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BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!

21 Dec 01 - 05:46 PM (#614403)
Subject: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

The dictionary defines "faux pas" as "a social blunder". Now we all know that Spaw has committed many of these, but I think it's time to put our heads together and decide which one was the worst of them all!

So...what could it be? Which was his most tasteless, offensive, embarrassing, inane, and bone-headed act or statement of all time? (On Mudcat or off it...)

One thing, though: I suggest we avoid the subject of farts altogether, since there's been far too much emphasis on that already...and it's the lazy man's way of defining Spaw. So leave out the fart stories, and concentrate on his more unique and distinctively memorable offenses...which are many!!!

Go to it, folks. Winning entry gets a free summer course (2 credits) at the WSSBA in 2002.

- LH

21 Dec 01 - 05:56 PM (#614407)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Uncle_DaveO

""a social blunder". Now we all know that Spaw has committed many of these,"

Are you seriously suggesting that our friend Spaw, he of the exquisite social skills and unfailing delicacy of speech, could perpetrate a "fox pass"? Oh, no, I can't believe it! Say it isn't true!

Dave Oesterreich

21 Dec 01 - 06:01 PM (#614410)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Steve in Idaho

It isn't true Dave - If you will note the posts of the past several days. These are the true Spaw. Consistently kind and thoughtful, gazing into the eyes of his true love, and constantly on alert for opportunities to be of assistance to those who would be more road weary than himself. I am just appalled at the idea of Spaw doing other than the above.

And Little Hawk - how could you accuse our wandering mistrel of such?


But there was the tongue thing with the little rat.

21 Dec 01 - 06:11 PM (#614413)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Admittedly, Spaw has made a number of posts recently which seem to emanate from a kindly heart, a perceptive mind, and a noble character...

But just wait till he gets elected!!! :-) I'm not fooled.

- LH

21 Dec 01 - 06:43 PM (#614431)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Lonesome EJ

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-Klahoma where the.......


21 Dec 01 - 06:51 PM (#614433)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: artbrooks

I've only been around the Mudcat for about eleven months. There have been SO MANY possible candidates for this high (low?) honor in that period of time that I cannot even envision the possibilities that stretch further backward in time. It has become clear to me that a kind, sensitive human being dwells beneath that sarcastic, flatulence-obsessed exterior. Huuum...must be the season... You veteran Catters go ahead; I can't wait to see what I missed!

21 Dec 01 - 07:03 PM (#614437)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: JenEllen

jaysus...not like the guy ever lit a bird on fire or anythin'.... *g*

21 Dec 01 - 07:10 PM (#614442)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Peter T.

....Or kidnapped a bird dressed in leather across state lines for unnatural purposes.

yours, Peter T.

21 Dec 01 - 07:14 PM (#614444)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,Jon

Little Hawk,

You strike me as being quite unpleasant

Would you care to give your real name, please, and let people from several continents poke fun at the stupid things that you've said?

I await your reply


21 Dec 01 - 07:16 PM (#614445)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Actually, he came pretty damn close to setting a bird on fire...

From: CarolC
Date: 08-Sep-00 - 04:19 AM

There once was a bird from Orillia
Whose song was reported to killya
Till Spaw let one fly
Then it fell from the sky
Begging "Spaw, stop the farting please, willya?"

However I think my vote for "greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!" would probably go to this thread...

BS: CarolC's Decision:NewBoyfriend or Ferret

( least it would if I hadn't enjoyed it so much.)

21 Dec 01 - 07:26 PM (#614448)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

Well, not to resort to shillelagh law or anything, but there WAS the gaffe he made when he said:

"Welcome to the Mudcat, Little Hawk!! Glad you're here!".

Ah well...maybe his feet ARE made of Cleigh!


21 Dec 01 - 07:51 PM (#614456)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: MMario

Don't forget the time he specifically told us he would be back from a weekend off the cat - and didn't show up! I mean, the man has to get his priorities straight. to let a little thing like a bleeding aneurism keep him from a social commitment!

