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BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats

07 Sep 01 - 07:44 AM (#544337)
Subject: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

Do you think like what I do. That veggies are a bit like Islamic Fundamentalists or born again christians. They always seem to push their views down your throat

07 Sep 01 - 08:02 AM (#544348)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: CarolC

I was in a conversation with a carrot just yesterday, and the son of a b**ch b**tard tried to tell me that anyone who grows above the soil level will never amount to anything in this world, and I might as well just give up now, and consider myself a total loss.

So I ate it.

07 Sep 01 - 08:08 AM (#544355)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: mooman

No not particularly! Virtually no-one except my family and working colleagues knows my eating habits or other views.

I may be a prat but not because of that.

mooman (veggie for 20 years, non-fundamentalist or any denomination)

07 Sep 01 - 08:35 AM (#544369)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Roger in Sheffield

So Whippet how many other interesting opinions do you have to entertain us?
If you listed them all at once we wouldn't need a thread for each one
Are you having a very boring day at work dear?

07 Sep 01 - 08:58 AM (#544390)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Marymac90

Could somebody please translate "prat"? Maybe there's something useful I can learn from this thread!

CarolC, I loved your response, and Roger, yours is right up there too! Hooray for all the bright, cheery, positive people who can come up with snappy comebacks to negative people saying, in essence, "Lets see you and them fight"!


07 Sep 01 - 09:01 AM (#544391)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Morticia

I think a closer analogy might be that YOU are a bit of a prat as you appear to be constantly pushing your views down our throats.

07 Sep 01 - 09:04 AM (#544392)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GeorgeH

Anyone else recall that scene in Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in the Restauant at the End of the Universe, where the pig-like creature trys to persuade the veggie customer to go for a slice of his rump, out of deference to the feelings of the lettices??

Of course, being a household of veggie prats we couldn't possibly have laughed ourselves silly at that. No, clearly my memory is playing tricks on me . . .

Still, at least he's not accused us of being Food Facists - yet!

Oh, and Cecil Sharp was a veggie . . (just to put in a spot of Folk "interest" . . )


07 Sep 01 - 09:26 AM (#544404)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Uncle Jaque

Are we talking about those "Veggie-Tales" things, reminiciant of the 33 1/3 RPM-on-a-78 RPM-turntable "Chipmunks" that were all the rage back in the 1960's? (I'm dating myself here... but can hardly get a date with me own Wife these days, much less anybody else)

About the only distinction I can discern is that these squeaky, chattering, odious little things are supposed to be amimated veggies rather than furry little rodents, and have some connection with the "contemporary Christian" community (I frankly fail to see why). At our local Baptist Church (which I hardly ever attend any more - through no fault of the Church, generally)they showed a breif video clip of a "Veggie Tales" cartoon in which little animated vegetables with squeaky, obnoxious little voices acted out and "sang" one of the epic tales of the Old Testament. If this is what it takes to get kids interested in the Bible, I wonder if we might just as well let 'em grow up on MTV and Mettallica to be green-haired tounge-pierced promiscuous obscenity-spewing incompetent vicious hateful little heathen savages, as most of them seem compelled to do regardless.

There seems to be a generic assumption in some religious circles that if any music or art form is labled "Christian", that if you consider yourself to be "Saved" you had better dammnwell "like it" (or at least pretend that you do) regardless of wheather it's any flaming good or not... or bloody awful for that matter. My Daughter once observed that "Christian Artists and bands do the CCM thing because they're not good enough to make it in the real world". At the time, I think she had a valid point, although it seems that many of them have gotten their act together since and in some cases such as "Butterfly Kisses" have even broken into the "real" music world quite successfully.

Not being all that familiar with the term "Prats", I'm not sure if I fully concur with your assessment... but checking in to a local "Christian" radio station I was appalled by what I think was one of the "Veggies" latest productions. In order to be exposed to anything more stuipid, annoying, or irritating, I'd have to turn on the TV - or the "tellie", depending on where you're from. As it was I had to find another station before the Veggies concluded whatever it was they were doing.

If any of my "Brothers & Sisters in Christ" want to damn me to Hell for that assesment, go right ahead; you won't be the first by any means.

Do I hear an "Amen", somebody?...

