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BS: How's your weather ?

15 Dec 01 - 07:15 AM (#610295)
Subject: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

I greatly enjoyed the last thread on weather, some six months or so ago. As we approach the Solstice and have just past a new moon, I have been watching the weather with anticipation. Trying to forecast the next month or two is a hobby of mine. It IS a crapshoot, but it's cheap.

In summary, the weather in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada has been unusually mild. Yesterday, it was 10C, sunny, and green... yes, green grass abounds. The Starlings are still here. We've had a couple of minor snows, 100mm tops, but they have melted as fast as they came.

So, what's the weather like where you are ?

15 Dec 01 - 07:38 AM (#610301)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


15 Dec 01 - 07:42 AM (#610303)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Allan C.

It is still a bit dark outside yet this morning here in West Virginia, but I fully expect for it to develop into a full day of weather. We had some weather yesterday which, although somewhat different from that of the day before, was still just as constant. Forecasts for future weeks include weather on a daily basis throughout the period. Certain colloquial indicators, such as the rate at which the squirrels are gathering hickory nuts, the thickness of the fur on the groundhogs, etc., all point to our being able to look forward to weather for the rest of the winter. Sooth-sayers who enjoy sitting at the local country store have said that the coming year is likely to be filled with weather from beginning to end and will undoubtedly have an effect on the hay and corn crops.

Personally, I enjoy weather and try to experience it every day. On occasion, I find it to be quite invigorating to go out and walk around in it. This is one of my favorite passtimes - especially when shared with an equally enthusiastic companion.

15 Dec 01 - 07:44 AM (#610304)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mr Red

tonight's the night!
oh was that whether or weather?
frosty but sunny
raining in Hull? not the Hull I knew, It was more frosty
but enough of the little lady. She is history

15 Dec 01 - 08:02 AM (#610306)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

I knew this was a good idea. LOL.

15 Dec 01 - 08:06 AM (#610308)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Whats a groundhog? Is it a hedgehog?

15 Dec 01 - 08:07 AM (#610309)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: CarolC

Warm, warm, warm, warm, a bit of rain, warm, a bit nippy, warm, warm, warm.

Did I mention it's been warm a lot lately? (Warm = 50s to 70s F)

15 Dec 01 - 08:11 AM (#610310)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: CarolC

Groundhog = Marmota Monax.

A rodent about the size of a large fat houscat, with wicked incisors. Eats mostly vegetation and lives in holes in the ground causing all kinds of problems for gardeners and people with livestock.

15 Dec 01 - 08:25 AM (#610315)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Allan C.

John and anyone else who might want to know more about groundhogs, (aka, woodchucks,) can find a wonderful storehouse of information here.

15 Dec 01 - 08:41 AM (#610321)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Bert

Here our weather is in inches and it won't have anything to do with that silly weather that copies the madman who tried to conquer the world and recreate it in his own image.

15 Dec 01 - 08:43 AM (#610322)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thanks for the link.It is an interesting site.

15 Dec 01 - 08:44 AM (#610323)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Gareth

Cold, dry, frosty - and bright sunshine which illuminates the sheep on the hillside.


15 Dec 01 - 09:23 AM (#610341)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Midchuck

Groundhog = Marmota Monax.

A rodent about the size of a large fat houscat, with wicked incisors. Eats mostly vegetation and lives in holes in the ground causing all kinds of problems for gardeners and people with livestock.

ALSO, in many parts of the country, also called (harrumph) Woodchucks.


15 Dec 01 - 09:38 AM (#610343)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Ummm, not to seem toooo picky, but perhaps the state or province or country or continent would help frame the picture. Many of us know where, if only generally, others are situated, but many of us don't. Somedays, I have to check the morning paper to see if I'm still here.

Just a thought. Don't pay me no nevermind... carry on.

15 Dec 01 - 09:40 AM (#610344)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: catspaw49

To cook a groundhog, I suggest you boil it for about two weeks before you try to roast it. Even then it will be tough, kind of greasy, and stringy.

Weather? Yeah, well.......Not too Christmassy here in Ohio. We've been unseasonably warm to the point that I have some daylilies trying to come back up! Yesterday, two different fronts came through and the wind was unbelievable....even lost power a few times. Today is gray and coolish and looks like we could get some additional rain. Long term, the folks around here are much like the folks over Allan's way (not too far) and are predicting about the same thing.

It's not always a white Christmas here, but it is generally pretty damn cold by now. Be interesting to see what the next year brings.


15 Dec 01 - 09:50 AM (#610348)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

gnu-I am in Hull.

15 Dec 01 - 10:18 AM (#610357)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

My sympathies.

15 Dec 01 - 10:28 AM (#610360)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: kendall

71 degrees one day, 40 the next.

15 Dec 01 - 10:34 AM (#610363)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: VoxFox

Up here in the Miramichi the sun is shining and it is a glorious day. Just a hint of snow left in the yard and the wild birds are everywhere searching for the seeds spread out on the grass. (Happy as a bird in New Brunswick Canada) VF

15 Dec 01 - 10:57 AM (#610376)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

Crap, it's cold and wet and as they here in Scotland

Driech, which means misarable, dull depressing

15 Dec 01 - 11:05 AM (#610381)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Groundhogs are woodchucks are Whistle Pigs. Honest. Groundhogs/Woodchucks stand up on their hind legs to keep an eye out for predators, and if they see one, the let out a whsitle, and tumble over backward into their holes. I worked at a Museum for many years, and we had groundhogs on exhibit. I also have a nice photo of one stretched out on the limb of a tree, with legs dnagling down. They aren't great climbers, but this was a tree in the exhibit that was only about six feet tall.

