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non-music: Good news

04 Mar 02 - 07:47 PM (#662808)
Subject: Good news
From: kendall

She will probably want to kill me, but, I have to share this. Our own Kathy W. pulled some major strings and got me an appointment with the best there is in Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Not only that, but, almost no wait! 1PM on Wednesday. HAIL KATHY!

04 Mar 02 - 07:54 PM (#662816)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Amergin

that is great, Captain!

04 Mar 02 - 07:56 PM (#662817)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Herga Kitty


04 Mar 02 - 07:57 PM (#662819)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Noreen

Wonderful news, Kendall! The sooner the better- less time to worry yourself silly.

I'll be thinking about you wednesday afternoon.



04 Mar 02 - 07:58 PM (#662821)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

I'm agnostic on miracles, but, this is a major break. Maybe this is why 76 Trombones woke me this morning?

04 Mar 02 - 08:12 PM (#662833)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: katlaughing

That's wonderful!!! Thanks, Kath!!

04 Mar 02 - 08:22 PM (#662838)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Desdemona

Hey, terrific news! A harbinger of more good things to come!

04 Mar 02 - 08:29 PM (#662840)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jon Freeman

Kendall, I've not posted to any of these 'cause I don't really know what to say but I still wish you well, etc.


04 Mar 02 - 09:34 PM (#662875)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Poor'll probably have to stay in that general area, or maybe DC, and you have so few friends and there is so little music there...

Kathy won't want to kill you - that defeats the whole purpose of the visit. She's already on my (and probably lots of people's) list of angels on earth, anyway. It's no surprise she'd do something like this, and no surprise it's for you. I'm a little in awe of the "strings" though!

Take care, friend, and don't forget to bring your records!

04 Mar 02 - 09:36 PM (#662877)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bill D

Hopkins is an amazing place....I've spent a lot of time there since Rita's heart transplant 6 yrs. ago, and they REALLY work to do it right!.....I'm glad you're heading there, Kendall...(you have a native guide?)

04 Mar 02 - 09:36 PM (#662878)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: wysiwyg



Is this for an evaluation or what?


04 Mar 02 - 10:17 PM (#662895)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mark Cohen

Wonderful, Kendall. Sounds like you'll be in good hands. Remember, though, he may be the best there is...but he still puts his shirt on one leg at a time.


04 Mar 02 - 10:21 PM (#662897)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Kendall, just be glad you're not seeing Dr Mark. Think of where he'd stick the tongue depressor.

04 Mar 02 - 10:26 PM (#662900)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bobert

Kendall... KENDALL! Do you own a gun? Great. Take it with you. See, I agree with everyone that Johns Hopkins is the very best, which is good... no, very good...BUT, you have to drive thru some real funky neighborhoods to get there. Ol' bobert never figured that one out.

No, seriously, Johns Hopkins has snatched my father-in-law's ass from the jaws of death... ahhh... not once, but three times after other hospitals had "practiced" medicine on the poor fellow... He is now 80 years old and a 12 year cancer survivor...

If they're plannin' on needin' you to stay for a few days, let me know and I'll put the 12 guage pump in the back seat and come see ya'....

04 Mar 02 - 10:47 PM (#662920)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bill D

"BUT, you have to drive thru some real funky neighborhoods to get there"

*GRIN*...naahhhh, it's not bad, honest!..and besides, J. Hopkins has a guard/guide every 25 ft., I think.

04 Mar 02 - 10:49 PM (#662923)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Amos

I'd feel better if they used Girl Guides, but, hey, ya gotta go with the flow!!


04 Mar 02 - 10:53 PM (#662924)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: artbrooks

Best of luck to you

04 Mar 02 - 10:54 PM (#662926)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Amos

Bravo, bravo Kathy W!! Seems you can't get PMs, but let me tell you there are a LOT of people thanking you today!!


05 Mar 02 - 01:19 AM (#662976)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: KT

This is great news! Hooray, kendall! I wanna know Kathy W!

05 Mar 02 - 10:14 AM (#663008)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: MMario


hell - *BSEG*

that is good news.

Keep well, Kendall!

Thank YOU Kath!

05 Mar 02 - 10:20 AM (#663013)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Justa Picker

Wonderful News!!
And equally wonderful for Kath to arrange it!!

05 Mar 02 - 10:31 AM (#663022)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: jeffp

Great news! I'll be thinking of you.


05 Mar 02 - 10:44 AM (#663029)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: McGrath of Harlow

"but he still puts his shirt on one leg at a time" - those Yank medics seem to have a pretty strange dress code...

An anagram for "Get Well Kendall": "Talk well, legend". That's a good omen I say. (Or of course it could be "talk well leg end..."

05 Mar 02 - 10:50 AM (#663034)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bat Goddess


76 trombones, huh. If you need 76 PIPERS I think I can arrange it! (By Wednesday? Or should they show up at the hospital? Nah, that might scare the doctors even more than contending with YOU.)

Ayuh, those guys at Johns Hopkins know what they are about and it's great you can enlist them so soon. The sooner the better and less worry time to boot.

And Kathy's a darlin' for arranging it.


05 Mar 02 - 10:55 AM (#663041)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Roger in Baltimore


You know I work at Johns Hopkins in a clinic just a few blocks North. Maybe I could buy you and Kathy lunch at the Hospital cafeteria before your appt. I'll give Kathy a PM with info.

