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The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey

27 Oct 01 - 03:13 AM (#580790)
Subject: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: GUEST,Flaj

Can someone bring me up to speed on what's happening here these days.

I went abroad for a couple of weeks and when I came back I started hearing rumours!

27 Oct 01 - 04:05 AM (#580794)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Mrs.Duck

Unfortunately we have not been able to get to the Jug for the last two weeks so can't help you there. We would like the session to continue and hope people are not trying to spoil it.

27 Oct 01 - 04:27 AM (#580798)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Roger in Sheffield

Mrs Duck have you any news of the Sam Pirt?
My friend was after doing more Accordian lessons but he seems unreachable at present
Then again my friend is talking about taking up Violin again so it might not be a problem !

27 Oct 01 - 04:29 AM (#580799)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Linda Kelly

Sam, is busy but just PM him and I am sure that he will receive it. Failing that I will get in touch on your behalf if you PM me.

27 Oct 01 - 07:08 AM (#580830)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Eric the Viking

Sam has an acordion workshop comming up soon somewhere, don't know any more details than that.

As for the Jug. I couldn't get there this week, neither could Andrew. I hope to be there on Wednesday, or at least where there is some music playing. I know Chris and Geraldine say they should be there. What ever else happens I don't know.

I've got the banjo from the landlord of the George to take back to him (Bill asked me to take it into the music room for fixing)

I don't think anyone is trying to spoil the session at the Jug. My kids are busy with shows etc, so Dad's taxi service is required a lot at the moment.

See you.

27 Oct 01 - 10:49 AM (#580906)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Eric the Viking

I think Guy Wolff is coming over this wednesday from the states, or maybe next week.

I certainly agree that over the last few weeks there has been a bit of a deteriation/dissent, in a few areas, not as many people, musicians, people who just come to sit. Maybe that's just my perception?

I don't know, I don't want to be polarised or pilloried if I go and play somewhere else on or off (as I only have 1 night a week available to me) I also want to go and have a play. I don't mind really where. I like the jug and have had some real good times there, made lots of (I hope) friends and have no wish to upset anyone or cause a problem or make it worse.

I think from my limited knowledge that sessions constantly evolve. New faces and tunes, departure of other faces, some tunes get played less and less. The balance of musicianship shifts from clever, good musicians to not so good as they improve, to really excellent or terrible in a cyclic fashion.(I'm not even begining to suggest that some people are less worth than others-though I count my self as poorly skilled) The number and variety of instruments changes.

Perhaps it will pick up, die down, or just change-I don't know and am not making a prediction. Certainly it will die if no-one goes(that's logical)but then it might pick up again.

I have only 1 night a week to get out to the Jug or anywhere. I hope it continues what ever form it takes.

27 Oct 01 - 11:43 AM (#580926)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Eric-I count you as a good musician, your guitar playing at Llanstock was really good, I have been to The Jug a few times now, and I would like to go again but I am really busy now I am working almost every night, I will try to go again in a few weeks, and maybe take Les & Maggy and Ickle Dorrit if they want to go.

27 Oct 01 - 01:59 PM (#580973)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: selby

As far as I know the session continues, the 4 of us where there last week we enjoyed the night as usual, although for our tired little soliders sake we leave at 10:00.Like EtV this is our only night out. There is in March going to be a Jug Scratch Cieldh Band giving it services for free to raise funds for scouts to go to the next world jamboree in Thailand. That in it's self I hope will keep it going and the rest is realy as my learned friend EtV assesses the situation. Keith

27 Oct 01 - 03:44 PM (#581012)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Big Phil

Yes the Jug sessions continue,I was there on Wednesday, food was Very Good and music was good too, to my untrained ear that is......Now the Landlord has changed I suppose things will be a little different until things settle down, hope musicians will turn up to support him, like they did for Syd , Phil*

27 Oct 01 - 04:14 PM (#581028)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Eric the Viking

Don't worry Kieth, If I'm allowed to play in the band-I'll be there.

Phil, is the grub as good?

27 Oct 01 - 05:53 PM (#581058)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Mrs.Duck

We hope to be there on Wednesday too and since its half term I get to stay up late!

28 Oct 01 - 02:30 AM (#581257)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: flaj

Thanks all, that's what I wanted to hear.

I enjoy going to the Jug on a Wednesdays whenever I can, but for various reasons, can't go every week, and 27 miles one way is a fair trek, particularly if there's no session when you get there.

Are the sessions there purely spontaneous, or is there some sort of underlying organisation?

What I'm banging on about is that Andrew and I go to other sessions on Thursdays. These sessions are monthly only, so if they are not going to be held for some reason, someone will usually let others know, so people don't have wasted journies, a bit like Cas Sword practice nights. Is there a central contact point for the Jug sessions that long distance travellers like me can contact?