I was a radio weatherman for 7 years and learned qhickly that the weather can be different three or four miles away.. be raining in one place, and dry as a bone for or five miles away. My best advice is, if you want to know what the weather is like, look out the window. I've heard weathermen forecasting a sunny day, when it was raining outside the building.

Woodchucks are probably better weathermen than weathermen are woodchucks.


15 Dec 01 - 11:11 AM (#610386)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: catspaw49

Like Punxatawney Phil huh Jerry?

That's interesting Jerry, I'm a kinda' weather junkie and enjoy reviewing all the radars and doing my own predictions and see how close I come to the NWS and the actual weather.

And it's very true about rainfall and the like. This county is well up on rainfall and the next county over is in their third year of serious drought conditions!


15 Dec 01 - 12:12 PM (#610427)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?

Last night it finally was cold enough to use a blanket. It is hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it is hot and humid. I keep eying my flannel nightie longlingly.

15 Dec 01 - 12:20 PM (#610431)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Allan C.

I was told by a former weatherman that "twenty percent chance of rain" really means that there is approximately a one hundred pecent chance that rain will fall in twenty percent of the forcast area. I think he really believed that. I quite nearly believed it myself.

15 Dec 01 - 12:23 PM (#610434)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Somne weather predicting tricks: If you say a 20% chance of widely scattered showers, and your forcast is covering an area of 100 miles across, you can make the prediction without getting out of bed and be right about half the time. The going rate of accuracy for many weather persons.

It's always raining somewhere...


15 Dec 01 - 12:29 PM (#610439)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: heric

Fabulous storm yesterday on the west coast of Canada. Fifteen foot waves (so I'm told) in the normally well sheltered Georgia Strait. Power outages, seawalls closed and covered with logs. And I missed it. . . .

15 Dec 01 - 12:32 PM (#610445)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: heric

Jeryy: I saw a cartoon with a station bragging about it's enhanced accuracy capabilities: 20.7% chance of showers.

15 Dec 01 - 01:27 PM (#610491)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: harpgirl

I love talking about the weather. In North Florida it is about 83 with 83% humidity and overcast. Very unseasonably warm. My purple petunias around the mailbox are brilliant.

No frosts at all yet so everything is green, even the centipede grass that's supposed to be asleep this time of year. I guess we are heating ourselves into oblivion. thankfully, there were no hurricanes this year in spite of dire predictions.

I wonder if all that firepower in Afghanistan and the middle east makes the whole world warmer. Butterfly effect and all...

15 Dec 01 - 01:59 PM (#610503)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,shonagh

tha e fuar agus fliuch an-duigh. :(

its cold and wet today. as per ususal or scotland i guess. i wish it would hurry up and snow coz i want to go sledging and roll down some hills in the snow!!teehee!

15 Dec 01 - 03:04 PM (#610536)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mudlark

Inland side of coastal range, California....brilliant sun, pastures glinting white with frost every morning, but trees around the house are protecting the porch geraniums, so far. Cool enough some days to keep a small fire going in the woodstove all day, other days just need a quick hot fire to take the chill off. I've had to have a couple of large trees in the yard felled and have been doing a LOT of have "saw elbow"...the country version of tennis elbow....but at least I've enough wood now to stay warm thru the winter. I'm looking forward to the full moon this month...hope it's not overcast...

15 Dec 01 - 04:19 PM (#610564)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

Halló all, the wheather is unusal here in Iceland at the moment. Today we had 15 on Celsius In Desember and that my friend, well something is wrong in the wheather system these days a week ago we had bad snowstorms with -10 to -15 on Celsius and strong winds but now raining ,heat and fog. We are gonna have Christmas without snow we call it In Iceland Red Christmas.

Hope you all are gonna have great holydays all the best skarpi Iceland.

15 Dec 01 - 04:44 PM (#610580)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Amergin

cold and wet here

15 Dec 01 - 04:55 PM (#610584)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: katlaughing

It has been very warm for the season, here, in Wyoming, wiht one or two snowstorms which snow quickly melted. Unheard of, usually we've had some terrific storms by now with plenty of snow and wind. We've had the wind, but it is very dry. Today is gray, overcast and has been spitting, but not much accumulation.

Here's an interesting article:

Scientists fear 'abrupt' global warming changes

By Usha Lee McFarling
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
December 12, 2001, 8:01 AM CST

SAN FRANCISCO -- Just six months after informing the White House that global warming is indeed real, largely the result of human activity and likely to cause adverse effects, the National Academy of Sciences issued an even more disturbing alert Tuesday.

Global warming, the academy reported, could trigger "large, abrupt and unwelcome" climatic changes that could severely affect ecosystems and human society. Until recently, most discussion of global warming has assumed that change would occur gradually, with average temperatures slowly increasing over the next century. The idea that large changes in climate could instead occur abruptly and with little warning has been percolating through the climate research community but had remained controversial. The consensus report from the academy indicates that the idea has reached the scientific mainstream.

"We're reflecting the thinking," said Richard Alley, a Penn State University climate expert and the report's lead author. "We're not driving it.

"We need to deal with this because we are likely to be surprised," Alley added.

A prime example of what scientists mean when they talk about the possibility of abrupt change involves the Gulf Stream. It is a current of warm water that runs from the Caribbean Sea across the Atlantic Ocean, keeping the climate of northern Europe temperate.

Scientists know that in the past, melting of arctic ice caused a flow of fresh water into the North Atlantic that reversed the Gulf Stream.

Many scientists believe the current could reverse again--over a period of a decade or two, rather than a century--leaving much of Europe far colder than it now is.

