01 Sep 01 - 07:01 PM (#539875) Subject: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Carols From: Haruo I just posted the G K Chesterton Christmas song "The World's Desire" in my online hymnal (both in English and in Esperanto). The default tune (background music) is the German "In der Wiegen", but I am wondering about the alternative tune, which I have called "Van Pelt". This is the tune given in the OBC (1956-64 ed.), and while I know it's familiar, I can't think offhand what text I'm using to hearing sung to it. I would like to give it its proper title, since "Van Pelt" won't mean anything to anybody — it is the name of the Atlanta clergyman who recommended it to the OBC editors as a tune for the Chesterton text. The MIDI is my own arrangement (though the second half is mostly very similar to Martin Shaw's arrangement in OBC. Liland Online Christmas Carols in Esperanto |
01 Sep 01 - 08:05 PM (#539915) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car From: Jeri Finding the song on the page wasn't easy - it's listed as The Christ-Child lay on Mary's Lap Can't help much with the other hymn. It reminds me a bit of the tune that On One April Morning is sung to, but it's not the same. |
04 Sep 01 - 07:51 PM (#541987) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car From: Haruo Wait a minute! Inspiration just struck! Is it (or is it very close to) the original tune of Auld Lang Syne ("For old long Sine my Jo")?!? I'm at the library (Internet but no speakers) and won't be able to check till I get home (where I don't have Internet access but do have a mockup of my websites with all the MIDIs and speakers), but if anyone wants to check, the MIDI in question is accessible from my Auld Lang Syne page. Liland |
05 Sep 01 - 12:34 AM (#542195) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car From: wysiwyg Wenceslaus, schmenceslaus... But now it's stuck in MY head too! ~S~ |
05 Sep 01 - 08:37 PM (#542978) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car From: Haruo Speaking of which, anybody know the last two verses of Good King Wenceslaus in Esperanto? (I'm just kidding, of course, but as long as the thread had drifted in that direction, I am indeed missing them, and it ain't half the fine moral lesson it's meant to be without them.) And incidentally, the tune in question (GKW, not AG or FOLSMJ much less the one I call Van Pelt from OBC) is properly Tempus Adest Floridum (there's an anonymous anglicization (title: "Flower Carol"; incipit "Spring has now unwrapped the flowers") in OBC that is also in The Cyber Hymnal along with the Latin original); it's actually a May Day carol, not a Christmas (or Boxing Day) carol at all... FWIW Liland who felt pretty silly when he got home and listened to them side by side ;-( |
05 Sep 01 - 09:34 PM (#543018) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car From: Burke Sorry, I don't recognize the tune. CMD, but you've all figured that out already.
24 Feb 02 - 09:14 AM (#656727) Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Carols From: Jeri For what it's worth, I'm still holding out for "On One April Morning." The only song I can find with a search for "add:" for the past 30 days that would even scan to the tune is The Plains of Waterloo. |