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Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock

01 Oct 01 - 11:08 PM (#563071)
Subject: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Mr. Dabone

Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock. There IS none higher.

01 Oct 01 - 11:09 PM (#563073)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Beavis


02 Oct 01 - 01:35 AM (#563162)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Grubby

Oh MAN!! I totally concur! Bob Dylan is the coolest man alive.

02 Oct 01 - 08:30 AM (#563327)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Whistle and Bagpipes

Bob Dylan is NOT the king of rock. He isn't a rocker at all. How can you even say he is? He just happens to have a "rock" audience - but he is in no way, shape or form a "rocker' - nevermind the KING of rock. That is ludicrous. He doesn't play danceable, screaming, hard driven music. His contribution to rock was his lyrics. His only "rock" period would be between 1964 and 1967. The rest is just folk for a rock audience. That's all.

02 Oct 01 - 08:45 AM (#563333)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Fortunato

Hmm, King of Rock? Let's see. My opinion would put Bob Dylan where?:

Elvis Presley

Little Richard
Carl Perkins

Jerry Lee Lewis

Gene Vincent

Chuck Berry

Fats Domino

Buddy Holly

Bo Diddley

Forget it. He's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down there amongst the "Kings of Rock and Roll". IMHOP of course. There used to be a genre called folk/rock. When Bob Dylan hired The Band to tour and record with him that was Folk/Rock. Bob by himself IMHOP couldn't rock do do.

02 Oct 01 - 10:20 AM (#563391)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

I think that Bob is the most important popular musician of at least the last 40 years. Yes, he can Rock with the best of them, to say he stopped doing it in '67 only means that you haven't heard Love and Theft, Oh Mercy, The Bootleg Series, Infidels and many others. Songs like Political World, Everything is Broken, Seven Days, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, Dirt Road Blues, Summer Days, Honest With Me etc. This ain't Folk Rock baby, it's the real deal.

Having said that I think that Bob's greatest contribution to music is that he forced others to write songs that say something. He is so rooted in Rock, Folk, Blues, and traditional music that he draws on any and all of these styles when creating fresh sounds.

The scope of his work continues to amaze me.

But I'm not crowning him King of Rock, I think it would minimize his contributions to so many other styles.

02 Oct 01 - 10:27 AM (#563395)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Fortunato

Steve, I'm listening, can you recommend a CD? Dylan's contribution is huge, it's true. I have trouble thinking past 1967 sometimes. 1956 is where my Rock and Roll head sits. Make a few suggestions if you don't mind and I'll pick them up. HELP! I DON'T REALLY WANT TO LIVE IN THE PAST. Regards, Chance

02 Oct 01 - 10:29 AM (#563397)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock

Try Love & Theft.

02 Oct 01 - 10:55 AM (#563410)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

King of Rock, I don't know about that. After Woody Guthrie the king of folk, Yes. Since Woody is dead, I'd give that honour to Bob. Steve with due respect. Woody was Bob's idol in writing songs that mean something and his record is unparalleled in popularizing folk music.

02 Oct 01 - 11:16 AM (#563426)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

Chance, I'm recommending Love & Theft to anyone who will listen. Rock, Swing, Jazzy Crooning, Highway 61 style blues, It's one of his best. It is a tribute to the past, yet is absolutely viable and current. Start there, if you like it PM me and I'll suggest some others.

Jack the Sailor, I'm a Woody fan myself and I'm well aware of his influence on the young Mr. Dylan. However, I think that what has made Bob so superior to anyone else I've heard is that he had many other influences. He listened to Traditional folk, Delta Blues, Chicago Blues, Hank Williams, Jimmy Rogers, Bluegrass, Little Richard, Elvis etc. He has incorporated all of these influnces into his own sound. Incredibly, it worked and continues to do so.

02 Oct 01 - 11:47 AM (#563439)
Subject: Bob Dylan is the Kink Of Sock
From: Clinton Hammond

well, what I've heard of Love & Theft has left me pretty cold... glad I didn't spend any $$ on that p.o.s. album...

