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BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

30 Oct 01 - 02:02 PM (#582697)
Subject: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: nutty

I'm putting the thread here rather than HELP because I can no longer access help or loki or dharma or ragtime or even shorty directly.

This has been happening all day and the only way I can get into the Forum is via the DT on an old Supersearch thread. Once in everything is as normal ---it's very strange

I suspect the problem might be with Netscape but would like some confirmation

30 Oct 01 - 02:07 PM (#582699)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Justa Picker

I find the (shorty) server to consistently be the slowest, so I generally come in on the ragtime or dharma server.

30 Oct 01 - 02:07 PM (#582701)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Gareth

An me - using I E - I solved it by cutting in via Gooogle


30 Oct 01 - 02:08 PM (#582702)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

All servers are up at the moment, and I have no problem getting into them.

30 Oct 01 - 02:17 PM (#582708)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario

I cannot get into any of the servers - by name - have to come in using an IP address. nothing using named servers works for me, including setting of cookies.

30 Oct 01 - 02:22 PM (#582714)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Sorcha

I am having the same trouble as Mario. I'm on an IP too. Means none of the searches work for me today. (Except the filter)

30 Oct 01 - 02:22 PM (#582715)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Uncookied JenEllen

IP addys here too, and cookies aren't working.

30 Oct 01 - 02:25 PM (#582718)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing, cookieless

Jon has a lot about it on his Annexe and has included the info in the help. I can access nothing except through the Ip numbers followed by /threads.cfm.

Jon said he couldn't either and also cannot reset his cookie, nor can I. Jon thinks it has to do with some DNS's.

The numbers are: = = = -

I have to follow any of those with the /threads.cfm to get anything. THANKS, JON!


30 Oct 01 - 02:30 PM (#582721)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

Max may have moved the servers to his apartment, and that's what's causing the problems. I dunno - I'm still not having any problems. I DO notice that a bunch of people seem to have had their cookies snatched.

30 Oct 01 - 02:38 PM (#582726)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Tinker

I can get in from MSN but AOl can't find a thing and it's all on the same computer. From AOL I tried ragtime, loki and mudcat all no response. MSn just loaded up. Go figure.


30 Oct 01 - 02:38 PM (#582727)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Everything fine for me, maybe because I am using a different system to you lot, (I am using Internet TV).

30 Oct 01 - 03:12 PM (#582744)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: DougR

I use Netscape and had no problems getting in. Sometimes I do, of course, but I assume that is because the servers are down.


30 Oct 01 - 03:16 PM (#582746)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Jon Freeman

I think the reason that there seems to be so many different experiences here is that IP addresses seem to be cached at various parts in systems which can include the borwser's cache.

I have just remembered the problems some people had when the Annexe was moved to a new server and new IP address. Some people got all the new site, others the old and some a mixture of both. Im my case, I had to clear all by browers' (3 of them) caches before they would constantly retrieve pages from the new IP address.


30 Oct 01 - 03:56 PM (#582765)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,53/Glenda at work

Hi, At work I can access easily. At home - no luck this morning and Bob said he hasn't been able to get on at all today. :(

I will try some of the ideas I see here using the numbers and /threads.cfm as soon as I am home.

Cheers. Glenda

30 Oct 01 - 04:06 PM (#582770)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: kendall

no problem here.

30 Oct 01 - 04:10 PM (#582772)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,lamarca

This is weird - I can access Mudcat by typing into Netscape on a Windows machine here in my lab, but when I try it on my Mac, running through the same NIH connection to the outside world, I get a "Server not found" message - hence my current cookie-less state.

30 Oct 01 - 04:18 PM (#582774)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario

now - that IS strange...; unless your macs and pc's are on different subnets for some reason?

30 Oct 01 - 04:20 PM (#582777)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

If the IP numbers and domain name haven't changed, perhaps it's the route used to get there, or some router in the system. It may be individual ISPs that haven't updated their info. Just more guessing on my part.

30 Oct 01 - 04:22 PM (#582778)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,lamarca

This just started today - I got on yesterday and wrote my anti-sports diatribe with no problem...