07 Sep 01 - 09:51 AM (#544422)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: sophocleese

Uncle Jacque, most of your views of things are not the same as mine but on this point we are in total agreement. Veggie Tales are sickly, saccharine and yucky. They should have been turned into compost years ago.

07 Sep 01 - 10:19 AM (#544444)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Bill D

isn't 'prat' a UK colloquialism meaning fool or 'dork'(USA colloquilaism)? By yer language shall ye be identified.

and in my day, 'veggies' refered to vegetables, not 'vegetarians'... cutesy shorthand references may have gotten out of hand.

07 Sep 01 - 10:36 AM (#544452)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Skipjack K8

Dealing With Flamers

07 Sep 01 - 10:36 AM (#544453)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

Maybe vegatables have feelings too

07 Sep 01 - 10:41 AM (#544454)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: LR Mole

CarolC, we're rooting for you. Stand by,tuber section.

07 Sep 01 - 10:49 AM (#544460)
Subject: The prats speak!
From: Deda

I admire my veggie friends. I think it takes a lot of discipline and intelligence to resist that carniverous "dominant paradigm". I probably eat veggie meals 2/3ds of the time, and very rarely eat red meat. I clipped these lovely Paxton lyrics from another thread yesterday -- don't remember which.

Don't Slay That Potato by Tom Paxton

How can you do it? It's heartless, it's cruel. It's murder, cold-blooded, it's gross. To slay a poor vegetable just for your stew Or to serve with some cheese sauce on toast. Have you no decency? Have you no shame? Have you no conscience, you cad, To rip that poor vegetable out of the earth Away from its poor mom and dad?

CHORUS: Oh, no, don't slay that potato! Let us be merciful, please. Don't boil it or fry it, don't even freeze-dry it. Don't slice it or flake it. For God's sake, don't bake it! Don't shed the poor blood Of this poor helpless spud. That's the worst kind of thing you could do. Oh, no, don't slay that potato What never done nothing to you!

Why not try picking on something your size Instead of some carrot or bean? The peas are all trembling there in their pod Just because you're so vicious and mean. How would you like to be grabbed by your hair And ruthlessly yanked from your bed And have done to you God knows what horrible things, To be eaten with full-fiber bread?


It's no bed of roses, this vegetable life. You're basically stuck in the mud. You don't get around much. You don't see the sights When you're a carrot or celery or spud. You're helpless when somebody's flea-bitten dog Takes a notion to pause for relief. Then somebody picks you and cleans you and eats you And causes you nothing but grief.


There ought to be some way of saving our skins. They ought to be passing a law. Just show anybody a cute little lamb And they'll all stand around and go "Aw!" Well, potatoes are ugly. Potatoes are plain. We're wrinkled and lumpy to boot. But give me a break, kid. Do you mean to say That you'll eat us because we're not cute?

07 Sep 01 - 10:59 AM (#544466)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: English Jon

Prat is old English for arse, as in hindquarters. Hence "pratfall" - to land on your gluteus maximus.


07 Sep 01 - 12:46 PM (#544531)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GUEST,JohnB

Veggies !! Do you think they're prats, no I do not think that vegetables are prats, you on the other hand. Oh no it's deja vu all over again, last time I called you a wanker. It's funny how how you seem to qualify my opinion of you the more you post Whippet. Do you have any opinions on "Music" that you could share ? JohnB

07 Sep 01 - 12:48 PM (#544534)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Cappuccino

Jon, thank you - I had been wondering about that for years. And Jaque, although I don't entirely agree with you, being both a vegetarian and a Christian musician (and thus twice damned!) I did make the point in another thread recently that there are those who are playing in modern worship bands purely because they can't get an audience anywhere else...

Who was it who wrote 'carrots scream as they are pulled from the ground?' Oh bugger, I suppose that means I can't eat vegetables either, now.

Didn't Bobby Bare & Shel Silverstein write a song proving that * everything * we eat or drink is harmful?

All the best - Ian B

07 Sep 01 - 12:58 PM (#544546)
Subject: Veggies ??
From: Clinton Hammond

I absolutely adore vegetarians... I have 5 or 6 free-range in my life... when the cows run out (or can no longer be eaten) these folks are the first to the chopping block!!!

