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Get Well Aine!!! PART 2

03 Feb 02 - 01:51 PM (#641380)
Subject: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Part 1 is over here, folks. Our Gaelic Goddess returns to the medicos Monday to see what path she will gfollow. I will try and touch base with them Monday night and find out what's new.

Out of sympathy I would suggest we ask all the pulchritudinous members of the 'Cat to join her recently founded Knickers Liberation Movement.

I will accept reports of compliance on trust, if necessary, but if it is possible to arrange corroborating evidence I would prefer that route, just for the sake of good order and tracking, I am sure you will understand!!

For the Convenience of our English sisters who wish to also join the Movement, Micca has volunteered to serve as General Agent and Evidentiary Manager for the United Kingdom.

Love to y'all,


03 Feb 02 - 02:02 PM (#641382)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Genie

Well, Amos, you're pulchritudinous enough to qualify for the KLM, too, I think.
For corroboration, just have Daly take your photo sans knickers (you, that is, unless Daly wants to join the movement, too), with guitar, then send it to Alison for next year's Nearly Nude Mudcat Calendar.
If everyone does this, we'll not only promote lumbar health but help raise much needed $$$ for our beloved 'cat.

Genie §;-)

03 Feb 02 - 04:58 PM (#641495)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

I think I am flattered, Genie, but I don't believe i could qualify. I am in receipt of intelligence from the Brothers who volunteer their time as deacons of the Temple of the Golden Globes that indicates there is a strict physical required of KLM candidates, which I doubt I could pass.

However, in order to contribute to the Movement, I am willing to take up supporting duties, including those of Inspector General for Quality Assurance.


03 Feb 02 - 10:22 PM (#641695)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Genie

Hey, Mudcat women, don't you think we deserve equal rights, equal time, etc? Why just deacons and no deaconesses?

I mean, the calendar is an equal opportunity platform for ridicule, self-humiliation, and Mudcat revenue. So why should the KLM not be coed, too?


03 Feb 02 - 11:12 PM (#641729)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

The KLM is coed Genie. Aine well knows that I am a charter member, emphasis on member, since I gave up on underwear in 1989........haven't worn them since. I quit socks in '94. I only wear both on very special occasions........I can't think of one in the past several years.............


04 Feb 02 - 12:20 AM (#641760)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Ok, ok, but I still don't think I qualify as "pulchritudinous"!!


04 Feb 02 - 02:22 AM (#641797)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Genie

Well, maybe not to Micca and Spaw ...

Anyway, I just meant it should not be assumed that "pulchritudinous" implies "female."

It is, like art, in the eye of the beholder.


04 Feb 02 - 12:05 PM (#642058)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

"Hey Genie.....I gotcher pulchritudinous right here," said Spaw, using the classic male answer to everything.

I believe it is today that Aine goes in again and I am hoping we will hear something by this evening. Let's all keep sending all the good stuff down Texas way!


04 Feb 02 - 12:12 PM (#642067)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Wal, Spaw, yore mah kinna male chauvinist pig. As to the Latin origins of "pulchritude", the following may be of interest, but probably nopt:

"You cannot modify a masculine noun with an adjective that follows this declension.You can say puella pulchra (beautiful girl) but NOT nauta pulchra. The adjectives that modify a masculine noun follow the second declension." When you are speaking of Marcus rather than Julia, in other words, you must say "pulcher est" rather than "pulchra est". And if pulchritude applied to males it would obviously be pulcherousness, pulcheritude, or some such.


04 Feb 02 - 07:25 PM (#642475)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

This is like some comedy of fucking errors, I swear! Sorry, I know I am not nearly as frustrated and discouraged as Dear Hubby and Aine, but I had to say that!

Just got off the phone with her. After getting her up, in the car and all the way to the ortho, who had been highly recommended to them by a co-worker who went to him, they got there only to find out that his office doesn't accept their insurance, so all they could do was get in the car and go back home. They DO have an appt. with an ortho, tomorrow, about 1245p Texas time, who does accept her insurance. She is still in very terrible pain and I told her I wished I could go down there and kick some ass.

I cannot believe these quacks (sorry Dr. Mark, not painting all with a broad brush here, being very specific!)have left her to live with SO much pain for almost 4 weeks now without any kind of decent relief. She cannot walk, cannot lie down, is not getting any sleep. This is more than a person should be expected to endure in this day and age! I hope the doc tomorrow is cut from a different cloth and can understand and help her with some kind of immediate stop-gap for the pain, at least!