In defense of Johns Hopkins Hospitals location I will say this. When it was built in the 1860's it was on a country hillside outside the town of Baltimore. As the city grew, it became a fairly well-to-do section. In the 1950's and 1960's the great Urban Flight to the suburbs changed the area. After the riots following the asassination of Martin Luther King, Johns Hopkins considered moving to the suburbs (as many hospitals did). However, when old Johns Hopkins founded the hospital one of its missions was to serve the poor. Hopkins realized it was best located to help the poor and did not move.

The area has been decimated (as have many neighborhoods) by the drug epidemic. JHH and the neighborhood have a tenuous relationship. JHH is benevolent, but it is also ever expanding into the neighborhoods. Houses where people have spent their whole lives are bought, demolished and covered over with more hospital.

The most serious crime concern in the area is theft. Mostly car break-ins. You can take Baltimore's subway right to the hospital and never have to breath the air of East Baltimore if you wish. Parking on the street is not recommended. There is much pay parking in garages on the hospital campus.

Roger in Baltimore

05 Mar 02 - 10:59 AM (#663043)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

1 pm on Wednesday? THIS Wednesday? TOMORROW?? As in the day after today??? 26 hours from NOW?????

That is WAY beyond "good" news; that's bloody fantastic news... and some very impressive string-pulling. Way to go, Kathy!!!

So, kendall, did you wake up thinking of Kathy with the song "Did you ever know that you're my hero..." running through your head? :^)

We'll be waiting with bated breath to hear what the Johns Hopkins folks have to say. Keep us posted!


05 Mar 02 - 11:03 AM (#663047)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Rick Fielding

If Kath took wages for being kind to others, she'd top Bill Gates on that list.

Good luck guy. We're pullin' for you.

Rick and heather

05 Mar 02 - 11:03 AM (#663048)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Stilly River Sage

I had a great aunt (died about 10 years ago) who was a private nurse to patients at Johns Hopkins. She told stories of remarkable work they do there, and of a lot of interesting research. It always sounded like a good place to go if you need excellent medical attention, just from the standpoint of an insider who saw the place in action. And I wouldn't be surprised if my aunt doesn't still drift through the halls now and again. You might give a mental tip of your hat to Evelyn McCullough when you pass through the doors and perhaps get a little extra boost of assistance while you're there? She would be a benign spirit but would nudge you along so you wouldn't be late!


05 Mar 02 - 11:42 AM (#663086)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Big Mick

Right on, Rick. If folks only knew half of the nice things that our Kath does, it would boggle their minds. This woman, like all those who lead with their hearts, has had it stomped on a few times but keeps right on believing and helping others. This doesn't surprise me in the least. It is just our Kath.

Go get 'em Captain.


05 Mar 02 - 12:22 PM (#663117)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jerry Rasmussen

My thanks too, Kathy!! Kendall is blessed to know you, and so are allo the rest of us.


05 Mar 02 - 12:26 PM (#663121)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: alanabit

Good luck mate. Post any further good news.

05 Mar 02 - 01:04 PM (#663143)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Morticia

Yipppeeeee!!! Huge great snogs to Kathy and some especially slobbery ones for you.....

05 Mar 02 - 01:09 PM (#663147)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Linda Kelly

Kendall me dear, when you are fully recovered could we possibly borrow Kathy-we could use her for the National Health Service!

05 Mar 02 - 01:20 PM (#663151)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Micca

Kendall, You Jammy bastard!!! I will not wish you "luck" cos' I believe that what you give you get back 3 fold, and you have done much in cheering up many, and now it is your turn so enjoy, I will be thinking about you on Wednesday, and offering what support etc, that I can.

As For "Our" Kath, I liked you a lot when I met you, and if I had known that you did miracles, I would have hugged you tighter!!! You are one of the Nicest, and most memorable people I met at the Royal Mile, and I too thank you most sincerly for your efforts on behalf of the Cap'n, Micca

05 Mar 02 - 02:42 PM (#663198)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Sandy Paton

A fitting reward for having rescued the lass from the tethers of Grand Rapids. (Insider's joke, I fear.) The great Whomever moves in mysterious ways, eh, Kendall?

Thanks, Kathy.

05 Mar 02 - 02:46 PM (#663207)
Subject: RE: Good news

For anyone who was at the Getaway, Kathy was the brave lady who allowed Kendall to put a rope around her neck and act out "Hangman, Hangman, Slack your Rope". A trusting lady and a hell of a lot braver than me. Wonder if that is the rope she pulled to get him an instant appointment...

Be well, Kathy and thank you.

05 Mar 02 - 02:53 PM (#663211)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,kendall

I thought you didn't believe in the great whatever?

05 Mar 02 - 03:26 PM (#663228)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

Good news indeed! May all go well for you, Kendall!

Love and good thoughts, Nancy

06 Mar 02 - 07:11 AM (#663548)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,Noreen at Uni

Thinking supportive thoughts for Kendall for later today...

06 Mar 02 - 07:27 AM (#663555)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mudlark

Great news....great friend. Will be keeping all appendages crossed....

06 Mar 02 - 07:31 AM (#663557)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Dave the Gnome

Good luck Kendall. Thanks Kathy - get Kendall to treat you to a night in luxury accomodation.

and he knows what I mean...;-)



06 Mar 02 - 09:04 AM (#663594)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Morticia

Although she will have to share with the llama....

06 Mar 02 - 10:17 AM (#663647)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

Today's the day.. T minus 2 hours 44 minutes and counting...