Mmmmmmm... grain fed....



If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

07 Sep 01 - 01:01 PM (#544550)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: brid widder

well...whippet strikes again!! do vegatables have feelings?...I don't know whippet maybe you could speak on their've done a good job so far.

07 Sep 01 - 01:59 PM (#544597)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Big Tim

Well George Bernard Shaw was a vegetarian and he was a bit of a prat! What about Michaelangelo tho? And what about Hitler? We are what we eat in only one sense. This is a stupid thread.

Big Veggie (and proud of it) Tim

07 Sep 01 - 03:17 PM (#544655)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Deni


07 Sep 01 - 03:32 PM (#544670)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Troll

I am actively ignoring this thread.


07 Sep 01 - 03:34 PM (#544671)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Jim Krause

Carol, I had a similar discussion with a spud once. The spud won the argument, whereupon I ate it.

I tried vegetarianism once. Got hungry again in about an hour and a half. Something must have been lacking, like meat.

07 Sep 01 - 03:41 PM (#544678)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GUEST,cú chú

I'm a vegetarian and a whippet breeder, so the dogs still need a bit of meat

07 Sep 01 - 08:59 PM (#544875)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Pelrad

I don't know. If you all were being exposed to the crap they sell under the guise of "children's" material these days, your opinion of the veggies might be a little higher. At least there are clever puns and catchy tunes, and nobody's beating the crap out of anyone else. It's one of the more intelligent video series out on the market at the moment. I'll take them over Barney, Teletubbies, Blues Clues, or Bob The Builder any day.

That said, I admit the "Christian" ideals being shoved down one's throat are a bit revolting. And definitely the Christian musicians I've seen lately are terrible horrible awful! and I have been unable to figure out why entire congregations are making such big deals out of them. Except maybe that New England Baptists, the worst offenders, have no proper sense of fun and therefore no taste in music.

Having a three year-old and a VCR, I've endured many hours of pap. Those Veggies are the top of the pap heap, at least. :-)

I only eat free-range vegetables...

08 Sep 01 - 05:51 AM (#545064)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: gnu

LOL CarolC. Can't help wondering if you, daintily and ladylike of course, burped afterward, thereby allowing the carrot to get the last word.

Whipped... I admire "veggies"... all 265# of me.

Was that a Freudian slip ?

08 Sep 01 - 06:18 AM (#545071)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: lady penelope

" ....and as the crowd moves in for the kill, the vegetables are on the side lines, cheering......"

Oooh, you lot don't arf get worked up at times!

Actually, I've enjoyed this thread and I love the song about the potatoe - does it have a tune?

As for the initial question, I don't really care what people eat, it's up to them. I know several people who don't eat meat because they simply don't like it.

Unfortunately, humans being what they are, you'll always get some one being a fanatic about something and then it does become a pain in the arse.

Now if some one wants to size Whippet up, I'll figure out how much sauce we're going to need and get the barbie going.........

TTFN M'Lady P.

08 Sep 01 - 10:35 AM (#545136)
Subject: Have you nothing else to do? thin
From: Flor

Give us a break!! Are meat-eaters prats? If you're prepared to criticise veggies, then you should go and do your own slaughtering instead of leaving the dirty job to others and being content with smuggly putting down people who have the courage to put their ideas where their mouth is. Enjoy your burgers!!

08 Sep 01 - 10:46 AM (#545139)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Shields Folk

How often have the vegetarians out there had meat eaters forcing (not quite litteraly, but close) meat and fish down their throats.

And why can't vegetarians eat "wafer thin ham"

09 Sep 01 - 09:09 AM (#545593)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

What is she Barbara?

09 Sep 01 - 09:19 AM (#545603)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: CarolC

gnu, I am never dainty and ladylike under any circumstances. ;-)

09 Sep 01 - 06:15 PM (#545846)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Lanfranc

My daughters can't stand Brussel Sprouts, my favoutite vegetable. If I eat celery (hardly worth the effort, anyway), I get a headache. I avoid carrots where possible, and about the only thing I concurred with Ronald Reagan on was the lack of merit of broccoli.

Were I forced to turn vegetarian, I would die of boredom!

