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Where do the EX-folk stars play?

20 Feb 02 - 11:10 PM (#654407)
Subject: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: marty D

Another thread (which seems to have attracted an irresistable troll) made me think about this.

Suppose you're a folk artist who manages to have one big mainstream pop hit, but can't follow up with another. Once the pop stardom and all the perks disappear, where does that person play? Is it back to small folkclubs in Unitarian Church basements, or even the folky bars where it can get noisy? Is there some kind of middle ground with decent venues, or is it straight from the 'penthouse to the outhouse'(forgive me rick F for stealing your line)

I know that it used to be that a country artist could have a whole career on one hit, but I think that many 'rock'nroll one hit wonders' just drifted back into civilian life, but what about folkies. I'm thinking of folks like Suzanne Vega, Janice Ian or Tracy Chapman who cracked the hit parade only once. I read about a fairly prominent folkie lady once who was riding high on the charts about six years ago and told Letterman or leno (or somebody) that she was definitely NOT a folksinger, because the term was too 'limiting'. It resulted in a few letters to Sing-Out from hurt former fans. This lady played recently at a very small coffee house near where I live, and certainly SEEMED like a folksinger now. She didn't even get a review in the paper. Any thoughts?


21 Feb 02 - 12:08 AM (#654421)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Janice in NJ

Ask Don McLean.

21 Feb 02 - 08:08 AM (#654537)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Murray MacLeod

Janis Ian certainly hasn't drifted into obscurity. Her career did take a slide at one point, (see her website0, but she has developed into one hell of a performer, (and an amazing guitarist). Last time I saw her she was playing in front of 3000 people, when I see her next month she will be playing to 120, so I guess it varies.


21 Feb 02 - 08:16 AM (#654542)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Dave Bryant

Have you seen the old man outside the Folkies Mission....

21 Feb 02 - 08:24 AM (#654548)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?

Dave - that's a cracker!

21 Feb 02 - 08:30 AM (#654553)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Willie-O

A lot of em get real jobs. Frequently in the music industry, where there are many ways to make a living other than in Unitarian Church basement clubs.

J Ian for example is a songwriter etc. in Nashville. And she is a HELL of a performer, and since she had a whole string of hits in her first career as an angst-ridden teenage singer-songwriter, I don't think she really fits your question.

There isn't just one answer, of course, but people that have found out how the music biz works have lots of options.


21 Feb 02 - 09:25 AM (#654593)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Jim Dixon

I don't think the musicians you cited as examples are exactly one-hit wonders. According to the All Music Guide, Suzanne Vega has recorded 9 albums, Tracy Chapman 8, and Janis Ian 23.

Concerts and tours? Suzanne Vega has scheduled 18 concerts in 11 countries between Feb 24 and April 25, 2002. Tracy Chapman apparently hasn't announced any future tour, but her most recent one included 84 concerts between March 28 and Sept 23, 2000. (After that, I'd want a year off. Wouldn't you?) Janis Ian has scheduled a tour of about 30 concerts between Mar 8 and Aug 8, 2002. (OK, a FEW of these venues look like they might be coffeehouses.)

I don't know how YOU measure success, but those performers are having very active careers. I think there are a lot of ex-rock stars that would be envious. (And so would most folk musicians.)

21 Feb 02 - 09:49 AM (#654605)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Midchuck

Only people who have had the Santa Cruz guitar company build a model named after them are entitled to call Janis Ian "obscure."


21 Feb 02 - 10:17 AM (#654618)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Scabby Doug at work

I think what this may demonstrate is that the crieria by which one defines success in other areas of music - lots of press, media appearances, "big star" profile - have no relevance in the world of folk music.

What the hell is a folk "star" anyway?

I bet that most people would reject the notion that folk musicians ever get to be stars - because in many peoples' minds, it's not possible to equate the mass popularity and attention that denote "stardom" with the basic simplicity of the musical form ("Simplicity" is not a criticism -it's the highest form of praise as far as I am concerned).

How many times have you heard performers or artists who achieve commercial success crticised for "selling out"? Bob Marley, The Corries, Joan Baez.

Old faithful fans dislike having to share their precious favourites with the general public.


folk music does not generate too many "stars", but occasionally folk artists achieve general popularity, sometimes joining and embracing the mainstream, at other times slipping back into semi-obscurity.

But I bet that a lot of the names that people in the folk world would nominate as "folk music stars" would be completely unknown to the public at large. They're the performers and artists whose work we love and respect, and those people are still doing what they do, in the way they always have, for the people who appreciate it.



21 Feb 02 - 10:18 AM (#654619)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: InOBU

Well, excuse a little thread creep, but I have to point out 2/3s of the examples you present went to Fiorello Lagurardia Highschool for Music and Art and Performing Arts, Susanne Vega, Performing Arts, Janis Ian (expelled I believe) from Music & Art. Bloody proud of 'em, Larry Otway (Music & Art). Should also point out, around the time Janice Ian was at MA, just after, my old pal Dave Krackhour of the Klesmatics was there, as was Bela Fleck, who was a bit younger than us, but would hang with us folkies, and was a damn nice kid. Still waiting for my one hit... Larry

21 Feb 02 - 10:23 AM (#654625)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Don

This thread made me think: Does anyone remember a performer named Norma Tanega (that's a phonetic rendering of what I THINK her name was)? She had a single "top 40" hit back in the sixties. The song was called "Walking my Cat named Dog." It had rather a "singer/songwriter, acoustic" kind of sound, as I recall.