"It's as if climate change were a light switch instead of a dimmer dial," Alley said.

The possibility of such abrupt changes complicates the task of policymakers in two ways. It could mean that the amount of time available to adjust to climate change is much shorter than government officials have thought. It also increases the uncertainty of predictions, indicating that future climate cannot simply be projected forward in a straight line from the present.

Prolonged droughts, extensive flooding

Scientists cannot yet be certain of any predictions about the Earth's shifting climate, but many scenarios show climate change could lead to the sudden onset of prolonged droughts, extensive flooding and sudden temperature shifts. Predicting exactly where such changes might occur is even trickier.

New research on abrupt changes in climate is being presented here at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, a gathering of nearly 9,000 Earth and space scientists. There is much talk of crossing crucial climate thresholds, or "kicking the system." Part of the reason that climate change until recently has been seen as gradual is that the warming of recent decades has been subtle, with little effect on people's lives.

"We're a little spoiled by the last 30 years," said John M. Wallace, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington and the report's co-author. "Many years, we're just barely breaking the previous record." Scientists who have looked to the past, however, have found repeated instances of sudden and severe change, including the abrupt onset of cooling that drove the Vikings from Greenland in the 14th century and the Dust Bowl drought that devastated the Great Plains during the 1930s. In some areas, temperatures have risen 16 degrees within one decade.

Abrupt climate changes in the past may have decimated forests, speeded the extinction of mastodons and mammoths, promoted the spread of tropical diseases and vastly altered the ocean currents that modify and warm many coastal regions, new research indicates. Alley and others have used gases within ice cores drilled from the Earth's remaining ice sheets to produce a detailed record of the Earth's climate for the last 110,000 years. It reads like a seesaw.

"We've gotten better and better records, and we've been able to say the changes were really big and really fast and affected a lot of the world at the same time." The report, which was commissioned by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, includes a plea for more research on the links between the land, oceans and ice that may trigger abrupt change. The report also suggests that many of today's models of climate change are too simple because they do not include such changes.

The scientific report does not include policy directives but does suggest that nations begin to take "no regrets" strategies to protect themselves from possible change. These include conserving water to buffer against drought or planting trees to offset the climate-induced loss of vegetation.

"It's 'no regrets' because even if nothing goes wrong, you still like the trees," Alley said. His report also suggests that poorer nations, with less scientific and economic resources, receive help in planning for change.

Industry group issues warning But officials of the Global Climate Change Coalition, an industry group, warned against making policy decisions on climate with science so uncertain.

"This really highlights the uncertainties and complexities that remain," Frank Maisano, a spokesman for the coalition, said of the report.

Other scientists said the possibility of abrupt climate change made it even more important that the federal government establish a reliable climate monitoring system. Federal agencies have been unwilling to spend the estimated $10 million to $15 million needed for the system, said Bruce A. Wielicki, a climate researcher at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., who was not involved with the new report.
Copyright © 2001, The Los Angeles Times

15 Dec 01 - 05:07 PM (#610589)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Chickenshit Little.

15 Dec 01 - 06:01 PM (#610626)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

Beautiful, white, billowing snow everywhere you look in Juneau, Alaska, US. Today the sky is bright blue but we've more snow forecast. Mid-20F temperatures.

15 Dec 01 - 07:15 PM (#610660)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: CarolC

Sorry gnu. Eastern West Virginia, USA.

16 Dec 01 - 01:11 AM (#610831)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: WyoWoman

Scarily warm. The peach and apple trees are budding, which will mean a catastrophe for the orchards if we don't get a cold snap soon to close the buds back up.

I don't think it's chicken-little stuff, Gnu. I think we need to start paying attention--fast. The body of evidence is getting pretty darned convincing. Read the new book "Eco-Economoy" Developing an Economy for the EArth," by Lester R. Brown. Brown founded Worldwatch Institute in the 1970s and has now formed the Earth Policy Institute to try to spread the word about the necessity of changing our energy and water-wasting habits a.s.a.p. and developing a new economic approach that figures the cost to the environment into the price of goods and services. He's a MacArthur fellow and an exceedingly well-respected thinker about agriculture, the economy and related issues. He lines out a pretty convincing argument.

It's not fun to contemplate what the various environmental depredations add up to, and it's certainly easier to hit the "denial" button and call people alarmists when they try to draw attention to the issues, as kat has done, but ultimately it's our children and their children who are going to pay the price for our unwillingness to make some fundamental changes right now.

think I'll go plant a tree or two ...


16 Dec 01 - 01:23 AM (#610841)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: heric

My all time favorite headline was in the Vancouver Sun nearly twenty years ago, how time flies:


16 Dec 01 - 06:11 AM (#610897)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

My position on fighting global warming is clear... I'm a s*** disturber. It's healthy for the discussion to have at least one anti. I agree that we should attempt to minimize our impact.

16 Dec 01 - 07:48 AM (#610911)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnomad

Just been for a noon-time walk, sun low but it is December, just enough cloud to show how blue the sky is. Easterly breeze at the end of Whitby west pier ruffling hair, but I've been colder in June, and very little sea running at all.

Harbour full of bird life, gulls, shags, ducks and more than 2 dozen swans, idyllic.

Of course tomorrow will be mist so thick you can hardly see your feet as they slip on the frost, you can't beat a bit of variety.

16 Dec 01 - 08:19 AM (#610919)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: alison

well it is pleasantly warm in Sydney about 20C..... when it should be absolutely stinking hot by now ....mid to high 30s (I think that goes up to about 110F for you US people *grin*)... summer hasn't really hit yet.. and spring was cold......

mind you.. it makes it feel more like Christmas to me when it isn't so hot

this weather is just weird!!



