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Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes

21 May 02 - 06:13 AM (#714411)
Subject: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: IanC

Here's a whole alphabet of (mainly traditional) songs and tunes (though I had to cheat a bit on X).

A - Douglas's mistress, so they say, but Lady John was far more responsible.
B - Willie Lawrie's retreat should have been called Haig's Downfall.
C - Galashiels hawker's products ... the advertising always lasts longer.
D - Mr Miller thinks Salford's a filthy place.
E - Feeding pigs is not for her, now that she's so friendly with Lord Lambton's heirs.
F - Swift said he could drink, but Turlough usually used Mrs Trench's maiden name.
G - Amidst the northern ice; the captain grieves.
H - She's changed her name from Loving Hannah, and now her hair is black as a raven.
I - Half the village is aroused and chasing her, but all drink her health at the end.
J - You don't meet him every day, but he's buying the drinks now.
K - Instructions to George for a good night's sleep.
L - He was 7 years apprentice but then he changed his trade; now it's his delight.
M - James Yorkston's ghostly purveyor of molluscs.
N - Not usually recommended for night visiting, but our hero keeps them on at all times.
O - Another female seller of molluscs, but this time in 6/8.
P - Robert's description of the Scottish Parliament.
Q - Though they operated, the flower of England is blooming no more.
R - Saved from an untimely fate by the captain's daughter who, no doubt, gave him too much.
S - Cyril's song of lost love leaves no requirement for an American car.
T - He's mad about his Bethlehem home.
U - She was never afraid of goons and ginks (nor even of deputy sheriffs).
V - Tasmania's a second home for young men who would be horses.
W - Rhetorical question Martin asked his servant.
X - Latin Menagerie for the festive season (78 items in all).
Y - He had a handsome face, and all around his hat he wore a band of lace.
Z - If you have any spare cash, a jaunt in Phoenix Park is recommended.

Answers, as usual, on the forum. I suspect this may turn out to be easier than some of the previous quizzes, but collaboration strongly encouraged and comments about songs, tunes, performers (or anything else) welcomed.

Good luck.

21 May 02 - 06:27 AM (#714416)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

I'll start at the end to get in quick. Zoological Gardens,Young rambleway(?), 12 days of Xmas, Why man why, Van Dieman's Land, Union Maid, Sally Free and Easy,R? Q? Parcel of Rogues, Oyster Girl, Navvy Boots, Molly Malone, Lincolnshire Poacher, Keep your Feet Still. That's half, that'll do me. Nice one Ian, keep'em coming.

21 May 02 - 06:30 AM (#714418)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Queen Jane


21 May 02 - 06:30 AM (#714419)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

D=Dirty old Town

21 May 02 - 06:31 AM (#714420)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

E=Elsie Marley

21 May 02 - 06:34 AM (#714421)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

J=Jock Stewart (Stuart?)

21 May 02 - 06:35 AM (#714422)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Jock Stewart


21 May 02 - 06:35 AM (#714423)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

K =Goodnight Irene?

21 May 02 - 06:35 AM (#714424)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes

M = My boy Lollipop

21 May 02 - 06:37 AM (#714426)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Greenland whale fishery


21 May 02 - 06:39 AM (#714428)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

T=Mad Tom of Bedlam

21 May 02 - 06:47 AM (#714429)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Battle of the Somme? (why Haig?)


21 May 02 - 06:51 AM (#714432)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

W should be "Who's the Fool Now", not Why, man, Why? I thinks its "Fie, Man Fie!", greg.

I agree with you about all the rest, though. Pretty impressive start!

21 May 02 - 07:00 AM (#714436)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Annie Laurie

that's why


21 May 02 - 07:03 AM (#714438)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: IanC


Summary so far.

A - ??
B - Battle of The Somme
C - ??
D - Dirty old Town
E - Elsie Marley
F - ??
G - Greenland Whale Fisheries
H - ??
I - ??
J - Jock Stewart
K - Keep Your Feet Still, Geordie Hinnie
L - Lincolnshire Poacher
M - Molly Malone
N - Navvie Boots
O - Oyster Girl
P - Parcel of Rogues
Q - Queen Jane
R - ??
S - ??
T - Tom O'Bedlam
U - Union Maid
V - Van Diemen's Land
W - Who's the Fool Now
X - XII Days of Christmas
Y - ??
Z - Zoological Gardens

Wolfgang ... who was the general in charge at The Somme?


21 May 02 - 07:04 AM (#714439)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

You're right, DMcG. i was writing in a hurry with my memory function not fully warmed up. Wolfgang, Haig was boss of the British Army at the time.