21 Feb 02 - 10:23 AM (#654626)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: MikeofNorthumbria

In the golden age of the British Music Hall (around 1880-1950), promising young performers were often given the following advice:br>

"Be nice to the people you meet on the way up - you'll meet them all again on the way down."



21 Feb 02 - 11:38 AM (#654685)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Marty, there IS a "middle ground" but it's NOT in the middle, money-wise, or audience size-wise.

The band Los Lobos had a number one hit record with "La Bamba". That translates into Rock and Roll stardom. It means playing for twenty thousand people in stadiums and arenas at HUGE money. Three years later they were playing the Mariposa HEADLINERS mind you, but to an audience of two thousand, and at (probably) money they would have laughed at when they were high up the charts.

I certainly remember Suzanne's song "Luca", Tracy's "Fast Car" and Janice's "Society's Child". These were not "Folk hits", they were BIG HITS period, and catapulted the artists to Arena and stadium venues. There IS a big difference between long respected careers and number one pop hits. If any of these artists had another "chart-topper" I'm not familiar with them.

I'm not sure Don maclean fits that category. I believe that after "American Pie" he did reach the top of the charts with "Crying". "Vincent" got a lot of airplay but it never knocked "The Eagles" off their perch.

Perhaps the best example of what you're talking about would be the case of Dan Hill's "Sometimes When we touch". For a year that was one of the biggest sellers of ALL TIME. Simply a monster hit. Prior to that, Dan was playing folk clubs...but during the next two or three years he was able to draw twenty thousand people. He had some much smaller "hits" afterward, but played for one tenth that number of people in concerts.

I remember Norma Tanega!!! Yeuchhh! I hated that song!

Obviously ALL the people named here are EXTREMELY well known in OUR field, but ask a strictly pop or rock fan (of any age) and my guess is they won't have a clue (maybe Los Lobos...but that's all).

Rick's "One hit wonder Trivia":

Who sang (first) "Mountain of Love"

"Hey Baby"

"Shout Shout"

"Ma Belle Amie"



21 Feb 02 - 12:23 PM (#654715)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: John Hardly

Johnny Rivers
Buckinghams (okay, that was "Hey Baby, They're Playin' Our Song")
Isley Bros (I know, Not that "shout")
Somethin or other "Teacup"

....Hell, I don't know Rick :>)

I think question is a good one even if everyone else is getting caught up in the specifics of your examples more than the spirit of your question.

I kinda wondered the same thing when Johnny Rivers came to our small town and played a Hotel stage. They don't go from higher to lower than that.

I think it's a music BIZ question. a related discussion

21 Feb 02 - 01:06 PM (#654736)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: C-flat

Whilst not in the Folk genre,I have worked support for some ex-names in small clubs in the U.K. The most interesting thing, from my viewpoint,was how these guys handled their newly reduced status. Stan Webb (Chicken Shack),for example,was a complete arse! Lording it over everybody, shouting at his little gofer to bring cigarettes and generally making everybody uncomfortable. We couldn't even soundcheck! The reverse was true of Zoot Money, a lovely guy,shook hands with everyone (whether they wanted to or not) and insisted I helped him to drag his keyboard across the stage to give ME more room! Both guys gave value for money on stage and I suppose that's all the paying public ask but I reckon Zoot was happier with his lot and still enjoying life!

21 Feb 02 - 01:18 PM (#654745)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Willie-O

...but if they had minor country music hits, they can keep on playing the county fair circuit long as they can stand it.

A little name recognition can keep you going for life if you take it to the people that remember it.

At the same time, it's not a straight dive from playing arenas to coffeehouses again the next year. After you live the fast lane for awhile and then crash and burn out of it, you usually are right out of it for awhile. When you pull yourself together, you decide what you're comfortable with, and can re-enter at that small-venue level. Those artists that used to play to thousands but are now willing to play for fifty people who care, are a great joy to work with.


21 Feb 02 - 01:27 PM (#654753)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

Shame on you, Rick Fielding, for not remembering Janis Ian's "At Seventeen", which was actually a much bigger hit than "Society's Child", and must be one of the most depressing songs ever to hit #1(at least without someone actually dying in it)..As for Suzanne Vega, "Tom's Diner" became just as big a hit as "Luka" after two British DJ's put a beat track underneath the a capella track--And, though she had only those two hits in the US, "Luka" was her fourth UK hit--her sixth and last being, "In My Book of Dreams" which is a favorite of mine--

As to your allegedly difficult questions, the answers are :Harold Dorman, back in 1960, though both Johnny Rivers and Ronnie Dove covered it--I assume that you mean the Bruce Channel "Hey, Baby" and not either the Ted Nugent one, or the one by the Buckinghams--"Shout, Shout" was Dion Dimucci's good friend, songwriter Ernie Maresca, and Ma Belle Amie was the Tee Set, part of the little remembered "Dutch Invasion"--

21 Feb 02 - 03:12 PM (#654801)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: C-flat

I agree, Willie O, that the guys who are now WILLING to play for 50 people who care are a joy to work with. It's those that are there under sufference,out of financial need, that leave a bad taste.Some of these people seem to behave is if the world owes them something when often the reverse is true!

