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Kendall's Cure

27 May 02 - 01:59 PM (#718195)
Subject: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

This should be the last week of radiation for Kendall. How's it going? Anyone have anything to report? It will be nice to go from red-necked to a rosy outlook, eh?


27 May 02 - 02:42 PM (#718225)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Barbara Shaw

I just saw Kendall yesterday (over Memorial Day weekend) at a bluegrass festival in Acton, ME. He said his last 4 treatments were coming up this week on T-W-Th-F and then he's done! He was in good spirits and had several stories to tell, despite a raspy voice, and it was great seeing him, despite the "redneck" disguise.

27 May 02 - 02:56 PM (#718240)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: CapriUni

:::Waving hands in the air, Kermit the Frog Style:::


27 May 02 - 03:05 PM (#718250)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: alanabit

Good to hear that the fightback is under way. Good luck. Alan.

28 May 02 - 12:04 AM (#718544)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Here comes the last countdown, then! Good luck this week.

Four. . .

Three. . .

you know how it goes!


28 May 02 - 12:51 AM (#718560)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Ebbie

Happy for you, Kendall. I've no doubt it has seemed a long haul; I'm glad it's almost over.

Incidentally, although I've never met you, on these pages your 'voice' is still the same - even maybe a tad better! Good on ya.

28 May 02 - 01:57 AM (#718577)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Liz the Squeak

Still doing what I said I'd do, petal. Take care and next time you come visit Morty, remember I want dinner!!!


28 May 02 - 12:42 PM (#718845)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Áine

Great news, Kendall! You can do it, ya stubborn ol' Yankee ;-) Hang in there, we're all behind you (and pushin' ya all the way!).

Love, Áine

28 May 02 - 12:59 PM (#718849)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Old recipe for Salt Curing Kendall, this method can preserve Kendall for years.

For a 170lb. Kendall:

33 Pounds of Brown Sugar
10 Pounds of Black Pepper
5 Pounds of Red Pepper
58 Pounds of Salt

Mix the ingredients together and rub onto the skin-on Kendall, paying special attention to the ass. Then the Kendall is wrapped in paper, then wrapped in cloth, then placed in a cloth bag and hung with the ass down. The Kendall is hung in a well ventilated, dark and secure building. The Kendall bitches for about two months and is ready to piss, moan, whine, and complain continually, in about 6 to 9 months and is still a pain in the ass years. Kendalls cured in this manner continue to stay curmudgeonly until they are completely dried out.


28 May 02 - 01:02 PM (#718852)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Morticia

So, Kendall's well-hung then??? *BG*

28 May 02 - 01:07 PM (#718857)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Well he would be in this case Mortie, probably be the highlight of his entire life, until the salt really gets to which point his genitals will resemble a Thai Pepper flanked by two raisins.


28 May 02 - 02:11 PM (#718898)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

So, it's show and tell time, eh?

28 May 02 - 04:04 PM (#718977)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Hmmmm, not quite what I had in mind when I started the thread. And to introduce a diminishing set of numbers at this point might just encourage Spaw. He'll just have to be big about it.


Spaw, if you add some mustard, onion powder, wine (not whine) and water to that formula, reduced considerably, you could use it as brine before smoking a salmon.

Since the point of it was to encourage Kendall, here goes:

Three. . .


29 May 02 - 05:57 AM (#719341)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Bert

...this method can preserve Kendall for years...

Er! Kendall has already been preserved for years *Gotcha Kendall*

29 May 02 - 07:51 AM (#719374)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall


29 May 02 - 09:48 AM (#719449)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: SharonA

Stilly River Sage: Smoking a salmon? How on earth would it fit inside the rolling paper? *G*

Go, Kendall, go! Yer almost there!

29 May 02 - 11:47 AM (#719548)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Perhaps I shouldn't promote smoked salmon. I read somewhere that consuming smoked meat means that one is taking in a lot of hazardous chemicals. There was a formula that I don't remember now, along the lines of eating X amount of smoked meat is equivalent to smoking Y number of packs of cigarettes. Too bad.

Hey, Kendall, it's now only

Two days to go!


29 May 02 - 01:30 PM (#719604)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Mrrzy

You go, Kendall!

