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BS: PVFF Part 3

25 Apr 02 - 07:15 AM (#698148)
Subject: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Thought the last thread was getting a bit unweildy again Long live the revolution.

25 Apr 02 - 06:19 PM (#698655)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: John Routledge

Hi Roger

If you could send me 100 or so fliers to the address I PM'D you I will circulate in Northwest. Cheers and keep up the good work.

26 Apr 02 - 02:48 AM (#698905)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

They are on their way John - cheers


26 Apr 02 - 08:53 AM (#699025)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Have just e-mailed Yorkshire Post with details. Jim

29 Apr 02 - 12:07 PM (#700461)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Of the 10,000 flyers that we printed there are now about 800 left so get you orders in now if you want any.

The A4 posters will be ready in about a week (500 of them) and we hope to have the programme printed up about 3 to 4 weeks before the event.


30 Apr 02 - 06:24 AM (#700997)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Caz

Hi Roger

I have had a word with Mary and if you want, she agrees to running a Bodhran workshop during the festival. It would have to be for complete beginners as she hasn't run one before but I thought it would be an addition to the events. If you think it would go down well let me know and we'll discuss when we could run it.

Carole Dalton

30 Apr 02 - 09:30 AM (#701122)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3


we are not sure of how many venues we'll have for workshops yet. Certainly some of the quieter pubs will be OK during the day but we are hoping to get some space in the Friary. At the moment only the harp workshop has a home so I'll have to get back to you about where the bodhran can fit in.



30 Apr 02 - 03:07 PM (#701345)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

WELL WELL PART 3 THINGS MUST BE PROGRESSING. WHAT IS THE LONGEST RUNNING THREAD ON MUDCAT??? Her's the latest, we can have rooms at the friary for £10/hr there are 3 rooms if we want them for as long as we want (no one will be saying your hours up)The lady is happy to have us.There are beds to rent, a family room of 5 beds, then 15 in the mens dorm, and 15 in the other, or 30 in the mixer.cost£8.50 adults,£6.00 u/18,Brfast @ £3.40.Interested Phone Helen 01482 887751. Pigjig have had to let us down as one of there members has family commitments.However Smallpiper may have a stand in for the Ceiligh.(THATS ALL FOLKS)

30 Apr 02 - 03:17 PM (#701354)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

A BIT MORE NEWS. Our Invitation is in the F.O.A.O.T.M.A.D. NEWS. Helen at the friary inform's us that the most popular workshop ever, was, the whistle for beginers to intermediates. Any takers on this one?

06 May 02 - 05:34 PM (#705480)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


07 May 02 - 03:43 AM (#705748)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3

Our latest venue for folk festival events is the Westwood Club in Beverley. This is a private club and people have to be members to go in there. However, membership is free and can be obtained within 24hrs.

What we need is a list of names(addresses not necessary) of anyone who thinks that they might be coming to the PVFF so that the list can be displayed in the club - the people on the list become members 24hrs later. Please send your names (and that of any one that you know is coming) to me at and I'll compile the list.

We will have to catch the campers and other people as they arrive at the festival. The club is only being used on the Sunday so anyone signing up by Saturday 22nd will be eligible. All 10,000 flyers have now been distributed and the posters are due in the next few days. The programme will go to the printers in about 1 week.


07 May 02 - 02:22 PM (#706062)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Sorry about the last mailing appearing as guest - I was at work and didn't have a cookie set up. Anyway it was me inviting people to join the Westwood club so that they can attend events there as part of PVFF.


08 May 02 - 04:15 AM (#706539)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


08 May 02 - 08:56 AM (#706628)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

Hi Roger, I thought that I was doing the programme, but I'm glad if you've got it organised! Jim and I were talking about having a map of the pubs and clubs, and there's often a problem over map copyright, so Jim suggested a diagrammatic map like the London Underground. If you can give me a list of the pubs/clubs involved, I'll be glad to have a look at it for you.

Did we get any further on stalls? A friend of a friend was interested and I said that she could ring the Manager at Beverley Leisure Centre.

We got a lot of interest in PVFF at Moor and Coast Festival last weekend.

See you on Sunday!

08 May 02 - 02:53 PM (#706848)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Hi Les

Yes, I hope you are doing the programme - I've just been slotting stuff into the proforma that you sent me because I didn't want to bother you with endless amendments. However, in the next few days we'll have to go with what we've got at that stage - even if it isn't complete.I'll send you back the amended file and you can work your magic on that.