21 Feb 02 - 04:27 PM (#654844)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding


Bloody hell you're right about janis and Suzanne. Just needed a memory Jog!

Met Bruce Channell in Nashville a few years ago. Big time studio producer guy....but WHAT might Harold Dorman be doing?

Remember Melani? MONSTER ROCK HITS (at least three). Saw her at the Washington Folk Alliance and she barely had ten people for her showcase.

Remember Norman Greenbaum? Oh never mind!


21 Feb 02 - 04:30 PM (#654847)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Heather insists that LULU was the originator od "Shout Shout"!!! Jeezus! save us from YOUNG(er) Scottish rock fans!

21 Feb 02 - 05:05 PM (#654869)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Justa Picker

Other options for retired / one hit wonder folkies and recording acts.

Option (a): They move to Vegas and play there in lounges or perhaps showrooms.

Option (b): They become music producers, recording engineers, management or talent agents and make more money than they ever did when they were performing.

Option (c): They endorse $100.00 guitars on tv infomercials telling the listener "these little 100.00 guitars are top quality and the finest instruments I've ever played, and they sound comprable to a pre-war Martin D-28...."

Option (d): They put their instruments for sale on E-Bay hyping the shit out of it, and asking twice the price that the same said instrument would fetch at any reputable vintage shop - because they mistakenly believe they are still celebrities. (Are you listening Denny Zaegar? Yours might actually 2525.)

21 Feb 02 - 06:15 PM (#654921)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

I seem to remember nearly everyone, at least everyone from before 1990, Rick. After that time, I am a bit vague. Oh, Lulu did have a hit with "Shout", not "Shout, Shout", but the Isley Brothers had the first hit of it, in 1959--

Harold Dorman died in the late 80's, and, I believe, had been an invalid for a few years before that--Norman Greenbaum's success destroyed his career, owing to the fact that many people thought that the song was serious, and he was a Jesus Freak--Do you know the name of his big hit, before "Spirit in the Sky"? It had one of the more memorable titles--

Zager and Evans were true "One Hit Wonders", a number 1 and never another hit. A lot of "one-ders" actually do have follow-up hits, but people forget them, NG, it turns out, had a top 50 follow up, a cover of "Canned Ham". I was a disc jockey when these last numbers were popular, and I was very excited about the fact that I had an advance copy of the Z&E follow-up, and I plugged and played to death. Later that year, I got moved to weekends on the "beautiful music" station--I didn't even have a mike--

21 Feb 02 - 06:33 PM (#654928)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Murray MacLeod

Rick, I just checked out Bruce Channel on Google. D'you know, for the last forty years I thought he was black ....

I suppose it was the ultra coolness of spelling your name "Channel" and pronouncing it "Chanel" (as in No. 5). Plus he has a real soulful voice. I just loved "Hey Baby.


21 Feb 02 - 07:19 PM (#654946)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: John Hardly

Interesting to me.....the best tune on that "Spirit In The Sky" album of Norman Greenbaum was "Good Lookin' Woman". I nearly wore that album out playing and re-playing that blues number.

21 Feb 02 - 07:30 PM (#654952)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Janice in NJ

The following all made it to Top 40 airplay, and nevertheless survived to have careers as folk singers:

Dave Vank Ronk, singing Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now"

Pete Seeger, singing Malvina Reynold's "Little Boxes"

Arlo Guthrie, singing Steve Goodman's "City of New Orleans"

Joan Baez, singing Phil Ochs' "There but for Fortune"

Notice how they are all covers.

21 Feb 02 - 07:52 PM (#654961)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Midchuck

Then there's Ian Tyson.

Major folk star, with Sylvia, in the '60s.

The folk boom, their partnership, and their marriage fell apart in the '70s.

So he went to punching cattle and singing for the local cowboys in the local bars. (Well, actually, he was punching cattle on his own ranch, because a bunch of people recorded his songs, and some of them were hits.)

So he records some albums of his own cowboy songs in the '80s and is a star all over again (in the West, anyway.)

Saw him live in the Iron Horse in Northhampton, MA, in '95, I think it was. Full house. He said he hadn't been to Massachusetts in 30 years, since he had a star tour before....


21 Feb 02 - 07:58 PM (#654964)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

Dave Van Ronk never had anything on the Billboard top 40 charts(I looked it up)--not to say that he might not have gotten some regional airplay--Joan Baez also made the "top 100 charts" with her version of "We Shall Overcome"--the thing that gets me is, none of the oldies stations ever play "folk" hits, and there were many of them--

22 Feb 02 - 12:50 AM (#655095)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Ya know, I doubt it made the top 100, but I actually heard pete Seeger and fred hellerman singing "Precious friend" (Pete wrote it) several times on CHUM am. here in Toronto.

...and don't forget (or should that be 'fergit') Billy Edd's "Little Brown Shack". Jest a country boy and his D-28.

You SHOULD check out Justa's link about's quite funny.


22 Feb 02 - 01:00 AM (#655100)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Justa Picker

Here is the said link. I think it speaks (volumes) for itself.