29 May 02 - 02:29 PM (#719645)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stephen L. Rich

Good job, Kendall!! Keep it up!!

29 May 02 - 03:47 PM (#719697)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Áine

There once was Yankee called Kendall,
With trevails that I tell ya would end all,
Whether frozen or salted,
Over all he exalted,
Though now he's the size of a Ken doll!

Well, at least now we'll all know that groaning sound coming from 'up thar' is because of this dreadful drivel, and not from any other cause! ;-)

Love ya, ya stubborn ol' fart -- so keep going, you're in the final stretch!

-- Áine

29 May 02 - 04:29 PM (#719730)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: lamarca

Do you get a balloon, Kendall? My radiation nurses gave me a "Graduation" certificate and a great big balloon the day of my last treatment...which gave me a great big smile. Only

2 To Go!!

duplicate post deleted by mudelf ;-)

29 May 02 - 08:26 PM (#719874)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure

He is grumping and griping and accusing me of mothering him. All in all, I would say he is recovering nicely. Party time at Old Songs!

29 May 02 - 09:35 PM (#719914)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

It's nothing personal Sinsull; I just hate being "mothered". When I'm ill, i want to be left alone, but, mothers cant hear that!

29 May 02 - 11:13 PM (#719941)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: katlaughing

Somebody had it right the other day..women don't do the fight, flight or flee as much as they want to stay, cuddle, mend, and make it all deal with it, Kendall!**BG**

So good to hear how thigs are going. Almost to the finish line, or in the harbour, safe port, drop anchor, er...come ashore...LOL


30 May 02 - 09:36 AM (#720152)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: jeffp


Just today and tommorow, and then you can get on with the rest of your life. Congratulations, Kendall, and an early with for a happy June 1st to you!


30 May 02 - 10:45 AM (#720188)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure

Kendall's definition of mothering: A waitress brought us two cups and a pot of coffee. One cup was dirty; she took it back. I poured coffee into the other and handed it to him.
He is cranky and cantankerous - a sure sign that he is expecting to recover. Me - I just want to make it all better...and get even. The crankier he gets, the more I try to soothe. Makes him furious. Tee Hee.

30 May 02 - 11:35 AM (#720229)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Peg

Sinsull; cook him some kielbasa.


30 May 02 - 11:38 AM (#720233)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Peg, he'll just be envious of it........


30 May 02 - 11:56 AM (#720245)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: MMario

My GOD! sinsull! HOw could you possibly pour him a cup of coffee! That is just

30 May 02 - 12:00 PM (#720248)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Barbara Shaw

I asked him if he was supposed to talk so much or if he should rest his voice, and he replied "I don't remember marrying you!" Yep, cantankerous, but I've never seen him any different!

30 May 02 - 12:17 PM (#720259)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: harpgirl either, in the daylight!

30 May 02 - 12:25 PM (#720264)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Gee, he said that to me once--now I know it wasn't a proposal! Whew!

But hey, another day, another chance to pull out the HTML4 book:

ONE. . . to go!!!

And after tomorrow, Kendall can show us or tell us whatever he feels like showing or telling, as he recuperates from the cure. Sinsull and Barbara, I predict less crankiness as he feels better. It works that way for most people.


30 May 02 - 12:44 PM (#720282)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Could be, but I think he'll still be envious of the Kielbasa......


30 May 02 - 01:06 PM (#720297)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Naemanson

Ah, Kendall, how do we know who loves us? By the way they try to make us feel good.

Glad to know you are doing well and will soon have a clean bill of health. Are you about ready to speak the transaltion of Coplas? I'm planning to go to Old Songs with Dahlin, Murray, and their mother. I hope you are up to getting in on the act.


30 May 02 - 08:26 PM (#720524)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Helen

Stilly River Sage,

This is Kendall we're talking about. "Sinsull and Barbara, I predict less crankiness as he feels better. It works that way for most people. " Most people - this direction. Kendall - anywhere but there. (grin)

This fight/flight vs mothering instinct, in the case of sickness, is obviously another case to add to the files on the great psychological and linguistic divide between men & women. Hubby gets cranky if I "mother" him when he's sick and wants to just be left alone. I get cranky because he is "ignoring" me when I am sick when I need some loving attention/support.

