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Lyr Add: Dandy and the Beano (Sheena Wellington)

24 Dec 01 - 05:57 PM (#615995)
Subject: Lyr Add: DANDY AND THE BEANO (Sheena Wellington)
From: Susanne (skw)

The recent 'Complaints' thread with its mention of the Sunday Post put me in mind of this song. I love it but need a little help with the characters (indicated by the question marks). Sheena Wellington sings it on her 'Cleersong' album.

(Sheena Wellington)

Dundee is the golden city on the silvery Tay
Famed in song and story for many's the long day
For git (?) and jam and sailin' ships and the things that matter most
The 'Dandy' and the 'Beano' and the 'Sunday Post'

On D. C. Thompson's empire the sun has never set
The flag retreated long ago, but the comics are there yet
From New Delhi to Vancouver, when they eat their breakfast toast
They read the 'Dandy' and the 'Beano' and the 'Sunday Post'

There's the football, the bingo and lovely Francis Gaye (?)
Oor Wally and the Broons tae brighten your Sunday
And if you're bothered wi' bronchitis, the doc will cure your host (?)
And the 'Dandy' and the 'Beano' and the 'Sunday Post'

There's Desperate Dan an' Minnie an' Lord Snooty with his guile (?)
The Bash (?) Street kids and Dennis who will always make you smile
And if you want political comment of the type that helps the most
Try the 'Dandy' or the 'Beano' - no' the 'Sunday Post'

Repeat 1

I've seen copies of the 'Dandy' and the 'Beano' (no' the Sunday Post ...) but couldn't find all characters.

24 Dec 01 - 06:20 PM (#616012)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Noreen

Oor Wullie is in the Sunday Post, Suzanne, and my younger sister still gets a Broons annual every Christmas from our Mum!

Francis Gaye is correct, he qwas responsible for the worthy 'thought for the day' type articles.

Bash Street Kids is right too, as is Lord Snooty's guile, I would imagine.

Can't think what the others would be, sorry.


24 Dec 01 - 06:30 PM (#616020)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Snuffy

'git' is probably jute. Dundee was famous for the Three J's - jam, jute and journalism.

Minnie the Minx, and Denis the Menace

WassaiL! V

24 Dec 01 - 07:01 PM (#616025)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Noreen

(I just thought of that, Snuffy.)

Jock Morris sings this, so I'm sure he'll help when we've done all we can!


The Broons New Year Party

Oor Wullie

And if you really want to know more, scroll down this page for the biography of the cartoonist responsible:

Dudley Watkins

Happy hols all,


24 Dec 01 - 07:39 PM (#616047)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: little john cameron

Tae add tae the list,ye can find oot aboot the Beano characters here.An' let me know when ye come up wi' wullies
25 Dec 01 - 04:18 PM (#616296)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Susanne (skw)

I certainly won't, john - I'd hate to get myself murdered! :-)

Anyway, thanks a lot to all of you, you're great! Enjoy the rest of your Christmas!

Thanks to Noreen in particular, for the links. I also saved the link to the Broons Annual from the 'Complaints' thread, so that should keep me busy tonight! I'll have to look out for a copy of the Sunday Post next time I get to Scotland!

26 Dec 01 - 03:19 AM (#616430)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Seamus Kennedy

Noreen, Thanks for the links. I've been a Dudley D. Watkins fan for many years. He was an incredible artist.


27 Dec 01 - 08:02 AM (#616954)
Subject: RE: Help w. lyr: Dandy and the Beano
From: Noreen

You're both very welcome, I enjoyed going back over childhood memories.


17 Jun 15 - 03:25 PM (#3717169)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dandy and the Beano (Sheena Wellington)

I am learning this at school

17 Jun 15 - 03:38 PM (#3717174)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dandy and the Beano (Sheena Wellington)
From: Steve Gardham

And one for Leo Baxendale.

18 Jun 15 - 07:54 AM (#3717259)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dandy and the Beano (Sheena Wellington)
From: Jack Campin

Francis Gay (no "e") was the pseudonymous author of an annual series of inspirational "Friendship Books", which make the Readers Digest look edgy and challenging. Apparently being Francis Gay was the first job a new journalist for DC Thomson got.

A good expose of what went on behind the scenes is "The DC Thomson Bumper Fun Book" (Paul Harris, 1977). They were something like a larval form of Rupert Murdoch.

19 Jun 15 - 06:26 AM (#3717477)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dandy and the Beano (Sheena Wellington)
From: GUEST,Riah Sahiltaahk

Dudley D Watkins is one of the greatest children's illustrators of our time - certainly the most prodigious. Looking at his official output, it's difficult to know where he found the time to do the dozens of strips he illustrated for Thomson on a weekly basis with never less than exacting attention to detail, much less his side-lines in religious comics. A committed evangelical Christian, he illustrated Bible stories for the Sparky annual (The Road to Calvary appeared in 1969, the year of his death, aged just 62) and also painted an affecting crucifixion scene in his signature style:

Dudley D. Watkins - Crucifixion c. 1951