21 Dec 01 - 08:00 PM (#614459)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!

So is the consensus that 'Little Hawk' is a piece of shit?

21 Dec 01 - 08:03 PM (#614461)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,Paul

Well, I guess I'd put it more delicatly,

But, yes, that pretty much covers it


21 Dec 01 - 08:07 PM (#614463)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

No, you guys, Little Hawk's GREAT!

21 Dec 01 - 08:08 PM (#614464)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: MMario

but remember - he's *our* very own little piece of dung.

21 Dec 01 - 08:15 PM (#614467)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!

Carol C,

How anyone who starts such a mean thread can be 'great'

Maybe you know something I don't

21 Dec 01 - 08:18 PM (#614468)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Little Hawk thinks very highly of Spaw. He starts threads like this one because he wants Spaw to play with him.

21 Dec 01 - 08:18 PM (#614469)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: little john cameron

Jings if ye leave oot the farts an' ither intestinal references there's no' much left.
Then again,fowk hae said that ah am a lot nicer efter mah aneurysm as weel. ljc

21 Dec 01 - 08:45 PM (#614482)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,Nameless for now

I'd say the greatest is getting caught in that motel room with Gargoyle

21 Dec 01 - 09:33 PM (#614514)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Hey Hawk! Fo Paw this......


So looking for my greatest huh? Hard to say really.....Do intentional ones count? I mean with the possible exception of your own lame ass attempts at keeping the Shatner thing alive, I am the undisputed King of gragging along the long running joke, no matter how inane, silly, tasteless, or completely stupid:

*Cleigh O'Possum
*His buddy, The Little Pissant
*Paw, Cletus, Buford, and the Reg Boys
*The Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed
*and it's new wing, The James Taylor Rehab Center for Catatonic Blandness
*Tiples and Noseflutes
*Peter T's above referenced Waylon Heron
*The Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner
*and your personal favorite, Major Tom, Psychotic Astronaut
*Let's Kick Max in the Balls (posted that one again today!)
*Generally Flatulent Related crappola
*Father Joebro and his impending baldness
*Mick's spud-stuffed thong
*Jeri's Dragonfly infested Hooters

And that's not to mention the other shorter term wackiness that I only let go of when someone is about to kill me, such as the latest with the New and Improved Gordon Bok Fan with the cookie duster HEPA filter. There's been so many of them foisted upon individual 'Catters that they escape my memory. What was I beating Carol to death with when she was up there visiting? Then the tasteless stuff (like the rest isn't) such as Leej referred to with Oklahoma reference (old 'Catters might remember) and beating Rick to death with the tale of Pedro the Implosive 12 String.

Sad but true.......Look up faux pas and my picture is right there. Extends right into real life too.......My sailing partner Bill and I sailed past the local yacht club's beautiful old clubhouse after winning a regatta, got out our anti-pirate yacht cannon (water balloon sling shot) and gave them a "moon salute" followed by a few volleys which broke off part of an old decorative railing and a raingutter downspout. They kept the crummy silver plate and banned us from competing for the season, even after we paid for the damage! No sense of humor.......


21 Dec 01 - 09:36 PM (#614518)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: jaze

Oh I don't know ,but it would probably have something to do with SONGCATCHER!

21 Dec 01 - 09:40 PM (#614520)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

God, I love the GUESTS who drop in here...but not as much as I love old Catspaw49 (GUESTS...that is Spaw's entire name on this site).

Keep the kind words coming...please!

Spaw must be taking the evening off, I suppose, or he would have shown up by now.

GUEST, Jon - If you really must know, my real name is Wayne Jacob Caddlesworth the Third. I live in a tiny place called Dead Falls. It's out west. If you can guess which state or province it's located in, I will tell you even more than that. I am always kind to my fans, especially the really touchy and humourless ones, because they need a gentle hand to guide them.

- LH

21 Dec 01 - 09:48 PM (#614523)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Toenail clippings I think it was, Spaw.