Aine, when you read this, I hope you are lots better and will forgive my soapbox...luvyadarlin'


04 Feb 02 - 07:32 PM (#642479)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Oh bloody HELL!!

At least get her some heat and TENS or something!!


04 Feb 02 - 07:42 PM (#642494)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: MMario


04 Feb 02 - 09:17 PM (#642582)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Genie

That's terrible news, Kat! Let's pray something can and will be done soon.


04 Feb 02 - 09:52 PM (#642602)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Mudlark

Oh, such hard news...unrelenting pain is so tiring, so frustrating, so overwhelming, and besides, it hurts like hell. Hope so much relief is in sight...

05 Feb 02 - 07:22 PM (#643416)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Well I am at a loss for words. I just called and, really this is unbelievable. She saw the orthopaedic surgeon only to have him tell her she needs to see a neurosurgeon! The first one couldn't see her for 3 weeks; the second, whom she has an appt. with, cannot see her for 2 weeks!

This is going on a month of unrelenting pain and no sleep; she has no endurance left. I told her I thought Dear Hubby should just take her to the emergency room and demand they do something!

Sorry, phoaks, I wish I had better news.


05 Feb 02 - 07:57 PM (#643442)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos


Lane better find a goddamn chiropractor --- someone who CAN do something. She doesn't need an effing neuroseurgeon, does she? Why?

I swear to GOD I think they are fishing in the wrong pond!!


05 Feb 02 - 09:08 PM (#643468)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Okay, better news, thank goodness. Just talked with Dear Hubby. The ortho was very weird, kind of a surreal thing and they were actually relieved when he said to go to a neuro; they were actually NOT going to let him do anything, anyway.

DH went to the neuro's office this afternoon, impressing them by driving through the Annual Texas Snowfall, and it sounds as though they've found someone who doesn't have their head up their ass. A nurse or someone took one look at the MRI, while having DH fill out papers, and said, "I'll bet she's in a lot of pain?!" made Dh feel a might relieved, as you can imagine. Anyway, THAT person said she thought they'd had a cancellation on Thursday, to call back Wed. a.m. to find out for sure. It sounds like they will do all they can to get her in quickly.

Also, after DH called her regular GP in the middle of the night and argued for muscle relaxants for the umpteenth time, the guy finally relented, SO she IS finding some relief, at least from the cramping. They both are really feeling some small bit of hope, now.

I think the best we can do is give thanks that she gets into the neuro right away and that he offers immediate relief.

Amos, there is nothing a chiro can do with disintegrated bone; in fact mainpulation would be one of the worst things in the world, right now, as I understand it, and you know I do not espouse conventional medical "wisdom" on a regular basis.

Thanks, everyone,


05 Feb 02 - 09:54 PM (#643490)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Did the MRI reveal bone disintegration? I must have missed that part. Discs can herniate through extreme torque or dislocation without bone disintegration, as far as I know. No?


05 Feb 02 - 10:37 PM (#643520)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Okay......Aine's MRI shows disc dessication from L5 on down to S1. One of the few tests the ortho did perform involved an ankle flexing thing with which he confirmed what the MRI shows which is a disc herniation at the L5/S1 level with the protusion applying pressure at the S1 nerve root.....a portion of the sciatic nerve. At L5 it is still the sciatic nerve but a different sympton. Disc dessication is a natural process that happens as we age and the disc cushioning material tends to dry out. Herniation can result from this as well as from an acute injury. Combined with Aine's gardening accident, this may well have been the cause.

Manipulation can have some effect, albeit quite limited at that level (L5/S1) but so can bed rest and most docs agree that when the pain and the symptons are still present after 4-6 weeks, something more radical may be needed. Neither will be effective in the long term and neither will fix the problem because there is no way of "squeeze the toothpaste back into the tube." The ruptured portion of the disc may move slightly, eliminating the pain for awhile, but it will return with the next awkward movement which can be as simple as rolling over in bed. I went through this cycle repeatedly for several years. Things like traction and bracing devices are rarely effective. Neither too are steroids or anti-immflammatories in the long run. Since Aine will be seeing the Neuro on Thursday, perhaps some options will be more clear then.