06 Mar 02 - 10:19 AM (#663649)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

Whoops! Looks like my computer clock is a minute slow!

06 Mar 02 - 10:22 AM (#663650)
Subject: RE: Good news

He is in Baltimore by now. If Kathy's computer is working, we should have some news tonight - even if it that there is no news until some more tests are done.
Mudlark - choose your appendages carefully. Some are not meant to be crossed.

06 Mar 02 - 11:44 AM (#663686)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

Then again, there is one that, if I COULD cross it, well, let's just say I'd quit my present job.

06 Mar 02 - 12:03 PM (#663695)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

As long as it doesn't develop appendagitis....

06 Mar 02 - 12:05 PM (#663698)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

...after all, nobody wants a ruptured appendage...

06 Mar 02 - 05:51 PM (#663931)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: bbc

Thinking of you today, Kendall, & praying for you. One step at a time, dear.


06 Mar 02 - 11:29 PM (#663981)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Stilly River Sage

Any news yet?


07 Mar 02 - 07:56 AM (#664115)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Roger in Baltimore

I met Kendall and Kathy at 11:30 AM and treated them to lunch at the Johns Hopkins Hospital cafeteria (I'm the last of the big spenders). Kendall seemed in pretty good spirits. Certainly his sharp humor was still in place. I enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time with both of them.

Kathy said she or Kendall would post when they returned to her house. She also mentioned that her computer is a dinosaur that does not always cooperate. I was hoping to catch the news this AM on the Mudcat. Maybe we will hear from them after Kathy gets to work. Kendall's return flight to Maine was open-ended, so they may go to the airport first thing this morning.

Roger in Baltimore

07 Mar 02 - 10:20 AM (#664184)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: KathWestra

Please don't continue holding your breath. You'll turn blue. Kendall pronounced his day at Johns Hopkins "a good day's work." He is headed home to Maine on the 12:50 p.m. flight and Sinsull will pick him up at the Portland airport at 2:20 p.m. I'm sure he'll post from home. (We're at my office and he said he didn't feel an urgent need to post from my computer here right now.) The reason for this is that there is no definitive news -- we were pretty sure there wouldn't be. The doctor, who Kendall said he liked, ordered a CAT scan (which got done almost immediately) and asked for the biopsy slides to be overnighted from Maine Medical Center so he could take a look at them. That should happen sometime today. Once the Doc takes a look at "the evidence," he will be able to recommend the next steps. The good news is that there wasn't any "oh my god this looks terrible we need to get you into surgery right away" kind of response when he examined Kendall's throat. The other good news is that the otolaryngology department at Hopkins is top-notch, and when the treatment advice comes, I have every confidence that it will be solid and reliable.

I can report that through all this Kendall's smartassery has been absolutely intact. At dinner last night, when he suggested cracking open a bottle of wine, I responded that we really might want to use the corkscrew instead. He replied without missing a beat that I ought to know my place. "The jokes are my department." I've heard lots of them in the last 24 hours.

Now, one personal note. While I am deeply appreciative of (although also extremely embarrassed by) all the positive comments about my role in all this, I want to remind everybody that this is just what friends do for friends. I have been the beneficiary over the years of a wealth of extraordinary support and love from my friends, particularly those in the folk community. They have been there for me through good times and bad. Being there for Kendall is part of my "job description" as a human being and as his friend. So lay off already. Use all your positive energy to focus on getting this guy better. I want to hear those jokes OUT LOUD (not to mention the songs!). Kathy

07 Mar 02 - 10:30 AM (#664188)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Rick Fielding

Kath said:

"I want to remind everybody that this is just what friends do for friends."

Bravo Kath. Absolutely right on.......although you are pretty special....but I won't mention it again.


07 Mar 02 - 10:36 AM (#664191)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: jeffp

Thanks for the update, Kath. The lack of panic is a very encouraging sign. As for the comments about you, you're a good person and you'll just have to take it. Have a great day and I'm back to sending good thoughts and prayers for Kendall.


07 Mar 02 - 10:40 AM (#664195)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bobert

Tough beans, Kath. Bless you. And you too, Roger.

And that's what I like about Johns Hopkins. Those folks get stuff done. There's not the dreaded two week wait on the CAT scan and another two weeks for this or that. The treat everyone as if they were their only patient. They have saved my father-in-laws life three times over the last 12 years, twice after other hospiatls ahd "precticed" medicine on him and messed up. Kendall is in good hands, no doubt.

07 Mar 02 - 10:46 AM (#664197)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mrrzy

Waiting to hear some more good news, I need it! Kendall, I am still thinking of you. And just because somebody does the right thing for the right reason is no reason not to be filled with joy at that thing, since so many nowadays just don't.

07 Mar 02 - 12:07 PM (#664253)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: KathWestra

Just back at the office after dropping the Cap'n off at Dulles for his 12:50 flight, arriving Portland 2:20 p.m. Please send him all your good thoughts and notes of encouragement, in this thread or in PMs. After yesterday's day full of action, he's having a bit of a letdown and is back in the waiting-for-news mode -- a very, very difficult place to be. He needs you guys as much as ever today and in the next few days. And Mrrzy, with all you have going on, thanks for making space around your worries to care about Kendall. We're rooting for you and your neice, too. Kathy

07 Mar 02 - 01:16 PM (#664310)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Prayers unceasing for you, Kendall! Somehow, the easiest part is when you're busy. It's when you're back home alone that the negative thoughts have their day. Or night. Let's hope that all of our prayers, good wishes, magic and every other form of love that is being poured out for you will keep the demons at bay.

