlock out and shoot that damn bird!

17 Aug 01 - 01:52 PM (#530269)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Wesley S

DJH - You think YOU'RE tired of Margaritaville ?? I grew up in Florida. Try living there and see how old it gets - quickly.

Since someone already mentioned "A Horse With No Name" { or no melody either for that matter } I think I'll have to mention all of those inventive DJ's who trot out "Riders On The Storm" by the Doors whenever it starts to rain.

17 Aug 01 - 02:23 PM (#530291)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Whistle Stop

Unfortunately, there are a lot of these songs -- I think I agree with every post so far ("Horse With No Name" and Margaritaville" meriting specific endorsement) . My personal contribution is "Good Morning Starshine," especially when it gets to the "glippy gloop gloopy, nippy noppy noopy la la la la la" part; maddening!

17 Aug 01 - 04:08 PM (#530369)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

The Bouncy Ball Song!

17 Aug 01 - 06:43 PM (#530459)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Helen Reddy? OUCH! She may be the only person who has recorded more annoying songs than Paul Anka, fer chrissake!

I had forgotten about "You and Me Against The World"...

It's got to be among the top ten most annoying songs of all time. And so does "I Am Woman". ARRRGGGHHH!!!

We should maybe get Ktel to put out a boxed set of this stuff, or else get William Shatner to do cover versions, which could be really novel and refreshing.

- LH

17 Aug 01 - 07:29 PM (#530500)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Chicken Charlie

Little Hawk--

Yeah, lovely critter. Some of my best friends are lizards. But what are the damn things doing "in the air??" 'Splain that one to me, like dude.

Sian--good one on the 'Buffalo gals' thing.


17 Aug 01 - 07:49 PM (#530516)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,doncam

Can't get the first line of Richard Thompson's "Keep your distance" out of my head since I recently re-heard it:

"If I cross-a your path today..."

17 Aug 01 - 07:49 PM (#530517)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Nancy King

He Stopped Loving Her Today....

Star Spangled Banner as performed by those described by Amos and Grab, above...

Cheers, Nancy

18 Aug 01 - 03:11 PM (#530845)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: fat B****rd

These days "Imagine" still makes me cringe, always has. When I was 13 I got an underage job on the "Prom" at Cleethorpes, the arcade I worked in had a juke box at either end. Helen Shapiro's "Please don't treat me like a child was played on both jukeboxes every day for what seemed like weeks. I actually fell to my knees on one occasion and begged somebody not to play it. They did. It still fills me with horror if it comes up on an oldies show.!!

18 Aug 01 - 04:02 PM (#530863)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

"He Stopped Loving Her Today"??? OUUUUCH!!! I'd forgotten about that one too.

As for the alligator lizards in the air...well...I think they can jump quite effectively, so maybe that's what the lyric means...maybe.

- LH

18 Aug 01 - 09:00 PM (#530911)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: RangerSteve

Baby, I'm awant you, Baby, I'm aneed you.

I'm anot remember who did that one, and I'm anot care. But if the lyrics anot fit the melody, one or the other should be changed. The same goes for Jimmy Buffet's lost shaker of salt. Both songs should be beaten with a hammer of sledge.

18 Aug 01 - 09:17 PM (#530922)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: AliUK

Any song by the Cranberries....jeez I liked the first one but do they have to keep remixing it. Also Godamned "Close to You" by the carpenters...I'd like to sprinkle a little sulphuric acid into that dudes eyes, nevermind moondust...oh god! It's back, just remembering the I'll never get to sleep...AAAAARGH!!!!

18 Aug 01 - 09:28 PM (#530929)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,equalrice

At the risk of being deemed sacrilegious, I have a standing policy of fleeing from the room anytime an earnest folkie cranks up "Puff, the Magic Dragon." Ugh.

A friend told me about a parody of the song called "Puff, the Magic Drag Queen" that could prompt a policy reversal, however. Anyone know the words?

18 Aug 01 - 10:54 PM (#530956)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

I don't like "Puff" much either. The funniest thing about that song was all the hippies that theorized that it was actually code for smoking dope! Har! Har! Those turkeys thought everything was code for smoking dope or taking some other drug...

"Why do dogs crawl away and die
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they can't stand to be
Close to you..."

Hee! Hee!