I suspect that whippets dyslexia is the problem with this thread. What he meant to say was "Are praties vegetables?", thereby revealing his Irish roots. The answer to which is, "No, they are tubers!"

09 Sep 01 - 07:03 PM (#545865)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Paul from Hull


10 Sep 01 - 09:04 AM (#546153)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GUEST,Celtic Soul

You find pushers in any walk of life, hon!

I am a "veggie", and my mate a devout carnivore. I cook meat for him. I don't foist my views off on him, nor him me. In my world view, it is a personal decision, like religion and politics.

However. I went to a party a few years back where I asked the host "does this have meat in it?" A simple enough question, not one intended to do anything beyond give me the info I needed to eat what I desired, and not what I did not.

I got a half hour lecture from a meatatarian about how vegetarianism is pathological.

There are lots of people out there who would like nothing better than to remake the whole world to fit their views, and they are not all Veggies, Christians, or Moslems.

10 Sep 01 - 09:12 AM (#546160)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I agree

10 Sep 01 - 06:32 PM (#546621)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Mr Red

Ah, Whippet whipping up emotion again.
for what it's worth I know some vegetarians who dance morris.
What's the verdict on that combo eh?
anyone mentioned vitamin B12 yet?

10 Sep 01 - 07:08 PM (#546638)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Vitamin B12 (helps blood cells grow & is important for a heathy nervous system)

10 Sep 01 - 07:17 PM (#546646)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: McGrath of Harlow

"I avoid carrots where possible" - that's the sort of line you hear in the street from a passer-by, and you spend the rest of the day making up weird conversations in which it would fit.

Vegetarians are handy to have around, because they ensure that there is tasty stuff to eat when some food scare puts you off eating dead animals.

(And the Bovril's with the Gravy, but the Marmite's with the Jam...)

11 Sep 01 - 04:42 AM (#546845)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

I've a friend who's a semi-veggie. He only eats animals that eat grass

11 Sep 01 - 04:51 AM (#546847)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GUEST,Lanfranc at the orifice

Cows normally only eat grass, unfortunately humans fed them on feed derived from other cows.

Vegetables and fruit are fed on chemicals, sprayed with chemicals or, if organic, probably fed with manure provided by animals fed on other animals.

Be afraid - be very afraid!

11 Sep 01 - 01:09 PM (#547181)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Kim C

I am especially fond of potatoes.

11 Sep 01 - 02:58 PM (#547292)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: lady penelope

You can get a perfectly good supply of vitamin B12 in your diet if you're a vegetarian - eat marmite! ( But that's another thread )

Or just about any breakfast cereal, as they all seem to add it to them!

And Lanfranc? I gave up worrying about the circles they build into the unhealthiness ( from a medical point of view ) of the food chain, 'cos I'd had have to stop eating, drinking and probably breathing as well!

"We are stardust......."

TTFn M'Lady P.

11 Sep 01 - 04:06 PM (#547340)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Kim C

I thought B12 was only available in animal sources, unless you take vitamin supplements. Is Marmite enriched with B12?

11 Sep 01 - 04:11 PM (#547344)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: MMario

yeast (if I recall correctly) is about the only exception to B12 being available only from animal sources.

11 Sep 01 - 04:19 PM (#547352)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Kim C

aha! I did not know that.

11 Sep 01 - 04:44 PM (#547385)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Dorrie

HAve you heard that song by a raddit in a butchers shop window- would u eat your mother oh no, would you eat your sister oh no, would you eat your brtoher oh no then why would you eat mine

dorrie - veggie for 17 years

11 Sep 01 - 04:59 PM (#547404)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: MMario

well - dorrie, sorry - but rabbits don't belong to the same order, let alone family, genus or species as me. To get much further from me biologically they would have to be non-mammalian, plants or bacteria.

And since rabbits are known to sometimes eat their own new-born, and does to kill bucks they have just mated with, they really don't have too much ground to stand on.

11 Sep 01 - 05:11 PM (#547416)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Kim C

Well, lookit... I like to eat just about everything. Meat, no meat, makes me no difference. When a veggie friend stayed with me for a week, we ate Gardenburgers and pasta and salads and baked a cake and had a great time.

