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'Celtic / Bulmer' aborted Part 3

29 Mar 02 - 12:06 PM (#678864)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music etc Part 3

Suggestion: can the thread name be changed to match the other two, for ease of forum searches in future?

Question: is there some rule of thumb for when the thread gets split, and keeping the thread name the same, and is this usually done by requesting same on help page from the forum maintainers, or what?Suggestion: can the thread name be changed to match the other two, for ease of forum searches in future?

Question: is there some rule of thumb for when the thread gets split, and keeping the thread name the same, and is this usually done by requesting same on help page from the forum maintainers, or what?

I changed the name because I can see someone searching for 'Bulmer'. If a search found one thread, a person would be able to read them all because they're linked.

It's best to ask for administrative help in the Help Forum. Volunteers don't read all threads, and we might miss your request. Also, it helps keep discussion about thread administration out of the thread.


30 Mar 02 - 11:56 AM (#679502)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: GUEST,Guest

Perhaps you could also link it to "Crook" - that'll find Bulmer!

30 Apr 02 - 08:41 AM (#701083)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: GUEST,P.H. 30.4.02.

Please see my message, end of part 2.

30 Apr 02 - 09:29 AM (#701120)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Ringer

Anyone know what's happened to George H? Haven't seen his name on a post for ages.

30 Apr 02 - 10:22 AM (#701149)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3

You likely won't see George H post here unless it is to re-enter the fray about one of his jihad topics. He does the same thing in posts there to pick fights and start flame wars with people he disagrees with. The only place you will regularly find George H is in, where he continues to annoy the majority of posters with his ill-tempered and obnoxious personality.

He was only ever in Mudcat to fight the Jones jihad. He left long ago, last summer, once he had used up everyone's energy and patience in these threads. If you look up his posting history on Usenet, you will see he is something of a net kook and troll, and always at the center of flame wars where he single handedly defends the British folk realm for heathens and disbelievers.

30 Apr 02 - 11:38 AM (#701204)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3

Here is a recent sample of George's from, with his email address at the end, for those of you who are lonesome for him. He's rather like Beetlejuice--once you speak his name aloud, he reappears and becomes impossible to be rid of!

From the "Apologies" thread originated by G.--

Sorry, folks - it just struck me I fired off a whole batch of pretty negative comments . . .

I guess I feel better for all that spleen-venting, but it hardly constitutes a positive contribution to uk.m.f!!

G. -- George Hawes ( and Sawston Arts Festival

30 Apr 02 - 01:17 PM (#701264)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Ralphie

Guest P.H.
I can only echo Noreens thoughts....with the addendum of..
.....Watch your back...!
Good Luck...
Best Wishes

30 Apr 02 - 02:03 PM (#701294)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Manitas_at_home

So the most negative post of George's you can find is an apology? And you call him a troll? At least he uses his own name while you still peep out from under your rock to call people names while their backs are turned.

FWIW, I think George does get regularly involved in spats but I haven't seen him involved in anything as vicious as some of the threads with GUEST posting (yes, I know it's not all the same GUEST but you'll have to put up with being tarred with the same brush unless you can differentiate yourself).

30 Apr 02 - 02:11 PM (#701298)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Ralphie

Manitas, Old Bean.....!!!
Whilst sympathising with your post re "Guests"...
You won't win, so, however hard it must seem to you,
If you don't water weeds.....they eventually die...!
Best Wishes Ralphie
Now, Can we get back on topic....Still trying to work out who Guest P.H. is...!

30 Apr 02 - 09:40 PM (#701665)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3

I have to agree totally with you there Manitas, the most vicious posts on the internet I've ever witnessed have been those villifying guests in Mudcat. Nothing worse, as if we weren't even human.

Everyone is wonderful, until they discover the stranger in their midst, at which time they turn into the Mudcat version of the Nazi SS.


Anon. (composer of many a ballad)

01 May 02 - 01:43 AM (#701802)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Nerd

Jeezis, GUEST, why are people who get insulted so quick to talk about Nazis and the SS? Criticizing people is NOT the same thing as murdering them. Calm down already.

01 May 02 - 02:28 AM (#701815)
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Can you PLEASE take this argument to another thread? You've already been asked once -
Hi, Bonnie - I think we should close this thread and try again.
-Joe Offer-

Part 3 of the Celtic/Bulmer thread (click)