21 May 02 - 07:08 AM (#714440)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

If S isn't Sally Free and Easy, it must be Sweet Thames flow softly. And Wolfgang must be right with Annie Laurie - it's fits so well!

21 May 02 - 07:10 AM (#714441)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

F is the anthem of Women's Lib "Fanny Power", and Swift said "Est homo qui potest bibere"

21 May 02 - 07:11 AM (#714442)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: IanC


A=Annie Laurie ... here's more. BTW I was going to say in charge of the British forces (I didn't mean to say he was also responsible for The Kaiser's lot too!!!).


21 May 02 - 07:14 AM (#714443)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

I sounds like the Innkeeper's daughter, but I can't recall enough of the song to be sure. Fanny Powers is right again Greg. I was thinking of that but couldn't fit Swift into it.

21 May 02 - 07:15 AM (#714445)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Sammy's Bar


21 May 02 - 07:20 AM (#714446)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: IanC

F = Fanny Power
I = ??
S = Sammy's Bar

Swift is actually quoted saying that O'Carolan "could drink". I wondered if it was Fanny Powers' whiskey that he was drinking.


21 May 02 - 07:20 AM (#714449)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

At a guess, C is Coulters Candy, though I can't remember any reference to Galashiels in the song.

21 May 02 - 07:22 AM (#714450)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Reuben Ranzo


21 May 02 - 07:23 AM (#714451)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Hrothgar

Coulter's Candy

Reuben Ranzo

21 May 02 - 07:25 AM (#714454)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: GUEST,fogie

Y = young Banker

21 May 02 - 07:29 AM (#714456)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

I = Innocent Hare

21 May 02 - 08:02 AM (#714484)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

My brain's running dry, I think.

"Loving Hannah" is an Appalachian song, but it doesn't have anything to do with hair, raven or otherwise. Has the tune perhaps been used for something else?

21 May 02 - 08:05 AM (#714486)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

only Hannah I know is Hard Hearted Hannah: but I dont remember any raven hair. Very mysterious question.

21 May 02 - 08:13 AM (#714494)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Jeanie

H = Handsome Molly

- jeanie

21 May 02 - 08:16 AM (#714495)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

well done Jeanie I've been going round and round that clue. Should have headed straight to the Appalachians.

21 May 02 - 08:17 AM (#714496)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhh! Handsome Molly is, basically, Loving Hannah! I should have got this half an hour ago.

(Hits head against wall repeatly)

21 May 02 - 08:21 AM (#714498)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

Is anything left? Was Reuben Ranzo right?

21 May 02 - 08:25 AM (#714500)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

I think Reuben Ranzo is right. I'm not convinced by the Innocent Hare, though. I see your reasoning, but I don't know a version where "half the village" were chasing it. Let's hope its my ignorance!

21 May 02 - 08:26 AM (#714501)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: Wolfgang

Why is Coulter's Candy correct?


21 May 02 - 08:34 AM (#714507)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

I can't explain Galasheils, I'm afraid. They were (are?) real sweets, so maybe that's where they were from.

The song was written by the manufacturer as advertising

21 May 02 - 08:35 AM (#714509)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

Well Innocent Hare starts off "Sportmen arouse" so I take it IanC is playing with the fact that it's only "men" so it's half the village. I would guess Coulters Candy is right, it's about somebody peddling sweeties round the Scottish Borders which is where Galashiels is: perhaps MrCoulter lived in Galashiels?

21 May 02 - 09:00 AM (#714523)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: IanC

Here's it all.

A - Annie Laurie
B - Battle of The Somme
C - Coulter's Candy
D - Dirty old Town
E - Elsie Marley
F - Fanny Power
G - Greenland Whale Fisheries
H - Handsome Molly
I - Innocent Hare
J - Jock Stewart
K - Keep your feet still, Geordie Hinnie
L - Lincolnshire Poacher
M - Molly Malone
N - Navvie Boots
O - Oyster Girl
P - Parcel of Rogues
Q - Queen Jane
R - Reuben Ranzo
S - Sammy's Bar
T - Tom O'Bedlam
U - Union Maid
V - Van Diemen's Land
W - Who's the Fool Now
X - XII Days of Christmas
Y - Young Banker
Z - Zoological Gardens

Mr Coulter came from Galashiels and hawked his sweets around various Scottish border towns.

Well done all. 2½ hours in total. Brilliant.


21 May 02 - 09:03 AM (#714526)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: DMcG

Thanks for the challenge, Ian

21 May 02 - 09:09 AM (#714529)
Subject: RE: BS: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
From: greg stephens

Ta muchly