The map idea sounds good - talk to you at Nellies on Sunday


08 May 02 - 04:40 PM (#706937)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

I have a christning on Sunday (sob sob) but last night in the SUN will make up for that, to those who were not there you missed a good night I was talking to a group from west yorkshire, at the Moor and coast festival, this group has been coming to Beverley festival for 10 years but dropped out last year,once they heard what we were doing with the fringe they have re-commited to come.(WELCOME BACK) Dosn't fiddle and banjo go well together.

09 May 02 - 07:30 PM (#707731)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


10 May 02 - 10:04 AM (#708124)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger at Work

I'm collecting the posters tomorrow, if anyone can use a few.


11 May 02 - 05:17 AM (#708722)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

Save a half doz for me Roger as I'm in Bridlington and Doncaster this week, I can put one or two up in Sewerby park and southcliff caravan park ect.

16 May 02 - 02:40 PM (#711757)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: harpmaker

Plenty going on now. Go and have a good click about on this site to see who's doing what, when, and where. Oh, and, we have just added a guestbook to the site, please take time to sign it and add comments. Here's looking foreward to the festival!!! John&Christine.

16 May 02 - 02:51 PM (#711769)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Linda Kelly

Spoke to woman at Tourist office they have had lots of enquiries for the origina festival and have been filling folks in on the PVFF -lots of interest again-this could be big. She also says can she have a poster please!

16 May 02 - 07:01 PM (#711911)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: harpmaker

Thanks to Roger for keeping us updated. You can also visit Cottingham live,- CLICK HERE for more info on PVFF, AND local events comming up!

17 May 02 - 03:40 AM (#712123)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3


I went into the Beverley Tourist Information Centre with some posters yesterday (Thursday). They are going to do a window display about two weeks ahead of the festival so if anyone can drop off folky stuff to use in the display, around the beginning of June that would be helpful.

Do check out the dolphinharps site and the cottingham-live site as they both now contain potted biographies of all the booked acts(not enough time or space to include all the well known, but unpaid, performers that will be there)and you can see what a range of musical styles we have on offer.

Amanda is preparing a programme for the dance teams - so far we have five teams coming and they will be dancing in town, outside some pubs and down at the Beck(not in it!).

Don't forget the next PVFF committee meeting next Thursday 23rd at 7pm in County Hall. I'll have posters there for anyone who wants to collect some.


17 May 02 - 05:57 AM (#712166)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I's great to see so much positive thingies out there.The programme of events looks 'just great' and would be a credit to any 'paid' festival. Shows just what can be done where theres a will !! pip pip James

17 May 02 - 07:42 AM (#712198)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger at work

Whilst the programme does look good, it can't tell the whole story because things are changing constantly. For example, we have listed the peformers for the shanty event near the Beverley Beck but the Beverley Barge Preservation Society are organising lots of boats, craft stalls and craft workshops around the Beck area and I have only the sketchiest idea of the details of that.

We have a new workshop added to the Friary - Sunday at 11am with Ann Lonsdale who is offering one on Song - to cover harmony, rounds etc.

We do still, however, need a ceilidh band(Saturday 22nd approx 9pm start) since Pigjig can no longer come. Any offers? I know that we will have the raw material for several scratch bands at the festival but it would be better to be able to book a named band and caller.


17 May 02 - 08:07 AM (#712215)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Are we able to pay ? If so how much ? There are three possible Sheffield bands Roger the Badger, Rumours of Whiskey and Eat Yer Soup who I have contacts with and they may (?) do it cheap can you e-mail me on with an idea of fees ?

17 May 02 - 08:13 AM (#712219)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sarah

I regret that Kinin can no longer attend at the Woolpack on Sunday afternoon - I believe my colleague has already been in touch with them.

All the best with the festival.

Cheers Sarah

17 May 02 - 12:36 PM (#712384)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: brid widder

Did you manage to contact Chrissy Cullen?... she sounded quite certain her band would be available... she said way back before the first official festival she'd busked to raise funds to help it start up so it would be quite fitting for her to be involved now.

17 May 02 - 02:40 PM (#712478)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

The programme design is progressing nicely. It'll probably be 8 pages of A4, including the 'underground' style pub map suggested by MC Fat (thanks mate!).

I still need details of dance teams and spots, plus we need to set a copy deadline by checking with printers about production times and prices.