30 Oct 01 - 04:25 PM (#582781)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

My above guesses wouldn't be right with what lamarca posted above, unless mapping for Macs and PCs were different. Oy!

30 Oct 01 - 04:27 PM (#582784)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario

depending on how her employer has the net setup, they could be routed differently.

30 Oct 01 - 04:32 PM (#582788)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,lamarca

That could be, MMario. I'll try to get in by typing loki or on my Mac - I don't know how to direct access IP numbers in Netscape.

30 Oct 01 - 04:34 PM (#582790)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario

try cutting and pasting this into the "location" box

30 Oct 01 - 04:51 PM (#582796)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,lamarca

Well, that worked, MMario - but I can't just click on Forum Home to get back to the thread list. Do you know any way to direct "" to the new IP address in Netscape?

30 Oct 01 - 04:52 PM (#582798)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,lamarca

Ooopps! Yes, I can - now all I have to do is reset my cookie and bookmark...

30 Oct 01 - 04:58 PM (#582803)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Justa Picker I am.
Can only get in through the IP addresses..and there's no cookie, nor can the cookie be reset because the DNS pointers are not currently pointing to the server that resets cookies. I'm sure it'll all get rectified eventually.

30 Oct 01 - 04:59 PM (#582804)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

You could always just create a shortcut to the IP address. I just use my back button a lot, but Joe Offer doesn't like back buttons.

The IP address is the same as always, by the way - something else is buggered. I have a feeling it'll work itself out in a day or so.

Clicky for Shorty IP number
Clicky for Ragtime IP number
Clicky for Loki IP number

30 Oct 01 - 05:03 PM (#582806)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: ard mhacha

Same as Gareth, I use Goggle search engine, the Mudcat keeps throwing up these problems from time to time. Slan Ard Mhacha.

30 Oct 01 - 05:04 PM (#582807)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

The links are wrong, Justa, but you can get a cookie. I think it will only work on whichever IP address you use to read threads, though. And I think this problem is very temporary.

30 Oct 01 - 05:21 PM (#582811)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Cobble

I have not been able to get in all day, until now. Tried Loki,Ragtime and Shorty. Also tried through Google with no luck. We run on Mac.

Mrs C

30 Oct 01 - 05:34 PM (#582814)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,CarolC

I lost access sometime last night. I just now got the IP numbers off of Jon's annexe site. But I can't set a cookie.

30 Oct 01 - 06:25 PM (#582833)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,53/Glenda no cookie

Okay, I am in. At home. I used the info I took off kat's message. Thanks!

I will try resetting the cookie if I can get to the page that tells me how!


30 Oct 01 - 06:31 PM (#582835)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,53/glenda still no cookie

I can't access help now to find out how to reset cookie. Anyone out there have any ideas for me?

Bob wants to get on the Cat for the evening. He's having withdrawals from not being able to get in all day and he needs it to be easy like clicking a button, not entering everytime!

Hey, honestly, I am very proud of how much computer he has learned since we got this in February!


30 Oct 01 - 06:39 PM (#582837)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

Well, Bob seems to have managed to post a mass of junk despite the 'restrictions'

I'd be ashamed, not proud.

But I'm a 'gutless' guest

30 Oct 01 - 06:39 PM (#582838)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,CarolC

Since I can't set a cookie, I don't know when I'll be able to look at my PMs. My apologies to anyone who has sent me a PM yesterday or today, to which I have not responded.

30 Oct 01 - 06:40 PM (#582839)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Gareth

Intersting - I got a fast direct hit on my log on now, after returning from the Royal Oak. ( using the generetic threads, 21.30 ish (GMT) - but it does seem to me that the number of posts between 19.00 and 21.30 GMT is less than I would normally expect for a Tuesday night. ( perhaps a JoeClone could give some objective statistics ??)

I had difficulty logging on earlier (used Google) and again at 20.40 ish GMT. (ne or two threads returned a "Server Error"). No difficulty with any other Webpages.

There is a problem, as part of this problem could it be that those who are completely B******d loging on unable to report ???

Just a thought, but MAX does this need some deeper investigation ???


