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BS: CHILDHOOD depression

03 May 02 - 01:53 PM (#703748)
Subject: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Mrrzy

Hi all, sorry, songs welcome. Does anybody know anything about very young children and antidepressants? I know I and others have gotten a lot of support here for adult depression, but one of my twins seems to be in serious trouble and medication is being recommended. He's 6, so I am loath, but if he needs it and it would help the way it helped me... any data out there? Any songs?

03 May 02 - 02:35 PM (#703779)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: GUEST,mg

It certainly happens. I cannot advise on medication, but I would sure check out his fatty acid consumption because that seems to be related. Lots of fish and/or cod liver oil. Fresh air and sunlight. I forget the situation, but if father is in the picture, and is non-abusive, not perfect, just non-abusive, I would look at increasing his time with his father...sometimes one on one and sometimes with his brother. Some kids, boys seem to be especially hit hard, really really need fathers....if he and his brother are very competitive or one picks on the other I would look at separate classrooms and/or afterschool activities...although for a single parent that would be quite difficult.

03 May 02 - 02:42 PM (#703782)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Dave the Gnome

PM sent Mrrzy. Get in touch.



03 May 02 - 03:09 PM (#703802)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Amergin

hey mrr...whatever you decide to will be the right thing...but I suggest taking him to a counselor....or perhaps scheduling time with some one who he can talk with...without fear of retribution....some one that he trusts completely...and if it it turns out meds may be the best way...then i would put him on them...and keep an eye on him....for any side effects and such...or you could just take him to church so everyone can pray for him....BG...(sorry I could not resist that last)...

but in any case good luck...and good on you for wanting to get this taken care of as soon as possible!

03 May 02 - 03:24 PM (#703815)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Steve in Idaho

Not enough info Mrrzy - Meds and kids are generally an exception rather than the rule. Too many other things to take into consideration. Find someone REALLY good with kids. 6 year olds are a specialty unto themselves.


03 May 02 - 03:26 PM (#703817)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Steve in Idaho

Clik here for a website addressing these issues.


03 May 02 - 03:31 PM (#703823)
Subject: RE: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Amos

One fast look at his white sugar intake can tell a great deal. Simple calcium and magnesium can balance out a lot of nervous system anomalies. Drinking enough water is a first fundamental. Depression can come from diet, from hidden physical pains, and from something in the environment that he conceives is dangerous or overwhelming.

These are the things I would look for before I started thinking about psychiatric chemical intercessions, which are an extreme measure in my own opinion. I'd also ask ifhe is getting plain phsyiical exercises and overcoming physical challenges in a way that will leyt him know he is winning and growing and getting acknowledged for it.

But this is just opinion from someone out in the field and your own judgement is far more important.


03 May 02 - 09:13 PM (#704022)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: sophocleese

Is it the doctor recommending anti-depressants?

If other physical problems are already ruled out then depressants may work but they ALWAYS need to be used in conjunction with counselling. I can't remember the sites that I checked out a year ago but one thing I remember several places saying was that childhood depression is more easily cured than adult onset depression.

I was on depressants once as an adult. They didn't cure me but they did halt the racing thoughts and downhill thinking. Depressants usually take a few weeks to really kick in so don't expect miracles in a week. The net has a lot of websites about medication. Whatever particular medication is prescribed spend the time necessary to read what you can about its side effects and results.

Sorry if I'm a little wambly at the moment, not enough sleep and too much caffeine.

03 May 02 - 10:52 PM (#704054)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Celtic Soul

Are not antidepressants mostly for chemically induced depressions? If the wee bairn has some other sort of issue contributing to his feelings (any losses of late? Death of a loved one, a move, change in teachers/classes, best friend move away?), perhaps it would be better to get to the root and deal with it, and then consider medication if that doesn't help.

03 May 02 - 11:19 PM (#704065)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: GUEST,Mudlark sans cookie

Agree with all of above, also, if child eating typical supermarket fare, take a close look at ALL additives, especially food dyes, MSG, etc. They trigger lots of brain allergies that might manifest as depression...Good luck to you both.... nancy

03 May 02 - 11:29 PM (#704068)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Mark Cohen

Mrrzy, Steve's right, more info is needed. If you send me a PM I may be able to give you some specific guidance. When I was in medical school in the mid-70s, the standard wisdom was that children don't get depressed. Fortunately, we've progressed beyond that belief, because they do. Unfortunately, the pendulum seems to have swung a bit too far in the other direction, so that many children are being given "mental illness" labels for what may be transient developmentally-related behavior changes, or personality differences. It is also true, I should add, that there are still many kids with real mental illness who are not being diagnosed because of the older mindset.

What this means is that you should not take a single professional's opinion as gospel, especially if it doesn't fit with what you feel is going on with your child. But if you find someone you like and trust, and that your child likes and trusts, and if that person has good credentials and is recommended by other health professionals you know, that's good. If such a person recommends medication, especially if he/she also recommended other forms of therapy (e.g., play therapy) as adjunctive/concurrent measures, then it's probably reasonable, because the medications do work, in the right circumstances. The fact that there is a family history of depression makes true childhood depressive illness somewhat more likely, but not certain.

I'd suggest getting as much information as you feel you need, and then, if you have a doctor you trust, then trust the doctor--while keeping your eyes open, of course, and being an active participant in the plan. Your main measure of how things are going will be how your child is acting and feeling.

Hope that general overview is helpful. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to discuss details. (I'll be away for the weekend, though.)


04 May 02 - 02:24 PM (#704317)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: GUEST,MAG at work

My best wishes to you and the kids, Mrzy. I thank the stars that you are a mother who takes this seriously and will not quit until yoou have a plan that works. You can PM me at mag'.

06 May 02 - 09:00 AM (#705171)
Subject: RE: BS: CHILDHOOD depression
From: Mrrzy

Mark, you wouldn't believe the number of catters that PMd be with the advice to PM you! I will do so now. Thanks, all. How about them songs, though?