Also there may be other events to add (Poems and Pints and a Fiddle Club have been suggested).

Bearing in mind the number of venues we've got, it might be an idea to put up a blackboard or somthing (in the Leisure Centre?) so that anyone fixing up their own session can give it some publicity.

I'll make sure that there is a draft programme layout for the next meeting, and I hope that I'll be there myself.

17 May 02 - 02:41 PM (#712479)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

No I haven't contacted her - do you have a number?


17 May 02 - 02:46 PM (#712483)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Apologies - I've found the number for Chrissie that you sent me before


17 May 02 - 02:50 PM (#712486)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

Sorry not A4 - A5. Dumb dumb-de dumb! That's 4 sheets of A4 folded into an A5 booklet.

18 May 02 - 12:26 PM (#712921)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


20 May 02 - 04:51 AM (#713790)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


20 May 02 - 04:57 PM (#714099)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

Hi u all. Judith Rotcliff and a two other small pipers have now confirmed that they would like to do a session to promote the small pipes. They can do this on the Saturday, and suggested it as a workshop for players and interested people, The venue would probebly be the Friary for about one and a half hours/ there is also the possibility of the Minster's hall if required. Asuggestion has come in for a ceiligh band (Ron Angel-The Sun Inn Stockton) does anyone know him or have contact.

21 May 02 - 06:37 AM (#714425)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Just thought I remind any of the 'ull lot that I'm on at the Sun Inn, Beverley on Sunday 26th. Is that the right week for the Sunday afternoon Nellies sesh ? can anyone enlighten ? Jim

21 May 02 - 07:38 AM (#714463)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger at work

No, Jim

It is the right week for my Sunday afternoon sesh in the Sun - we finish at 7pm ish and you start about 8.30.


21 May 02 - 08:10 AM (#714490)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I'll see what I can do but I'm meeting my sprog (who's loafing at 'ull Uni) and seeing as he's 19 on the 28th, I suppose I'll have to spend some time with him as he'll want to get into my ribs and relieve me of large amounts of cash. Rog/Les can you bring any provisional programmes/posters etc. ?

21 May 02 - 11:09 AM (#714616)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger at work

I can bring some posters. Les is sending me the draft of the programme and I hope to have it by then so I'll bring it along for you to look at.


21 May 02 - 12:14 PM (#714656)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy

and again

21 May 02 - 02:59 PM (#714796)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

Roger - the draft programme is in the post, you should have it for the next meeting. There's also a draft A4 day poster, and I'll be working on some'front window of pub' posters saying People's Voice friendly and what they've got on (when the programme is more or less finished). That will be after the print deadline as I can print these myself.

22 May 02 - 04:49 AM (#715137)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Les/Rog, I've got unlimited use of a photocopier which I can put to the use of the revolution and is at your disposal if you can bring any documents this weekend

23 May 02 - 04:48 AM (#715924)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

refresh comrades

23 May 02 - 05:16 AM (#715936)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Les, Roger (or whoever!) when you get the posters ready you can put one in my shop if you like (35 chanterlands Ave).john

23 May 02 - 05:48 AM (#715953)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: bill\sables

Les is there any chance of bringing any advertising posters or leaflits this weekend to the Yorks. gathering Bill

23 May 02 - 06:06 AM (#715959)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy


i've still got some flyers left that sir roger de beverley sent me & i'll bring them to george 'n dragon

23 May 02 - 02:56 PM (#716277)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

Bill - I'm unfortunately elsewhere this weekend, but I'm sure that others will see this and bring stuff across.

I've also mentioned on the Yorkshire Gathering thread to see if 'catters want an official mudgathering at Beverley - I'm sure that we can find a venue and put it in the programme.

24 May 02 - 05:18 AM (#716615)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: bill\sables

A mudcat gathering would be filled to capacity I would think, there seems to be quite a few of us there and I can also sell a few tee shirts and patches. Bill

24 May 02 - 05:44 AM (#716625)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Noreen

I'm taking some of your flyers down to Bishop's Castle- so the word is spreading far and wide.


24 May 02 - 08:40 AM (#716682)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger at Work

The latest is that Beverley Town Council are paying for the ceilidh band on the Saturday night. A real community feeling is developing here!


25 May 02 - 04:49 AM (#717183)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3

What do the organisers of the "proper festival" think to all this & are they including you in the "official" festival next year?

