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BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!

25 Oct 01 - 12:31 AM (#579187)
Subject: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: katlaughing

Wondering where our darling Aine, Gaelic Goddess, Keeper of the Songbook, has go to? I know I've sure been missing her. Rumour has it there is an upcoming sighting, so we can hope to catch a glimpse here.

I also have it on good authority, she's been a wild woman, so what else is new, eh? But, I mean really WILD, getting into groups of wild people down there in Texas who grow all manner of wild things. Ask her about it!

Oh, Aine, darlin'...come out and play with us, too....seeds sown here can grow into seedies, remember? **BG**



25 Oct 01 - 11:42 AM (#579483)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos

Hey, spoke to her two days ago and we are flying out there to round her up and spank her fuzzy green bottom for not showing up here!! Seriously, her new house, Moon on the Hill yclept, has been taking up a LOT of timeas she replants everything in sight.

Watch this space -- we'll TELL ALL!!!

Amos and BBW

25 Oct 01 - 11:53 AM (#579490)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: SharonA

Kat, you beat me to it; I was going to start a thread asking the same question. She hasn't posted since September 6th, and I've grown a bit concerned.

Amos, I'm glad to hear she's still alive and well – yay!!!!! Give her a nose-tweak for me, will ya? And tell her to get her sore butt back here!

25 Oct 01 - 02:48 PM (#579685)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: katlaughing

Well, Sharon, thanks. I wasn't worried, as I've had an inside track (I'm going to own the phone company soon) and I know that she has been nesting in her new home, like Amos says, but BOY has she been nesting! Let me tell you, that momma bird has been moving literally TONS, I mean it, TONS of boulders and dirt. There were even some cute young guys from a yard service who've been watching her and her perky wazoos from lifting all those pounds of dirt and rock and asked her if she wanted a job with them! Said they "could sure use a girl like you!" Doncha know any woman in her center-age would enjoy hearing that!?

I know she's got a song challenge up her sleeve, but probably not until after Amos and his SO jump-start her music bells, again, so watch out for her, next week and AMOS, DEW TELL ALL, please!!**BG**

25 Oct 01 - 03:21 PM (#579718)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: SharonA

She never DID tell us what she found in the hole in her yard (from Song Challenge part 50-something). What did she do, dig up a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

25 Oct 01 - 04:14 PM (#579759)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amergin

No she never did...but I have the feeling it was something even older than her....


25 Oct 01 - 09:25 PM (#579994)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos


You are trifling with a Texan lady, sir; I recommend you keep your head down for a good while, unless you have an insatiable curiousity about shotgun pellets. ;>)_



25 Oct 01 - 09:45 PM (#580007)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amergin

Well...I have never known a "lady" from Texas....

i keep digging myself in deeper, don't I?

26 Oct 01 - 01:30 AM (#580104)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Lin in Kansas

Hey, Amergin--that's 'cause we're WOMEN, ya doofus!

Lin (still a Texas gal after all these years)

26 Oct 01 - 01:51 AM (#580110)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amergin

Lin...some of the toughest women I have ever known were either from Texas...or their parents came from there...I still have the lumps on me head from my childhood to prove aunts were wonderful people...

26 Oct 01 - 02:02 AM (#580114)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos

Gee, Amer'....Slow learner, issit?


26 Oct 01 - 02:22 AM (#580117)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amergin

no just a mouth bigger than my brains...that and I couldn't run that fast....

26 Oct 01 - 09:36 AM (#580276)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: GUEST,chrisj

Now it all makes sense. According to Gaelic myth the Tuatha De Danann were the people who went to live underground in the hills of Ireland, the'shee'. The Tuatha De Danann were the Tribe of the Goddess Dana or Ana. So Aine has retreated underground!

26 Oct 01 - 09:56 AM (#580300)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Mary in Kentucky

From a Nike ad:

You are not a goddess
and most likely
you will never be a goddess

but just because
you are human

that doesn't mean
we can't worship
the ground you walk on.

Mary (hey Lin, once a Texan, always a Texan!)