02 Oct 01 - 12:17 PM (#563453)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

Clinton, You'd mentioned that in another thread. I would suggest borrowing a copy and listening to it a few times through. I was very leery of the hype that preceeded it, but having heard it a few times through I think it's one of his best.

02 Oct 01 - 12:22 PM (#563456)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Clinton Hammond

Why borrow it?? I HAVE listened to it... I didn't like it...

I question the validity of anything that some one says "You need to let it grow on you"...

02 Oct 01 - 12:46 PM (#563470)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

No sweat, Clinton...we question the validity of most of your ramblings too. :-)

Aside from that, to call Bob merely the "King of Rock" is to trivialize him, since he has done so much in addition to rock...still I can't help but appreciate the sentiment!

One thing he is not is the "King of Rap"...thankfully. I wonder who is? On second, I'd rather not know. (***Grin***)

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 12:52 PM (#563474)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

Geez Clinton, if I dismissed stuff that I didn't like on first listen my musical tastes wouldn't be anywhere near as broad as they are.

LH, Bob could be King of Rap if only for Subterranean Homesick Blues. (Kidding)

02 Oct 01 - 01:02 PM (#563480)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Whistle Stop

I thought he was the Jack of Hearts.

Steve Latimer said most of what needs to be said, but I can't resist jumping in on a Bob Dylan thread. Once again, we're in the realm of definitions; since we've beaten the "What is Folk?" question to death, we're finding a back-door route to discussing "What is Rock?". In my view Dylan is one who expanded the boundaries of rock, thereby broadening the definition. But if you define rock only by what existed in the 1950s, then obviously he doesn't fit the definition.

Dylan has always drawn on more than one tradition, even back in the days when he was trying to be another Woody. I don't see the sense in trying to restrict him to one category, especially an artificial one like "folk rock" (in my opinion ALL rock is folk rock).

I only picked up Love and Theft the other day, and only got a chance to listen to the first half. It ain't Blonde On Blonde, but there's something there worth hearing. And even if his voice is more of an acquired taste than ever, it's better than it was five years ago. I'm still listening.

02 Oct 01 - 01:16 PM (#563491)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

I think the original meaning of "Folk-Rock" may have been something like...Rock with intelligent lyrics. That's what I took it to mean at the time, anyway.

Steve - Does that mean that Bob was actually the originator of rap??? What a scary idea!

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 01:20 PM (#563497)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Talking blues, and many other forms of spoken word over music, go back LONG before Bob "pretender to the throne" Dylan.

I'm not even sure what category I'd put him in. Folky pop? Fop? Polk? Surely a great songwriter at times, but spotty even there, and don't even get me started about his so-called voice. If he's king of anything, it's of his own ego.


02 Oct 01 - 01:20 PM (#563498)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

Little Hawk,

I've heard it said that it was the first rap song.


02 Oct 01 - 01:37 PM (#563518)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Every one of us is king of his own ego, Alex! (Except those who have achieved Self-realization, that is...) That's where all the trouble stems from.

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 02:00 PM (#563549)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer


Does Bob have an ego? Yes, a massive one (although I get the sense it has toned down lately). Did this ego allow him to stick to his guns and put out the kind of music that he wanted to when he wanted to? Absolutely. Does he claim that folk music, e.g Talking Blues, did not exist before 1961, absolutely not. Does he sing like Sinatra? No. Does he use his (albeit limited) voice as an instrument to convey the feel of every song he has ever sung? Absolutely. Has he continued to write intelligent, musical music for over forty years? Again, absolutely. Have there been duds? yes, but his duds are far less than his good to great works.

Yes, there are those who don't get Bob, never will. Fortunately there are enough of us who do that there will always be a market for whatever direction he wants to take next. Having said this, there is a lot of Dylan material that I'm not fond of and would never buy. But to off handedly dismiss Dylan is a mistake.

02 Oct 01 - 02:49 PM (#563580)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Justa Picker

Funny I thought Travis Trit was :-)

(Anyone heard his cover of "Honky Tonk Woman" on the album "Stone Country"? - great album by the way.)

02 Oct 01 - 02:50 PM (#563582)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Clifton53

Dylan didn't make himself "pretender to the throne", we did that for him Alex. And if his songwriting is "spotty" may I be afflicted with it. What nonsense!