22 Feb 02 - 01:22 AM (#655104)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Suffet

There is another approach. This one is not from a folkie, but from a disco star. Remember a group called Chic? They had a #1 hit song, Le Freak, about 25 years ago. One of the women in Chic, Alfa Anderson, later became a high school teacher in New York City -- vocal music and English -- and now she's a high school principal. I have seen the wonderful productions her music students have put on, very often singing songs with themes of peace, human rights, and social justice. And I also recall the "Working with Young People" workshop Alfa co-led at the Peoples' Music Network Winter Gathering when it was held in New York two years ago.

This goes to show there is hope for everyone.

--- Steve

22 Feb 02 - 01:45 AM (#655109)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Chris Amos


On the right-hand side of the pond things seem to work the other way round. In the Punk era a duo by the name of John Ottway and Wild Willie Barrett had a hugeish hit with a song Really Free, after which, for reasons, which are still talked of today, they, sank from general. Both can now be found playing in folk clubs. Wild Willy is an extremely fine guitarist and John Ottway dives from tables. Both are well worth going to see if you get the chance.



22 Feb 02 - 10:02 AM (#655297)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

Zager and Evans..........geeziz........Thanks for the link JP. I don't think "Zager String Science" caught on any more than they did after 2525. 10G's ??? What an ultra-maroon!

Zager and Evans belong to a select group. Their FIRST release became a Number One Hit and nothing they ever did following it ever made the Top 100!! Joining them with the same distinction is a bit of a folkie, sorta'.......The Singing Nun. She ain't playin' nowhere:

CAREER IN THE '60s: Born Jeanine Deckers, in the '50s she took the name Sister Luc-Gabrielle and became a Dominican nun at the Fichermont Convent in Belgium. She entertained the locals with her charming guitar-backed songs, and had to pay a recording studio to cut a record for her so that she could hand out the songs as gifts. Soon, however, the Philips Record Company realized how novel a "singing nun" was, so they signed her to a contract, with her profits being donated to her order, and she reluctantly took the stage name Soeur Sourire. Uncomfortable as a live performer, she did knock out a rendition of the song that was pre-taped and broadcast on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in '64, though her Mother Superior initially wouldn't allow it to be shown. Intervention by the Archdiocese was required before this early Sister Soeur video was allowed to be seen on Sullivan's show. In '65 the Singing Nun abruptly quit performing and retired to the convent, there to concentrate on her studies. However, a year later she announced that she was leaving the convent to resume her singing career, still religious but now decidedly modern. She changed her name once more, this time to Luc Dominique and recorded I Am Not a Star in '67. By the end of the decade she was writing controversial songs in which she criticized the church.

CAREER OUTSIDE THE '60s: Gabrielle and Lucien Deckers, her parents, were married in 1932. Jeanne-Paul Marie Deckers had three siblings -- Hubert, Edgard, and Madeleine. During World War II the family lived in France while the father, Lucien, joined the resistance against the Nazi occupation. At war's end the family moved Belgium, near Brussels. Jeanne returned to Paris to go to art school in the early '50s. She was never close to her family and felt the convent was more of her home than the house where she'd lived. Her stardom came in the '60s; then after the '60s, away from the convent, her life took some bizarre twists. Her use of pills increased, and she teamed up with a woman, Annie Pescher, who may have been her lover. In Belgium they owned a school for autistic children, but in the '80s the Belgian government threatened to close the school because they claimed that the Singing Nun owed over $60,000 in back taxes. These were taxes for the money she earned during her heyday in the early and mid-'60s. She had donated all her proceeds to the convent, but she was still held accountable, some twenty years later, for the taxes. In 1985 she and Annie Pescher killed themselves in a suicide pact. Her life, and the journals she kept, have inspired several books: Soeur Sourire: A Faceless Voice, Passions and Death of the Fichermont Singing Nun by Henry Evearet in '88, and Soeur Sourire by Florence Delaporte in '96.


22 Feb 02 - 11:36 AM (#655346)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

Thanks for posting the Denny Zager link, JP! It is truly amazing!

Norman Greenbaum's other hit was with his jugband, Dr. West's Medicine Show and Junk Band, the immortal song "The Eggplant that Ate Chicago"--

Now, here is the ultimate folk music "one hit wonder" "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" by a thirteen-year old boy, Laurie London--it topped the charts in 1958, and became, if not the most widely performed "folksong" over the following decades, at least one of two or three--and they are still singing it today in schools and at summer camps--We know what happened to the song, but who was Laurie and what happened to him?

22 Feb 02 - 11:42 AM (#655352)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Very few people are aware of the recordings of the "Singing Priest" Frere Sourise.

Born Jacques Galoshes in Saint Cuspidor, France, he left a promising career as a cheese fermenter, to join the obscure order of "Les Freres Grimm". These Monks became notorious for their nasty attitudes, perpetual frowns, inability to grow their own vegetables, and unwillingness to help Sidney Poitier whenever he passed through their village.

In 1967 Frere Sourise, was ordered by his order to go to town and trade three cows for a Television set, an early gerbil-powered VCR, and the complete works on film of Jerry lewis. Always the contrarian, he instead returned to the Monastary with a Fender Telecaster and Marshall stack. It wasn't a bad deal, though, as he only traded ONE of the cows for this outfit. Unfortunately both of the other cows died of exhaustion, pulling the amps up the hill.

