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Mangled Lines

14 Nov 01 - 05:43 PM (#592756)
Subject: Mangled Lines
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I see the postings where we're all trying to figure out what the heck someone was singing on an old recording (or sometimes a new one.) Some of the guesses are downright hilarious. Unintentionally. My favorite sincerely mis-heard line from a folk song comes from a kid I knew back when I was in High School. He'd walk donw the hall singing "So long, it's Fingers Gunnolia!" at the top of his lungs. I thought it was a song about a gangster. You probably know the song as So Long, It's Been Good To Know Ya."


14 Nov 01 - 08:45 PM (#592870)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Arbuthnot

I always wondered how Here comes the ploughboy with proud and beauteous bearing Good luck, God speed, no charing

got changed to

Here comes the ploughboy with pride and beauty berry Look, speed no cherry

which is what I hear people sing too often.

15 Nov 01 - 12:09 AM (#592967)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Ralphie

On an irreligious note...
Hail Mary, full of grace, the laundry's with thee
Blessed art thou, a Monk swimming...


Our Father, Who art in Heaven
Harold be thy name...

Not to mention the crossed eyed bear called "Gladly"
Pax Probiscus !

15 Nov 01 - 12:11 AM (#592969)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Amos

These are called Mondegreens and there about a dozen earlier Mudcat threads on the topic good for laughs.


15 Nov 01 - 12:21 AM (#592974)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Ralphie

Thanks for that Amos
I'll go a hunting, so as not to use up any more valuable server space on such tosh !!

15 Nov 01 - 08:38 AM (#593108)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Snuffy

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas, with every Christmas card I write:
  • Mayor Daisby
  • Marion Bright
  • Anne-Mae Orlier
  • Chris
  • Mrs B White.

15 Nov 01 - 09:29 AM (#593153)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Dave the Gnome

The more tosh the merrier, Ralphie. Well, for me anyway. It does us good to have a good laugh. Even if it has been discussed before we always find something new.

Dave the Gnome
Wo-o-o-o my ears are alight...

15 Nov 01 - 09:57 AM (#593170)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Raptor

John Prine's The Happy Enchalada song on live his album comes to mind


15 Nov 01 - 10:14 AM (#593189)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Celtic Soul

Not a folk song, but what the hey:

A very old and dear friend of mine used to sing "Take the back right turn" instead of "Paperback Writer".


15 Nov 01 - 12:51 PM (#593346)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Raptor

excuse my while I kiss this guy-Jimmy hendrix

16 Nov 01 - 10:25 AM (#593949)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: DonMeixner

Olive, the other reindeer

16 Nov 01 - 02:56 PM (#594188)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: GUEST,Adrienne

For years I thought Creedance Clearwater Revival were singing, "There's a bathroom on the right."

16 Nov 01 - 03:03 PM (#594192)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Dead Horse

While singing a favourite song of his (Black Velvet Band) my friend Roger sang "They gave me seven years penile sevitude" by mistake. It cracked us up. Unfortunately we always wait in vain for him to sing that line again.

16 Nov 01 - 04:01 PM (#594215)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, that's great, Adriene! I got a big laugh out of it. This may be tosh (whatever that is) but if it gives a few laughs, I'll take it..


16 Nov 01 - 05:28 PM (#594263)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: CapriUni

DonMeixner (And anyone else reading this):

Did you know that there is a children's Christmas story called "Olive the Other Reindeer?" and that it was made into an animated Christmas special for Fox back in 1999? Click here to see pictures from it.

Did you also know that it's my favorite Christmas special so far?

Now you do!


17 Nov 01 - 02:13 AM (#594536)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Kaleea

Over the years, some of my favorites have been: "Hark, the hairlip angels sing . . ." "we wish you a hare krishna, we wish you a hare krishna . . ." "I'll be feeling you in all the old familiar places . . ." (I once pulled the above line on a professor of music who had a hangover from the staff fundraiser the night before, and needless to say, he laughed so hard, his head pounded all the more, and class was dismissed after 5 minutes!) "then I saw her face-------, looked like a retriever . . ." "consumate me now to Thy service, Lord . . ." " . . .for purple mountain majesties, above the putrid plains, America, America . . ." and we must not leave out the esteemed Stephen Foster: "Come where my love lies screaming, screaming the happy hours away . . ."

17 Nov 01 - 06:52 AM (#594587)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: GUEST,Rossey

The version of the dark island posted on the digi trad site site was written by my late father Stewart Ross, but uncredited on the site. It contains mangled mishheard words which spoil the scanning(it was written to a slightly different tune than the David Silver version. I am not best pleased and wish someone would at least transpose a corrected version of my father's lyrics (written in Inverness, 1963). "In the years long gone by" - is wrongly copied as "In the years long ago".

"Oh I've wandered away" - should be "though I've wandered away". "The whole world to roam" - should be "the wide world to roam". I could go on (and frequently do!)

I am using a library computer so this is a one off reply.

17 Nov 01 - 07:21 AM (#594592)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Crane Driver

No matter how clearly you know them, lines just seem to get mangled from time to time - usually in performance. Like the "headless ghost" that came out as a "ghostless head" on one occasion. Not so bad as the "clipper ship" that arrived as a "shitter clip" once!

18 Nov 01 - 05:01 AM (#595009)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Liz the Squeak

That should be packet of biscuits mate! Or Paxo biscuitbum!


18 Nov 01 - 02:51 PM (#595197)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: RoyH (Burl)

Hi Arbuthnot; I may be wrong but I've always heard that line as a (rather charming) litany of the names of the ploughboy's horses. Thus ' Here comes the ploughboy with Bright, and Beauty, Berry, Goodluck, Speedwell, Cherry, And we'll whoop along...........' Grand song. Johnny Collins sings it beautifully.

18 Nov 01 - 06:23 PM (#595276)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Snuffy

"With my hump along! Jump along! Here drives my lad along
Pretty,Sparkle, Berry, Goodluck, Speedwell, Cherry"

That's in the DT as "The Oxen Ploughing", from Cornwall. Perhaps the chorus from this got grafted onto the song Arbuthnot is talking about. Well, they are both about ploughing

WassaiL! V

18 Nov 01 - 11:57 PM (#595433)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Chip2447

Steve Winwood "Bring me an Iron lung"
My sister in law until just recently could be heard singing "searching for my lost Digger the dog" instead of a lost shaker of salt.


05 Dec 07 - 11:29 AM (#2209168)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: Mr Happy

As I was going over the Coolkinkelly Mountains
I met Captain Farrel and his money he was counting
I said 'Stand and deliver, for I am a bolder seaman'

Musha ring dum etc

05 Dec 07 - 04:24 PM (#2209388)
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

Back in the early '60's, after having endured "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" for the Nth time, we came up with:

"River Jordan is deep and wide,
Clean rest rooms on the other side..."