02 Oct 01 - 02:52 PM (#563583)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

To call him the King of Rock is a mistake as well. Rock is certianly young peoples' music. He has made a lot of contributions, but so have others. Bob may have been King in 1961. He isn't now.

02 Oct 01 - 02:54 PM (#563587)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer


It's a bit of thread creep, but have you heard Taj Mahal's version of Honky Tonk Woman? It's awfully good. I haven't heard the Travis Trit version.

02 Oct 01 - 03:00 PM (#563590)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts

Question: What's the difference between Bob Dylan and Mousethief?

Answer: Mousethief starts all the threads at Mudcat that are about Mousethief. The ones about Bob Dylan are started by other people.

02 Oct 01 - 03:14 PM (#563598)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Ooooooooo! Nasty....

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 03:14 PM (#563599)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Big Tim

It always annoys me to hear Elvis described as The King and Bruce Springsteen as The Boss. There is only one King and one Boss; Bob Dylan is in a class by himself, then come the others. Incidentally, I don't like Love and Theft, yet!

02 Oct 01 - 03:21 PM (#563601)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

The cowards are back, I see.

02 Oct 01 - 03:21 PM (#563603)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Liar, too. blicky

02 Oct 01 - 03:26 PM (#563609)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

I can understand being a fan. I'm a fan of many different musical acts, to varying degrees of fandom. But why the personal attacks on people who disagree? What part of one's own ego is wrapped up in Bob Dylan's good name? Why isn't it okay for people who aren't intoxicated by the Tambourine Man to exist and have their say, especially when they feel the Bobbites are carried away by their own infatuation?


02 Oct 01 - 03:34 PM (#563612)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: 53

the beatles are the best, but they did like the early dylan songs, and mostly they just smoked it up and got high instead of playing music BOB

02 Oct 01 - 03:37 PM (#563617)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Justa Picker

(Steve, anything Taj does is right by me. Yes I've heard his version -great as well. Also, my two fave Taj albums are Senor Blues, and Dee Ole Folds at Home/Giant Step. You have those two, the rest are gravy.)

(Apologies for the thread creep.)

02 Oct 01 - 04:00 PM (#563628)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts


Do you honestly think there's anybody who doesn't know that you're the "Guest" who started the "Where's Mousethief" thread?

02 Oct 01 - 04:23 PM (#563648)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Alex - You have to be a serious Dylan fan to understand the gut reaction that occurs when what is seen as uninformed or uncomprehending comments are made about the man. This springs partly out of the fact that Dylan has had more of an effect on his fans than merely entertaining them. He has had a huge influence on many people's philosophy of life on almost every level. This is partly due to the fact that his songs have delved into wider areas of thought than is generally true in pop music. He writes more serious stuff than most songwriters do, and it tends not to become dated, which most pop music quickly does.

His voice: The fact is, that whatever you think of his voice it is the perfect vehicle for communicating his songs...and that's immediately clear to a Dylan fan...but explaining it to someone who is not a Dylan fan is pretty much a futile endeavour. One gets tired of hearing criticism from people who are reacting to form while probably missing content...specially when the form suits the content to a "T".

People react viscerally to criticism of Bob, simply because he means so much to them and he made such an enormous difference in their lives.

If he didn't, of course, it all seems silly I suppose. But you could say that about anthing...politics, religion, philosophy, sex, money, whatever.

Take your pick. It's either meaningful to you or it isn't and there ain't a damn thing anyone else can do about it.

We defend Bob because we downright LOVE the man, and he has become in a way a part of each one of it comes down to defending one's own identity which is a basic instinct in all people.

There's a lot more happening here than a mere pop idol phenomenon. The best songwriters are among the important philosophers of their time, and there's not one other alive who can match Bob Dylan in that sort of impact on society at present.

- LH

p.s. I'm not suggesting that you are either uninformed or necessarily uncomprehending...I'm just talking generally about Dylan and his fans and his detractors.

02 Oct 01 - 04:34 PM (#563656)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

GUEST - Lily, Rosemary, etc...

Okay, which one of the 3 are you?