In an effort to recoup their losses the Monastary formed France's first Black "Doo-wap" group. Their initial release "Upside yo head, with my big French Bread" might have even hit the charts had the whole band not dropped dead during their first live appearance. It seems the dye used to paint Frere Sourise and his band, black, was toxic.

Yup, just another footnote in the history of "one hit" artists. I'm told that Justa Picker is now bidding on that famous Telecaster on E-Bay.



22 Feb 02 - 11:55 AM (#655363)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

Wow Rick!!!!...What a wonderful piece of trivia!! Is there any truth to the rumor that they were the inspiration for Black Sabbath?

JP...Keep us posted on that Telecaster! How exciting to have such a priceless piece of music history!!!


22 Feb 02 - 12:13 PM (#655382)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Fortunato

I detect a faint barnyard odor drifting down from the north.

22 Feb 02 - 12:18 PM (#655387)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Peter T.

I am really sorry to hear about Sister Smile. It was the first record album (!) my sister ever bought, and it was only twenty years later while researching the history of the Albigensian Crusade that I realised that "Dominique" was about this disgusting episode in church history, including the mass murder of thousands of people (quick, hands up, how many mass murder songs do you know that made the top 40) -- "Dominique, notre pere, combattit les Albigeiois!". It is a pity that Sister Sourire didn't know Darlene of the Mickey Mouse club, they could have discussed tax evasion together.

Speaking of ex-stars, can anything be done to stop Paul McCartney from singing his dreadful song all across America (And who knows, the entire "free world"?). I am ready to start a petition drive.....

yours, Peter T.

22 Feb 02 - 12:32 PM (#655407)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

Uh.........I don't listen to the radio PT, so are you referring to some specific song or his "song" as in his "act/message."


22 Feb 02 - 12:43 PM (#655410)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Peter T.

"Freedom" -- he sang it at the New York rally/concert, and I heard that he sang it at the Super Bowl, and he is now announcing a Concert Tour. The song stiffed among the discerning buyers of music, but (unlike more than one or two million other people) he seems to have decided to capitalize on his role as a voice for Sept 11 (somebody hand me that bag of horse manure).....yours, Peter T.

22 Feb 02 - 12:46 PM (#655412)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: greg stephens

A lot of famous folksingers who used to sing in successful folkclubs full of young people now play the same places, to rather small groups of old people

22 Feb 02 - 12:57 PM (#655417)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

LOL!! Damn Greg, I think you may have answered the question!!!



22 Feb 02 - 12:57 PM (#655418)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Justa Picker

(..Sorry a bit of thread creep regarding the Zagar D-41)...With all the modifications to the originality (if made by a mere mortal which Mr. Z. obviously doesn't see himself as.. *G*) especically replacing the bridge and doing the additional scalloping of the braces - that would devalue the 41 by at least one third of its current (normal) street value. He's completely f--ked up the originality of the instrument. As it is an IRW guitar, has no significant appreciative value as it was manufactured after 1969 (the cutoff year for BRW). Under normal circumstances this guitar would currently fetch somewhere in the range (and I'm being generous) $2,500.00 - $3,500.00 U.S. As it is now, I would think a fair street price for it would be around $2350.00 plus the buyers expense of replacing the bridge with a Martin one, and a new compensated bone saddle, as well as removing and filling the area where the strap button is, and remounting in its proper place - on one side of the heel area. For such an amazing "luthier" I couldn't believe his placement of the strap pin!

22 Feb 02 - 01:18 PM (#655437)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

Yeah JP, but the thing has been Zagerized man!! I had some dry cleaning "Martinized" but it didn't come back with a guitar AND they charged me for the service! I'm thinking of buying an old Kent and seeing what he can do with that. Oughta' increase the value to maybe 5 G's or so! I can't figure why you don't send him that 21 you got......It looks like ol' Danny could really do a number on it. Probably Number 2.........

Now for considerably less there is this....although I think if I bought it I'd have to have Danny Boy check it out. I figure he could replace that stupid strap button and maybe throw a coat of paint over all that tomfoolery up on the neck and headstock.

In your case JP....Bid on that Telecaster!!!


22 Feb 02 - 01:48 PM (#655457)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

I'd always heard that Jaques Galoshes was actually Jack Galaciuski, a defrocked Christian Brother, whose saucy cover version of "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" cause him to be dismissed from his post at the Bishop Manly Academy for Surprisingly Mature Children--

He aparently awarded the French Medal of Honor after publishing his "Poems without the Letter O" (A condition of his probation)-- His initial success was accidental--a French radio engineer broadcast "Rock a Hula" underneath one of his readings, and he was immediately dubbed "The Next Johnny Halliday"-- only then did he move to St. Cuspidor, a move suggested by his haircut--

22 Feb 02 - 04:31 PM (#655579)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Maryrrf

I'm glad somebody else feels the way I do about that "Freedom" song. I first heard it in the gym and didn't know who was singing but I immediately thought "What an awful, trite, cliched song that some idiot has scribbled out just to capitalize on Sept. 11th." I was horrified when I saw Paul McCartney on television singing it. What a disgrace that somebody with his talent should be cranking out that crap!