16 Dec 01 - 10:51 AM (#610975)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Bert

Scientists in the Fifties were predicting global warming and, despite the fact that there were many more naysayers then, temperatures have been steadily increasing.

As kat says, go out and plant some trees.

When Lou died she wanted trees planted in her memory and most family members planted one. When we scattered her ashes in the mountains I bought 48 bristlecone pine seedlings from the forestry service and we planted them at the same time. That was over ten years ago. I went back there a couple of weeks ago and over half of the pines were thriving.

16 Dec 01 - 11:35 AM (#610986)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Biskit

THE SKY IS FALLLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!!!AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............! Colder'n a well diggers fanny here in Tucson, Az. says here we'll have a HIGH in the upper 40's GEEZUS! It's been cold/rainy all week I wish you California guys would just keep your weather systems to yourself! BRRRrrrrr!!!! ~Biskit~

16 Dec 01 - 12:28 PM (#610999)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: mmm1a

Sorry bit of a thread creep here Gnu I just saw that you are from Moncton . My father was born there and I always wondered what it is like? As for the weather here it is warmer then usually , we usually have some snow by now but I'm not complaining at all I could do with out cold weather. ok it can snow on Christmas eve and day but then it can go back to warm weather. lol mmm ( in Indiana )

16 Dec 01 - 02:51 PM (#611096)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Last week, I mowed my lawn one day and it snowed the next. Wierd to see new grass clippings mixed in with snow. Such is life in Derby, CT (D'Arrby to you...)


16 Dec 01 - 03:01 PM (#611102)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?

Canadian Scientists have discovered the chemical formulae for snow = Wh1 Te Sh1 T

16 Dec 01 - 03:08 PM (#611108)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

I live in New England, and thus far the weather's been pretty bizarre---very warm for this time of year for most of November & December, then turning ever-so-briefly cold & snowing 6" before warming right back up again. It's hardly surprising that just about everyone I know is sick with SOMETHING, myself included, alas!

16 Dec 01 - 03:10 PM (#611110)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mr Red

skarpi in Iceland
Looks like I better book my Red Christmas quick, before the Gulf stream changes its mind.

The way I always state it is - we're mortgaging the future by spending the inheritance. Fossil fuels laid down over millions of eons and we burn them in barely hundreds. Trouble is we're filling the dustbins. Come to think of it we're living in one.

16 Dec 01 - 04:42 PM (#611168)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?

skarpi it's all your stinking volcanoes that you refuse to do anything about. I blame Iceland.

dan K.

16 Dec 01 - 04:52 PM (#611171)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

Hot and humid here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Can't wait to fly to Michigan next Friday. No snow to speak of there, but much cooler temperatures. Hope for snow while there. Back to Florida January 3rd. Hopefully it will have cooled here somewhat by then. Actually had a couple of frosts down here last January. Hope to be back in Michigan (living there again) by 2004. Or Tennessee. Not cut out for "Margaritaville" on a permanent basis.

17 Dec 01 - 06:40 AM (#611449)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

mmmla... it's a bustling transportation / distribution / retail / high tech city of about 80,000 with two adjoining communities, Dieppe and Riverview, of about 20,000 each. The outlying rural areas are fairly well populated. We are 1 1/2 h from Saint John, Fredericton, Miramichi, and the Nova Scotia border. The population base for retail is large and you could shop for a week and not see half of it. There is some light industrial, so the air is clean. We are twenty minutes from beautiful beaches on the Northumberland Straight... the warmest waters north of the Carolinas.

Moncton was a railway and military town. They are gone, but our motto is Resurgo, and, while the rest of the country is in a recession, Moncton just keeps chugging. There are buildings going up all over the place. Everywhere you look, there's an apartment building going up and people waiting to rent... I just can't imagine where in hell they're all coming from. A good deal of the growth was spurred by the call centre business which located here because about 40 percent of our population is bilingual.

I won't drone on... you can visit Moncton's website or Tourism NB and learn a lot more than I could ever tell you.

17 Dec 01 - 11:26 AM (#611605)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

HAlló all, dan K I think you won´t have a volcano eruption, that is only gonna get it worse don´t you think ? We have one very very big volcano that we are waiting for to plast , but we hope that it wont be until in longest future.So grin don´t blame us I think there are other facture to blame sush as what comes from the cars and ship´s and so on. All the best skarpi Iceland.

17 Dec 01 - 11:35 AM (#611616)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Dan K.

Okay skarp, I'll let it slide. Have a good next year and here's to few or no volcanic eruptions.

17 Dec 01 - 11:54 AM (#611630)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Llanfair

Cold and frosty in Wales. The hills are all misty and the bare trees are black against the sky.

The forecasters are talking about snow at the weekend.

Cheers, Bron.

17 Dec 01 - 12:14 PM (#611653)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Joe Offer

Here in the Sacramento area in Northern California, it has been chilly and wet, with a few nippy days of magnificent sunshine. My sweetie lives 40 minutes northwest of me, near Auburn. She's at an elevation of 2,300 feet (750 meters?), so her air is colder and her skies clearer. She has had frost a couple of times. She's on a ridge that looks all the way across the Sacramento Valley to the Coastal Range. This time of year, she's line up just fright to see sunsets at their very best - and I saw two spectacular sunsets from her house this last week.

I see an interesting entry for the Thread Name Game here. When I looked at the Forum Menu, the first thread was "How's Your Weather?" and the second was "In the Bleak Midwinter."

-Joe Offer-

17 Dec 01 - 12:30 PM (#611670)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

..."and if you don't like the weather in New England, wait a few minutes".