I am astounded. I had no idea Mousethief started that thread. Do you have any other vital information to pass on?

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 04:40 PM (#563660)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

How do you get to be King of Rock? Does one pull a stratocaster from a stone?

Bob is Bob. Why belittle his greatness by calling him something as trite as "The King of Rock"? Obviously calling a man Bob Dylan is the highest compliment which can be paid. Nuff said?

02 Oct 01 - 04:46 PM (#563665)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer

Jack The Sailor,

Well I didn't vote for 'im.

Good point about the compliment.

02 Oct 01 - 05:48 PM (#563697)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

I didn't realize I started it either. Presumably while sleep-typing? Or is this one of those automatic-writing sorts of things? And during a period in which I was internet-free, too. Sometimes I amaze even myself!

And I suppose I imagined getting the email from a regular 'Catter saying "Did you know there was a 'where is mousethief?' thread on Mudcat?" Except that email is still in my archives at Hmmm. Hard to explain that one away.

More likely some people in their hatred and bitterness must fabricate when the real facts don't match their curdled fancy.



02 Oct 01 - 05:51 PM (#563704)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Posting separate material separately.

How do you get to be King of Rock? Does one pull a stratocaster from a stone?

(effeminate masculine voice in heavy British accent, with shit all over) : I didn't vote for 'im.

We defend Bob because we downright LOVE the man, and he has become in a way a part of each one of it comes down to defending one's own identity which is a basic instinct in all people.

You must admit that to the uninitiate, it looks more like a religion than a fan club.


02 Oct 01 - 07:49 PM (#563794)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Well, the uninitiated. :-)

- LH

02 Oct 01 - 11:30 PM (#563931)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: bob jr

i almost always preferred bobs country and folk stuff to his "rock period" i mean highway 61 is one of my least favorite 60's albums cause its too wordy and no damn melodies (except rolling stone and just like tom thumbs) every song off that album that i have heard live is better (highway 61 with the band at isle of wight takes a train to cry bangladesh etc) but king of rock ? ah who cares bob is bob labels are stupid and if you dont like the man you are missing out on some great music but hell that aint no crime .

02 Oct 01 - 11:41 PM (#563941)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Haha


02 Oct 01 - 11:43 PM (#563943)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Haha


02 Oct 01 - 11:46 PM (#563946)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Haha


02 Oct 01 - 11:52 PM (#563951)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Haha


03 Oct 01 - 12:55 AM (#563972)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Clifton53

Nice choice of words.

03 Oct 01 - 02:21 AM (#564007)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock

He wrote some really good songs, once upon a time, but IMHO Bob Dylan is the music world's variation on "The Emperor's New Clothes."

03 Oct 01 - 09:54 AM (#564168)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,The girl by the whirlpool

I love the way that mousethief has a knack for making various threads be about him.

03 Oct 01 - 10:29 AM (#564194)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

oh yeah like i started that

03 Oct 01 - 10:35 AM (#564196)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer


Why do you bother to rise to this bait?

03 Oct 01 - 12:03 PM (#564241)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Sheer boredom?

03 Oct 01 - 12:27 PM (#564261)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,The girl by the whirlpool

It's because mousethief really does want to make as many threads as possible be about himself.

Is there anything about Bob Dylan that mousethief has said in this thread that he hasn't said about Bob Dylan in many other threads?


I thought not.

03 Oct 01 - 01:41 PM (#564304)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Big Tim

Looking for a new fool? This is getting all rather too silly. Maybe Mousethief is right, Dylan is a religion. As I said on a previous Dylan thread I used to have a t-shirt "Dylan for God". Maybe LH is right, we just LOVE the man. When all is said and all is done it's all just a matter of taste.

03 Oct 01 - 02:37 PM (#564341)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Nice to see that Bob can still amuse people! He was hilarious back in the early days, so they say. Kind of like Charlie Chaplin, the little tramp thing.

I just don't know who is more popular with our GUESTS...Dylan or Mousethief.

- LH

03 Oct 01 - 02:43 PM (#564346)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

Its obvious isn't it?