Just been watching Allan Pease videos on body language etc and his latest called Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps. It's really funny, and very apt.

Get back to your normal healthy cantankerous (marshmallow-hearted) self, Kendall. ASAP.


30 May 02 - 10:09 PM (#720544)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Celtic Soul

Good for you, Kendall. You go!

30 May 02 - 10:35 PM (#720549)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure

In Kendall's defense, I will admit that questioning whether or not he washed his hands before leaving the Men's Room is a bit much. But better safe than sorry...and it is so much fun to see him control his temper.

31 May 02 - 10:09 AM (#720635)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

People who never have an unspoken thought also bug me!

31 May 02 - 10:23 AM (#720642)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: SharonA

Oh, well, I was thinking that this is kendall's last day of treatments so we should all cheer him down the home stretch, but maybe I shouldn't have spoken... *BG*

For the *last* time: Go, kendall, go!

31 May 02 - 10:28 AM (#720649)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Seriously folks; this is the final day of treatment. In about a month they will check me out again (just before Old Songs) and, I will probably get checked again at Johns Hopkins. Thanks for all the support and wise cracks. It means so much to me.

31 May 02 - 11:01 AM (#720671)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Amos

I always wondered what Spaw was smokin'!!

A crusty ol' Yankee named Morse
Took the medical poobahs by force!
So high was the dudgeon
Of this Yankee curmudgeon
He was cured, but the Doctors got worse!!



31 May 02 - 11:16 AM (#720675)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Áine

For this 'Cure' we now write the last check,
But this Southerner says, 'What the heck,'
Kendall's days have been brightened,
Perhaps his load lightened,
But no longer he'll be a redneck!

Way to go, Yankee! Now, did you finish that book you were supposed to have begun when all this started? Or have you been too busy being grumpy? ;-)

Here's a big, loud, rebellious YEE-HAW for your last day, Áine

31 May 02 - 11:35 AM (#720684)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: GUEST,bbc at work

Onward & upward, Kendall! See you soon!


31 May 02 - 02:47 PM (#720689)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: CapriUni

Been thinking good thoughts about you, and cheering that 'tis almost over...

Sinsull -- if he gets cranky over a cup of coffee, I pity the nurses if they try to give him a balloon! ;-)

31 May 02 - 03:11 PM (#720700)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Charley Noble

A poetic thought from one of Kendall's favorite songs, slightly folk-processed, to provoke further healing:

I climbed the clock tower 'neath the noon-day sun,
It was mid-day at Lathom, my journey was done;
But the clock never sounded its last stroke of course,
For there from the clapper swung Kendall Morse.

Charley Noble

31 May 02 - 03:13 PM (#720701)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

definition of curmudgeon; Anyone who hates hypocracy, sham, dogmatic idiologies, has the nerve to point out unpleasant facts, and takes the trouble to impale these sins on the skewer of humor, and roast them over the fires of empiric fact, common sense and native intelligence. In this nation of bleating sheep and braying jackasses, it then becomes an honor to be labled "Curmudgeon". (Jon Winokur)

31 May 02 - 03:24 PM (#720711)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Good poetry you all, thanks.

31 May 02 - 04:00 PM (#720726)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

My work is finished, the countdown is over, though one usually acknowledges ignition and blastoff. Perhaps that's one 'Spaw would like to write a little ditty for?


31 May 02 - 09:05 PM (#720847)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

The big day for me will be the one that I'm able to sing a song.

31 May 02 - 09:28 PM (#720857)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Blast Off? Someone say Blast Off? No problem....Happy to oblige.....


.....Ahhhhh...that's fine..........


31 May 02 - 09:40 PM (#720860)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Bobert

Buck Six.... Man, that's nasty!!!!!....

31 May 02 - 09:52 PM (#720864)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

sigh, where did I go wrong?

31 May 02 - 09:57 PM (#720869)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: CarolC

Great news about your last day of treatment kendall!

31 May 02 - 10:52 PM (#720885)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Bobert

Yeah, Kendall. One more to go and it's in the books and you'll be good as new in no time. Tellin' stories and singin' and all. I know you don't believe it now but... hey, believe it. And ignore me and the Spazerman when we get a side trscked, but.... nevermind. No buts. (No pun intended).