It definitely qualifies as a bleak midwinter day here---freezing cold with sleet & snow mixed together---yuck. It does "look" a litle more like Christmas, but that small cosmetic advantage is outweighed by the nasty inconvenience of actually having to go outside and drive through it!

17 Dec 01 - 12:35 PM (#611678)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mrrzy

It's been in the 60's and sunny apart from about 2 days in the 40s and raining...I wish it would finally decide to be winter!

17 Dec 01 - 02:37 PM (#611761)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Janie

Here in Zone 7 on the Northeast Piedmont of NC it has been unseasonably mild--all season. No hard frost yet. Yarrow and calendula actually still blooming, and horror of horrors I still have aphids on the few leaves the drought has left on my roses. The groundhogs have munched my fall garden down to little nubbins, and Catspaw49, if I could catch the suckers I would gladly boil them for 2 weeks after skinning them alive (the skins make really good drum heads for small drums.)

Speaking of groundhogs--my grandmother used to tell this one on her brother Ray. When they were young children in eastern Kentucky the extended family always ate Sunday dinner at their house. Times were hard, and one Sunday their mom fixed a couple of groundhogs. She knew Uncle Clyde would not KNOWINGLY eat groundhog so told the kids before company arrived that if they wanted seconds to say "Please pass the meat" instead of groundhog. When Ray was ready for seconds he remembered he was not supposed to call it groundhog but couldn't remember what to call it. He finally asked his Uncle Clyde to "Pass the Body, please."

17 Dec 01 - 02:51 PM (#611768)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

Llanfair, could I swap some Florida sunshine for some of your lovely Welsh weather? Cold and frosty, misty hills and bare trees black against the wonder you're all poets and bards!

17 Dec 01 - 03:58 PM (#611816)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: DougR

Cloudy skies with a temperature of 57 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona at 2pm today.

17 Dec 01 - 04:08 PM (#611822)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Ina

We have a Winter Wonderland right now and with a bit of luck a White Christmas in a few days!

17 Dec 01 - 04:15 PM (#611828)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: MMario

funny thing - it gets dark about every twenty-four hours. Then it gets light again.

17 Dec 01 - 04:21 PM (#611832)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

DougR... that should suit my snowbird, golf nut uncle who winters there from BC.

Desdemona... can you hang onto that crap until it peters out rather than letting it come north to the Maritimes ? Thanks.

Still sunny but cooling here. I knew the new moon would bring a change. It's all downhill now, but the snow makes money change hands, so I'll just put a few more spuds in the stew and watch it snow.

17 Dec 01 - 04:41 PM (#611846)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

I'm trying, I'm seems to be...slipping away from me.....

Sorry---it's just raining now; what did I tell you about waiting a few minutes?

17 Dec 01 - 05:14 PM (#611867)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Llanfair

Big Daddy.......We could have used some of that dry heat last year, it rained almost every day!!! We're used to the rain here, but not flooded roads!!!!

Cheers, Bron.

17 Dec 01 - 05:27 PM (#611879)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Desdemona... it's your fault. I just checked the forecast and guess what ? Flurries in the morning, changing to snow, 50 to 100 accumulation and windy. Anyway, thanks for trying.

17 Dec 01 - 06:00 PM (#611910)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

50 to 100?! Inches or feet? Or in those quantities we may talking about leagues or fathoms or some such thing.

I blame myself. Have you got a St. Bernard and a cask of brandy at the ready, just in case?

17 Dec 01 - 10:35 PM (#612102)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: mmm1a

Gnu Thank You for the information. I never thought about looking online for it. My Father died when I was 5 yrs old so I know very little about Him when He was growing up Thank You so much, this means alot to me. mmm

17 Dec 01 - 10:50 PM (#612115)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

Mmario, will you grant that day and dark are not evenly divided right now? We're getting a little more than 6 hours of daylight currently- and much of that isn't full daylight. But you're right- we get it all back next summer.

Today, for the first time in the couple of weeks since I'm back in town a bitter wind is blowing. It's right off the icefields and not tempered at all by the snow on the ground. Not a good day to go wandering.

Joe O, in mid-November I drove through the Sacramento Valley and the Siskiyous from and to the Oregon Willamette Valley. Had several hours of fog in the Sacramento area but otherwise we had wonderful driving conditions- dry freeway, open expansive hills, bright colors in the mountains. Gorgeous. And I fell in love all over again with Dunsmuir. Someday I must go spend some time there...


18 Dec 01 - 06:21 AM (#612231)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Desdemona... ooops. 50 to 100mm... Canuck, eh ? Though the brandy sounds like a good idea anyway. Already have a dusting of the glistening pristine white crap.

18 Dec 01 - 09:38 AM (#612309)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Maryrrf

Abnormally warm here in Virginia. I don't like it! Normally I'm not a cold weather person but it feels like something's wrong.

18 Dec 01 - 01:13 PM (#612415)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

A friend just got back from Colorado. Said the temps were in the 50s. No snow.

18 Dec 01 - 11:30 PM (#612858)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: JennieG

Sydney Oz - it's quite warm and sunny but storms forecast later(it's 3.30pm). In spring-early summer (and again in late summer-early autumn) we get warm very humid days with late storms....and some of those storms are real doozies, often with hail. Clears overnight then next day it starts all over again.....

19 Dec 01 - 08:19 AM (#613000)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ella who is Sooze

bloody freezing, but dry and really cold wind, Grey skys

I think I have SAD...