Both Orthos and Neuros treat this type of problem. Many orthos restrict their practice to non-surgical treatment of the back and concentrate their surgery on joints and sports injury. Back surgery whether invasive as in a laminectomy or minimally invasive using scope techniques is technically more related to the nerve and spinal cord than it is to any joint function because the tissue removed is applying direct pressure to the spinal cord or the nerve root.

At this point, Aine's quality of life enters into the equation to a significant degree. If the ruptured discs protrusion is reasonably pushing on the nerve root, nothing short of removal will give any long term relief. Aine's MRI shows that the extrusion "displaces the S1 nerve root significantly."....(1 cm).... Let's all wait and see how Thursday goes and keep the good thoughts for both of them.


05 Feb 02 - 10:41 PM (#643523)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2

Still keeping Aine in my thoughts and prayers. It is hard to imagine a valid reason for having her suffer such continuous pain. Damn!

05 Feb 02 - 10:52 PM (#643533)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Thanks, Pat, for the clarification. If surgery is what is needed to effect cessation of chronic pain, then surgery let it be. The recovery from it will prbably hurt less than the postponement has. My heart-parts are twinging all over for the dear lady.



05 Feb 02 - 11:23 PM (#643552)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Well Amos, I believe you already know perfectly WELL that my knickers are not only liberated, but have been for some time-- in fact if a society has been formed for same, I believe I must already occupy a high position in it, just for having been one of the (I am sure many) pioneers who blazed this trail.

Of course I don't expect you to AGREE with me even though this Truth is a well-documented fact-- you CAN be most recalcitrant! *G*-- but I believe Sorcha will verify that my knickers are among the most liberated ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.


05 Feb 02 - 11:36 PM (#643556)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Sorcha

Yea, I s'pose I could and far as I know, Whizzy's knickers are still flying on the flagpole outside the Tavern.........

Now, ya know, I like knickers myself for several reasons. Keep my bum warm in bed at night, (remember, Mr. works shifts), keeps what Kate and I call "crotch grease" out of my jeans so that I only need to change knickers every day instead of jeans. This is good, because I don't own 8 pair of jeans.

RE:Aine----GOOD GRIEF CHARLEY BROWN!!! I have had this kind of pain, but only for 4 days max.........I honestly think I would consider suicide if I had to deal with it as long as Aine has.......not a joke. Somebody better do something bloodygoddamnquick. Don't make us all come down'll be sorry.......!!

06 Feb 02 - 08:19 PM (#644200)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Tomorrow the neurosurgeon!! And the relaxants are helping some. A long slow fight but it sounds like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel!!


07 Feb 02 - 03:27 PM (#644709)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Aine's appointment was for 12:30 Mudcat time so perhaps we'll be hearing something by evening. I've had my fingers crossed and my best thought workin'........


07 Feb 02 - 03:41 PM (#644722)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: GUEST,Dear Hubby

Just a quick post from the office to let you guys know what's happening.

Saw the neurosurgeon. Long and short of it is surgery scheduled for next Wednesday.

He said they would try to do the less-invasive micro-whathamacallit, and if all went well she might be able to go home that day. He said that sometimes, they have to punt and go with the full-incision approach which could mean a day or two hospital stay.

Details at 11:00.

BTW: Áine and I want to thank all ya'll wonderful catters from the bottom of our hearts for all the thoughts, help, well wishes and general good will.

Thanks guys!


07 Feb 02 - 03:43 PM (#644723)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

I know most of the members of the prayer chain have been seeing this, but I think now that surgery is planned I will send the URL to this around to them.


07 Feb 02 - 03:51 PM (#644729)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: MMario

Every limb and portion thereof possible crossed!

07 Feb 02 - 03:51 PM (#644730)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: gnu

I don't know what pulchritudinous means, but I have a pretty good idea of what sciatic means (thanks, Spaw). Been a sufferer myself for a while now from a physical injury. But, I cannot imagine what you are going through, my dear. My heartfelt prayers are on their way.

07 Feb 02 - 03:53 PM (#644734)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: gnu

Oh yeah, don't try to lick your elbow.

07 Feb 02 - 04:09 PM (#644744)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Wesley S

Layne and Aine - As you might remember I live over here in Ft Worth. So if you need the restorive powers of my wifes chocolate cake and my own blueberry muffins all you have to do is PM me. You already have my best wishs for a speedy recovery so that we'll see you at the North Texas Irish Festival.