Remember your old friend, Gordon... "The world is always turning toward the morning."


07 Mar 02 - 02:14 PM (#664349)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Kath, we all want to be good people and good friends, and most of us know what's right. Fewer of us are willing to go out of their way to help someone. It's that last thing, combined with opportunity, that makes heroes. As embarrassing as this may be to you, the rest of us need to say how good it makes us feel. But I won't mention it again, either.

Kendall, based on what I've heard here, it seems like you can trust this guy to weigh all the evidence and make a good choice for your treatment. You have a life filled with humor, music and good friends. Although the wait must seem like it's forever, it won't be. In the meantime, hang onto the good stuff.

07 Mar 02 - 02:23 PM (#664362)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mrrzy

Thanks Kath!

07 Mar 02 - 02:26 PM (#664365)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: McGrath of Harlow

The best way to thank someone for this kind of thing as to follow their example.

07 Mar 02 - 02:49 PM (#664388)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

Bless Kath and McGrath... words of wisdom.

07 Mar 02 - 05:40 PM (#664578)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Herga Kitty


I'm really glad you posted because I've been wondering for the last 2 days how it went, and keeping my fingers crossed. Kendall, I'm sorry if it's the long, long night and I hope the dawn comes soon.


07 Mar 02 - 05:50 PM (#664592)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the update, Kath.

Kendalldarlin'...I hope Clancy has given you a big, slurpy welcome home and that I have remembered his name right.

I know the waiting game is no fun, but just think you could be preggers and waiting for nine months!**BG**

Watch yer email, dear, I am going to send you a couple of sound files that might bring a little comfort. Please know that you are in our hearts for good, and unceasing Light surrounds you in Health and ease.


Kat & Rog

07 Mar 02 - 07:57 PM (#664691)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: harpgirl

...good news and thanks Kath! Kendall, I hope you are okay....Abby

07 Mar 02 - 08:06 PM (#664693)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

I,m back home, nothing to report. I can stand the despair, it;'s the hope that's killing me! I saw the pictures of my vocal cords. It is not good.

07 Mar 02 - 08:12 PM (#664701)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Morticia

Yeah, but I've heard your vocal chords and they are wonderful.......let's not give in 'til we have to, love you lots, Cap'n.

07 Mar 02 - 08:16 PM (#664704)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Hollowfox

Kathy, it's what friends do for friends, but you were in a spot where you could do something that few of the rest of us could. So you'll just have to put aside the Grand Rapids indoctrination of your youth (sorry folks, a second installment of the decades-long in joke) and accept the nice stuff.
07 Mar 02 - 09:31 PM (#664760)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: bbc

Waiting is tough, Kendall. I have no great words of wisdom for this. I'm sorry you're having to go through it. Many of us do care, though, & are rooting for you. I wish New York were closer to Maine & I could deliver encouraging, in-person hugs!

bbc O (not the same, huh)

07 Mar 02 - 11:46 PM (#664823)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Stilly River Sage

Kendall, you need to ease up on yourself. Your vocal chords just had a small surgery, right? Then you headed to Johns Hopkins just a few days later. Of course they're not going to be pretty to look at right now. They're healing from that biopsy and are, as we all punned on, a little hoarse. Don't try to practice medicine on yourself, and don't borrow trouble!


08 Mar 02 - 12:56 PM (#665155)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: CapriUni

Maggie wrote: "Of course they're not going to be pretty to look at right now."

No part of the human body looks pretty, when seen from the inside, even in the best of times...

I'd put "biological processes" in the same list with saugage- and law-making, myself. Some things, we're just not meant to see.

I can understand that you have a morbid fascination with what's going on in your throat, Kendall. But images of sickness are the last thing you want in your head right now. The body follows the mind -- both the conscious mind and subconscious (perhaps following the subconcious mind more strongly). You can't climb a mountain while staring at the ground below you. The same thing is true of your health.

So visualize (should that be audiolize?) your voice as strong and clear, and yourself healthy and strong.

It must be a real #@&!%**~ to have to be silent through all of this, and still feel like a full, healthy person -- especially for you. Do you play a wind instrument: flute, recorder, pennywhistle, horn? If not, this may be the time to learn -- to reconnect your breath and body with your "voice", so to speak, without actually using your vocal folds.

You could even come up with your own special code, and be our own "Harpo" -- just think of how many annoying, smart-alecky jokes you could pull, then! And when you get your voice back (and you will get it back), you'll have new musical phrases to sing in new songs.

Just think of this as your voice going into hibernation. The spring will come again, and when it does, it will be a whole new world.

08 Mar 02 - 01:08 PM (#665167)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Ebbie

As someone wrote, in Changin' of the Seasons,

Embrace the Winter's challenge,
Find the lesson there, and then
You will rise up through the dark
Into the light of Spring again.


08 Mar 02 - 01:14 PM (#665171)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Maggie, I dont remember marrying you! LOL Damn good advice though. Thanks. It's also true that no part of the body is pretty from the inside. I needed that too! That being the case, the old saying, "Beauty is only skin deep" is wrong; the deeper you go, the uglier it gets; right?

08 Mar 02 - 01:31 PM (#665182)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Kendall, as far as the medical porn, you KNOW something's wrong, you just had surgery on the things, and they're innards anyway! Think of what the inside of a healthy colon would look like! At least you know for sure the doctor can see what he's working on instead of just sort of feeling around in the dark, and he's probably seen a lot worse than yours.

