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Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)

14 Mar 02 - 11:35 AM (#669120)
Subject: Carol in French
From: Watson

I'm looking for the lyrics of a French carol. It starts:

En marchant vers l'étable
Où dort l'enfant Jesu
J'ai rencontré le diable
Je l'ai bien reconnu!

Searching on Google only turns up a request from someone contributing that verse to a discussion.

Over to you, Catters!

15 Mar 02 - 06:10 AM (#669671)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Trevor

Working on it!

15 Mar 02 - 06:24 AM (#669679)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Watson

Thanks Trevor,
I'll buy you a pint of 'pickers at BC!

19 Mar 02 - 11:55 AM (#671988)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Watson

Looking forward to seeing what Trevor comes up with, but meanwhile, I thought I'd just refresh.

19 Mar 02 - 01:17 PM (#672037)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Some 35 French carols at this site. In the index on the left, click on interprète and select Chants de Noël. French songs
They do not seem to have the one sought here.

20 Mar 02 - 05:56 AM (#672453)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Watson

Thanks Dicho,
I'll brush up my O level French and check it out!

25 Mar 02 - 12:32 PM (#675965)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Trevor


Been through everything, including Keith's 'Monster Book of Carols in Almost Every Language' and can't find a thing.

Might it be worth resurrecting the discussion in the other site you mentioned?

I'll buy you a pint instead!

26 Mar 02 - 08:47 AM (#676506)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carol in French
From: Watson

We'll buy each other a pint then.
Thanks for trying.

10 Dec 11 - 10:03 AM (#3271491)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Jim Dixon

Refresh. I can find nothing.

10 Dec 11 - 11:54 AM (#3271536)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Artful Codger

In a Google Books search snippet of a book from ca. 1936 on the Comédie Française, the title of the carol was listed with several others. Elsewhere, I found it in a list of carols whose dates had not been determined, in close proximity to some of the same carols, but here it was titled "Ture-lure-lure, en marchant à l'étable".

I have a suspicion that this song may turn out to be a variant of "Ture-lure-lure, lo gau canta/le coq chante", a carol collected by Micolau Saboly, because the other carols in the mentioned lists turn up in similar proximity to it in other mentions. Admittedly, "ture-lure-lure" is just a French form of mouth-music, like "tra la la", common to many songs, but I haven't encountered other French carols which use it, despite the dance origins of most early carols. Curiously, the title which followed "En marchant" in the first list I found was "Turelurelure déjà tinte", which shows that there are other carols which turluter--not entirely surprising, considering the dance origins of carols.

10 Dec 11 - 02:48 PM (#3271641)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Monique

It's a French version of Micolau Sabòli/Nicolas Saboly's carol #48 called "Auprès d'aquel estable". In this thread Artful Codger posted a link to Google Books Saboly's carols and I posted one to the same book on the BNF. It's been "sanitized" because the original version/translation says "Près de cette étable / où est l'enfant tout nu / j'ai rencontré le diable / je l'ai bien reconnu".
Original lyrics and translations to come.

10 Dec 11 - 03:07 PM (#3271656)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

The link I provided to French carols is dead, the site closed because of copyright violation. It lacked this song, so not pertinent to this thread.

10 Dec 11 - 04:29 PM (#3271707)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Monique

Original Provençal lyrics
(Nouvè 48 de Micoulau Saboly)

Auprès d'aquel estable
Vount es l'Enfant tout nu
Ai rescountra lou diable
L'ai proun bèn couneigu
Fa, fa, fa, sol, la, mi, la, mi
Rè, mi, rè, mi, fa,
La, fa, sol, la, mi, la, mi
Rè, mi, fa, sol, la.

