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Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O'Rourke

21 Nov 01 - 07:01 AM (#597081)
Subject: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Mikey joe


Does anyone know where I can get lyrics online or in print to any of these guy's songs??

Thank you


21 Nov 01 - 10:27 AM (#597167)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Sorcha

Tim Lyons music page, with e mail.

21 Nov 01 - 10:48 AM (#597189)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Sorcha

Gaelic Folk Songs with English translations, by Brian O'Rourke
Blas Meala : A Sip from the Honeypot by Brian O'Rourke is available (?) from here, but it's hard to find on the pages. Look in Song/Lyrics Books on the left sidebar.....I could not get an accurate URL to copy. It's an Amazon site, so you might just be able to search Amazon for the title. Appears it is only available used, which may mean you have to ask/wait for a book search.

Warning!! the above is a SnagYou site--double or triple click to get out of it.

21 Nov 01 - 11:32 AM (#597234)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Mikey joe

Thank you Sorcha

the Tim Lyons I'm looking for is the fella born in Newmarket or Kanturk in north Cork now living in Clare or Galway. I'm not sure where Briain O' rurke is from but his song The Baeuty Spot Drumsnot is quite sell known.

Anyone else able to help???


21 Nov 01 - 11:53 AM (#597251)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: lamarca

Mikey joe, Tim Lyons (from Cork) was one of the instructors at Pinewoods Folk Music week this year, and sang many of his humorous compositions and taught a class in traditional ornamentatiion styles for Irish singing. Are you looking for lyrics to the songs that Tim has written himself, or the traditional ballads he sings? I can look in my Pinewoods list for a way to contact him personally and PM it to you (but not 'til Friday, as I'm away from my computer for Turkey Day).

I looked on Google and found a record dealer, celtic grooves, that sells one of Tim's albums with Fintan Vallely, Big Guns and Hairy Drums, which has many of Tim's humorous songs on it.

21 Nov 01 - 12:00 PM (#597262)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Mikey joe

Hi lamarca

I'm looking for both. I have Tim's album Easter Snow. but would like some music to put the lyrics with him. I used play with Tims brother John in Dolans in Limerick many years ago - a good singer himself. Thanks again


21 Nov 01 - 12:20 PM (#597275)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan

I know both of those of whom you speak, so to speak! Not sure that either has anything on the net at the moment. There was a recent CD compilationm of work by, I think, the pair of them and Fintan Vallelly. Haven't got a copy (yet) so don't know if it includes a book of words.

For those who wonder.... Tim, Brian (from Galway, incidentally, where Tim now lives)and Fintan are three of the best songwriters in the comic tradition in Ireland. Brian's piece-de-resistance is/was a fifteen minute long account of a mid-life crisis called "Chantal du Champignon"!


21 Nov 01 - 12:25 PM (#597280)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: lamarca

I particularly liked Tim's song about Jake, the drug sniffing dog, who was employed by the Customs inspectors...

He does a wonderful rendition of Henry Joy McCracken on a recent CD called The Croppies' Complaint, which also has songs by Frank Harte and others - which I bought from Dick Greenhouse of Camsco (plug, plug...)

21 Nov 01 - 12:31 PM (#597291)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan

Did we put up the words of "Jake" a long time ago? Must check...

All three have some great songs to their credit which are well embedded in the tradition at this stage.

The "Croppies Complaint" CD, incidentally, was produced by the Goilin Singers Club in Dublin. In fact, they've just issued another, featuring four of their stalwart singers.


21 Nov 01 - 12:35 PM (#597296)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: Mikey joe

Fintan Vallely (any relation to Niall ás NOMOS) has a book out called balcony of a nation which is full of these satirical songs, I'm trying to track it down at the moment, but in the meantime would like to find something ion the net to keep me ticking over.

21 Nov 01 - 04:18 PM (#597471)
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
From: GUEST,bigJ

If you write to Brian at 36, Lakeshore Drive, Renmore, Galway - I'm sure he'll help you. And probably put you in touch with Tim too. Brian's cassette "When I Grow Up" and Tim and Fintan's cassette "Knock, Knock, Knock" are worth a listen.