30 Oct 01 - 06:41 PM (#582840)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Gareth

Even More interensting.

My first attempt to send the above post reurned DNS error !!!!


30 Oct 01 - 06:45 PM (#582841)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Uncookied JenEllen

Yes, Gareth, there is an explanation, but I think katlaughing is the only one who could do it justice, she should be along here soon to fill in the gaps.

30 Oct 01 - 06:49 PM (#582842)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

And Bert keeps trying to persuade us to buy mudcat technology!

He tells us that it's cheap (mind you, he also told us that the last server upgrade cost Max $50 000)

So his opinion can't be well trusted.

No wonder onstage is going bust

30 Oct 01 - 06:59 PM (#582844)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing, w/an empty cookie jar

I just talked to Max. He's in between moving everything from hsi office to the apt. and in the shuffle didn't get the mail which said his Domain Name bill was due for, so the problem has been that Network Solutions shut it down. He quickly got on the phone and paid it and it should be back up and running in its usual fashion, I think he said, in 12-24 hours, maybe longer, but I don't think it will take that long. Network Solutions knows it was important, as it was Onstafe, too, so it should be soon!

He said it's been so crazy, doing major cleaning out, trying to get everything moved and the DSL installed in his apt. etc. that it reminds him of finals week at college! Ten more days and then he said his life will be mucho better and much more normal, Mudcat, too, as long as everything does what it is supposed to when he gets it up and running in the apt.

IF there is any downtime for Mudcat, it could be between this coming Friday through next Tuesday and could be for a few days, so I would encourge you all to check out Jon's Annexe at

Max has booked his first professional gig on the 15th of the month and is really excited about that; says it's his first time since college. I told him he'd been doing great on Mudcat radio and would knock 'em dead.

Anyhow, that's the news from what I hear. Pretty soon we'll all have our own cookies, again, and the PM's'll fly!**BG**

30 Oct 01 - 07:07 PM (#582846)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing

Damn, as a guest, I cannot edit my typos, either! Sorry, for those above.

GUEST, I'll bet you could find a way to suck a green egg dry on a hot day an August of the dustbowl and still not be satisfied, so then you'd have to go find some sorry son of a slat-ribbed dog to kick, but even THAT wouldn't get your dried up lil' ol' pickle going, so you'd still just go on being the pitiful, mealy-mouthed bad apple that you are and nobody's goin' ever wanna take a bite out that, so I hope you've got the skill of a twister so you can kiss your own.

30 Oct 01 - 07:12 PM (#582847)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,LaughingJen

Jaysus kat...that weekend in the hills did your vocabulary a helluva lot of good. Proud to know ya sweetheart...LOL

30 Oct 01 - 07:13 PM (#582848)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Sorch

WOW!! I stand in awe of your ability, kat!! That was incredible...........sheesh, I hope I never piss you off! (and ps--none of the rest of us can EVER edit our posts!)

30 Oct 01 - 07:32 PM (#582858)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

Kat, that's impressive! Seems like just another somewhat boring troll, though...

So maybe I'm still accessing all the servers because my ISP has NOT updated. I may go "GUEST" just to fit in with other "clique" members. ;-)

30 Oct 01 - 07:37 PM (#582861)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: MMario

And there is your explanation Guest, nothing to do with MudCat or MudCat technology at all.

30 Oct 01 - 07:41 PM (#582862)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Tinker

Well I finally got in on AOL using the numbers and like the rest of you can't reset my cookie here. But if I log off and come back in on MSN everything works just fine.Computer has a bad case of split personality tonite.


30 Oct 01 - 07:41 PM (#582863)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Jon Freeman

Guest, this one has FUCK ALL to do with Mudcat technology,



30 Oct 01 - 07:43 PM (#582864)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Tinker

And I forgot to say WOW... Kat I tip my hat to a Champion. That was one hell of a good ride.


30 Oct 01 - 07:45 PM (#582865)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I am feeling left out! How can I be a Guest?

30 Oct 01 - 07:46 PM (#582866)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing, with steamed veggies

Thanks, ya'll. Comes from being around my dad for a half a day this weekend, only his "Scotch blessings" as he calls them, are triple times better, much more eloquent.