Ai rescountra lou diable
L'ai proun bèn couneigu
Avié, coume uno cabro
De bano sus lou su
Fa, fa, fa…

Avié, coume uno cabro
De bano sus lou su
Avié la tèsto plato
E lou mourre pounchu
Fa, fa, fa…

Avié la tèsto plato
E lou mourre pounchu
Leis auriho d'un ase
E lou còu d'un pendu
Fa, fa, fa…

Leis auriho d'un ase
E lou còu d'un pendu
Lei bras fach en andouio
Lou bout dei det croucu
Fa, fa, fa…

Lei bras fach en andouio
Lou bout dei det croucu
Lei cambo de flahuto
E lei dous pèd fourcu
Fa, fa, fa…

Lei cambo de flahuto
E lei dous pèd fourcu
A desplega seis arpo
E m'a sauta dessu
Fa, fa, fa…

A desplega seis arpo
E m'a sauta dessu
Moun Diéu! Ma bono Vierge!
Secours! Iéu siéu perdu!
Fa, fa, fa…

Moun Diéu! Ma bono Vierge!
Secours! Iéu siéu perdu
Toui lei gènt de l'estable
D'abord m'an entendu
Fa, fa, fa…

Toui lei gènt de l'estable
D'abord m'an entendu
Pèr ma bono fourtuno
Un ange a pareigu
Fa, fa, fa…

Pèr ma bono fourtuno
Un ange a pareigu
Que l'a pres pèr lei bano
E l'a mes en tafut*
Fa, fa, fa…

Que l'a pres pèr lei bano
E l'a mes en tafut
Anas! Vèspro soun dicho
De Nouvè n'i a pas plu
Fa, fa, fa…

French literal translation, some verses can be sung to the tune.


Auprès de cette étable
Où est l'Enfant tout nu
J'ai rencontré le diable
Je l'ai bien reconnu
Fa, fa, fa, sol, la, mi, la, mi
Ré, mi, ré, mi, fa,
La, fa, sol, la, mi, la, mi
Ré, mi, fa, sol, la.

Il avait, comme une chèvre
Des cornes sur le crâne

Il avait la tête
Et le museau pointu

Les oreilles d'un âne
Et le cou d'un pendu

Les bras comme des andouilles
Le bout des doigts crochus

Les jambes comme des flûtes
Et les deux pieds fourchus

Il a déplié ses griffes
Et m'a sauté dessus

Mon dieu, ma Bonne Vierge
Au secours je suis perdu

Tous les gens de l'étable
M'ont d'abord entendu

Pour ma bonne fortune
Un ange est apparu

Qui l'a pris par les cornes
Et l'a mis au cercueil*

Allez ! les vêpres sont dites
De Noël, il n'y en a plus (Noël est fini)

English literal translation -if anybody wants to makes it singable, you're welcome, I won't.


Near that cowshed
Where the naked Child is
I met the devil,
I recognized him well.
Fa, fa, fa, soh, la, mi, la, mi
Re, mi, re, mi, fa,
La, fa, soh, la, mi, la, mi
Re, mi, fa, soh, la.

He had, like a goat,
Horns on the top of his head,

He had a flat head,
And a pointed muzzle/mouth,

The ears like a donkey's,
And the neck like a hanged man's,

The arms like andouilles (chitterlings sausages),
And the tip of his fingers clawed,

The legs like flutes,
And both feet cloven.

He stretched his claws
And pounced on me.

My God, my good Virgin,
Help! I'm doomed

Everybody in the cowshed
First heard me.

For my good fortune
An angel appeared

Who caught him by his horns
And put him in the (coffin)*

Go/Leave! Vespers have been said/are over,
There's no more Christmas (Christmas is over).

* Tafut: I couldn't find the word as it is in any of my dictionaries, nor in any of the online dictionaries I could find but it's certainly a local version of "taüt/taüc" (coffin)

10 Dec 11 - 04:58 PM (#3271727)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

In Collins dictionary, cercueil is casket, coffin, coffret.

10 Dec 11 - 05:32 PM (#3271746)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Monique

Sure! In French we have "cercueil" and "bière" to mean coffin/casket -and also "firtree suit". The tricky word was the Provençal "tafut" that's usually said "taüt/ataüt" (Cf Spanish "ataúd")

10 Dec 11 - 05:35 PM (#3271750)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Jim Dixon

Here's a link that will take you directly to the page that contains the music for AUPRÈS D'AQUEL ESTABLE in Recueil des Noëls Composés en Langue Provençale by Micoulau Saboly (Avignon: Seguin, 1856), page 60.

I don't do ABCs. Hopefully somebody else will.