26 Oct 01 - 10:09 AM (#580311)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: GutBucketeer

I agree 100% about Texas Women. I was born there, moved away, came back to Marry one, had our kids in Texas, and moved away. We've been in Maryland for 9 years now, and I still feel that I'm just visiting. One thing I have learned over the years is that you don't Mess with Texas or it's women! No matter where they are remember that Daddy is always close by, and Texas Daddies are not to be trifled with when it comes to their daughters!


26 Oct 01 - 10:11 AM (#580316)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: MMario

Hell, Most Daddies are nothing to trifle with when it comes to their daughters - and brothers and Uncles can get pretty mean too!

26 Oct 01 - 10:21 AM (#580333)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Mary in Kentucky

My dad always sang "Wolverton Mountain" when when I was a teenager and guys came to our home.

My Hubby (veterinarian) displayed his castration knife when guys came to our house to pick up our daughter for a date.

26 Oct 01 - 02:55 PM (#580530)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Bill D

definition of a father:

"Some one who doesn't want his daughter doing what he wanted other men's daughters to do when he was their age"

26 Oct 01 - 07:20 PM (#580659)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Lin in Kansas

LOL! Yep, I'd say that sums it up, Bill D. And Mary, you betcha, no matter how long you're away, you're still a Texican-- and don't nobody make no comments about inbreeding, either, ya hear? Or I'll come whop you upside the haid with whatevah weapon's handy!

Aine, hope you're doin' okay and your house is goin' together like it's sposed to. We've missed your light-hearted posts around here!


26 Oct 01 - 11:22 PM (#580735)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Áine

We are sitting around getting fat and sassy here at Moon on the Hill and the house is every bit as beautiful as Aine has claimed. ANd above that it is absolutely sparking from every corner with life energies in wild patterns of delight -- dogs, cats, kids and old folks taking turns generating enthusiasm and excitement. It's a wonderful wonderful place tobe alive in, as you might well have expected.

PLUS I have touched the sacred Keys from which ALL Song Challenges and concomitant Awards have flowed!! I am speechless with awe!!

Aine and hubby doing just fine and as full of P&V as ever; and thegarden looks wonderful!! The amount this gal has done is AWE-inspiring!!

More later. There's steak AND Guinness calling!



26 Oct 01 - 11:27 PM (#580741)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amergin

wheewww..i guess i can breathe a big sigh of relief...she did not throttle me this time around....

27 Oct 01 - 06:44 AM (#580825)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Great to hear from Áine once more. I was starting to get worried you might have gone off us all, what with all the backbiting and that, and all the heavy non-music stuff.

(Maybe your full name is really Texáine.)

28 Oct 01 - 06:30 AM (#581281)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Áine

Hello Everyone!

Yes, it's me, the GG, back at the 'sacred keyboard' ;-) with a silly grin on my face, basking in the afterglow of the Bard and Bardess' visit to Moon on the Hill. They should be getting frisked at the airport right about now, and we should be hearing from them later today -- that's if they don't sleep all day after having to get up at 4 am to catch their plane.

What a wonderful, wonderful time we had . . . full of music, laughter, food and stories. I did my best to hum along while I shovelled some good Texas cookin' down their gullets; although I have to say they didn't put up much of a fight . . . ;-)

Walks in the wild, gathering seeds, running through the park to the duckpond, swinging in the playground, watching the blue crane fly, jamming with a Merle Haggard song, listening to 'Ode to Joy', debating the vagaries of poetic meter and mood -- these are just some of the experiences of not even two days with these fantastic folks. Lucky, lucky, lucky me...

I was hoping to be inspired (and brought 'back to the fold') by my dear Amos and his lady, and they did not fail me. I swore that I would return to this crazy place we call Mudcat, AND issue a new Song Challenge! in short order. I even offered to let Amos have a peek at the 'Secret Book of Challenges'; but, he thought discretion the better part of valor on that suggestion . . .

Thank you all for being patient while I was away diggin', plantin' and haulin' in the garden here at Moon on the Hill . . . The Goddess is back in the building now . . .