Jeri, I am sure you are right, it was just having got off the phone with a tired and ardent Max which brought forth the muse.

On top of it all, Max is doing almost all of the moving by himself, with a little help from Emily, so let's hear it for the MaxMan!

30 Oct 01 - 07:49 PM (#582869)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Jeri (Ahhh - that's better)

Kat, the troll was boring, but your reply was quite eloquent!

By the way, the domain name is for sale, in case anyone wants it.

30 Oct 01 - 07:55 PM (#582872)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Why is evrybody a Guest exept me?

30 Oct 01 - 08:10 PM (#582877)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Jon Freeman

kat, when I went through the change with Namezco (who incedenally I would now thoroughly recommend to any UK users wanting a bit of space with some processing power - service that been excellent since they moved me), the guy I delt with on the system suggested that in his experience, it can take up to 48 hrs for a DNS change to filter through the system.

OK, the IP addresses have not changed here but I think system catch up times where caching is involved on subsystems may take more than 12/24 hrs for some users...


30 Oct 01 - 08:30 PM (#582878)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,CarolC

Looks like I'm responding to a troll. Sorry.

GUEST, 30-Oct-01 - 06:49 PM... Max is a nice person, and I like him. I wish you wouldn't be kicking him at times like this. It's not that he can't take it. It's just a little sad to watch someone you like being trashed when they're doing the best they can.

30 Oct 01 - 09:21 PM (#582897)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Jon Freeman

Sorry 'bout my FA... I just got annoyed. Tell me something does it have the same meaning elsewhere or is is used as an expression? Rephrased UK meaning in polite speak is "that has absolutely nothing to do with..."


30 Oct 01 - 10:23 PM (#582918)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

I bin noen ta do tha same thang my own self. Sumtimes tho it kin wurkout fer ya. Back when me an Paw an the Reg boyz had owr porta-shitter bizniz callt "Crappers On Casters" I dun forgot ta make a paymint on the trayler whut we uzed ta haul em round on. Thay sent two fellers ta take it back ta the trayler place an when thay seen whut it wuz we wuz a totin on it they jus left her rite thar an I got owr paymint stuff fixt all up.

Funny thang tho cuz jes taday we wuz down ta the trayler playz trine ta sell her back to that feller sinz we dint need her no mor an thet sumbitch wernt gonna do it til Paw passed sum reel awful gas in hiz office an then took out a match. Thet feller began ta see it owr way then but I dunno thet he cud reely see atall sinz hiz eyes wuzza watrin reel gud. I gess i cuddent see none too gud either cuz tha check he gave uz wuz fer a hunnert dollarz insted uv a thousand dollarz so I gess we all took a fuckin witha smile. I figger tho it'll be a month ur so bfor tha smell gitz outta' hiz office.

Whut it wuz thet reely made me mad tho wuz while we wuz down thair, Catspaw wuz at home with thet Joe Offer guy he callz Father Joebro an when we got back he wuz gone so we dint git ta say howd do er nuthin. catspaw sez thet Joe is a purty nice feller an he aint so bald yet but it izza gittin thin. Catspaw sez we kin mebbee meet him sum other time.


30 Oct 01 - 10:32 PM (#582921)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

A when the "best they can" isn't "good enough"....perhaps the DT should find other lodgings.... or you should find a better lover.

30 Oct 01 - 10:34 PM (#582922)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing

Means the same here, Jon, and was spot on.

30 Oct 01 - 10:56 PM (#582924)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,CarolC (no cookies)

Boy, you really got me there, GUEST. I can see that I'm no match for you. I'll just go sit in my little corner, and reflect upon my mistake.

31 Oct 01 - 05:35 AM (#582981)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,mooman (cookieless)

Dear John in Hull,

Your "guestlessness" is intriguing me and I'm as interested as you to find how you and a couple of others are getting in as normal. Perhaps you have your favourites stored as IP addresses?

Ah yes...that letter from Network Solutions should not be overlooked. Every two years I nearly do as well but have just "snuck in" with my pament before being cut off!!!