I'm serious about the food.

07 Feb 02 - 04:35 PM (#644763)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Deda

Adding my prayers and highest hopes for success and full, speedy recovery.

07 Feb 02 - 04:44 PM (#644772)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Hollowfox

Your regularly scheduled candle will be lit again when I get home from work (less than an hour). And one for Dear Hubby as well.

07 Feb 02 - 04:51 PM (#644776)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Layne, for the update. Good to have a definitive date!

Lots of thanks giving going on here for her full and restfull recovery


07 Feb 02 - 04:58 PM (#644780)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Outstanding News!!!!!!! I think that at times, for me, action always beats inaction, and now Aine, you're going to get some action!

Either way you go on the surgery, the chances are very high on your side to have a great outcome. I had the full surgical laminectomy and outside of the surgical pain which was truthfully very minimal, I had no side effects whatsoever. I know of at least 6 others who have had either laminectomies or the Endoscopic Disectomy and they are all well and functional and pain-free folks now. I do know one other who had a minor complication of numbness in the leg and foot but it lasted only about 6 months and was nothing compared to the pain beforehand. They say the surgery is 90% successful and I wouldn't expect anything less than a complete recovery.

Lammies are kinda' like "miracle" surgeries. When it's over and the pain is gone, it's like a miracle! And the best thing is that the pain is gone from the first. I had to wait for the nest morning for them to get me out of bed and Karen will tell you I was a mean and nasty sumbitch until then! I had some surgical pain but that wasn't a problem....What I wanted to know was, "What will it be like when I stand up?"......When they got me up and there was no longer any pain, it was like a miracle and from that point on I was a happy camper. The worst thing probably for me was obeying the post-op rules because I felt so damn good.......And dear Aine, I know you will too!!! Thirteen years problems [at least with my back(:<))]. You'll want to do more than you should from the start.....Follw the Rules!

After following the post-op rules and all the only other thing I ever noticed was that I became aware of every twinge and every little pain in my lower back for about 6 months until I finally got it through my head that it wasn't coming back! After going through what you have (and what I did), it takes awhile to realize that you're okay! Do the exercises and start using good rules and limits for lifting and believe me, no one will ever believe you had back will be almost as good as new!

HERE IS A WEBSITE that explains both procedures and risks and gives some excellent information on going through the procedure. Don't worry about the list of risks, but they are good to be aware of. Some of them relate to any surgery in general. YOU are going to be just fine!!!!..........The Saggy-Ass Tortoise done said so!


07 Feb 02 - 05:24 PM (#644792)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

And the Dumbass Moose has seconded the motion!! As has the Barde de Famille and all the Acolytes of the Gaelic Goddess Mystery Temple!!

So I guess that settles it, huh???


07 Feb 02 - 05:30 PM (#644794)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Well, God's on her side, so what else would you expect?


07 Feb 02 - 05:42 PM (#644799)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Lonesome EJ

Well, my wife suffers from Degenerative Disc Disorder, and I don't know if Aine has been diagnosed with that particular malady. I can testify that for Lynne, there has been no miracle cure, and surgery has brought only temporary cessation of pain. It seems we've all been conditioned to expect medical miracles. Sometimes they aren't forthcoming. I sincerely hope Aine is one of the lucky ones who will be, indeed, good as new.

07 Feb 02 - 06:39 PM (#644830)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Sorry about Lynne Leej.......Degenerative Disc Disease(disorder) is a nasty situation because that first word says it all. So far there are no miracles for any of the arthritic disorders and living with the pain that I'm sure she has takes much courage and an iron will. I expect that Lynne has both because she married you and I think those things were probably in the job requirement.

Aine shows dessication at this point but not abnormal amounts and the surgery should provide her with great relief in both the long and short term.

So.....In Lynne's case are they suggesting anything along the fusion lines or something?


07 Feb 02 - 11:11 PM (#645012)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: GUEST,Biskit

Do get well soon dear 'Aine I'll keep ya in my prayers gal! ~Biskit~

08 Feb 02 - 12:12 AM (#645064)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: GUEST,

be sure and drink lots of water if you have a disk problem. I have read that it can really help. mg

08 Feb 02 - 01:15 AM (#645088)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: CapriUni

Re: Drinking lots of water... I recently saw a tv program aimed at teachers -- discussing the physical needs and psychological needs of adolescents, and the expert being interveiwed said drinking enough water is vital. She pointed out that the nerve cells in the brain (and in the spine) are basically producing electricity, and water is the best conductor of electricity, so it stands to reason that getting enough water will make the whole nervous system run more smoothly. So what Guest Mgarvey said makes sense.