22 Feb 02 - 05:40 PM (#655622)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Nemesis

Chris Amos FYI John Otway plays the Schooner, Southwick, Sussex with Attila the Stockbroker on February 27th £5 (Tel 01273 592252)

22 Feb 02 - 06:18 PM (#655648)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Since we're talking about (well I was anyway) guitar playing clergy, don't forget Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and his Goya (or should that be Goyem) guitar.......NO, NO, I'm NOT kidding this time, there really WAS a singing Rabbi named Shlomo!

Justa, now you've got me thinkin', what would Barry McGuire's (Eve of Destruction) guitar go for.....or how 'bout the guy who sang "Dawn of Correction".....or better still...Stuffed Sgt. Sadly Battered of "Green Berets" fame.

Or don't forget that unbelievably awful episode of "Twilight Zone", where they had this obnoxious 'folk singer' (maybe played by Gary Crosby...Catspaw, help) who "steals" a terrible "folksong" from a mountain girl...and gets murdered by her brothers (just like in the song). I'm STILL not making this up.

Or the ultimate D-28 Holy Grail....the one Andy Griffith would pull out every time his girlfriend wanted sex...."yup, that put her ta sleep reeeeal good.......Barneyyyy!"


22 Feb 02 - 10:10 PM (#655785)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

One word (Two actually)

Noel Harrison

23 Feb 02 - 12:49 AM (#655874)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

I remember the Rabbi all too well--and the Bari Sisters(like the Andrew Sisters, only in Yiddish!)--

23 Feb 02 - 08:48 AM (#656002)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: dwditty

The We Five haven't been on mind mind in decades.


23 Feb 02 - 09:26 AM (#656013)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

I don't remember the Bari sisters, but I do remember the Lingus sisters, a couple of wild Irish girls. What a pair they were! Connie Lingus and Anna Lingus.......Had a great version of "Baby Let Me Follow You Down."


23 Feb 02 - 11:46 AM (#656092)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Catspaw, you pathetic, revolting pervert, do you rememember the Simon Sisters? Other than "Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod" I don't thing they had anything else as a duo. They were 'Folkie' I guess. We're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel now...I don't mean talent-wise, just that there don't seem to be too many Folkie one hit wonders left

....But...Remember Brewer and Shipley. I used to pick a bit with them when they played Toronto.

Another Yank who spent a lot of time here was Gale Garnett. remember "We'll Sing In The Sunshine"?


23 Feb 02 - 12:15 PM (#656112)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Gale Garnett

Dear Rick,

A friend alerted me to your comment.

I am not a Yank. I was born in New Zealand and moved, with my family, to Canada in 1953 when I was eleven years old. I have been a Canadian citizen for almost all of my life.

Toronto is my hometown. I have an apartment here and am usually here for most of the year.

Long ago, I switched over to acting. I also write for magazines. Toronto Life Magazine has published many of my articles.


23 Feb 02 - 12:21 PM (#656117)
From: catspaw49

Well Gale, I wish someone had alerted me to your song.........For those of you in real need of some serious drivel to squirrel around in your head for several days:


We'll sing in the sunshine,
We'll laugh every day,
We'll sing in the sunshine,
And I'll be on my way.

I know I'll never love you,
The cost of love's too dear.
But though I'll never love you,
I'll stay with you one year.

And we can sing in the sunshine,
We'll laugh everyday,
We'll sing in the sunshine,
And I'll be on my way.

My daddy he once told me,
"Hey, don't you love you any man.
Just take what they may give you,
And give but what you can."

We'll sing in the sunshine,
We'll laugh everyday,
We'll sing in the sunshine,
And I'll be on my way.

I'll sing to you each morning,
I'll kiss you every night.
But darlin' don't cling to me,
I'll soon be out of sight.

But we can sing in the sunshine,
We'll laugh everyday,
We'll sing in the sunshine,
And I'll be on my way.

And when our year has ended,
And I have gone away,
You'll often think about me,
And this is what you'll say:

We sang in the sunshine,
We laughed everyday,
We sang in the sunshine,
And then went on our way.


23 Feb 02 - 12:28 PM (#656123)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Gale. Nice to hear from you. I'm just telling my wife about seeing you in "..Marigolds...". What a great show, but I've done a complete blank on what theatre you did it in. Thanks.


23 Feb 02 - 02:08 PM (#656202)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Gale Garnett

Was that really me who posted that message, or just a troll trying to show that Rick Fielding does not always know what he's talking about?

23 Feb 02 - 02:44 PM (#656223)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: M.Ted

I don't know, guest, was it worth committing a felony to show that Rick is occasionally off the mark?

23 Feb 02 - 08:01 PM (#656417)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Ha, Ha! Good one troll! But as you probably know, I'm the LAST person to ever pride myself on perfect recall. When you're haulin' this stuff up from memory (and not from "net info") you're gonna make tons of 'date and place' goofs.... which I do...happily.

Felony or not Ted, this particular (quite knowledgable) guest, LOVES to impersonate people. Done it several times before. All part of doin the internet though.



23 Feb 02 - 08:11 PM (#656420)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: catspaw49

Actually Rick, I loved that "Gee what theatre?" set-up. I feel our Guest was scrambling on that one.....and not surprisingly, there isn't much on the net about that!


23 Feb 02 - 08:33 PM (#656437)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Big Mick

What the asshole doesn't know is that Rick isn't, nor has he ever claimed to be a know-it-all. There are several things he doesn't know. But what he doesn't know, I do. If I don't know it, we go to Jed. If the three of us don't know, it wasn't worth knowing.......