25 May 02 - 03:02 PM (#717295)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Three of us representing the Licensees, the Barge Preservation Society and the Folkies met with Chris Wade a couple of weeks ago and, as a result we are about to issue a joint statement of mutual support.

I think that we'll address issues of next year after the 23rd June.


27 May 02 - 02:57 PM (#718241)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Following the sponsoring of the ceilidh on the Saturday night (22nd June) by Beverley Town Council, I can confirm that we have now booked "Pandamonium" to play at the ceilidh - it's at the Leisure Centre.


27 May 02 - 06:27 PM (#718359)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Linda Kelly

Roger dropped some flyers off at Styvechale Folk Club in Coventry on Saturday.

27 May 02 - 07:41 PM (#718416)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy

i'm working as ground staff at Chester FF this w/end so i'll be putting it about all over the place (the flyers,that is)

if anyone can attend, please do, it's brill!!


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29 May 02 - 08:22 AM (#719388)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat


29 May 02 - 08:36 AM (#719396)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Nigel Parsons

Just a thought, with requests flying around for 'flyers'.
For the 'Heath Ceilidh' in Cardif, one of the organisers tends to email people with details of the next event, and includes a simplified A4 poster as an attachment.This allows people to run off a small number of advance copies.
Could this be considered for future events, at least to allow advertising while waiting for the 'Real Thing' to be printed/distributed ?

29 May 02 - 11:46 AM (#719546)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3

Yes, we have done this to those whose emails addresses we know. Is there any way of putting attachments in Mudcat?


29 May 02 - 02:11 PM (#719632)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Nigel Parsons

Guest(11-46) probably not, but a request to PM e-mail addresses to an organiser could get you a number of people willing to print and distribute. Also, anyone who has requested flyers could have been offered this option in the first instance.

30 May 02 - 12:49 PM (#720286)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

The possible additional events for the programme are 'Poems and Pints', 'Fiddle Club' and 'Mudcat Gathering'. Mags and I had a word with the Dog and Duck man on Monday, and he said that he would love an afternoon sesh. Evenings may be a bit busy as he's on 'the route'.

Perhaps we could also identify an evening singaround pub as the Sun gets a bit busy and in previous years we've been put in the no smoking cupboard!

I would be pleased to hear of support for these sessions and suggestions for others.

30 May 02 - 04:18 PM (#720415)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

Ther's Oddies and Tiger and Beehive and Mulders,and Mariners and Campsite and our house, its time to wake Beverley up. My neighbours have a party every other week. LETS ROCK AND ROLL.

30 May 02 - 04:43 PM (#720433)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Linda Kelly

Calm down John or you will have worn yourself out before it arrives. Really looking forward to this, although a change of job means that I am probably tied up that Saturday -still always Friday night and Sunday.

02 Jun 02 - 06:40 AM (#721495)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3

Check out the Aiken's Drum website for a good plug for PVFF.

The programmes haven't gone to the printers yet so my original plan of having them out three weeks ahead of event has slipped a little. Les sent me some proofs which I corrected and they are now being amended by him - the masters will then go to the printer in the next few days I hope. I'm getting 2000 printed which will allow a good number to be paced in the venues and the TIC this week and the rest to hand out on the weekend.


02 Jun 02 - 08:37 AM (#721518)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverley

Now that the Jubilee and Endland's part in the world Cup are virtually over, we have just three weeks in which to publicise the festival.

We had an article in the Beverley Guardian this week and hope to hit them again and also the Beverley Advertiser in the coming week. I'm going on Radio Humberside on Wednesday and have sent the festival details to both Teletext Festivals Listing and The Guardian Guide.

Very few pubs or shops in Beverley are displaying our posters in their windows yet - please use your influence to get them to do so. Extra festival posters and posters for the ceilidh are available from me.

Any other ideas and volunters to carry them out?


02 Jun 02 - 01:16 PM (#721651)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

I just need to know the last amendments for the prog and it's all yours. Are we adding the events I mentioned earlier? Who's playing for the ceilidh, and do we have a biog?

04 Jun 02 - 07:26 AM (#722691)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Hi Les and everyone.

I'll call you by phone Les to finalise details.

Foe everyone's information, the ceilidh band are called PANDAMONIUM and the spelling is deliberate.