She (the expert) gave a couple of rules of thumb:

1) to find out how much water you should drink, take your weight and divide by three: You should drink one ounce of water for every three pounds of weight. The 'official' health tip of 8 cups a day is right if you weigh 190 pounds, but if you're less than that, that would be too much...

And 2) don't drink large amounts of water all at once (most of it will go straight to your bladder and out of your body, that way). Instead, just swallow a couple of mouthfuls every 45 minutes or so during your waking hours.

I started following this advice last week, and I immediately noticed two things: my lips stopped chapping, and my nasal congestion due to alergies stopped to almost nil.

08 Feb 02 - 03:50 AM (#645138)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Genie

I'm afraid I lost touch with this thread and Áine's status for a day or two while I was in transition from Portland to San Diego [Hey, Amos!]. I'm very distressed by some of the horrendous-sounding prognostications and, then, rendered a bit hopeful by some of Spaw's more recent posts.

Really, all I can do is add my voice to the chorus singing the praises of sweet Áine and encircling her with our love, prayers, and positive energy. If a community of caring friends counts in curing what ails you, then I know, Áine, you have a great shot at getting back to your usual beautiful form. Please make it soon!


08 Feb 02 - 10:01 AM (#645294)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Hey, Genie!!

Aine, baby, we're all backing you ALL the way; and the chant is still echoing from the walls of the stadium...


Love ya, honey!!!


08 Feb 02 - 09:52 PM (#645719)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

I talked with Aine this evening and she is certainly appreciative of all the support from her many friends here at the 'Cat!!


She is in much better shape. Her voice is almost normal and she laughed a lot too! She has some good meds which are relieving some of the pain but moreover I think she feels better because she can see light at the end of the tunnel. We all know how much better a person can feel because decisions have been made. In Aine's case, she went for so long with no diagnosis and after being hassled around, she has found a doctor she trusts and says he has a sense of humor to boot! Now, after all the diagnosis and decisions have been made, it helps the mind a lot simply by being able to see an end to the pain! She went in for the pre-op testing today and was even able to stand well enough to get an x-ray.

Her surgery is scheduled for 8 AM next Wednesday so in less than a week relief will be at hand. Everyone seems confident and Aine's attitude couldn't be better. Today we even talked about other things including birdwatching! And that patented laugh can be heard which shows just how much better and how ready she is. Let's keep the good thoughts headin' for Texas folks!!!!


08 Feb 02 - 09:59 PM (#645724)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amergin

I would say (much to the horror of many of my kinfolk) that Old Ancient Perky Breasted Aine is possibly about the only good thing about Texas....

08 Feb 02 - 11:13 PM (#645764)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the positive update, Spaw! Wonderful to hear that she is headed towards being mended and that her mind is already there.

12 Feb 02 - 06:05 PM (#648534)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Please keep Aine in your thoughts...she has the surgery tomorrow...ah what bliss will come!*smile* Thanks!


12 Feb 02 - 06:07 PM (#648538)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Thanks, Kat.


12 Feb 02 - 06:48 PM (#648585)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Hoora for that!!

We're backing you all the way, TGG!! From every heart the Mudcat has!! (Don't ask how I know that!!)


12 Feb 02 - 07:43 PM (#648646)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, it's Wednesday here. So good luck for today, Áine and Layne and all.

And tomorrow's St Valentine's Day, think of that.

12 Feb 02 - 10:52 PM (#648806)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

I talked with Aine this evening and she's in great spirits. Nervous, but ready. She really hates the fact that she's going to miss "Spring Planting" but I'm sure there will be some flowers and things that the "Dear Hubby" will plant. She got some of the "Rules and Regulations" from the Doc today and like I have said, if she comes out of this feeling half as good as I did, the toughest part will be playing by the rules.

Also, we should hear something by tomorrow night and she's expected to come home then too if she gets into the OR early enough. Send them good thoughts folks!!!


12 Feb 02 - 11:05 PM (#648817)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Clifton53

Got my fingers crossed Aine, keep that chin up!!