21 Dec 01 - 09:59 PM (#614525)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Spaw! You rascal, you slipped your response in there while I was typing.

There, GUESTS! See? He admits to all of it. You humourless, toadying, pretentious little that! (Oops...forgot to be gentle. Oh, well.)

Spaw, I am miffed that you would refer to my "attempts at keeping the Shatner thing alive" as "lame ass".

My dear fellow. William Shatner is a cultural icon of simply measureless dimensions. His acting is without peer. His reputation is the most well-deserved one in Hollywood. He sings Mr. Tambourine Man in a fashion which no one else has been able to match or even approach.

William Shatner doesn't need me to raise his profile on Mudcat. Face it, he's immortal and irresistable. My occasional references to him are only the humble acknowlegements of a mere common soul confronted by a collosus in the field of the Fine Arts.

By the way, I love the yachting club incident! Nice going! Tally Ho!

- LH

21 Dec 01 - 10:06 PM (#614529)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Hollowfox

Fox pass!?!! He didn't make no pass at me when we met a coupla months ago. Just ask his wife. To quote a kat,"luvya'fox

21 Dec 01 - 10:09 PM (#614530)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Got a question, Spaw. Has Olivia Newton-John ever been committed to the JTRCCB?

- LH

22 Dec 01 - 12:14 AM (#614591)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Bert

A Faux Pas is a mistake. All of Spaws postings and insults are deliberate.

Although I do seem to recall there was one posting where he was polite and kind (not to me though). Now THAT one was probably a mistake.

22 Dec 01 - 12:30 AM (#614600)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

An incestuous mutual admiration society?

Yep, this the "new" D.T.

22 Dec 01 - 01:04 AM (#614609)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Sometimes people like to play, GUEST,.gargoyle. Would you like to play too?

22 Dec 01 - 01:14 AM (#614612)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!

LOL ;-) You named this grouping well Gargoyle

22 Dec 01 - 01:18 AM (#614613)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

No GUEST. I think you're wrong. Some of us are just bored, lonely, and looking for some fun.

22 Dec 01 - 01:43 AM (#614618)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Chip2447

HEY, LAY OFF MY COMEDY MENTOR!!! You people shouldn't poke fun at a living legend, I dont't care how obnoxious he seems. He's not obnoxious, weeeellllll, except for those obnoxiouly toxic pooh gas attacks.

All hail Spaw.
Chip2447, wiping the smelly brown stuff of his nose.

22 Dec 01 - 02:07 AM (#614623)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Devilmaster

Chip won't be typing....

He'll be wiping his nose for a long, long, long time.



22 Dec 01 - 05:19 AM (#614658)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: gnu

He ordered two tanker trucks of Turkey Turd Beer for the Tavern. Does that count ? S'pose not, eh ? Be more in the class of a complete fuck up, not a social blunder.

Faux pas ? Can't remember one. Now, where's that submit button again ?

22 Dec 01 - 08:17 AM (#614692)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: MMario

geez, garg. at least little hawk and 'spaw are capable of telling the DT and the Mudcat apart. unlike some people.

22 Dec 01 - 08:42 AM (#614701)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: kendall

Spaw is one of the funniest people I have never met. Little Hawk is intelligent, thoughtful and obviously has more than a teaspoon full of brains.

22 Dec 01 - 10:33 AM (#614745)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

ANd Kendall is wise enough to tell them apart!


22 Dec 01 - 11:00 AM (#614756)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: InOBU

Would you concider ticking at quite moments during the Opera a Feux Pas? - Larry

22 Dec 01 - 11:08 AM (#614763)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

Obviously this thread is riddled with delusory trivia. Little Hawk, for example, has substituted his delusions about a certain second-rate, mostly forgotten thespian of yore for a creative contribution to the Cat. Gargoyle has submitted his delusion that the Cat and the DT should be called by the same name. Little Hawk has further added to the unreality by initiating a whole thread on the off-the-wall notion that Catspaw49 is capable of "false steps", social blunders, inappropriate remarks, or actions beyond the pale of acceptability in our society. It is clear from Catspaw49's iconic status in this particular environment that Little Hawk is deluded, and also barking up the wrong tree, has a wrong number, and is in other ways of error to boot.