I saw the inside of my knee once. Luckily it was a black and white film. I fear that even know there may be a room full of depraved orthopedic surgeons, eating popcorn and fondling their surgical instruments in the flickering light cast by the on-screen depiction of my interior.

Get the negatives, Kendall.

08 Mar 02 - 01:57 PM (#665206)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: SharonA

Jeri: Something similar to that happened to me (though I do hope they weren't depraveddoctors!!!

After the Blizzard of '96, I was shoveling snow when I became severely short of breath and was having chest pains. My then-boyfriend took me to the emergency room where they told me that my heart was fine but my chest x-ray showed that my lungs were "cloudy" (I'd had an undiagnosed chronic cough for some time before this). Went to a specialist at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philly and, several tests later (including an MRI), the diagnosis was still inconclusive and they were unsure whether I had lung cancer or not. A lung biopsy was necessary for the final diagnosis: sarcoidosis (an auto-immune disorder). This wasn't particularly surprising, since I'd had lupus for the previous 18 years or so. However, the doctor told me that my "presentation" of the disease was so unusual, so un-textbook-like, that he got a group of doctors together, showed them all my test results except the biopsy, and played "guess the diagnosis". Nobody won! The doctor tells me that I'm written up in a medical journal somewhere!

08 Mar 02 - 02:35 PM (#665235)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

I've been a guinea pig as well, although I'm not important enough to have been in any journals. (And I haven't yet had anything as scary - yikes!) They used to bring in visiting medical students and have them do knee exams on me. I'd sit there and give them pointers: "No, you're doing that 'drawer' thingie, right? Sit on my foot. No, I'm not kidding - park your butt on my foot and yank, not that wimpy tugging you're doing."

Had to kick a few medical students out of my office once. I was trying to interview someone who had a positive TB skin test. He said "yes" when I asked him about coughing up blood. Those students got all excited "Wow - he has TB!" - practically wetting themselves. The patient was Spanish, spoke little English and I spoke no Spanish. Turns out he'd occasionally spit a little blood when he brushed his teeth too hard. Oy. (Yes, I did politely explain they were interfering with communication. Found them later and explained what he'd said. Maybe they learned something about the importance of listening, maybe not.)

Kendall, I don't think it actually gets uglier on the inside, it's just an unfamiliar view for most of us.

08 Mar 02 - 06:44 PM (#665429)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Ebbie

Kendall, maybe the phrase should be: "Beauty is skin deep." Forget about 'only'. On the other hand, I have viewed my whole colon- did you know that at the upper end there is a rounded turn-around? Reminded me of the truncated road system in Juneau. LOL

I was a bit startled the other day at my ten-day post-surgery checkup. Two surgeons are examining me and one says, Oh, by the way, what is that on your left hand fingertips? Do you play banjo?

I said, weakly, Guitar...

She nodded, pleased. I told them it was something like that.

It hadn't really occurred to me before that when you're lying there in the operating room, oblivious to the world, you are vulnerable to the piercing eyes and postulations of the professionals. Yuck?


08 Mar 02 - 07:18 PM (#665444)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: McGrath of Harlow

"just think you could be preggers"

I was looking at that picture of Kendall in the Mudcat rogue's gallery. No, katlaughing, that just doesn't bear thinking about...

08 Mar 02 - 07:43 PM (#665458)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

There was a joke about a guy getting pregnant; something about a telephone operator reversing the charges...

08 Mar 02 - 08:58 PM (#665487)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Stilly River Sage


It's not just your fingers that are hanging out during surgery. And depending on the surgery, the view can vary. I'm slim, so my hysterectomy was vaginal not abdominal, meaning I was on my back, tipped head lower, hips higher, legs out of the way. . .geez, what an image, and that's bad enough. . .but between the trim I do and the trim they did the perky little "goatee" that I was left with must have caused quite a chuckle in the operating room. I couldn't resist remarking on it when I saw the oncologist a couple of weeks later, and he grinned and blushed. I rest my case!

See, Kendall, I bet I made you smile. . . and I think it's safe to assure you that your surgery will be much more dignified than mine was! (And I'm sure it doesn't need to be embarrassing to be successful.)


08 Mar 02 - 09:13 PM (#665493)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Some years ago I had a flexible sygmoidoscopy (sic) and while my doctor was "sticking it to me" an aide said to him, "Better be easy with this guy, you could end up in one of his stories." Doctor replied, "If I do, I will release these pictures of his colon to every TV station in town."

08 Mar 02 - 09:25 PM (#665496)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Jeri, I dont know that there are any negatives. They used a long scope with a magnifing thing on it, and the pictures appeared on a TV monitor. Got an e mail from the doctor's assistant. They expect to have the slides from Maine Medical ctr. overnight, and they will read them on Monday. No one seems to be in a hurry, so, maybe that's good.

08 Mar 02 - 10:13 PM (#665517)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Midchuck

I had a flex-sig a year or two ago. They had me on one side, watching what the machine was seeing on a monitor. Very strange. The words to the old country song, "Miller's Cave," kept running thorough my mind. And my name isn't even Miller.


08 Mar 02 - 11:08 PM (#665536)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: wysiwyg

Oh Peter. You have to sing that for us if you come to our Mudcat Gathering. Can you bring pictures?