- LH

18 Aug 01 - 10:55 PM (#530957)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: guinnesschik

"Woah, woah, woah, my love does it good."

At least it's better than "Silly Love Songs." I can thank Himself for this tonight.

18 Aug 01 - 11:38 PM (#530968)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Celtic Soul

Wow. Good one! I have quite a few! How about that gawdawful "Blue" for starters? Anything, and I mean *anything* by Cher, but most especially that heavily synthesized recent travesty of hers. N'Sync? My daughter calls them InStink (I gotta agree). Is it any wonder I do not listen to much if any radio? And the list goes on, but I'll spare you all that. :D

19 Aug 01 - 12:30 AM (#530998)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,johnne

I really think all of you have hit the songs right on the head. But no one has mentioned "More" than the greatest love the world has known....this is the love I give to you infinitum

BTW thanks for letting me post here. I am a newbie

19 Aug 01 - 07:28 AM (#531094)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Lor

i was subjected to cher's, "if you believe in life after love" yesterday on the grocery store muzak and realized i need to add that *song* to my list. i believe it's the combo of extremely dull lyrics with the electronic voice that makes my skin hurt. ye-ouch!!


19 Aug 01 - 08:11 AM (#531099)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: sledge

Brian Adams with his every thing I do, as bad as Whitney Housten and that song from the movie Body guard



19 Aug 01 - 10:47 AM (#531130)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Denise:^)

Okay, RangerSteve, that was aDavid aGates and aBread.

Funny; that song came on the 'muzak' in a store the other day, and I was thnking, "Why in the world did they sing it like that?" Never thought about it much when it was a big hit on the radio; I was about 10...


19 Aug 01 - 01:54 PM (#531227)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

"In the year 2525" is the number one annoying song for me. And it's soooo loooong tooo.


19 Aug 01 - 02:20 PM (#531239)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Did William Shatner cover that one?

- LH

19 Aug 01 - 07:26 PM (#531405)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: RangerSteve

Guinnesschik - Just those two songs? what about Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey - what the heck is a butter pie? I believe Paul McCartney was invaded by Body Snatchers. The guy who wrote Yesterday could not have written these other songs.

Also: That would be something, really would be something. That would be something, meet me in the pouring rain, mama, meet me in the pouring rain. Philip Glass puts more thought into his work. Maybe Linda cut off Paul's manhood.

20 Aug 01 - 08:10 AM (#531678)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: guinnesschik

RangerSteve, Paul was obviously drunk with love.

20 Aug 01 - 09:35 AM (#531721)
Subject: RE: what is a butter pie?
From: GUEST,janeb

A butter pie is a pie with just potatos and butter in it. A meat and potato pie, but with no meat. Also known as a preston butter pie ( but only on Liverpool) in Preston it is just a butter pie. Rather like a greek salad in greece.

20 Aug 01 - 07:11 PM (#532086)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: RangerSteve

Guinnesschik - when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense.

20 Aug 01 - 07:23 PM (#532095)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Chicken Charlie

Letty--My gawd, what an oldie. I remember being stunned by "2525" in college circa 1965. Seems to me it was about contemporary with the eminently forgetable "Little Black Egg with the Little White Specks" or whatever.


21 Aug 01 - 12:29 AM (#532216)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Mark Cohen

You guys have to read Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs. It's a treasure trove of garbage like this -- that is, the songs are garbage, not the criticism, which is funny! Well, some of the songs are funny, too. Like Neil Diamond and his strangely reticent chair. But if you do get the book, don't buy it through my link here. Go back to the top of this page, click on the fish in the banjo and access or your favorite big broke bookseller that way, so Mudcat gets a sliver. And speaking of folk songs in this category, I must admit that whenever somebody starts up with "On Ilkley Moor Baht 'At", I get a stabbing pain in my bladder. I'm sure there are those who love the song. You're welcome to it. Elsewhere.


21 Aug 01 - 06:32 AM (#532326)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: English Jon

American sodding pie.

21 Aug 01 - 06:52 AM (#532334)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Amazing how potent cheap music is(N.Coward).
Herself made a tape of her singles for a party many years ago and it still gets played. It includes many songs featured in 'Catters' most hated and "one-hit wonders" choices: 2525, You were on My Mind, It's my party, End of the World etc. Damn things are so catchy, bad or not, I have to play a good blast of Louis Armstrong, Leadbelly or Howlin'Wolf to get them out of my mind after it's been played!
RtS (Built for comfort, not for speed)

21 Aug 01 - 12:34 PM (#532522)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: M.Ted

Chicken Charlie,

I, for one, have not forgotten "Little Black Egg "--though it has been years, and I wish I could remember the words--anyone?

