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BS: Computer Virus's

04 Dec 01 - 10:29 AM (#603349)
Subject: Computer Virus's
From: Steve in Idaho

I haven't seen anything on this stuff of late but thought maybe a refresher and a link would be in order - since this is the holiday season and some presents none of us need!



04 Dec 01 - 10:36 AM (#603354)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

I had mentioned this in the BadTrans thread but I have used a couple of scripts from Trend Micro (one of the big AV software makers) and put together a Virus Info page at

What the page gives is a real time map of the top 10 viruses which has a few viewing options, direct links to help on these viruses, a few other links including hoaxes and a virus scan and a search for info on other viruses.


04 Dec 01 - 11:02 AM (#603377)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mrrzy

While we're on the subject, I got a new computer, windows 2000, office 2000, etc. I immediately infected it with a virus I apparently brought from home, and although my work computer and the disk have been cleaned, my home computer is being very strange, and won't let me access the Internet to get the updates for the virus checkers! Is there any way around that? THANKS! (I have McAfee and something else that isn't coming to mind here at work (my mind is at work, my computer is at home) but if you think of it I'll know if you're right.)

04 Dec 01 - 11:12 AM (#603384)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Mrrzy, it sounds as if you are still infected. Could you use the work computer to get the information and update you need and transfer that to your home computer via floppy disk?


04 Dec 01 - 11:38 AM (#603405)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: JohnInKansas


We had some problems getting hooked up to the net when the S.O. got her new computer with Win2000Pro. - Found out that our big difficulty was figuring out what access privileges are required for making the appropriate changes.
I hate connecting "outside" when logged on as Administrator, since the machine is wide open; but we found that a few settings that looked like you were doing them in User or PowerUser logon didn't actually "take" on the machine.
Using Win2000 is nice. Managing Win2000 made us learn some stuff.

Certainly, you're in the best position to know if you actually may have a virus - and a sneakernet import of updated sig files is a good plan, if you can get the files.


04 Dec 01 - 11:53 AM (#603418)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mrrzy

I think I definitely have a virus on my home computer. I'll try getting all the upgrades onto diskette, but how will it tell what I already have if I'm not doing it from home? Should I just update back to 1998, when I got my computer, even though I have updated since then?

04 Dec 01 - 12:00 PM (#603422)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: JohnInKansas


Far as I've been told, the virus sig upgrades are cumulative - so if you get the latest signature files they should catch old stuff too.

Only problem - if you have an old program - is that the upgrades occasionally have to change the search protocol, so an old program may not be able to use all of the latest sigs. If you're reasonably current, it shouldn't be a difficulty.


04 Dec 01 - 12:36 PM (#603450)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: kendall

My new Norton has stopped 3 or 4 different virus' in the last month.

04 Dec 01 - 01:20 PM (#603475)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Viruses
From: Joe Offer

I have received a couple of e-mails this month with attachments with *.pif filenames and a blank *.txt attachment. The messages had no text, and I did not know the senders -their addresses began with an _underscore, like . I e-mailed one of the senders, and the message was returned as an invalid address. The message titles seemed ok - one had Dick Holdstock's webite as a message title,, I think. A grey box opened shen I viewed the e-mail, asking whether I wanted to run or save the attachment, and I chose "cancel."
I deleted the messages and haven't had any problems. Were they viruses, or what?

I did get a worm attached to an e-mail from a friend, but my antivirus program intercepted it. On these *pif attachments, I got the grey box, but nothing from Norton antivirus.

Can anybody tell me what it was I received?

-Joe Offer-

04 Dec 01 - 02:45 PM (#603522)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: JohnInKansas


Many eons ago, old Windows applications used a .pif "Program Information File" although I don't believe it has been in use since Win95????

When I first got my hotmail account, I attempted to figure out a way to block all of the smut, and learned that virtually ALL SPAM comes in with phony "From" info.

A file that comes in with an "extension" registered on your machine will usually behave as you intend it to. A...H... who want to do something to you may look for an innocent looking extension that won't be registered, and of course if it's intended for use by something they sent, they can use any extension they want.



04 Dec 01 - 09:09 PM (#603854)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Barbara Shaw

Joe, I also got a .txt attachment that was blank, and it was apparently the badtrans virus. I should have known better, but I opened it, thinking a .txt couldn't do any harm.