Mick, with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

19 Oct 02 - 01:38 PM (#806729)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Michael William Harrison

They play everywhere, anywhere and nowhere. I recall as a young fool about the age of seventeen going to see a Byrds concert in West Covina, California. After the concert, while standing at the entrance ramp hitching a ride back to L.A., the Byrds limo drove right by me - they waved but failed to pick me up. About twenty years later I went to see Roger McGuinn in Dallas at a disco rock-n-roll club for $5.
They played disco/dance music until 9pm then brough Roger out on a stool with an acoustic guitar and he sang Byrds songs for about an hour (maybe 100 people)and then they turned the disco back on and he left. He got into a broken down old Plymouth automobile with a friend and drove off. I didn't get a ride that time either, but by then I didn't need it.

I saw Roger a few years later when Dallas' West End opened up and they had a rather large bar that was a "standing only" bar. I just happened to be down there one night and walked in to learn that Roger McGuinn was soon to show up on stage. He walked out with a Rickenbacker electric twelve string and played Byrds songs for about two hours for about three or four hundrend folks.

It was a full house and I remember standing on a stairway next to a fourteen year old girl (to get a better view)who was singing the words to almost every song he performed. I looked at her and with a aire of humor told her that she didn't even know who this guy was and how did she know all the lyrics? She smiled and told me that the guy up there was Roger McGuinn, formerly Jim McGuinn who was the leader of the old Byrds and that she liked her parents records.

The last time I saw McGuinn was on t.v. as part of a tribute to Bob Dylan. Like I said, anywhere, everywhere and nowhere.
Down the road,....................Michael William Harrison

19 Oct 02 - 08:46 PM (#806965)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Don Firth

'Course lotsa folks here are too young to remember, but the Weavers had a whole potful of hits back in the late Forties and early Fifties before Senator Joe did his little song and dance. Goodnight Irene, Wimoweh, On Top of Old Smoky, and even The Frozen Logger were pouring out of radios and jukeboxes all over the country. Then they vanished like they'd never been there. Came back, though, but not like before.

Don Firth

20 Oct 02 - 07:12 PM (#807420)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Pete

Hey Rick stirred up some old memories when you mentioned Melanie. I had a huge crush on her when I was teenager..poster on the bedroom wall, all her father convinced I was going to turn into a hippy and start smoking pot!! He said the words to her songs were banal. Looking back now I realise he was right..but she had a great voice..and probably still does.
She had a concert in the UK a few years back at the Albert Hall which was cancelled due to low turn she came out and busked for the 10 or so people that actually turned up!! Well that's what I read somewhere. Guess me old Da is looking down on me now thinking..'Yer still going on about that fecking Melanie!' *grin*

20 Oct 02 - 07:36 PM (#807430)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Steve Latimer

Hey Rick,

I know I should know the Brewer and Shipley song, but it has completely slipped my mind. Please help.

20 Oct 02 - 08:11 PM (#807449)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: mmb

By the time I read the last couple messages in this thread I'd forgotten the responses I might have made to the earlier ones. . . One of the hazards of being an Old Folkie, I guess.

These items are not arguments, but follow-up comments:
1. Don, I thought of your point about Pete and the Weavers post-McCarthy when I saw the first post with his name. It was about three years ago that he celebrated his birthday by doing a benefit concert for School of the Americas Watch and an Arizona anti-Nuclear group at the New York Ave. Presbyterian Church in DC, sharing the bill with Odetta. Packed. And just as full of spirit and resistance as ever!

2. "GUEST Pete," Melanie is on tour right now. I live in the Tampa Bay area, and recently saw her name in the calendar listing for touring artists. Our local Community Radio Station has been giving her new album air play during drive time.

3. Finally, "GUEST MW Harrison," while I was recently checking local venue schedules for an upcoming concert, I saw a reference to Roger McGuin - whose name I admit I did not recognize. As it turns out, his web page has a touring schedule that begins on the current date and has him criss-crossing the country for 13 gigs between now and May. I had seen his name because he's doing the Tarpon Springs (FL) Performing Arts Ctr. in November, a week before John McCutcheon's area concert. Roger's website also references his last album as Grammy-nominated for 2000-2001 in the folk category. I checked, and it's a collaboration with Pete, Joan Baez, Odetta, Judy Collins, Tommy Makem, et. al.

Like earlier post-ers, I suggest that there is widespread lack of agreement on the meaning of the term "folk star." If folk music grows out of the experience of the people, using vernacular musical idioms and "period" instruments, then Springsteen's "Rising" album and Tom Petty's new independent album about corporate sellouts are just as much "folk" as Pat Humphries' "Buy This American Car" and McCutcheon's "Talking Pat and Jerry Blues" and "The List" are.

Yipes! Sorry for getting carried away.   M.

20 Oct 02 - 08:47 PM (#807472)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Bman the Lurker

Rick: On the subject of the Simon Sisters, whose "Wynkyn and Blynkyn and Nod" you of them was named Carly, and she later had a few hit recordings. And she married some guy named James Taylor, but I hear that's all washed up now.
regards, Bman

20 Oct 02 - 11:12 PM (#807549)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?

You would be astounded at some of the folk that have showed up at McCabe's and are not on the calendar.