21 Aug 01 - 01:04 PM (#532550)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Don Firth

People who insist on clapping in rhythm -- or just insert claps into any rhthmic gap in a song, e.g., in The Wild Rover:--

No! Nay! Never!
No, nay, never, no more. . . .

Drives me nuts!

Don (Hampsterdance) Firth

21 Aug 01 - 01:18 PM (#532556)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

Um, that's called "interaction". If we all wanted to sit quietly and listen, we might as well go back to college...

21 Aug 01 - 01:34 PM (#532569)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Bardford

My all time least favourite song is that jeezly Chicken Dance song that gets played at weddings. Dada deedle deedle dum, da da deedle deedle dum, dayah dump dump dump dump dump dump. Why, it's so bad, I have to start humming my second least favourite song just to eradicate it from my head. That song would be " I Love a Rainy Night."
Goes a little something like this: I Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy Night its such a beautiful sight I Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy Night.


21 Aug 01 - 01:37 PM (#532571)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Deda

I'm amazed that no one has mentioned "Someone left the cake out in the rain (I don't think that I can take it, cuz it took so long to bake it, and I'll never have that recipe agaaaaiiin)". Terrible song, dumb, senseless lyrics, and at one time many years ago it was actually played all the time over and over and over. Thank god it doesn't get much air time anymore -- at least not that I am subjected to. Blech.


21 Aug 01 - 10:25 PM (#532933)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

I'm usually pretty tolerant of music-if it isn't waking me up, I like it. But the other day my sister was listening to the radio-Z100-and , honest to god, they only played 2 songs. For an hour and a half. With idiotic commercials. And I liked them, too. But now....

21 Aug 01 - 10:39 PM (#532942)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: emilyrain

deliver it the letter i deliver it the letter i deliver it the letter i deliver it the letter i deliver it the letter i wriiiiiiiite

21 Aug 01 - 10:54 PM (#532951)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Deda - I've got just one word to say to you. One word.

Are you listening...?


- LH

p.s. "I write the songs that make the whole world..."


21 Aug 01 - 11:12 PM (#532958)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: richlmo

Guest has a good point. It's the one that you hear when you wake up that stays in your head all day. Thanks for the response,everyone. hope the song you hear in the morning is a good one. I'm going to bed.

21 Aug 01 - 11:54 PM (#532977)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Mark Cohen

Deda, MacAwful Park won Dave Barry's "Worst Song Ever" award. (Actually it was based on overwhelming reader response.) Which is quite an achievement, when you consider the competition.

Aloha, (CLAP! CLAP!)

22 Aug 01 - 12:34 AM (#532985)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Armen Tanzerian

That Song Is Drivin' Me Crazy --

Song by Tom T. Hall

22 Aug 01 - 02:50 PM (#533413)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: John MacKenzie

I don't want to see a ghost, Rather have a piece of toast.


Death ray


22 Aug 01 - 02:57 PM (#533419)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Deda

Yes, I do know about metaphors. But they should be good enough to hold water (like that one does).

How could we have left out achey breaky heart?

22 Aug 01 - 05:07 PM (#533521)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Chicken Charlie

This is scary; I agree with Li'l Hawk.

I think if someone WENT to M. Park & looked at the patina of weathering [OK, so part of it would be pigeon poop] on statues and such, one might think that a cake was melting in the rain. Alligator lizards in the air, however, are totally unredeemable.

Which leads me to Einstein's General Theory of Mudcat Relativity: "If I don't like what you like, it's dumb; but if you don't like what I like, you're dumb."

I think if we are honest, this is what this and all such like threads boil down to.


22 Aug 01 - 05:16 PM (#533531)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Kim C

Kumbaya. Or did somebody already say that?

23 Aug 01 - 01:23 PM (#534010)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: John MacKenzie

Metaphor once myself, we lost touch last year, but I'm glad now that I've metabolic, a pair in fact!!