04 Jun 02 - 09:30 AM (#722745)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Listen on Radio Humberside on Weds from 7pm to hear me plugging the festival. Anyone who is listening to Mike Harding (RAdio 2) on the same night please check whether or not he gives us a plug - apparently he announced the cancellation of Beverley on last weeks show!! So, I sent him an email about what we are doing.


05 Jun 02 - 05:26 AM (#723391)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Just to let you know that Stirrings (South Yorkshire mag) has printed a news piece about the festival being on but despite me e-mailing them with the basic details and saying that'we'are not the BERFF the article reads as though the BERFF have had a change of heart and put the thing on. I'm not amused and will talk to the editor. I also think we should have someone in mind to do reviews of the event for the folk press e.g. Stirrings, Tykes News , F Roots etc on the basis that if they can get the details wrong from an e-mail what shite will they write about the event.

05 Jun 02 - 08:34 AM (#723454)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

We are in Tykes News also - an ad, a letter, a review of the Aiken's Drum CD(They are playing at the festival) and also a full-page ad for Kwame D. which mentions their appearance at PVFF. The letter from me is about two months old and doesn't really reflect where we are now but it gets the basic message across.

Catch me on Radio Humberside tonight!


05 Jun 02 - 10:03 AM (#723521)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

We have now put in a Mudcat gathering on the Saturday afternoon in the Dog & Duck (next to the Picture Playhouse, if you know Bebverley).


06 Jun 02 - 05:07 AM (#724132)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

How did the spot on the radio go Rog ? Sorry I had a booking and couldn't stay in to listen

06 Jun 02 - 05:09 AM (#724134)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Mr Happy

i can't find bebverley on my map

06 Jun 02 - 06:21 AM (#724157)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3

The radio spot was somewhat shambolic as we ended up doing it in a delivery bay at the back of the Hull Uni SU. Because of the location I had to remember all of the details and just talk ad lib without notes - still, we got the point over and, as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Alan Rawe, who's show it is, is very supportive and goes back a long way with the Beverley Festival himself. R

07 Jun 02 - 04:57 AM (#725055)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Just realised Roger that I'm going to be in Beverley on Wed 12th at the 'Races'. We always stop for some nosh in some Beverley pub nearer the course will put a poster there and also at Racecourse.

07 Jun 02 - 06:22 AM (#725080)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

We might have some programmes by then. Would you be able to call in at my house or could I meet you somewhere to hand some over?

The latest edition of Folk News - the north and East Yorks magazine has given us a good plug.

I went to Driffield FC last night and the reaction there was very positive. They have Sid Kipper on there on the Friday night but many of them will come over for Sat/Sun stuff in Beverley.


10 Jun 02 - 04:20 PM (#727122)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: oombanjo

I had a chat with the leisure cntr. manager (John) to see how many are booked on to the field,this in order to plan the layout, he says only about 18/20 + our usual contingent from over the water.As Iam going to tape off the top half of the field.I will put caravans and campervans against the tennis court walls and back along the split of the field. This causing an (L)the center of the L for tents. If we have a late flush of arrivals we will close one side of the L(I) then the other if required


11 Jun 02 - 05:05 AM (#727360)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Roger I know the boozer we're stopping for t'buffet is the one that's in the town at a T junc on the road up to the Racecourse but it's name I do not recall ? I would drop off at your house but as I'm coming in a 50 seater coach with a lot of hairy arsed train drivers I have doubts as to whether they'd let me !! If you can recall the name of that pub we'll be there to-morrow (12th) from about 11am till 1.30p.m. pop in and blag some of the buffet

11 Jun 02 - 06:15 AM (#727392)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverley


Could it be the Rose& Crown just by the traffic lights and the North Bar?


11 Jun 02 - 06:25 AM (#727395)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Think that's the one Roger. Oh by the way Tegwen is made up about doing the gig on Sunday at the PVFF

11 Jun 02 - 08:14 AM (#727446)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverley

OK I'll call in there.

Unforunately Tegwen was too late to get in the programme but I'll put her in the programme extra that will be available at the festival venues on the weekend.


13 Jun 02 - 07:49 AM (#729072)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Refresh... had a good day at'races yesterday Rog started to distribute a few progs. Teg aparantley now can't do Sunday as she's booked at Alcester (she had thought she was booked Sat) but she's coming on Fri/Sat and may do a bit at my sesh

13 Jun 02 - 08:55 AM (#729097)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverley

Oh Dear

I've just asked Les to re-do the laminated poster for the Woolpack to include Tegwen.