On that point, am I in fact a long distance traveller to the Jug or do others of you travel further to get there? (I know Wullie does as he lives further West than me!)

For those who may be interested in visiting other sessions, I go to one at The Slubber's Arms in Huddersfield on the first Thursday of the month, the Red Lion at Jackson Bridge on the second Thursday, The Butcher's Arms at Hepworth on the third Thursday and have the 4th Thursday off, as there aren't any that I know of on that day.

Can anyone let me know via this Thread, where other sessions are held, and any details you may have like when, what type of music is played, where etc?


28 Oct 01 - 11:29 AM (#581377)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: selby

Eric you are already in as is the caller. Keith

28 Oct 01 - 02:03 PM (#581449)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Big Phil

Hi Eric, Yes I can say that the Jug grub is still excellent, and we missed you last Wednesday,Did work hold you back........Phil*

28 Oct 01 - 02:32 PM (#581459)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Jellybeam

The Jug session is still on. We are back in the long room at the landlords request(mainly due to numbers) I know the acoustics are bad in there,but I'm sure with careful listening we can make a go of it. The food looks good, the Landlord(Paul) is friendly and supportive,there still are 3 real ales at the bar. Prices have increased but only to normal pub levels, so what more can we ask. Chris and I are determained to keep the session going, in whatever form--- so why not come and support us and we will see where it goes. Last week I took Bertha the Bass along to try and keep both ends of the room playing together-I think it worked, so Bertha is going again this week!

ps There is a new web site being set up for this area called "where the folk are we"it should help with info etc more details later. also Chris and I plus others are going down to the George &Dragon 1 monday a month to sing and play.(2nd mon)

hope this helps cheers Geraldine

28 Oct 01 - 02:42 PM (#581470)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Eric the Viking

ere'Kieth don't you have me calling anything! I don't even dance at celiedhs. I only like the music!

28 Oct 01 - 06:06 PM (#581553)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Cobble

We can't get this Wednesday as Cobble is working late but we hope to get over the following week.

Mrs. C.

28 Oct 01 - 06:15 PM (#581561)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Mrs.Duck

Thanks Geraldine. I'm glad the George and Dragon is to be an extra and will be at the Jug this Wednesday - only money has kept us away (well the lack of it actually!)

28 Oct 01 - 08:33 PM (#581633)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Where is The George n Dragon, is it big or small & can anyone go? Cheers.john

29 Oct 01 - 06:17 AM (#581803)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: chizzer

Janet (if well enough) and I hope to come along this Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing good friends. Chris

29 Oct 01 - 05:29 PM (#582238)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Mrs.Duck

John the George and Dragon is about half a mile down the road turning left as you go over the bridge at Chapel Haddlesy instead of right to the Jug.

30 Oct 01 - 01:36 PM (#582691)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Eric the Viking

Is there anything special happening tomorrow, being Halloween? Or "Normal" session?

Flarg I travel some 34 miles 78 return-I guess that makes me a long distance traveller !

30 Oct 01 - 01:47 PM (#582695)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I travel 45 miles each way, 90 miles total.
Thanks for Georges directions Mrs Duck.

30 Oct 01 - 05:05 PM (#582808)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Jellybeam

Hi Eric session is as nomal as it evr is! We could sing a few SCARY songs though!Oh and play a few HIDEOUS tunes. Thats just the same as always.Happy Halloween.

31 Oct 01 - 06:34 AM (#582990)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: flaj

Thanks for the update jellybeam, that's the sort of information I wanted. I'll be there on wednesday supporting melodeon and whistle section of the session.

John in Hull, you are the longest distance traveller so far! Can anyone beat him?


31 Oct 01 - 07:07 AM (#582999)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: GUEST,noreen

Chris, micca travelled up on several occasions on the train from London- does that count?

31 Oct 01 - 08:05 AM (#583011)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: GUEST,mooman (cookieless)

And I came from Brussels earlier this year! So I must be one of the longest distance travellers! Hope to come along again soon!


31 Oct 01 - 03:49 PM (#583342)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: bill\sables

I think Dick Greenhaus and Susan of DT traveled furthest so far

31 Oct 01 - 06:51 PM (#583472)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Cobble

Hope you all had a real good 'SPOOOOKY' night...... did Tig arrive on her broom stick ???? :-)

Hope to see you all next week

Mrs. C

31 Oct 01 - 07:19 PM (#583488)
Subject: RE: The Jug at Chapel Haddlesey
From: Mrs.Duck

There were plenty of people there tonight and the session is still going strong - lots of tunes and some singing. Of course as we only travel 12 miles to the Jug we regard it as our local:0)
Just to whet your appetites the date for the 2002 Jug gathering has been fixed for the 24th May so hopefully lots of Mudcatters from as far or near as possible will be able to make that.