19 Dec 01 - 08:57 AM (#613012)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Fortunato

Ella! Merry Christmas! Fortunato here. Sorry you're chilly. Personally I think our hemisphere is too damn far from the sun and something ought to be done about it. Presently here in sunny Maryland it's going up to 55 degrees Farenheit, which is adequate but I much prefer 79 and Hawaiian Shirts. If it gets much colder I'll have to resort to underwear (hee, hee) I hope Santa brings you a balmy day. Cheers.

19 Dec 01 - 09:15 AM (#613020)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ella who is Sooze

Hallo Fortunato!

Hope you and yours have a lovely christmas too. 55 degrees sounds lovely! My friend is coming over from Baltimore for chrimbo, she's gonna have a shock!

Best wishes!


19 Dec 01 - 09:20 AM (#613021)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Fortunato

You really must the favor and come see us here in Maryland. Give my best to your family there for the holidays.


19 Dec 01 - 09:21 AM (#613023)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Fortunato

Oops. I mean return the favor of course. Come visit! chance

19 Dec 01 - 09:30 AM (#613031)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: RangerSteve

Tolerable weather in New Jersey. We are supposed to start haveing winter weather starting tomorrow. I don't mind the warm weather. I've only had to turn the heat on a few times in the last few months.

22 Dec 01 - 08:34 AM (#614700)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


22 Dec 01 - 10:11 AM (#614736)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Wow. Snow ? Must be a cold day in Hull.

22 Dec 01 - 10:30 AM (#614743)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Allan C.

As predicted, we had some weather yesterday and things are looking quite good for more today. The long-range forecast for parts of Virginia and West Virginia include the possibility of a wee bit of snow on Christmas. If this should happen, it will be the very first white Christmas I will have experienced in my lifetime. I didn't even have one while I lived in Montana. My definition of "white Christmas" is one on which there is actual percipitation on that day. I have had a few Christmases that featured snow left over from previous days, but I think it just isn't the same somehow.

22 Dec 01 - 12:02 PM (#614791)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Yes, very cold in hull today.

22 Dec 01 - 03:44 PM (#614913)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?

I have just come into the warmth after walking my old dog along the shores of Lough Neagh on a biting cold evening-5. A Moon ringed with an icy circle and the ghosts of Viking ships on the water. A warm cup of Tea and I am in Heaven. Dan the dreamer.

22 Dec 01 - 04:07 PM (#614931)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John MacKenzie

Up here in the Scottish highlands it is 21:00 hrs., there is snow on the ground, and it's about -5 centigrade.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas da da da de da da de da

09 Aug 02 - 06:35 AM (#762474)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


09 Aug 02 - 06:36 AM (#762476)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: smallpiper

cats and dogs

09 Aug 02 - 08:08 AM (#762520)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Bobert

Sunny, today high around 80. Pleasantly cool for this time of year in Wes Ginny. 57 degrees right now. All ready been out doing a little work in the gardens...


09 Aug 02 - 08:11 AM (#762521)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,nobby

I have plenty of weather. Does anyone want some of as I have more than I need.

09 Aug 02 - 08:12 AM (#762523)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: songs2play

It's chucking it down in Wigan.

09 Aug 02 - 08:31 AM (#762537)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Janie (at work)

I am soooo jealous of all the postings that mention moisture in the forecast. Here in the Northeast Piedmont of North Carolina, we are in the midst of a very serious drought. These past few days have been beautiful, cool for this time of year (mid 80's,) low humidity, absolutely Carolina Blue skies---but the water rationing has tightened to the point that only gray water may be used to water outside plants. I am shutting down my small commercial cut flower growing operation 3 months early. Even some of my day lilies and peonies are dead or dying.

Anybody know a song about drought and dying fields?


09 Aug 02 - 08:54 AM (#762547)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

How 'bout Greenfields?

Once there were green fields Kissed by the sun...Green fields are gone now Parched by the sun...

Here in central Kentucky we've had super days for the last four days...80's daytime, 60' at night, humidity around 75%. (It was 100 degrees, 95% humidity last weekend!) At my house we've had 3 severe thunderstorms in the last two weeks. Twice the electricity was knocked out. We also had widespread hail damage last month.

09 Aug 02 - 09:57 AM (#762559)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Catherine Jayne

Wet and humid will probably get more thunder storms later today!


09 Aug 02 - 10:01 AM (#762562)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Janie (at work)


Geenfields! Perfect. I had forgotten all about that song. Janie

09 Aug 02 - 10:03 AM (#762563)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: RolyH

In Suffolk - Floods,serpents,bolts from the sky and a plague of frogs

Meanwhile tomorrows chart shows.........

09 Aug 02 - 10:03 AM (#762564)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Firecat

Just looked out of the window. It's raining and cloudy. The one word description would be YUK!!!!

09 Aug 02 - 10:30 AM (#762577)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

Raining. For the last four days. Before that, we had an unprecedented-for-August seven days of brilliantly blue and bright skies with temperatures in the 70s. Gone back to a more normal 55. Southeast Alaska is in the midst of a temperate rain forest...

09 Aug 02 - 11:36 AM (#762605)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: artbrooks

Monsoon season has begun in New Mexico. The wilderness and near-wilderness areas that have been closed because of fire danger are all open again. Temperatures are down about 15 degrees (F), to mid-80s days and low 60s nights. Maybe I can save my little patch of grass in the back yard!

09 Aug 02 - 12:27 PM (#762624)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Just when it gets to feel like something besides a steambath, here comes today's brief afternoon thundershower to give tomorrow's sunny, 90 degree morning a little more moisture to play with. Can you say "perspiration"?