Best regards,


31 Oct 01 - 05:58 AM (#582983)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Noreen no-cookie

Well, this IS interesting. Glad to be back. Spoke to several 'catters last night, none of whom could get in. Thanks nutty/jon for the isp number info.


31 Oct 01 - 08:29 AM (#583013)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario

well - had a few minutes last night until (at my best guess) my ISP flushed their DNS cache - back to the cookieless state for me today - but since I'm on a low cab diet anyway - hahahahaha!

31 Oct 01 - 08:46 AM (#583016)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jeri

Jon, yes, it means the same.

I can't figure out why I can still get in with my cookie, except that my ISP hasn't updated the DNS info. (I'm not complaining.) It would explain why Bat Goddess and Curmudgeon are also cookied, because we use the same ISP.

31 Oct 01 - 09:25 AM (#583024)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,masato sakurai

Lost my cookie, what'll I do?
Lost my cookie, what'll I do?
Lost my cookie, what'll I do?
Skip to my Cookie Monster.


31 Oct 01 - 09:28 AM (#583027)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Alice

I had no problem getting in yesterday evening, in the middle of the night (couldn't sleep), and this morning, all with my cookie. I used my bookmarked URL for Mudcat that I've had forever (Netscape, on a Mac).


31 Oct 01 - 09:51 AM (#583037)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,JohnInKansas

We have been getting in some with site names, but have been getting disconnects frequently. Of course you only know you've lost it when you try to move around.

Connection with the URL #s seems most reliable, but I note that my cookie needs reset when I come in that way, and I'm (for now) unable to get in to do that.

I have set the URLs as alternates in my favorites - for future use.

As I understand it, your server asks the nearest router if it knows how to connect you. It looks to see if it knows how, and if not, asks the next router down the line, until eventually you get there. If something changes, some routers may retain bad addresses for a certain time - so they give you a bad address and you don't get connected. Every time you send a request, it's pot-luck on which string of routers you go through, so it's a crap shoot until they all get updated.

As I'm not too well informed in this area, I may be acting the bad router - so please don't get too excited out my displanation.

I'm expecting things to be back to normal soon.


31 Oct 01 - 09:54 AM (#583038)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Sorcha

I got my cookie back!! Whoopee! I'm on Ragtime just now, haven't tried the others.

31 Oct 01 - 09:56 AM (#583040)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: MMario

I got my cookie back! and shorty! and search! May the DNS propagate and spread throughout the land!

31 Oct 01 - 10:11 AM (#583048)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: JohnInKansas

I'm back in on my normal site name. I've just run around the string and can connect, name or URL, to everything but Loki. I assume maybe he's in transit - or in the shower getting prettied up?


31 Oct 01 - 10:12 AM (#583050)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,katlaughing, cookie in the oven?

The Great Cookie Scare continues here.

31 Oct 01 - 10:28 AM (#583058)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Tinker

31 Oct 01 - 10:31 AM (#583060)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Tinker (with half her cookies)

Whoops--- Just jumped me out to the forum..... AOL is still numbers only and cookieless for me...

31 Oct 01 - 10:43 AM (#583072)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Big Mick, lost in Cookieless land

I am hopeless. I can't get in and reclaim my cookie. Anyone got some they want to share?

31 Oct 01 - 10:46 AM (#583076)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: UB Ed

My first success in getting in after two days trying...


31 Oct 01 - 10:51 AM (#583082)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Charley Noble

Jeri was a lot of help when I couldn't get regular access. Maybe I'll re-check now and see if the system is working again. I'm working with a MAC up the Kennebec River in Maine if that is significant. I'll have to apologize to my wife whom I've accused of sabotaging my access to Mudcat.

Charley Noble

31 Oct 01 - 10:52 AM (#583086)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,mooman (cookieless)

You can rest assured that The Surreal Kingdom of Belgium will be the last place on Earth where the DNS problem is finally resolved!


31 Oct 01 - 10:52 AM (#583087)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Clifton53

Everything is back to normal for me, reset cookie also. Couldn't get in at all yesterday and this morning I couldn't access some of the threads, nor could I post.