Mousethief is the King of Rock

03 Oct 01 - 03:17 PM (#564372)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk


03 Oct 01 - 03:32 PM (#564383)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Thank you. Thank you very much.

03 Oct 01 - 04:09 PM (#564413)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

- LH

03 Oct 01 - 05:31 PM (#564470)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Big Tim

It is indeed getting too silly!

03 Oct 01 - 07:58 PM (#564561)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Bert

Bob Dylan, a songwriter whose great songs were spoiled by a forced, whiny presentation.

04 Oct 01 - 01:52 AM (#564736)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Big Tim

Ouch! Still - interesting to hear your opinion Bert. However for us BD fans the voice is a major part of the attraction and the fascination.

04 Oct 01 - 10:29 AM (#564951)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

Praise Bob from whom all blessings flow....

04 Oct 01 - 12:36 PM (#564966)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

It started getting silly when someone said that Dylan is the King of Rock. Pretty early in the process as I recall.... ;)

04 Oct 01 - 01:35 PM (#565011)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Mr. Dabone

Wow, I'm glad to see the thread has illicited some passionate responses. A pleasant surprise! I threw the thread out there because of my over-the-top admiration for Dylan. I was most impressed by Little Hawk's summation of the Dylan phenomena, particularly this passage: "There's a lot more happening here than a mere pop idol phenomenon. The best songwriters are among the important philosophers of their time, and there's not one other alive who can match Bob Dylan in that sort of impact on society at present". You took the words right out of my mouth, brother!

04 Oct 01 - 01:44 PM (#565020)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

I Think Mr. Dylans direct impact on society abated to next to nothing some time in the late 70's. madonna and Britney Spears have a hundred times more impact today. But not for the good of society I fear.

04 Oct 01 - 01:53 PM (#565030)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Steve Latimer


Although I agree to a large extent, I think it's pretty obvious that Bob is once again influencing young people. I don't like to stereotype, but I'd guess that the first few posts to this thread were from people under 25. I have talked to a number of people from their generation who are just discovering Bob. Although I don't think that we'll convert many Brittany Spears fans.

Let's just hope he keeps putting out material as strong as his last few albums. He'll influence many more.

04 Oct 01 - 02:43 PM (#565080)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Jack the Sailor

I'm glad that some younger people are listening to his stuff rather than that other stuff. Give me Bob over Kid Rock and Korn any day. But I don't think he has the effect on society he once had or even the influence those musicians currently have.

I always liked Bob's music. But there is a lot of stuff I like more.

Currently, Dave Matthews, Billy Bragg, Sheryl Crow, and Bare Naked Ladies. All of these have at least as much to say as Mr. Dylan does. But then my favourite quote about music, which I live by to this day, comes from a Rolling Stones Song.

I know, Its only Rock and Roll but I like it!

04 Oct 01 - 03:07 PM (#565101)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Oh, Madonna and Britney Spears have a lot of impact all right...and so do McDonalds hamburgers...but on WHAT???

Nothing much of any lasting value, that's for sure!

There's a difference between deep water, and the foamy bubbles that float around on the top of it.

- LH

04 Oct 01 - 03:59 PM (#565132)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: mousethief

And somebody in the deep water, about halfway down, with their feet in a bucket of quick-dry cement.

Dylan, Dylan we adore thee....

04 Oct 01 - 08:44 PM (#565321)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Hey, to compare Bob Dylan with Britney Spears is like comparing Shakespeare with Alfred E. Neumann or Charlie Chaplin with the Three Stooges! Gimme a break!

"Praise Bob from whom all blessings flow
Praise him as on through life we go
Praise him with heart and gladsome voice
As in verbosity we ree-ee-joice

Bob be with you till we meet again
By his counsels guide uphold you
With his songs securely fold you
Bob be with you till we meet again

Eh, Alex? Hee! Hee!

- LH

04 Oct 01 - 09:56 PM (#565349)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Beer

No he is not the King of Rock, but a lover of Dylan I can't help but say that my favoriate rock album is his Budhkan double al.p.