09 Aug 02 - 02:55 PM (#762699)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Deda

Colorado is DRY, DRY, DRY. We've had a little more rain and a couple of thunderstorms in the last few weeks, which has been great, and the fires are pretty much out -- but the drought is still very bad. For those of you who get tired of looking at rain, Colorado has an average of 300 days of bright sunshine a year. Generally, it's a fabulous climate. But we're suffering this year, after four years of below-average snowpack, so all our reservoirs are low anyway. Crops are dead or dying, watering is restricted all over the eastern half of the state, and probably the west too. There's nothing I would love more than the sound and sight and feel of a good, hours-long, hammering rain.

09 Aug 02 - 05:35 PM (#762757)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: pavane

It has been a bit damp(!) in London this week. Thunderstorms etc. Unusually, Wales has been drier.

(Wales usually gets about 3 times the amount of rain compared to London, because we intercept it on the way in from the Atlantic.)

09 Aug 02 - 06:12 PM (#762775)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Catherine Jayne

Well even London had to go one better and decided it was time to have some flash flooding!!!!

10 Aug 02 - 12:41 AM (#762885)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John O'L

Here in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, it's warm and dry when it should be freezing cold and wet.
Most of Australia is actually in a pretty serious drought right now. The bushfire season is just around the corner too.
How're the fires in the USA now? Haven't heard anything on the news about them lately. Are they out, or have the local news outlets just decided they've lost saleability?

10 Aug 02 - 04:07 AM (#762908)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: bernil

Things ain't normal here in the middle of Sweden and I ain't normal either... We've had warm weather all summer except from a few days with the more common cold winds from the fjelds. As for me I don't like it and don't function when it's warm so I've had problems... But I guess most people have been very happy! When I say (too) warm I mean everything over 70 degrees! And someone here talked about 100 degrees!

When I say I have problems I have to admit they are not as big now as they've been as I've bought a car with AC - it has changed my life a lot and I'm also glad my flat is quite cold!

Berit in Sweden

10 Aug 02 - 04:37 AM (#762912)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: songs2play

Still chuckin' it down in Wigan, and bloke next door is building an ark.

Looking forward to Novemeber, as me and the wife are off to Sydney for a couple of weeks. Hope weather is nice there then glen2Glenn.

10 Aug 02 - 07:19 AM (#762969)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Hotter than heck here in New Brunswick, Canada and I don't mean the weather. We've got farm after farm lining up to donate hay to send to the drought stricken Prarie Provinces but the SOB federal politicians in Ottawa can only find fifteen rail cars for transort (while donating millions and millions of relief dollars for overseas). Our weather this summer has been a great growing season and we have enough hay to get "the west" through this but the feds are moving so slow that many western farmers have already had to sell off their livestock at bankrupting prices.

Re the weather... we're holding high 20's to low 30's with drenching rains at least every week to ten days. A perfect summer so far.

10 Aug 02 - 09:00 AM (#762988)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Catherine Jayne

It's a nice day today. the sun is shining and it's not too hot and it's not too hasn't rained yet either!!!

I can't believe there is an entire thread about the weather.....and I keep contributing to it!!!!!


10 Aug 02 - 10:08 AM (#763000)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John O'L

Should be stinking hot in Sydney in November.
Humid too.

10 Aug 02 - 12:55 PM (#763046)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Firecat

Well, at least it's not raining in Doncaster now!

10 Aug 02 - 01:08 PM (#763049)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

glen2Glenn, the fires are still raging in southern Oregon; it has now passed the 1933 Tillamook Burn (which I grew up hearing about) in size. The current fire is down close to the California border; so far as I know, the redwoods in Calif. are not in danger.

bernil, I'm with you! I much prefer the cool, moist, sweet air of southeast Alaska to the over-processed stick-your-head-in-the-sofa-cushion breathing stuff they have in so many places this time of year 'in the lower 48'.

10 Aug 02 - 08:22 PM (#763185)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

Did Berit say "ain't"? Love it!!!!!

Berit, you sound like one of the "good ole boys," kinda like me. ;-)

10 Aug 02 - 10:24 PM (#763227)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Robin2

My little corner of KY has seen 1/2 inch of rain since June 10th, and lots of days pushing 100 degrees...the grass has died, and the sassafras and pin oaks are showing a lot of stress. How goes others in KY?

I have been POURING the water on the garden every week to save my new plantings of roses and bamboo and KY natives...good thing we live next to a river, and water consumption is not a problem here.

Just a note...a friend of mine has grown a fig tree here for several years, this year it is bearing fruit for the first warming anyone?


11 Aug 02 - 01:14 AM (#763269)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Kaleea

Let's see . . .it's August, & I'm in the so called "Midwest" of the USA, so, that must mean, uh, well, . . .IT'S HOT!

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck had a chainsaw? (see Dec. 01, above)

11 Aug 02 - 03:19 AM (#763283)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John O'L

Still hot. Still dry. Still Winter.

11 Aug 02 - 07:16 AM (#763324)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Hrothgar

Max 23 Celsius (about 73 F), min 11 C (52 F). A real bastard, these winters.

Second driest July on record. Winter is always dry here, but this is getting beyond a joke!

11 Aug 02 - 07:52 AM (#763335)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Mary in Kentucky

I'm still smiling over Berit saying "ain't." We exchanged PM's, and I know she won't mind my talking about this here. Perhaps others will learn something too!

Berit speaks such good English, it's hard to tell she's not a native speaker. But I know she often mentions looking up obscure words in her dictionary.

The use of the word "ain't" is something that traditionally uneducated people use. When I was a child my teachers would often jokingly require us to pay money if they caught us using the word. Think of it like this... if Catspaw were talking to his son's teacher, he wouldn't dare use the word, but if he were talking to Paw or the Reg boys he would most assuredly use it in order to be understood.