12 Feb 02 - 11:10 PM (#648820)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

LOL.....Good idea Cliffie, but tomorrow morning she's more likely to be chins-down and butts-up!!


12 Feb 02 - 11:51 PM (#648848)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Amos

Well, she sounds about ten years lighter. She answered her own phone just like a grownup and she's cracking jokes and is nervous as hell about the surgery but ready for it.

Only regret is she won't be lifting big rocks in the garden this spring, so I suggested she find some inexpensive assistance. But it ain't the same.

Good luck, lady TGG!! We're peppering you with the best of thoughts.



13 Feb 02 - 02:02 AM (#648897)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Specific time, if you want to beam some extra-special thoughts, is set for 8a, Texas time, but it's not a hard and fast time, so it oculd be as much as an hour later.

She sounds good, lots better than she was. We had a real talk about her NOT doing any gardening this year; that's gonna be a tough one, but she's already thinking about other things she could do. Any suggestions would be welcome, just remember they need to be lightweight.:-)


13 Feb 02 - 04:53 AM (#648942)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

I could give a few tips on not gardening. I'm an expert in it. I've been not gardening for years, pretty well fulltime.

13 Feb 02 - 08:17 AM (#649012)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: jeffp

Good thoughts winging their way from Maryland.


13 Feb 02 - 08:45 AM (#649029)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Okay folks, coming up on the time now......Let's really pull together and send those vibes!! ..........She's gonna' do just fine!!!


13 Feb 02 - 10:17 AM (#649110)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

She could help people design and plan their own gardens.


13 Feb 02 - 10:35 AM (#649121)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

I know kat probably and myself definitely suggested things like well as planning for Fall and all of that....But Susan, you know the Gaelic Goddess.......She gotta' dig in the dirt!! Actually, after a month or so she can a bit, but "Aw Spaw, planting season is NOW" is about all I get back from her!

She oughta' be in the OR by now unless they had some delays.....Keep the thoughts and prayers agoin' folks!


13 Feb 02 - 11:01 AM (#649129)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: MMario

Maybe she should take up bonsai.

13 Feb 02 - 11:23 AM (#649144)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

She did say she'd try working with houseplants and I am sending her a link to my favourite place for them, with all kinds of rare and exotic ones which have gorgeous foliage and blooms. She thought at least that way she could still play in the dirt a little bit.:-)

I told her, just before they whelled her into surgery, to visualise herself at home, post-surgery, feeling well and free of pain and doing something she loves to do, which is allowed by the docs! Not gardening!**BG**

It's a beautiful image...hearing her pain-free and able to get around sans wheelchair.

luvyadarlin'...feel better...kat

13 Feb 02 - 11:46 AM (#649153)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Oh! She can do THAT! Tantrically!



13 Feb 02 - 11:57 AM (#649168)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

I mean of course making mudpies.


13 Feb 02 - 02:59 PM (#649289)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Hollowfox

Tantric mudpies, what will they think of next...

13 Feb 02 - 04:07 PM (#649346)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Sorcha

I have this vision of a pair of aemobic mudpies doing Tantra............oh dear, oh dear. Topiary will no doubt be next.

13 Feb 02 - 04:27 PM (#649363)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

Well 'Fox, I might not have put Susan's together, but now, and then after Sorch..............oy.................You three need....uh,well....I dunno' what you need....but you DO need it!


13 Feb 02 - 04:30 PM (#649367)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Sorcha

Thanks for the vote of confidence, there, Spaw. I needed that! ( I hope you don't fly crack up too...)

13 Feb 02 - 04:42 PM (#649377)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: CapriUni

Why no gardening? All that need to bend over and twist?

How about container gardening? And raised bed gardening? I use a wheelchair and can't get down on my hands and knees to garden, but I have a little herb/flower patch planted in a half whiskey barrel, so the earth is the same height as my lap, more or less. Basically the same phyisical requirements as houseplants, but outdoors, in the sunlight, fresh breezes, and all that jazz.

Geez, Louise! if the docs ban gardening all together, their out of their gourd! ;-)

13 Feb 02 - 04:53 PM (#649389)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49

They aren't C-U........But she can't do it to the "overwhelming" extent she's used to. I tried to tell her that after a few weeks she could do the easy stuff, but Aine's a kind of "root hog or die" girl and she has a hard time accepting less than a full blown, balls to the wall attack!!! Good Lord, she's upset she can't "build her rock retaining wall!"