13 Jun 02 - 09:21 AM (#729104)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Sorry Rog, I only found out last night. She knew she was doing Alcester FF but thought it was Sat so therefore Sun was OK. As Teg says she is coming over Fri/Sat she still may be able to pop into the Woolpack and play so it's perhaps just half of an untruth.

13 Jun 02 - 09:57 AM (#729127)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

Well, I was just going to post that off. Still, I can always use the stamp again!

13 Jun 02 - 10:16 AM (#729144)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverleuy

One question - does the pub know about this?


13 Jun 02 - 10:53 AM (#729173)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Yes Roge. Teg has spoken to the landlady (Shelia ? ) and they've sorted something out. I think they've sorted out an alternative artist but don't quote me on that as it was after a long days boozing, racing ,boozing , boozing and was relayed to me at near closing time.

13 Jun 02 - 05:25 PM (#729485)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Yes, I now know who it is and we'll get it into the festival update.

Are you OK for the 14th July in the Sun?


14 Jun 02 - 04:34 AM (#729757)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Linda Kelly

Roger do you need stewards etc for the campsite? I am quite prepared to do my bit say Friday night or Sunday because I do feel guilty about not being very involved but I have really good excuses!!!! Let me know will you. Can provide my own guard dog although frankly she is useless and I'm off to the vets in a mo because we have both been attacked by a cat this morning and have a lovely set of scratches (I will not be receving treatment at the vet!)

14 Jun 02 - 05:53 AM (#729777)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


The Leisure Centre people have borrowed the Lions caravan and will have one person on most(perhaps all) of the time. However, John the LC manager did say that he would welcome any help.

Anyone who would like to help out (and get a badge!)in any way with giving directions, patrolling, or just being a friendly face at the venues please meet at the LC at 7pm Friday 21st

The programmes are now out in the locations that I posted earlier - so get them whilst they're hot.


14 Jun 02 - 06:45 AM (#729808)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Rog Can confirm that I can do 14th July but may need a floor for the night !! Jim

14 Jun 02 - 08:13 AM (#729842)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: nutty

I'm hoping to arrive early Friday evening ........ what time will the campsite be open??.
Also could some kind person please post a map of Beverley showing the exact position of the campsite.

14 Jun 02 - 10:37 AM (#729915)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


Sleep at my place - we even have beds and it is walking distance from the Suyn


14 Jun 02 - 10:42 AM (#729917)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


The campsite should be open from early afternoon. I'll try to get someone to post you a map but, if you can find Beverley Minster - a bloody big church, the Leisure Centre(where the campsite is) is clearly signposted from there.

How are you travelling? By car, you can park at the Leisure Centre anyway even if the campsite isn't ready. By train it is a short walk from the station and you can see the minster as soon as you get out of the train.


14 Jun 02 - 10:46 AM (#729920)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


log on to and you'll find a map on there. They even have a map with all the pubs marked. Alternatively log on to and put HU17 0DF into the search engine.


14 Jun 02 - 10:56 AM (#729922)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Muchos Graasy Arse Sir Roger. I am even house trained and even brush my teeth at nights and don't need to have a story read to me. Will bring some Fat Bastard posters to Beverley next week. Jim

14 Jun 02 - 11:12 AM (#729938)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: nutty

Thanks Roger ... I think I should be able to find it OK now

15 Jun 02 - 07:57 AM (#730443)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: brid widder

Sorry to have been missing for a bit...just back from foreign parts and checking out the latest news.... I'll try to be there for the Friday meeting Rodge and will do what I can... as long as I can have a badge!!

15 Jun 02 - 11:45 AM (#730526)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Les from Hull

I'm sure that Maggie and I will be happy to badge up, but the quality of information that we will be able to give will no doubt steadily deteriorate with the consumption of certain beverages.

Linda, I'm not sure that Pebble is really up to the job. Are you sure you don't want to borrow Flossie? She would be capable of inflicting some serious ignoring on any intruder!

15 Jun 02 - 12:18 PM (#730536)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Linda Kelly

I resent your implication that Pebble is not up to the guard dog bit ... she doesn't ignore intruders she merely freezes them out with a cunning pyschological mind game -'I'll ignore you and we'll see who cracks first' !!!

15 Jun 02 - 06:47 PM (#730666)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

You can borrow my hamster as well for gaurd duty.john

17 Jun 02 - 06:12 AM (#731323)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF Part 3
From: GUEST,Refresh