08 Mar 02 - 11:24 PM (#665545)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Ah, for just one time,
I would view the southern passage
To find the hand of doctor Frankel where no hand should be
With skill sublime
And scope he did me ravage
And I saw the southern passage into me

Kendall, they probably know it's not growing very fast. Nice that they e-mailed you - they probably knew you were anxious about hearing something. Relax a little, eh? Can you play that banjo yet?

09 Mar 02 - 12:56 PM (#665783)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Ebbie

No wonder our muscles and organs and bones are sore after these procedures!

09 Mar 02 - 01:03 PM (#665790)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Jeri, that is quite droll! Thanks for sharing! Yes, I can get a tune out of it, thanks again for that gift.

09 Mar 02 - 01:18 PM (#665792)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

I'd rewrite one line as "to find the hand of Frankel in a place no hand should be."

Kendall, it's a nice day. Go outside.
(The neigbors here are wearing T-shirts and shorts and cooking things outside. It'll probably snow tomorrow.)

09 Mar 02 - 01:35 PM (#665800)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Clinton Hammond


I said it once before...

Kick this thing mate...

Kick it and get back to doin' what ya do!


09 Mar 02 - 01:46 PM (#665808)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Ok. It's time for the "dog walk"

09 Mar 02 - 01:52 PM (#665809)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,SharonA at the library

Re the flexible sigmoidoscopy and selling the pictures to the media: I remember that there was a thread recently about finding Christ's face in a photo of the interior of someone's colon (it was part of that "Christ's face in a potato" series of threads). Here 'tis: BS: Christ's Face Up the Wazoo

It's good for a grin. But Jeri's right, kendall: get outside and enjoy the weather before the cold front hits later on today. You can read threads tomorrow when it's below freezing outside!

Glad to hear that things are proceeding apace at Johns Hopkins. Sounds like you're in very good hands. Take care,

09 Mar 02 - 03:17 PM (#665848)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: catspaw49 today here in Ohio. 70 yesterday and snow tonight!!!

Kendall, I'm sorry I haven't posted here but I tried to get a few messages to you that I was still thinking about you. Why, I have no idea. One thing for sure Kendall, as I read this thread I realize that you have much support and so very many friends and supporters here at the 'Cat. I'm not one of them of course, but I see you have some.

Now I tell ya' though, having friends is a damn fine thing. A dog is better sometimes since a dog will slobber you with those big wet doggie kisses and get really excited if you just pet them a bit, even dance around and pee on the carpet. Come to think of it, I've had some friends who did the same thing but that was in the 60's and we were all pretty well goofed up at the time................Anyway, walking the hound is a fine idea.

So again, sorry I didn't write earlier as I was otherwise occupied. Actually, my signature model "Gordon Bok Fan" had a problem with the motor and the damn thing ran amok, flopping around on the floor. When I tried to grab it, the piece of crap knocked me down and proceeded to slice and dice my ass requiring numerous stitches after removing the blade from my left ass cheek. Tell your buddy Bok he'll be hearing from my attorney, Rufus T Flywheel, of Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel, to put his ass in a sling!!!


09 Mar 02 - 06:01 PM (#665927)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Amos

Oh, look who's in Super Fettle now!! LOL!!! Pretty tough talk, Spaw, fer a guy made outta spare parts and hand-me-downs!! LOL

Glad you dropped in!!


09 Mar 02 - 08:06 PM (#666000)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,kendall

Welcome back Spaw! I may have something smart to say when the Canadian whiskey wears off!

09 Mar 02 - 09:43 PM (#666027)
Subject: RE: Good news

HMMMM Has anyone else noticed the similarities in Spaw's alleged "fan" injuries to the recent spate of attacks on short green men's asses? And didn't Rufus T. Flywheel represent the little people in their case against Jed Marum and Big Mick? What goes on here?

11 Mar 02 - 09:56 AM (#666899)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Fortunato

Hey, if you're still out there, how are you doing now, Kendall? I didn't sign on for the last few days and I missed all the buzz. I'm thrilled that Kathy hooked you up with the docs at Hopkins.

So all the best, it must be awfully hard waiting for news. I am waiting with you. regards, Chance

14 Mar 02 - 12:53 AM (#668820)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Seamus Kennedy

Jeez, I go on the road for a couple of weeks, and look at what I miss! All my best to you Kendall, and thanks to Kath for her help. Get well. This world need all the cranky old farts it can get.


14 Mar 02 - 07:44 AM (#668942)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Seamus my friend; If you are thinking of becoming a cranky old fart, you are going to have to change your attitude. All that generosity and good will has to go.

14 Mar 02 - 04:55 PM (#669355)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Well folks, I heard from Johns Hopkins today, and, it is cancer, stage one, has not spread, and with radiation, the prognosis is 85% for recovery. I wont be a danger to Pavarotti, but, I never was. For all who prayed for me, I thank you severely, and dont forget to thank the universe!

14 Mar 02 - 05:16 PM (#669369)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: DonMeixner

I heartily pleased to hear your news Kendall. The work isn't done yet. I will continue to wish you well until you are well.


14 Mar 02 - 05:19 PM (#669372)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

Well... fuck, fight, and hold the light !!!!!

14 Mar 02 - 05:27 PM (#669375)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: katlaughing

Wonderful, Kendall!!! The power of the Mudcat Collective Light and Wellbeing is all yours, darlin' all the way through to the over and done and all better side!! Keep us posted with dates and all, eh?