31 Oct 01 - 10:55 AM (#583091)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: okthen

Phew, got in at last, first time since this all started happening, makes me wonder what else I use the computer for tho'.


31 Oct 01 - 11:09 AM (#583103)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Bill cookie yet, let them eat cake

I'll jest set here & wait, lak I usual do...'hit'll all come out in the warsh.

31 Oct 01 - 11:12 AM (#583105)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Bill D

see! let me reset ,,now I have a cookie..(chose White Chocolate Macadamia this time...YUM!)..('guest' gets a stale Oreo with no filling!)

31 Oct 01 - 11:16 AM (#583113)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Charley Noble

Back in business. YUM!;-)

31 Oct 01 - 12:02 PM (#583142)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

Well I reckin thizzeer place is about like thet Belgium place thet mooman menshunned cuz thingz ar still purty fucked up heer. Catspaw sed ta hell with it an let me uze tha puter. I gess heez trine ta make up fer not callin uz yesterday when Joe Offer stopped an we dint git ta see him.


31 Oct 01 - 12:02 PM (#583143)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jim Dixon

I just now got in, I haven't been able to get in at all to any of the 4 servers (www, dharma, loki, ragtime) since, I think, yesterday afternoon, despite trying every few hours. Today, it worked although I didn't do anything different from normal.

I use CompuServe, and I kept getting the message "site not found ... are you sure you spelled the name correctly? etc."

My cookie seems OK.

31 Oct 01 - 12:23 PM (#583157)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jim Dixon

Still having problems. I used the "DigiTrad and Forum Search," and the "SuperSearch Results" page came up just fine, but when I click on any links, I get the familiar page, "Can't Find Web Site. Did you click on a link? The site may no longer exist or it may have moved …"

But this was temporary. A little while later, I clicked on the same link and it worked.

31 Oct 01 - 12:26 PM (#583163)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,voxfox

Thank you Great Mudcat in the sky for letting me back in. I sure missed this place for a couple of days, Mud withdrawal is a terrible thing. VF

31 Oct 01 - 12:31 PM (#583166)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

Oh my Gawd, I've been de-cookied. HELP!

31 Oct 01 - 12:43 PM (#583179)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: CapriUni

Well, my cookie seems to be working... (I don't mind as long as it's chocolate chip or ginger snap ;-)), but last night I couldn't get in at all.

I'm on Aol, and got the "server not found" message, was given Netscape and Digital City blickies to click... the message said, if those worked, the problem was with the site. Tried them, they worked, but when I clicked the "back" button, there was Mudcat in all its glory (except the latest messages were all dated the 28th :-/). Then, when I tried to click on a thread, I was bounced back to the "server not found" message again, and so 'round and 'round in circles I went...

Glad everthing is back to normal again. Mudcat withdrawal is a terrible thing!

31 Oct 01 - 01:26 PM (#583213)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: katlaughing

Ah-ha-ha-ha!! Got my cookie back!!! Hot outta the oven!!

Thanks, Max!

31 Oct 01 - 02:07 PM (#583258)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: JohnInKansas


When you use the back button, sometimes what you see is an old temp file from your own machine - downloaded on your last visit, to let you load faster when you flip around in a site.

Chances are - if the dates didn't match the day's date, you weren't actually connected, you were "lookin' at yourself."

I've had the problem that sometimes, even when the connection is good, the back button takes me to something several days old.


31 Oct 01 - 02:10 PM (#583259)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Bat Goddess

At one point this morning after pingponging between a coupla very strange (even stranger than Mudcat) websites, I started getting security messages and then when I tried to get back to Mudcat I got a "Server not found" message several times, then, I think, on ragtime, too. Came up with yet another problem, crashed (or rather locked up), rebooted and everything has been hunky dory since. I think the computer was just confused. (Probably because of of a RealAudio file saying "I am a machine vastly superior to humans." Uh huh -- I TOLD you I was at some weird sites!)

Haven't had any problems since -- other than not getting any responses to PMs I've sent the past coupla days.