Hugs and snogs to one and all, Áine

28 Oct 01 - 01:16 PM (#581425)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos

Now to their quieter home the Bards have flown;
Lost in the turmoil of the Time God's zones.
Weary and happy, tickled, pleased and stuffed!
Sure that they were there a week, though never long enough.

With memories of Guiness, steak and Texas chili;
Dreaming of sketch pads focused on a certain handsome Willy;
Dreaming of ancient Séan Nos songs, aloft on the Texas night
Dreaming of puppy wrassles, bubble baths and gardens of delight

Tinted with phosphorescence green from Goddess smiles
Singing old ballads of the ancients' wiles
And sacred missions done -- led from her dingly glen
The Gaelic Goddess to the Cat repoaiurs again!!

Cannot thank you all enough, Aine and Laine. Please provide hugs to Kellin, Caitlin and Ian for me, and a round of wrassle for Shelby and an extra scritch for Champ the Wonder Dog!!

I have never packed so much fun into so little real-time in my life!!

And welcome back, TGG~!!!



28 Oct 01 - 09:32 PM (#581665)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Buíochas le Dia go bhfuil tú ar ais , Áine. Na himígh uainn arís , a chailín dona! Bhí imní mór orainn!

do chara,

29 Oct 01 - 11:13 AM (#581930)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: SharonA

Áine and Láine? "Ahnya" and "Lahnya"? Please don't tell me they have a daughter named Tanya! ;^)

Sure is good to see your post, Áine! See you 'round the Song Challenges soon!


29 Oct 01 - 12:52 PM (#582024)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos


Sorry -- I gave up on the darned ampersand stuff. Aine has the accent but Laine is plain Murrican, and rhymes with Lane.


29 Oct 01 - 11:41 PM (#582427)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos

For those of you who would liketo share some of the grins, here are a few pictures from a weekend, but they don't capture a fraction of the good times. A´ine says I am allowed to post 'em, so enjoy!!



29 Oct 01 - 11:43 PM (#582428)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Amos

That's Áine, for those who don't parse HTML in their eyballs!


30 Oct 01 - 04:29 PM (#582786)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Looks like a good party. I liked that mystery tail waving in the front of the toast picture.

31 Oct 01 - 10:21 AM (#583054)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: GUEST,Den

Aine good to hear you again. Have you changed your e-mail address? I sent you a message a while back with info on the "Next Market Day",to the address you had given me and never heard anything back but it seems you have been busy. Anyway as I said its good to see you back here and hope to talk to you soon. Den

31 Oct 01 - 10:59 AM (#583094)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Áine

Dear Den,

Nope, I haven't changed my email address; however, I was having a lot of problems with it a while back. Please send the 'Next Market Day' info again. I'd really like to see it, as that is such a lovely song and I'd like to learn it on the guitar. Here's my e-addy again:

Thanks for the 'welcome back', a chara.

-- Áine

31 Oct 01 - 12:14 PM (#583151)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!

My dear, I have missed you. I have missed your chiding me to use (and knock the rust off) my Irish. I have missed your smiling cyber face. AND I REALLY MISSED YOU AT FSGW (remember our "conversation" on Mudcat Radio?)..........**G**. I am so happy you are back. What do I have to do? Come to Texas? Ask Jed about FSGW. Try and make it next year, won't you?


31 Oct 01 - 12:20 PM (#583156)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: GUEST,Big Mick

Sorry...........that was me.........Big Mick

31 Oct 01 - 12:42 PM (#583177)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: MMario

the GG at FSGW? yes, that would be incredible! !!! !!!!!

01 Nov 01 - 09:58 AM (#583848)
Subject: RE: BS: Post Your GAELIC GODDESS sitings here!!
From: Áine

A Mhick, a chara chóir -- I really wish I could have gotten to the gathering. I promise I'll make it a point to get to the next one, OK? But, if you feel like moseying on down to Texas, the Moon on the Hill is a great place to end up -- just ask Amos! ;-)

Le grá is meas, do chara Áine