23 Aug 01 - 01:56 PM (#534037)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: DMcG

For folk songs is got to be The Wild Rover - I've hated this since the 5000th time I heard it. Probably the most over-exposed folk song of all time. However, I heard a group("in the interests of European harmony") sing a version of it in French to brilliant effect.
All together now!
Et C'est non, non jamias
non, non jamias, ne plus ...

23 Aug 01 - 09:58 PM (#534292)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,groverdog

Uh-huh! She loves a monkey's uncle Yeah, yeah! She loves a monkey's uncle Whoa, whoa! She loves a monkey's uncle And the monkey's uncle's ape for me

24 Aug 01 - 01:57 PM (#534563)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

I always detested "Little Red Riding Hood", and I don't believe it's been mentioned yet...

I think MacArthur Park could best be criticized on the grounds of being too melodramatic, rather than on the grounds of having senseless lyrics. The lyrics aren't senseless, they're symbolic...probably of a collapsed love affair.

The lyrics are odd and unusual, that's for sure. I think a song with lyrics this odd has a certain distinction all its own.

It's a whole level above songs which are not in any way odd, but just REALLY BADLY written, really mediocre, really hackneyed, and that sort of thing.

This thread is full of examples of those.

- LH

24 Aug 01 - 03:44 PM (#534653)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Oh yeah, and here's a total stinker...


- LH

24 Aug 01 - 04:03 PM (#534669)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?

Little Red Riding Hood is a thinly-veiled about a pedophile.

25 Aug 01 - 02:42 AM (#535000)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Boab

Being an already-crazy-Scotsman, I like the song---but can some body explain the logic of the words of pleading from a love-lorn swain----- "Ha'e ye seen the bonnie high hills------

"And ha'e ye seen the shepherd---

---"And ha'e ye seen yon sojers-----

--"Busk, busk, bonnie lassie, an' come awa' wi me, an' I'll tak' ye tae Glen Isla by Bonnie Glenshee!"

25 Aug 01 - 08:44 AM (#535050)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: iamjohnne

This thread gets more and more interesting by the day. I love to read everyone's opinions. Most of them I agree with.And of the ones that I dont well, at least we can agree to disagree on them. Some of these silly songs I had forgotten all about. Mcarthur Park being one of them. I think had anyone but Richard Harris been the artist we would have just let it drift off into obscurity. Gee does anyone remember "Running Bear" or all those late '50s or early '60s teen-tragedies "Teen Angel" or the recently revived "Last Kiss" They were pretty awful too. And the list goes on.. and the list goes on.... lah de dah de dee lah de dah de dah.....

Johnne "goin where the weather suits my clothes"

25 Aug 01 - 12:11 PM (#535108)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: old head

my way.

25 Aug 01 - 07:22 PM (#535300)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Don Firth

Speaking of Teen Angel, a fellow named Dallas Williams who sang in Seattle's coffeehouses back in the Sixties wrote a parody called Teen Leper.

In the spoken part, backed by a "Do-Waa" chorus,

". . . My parents said, 'but son, she has leprosy!'
So I told them, 'Well, gee whiz, all teen-agers have complexion problems. . . ."

(And when she went away to the leper colony, she gave him her thumb as a keepsake.)

I figure if any song gets up your nose, that's an invitation to work up a parody.

Don Firth

25 Aug 01 - 07:30 PM (#535302)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Funny, cos my friend Johhny Death sings "Teen Angel", "Running Bear", and "Last Kiss" at the drop of a hat. I agree that they are dreadful, but he likes 'em! He also loves Bob Dylan. Try and explain that...

- LH

25 Aug 01 - 07:34 PM (#535304)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: AliUK

As the son of a scot and being subjected every New Year's Eve to Flower of sodding Scotland it ranks high on my list of songs that drive me crazy. Did Zager and Evans ever make any other records apart from in the Year 2525

....if man is still alive if woman can survive they may fiiiiiind

he he he

25 Aug 01 - 10:00 PM (#535358)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,

HONEY by bobby goldsboro. WHAT THE HELL! Anything by bobby goldsboro

26 Aug 01 - 09:38 AM (#535485)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: ermintrudeclaire

try ' the lion sleeps tonight' but i do like most of the ones posted as other people's headaches - desparado, american pie, achy breaky heart etc - its all good fun!