Let's get real, guys!


22 Dec 01 - 11:54 AM (#614788)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, Amos, and I am also "a couple beers short of a 6-pack"! (To quote a phrase beloved of the local hosers in this town...) I truly admire your command of the English language, Amos.

More mutual admiration, Gargoyle! How irritating it must be for you to have to read this sort of trivial fluff, which wastes the valuable time of the Mudcat on merely having a laugh or two, when we could be looking up the various different lyrical versions of "House Carpenter" (all 156 of 'em), comparing the differences in an erudite fasion, and determining which, out of all of them, was the first, and therefore definitive version...

Amos - to call William Shatner "second-rate" is hardly adequate...he sets a thespian standard which is beyond comparison to any other, I think. It is on a firm understanding of this that the William Shatner School of BAAAAAD Acting was founded, and upon this standard that its curriculum is built.

"To Boldy Go Where No Educational Institution Has Gone Before!" is our motto, emblazoned in gold above the entrance gates. We live by that motto every day.

Larry - Only if it's a VERY LOUD watch!

- LH

22 Dec 01 - 12:09 PM (#614796)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Actually Hawk, what Larry is referring to is the replacement mitral valve in my heart which at times you can hear clicking as it opens and closes. Fortunately I rarely hear it but it can be noticed by others at times and makes me an ideal candidate for Captain Hook. On the other hand, listening to it click reassures me that I am still alive......I click, therefore I am.


22 Dec 01 - 12:26 PM (#614807)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I see...

Well, I should think that would be the least of your problems when visiting the Opera. :-)

Did you ever see the Don Martin comic version of "Swan Lake", starring Fester Bestertester and Karbunkle? (speaking of opera...)

- LH

22 Dec 01 - 12:26 PM (#614808)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: John MacKenzie

What the faux this all about?

22 Dec 01 - 01:32 PM (#614841)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

I used to have a dog named Fester Bestertester. But she never went to the opera. (Not that I know of anyway.)

22 Dec 01 - 01:39 PM (#614844)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CraigS

All that and no-one said a word about banjo players? I know Spaw has his theories ...

22 Dec 01 - 02:36 PM (#614872)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

I would think it would be To Mouldy Grow Where None Have Cared to Go...., LH. :>)

Old Spaw gets a new slogan -- He takes a licking and keeps on clicking! (Don't bother suggesting using the second verb in both places!)


22 Dec 01 - 03:39 PM (#614907)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Bill D

...none of you have a clue!...'spaw's greatest faux pas was in reading Kierkegaard in his youth! It is obvious what that experience has done to his cerebral cortex. Cletus and the Reg boys are not improvised characters...they are manifestations of multiple-personality disorder!

22 Dec 01 - 03:49 PM (#614920)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

I think you're onto something there, Bill!

- LH

22 Dec 01 - 04:41 PM (#614959)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

My gawd Bill you may be right.....or not. It's a kind of Either/Or situation.



22 Dec 01 - 05:23 PM (#614970)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: leprechaun

Well, Little Hawk, you're mostly correct about William Shatner. But you shouldn't leave out that other great icon of the American Cinema. Of course I speak of none other than...Chuck Norris!

23 Dec 01 - 04:30 PM (#615456)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Norris and Shatner are doing a new Trekkie movie where Kirk comes out of retirement one more time and takes the Enterprise on a return to 20th century earth where they catch the grea-great grandfather of Kirk in bed with a ten dollar whore. Ably assisted by Walker, Texas Ranger, who kicks grandad in the nads and puts him on the straight and narrow allowing Kirk, in the future to be a person of virtue, but limited taste. Watch for it...."Star Trek, Part Pi; The Quest for Talent."