Mrrzy, after getting infected with the badtrans virus, I was unable to update my virus signatures through Explorer, but I was able to do it using Netscape. I'd be interested to hear if you have the same experience.

04 Dec 01 - 09:19 PM (#603865)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: 53

would a virus affect music match and morpheus and its music folder, i don't know to much about other workings of the computor and i mainly use it to download songs and to print words for my music classes.? BOB

04 Dec 01 - 09:39 PM (#603885)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Bob, A virus can affect anything but I doubt that those areas would be specifically targeted. Your biggest risk probably lies with email these days.

If you haven't done so, get a good AV program and keep it up to date. If you haven't got one, there is a link from the page I gave in my first post here that will give you a free anti-virus scan if you want to see how you stand at the moment but that is no substitute for having good software on your computer.


04 Dec 01 - 11:01 PM (#603947)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: 53


04 Dec 01 - 11:12 PM (#603964)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: DougR

What manner of man or woman writes a virus that screws up so many people? Are they that different from one who sends a letter laden with a terrible virus that can infect people?


04 Dec 01 - 11:13 PM (#603965)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: 53

no. BOB

05 Dec 01 - 01:52 AM (#604049)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: SeanM

In answer to Doug's question...

Sometimes, yes - it is done as a purely malicious act, meant only to cause grief.

However, sometimes it's a juvenile prank. Adolescents (in mentality if not age) doing it because 'it's cool to be a hacker' or some stupidity. Some virii aren't even meant to cause damage - they're stupid little practical jokes that get dangerously out of hand, or were shoddily programmed and have unintended effects.

A small amount weren't even intended to ever see the light of day - someone writing as an exercise and not realizing they've infected themselves, or (and I've talked with someone involved with this type) someone getting pranked when they're on an intranet, not realizing it, and then porting it out of the closed environment into the 'wild'.

There are all types. I'm certain somewhere out there you could even find one or two of the 'multinational terrorist entities' trying to write virii that the FBI is now paranoid about.


05 Dec 01 - 02:26 AM (#604057)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Ebbie

Today I got home after being gone 5 weeks- found three emails from the same person. The subject line said 'Hi'. The message on the one I opened said something like 'When I saw this screensaver, I immediately thought of you. I promise you will love it. I'm in a harry (sic).'

I did NOT open the attachment(s). Just expunged all three of the emails. I knew of no reason that acquaintance would send me something like that. Besides I make it a habit not to open anything I don't know is coming.

Went to the virus update and it said that this virus came out just today. I called that person from whose computer my messages had come from and she already had discovered her infection. She said the virus invaded her address book and had sent out probably hundreds of messages. Wow.


05 Dec 01 - 04:19 AM (#604078)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: GUEST,Paul


Lokks like you received the 'Goner' virus, which looks to be particularly nasty. You did the right thing.

About Goner: Click here for Virus Information
Click here for the news story


05 Dec 01 - 07:24 AM (#604126)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's

To 53: McAfee works quite ok against these worms, provided you keep it updated. Here's the link to their update site(s).


05 Dec 01 - 08:43 AM (#604151)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Raptor

I use AVG virus protector and it cleared up the virus I got when I was using McAffee> You can get it for free but you'll have to search for it AVG. It checks E-mails befor you get them I don't know how and it updates itself for the new viruses. I love It.

05 Dec 01 - 09:07 AM (#604164)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mrrzy

OK, sorry, I need some hand-holding. I have McAfee and Norton. How do I get those updates onto disk? I went to the cite blickied above but couldn't find what I needed, can anyone detail the stepa, sorry?

05 Dec 01 - 09:31 AM (#604187)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: A Wandering Minstrel


Norton Antivirus will update itself automatically

start up your copy of Norton and from the menu select the Live Update option.

go through to the options page and set the Live Update checkbox to true. Save and exit

Now everytime you start up the pc it will check the Norton website for new downloads and ask if you want to run them. They have already issued an update for Goner

05 Dec 01 - 09:47 AM (#604191)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Barbara Shaw

It seems to me that a good ISP would screen emails for viruses. This centralization would be much more effective, although it would add a bit of time to the transfer of mail, and the anti-virus software companies would lose much of their customer base. But wouldn't it be worth a few more dollars monthly to the average consumer? If they wanted to be really competitive, the ISP could offer this as a value-added service, rather than just the connection to the internet.

