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Robert Johnson's Grave (1911-1938)

18 Aug 01 - 09:33 PM (#530930)
Subject: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Biskit

Riding home from work this evening listlin' to the news, newsman said it has been verified that Robert Johnson was buried in Greenwood, Mississippi. for those of you that are interested in that sort of thing. ~B~

19 Aug 01 - 12:45 PM (#531187)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: GUEST,truckerdave

Yeah, i saw an article in a local paper(MS) a few months ago where some old lady remembered watching him being buried and showed them where the grave was. Completely different location from where it was supposed to have been. Funny thing was, this old lady probably knew all along. No one ever asked, i guess. I lived in black rural neighborhood in Mississippi some years ago. Got acquainted with some elderly neighbors and asked them all out of curiousity if they had ever heard of or seen Robert Johnson play. They had no idea who i was talking about. Never heard of him.

19 Aug 01 - 02:19 PM (#531238)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Biskit

So Dave are you a "Trucker" truckdriver or "Trucker" jus' passin' through?? ~B~

19 Aug 01 - 03:51 PM (#531289)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Pontiac Joe

Hey Biskit, I was thinking the same thing. I was going to ask if he was a trucker. Thought we might have something in common being a trucker myself in the Mid Atlantic, New England area.

Pontia Joe

19 Aug 01 - 03:55 PM (#531290)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: JohnInKansas

My bald-headed son is sorta into blues, and immediately brought forth a couple of recently published blues music books that recite the old tale about RJ being "buried in an unmarked grave at an unknown location." (The Divil took 'im?)

Those interested might refer to the bio at Robert Johnson biography

It appears that something was added by the finding of his death certificate.

Of course, when bhs found a contradiction of a pet myth, I had to submit to an extended lecture on the "cultural significance" of RJ. Ain't chillen a pain? (anybody wrote that blues song?).


19 Aug 01 - 04:47 PM (#531318)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Biskit

Well this is sort of off the Subject of Robert Johnson, but I'm a trucker as well, former O/O of 26 years now haulin' U.S.Mail between Phoenix, and Tucson, Arizona. First "town" job I ever had. But Mama's happy and if Mama is happy, everybody's happy! ~B~

19 Aug 01 - 06:58 PM (#531391)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: bob jr

the same ariticle i read said that there was no way he'd have been buried if he was murdered that they would just thrown his body in the river and that they believe he died of syphillus ....which aint as interesting what do you folks think bout that??

19 Aug 01 - 07:09 PM (#531393)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Seems the old myths are arisin'. His burial at Greenwood is pretty well documented.

19 Aug 01 - 10:52 PM (#531525)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave

Yeah, i'm a blues-playin' truckdriver from Mississippi but i'm taking the summer off just goofin' around. If anyone hasn't been keeping up with it, there have been a few articles in local papers and in the media about Johnson's son Claude(i think) concerning the battle over the royalty money. A lot of new info has came out because these elderly people who remembered Johnson really didn't know he was a "legend" or that anyone was interested. He was long forgotten by black people in Mississippi for the most part. At least i've never found anyone who remembered him. Came across an old white guy who said he remembered seeing his father play with Son House(he didn't know him by that first name) but he could have been full of s**t.

20 Aug 01 - 04:18 AM (#531634)
Subject: RE: Robert Johnsons Grave
From: Biskit

At least we now know what you're about...LOL!!! welcome to the Mudcat. ~B~

03 Oct 19 - 03:14 PM (#4011757)
Subject: Robert Johnson, 1911-1938 (NY Times)
From: keberoxu

The New York Times has a feature called
"Overlooked" in which
obituaries are written up and published
years after the fact,
for eminent persons overlooked by the NYT when they actually died.

Here is a link to the 2019 obituary written up for
Robert Johnson 1911 - 1938.