01 Jun 02 - 11:13 AM (#721093)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Ebbie

Today marks a big step, Kendall. May it be the first step to putting this year into perspective as the "year way back when that I went through a rough patch".

Live long and prosper.

01 Jun 02 - 11:19 AM (#721100)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: InOBU

I think this calls for a reel, named Kendall's Cure... sounds about right eh??? Larry

01 Jun 02 - 12:04 PM (#721112)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Amos

Yeah, Larry, but make it a really really reel. :>0

Hey, Morse, ya wacky Downeast hardtack musicbox -- ya know what?

We love ya! Welcome tot he end of the tunnel. You'll be singing like a seagull in no time! :>)


01 Jun 02 - 12:07 PM (#721114)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

If it's a reel that might be its saving grace--no words!


01 Jun 02 - 12:25 PM (#721126)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Lorraine

Sending love and good wishes from Silver Spring. Love Lorane

01 Jun 02 - 04:17 PM (#721226)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Seamus Kennedy

Gotta have that sip o' whiskey, Kendall. All the best.


08 Jun 02 - 05:39 PM (#726168)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

My final treatment was a week ago yesterday. I look like death eating a cracker, and I feel even worse. My throat is still sore, I have no energy, food doesn't appeal to me and I'm as weak as a kitten. Now, a friend, a retired surgeon, tells me that may last 4 to 6 weeks. Never again.

08 Jun 02 - 06:07 PM (#726175)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: harpgirl

...Congratulations, Kendall!! and I'm sorry the recovery period is so tough!! But now you can concentrate on healing and getting stronger! Nathan and I wish you well...harpgirl

08 Jun 02 - 06:16 PM (#726181)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: DougR

I'm glad the treatments are behind you, Kendall. Take your time and don't push it too soon.


08 Jun 02 - 06:19 PM (#726182)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Amos

Jeeze -- we hand him over to a bunch of witch doctors in funny coats, they roll out the nuclear-powered field artillery and point it at him, and they leave him feeling like refried kielbasa, and looking like last weeks' left-over wieners, and then we all dance around yelling "congratulations"!! Sheeshe!! What are wqe congratulating him for? World class medical bills?

Kendall, get out while you can still breathe!


08 Jun 02 - 06:23 PM (#726187)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: harpgirl

...well, I meant I'm glad he is finished with the RX, Amos...sorry Kendall...I'm too right brained to be articulate anymore....all I do is listen....

08 Jun 02 - 06:35 PM (#726195)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Jeri

Recovering from radiation sickness sounds like a bitch. Congratulations, because the treatments are over. It gets better from here. Not fast enough, but it will get better. Hope, dream, and be kind to yourself.

08 Jun 02 - 07:10 PM (#726222)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Amos

Indeed -- and harpgirl, I was just trying to get that walking coatrack in the corner to grin. NOI, and Ihope NOT, as they say...


08 Jun 02 - 07:50 PM (#726255)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Ebbie

A friend of mine also just finished her radiation treatments for a small breast cancer. She had her last treatment on Friday and flew home on June 1.

She was one of the lucky ones who got very little burn from it and no fatigue has set in so far.

However, they told her that the effects she is feeling right now are from several weeks ago, and the effects from the later radiation are still to come.

Perhaps that is what you are going through right now, Kendall? I hope very much that you will see a dramatic improvement in a week or so, both in your throat and in your energy level.

The throat is such a vital, vulnerable part of us that aggressive invasion of any sort is a pain (no pun intended).

Be well.

08 Jun 02 - 09:14 PM (#726300)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

If I were in your situation now, I'd be looking to diet and herbal remedies to provide comfort and extra energy. Slipperybark elm is one you should look for. Avoid the sugar still. Get LOTS OF SLEEP in a regular pattern, if possible. I heard somewhere recently that it isn't just getting 8 hours, but getting to bed before midnight for those 8 hours. The earlier in the evening you go to sleep, evidently the better it is for you. I don't have chapter and verse to back this up, but observed for myself through my recovery that getting to bed early made a huge difference.

The countdown was intended to give you a jumping off point for beginning to feel better, giving a psychological advantage. You'll get better, but on your time schedule, not the lists'. Take care!