23 Dec 01 - 04:40 PM (#615460)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: marty D

Can't say I've been around for ALL your faux pas Spaw so I don't know if you've mellowed over the last two years. Were you as 'faux pas prone' in your earliest Mudcat days?


23 Dec 01 - 07:18 PM (#615559)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

I'd say his form has been unmatched, right from the start, marty!

Say, that Shatner/Norris film should be a hoot...really BAAAD acting alongside what can't even be called acting at all! Wowee. Gotta see it. Who plays Kirk's grandfather?

- LH

23 Dec 01 - 10:18 PM (#615619)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: artbrooks

I understand that Captain Kirk's Chinese houseboy will be played by Jackie Chan and that the maid will be Whoopie Goldberg. That way they will be able to cover all the bad acting possibilities and pick up on a few required stereotypes at the same time.

23 Dec 01 - 11:09 PM (#615636)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Rolfyboy6

I'm a Tweedster and Spaw showed up at our board about five weeks ago, and we've had to call the exterminators twice and send out for charcoal activated air filters three times. It's comforting to find out that others are similarly afflicted. Possums, tiples, and flatulence everywhere.

23 Dec 01 - 11:10 PM (#615637)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Rolfyboy6

I'm a Tweedster and Spaw showed up at our board about five weeks ago, and we've had to call the exterminators twice and send out for charcoal activated air filters three times. It's comforting to find out that others are similarly afflicted. Possums, tiples, and flatulence everywhere.

24 Dec 01 - 12:41 AM (#615653)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,khandu

His biggest error: He did not concede the "Spaw vs. Shatner" election. Yeah, yeah...I know...Swap won, but... how many of the votes were won by blackmail, bribery or deceit? Any man of integrity would have readily admitted that Shatner was (And still is ) the sexier of the two. Not to say that our fair Swap isn't sexy, I am certain that there are two or three that would swear that he is, but come on... we are talking about William (Capt. James Tiberious (or, as stated on one episode, Talmadge) Kirk) Shatner, fer God's sake!!! (Incidentally, there was one Star Trek episode entitled "Catspaw". Coincidence? I think not!

His second error: His belittling of the Great and wonderful state of Mississippi. In fact, he has so grossly insulted us fine upright Mississippi citizens that we burn a cross in honor of him every Sunday night!

Nonetheless, I wish him and all the Catters a Joyous Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Cookieless khandu

24 Dec 01 - 01:55 AM (#615668)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Where the hell have you been? Dammit Khandu, I really miss you and it's still so damn easy to trash Mississippi, but my heart ain't in it........It's just not the same without you. Judas Priest man, the other day I said three or four things about the Magnolia state......and not one Klan joke, or end of the eaarth reference....nothin'!! Ya ' gotta check in here alot more often. We can have a commercial washer put in to wash your sheets and all.


24 Dec 01 - 09:11 AM (#615758)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Khandu, you have won the prize!!! THAT'S IT! The crassly manipulated and falsified Spaw-Shatner election results will stand as the most outrageous election fakery of all time! And without a single hanging chad, either.

Only a drooling idiot bereft of sense or virtue would honestly assert that Spaw is sexier than William Shatner! Smellier, yes, funnier, yes, but not sexier...

Khandu, I am happy to say that you have won a free summer course at the WSSBA in 2002. The course will concentrate...on...the dramatic...pause! (One of Shatner's most notable acting techniques.) You lucky, lucky soul!

- LH

24 Dec 01 - 10:43 AM (#615795)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Ya' got some problems there Hawk....nothing unusual for you of course, but simply typical of a mind that thinks Major Tom, Psychotic Astronaut, has deep meaning. I'm sure that even Shatner can figure out that Tom is simply screwed, blued, and tatooed.......Then again, so is Shatner.

First, Khandu wouldn't recognize a falsified election if his ass was covered in dimpled chad. It's hard to think that "fair election" is anything but oxymoronic in a place that elected Ross Barnett as Governor. Then again, we had a nutcase like that here too. He had a plan to build a bridge across Lake Erie but had trouble staying focused on it when he decided to send the National Guard to Kent State. (Khandu and I have another commonality here in that Jackson State cane along shortly after)......In any case...............