10 Dec 11 - 08:52 PM (#3271810)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Artful Codger

As requested:

T:Aupr\`es d'aquel estable (#48a)
S:Micoulau Saboly: Recueil des noëls composés en langue provençale (1856), p.60.
A | A2GF/F/ | E2EA | A2GF/F/ | E2 zc |
w: 1.~Au-pr\`es d'a-quel es-ta-ble Vount es l'En-fant tout nud, Ai
c2BA/G/ | F2FB | B2GA/B/ | E2z2 |
w: res-coun-tra lou Dia-ble, L'ai proun b\`en cou-nei-gu,
E2z2 | E2z2 | EF/G/FG/E/ | AAcc |
w: Mi, mi, mi, fa, sol, fa, sol, mi, la, la, ut, ut,
BBed/e/ | cB/A/GF | G2A2 | A3 ||
w: si, si, mi, r\`e, mi, ut, si, la, sol, la, sol, la, la.

T:Auprès d'aquel estable (#48b)
S:Micoulau Saboly: Recueil des noëls composés en langue provençale (1856), p.60.
BB/>B/BF | A2Az | BB/>B/BF | A3z |
w: 1.~Au-pr\`es d'a-quel es-ta-ble Vount es l'En-fant tout nud
AA/>A/AE | =G2GF | EDCF | B3z |
w: Ai res-coun-tra lou Dia-ble, L'ai proun b\`en cou-nei-gu.
FF/>F/GA | E2AE | DEDE | F4 |
w: Fa, fa, fa, sol, la, mi, la, mi, r\`e, mi, r\`e, mi, fa,
AFGA | E2AE | DEFG | A2 ||
w: la, fal sol, la, mi, la, mi, r\`e, Mi, fa, sol, la.

Note that the verse part in the second tune appears to be in a modally fluctuating B minor (notated as B Dorian), shifting to A major for the solfeggio.

Caveat cantor: the solfeggio relates not to the tonic of the mode, nor to the mode's relative Ionian root, as in the English and American systems, but to the position of the notes on the clef (like our A-B-C system), and thus, if the tune is transposed to a different pitch, the syllables would presumably change as well. According to our systems, the names correspond to C# Phrygian--yipes! So you may prefer to translate them to a more familiar, transpositionally static solfeggio form.
I should have mentioned: to generate a MIDI, feed the ABC to the ABC Converter.

11 Dec 11 - 12:25 AM (#3271867)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Joe Offer

Here's a MIDI that Monique sent me for "Auprès d'aquel estable":

Click to play (joeweb)

11 Dec 11 - 03:51 AM (#3271905)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: Monique

The midi Joe posted last night is the tune you can find in "Trésor des Noëls provençaux avec musique et illustrés" collected by Denis Cassan, Editions Marcel Petit - Culture provençale et méridionale (1981). The carols have simple one-line-scores as the one I made the midi from. The book includes the carols by Saboly, the felibres (19th century Provençal poets), the "rèires" (older Provençal poets - "rèire" means ancestor/forebear), Notre Dame des Doms (late 1500's, mid 1600's -NDDD is Avignon's cathedral) and by Denis Cassan himself. Only 3 used ones can be found on sale at at reasonable prices (€26.90 - 40 - 60.90; it costed €45 new). IMO it's worth having it for the Notre Dame des Doms carols that you can't find anywhere else as far as I'm aware. Saboly's are much better on the PDF Jim linked to that you can download for free. My intention was to make a NDDD thread with original lyrics, English (literal!!!) translations and midis but there're 62 of them, it's a lot of work and I haven't that much time right now.

07 May 17 - 03:01 PM (#3853741)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: En marchant vers l'etable (French carol)
From: GUEST,Robert

Well, if this thread is still alive!
With Macron (En Marche!) winning the French election I remembered much of the 1st verse at least of this Carol. It was taught to us by our French teacher at school, must have been 40 years ago!
I got as far as j'ai rencontre le diable so Trevor has kindly provided the next line.
It follows with la-la-la, la-la-la-la j'ai rencontre le diable and a final line which I don't remember. But it fits the same metre as je l'ai bien reconnect.
I do remember the tune and was singing it when I looked up more in hope than expectation on google.
It translates as:
As I was going to the stable
Where baby Jesus was asleep
I met the devil
I recognised him well (or more loosely, easily).

Beyond that I have no memory but devil was trying to join the journey to meet Jesus (I think) and somehow the story ended happily.