08 Jun 02 - 09:27 PM (#726309)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

I always hit the sack by 10 pm, and, thanks to Dani, I have a large supply of fresh slippery elm bark.. I should start my own choir, I have so many angels in my life.

08 Jun 02 - 10:10 PM (#726319)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Dani

Thinking of you, Kendall.

I got my restaurant!! Start thinking about what we can sing together. For you, I'll do it, though my customers might ask me to go back to the kitchen. What do you think we could sing together?

What are you reading? I'm in the middle of a wonderful book by and about a man named George Dawson, who learned to read when he was about 98 years old, not very many years ago. He had a co-author who helped him put together all the stories of his life. It is such a treasure. He was so kind, and wise, and wonderful, though in his life he knew plenty of pain and hard work and disappointment. Can't recommend it enough. It's called "Life Is So Good".


08 Jun 02 - 11:43 PM (#726342)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Sandy Paton

See you at Old Songs, Kendall. Don't push that voice yet; it'll come back in time. As for Dani: keep them good ol' southern style green beans a-cookin', gal. Congratulations!


09 Jun 02 - 01:09 AM (#726355)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Cant wait to see ya Sandy.You are an outstanding friend, mentor and confidant. Dani, I know about 500 songs by heart, so, I'm sure we can click on at least a few. If your customers can abide a damn yankee singing in their country, they can sure as hell stand us singing together. What do you have by way of Folk Legacy records? I know many of the songs that they have recorded over the years. Plus, there is a songbook called RISE UP SINGING which every folkie has; surely there is something in that little tome. Congratulations on your restaurant! I hate to see anyone waste their time working, but, if that's what you want, go for it. I'm looking forward to January when I can visit you in your new place. I have so many friends between here and Florida, I'll need all winter to get there.

09 Jun 02 - 10:22 AM (#726514)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Glad to see that you knew what I was talking about. Slippery elm bark. Slippery bark elm sounds like something you don't want to come across if you're taking a walk in the woods. :-)

Was Dawson from Dallas? Sounds like a story from down here; he died a few months ago, at something like 102. Very long life, and what a wonderful example he set for so many people.

Kendall, look out for the boiled okra if you're headed South to start eating. It's one of those dishes that you had to be raised with to even consider eating. Fried is much better. (A tip, in what you will consider hindsight--you could possibly have skipped the radiation treatment altogether if you'd opted for the Barbecue Cure. Have to pick the right southern state to get the proper formulation of pork vs. beef, whole vs. chopped, and the correct spicy sauce for YOUR form of cancer, however. . .)


09 Jun 02 - 11:46 AM (#726538)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Now you tell me!

09 Jun 02 - 06:32 PM (#726757)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Dani, I forgot you asked me what I'm reading; the PORTABLE CURMUDGEON. I got that and IN DEFENSE OF WOMEN by H.L. Mencken. Courtesy of sinsull. I lean toward humor or adventure in my reading.

09 Jun 02 - 11:19 PM (#726859)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: DougR

So tell me, my friend, have you read, "Forty Days and Forty Nights in Wyoming with only a Llama for Company"? It was written, I'm told by one of the original mountain men who came west in the late 1700's. His name was Clem Amall. :>)


09 Jun 02 - 11:32 PM (#726861)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

I'm thinking of writing some songs along these lines, SOMETHING ABOUT THE WAY SHE MOOS, THIS LAMB IS YOUR LAMB etc.

10 Jun 02 - 12:20 PM (#727019)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: DougR

Super! Love it!


10 Jun 02 - 10:30 PM (#727223)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: JedMarum

I told my parents tonight, Kendall - about the way I learned the verse for Casey's Hat. My Dad used to sing the song, but only knew the chorus - I told 'em you sang it to me over the speaker phone and I recorded it. I looked around today for the tape, but I guess it's long gone. Probably should have saved it - would have become a classic!

All the best.

11 Jun 02 - 01:01 PM (#727656)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Well folks, it's a slow painful process, but, each day shows a tiny bit of improvement. I was, however, taken aback when it came on the news that John Gotti,the teflon don, died of throat cancer. Maybe the Great spirit likes folk singers better than mob bosses?

