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BS: The price of strings

11 Jan 02 - 02:11 PM (#625927)
Subject: The price of strings
From: Cappuccino

I'm not being penny-pinching for the sake of it, but I really could do with saving money on guitar strings... because I haven't got much! I've heard that there are some sources to buy in bulk, but in the UK I don't know where to look. And I'm wondering whether strings are generally cheaper in the States than over here.

I use the green-pack Martins for acoustic guitar, gauge 10-47... they're just under six pounds where I get them.

Are better deals available, does anyone know?

- Ian B

11 Jan 02 - 02:18 PM (#625936)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Midchuck

A good-quality, name-brand set of strings for six-string, steel-string guitar, costs US$4 to $6 if you shop carefully, or buy by mail. I think that'd be equal to 2.5 to 4 British Pounds.


11 Jan 02 - 05:40 PM (#626089)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Steve in Idaho

d'Addario strings in bulk, by the box, average out to about $3.50 here. Martins are about the same. But then you've got to add in postage and such.

These guys have some very good prices at times (low as $2) and ship everywhere.


11 Jan 02 - 06:32 PM (#626123)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: 53

i use john pearse, which i usually pay about 3.50 per set cause we order direct fron john pearse. BOB

11 Jan 02 - 07:08 PM (#626156)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Bobert

Musicans Friend!!!.... Cheap!!!!

11 Jan 02 - 11:29 PM (#626328)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Steve in Idaho

Bobert - that would be the link I put in above - nobody cheaper that I know of -


12 Jan 02 - 12:03 AM (#626352)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Every city has an abundance of ferral felines.

Cat gut has always been the "ultimate." Educate yourself and reap the harvest.

12 Jan 02 - 12:06 AM (#626356)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: 53

what if you don't play a classical guitar. BOB

12 Jan 02 - 04:27 AM (#626447)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Cappuccino

Oh dear, our local music store must be making one hell of a margin. Thanks.

- Ian

12 Jan 02 - 05:18 AM (#626465)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: GUEST,frankie

I've had a set of light gauge Elixirs on the acoustic guitar I play the most for 8 or 9 months now and they still sound good and hold their tuning. I play mostly fingerstyle and hit the strings pretty hard but I don't have the perspiration problem in the hands that some folks have so consequently I'm pretty easy on strings. I think I paid about 12 or 13 bucks for this one set from Elderly Instruments and they've been well worth it as changing strings is one of my least favorite activities. f

--- Duplicate post deleted. ---
---Jeff (PA)---

12 Jan 02 - 05:20 AM (#626467)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: GUEST,frankie

Excuse the double posting and Gargoyle that is fucking sick. frankie

13 Jan 02 - 02:58 AM (#626939)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: GUEST,GuitarFixer

The freshness of strings can't be overlooked. I've heard bad things about good strings from some of the best makers in the world, because they were not fresh. Some retailers, to sell at a very low price, will buy strings at closeout prices and stock up. If the strings are old when you buy 'em the brand and price are not gonna help you a bit. On the other hand, if you like the results you get, there's not a thing wrong with a great price. Buying strings that you won't use for 6 months or more is probably a waste of good money. Buying strings that were made 2 years ago and have gone from one warehouse to another then to a retailer, then to a consumer, who buys in bulk for a lower price.... You get the idea. Happens all the time. Use the label from your strings. Write down the day you bought 'em and where, the day you installed 'em and any comments you have about your results. Nothing is worse than trying a new type, loving them and forgetting what they were. Many people find that freshness is the Most important thing. Buy them from a retailer that orders often, put them on right away. You may find the cheapest strings work great when they are not aged before you use them.

13 Jan 02 - 04:32 AM (#626952)
Subject: RE: BS: The price of strings
From: Cappuccino

Thanks, Guitar Fixer, I never knew that.

- Ian B