04 Oct 01 - 10:15 PM (#565356)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: catspaw49


How dare you say that a McDonald's Hamburger has no lasting value? Man, I've had nausea for hours after eating one and the nether breath produced is simply amazing in it's lingering qualities. Floating a Big Mac Air Biscuit has been known to sterilize frogs within 150 yards! Whatever they use that they are passing off as meat is chemically altered to produce indigestion and farts that will knock a buzzard off a shitwagon. The only time I have ever been known to have a Big Mac Attack is about 20 minutes after I eat one.

I have similar experiences with donuts from "your guys" which you have now foisted off on us. Their coffee is hotter than McDonalds even!!! And do they keep all the filling up their in Canada? I mean there sure as hell ain't any in them down here!!

As for Bob......King of Rock? NFW....but I still love him.


04 Oct 01 - 10:39 PM (#565372)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk


Great analysis, Spaw. LOL! Look, I meant "lasting value" in a positive sense, okay? Geez. McDonalds hamburgers and Britney Spears...what a combo. Have a Britney-Burger! To go. And then there's Madonna..."22 billion served"...I tell ya, it's some kind of a plot. America conquers the world with junk food and sex. Ouch.

I have similar experiences with donuts from "your guys" which you have now foisted off on us. Their coffee is hotter than McDonalds even!!! And do they keep all the filling up their in Canada? I mean there sure as hell ain't any in them down here!!

I don't quite follow you on that. What do you mean "all the filling up their in Canada"??? Up their what? Filling? Do you mean iron filings? Are they putting iron filings in our donuts now?

This would be a good way to make use of the worn bits off hockey skates, so I'm all for it, as long as its Americans that get to eat the stuff, and they don't sell it up here!

The typical Tim Hortons donut is indeed a product in which Canada can take pride...the cops in Toronto recently rated it the WORST all round donut in 7 different donut shop chains!!! Man, was Tim Hortons ever ticked off at them! They stopped giving them complementary coffees.

Now that you mention it, Tim Hortons coffee makes great paint remover, specially when it's hot, but it's damned hard to clean up the mess afterward, that's the only trouble, specially if you put in creamer.

- LH

04 Oct 01 - 11:08 PM (#565389)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: catspaw49

Hell Hawk, I had so many their and there there that their "their" that was there just slipped through there as they're apt to do if you let yourself go there.

BTW, a Spears burger at McD's would be a McBoob....goes along with their McCluck, McMoo, McOink, McCarp and of course the Double Plotcher with cheese.


04 Oct 01 - 11:24 PM (#565401)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

In Orillia, it's everything with cheese. Cheese cheesies with three cheese toppings. I kid you not. I swear, this town must be in hock to the dairy industry or something. It's a sickness.

Has Dylan written anything with the word "cheese" in it? Hey, yeah, in "Million Dollar Bash"..."Turtle, that friend of theirs with his checks all forged, and his cheeks in a chunk, and his cheese in the cash...they're all gonna be there at that Million Dollar Bash"

Wow. Ooooo-wee!

Gotta go check out for more!

- LH

04 Oct 01 - 11:29 PM (#565404)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm...nope. Million Dollar Bash is the ONLY Dylan song listed with the word "cheese" in it.

Not only that, there is not one single Dylan song on record with either the word "flagrant" or the word "dubious" in it. I know. I've looked.

This is not good.

I am gonna contact Bob and make sure he does something about it ASAP. :-)

- LH

04 Oct 01 - 11:56 PM (#565415)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Groo the Wanderer

...And I am the Duke of Chichester.


05 Oct 01 - 12:23 AM (#565433)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock

Yo Hawk, in how many songs does Dylan use the word "booty"?

05 Oct 01 - 12:33 AM (#565440)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Hang on...

05 Oct 01 - 12:37 AM (#565443)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Well, it appears that there are no Dylan songs with "booty" in them. This is sort of a relief, actually. :-) I'm still surprised that the word "flagrant" doesn't show up anywhere in his catalog, though.

- LH

05 Oct 01 - 11:58 AM (#565693)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: GUEST,Dabone

Well, he does says "booty call" on Cry A While from the new album. The King of Rock!!

13 Oct 01 - 10:19 PM (#571534)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan is the King Of Rock
From: Little Hawk

Ah...didn't know that. Go Bob!

- LH