26 Aug 01 - 10:46 AM (#535497)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,Frogmore

In June of 1968 I had to drive straight through to Colorado from S.C. Roaring across Kansas before dawn, it seemed like the only song I could get on any station was "YummyyummyyummyI'vegotloveinmytummy." Gawd!

26 Aug 01 - 01:36 PM (#535575)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk


The Unicorn Song!!!!! (a "plastic paddy" number if ever there was one...)

- LH

26 Aug 01 - 10:27 PM (#535849)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: richlmo


27 Aug 01 - 02:39 AM (#535939)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Milkdud22

The song I just hate is that one country song about "Because two people fell in love". If you've ever heard it, you'll realize just what a stupid, sappy song it is! I absolutely hate it!! I also do not enjoy the 12 days of Christmas. It's got way too many stupid verses!!

27 Aug 01 - 11:02 AM (#536069)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

Have you heard Doug & Bob McKenzie's version of it?

- LH

27 Aug 01 - 02:52 PM (#536212)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: LR Mole

If songs can be grown-ers, then some can be sigh-ers: the equivalent of first-you-look-at-your-watch-then-you-listen-to-it. "Oh, god, now "Stormy Monday" for the next year." But the all time offender is "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"
"Now I'm going to sing the same melody line for eight minutes and forty-three seconds.
"And just when you all are about to pass out, I'll ring a small vari-A-tion." Feh.

27 Aug 01 - 03:07 PM (#536221)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Deda

Not to beat a dead horse, the reason that I think the MacArthur Park metaphor is lousy is that (A) neither I nor anyone I've ever known or ever heard of has ever left a cake out in the rain, nor can I easily imagine such a thing, (B) no one who's ever baked any cakes would go into despair about losing one, (C) "I'll never have that recipe again" is completely meaningless -- there are easily millions of cake recipes, every newspaper in the world prints several every week, and none of them is worth getting hysterical about. Great metaphors, those in Homer and Virgil and a lot of other places, make you sit up and take notice because you recognize them as real, truthful, authentic, AND they evoke some other experience as well, the one for which they are a metaphor.

I agree about the teenager disaster songs, I could never stand them -- Take a message to Mary et alii. Now I'm going to deveop a rep for being a curmudgeon who only logs on to register my disagreeableness.

27 Aug 01 - 05:07 PM (#536316)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Little Hawk

But Deda!!! You have just listed the very reasons why it's such a stunningly great metaphor! After all,

a) Nobody I've ever heard of has left a cake out in the rain!

b) I can't easily imagine why they would.

c) It's unlikely (though not inconceivable) that the loss of said cake would cause such utter despair to the one who baked it.

d) And BEST OF ALL "I'll never have that recipe again!" has to stand out as the most spectacularly symbolic line in the whole song. Think about any love affair, and how it began. They're all unique. Thus one can definitely say of a love affair, if not of a cake, "I'll never have that recipe again." Believe me, I know about this, although I know diddly-squat about baking cakes.

Now while it may not be on the level of Homer or Virgil...well, not still stands up as a quirky and unique piece of songwriting for a 20th century pop song, and that's why it's remembered by so many people. Can I help it if the philistines are unable to appreciate its subtleties and layers of meaning?

By golly, I think we should get on the Jerry Springer Show or something and really get to grips over this McArthur Park issue!

Whack!!! The horse takes another boot in the head.

- LH (tongue firmly in cheek)

27 Aug 01 - 05:23 PM (#536325)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: GUEST,iamjohnne

Feelings nothing more than feelings

Trying to forget my

Feelings of Love


whoa whoa oh

Feelings whoa whoa oh

Feeings ad nauseum


"going where the weather suits my clothes"

27 Aug 01 - 06:38 PM (#536367)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: ddw

Little Hawk — I don't think The Unicorn is a Plastic Paddy song. It was a pretty clever children's song written by Shel Silverstein that was sung by Plastic Paddies.

ddw — running for cover

27 Aug 01 - 06:50 PM (#536381)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Amergin

Personally, I love the song Teen is one of the most hilarious songs I have ever heard....

27 Aug 01 - 07:18 PM (#536403)
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
From: Jim Dixon

Little Hawk: Abusing business reply cards WON'T DO ANY GOOD. To learn how to EFFECTIVELY stop junk mail, see this message from an anonymous guest who seems to know what he's talking about.

Or see the consumer assistance page at the Direct Marketing Association.