Am I missing something, or isn't this possible? I suggested this a couple of years ago to my own ISP, who remained remarkably silent on the subject.

05 Dec 01 - 11:01 AM (#604233)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: JohnInKansas

I have received emails containing a message indicating that the mail has been screened for viruses by the server. The problem is that now the people(?) who produce the d... things have started copying the message into their own s...t.

A note on Norton. We learned recently that Norton AV2000 cannot be set to screen email as it comes in if you're using a POP3 account. You have to get AV2001. Not a big problem, because it will still block access to your machine when (if) you open them.

There are also some rather arcane setup requirements if your email addy includes an @ symbol, as in This little "feature" let us think we were protecting things that were not actually being screened for a while.

Ya gotta read the instructions, I guess.


05 Dec 01 - 11:10 AM (#604239)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Mrzzy, the McCaffee site wanted some sort of code when I tried to get to thier upgrade area which is where I thought they might locate it. The Norton area is here


05 Dec 01 - 11:15 AM (#604240)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mrrzy

Thanks, wandering Minstrel, but I can't get to the Internet from the buggy computer. I'm trying to get the updates downloaded onto a disk I can take home... but others, I'll try those sites, thanks!

05 Dec 01 - 04:04 PM (#604438)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mike Byers

It's quite possible for a virus to infect your computer through Outlook Express's preview pane. Turning this feature off is a good idea. Screening every e-mail for virus infestations at the server level can be done, too; the server I use runs a current and updated Norton Anti-virus scan three times a day. This doesn't mean something can't slip through, but it helps. From what I've seen, the current version of Norton Anti-virus seems to handle BadTrans very well. Currently, I believe there are three different "flavors" of BadTrans, and Norton, so far, has picked them all up without any problem.

05 Dec 01 - 04:39 PM (#604465)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Just another thought. I have up to date listings - it is automatic - on the page I am trying but (assuming any one would find the page useful) I don't have links to the other AV sites. Symantec and McCafee are well known. I currently use Trend - software was bundled with drivers for a motherboard I installed - I also used Computer Assosciates' InoculateIT (when it was free) for a long while.

Any other companies that should be included on such a listing?


05 Dec 01 - 05:00 PM (#604475)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Penny S.

At school we use Sophos, which has been pretty prompt at notification of new versions of Badtrans, but the technician had a problem downloading the latest update.

At home I use McAfee. The update against Badtrans last week didn't pick up the version I got, and the intrusive files were different from those their information described. I was able to download a newer update the day after infection, but the next time I started up, some virus information files were reported as damaged. I've removed and reinstalled the AV software, and downloaded the update again. Also today's anti-Goner update.

Badtrans I got from a known sender. The subject line referred to a matter which I could have expected email about. I have set Outlook Express with no preview pane, but opened it, knowing the sender, and having read that Badtrans used Outlook. HO Hum. The attachment was a 0Kb .txt file. It attempted a download, but the computer reported that it was aborted. Subsequently, every time I logged on to the net, a file (Kernel32.exe) tried to call out, but was stopped by another McAfee program. Which hadn't been able to stop the download in the first place.

I reported back to the sender, who sent another email "Don't open anything from me"!


05 Dec 01 - 05:24 PM (#604491)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Thanks for that one Penny - I'll look it up later - see if I find a web site. One worry I have is that most of the stuff I am aware of is Win PC orientated - there must be some good Mac and other OS stuff out there too (not that they have the same degree of problems to start with).


05 Dec 01 - 05:49 PM (#604505)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Steve in Idaho

Jon - Are you saying that the older versions of Norton (hey that's me!) don't screen for e-mail? I thought that if it was set to screen all internet downloads of all types of files it would check my e-mail? I haven't received any virus's and Norton hasn't reported any - I update near daily and don't open most attachments - soooo


05 Dec 01 - 11:02 PM (#604704)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: GUEST,Chocolate Pi without cookie

Barbara: with regard to ISPs scanning email for viruses: I work at a medium-sized ISP which has very strenuous virus and spam filters. There are two major problems we hear about with this:

first, many customers get very upset about privacy and censorship if there is any indication that the ISP might be scanning their email.

second, customers get extremely upset if their legitimate business or personal email gets stopped or bounced because it inadvertently contains some pattern that matches spam filters (for example, having a Reply-To address at hotmail or yahoo which doesn't match the From address, while the subject line contains numbers or punctuation) or virus filters (for a few days during the summer, we blocked everything with the line "Hi! How are You!" for SirCam).

