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BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2

22 Jan 02 - 11:14 AM (#633012)
Subject: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: SharonA

Here's a link to part 1 of this discussion: BS: Rush Limbaugh

I see on the news that Rush Limbaugh announced on his program yesterday that his cocclear (sp?) implant is in, and working, and that he has about 80% hearing in one ear (still none in the other).

Saw a "Good Morning America" segment this morning in which it was said that the cause of his deafness is an autoimmune disease, treated with steroids such as prednisone where possible but still able to render a person profoundly deaf in a matter of a couple of months.

His doctor was interviewed about the implant procedure; apparently it involves having a sort of microphone apparatus attached to one's head behind the ear, which in turn connects to the implant inside the head. What I want to know is: what happens when the implantee showers, or washes his hair? When you detach the microphone from the head, is there a hole?

Here are links to the story as related on Limbaugh's "Drudge Report": Drudg e Report January 21, 2002

22 Jan 02 - 11:20 AM (#633021)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: JedMarum

The internal electrical components are totally internally. They are powered from an external unit that sits on the skin above them and is taking on or off like a hearing aid.

This means when Rush or anyone with this device showers, he/she removes the external aid and the internals are protected.

The internal/external devices use minute electromagentic waves to pass information and to supply current. Much like a transformer passes current from one coil of wire to another.

22 Jan 02 - 11:23 AM (#633024)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: Rick Fielding

Good news. Our folk friend in Toronto Bev Biderman received the implant a few years ago, and has since written extensively about it. Until then, we weren't aware of how much controversy was involved with the procedure. Perhaps she'll be sharing a podium with Rush sometime in the future. Their politics are miles apart, but I suspect their implant experiences are somewhat similar.


22 Jan 02 - 11:37 AM (#633041)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: catspaw49

Karen's co-worker and friend Mary had the operation about 5 weeks ago and today is the day she gets "hooked up" for the first time. Mary is a lip reader and has been deaf since early childhood. Karen and everyone in the lab are anxious to see what the result is. Everyone has their fingers crossed as communication is always a problem and the rest of the crew has taken all the right steps to adjust.....This will be one more adjustment for all of them but obviously a big one for Mary.

If you've read some of the sites you realize that this is a mechanically derived hearing and will require Mary to interpret words and other sounds much as she has done lip reading and to incorporate the two. The group is also ready to focus on this and act a bit differently then in the past to assure that Mary is getting it right. Believe me, everyone has their fingers crossed.


22 Jan 02 - 11:41 AM (#633049)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: Art Thieme

Is this implant that Rush got anything like Viagra? If so, I hope putting it in hurt like hell.

Bill Clinton

22 Jan 02 - 11:44 AM (#633055)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: SharonA

Add one more pair of crossed fingers to that list, catspaw. Please keep us posted about what happens with your friend.

I don't know why my Drudge Report links didn't work, but I'll try again to make blueclickeythings for 'em:

Drudge Report October 8, 2001

Drudge Report January 21, 2002 (update)

22 Jan 02 - 12:21 PM (#633088)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: catspaw49

BTW Sharon.......Thanks first, and here's a good FAQ on Cochlear Implants

There are also some overblown worries about the physical effects as they are susceptible to problems with magnetic fields. Being an electronic device, they can have problems, but there were also tales of the unit heating up and "burning into the brain" from an MRI and zapping the brain if a defib (cardio paddles) was used. Most of this was put out by those opposed to the implant, and there are many. But though problems can arise from magnetic field exposure, they are not the "catastrophes" that you may have heard. It is one of those things that medical personnel should be aware of...a good idea is a medalert tag.


22 Jan 02 - 12:31 PM (#633105)
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2
From: DougR

I guess one of the big concerns is whether or not it will work at all. Evidently no two persons who has had the implant has the same experience once the implant is hooked up.

Spaw, I'll cross my fingers for Mary too. Evidently Limbaugh's experience has been excellent. I hope it is for Mary too.
