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Free to hear music

13 Nov 01 - 02:17 PM (#591739)
Subject: Free to hear music
From: pattyClink

How cool is it that one of the first things done by the people free of the Taliban was to share music which had been banned?

Have you ever encountered anything remotely like that sort of repression of music?

We had a fascist teacher who insisted no musical instruments or radios be taken on a three week field trip. He even ripped the fuses out of the vans so car radios wouldn't be used. Day 1: our van suffered. Day 2: bought a box of fuses, I think a gross. Put masking tape tab around them for quick removal if The Evil One approached. Day 7: enjoyed the 70 miles down a dusty bumpy road from hell to the far rim of the Grand Canyon, bandanas around our mouths, singing "on the road again" with the greatest gusto anyone has ever had for that song. Day 21: listen to the old fascist wax eloquent around the campfire about how we had been the best group he'd ever had by far, learned the most, etc. That's when we showed him the box of fuses and offered him a few for his van.

13 Nov 01 - 03:04 PM (#591778)
Subject: RE: Free to hear music
From: Larry124

I love the sound of music in the morning. It sounds likeā€¦ Freedom.

Self-righteous bullies prohibit or dictate music. Everything important in your life must come from them or at their sufferance. Good riddance.