14 Mar 02 - 05:37 PM (#669381)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mickey191

Great news kendall, concentrate on the 85%, forget the 15%. All the good thoughts & prayers had a part in the prognosis. Slainte Maithe! Mickey191

14 Mar 02 - 05:58 PM (#669394)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Mary in Kentucky

Good news Kendall! (I don't know you or Pavarotti either one, but I like you better!)

14 Mar 02 - 06:23 PM (#669410)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

I don't doubt that Pavarotti is a nice guy or that he might be great fun at a kitchen session (there's a visual) or that he could cook up a storm or that he could bounce nere-do-wells out if need be, but he just ain't got that Maine, slow talkin, suckyouintothestory drahhhwwlll what Kendall's gohhhtt. I would saaay that the big fellahhh might draaaaw up second in a downeast kitchen to a Maine fellahhh like yer Kendall theyahh.

Sorrraayh, that's the best I can do. I'm from up noth.

14 Mar 02 - 08:00 PM (#669454)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Sinsull and I are having a wee dram from the 16 year old Scotch in celebration. Thanks again Seamus, what a nice gift!

14 Mar 02 - 08:41 PM (#669468)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: wysiwyg

Eau de olde fart?



14 Mar 02 - 08:47 PM (#669474)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Stilly River Sage


You're past the hardest part of this, figuring out how to take the news of cancer, then figuring out what to do about it. My thoughts, when facing this a couple of years ago 1)I could die and 2)what to tell my kids. I stumbled around for a few minutes, then got online and started asking questions, and once I figured out, from the doctors and from research that Stage I cancer is highly survivable, then I was able to relax, and to tell the kids. And while my daughter (then 11) blanched at the word cancer, I was able to move forward with my news and tell them that it was curable. And we all believed it. I think that is why you should follow the advice above to "forget the 15%." You really should, because all it does is introduce doubt, and doubt doesn't help you get better. Positive thoughts, humor, and get plenty of sleep.


14 Mar 02 - 08:48 PM (#669475)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: WyoWoman

Kendall, excellent news. And I think Gnu's advice is the best so far. I just don't think you should try to do all three at the same time ...

Good onya!


14 Mar 02 - 08:59 PM (#669481)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,Dan Schatz (needing to reset my cookie)

I've been out of town through all of this, so here's both sentiments at once: I'm VERY sorry to hear it's cancerous and VERY glad that to hear it's stage one and the prognosis is good.

And I'd rather listen to you than Pavorotti any day. (Although the other day he told a pretty good story about a guy at Town Meeting - Nope, come to think of it, that was Kendall, too.)

And if you need anything (while in Maine, not Maryland) - remember I'm only an hour away....


14 Mar 02 - 09:14 PM (#669495)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Áine

Hey there Kendall,

It's me, the long gone but still around Áine, very happy to hear your good news. I'm with gnu too -- but, definitely not all at the same time! ;-) Even though I haven't been on the computer for awhile, I've been kept up on what's been going on with you. I just wanted you to know that The power of the Mudcat Collective Light and Wellbeing (as kat calls it) really IS there for you -- I should know.

Holdin' ya close to my heart and in every prayer, Áine

14 Mar 02 - 09:24 PM (#669499)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: McGrath of Harlow

Right - so now you've got to get hold of the Kendall Mint Cake for the climb ahead.

(And welcome back indeed Áine!)

14 Mar 02 - 09:32 PM (#669506)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

WyoWoman... so, you know what it means to hold the light ! Not many do. Tis a grand responsibility tis. I am sure sure Kendall shall hold the light for many more.

14 Mar 02 - 10:01 PM (#669517)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Bobert

That's great Kendall. Since you're going to live, it's a custom down here in Wes Ginny when someone makes a tape fir ya', ya' gotta make one in return. Hey, no where does it say the tape had to be good. Like you say, "It's the thought that counts. So git buzy....

14 Mar 02 - 10:13 PM (#669520)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Barbara Shaw

Kendall, that's good news. Does this mean you'll get a whole new batch of curly hair after the radiation?

14 Mar 02 - 10:22 PM (#669524)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,Cookieless Mudlark

Kendall...having computer trouble so have been gone a couple of days....very good to hear your news. I have thanked the Universe and will continue to hold a good thot that it deals with you kindly!

14 Mar 02 - 10:41 PM (#669535)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: CarolC

That's wonderful news, kendall. Very glad to hear it. Good luck with everything you have to do. I'm sure that, one way or another, you'll come out of this experience the victor.

14 Mar 02 - 11:13 PM (#669549)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Melani

Go, Kendall! Great news!

15 Mar 02 - 01:30 AM (#669598)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Seamus Kennedy

Now you know what it is, you can find out how to take care of it, and we're all pulling for you, Kendall. You da man!


15 Mar 02 - 01:53 AM (#669603)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Don Firth

Good news, Kendall!! From out in the land of the sasquatch, lots of good thoughts leaping wide continents in a single bound! Sounds like you've pretty well got 'er whupped.

Don Firth

15 Mar 02 - 08:03 AM (#669719)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

I'm reminded of a time when Utah Phillips wrote to me and said "It's better to write one Kendall than to curse the darkness". You good folks have lit many candles, and, apparently, it did some good!

15 Mar 02 - 08:08 AM (#669720)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: catspaw49

Well it's the size of the candle that counts Kendall.....Wanna' compare candles?