Bat Goddess

31 Oct 01 - 02:39 PM (#583284)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: GUEST,Charley Noble

Well, now I can't get access again through the usual channels. Maybe this is what the F.B.I. was warning us about.

31 Oct 01 - 02:54 PM (#583295)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: CarolC

I have my cookie back now, and I got in through the usual route.

31 Oct 01 - 04:23 PM (#583368)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Charley Noble

Back again to Mudcat Reality.;-)

31 Oct 01 - 04:36 PM (#583376)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Max

We're back in action. Network Solutions had us reregistered this morning around 11am EST. Only cost me $70 (well, one of the elves who actually had a valid credit card, thank god he takes IOU's).

Great News!!: The DSL in my apartment is operational. Just got it working now. It actually pings better than the T-1 at the office. Should be a nice improvement, and at a quarter of the cost.

Now that we are kicking, I should be moving the servers over the next couple of days. So if you have a problem, just be patient. I will keep you informed as to which server may be out when, and I'll leave www put until I am sure everything is groovy. The timetable is to have everything moved by Monday night, so any troubles that may arise should be done by then. Wish me luck.

31 Oct 01 - 04:47 PM (#583386)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: MMario

Best of Luck Max! Things should go smooth as a silk sari - and if they don't...well take a look at the latest song challenge.

31 Oct 01 - 05:11 PM (#583399)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat

Fuck ya' Max....I iz still gittin da green weenie an Catspaw sez thiz muss be sum kinda Penn State thing. Whair's thet mooman feller? Iz Belgium up yet?


31 Oct 01 - 05:36 PM (#583416)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Noreen

Good luck, Maxie o great leader, mover and shaker of the servers...

31 Oct 01 - 06:02 PM (#583428)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Ella who is Sooze

I have not been able to get into Mudcat all day on my mac at work.Though I was on at home last night from my pc... but then my pc at home the other day was having troubles...

I also received a distressed email from Fibula who couldn't get onto the cat today either...

Very strange!! Ella

31 Oct 01 - 06:19 PM (#583444)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Shall

My heart leaped out of my favorite site...lost in the deep whole of internet darkness. I was delighted to have the "Cat" back rising on my computer today. Just like the full West Virginia moon rising in the sky tonight. Thank's Max for your dedication.

31 Oct 01 - 06:57 PM (#583476)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Bill D

*images in mt head*

"lessee...this black cable goes behind the bookcase, and...wait..where's that 3-prong adapter? Shh...Loki, I KNOW it looks like Ragtime has the best spot on the bureau, but you like the cluttered sopts anyway. Now...Pene, hand me that overload breaker. Hey, we need more beer to face making room for the monitors!"

31 Oct 01 - 07:01 PM (#583479)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Jon Freeman

Yes good luck, like Bill, I have visions of cables and bits everywhere...


01 Nov 01 - 02:08 AM (#583672)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: Genie

I just had two days of not being able to access Mudcat through any addresses I had for Mucat or parts thereof, whether via bookmarks or typing them in or going by way of a keyword search that generated web addresses for various parts of Mudcat. I'm using Netscape.

Then today it suddenly worked again. I don't know what happened.


01 Nov 01 - 03:52 AM (#583684)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: rich-joy

couldn't get into Mudcat as normal, or via loki/dharma/ragtime, or via Google, for over 36 hours - was having withdrawal symptoms!!
But remember 'Catters, what Time of the Year this is : Hallowe'en!!! - when those spirits that wish to make mischief upon the earthplane, can and do!!! Cheers, R-J.

01 Nov 01 - 07:44 AM (#583744)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: JudeL

DEEP JOY ... It's back
I've been unable to access any part of mudcat or it's mirrors (dharma, loki, ragtime) via aol or msn since I got back from holiday on Monday. Was suffering massive mudcat withdrawl ..... 2 weeks without mudcat! AHhhhh..

01 Nov 01 - 08:36 AM (#583779)
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
From: VoxFox

Heaven, I'm in heaven... Went to the local Tim Hortons and got myself an ooooey gooooey chocolate chip COOKIE and I'm so glad it worked. Withdrawal is over for now, whew! *BG* VF