I tell ya' what though C-U.....You have some great ideas there and you need to sell her on them! She's probably going to feel pretty good and want to do more than watch (by the end of the first week, I'd broken every rule....but Karen stayed on my ass for about another month and I managed to please the docs).


13 Feb 02 - 05:05 PM (#649399)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Sorcha

I do understand. It's about getting "older", partly, and refusing to admit we can't do the things we did when we were sprouts. I vividly remember the last time I tried to do a "round-off" in the yard...........hell, just taking the garbage out is an adventure in Back Pain anymore and I don't have herniated discs or any other diagnosis (except for being an upright, 2 legged primate)

Then, I watch these people who are 20+ years older than I am, and a WHOLE LOT more overweight do dog agility a lot of meaning to Guts.

Hang in Aine, and we hope we hear good news this evening!

13 Feb 02 - 05:53 PM (#649440)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Wait, Amos used to call me a crackup--

Spaw, you are correct as always. Speaking just for me that is.


13 Feb 02 - 07:53 PM (#649537)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's the answer Just what you need if you're a root hog or die girl with a rocky garden.

I can just see Áine sitting on one of these.

13 Feb 02 - 09:09 PM (#649608)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Just got a call from Layne! She is home and not too groggy, actually said hello and bragged about being able to walk from the car into the house! She is in less pain than she's been since this all started.

Dharmabum, they were really surprised to find a package on the porch and were blown away by the beauty and generosity of your gift!

Also, they asked me to pass on their thanks to everyone until she is able to be here, herself.

Wonderful news! Thanks!


13 Feb 02 - 09:16 PM (#649613)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: catspaw49



13 Feb 02 - 09:30 PM (#649621)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Micca

well, Now I feel I can go and sleep, (it is 2.26 in the morning here) Thinking of you GG, and sending good thoughts..I am of the same persuasion as Kevin above, you should see me Not garden!! I am genius at avoiding it. I cook, I dont "do " Gardening!!!
Aine and Layne , best wishes to you both from here on with this, Layne, good luck trying to keep her from NOT doing things, I have long held the believe that dealing with the GG on things she is not keen on doing must be like trying to domesticate the Destroying Angel!!!!

13 Feb 02 - 10:32 PM (#649649)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: CapriUni

Your mission, should you choose accept it:

Convince Áine to adopt a style of gardening that won't tear her back all to pieces.

There is one site that might just help, all about container gardening, here, that has enough purdy pictures and daring ideas to make any gardener drool.

13 Feb 02 - 10:56 PM (#649658)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Dharmabum

WOW! chalk one up for the USPS! I sent it out on Monday,really didn't expect they would recieve it for a couple more days.

Best wishes G.G.


13 Feb 02 - 11:10 PM (#649667)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: MMario

good news to round off my evening!

13 Feb 02 - 11:20 PM (#649675)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: katlaughing

Dharmabum, it was a perfect "welcome home." Sounded like it is really lovely.

14 Feb 02 - 10:28 AM (#649923)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

Just had a phone conversation with Áine - all this way off in England. She sounds great, and is raring to go. Layne is going to do the planting and she'll be supervising, that's the plan anyway.

She's still not allowed near the computer, but she's going to be having a go at the guitar again today.

Great to talk to her. So glad she's on the mend.

14 Feb 02 - 12:06 PM (#649979)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: CapriUni

Why guitar and not computer? Is the posture all that different, or is it simply length of time she tends to spend here?

14 Feb 02 - 12:18 PM (#649989)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

How about we go to another part, Áine's recovery?


14 Feb 02 - 12:59 PM (#650035)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Besides, "Áine's Recovery" sounds like a jug.


14 Feb 02 - 01:47 PM (#650075)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: Hollowfox

Sounds more like a jig to me.

14 Feb 02 - 02:03 PM (#650091)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: SDShad

And let's hope the computer interdiction doesn't last too long. Want to hear that girl on PalTalk!

Glad you're on the mend, Aine.


14 Feb 02 - 02:11 PM (#650098)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: wysiwyg

Whoops! Yptoe'd!


14 Feb 02 - 03:28 PM (#650159)
Subject: RE: Get Well Áine!!! PART 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

This is getting too long to load for some people - so here is part two, as proposed by WYSIWYG - Áine's Recovery - in 6/8 with bulldozer accompaniment.

Don't post here, post there.