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clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well

08 Apr 02 - 10:49 AM (#685476)
Subject: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: GUEST,celticagent

I've been performing celtic music now for five years in New England, specifically in the Northampton/Springfield area of western MA. My one complaint is that there are few clubs that will pay more than a 30/70 door/bar split for Celtic/Irish music. I'd like to know if anyone has had better luck than me.

I'd also like this discussion to be a forum for sharing tales of gigs gone wrong - or really truly excellent gigs.

Thank you!

08 Apr 02 - 12:03 PM (#685513)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: GUEST,celtic cousin

This is a very common problem for musicians in general. If it's a 70/30 split in favor of the players that's not a bad split. I would suggest you try renting a hall and doing the whole thing yourself...byob, etc. Maybe hiring another band to play with yours or something like that. Or open your own club and be the house band. The main thing to remember is that club owners are only concerned with the bottom line. They, usually have no concept of music beyond it serving the purpose of drawing people in to drink. When you operate from 'that' reality in relationship to them you don't get disappointed or steamed. I've met a few over the years who 'get it', but they are rare. Just keep in mind you can only make demands when you are in a position to take or leave a particular gig. Indifference is power. So is money. Just be diplomatic enough to make the club owner think they are doing you a favor if they co-operate. That it works to their advantage for one reason or another. Truthfully, unless you have the stomach to be a ruthless manipulator I would recommend hiring a manager.

08 Apr 02 - 12:20 PM (#685520)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well

I have worked solo myself off and on but have another job so I can just take or leave gigs and I don't particularly haggle over the pay or chase after singing work. Lately I have been involved with I guess what would be the job of a manager (although I'm not getting paid for it - it's a favor to them) - getting a band from another area booked here locally while they will be passing through. They are excellent musicians and I would have thought with their credentials I'd have had no problem. It's a new group but each of the members is well respected in his field. I concur with what was said above - pub owners could care less about musicianship, quality, the fact that they can present something different - they are interested in nothing but the bottom line. How many people will the act draw and how little can they get away with paying. Concert organizers are a little different - but still the haggling, telephoning, sending demos, following up, etc. is a royal pain and I think a good manager or agent would be well worth the money!

08 Apr 02 - 03:02 PM (#685614)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: Clinton Hammond

Most of the gigs around here (WIndsor Ontario Canada, and the Detroit area) pay flat rate... about a buck and a quarter to a buck and a half a man for bands and or soloists...

Some gigs pay more, depending on the situation...

08 Apr 02 - 03:18 PM (#685621)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: PeteBoom

Clinton - is that before or after conversion to US $?

(practicing my duck and cover)


08 Apr 02 - 03:34 PM (#685631)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: Clinton Hammond

Ummm... during actually... The yanks that come over occasionally to play Canada take a bit of a hit at the border... but seriously.. most of them are over so often on other business and pleasure, that they find it works out just to have 2 wallets... one of Canadian $$ for when they're here, and thier "home" stash...

It all works out in the wash eh...


09 Apr 02 - 01:34 PM (#686330)
Subject: RE: clubs hiring celtic bands that pay well
From: Desert Dancer

Sure, we'll hire any band who pays (us) well...!

(Sorry, had to do it.)

~ B in T