Jon: Virex is a very popular Mac virus-screener; I think Norton also produces a Mac version.

Chocolate Pi

06 Dec 01 - 06:37 AM (#604816)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Barbara

I've got a different virus question. I just received two emails (one a bounce, one a stop notice) that seem to imply I sent out email for a Make-Tons-Of-Money-While-you-Sleep type spam site.
Did someone pick up my addy somewhere, or does this mean I may have a virus? Neither bounce was anyone I'd ever emailed, there were no attachments, and the included mail showed a different address than mine. But it's the same spam site. What's happening?
Oh, and I don't have MS Outlook, I use Eudora.

06 Dec 01 - 06:44 AM (#604819)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: JohnInKansas


I found a small bunch of stuff about email protection at the Norton "knowledge base." Most of it was a little of a shock.

I didn't make very good notes, but I think you can get into it at Symantec Knowledge base.

Just in case my clickie's bad:

A couple that were a concern to me were titled:

"Cannot use Norton AntiVirus email protection with Internet service provider's email system"


"Cannot receive email when using Norton AntiVirus email protection if an @ character is in the user name"

They put a "document number" on them - but the printout doesn't show it.

Whether you're affected depends on what software you use and on how your email service is set up.

The surprise to me was just that my AV wasn't doing everything that I thought it was. Sort of a "my daddy ain't really nine feet tall" sorta thing.


06 Dec 01 - 09:12 AM (#604866)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Barbara Shaw

Chocolate Pi: thanks for the information. I didn't know any ISP's actually did this. As far as I know, mine doesn't, because I seem to get every virus around.

Regarding privacy, I always assume that anything I send or receive via email (or post on the internet) can be seen by others, either at the server or somewhere along the way.

Regarding spam, I guess I'd rather not have anything filtered out unless I choose that option, except for known virus signatures. Choices about filters should be made by the customer and could be implemented by the ISP.

06 Dec 01 - 09:30 AM (#604875)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Jon Freeman

Chocolate Pi, thanks for the info. Something in the back of my mind tells me that you are a Linux user - if so, any reccomendations that way?


06 Dec 01 - 09:36 AM (#604879)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Mr Red

Barbara Shaw
I have had a few e-mails with attachments of the type readme.xls.lnk and bestupid.doc.lnk which if you have extensions switched off will not look like executables but are (shortcuts). Even if they don't hide the second extension (the one that instructs Windows) in the e-mail it may be of a length that wraps the second extension so you read the first line as DOH.txt .
I have been extremely lucky but then I never open any attachment without waiting and thinking do I trust this, even from known sources I often wait a day to see if there are any more that look the same.

having said that I just had a hardware crash (second this year) this time the sound card was totalled. I bought Norton at the same time - I am overdue for viralling out of control.
As Bob Noyce (Intel) said - only the paranoid survive.

06 Dec 01 - 11:45 AM (#604940)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: Steve in Idaho

Thanks John - I looked it over and think my system is working - it just does it so quickly. Our old system took forever to check email - and the klnowledge base told me why! With our upgrade we corrected the problem. So Thanks - and your clicky worked great!


06 Dec 01 - 06:07 PM (#605245)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: bernil

Panda software is another AV company. I've subscribed to their news letter which gives me information about new viruses and other security problems. But I suppose the other AV companies also have such subscriptions. They also have a free virus scanner. Unfortunately the server doesn't function for the moment but I really hope it does when you click!

This is their info about the last virus: W32/Goner.A@mm

By the way... I've got six emails with BadTrans but Norton has stopped them. Poor Smallpiper (a mudcatter) has sent a couple of them to me so he has a problem to solve when he gets home from NYC!


06 Dec 01 - 06:12 PM (#605249)
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
From: bernil

I forgot to say... The free Panda software virus scanner is an online check.