However... everyone's physiology is different... and if I go without red meat for too long, I must have it or Heads Will Roll. Same with fish. Those things have something my particular earthly body needs, needs that cannot be satisfied with red beans and rice. I know, because I already tried it. :-)

You eat what you like, I'll eat what I like, and if you come to my house for supper, I'll make sure to have something on the table that will suit us all.

11 Sep 01 - 07:28 PM (#547572)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: CarolC

I've been a veggie for slightly more than 30 years, but I'm in complete agreement with Kim C. I think some people just need to eat meat.

11 Sep 01 - 10:35 PM (#547687)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Little Hawk

Morticia's answer sums it up nicely for me. I also liked Carol's story about the carrot.

For meat and potato people to get snide about vegetarianism is a bit odd, considering the last few decades of medical revelations regarding heart disease and various other common degenerative ailments. I would suggest that meat and potatoes people are just very good at blindly imitating what they have seen others do before other words, they conform. Most of them would not, however, be very happy in the confines of a slaughterhouse. I know of two lifetime meateaters (in their early twenties at the time) who became vegetarians after a few months working in a slaughterhouse. They won't touch meat now. Maybe they know something you don't, Whippet. Have you seen where your meat comes from?

On the other hand, strict vegetarians can also be quite elitist and dogmatic. To say nothing of annoyingly superior.

This shows that you can be a prat quite regardless of your diet...healthful or otherwise.

- LH

12 Sep 01 - 04:29 AM (#547895)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

Now us whippets always make a fuss outside the butchers shop, we howl and we crave for the smell of the bones and flesh we never do the same outside the greengrocers funny that

12 Sep 01 - 04:39 AM (#547898)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: mooman


Havn't you got anything better to do, when there are such horrific things currently going on in the world, to prattle on about vegetarians?

I for one do not care to be spoken of in the same sentence as the probable perpetrators of yesterdays outrages.


12 Sep 01 - 06:12 AM (#547927)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

Yesterdays outrage is as you say an outrage and cannot be trivialised and I for one wouldn't even think of doing that but as the other threads on that subject have shown there are a lot of angry revengeful folks out there.

12 Sep 01 - 01:24 PM (#548167)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: GUEST,Omnivore

Yes,English John, those of us whose last name is Pratt are fortunate if we live in the US instead of the UK, since most Yanks don't connect our name with our posteriors.

Whippet, can't you use an epithet like "jerks" or "dorks," or some other such, instead of choosing one that is also a not-too-uncommon surname?

12 Sep 01 - 07:03 PM (#548456)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Roughyed

Couple of things from this thread. I read that a pint of beer contains one third of your daily requirement of vitamin B12. If that's untrue, please don't tell me.

I think some vegetarians (and I've been one for over twenty years) are prats. It is still unusual to be vegetarian in the West and some vegetarians seem more interested in being unusual than they are in being vegetarian. You see the same phenomenon in left-wing politics, cyclist and even, gulp, folkies. Whie the rest of us are trying to say 'Hey this is great, listen to this you'll like it' these people seem to go out of their way to alienate others who do not agree with them.

I take the view that we are all vegetarians - in between meals.

13 Sep 01 - 05:58 PM (#549260)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Kim C

I know where meat comes from! The stork brings it and puts it in the cabbage patch. Right?

14 Sep 01 - 04:27 AM (#549771)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Whippet

Then we shoot the stork and eat it !!

14 Sep 01 - 11:30 AM (#550022)
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
From: Peter K (Fionn)

If vegetables do feel pain, that still leaves pme gppd reaspm fpr avoiding meat (personal decision, but I wish it wasn't, and I wish the sanctimonious churches would make more of this): humans don't need meat to be healthy, and the commercial production of meat is massively wasteful of world food resources.

It takes between five and ten times as much grain to produce a specified amount of human nutrition from beef as it would take to get that same nutritional value from the grain itself. Moreover cattle are flatulent enough to be poisoning the world with their farts. They are the second biggest contributor of methane to the greenhouse effect, after aviation emmissions.

If you think this doesn't matter much, remember that most of the malnourished people in the world live in countries that produce more than enough food to feed their poppulations - if it didn't go on fattening cattle for the developed world.