Khandu would also be unavailable for the contest winning trip you mention as they are very busy down there that time of year getting ready for the next "season." There is so much to do what with making crosses and wrapping them in rags, laying in a supply of kerosene, cutting eyeholes in pillowcases, laundering singed bedsheets........It's just far too busy to leave.


24 Dec 01 - 11:47 AM (#615826)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: hesperis

"Only a drooling idiot bereft of sense or virtue would honestly assert that Spaw is sexier than William Shatner!" ...

Hmmm, and here I thought it would be the other way around. Shatner as Kirk had to be the most unsexy "star" of all time.

And don't forget that the powerful pheromones in certain bodily odours can attract the hormones of the opposite gender even as they repulse the nose.

Of course, Spaw doesn't have allure of "star power" ... whatever that is... maybe it's like an odour?

It's a tossup. *sigh*

24 Dec 01 - 02:51 PM (#615906)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: InOBU

Of course Spaw is sexier than Shatner! Shatner does not tick during sex. Imagine the image of a sex machine that TICKS! Keep ticking old pal! Cheers in the New Year, Larry

24 Dec 01 - 06:08 PM (#616003)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Celtic Soul

Spaw vs./ Shatner? No least Spaw can act!

As for Gargoyles and the ubiquitous nameless guests comments. Guys, really...lighten up some.

This is one of the funniest threads I have read since the "Let's kick Max in the balls" thread.

Laughter is good should try it! :D

24 Dec 01 - 06:48 PM (#616022)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,khandu

I humbly accept the award on behalf of my fellow Mississippians who have taught me to smell a rat, especially during elections! Thank you, Little Hawk.

To my Dear Friend Swap, I say this...Nyah nee nyah nee nyah nyah!!!!!!

I regret that I have missed the Mississippi references to which Swap has referred. I am certain they were Mudcat Jewels!

I wonder now about InOBU's relationship with the aforementioned swine (Swap). It appears InOBU has first hand knowledge of Swap's ticking during sex. Hmmmm, I must ponder this.

I must go. I have a ton of sheets and pillow case to gift wrap for my loved ones' Christmas!

Ta ta,


24 Dec 01 - 06:57 PM (#616023)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Doesn't everyone tick during sex? Hmmmm indeed.

24 Dec 01 - 10:54 PM (#616096)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Good point, Carol. Besides, how do we know for sure that Shatner does not tick during sex. God knows, Doctor McCoy had a chronic eyebrow tick that could have raised the Titanic! (and that wasn't even during least I don't think so...ah...well, I don't think I want to dwell on that thought at all, actually...)

- LH

24 Dec 01 - 11:24 PM (#616101)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!

Swan Lake is a ballet not an opera. And the most outrageous version was done by Rudolph Nureyev and Miss Piggie. They aptly named it "Swine Lake". I attended the auction of Nureyev's estate and saw the above mentioned costume sold as the highest priced item in the auction. Can't remember how much...

I still want to know why all you died-in-the-wool Shatner fans did not bid on the first edition Star Trek magazine that went for a paltry $6.
Spaw is definitely sexier than William Shatner. Karen says so.

25 Dec 01 - 04:33 AM (#616147)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: MudGuard

The point is, Spaw did not commit his biggest Faux Pas, he is his Faux Pas!


25 Dec 01 - 04:35 AM (#616148)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: MudGuard

Uuups, little Faux pas. It should read "he is his biggest Faux Pas"

25 Dec 01 - 09:37 AM (#616205)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

I think Mudguard is making a pun based on a stretched-out French pronunciation.

In that light, the sentence should sound like: He is his biggest foe, Spaw. Kinda like Pogo meeting the enemy and he is us!