Seriously my friend, I am soooo happy to hear this one. Lots of treatment and all in your future but the light at the end of this tunnel ain't a Norfolk-Southern freight heading your way!

Ain't this place kinda' amazing at times? But then you knew that didn't you?


15 Mar 02 - 11:52 AM (#669837)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: MMario


01 Apr 02 - 02:58 PM (#680872)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

I had my first meeting with the radiologist this morning. There was quite a routine to go through before actual treatments. He says at least a 90% chance of full recovery, ans I'll have my voice back by mid to late summer HOOFREEKIN'RAY!!

01 Apr 02 - 03:04 PM (#680877)
Subject: RE: Good news


01 Apr 02 - 03:05 PM (#680879)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: gnu

Just keeps gettin better.... as well it should.

01 Apr 02 - 03:07 PM (#680881)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Roger in Baltimore

Glad to hear it, Kendall. Sounds like you might not be able to do the FSGW gig, though. I gladly trade the sadness that brings me for the joy of your full recovery.

Roger in Baltimore

01 Apr 02 - 03:13 PM (#680887)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: GUEST,Pete J

Apologies for appearing above as an anonymous GUEST (03.04PM), don't know why...

But I meant it - fantastic.

Pete J

01 Apr 02 - 03:15 PM (#680890)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: MMario

I figger with the MudCat pulling for you "90%" has got to be a virtual certainity!

01 Apr 02 - 03:35 PM (#680914)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Pseudolus

Good news indeed!!!!

01 Apr 02 - 03:47 PM (#680920)
Subject: RE: Good news

How about a Labor Day party? My place or yours...or both. Bar-B-Que, music, beer, good friends. CELEBRATE!!!!

01 Apr 02 - 04:23 PM (#680946)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: catspaw49

Well just great........Once again it will be simply as I predicted. Now the old fart will recover and get his voice back and we'll be stuck with him for years to come. Geez..........and it gets worse!!! They're already planning a big beer blast and pig-out in Portland and I'm going to be 1100 miles away, sitting around evacuating my bladder and winding my watch.....................great....................................

Spaw (4/1/02--(:<))

01 Apr 02 - 04:35 PM (#680955)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jerry Rasmussen

What great news, Kendall!!! Like everyone else, I'm really looking forward to hearing that you've sung that first song!


01 Apr 02 - 04:46 PM (#680967)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: KathWestra

Hooray. Even better odds than before. And don't worry, RiB. I've told Kendall that if he can't make the June FSGW gig he has his choice of slots in the 2002-2003 program series. My successor on the FSGW board has already enthusiastically agreed to this arrangement. And what a party we'll have down here to celebrate the Cap'n's return to health and voice!

01 Apr 02 - 05:41 PM (#681007)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: CapriUni


01 Apr 02 - 07:17 PM (#681066)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Ian Darby

Best of luck to you Pal.

Looks like you're halfway out of the woods, just remember to run like F**K when you see the Gingerbread cottage and you'll be okay.

You're obviously a gifted and fine musician. This, coupled with charisma has attracted loyal friends and complete strangers to offer moral support, prayers and kind thoughts.

While you're on a roll, may I suggest you ask them for money as well? (Except me.)

Very best wishes, get well soon...

P.S. regarding Mc Grath's comments. P.M. your address to me and I will SEND you some Kendall Mint Cake. (The greatest sugar rush ever.) I will also include a packet of 'Uncle Joe's Mint Balls' and 'Fisherman's Friends'.

I don't know if you have these in America but If you haven't sucked a 'Fisherman's Friend' you don't know what you're missing. (We use this line a lot at gigs.)

P.P.S. Radiation may give you extra powers, although in my case I don't want 'em. Who in their right mind would want to know what the audience is actually thinking?

P.P.P.S. X Ray vision could be okay though.

P.P.P.P.S. As long as it only went through the first couple of layers of clothing.

01 Apr 02 - 07:30 PM (#681070)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

We do have Fishermens Friend here. The cake, no, but I'd be willing to try it!

01 Apr 02 - 07:35 PM (#681075)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Marion

Jerry said: "Like everyone else, I'm really looking forward to hearing that you've sung that first song!"

So what is that first song going to be, anyway?

Cheers, Marion

01 Apr 02 - 07:42 PM (#681084)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jeri

Click here for part II.

06 May 02 - 08:19 AM (#705154)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Two things; the latest prognosis is: 96% for full recovery. And, Ian, you were right about the "sugar rush" why do you call that "cake" it is pure candy to me. Thanks so much for the gift.

06 May 02 - 08:43 AM (#705162)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Jerry Rasmussen

So, how you be comin' on, Kendall? Other than enjoying the cake? You remain in our daily thoughts and dare I say the p word? :-)

Hope all good things come to you, Kendall!


06 May 02 - 08:56 AM (#705170)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Morticia

06 May 02 - 10:28 AM (#705216)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: kendall

Things are going very well. Other than a sore throat and a red neck I'm in good shape. They just gave me treatment number 15 out of 33. The doctor just got on my case for losing weight. 4 pounds in a week is nothing; it's like one slice off a loaf.

06 May 02 - 10:48 AM (#705229)
Subject: RE: Good news
From: Barbara Shaw

That's good news Kendall. Sooooo, you're going to look and sound better than I've ever seen you, because you've always had that "tickle" since I've known you, and now you'll be slim and tickle-free. But I don't know about you turning into a red-neck . . .

Please continue on Part 2 (click)