20 Oct 02 - 11:41 PM (#807557)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Deckman

I'll try to jump in on this thread way late ... I've been working out of town and now I'm playing catchup! I've known a few of the "big boys", and I suspect that the good ones are still doing what they started out doing ... that is, making damned fine music! Sure, the venue has changed, but change is the name of the game in life, isn't it? I've been lucky enough to get back in touch recently with some of those names, and I'm very pleased to see that they still love their music. And that is what it should all be about ... eh? CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

20 Oct 02 - 11:42 PM (#807558)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: DonMeixner

Didn't Carly have a sister named Lucy who has/had a minor operatic carreer?


21 Oct 02 - 04:55 AM (#807626)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Not operatic, but Lucy Simon is/was a singer too and once put out a solo album of her own. Unfortunately for her, this was during Carly's heyday and it was widely ignored which - according to an interview I read (in a book on sibling rivalry, not a music publication) - caused her huge pain. Apparently even her own mother and father were dismissively indifferent to her record, though this info comes from Lucy herself who is of course a less-than-objective source. But years ago I saw an excellent interview of Carly in an ancient issue of (?)Rolling Stone which indicates the same sort of feeling, of having had distant and judgmental parents, even though the family were materially well off (Dad is Simon of Simon & Schuster publishers). Both sisters sure seem to have paid high dues in the emotional vulnerability department.

21 Oct 02 - 08:14 AM (#807680)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: JJ

The operatic Simon sister was Joanna, whom I know from her recording of Alberto Ginastera's BOMARZO. She's now a real estate broker.

21 Oct 02 - 08:36 AM (#807689)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: JedMarum

folk star? isn't that an oxymoron?

21 Oct 02 - 12:46 PM (#807882)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: breezy

Over here they are still playing.
I'm booking some of them at my club
this week Johnny Collins n/w Roy Bailey the Comfort St.Albans Fridays and nov 29th Jeremy Taylor

21 Oct 02 - 01:14 PM (#807901)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: 53

I didnt think that there was any x-folk stars.

22 Oct 02 - 05:59 AM (#808391)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Gurney

Billy Connolly, Otille Patterson, Pam Ayres, Jasper Carrott, Barbara Dixon...
In fact, folkies must be the best audience any tyro could hope for, a development and proving ground, and if they move on, good luck to them.

22 Oct 02 - 01:16 PM (#808634)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Little Hawk

Gosh, Justa, I would crawl across the Gobi Desert on my tongue just to get to hold of a guitar that has been Zagerized and strum it once or twice! Gee whillickers! Too bad the ad doesn't come up anymore on Ebay. Where kin I git a guitar that has been given the Denny Zager treatment, that's what I want to know?!!!

- LH

24 Oct 02 - 04:00 PM (#810401)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Art Thieme

He's one of the has-beens -----a folksinger I mean,
On mny trusty old Martin, I used to pick clean,
I would make the notes tumble like the dirt from the plow,
But you may not believe me --- because I can't do it now.


Art Thieme

24 Oct 02 - 04:16 PM (#810421)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: Rick Fielding

Interesting thread.....lotta names from da past eh?

Steve, the Brewer and Shipley song was "One Toke Over The Line" (hope that's right or "Gale Garnett" may drop in again with his little folk fact book, ha ha!)

Started me thinkin' about "drug reference" songs. I'll bet there were a ton of them!



21 Aug 05 - 01:04 AM (#1546428)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Dusty Lehn`

We Five! Now that's a group that had a nice hit with "You Were On My Mind". Chrispian St Peters later hit solo with "The Pied Piper". I always wished he'd had more hits. Dusty Ray Lehn

21 Aug 05 - 01:21 AM (#1546433)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Dusty Ray Lehn

"Ma Bell Ami" was by a group called The Tee Set. Harold Dorman had the original version of "Mountain of Love" which was covered my at least Johnny Rivers and Charlie Pride. Bruce Channel did "Hey Baby" and "Shout" was an Isley Brothers song as I recall, though I believe Joey (Pesci)Dee and the Starlighters had a live version on the album and in the movie "Live at the Peppermint Loungue" from whence came "The Peppermint Twist". That might predate the Isley Bros. Lulu and the Lovers had a big hit in England with the song and The Shangrilas did a live cut of it. Hope this helps. Dusty Ray Lehn

21 Aug 05 - 01:25 AM (#1546434)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play? Shout Shout
From: GUEST,Dusty Ray Lehn

Rick are you talking about "Shout, Shout, Knock Youself Out"? That was Ernie Mareska.

21 Aug 05 - 01:48 AM (#1546438)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Re: Simon SIsters

Spaw,They were Lucy and Carly SImon. They did that one Children's album and I thought had a follow up, but maybe not. Operatic? Who? This is the same Carly that was married to James Taylor and who now lives in Martha's Vineyard as I recall. Dusty Ray Lehn

21 Aug 05 - 02:13 AM (#1546442)
Subject: RE: Brewer and Shipley?

04 Jan 07 - 03:51 PM (#1926690)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,ebScotty

Norma Tanega is right!
A Google search for "cat named dog" led me to .
I'm looking further, hoping to find a CD or cassette, but I thought I'd leave this info first.

04 Jan 07 - 05:02 PM (#1926746)
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

This thread should've died. It's offensive to me, as are so many aspects of folkbiz.