Merry Xmas to ALL you madcaps fools and Mudcat foux,


25 Dec 01 - 02:55 PM (#616276)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

The Great William Shatner Click here

25 Dec 01 - 06:17 PM (#616317)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: gnu

What's all this ticking and humming during sex about ? Have I missed out on something ? I thought all the oohs and ahhhs were a good thing. Martha ?

25 Dec 01 - 06:58 PM (#616326)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Wow. The "floating head of William Shatner". What an oracle. Thanks, wildone, now I know whom to consult when those really difficult decisions need to be made...

- LH

25 Dec 01 - 07:06 PM (#616329)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49 ya' know......I tick all the time. Last summer through Robotic Surgery, I had the mitral valve in my heart replaced with a St. Jude's Valve, a little metal thing that is activated by the normal pressure of the heart (no electricity needed) and as it opens and closes you can hear it make a ticking sound. I rarely can hear it except when I'm facing a wall or something but others can often hear it.


26 Dec 01 - 12:41 AM (#616398)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

Which has been a big relief to the local sheep, lemme tell ya... :-)

- LH

26 Dec 01 - 05:26 AM (#616446)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: InOBU

Well... as Clinton said, it depends how you define sex. If sex is posting to Mudcat mutual admiration, well, I guess I'm guilty!!! Larry

26 Dec 01 - 07:03 AM (#616455)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: gnu

Spaw... You know I know... er, knew. I wasn't in my usual form yesterday. Something about Xmas that dulls my wit. Oh yeah, the booze.

26 Dec 01 - 12:45 PM (#616544)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

want to return to the MUDCAT of yore Click here

26 Dec 01 - 02:33 PM (#616587)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Looks like there's plenty of BS in your MUDCAT or yore. How did you do that link to the past, Wildlone?

26 Dec 01 - 03:03 PM (#616600)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

Carol C
I found a link to this site Click here

27 Dec 01 - 01:08 AM (#616867)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: CarolC

Woah... that is so cool. Although my cookie can't go with me to the Mudcat of the past, it seems. What an amazing resource.

27 Dec 01 - 02:25 PM (#617125)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

Glad you liked it, I am going to see if it can find web pages that have been removed.

29 Dec 01 - 02:03 AM (#617965)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!


A handful of well known posters, which I guess are the inner circle, (susan of DT, alison, gargoyle, BigMick, BSeed,BillD, PetePeterson,HarpGirl, Roger in Baltimore,greenhouse) no Max and an awful lot more that aren't around anymore.

29 Dec 01 - 12:45 PM (#618107)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos

Almost all of those post from time to time, Guest of 2:03AM. Some of them have changed handles though. PetePeterson is the only one I think is truly missing.


29 Dec 01 - 02:28 PM (#618162)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

If you go to my second link and follow the instructions you CAN find web pages that are archived and not found by search engines
dave [wildLone]

29 Dec 01 - 05:40 PM (#618249)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Little Hawk

The burning question is, were there any threads about William Shatner prior to my arrival on Mudcat? :-)

- LH

29 Dec 01 - 05:48 PM (#618254)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: catspaw49

Thankfully, NO! ...... And Major Tom the Psychotic Astronaut was not sorely missed either.............


29 Dec 01 - 08:38 PM (#618331)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: khandu

Several days have passed since I won the treasured and coveted award. Christmas was all the more wonderful as I told my friends and loved ones about the award. Indeed, I was the envy of the Christmas Dinner Crowd, and have become the talk of Tupelo! It was even announced on our local TV station's "Morning Show"!

Therefore, I again must say this; "Spaw...Nyah nee nyah neee nyah nyah!"

30 Dec 01 - 04:58 AM (#618447)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: Amos


What are you talking about, pray tell?


30 Dec 01 - 05:08 AM (#618450)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: wildlone

Amos the contest is mentioned earlier in the ramblings of this thread****BG***

10 Jan 02 - 01:03 AM (#624663)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw's greatest Faux Pas of all time!!!
From: GUEST,Paul

The day his daddy't condom broke and he did not follow the rest down his mommy's leg.