It's used a lot in pop songs and movies, but is still considered inapproprite in educated talk or writing (except for empahsis.)

In keeping with the weather theme here, It Ain't Gonna Rain No More (3 instances of bad grammar...ain't, gonna, double negative...but I love it for emphasis.)

11 Aug 02 - 11:59 AM (#763399)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: harpgirl

This has been a very good summer for north florida pineywoods folks! There has been a great deal of rain and the drought of the past several years has been broken.

The temperatures have stayed in the low nineties instead of days and days of over one hundred. (We'eve only had a few of those so far this summer).

We haven't had any hurricanes thus far and none last year!

My fig crop was the best it's ever been and my grass is finally growing.

I still want to turn my front yard into a meadow but the homeowner's associateion won't let me!!!

The thunder showers have kept my raggedy-ass pond full and the tadpoles are plentiful...crepe mrytles, caladiums, pentas, and lantana are abundant! Dragonflies hover over the pond and the air smells like snakes! mmmmmmmmm...hg

11 Aug 02 - 12:52 PM (#763411)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Ebbie

"The air smells like snakes"? I know what a hotbed ofs mice smells like but snakes?

11 Aug 02 - 09:03 PM (#763598)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Robin2

Harpgirl, When the air smells of snakes, is it an acrid, pungent smell? When you said that, I felt I could smell exactly what you were talking about!

RAIN RAIN AND MORE RAIN today! Everyone was standing outside to watch!


11 Aug 02 - 10:24 PM (#763630)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John O'L

Mary in Kentucky, when I was little our teacher took us all outside into the schoolyard with a spade and we all dug a hole and buried "got" (written on a piece of paper).
To this day, I sometimes re-write an entire passage to avoid using "got"

You ain't gonna believe this, but after all my whinging about how hot and dry it's been, as I write this, it's snowing outside. Madness.

Oh. It's stopped.

12 Aug 02 - 12:03 AM (#763652)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Stephen L. Rich

We've managed to weather it.

12 Aug 02 - 12:30 AM (#763662)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Genie

Dry, dry, dry here in Oregon. Pretty hot, to boot. S'posed to get back into the 90s several days this week. Half the state's on fire, it seems.

So much for it "raining all the time" here in Western Oregon. Seems like this summer drought is getting to be routine.

All the plants in my garden would've died by now if it werent' for garden hoses.


12 Aug 02 - 08:19 AM (#763766)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: gnu

Well, I guess the Canuck spirit is going to shine through once again, albeit a tad slow as far as the railroads are concerned.... 187 cars so far and the two big railroad companies are working hard to scare up another 200 as the donations from the Maritimes continue to grow.

12 Aug 02 - 11:39 AM (#763851)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: harpgirl

...well, it just popped out and since I unconsciously plagarized it from "Paradise" I thought I better shut up! But it seemed appropriate. It is a humid, acrid, pungent smell....hg

12 Aug 02 - 05:29 PM (#764020)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: bernil

As for ain't in my weather report above... I have no idea why I used it now! I've known it since I was a child, as I started to listen very intense at pop music when I was 10-11 years old. But I've never used it in any "official" context before and didn't really know how "bad" it was! But there's a meaning with everything. And I think the meaning with this was to give Mary (and perhaps someone else?) a big smile! ;-)

As for the weather, it's been very warm and sultry and I long sooooo much for a thunderstorm and a lot of rain!!!


12 Aug 02 - 05:38 PM (#764023)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Sorcha

I bitched all summer about the heat--now I'm freezing! High today was 62F! Surely it won't stay this cool for all of August.........

12 Aug 02 - 05:50 PM (#764027)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Biskit

It's 100 degrees in Tucson, Arizona, we're in the middle of our Monsoon season and already have 2 inches above normal rain. However the weather guy says that the drought is not over yet.....DROUGHT! we live in a DESERT! and all the grass plantin' golf course buildin' you ever do isn't going to change that!HRRRUMPH! er um,... 'scuse me that jus' kinda bubbled out there... hasn't rained for a couple of days now but this is the first break we've had since the middle of July so that's a beautiful thing. sometimes I feel like I'm gonna have to grow some gills this time of year!The aftermath of the monsoons sure make for some spectacular sunsets! Peace, ~Biskit~

12 Aug 02 - 08:25 PM (#764109)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: John O'L

All Winter it's been hot & dry here, and yesterday arvo it changed. Now it's freezing cold, wet, windy and miserable. (As it should be here in August.)
Be careful what you wish for.


13 Aug 02 - 05:39 AM (#764280)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha

Here is an indication of how wet a summer we have had in north east Ireland, for the first time in the past one hundred years our local Cricket team haven`t played a single game on their wet and sodden ground. Nothing come closest to this summer as the wettest on record. Ard Mhacha

14 Aug 02 - 02:12 AM (#764963)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?

Right nice and Ah didn hav ta think twice

Than Ye

14 Aug 02 - 04:50 AM (#765002)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: songs2play

(Wigan-UK) The sun is trying to make it's way through, at last the rain has stopped for a while.

I thought we were having it bad, but it pales into insignificance compared to the weather they are having in Prague.

14 Aug 02 - 02:04 PM (#765279)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Les from Hull

Bloody mafting in Hull today.

14 Aug 02 - 04:10 PM (#765384)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Firecat

Les, what's "mafting"??. And I'm from Doncaster!

By the way, the weather's been OK today here.

14 Aug 02 - 04:54 PM (#765421)
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
From: Les from Hull

Mafting (adj) means hot, and often humid. Also 'mafted' as in 'I'm bloody mafted'.

You'll be telling me next that you don't know that 'siling down' means raining heavily!