11 Jun 02 - 01:13 PM (#727667)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure

My own personal opinion (being a Queens native raised in Howard Beach/Gotti Territory) is that the don is alive and well and tucked away with Elvis and James Dean in a witness protection program in North Dakota. You, Kendall, are far better off here. And there is always the NYCFTTS if you need a rest.

11 Jun 02 - 02:26 PM (#727733)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: catspaw49

Actually Sins, he's having lunch with Jimmy Hoffa.


11 Jun 02 - 07:12 PM (#727951)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

It was easy to find him, they just scraped off all the make up from Tammy Baaker, and there he was!

11 Jun 02 - 11:48 PM (#728076)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Johnny Carson ran a "list" one night many years ago of photos the Smithsonian would like to find. One included a photo of Tammy Faye Baaker that wouldn't scare small children. Another was a mobile home park that a tornado went around.

Kendall, you and Gotti may have been travelling in the same direction with throat cancer, but you took the path to a cure a lot earlier than he probably did. So his route is the road not taken, as far as you're concerned.


12 Jun 02 - 12:01 AM (#728084)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Dan Schatz

I don't know about the Great Spirit, but _I_ certainly like folksingers better than mob bosses. Storytellers, though.... well, I guess they're all right too.

I'm awfully glad you're getting this behind you, Kendall. Sorry I'll miss you at Old Songs, but I'm sure I'll see you down the road - next February, if not sooner.

In the meantime, REST UP!

Dan Schatz

12 Jun 02 - 08:29 AM (#728226)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Thanks Dan, what do you mean you dont know about the great spirit? you being a preacher and all. Next February, I hope to be in Florida; unless, like Odysseus, I get delayed on the way.

12 Jun 02 - 08:39 AM (#728231)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Midchuck

Johnny Carson ran a "list" one night many years ago of photos the Smithsonian would like to find... Another was a mobile home park that a tornado went around.

Why is a redneck divorce like a tornado? Either way, someone loses a trailer....


12 Jun 02 - 10:21 AM (#728288)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Naemanson

Kendall, you going to Kennebunk this weekend? Gonna be a few Mudcatters there.

12 Jun 02 - 12:28 PM (#728395)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

I've been pondering that. Still cant sing, or speak properly, but, a number of women have threatened to hug me if I go, so,I might show up to support my old pal, Gordon at the restaurant venue.Could be a very nice outing.

12 Jun 02 - 02:14 PM (#728505)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Gordon just e mailed me to say that his brother Tony, a dear friend of mine, passed away. He was a victim of A.L.S (Lou Gerhigs disease) I am very very sad.

12 Jun 02 - 03:24 PM (#728573)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Deda

I'm so sorry to hear that you're getting hit with the loss of a dear friend right now when that's about the last thing you need. I click on this thread periodically just to see if the famous Down Easterner is getting along OK, very quietly cheering you on. I'm really sorry about your friend Tony.

12 Jun 02 - 03:54 PM (#728587)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Ebbie

I don't know where the phrase "misery loves company" came from. In my experience, when I've been really down and heard of someone else also going through a rough patch, it didn't make me feel better- it just confirmed for me that the world is a really sad place. But it's also a lovely place, Kendall. And that's what I look at most of the time now.

12 Jun 02 - 04:14 PM (#728607)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Bat Goddess

Hey, Kendall! Add me to the list of women who want to hug you, whether you show up in Kennebunk (which I hope you will) or not. I sincerely hope your recovery from the cure is rapid. (There are times the cure seems to be worse than the problem, doesn't it?)

Sorry to jump into this thread late -- I haven't been ignoring you or not thinking about you; just away from a computer for over 2 weeks. (Couldn't find a computer in Milwaukee, just brats and brewskis.)

Love ya lots and hope you and your voice are feeling better REAL SOON!


12 Jun 02 - 05:01 PM (#728647)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Charley Noble

Sorry to hear about Tony Bok, Kendall. He was also a loyal supporter in our efforts to rid the Maine coast of nuclear power plants and nuclear waste.

With great sadness,
Charlie and Judy

12 Jun 02 - 08:08 PM (#728793)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage


The tears from losing a good friend aren't going to make your throat feel any better, probably worse, but the rest of your system will benefit from a good cry. ALS. What a horrible wasting disease to die from. The father of one of my closest friends is in the end stages of ALS now. Celebrate your friend's life, and be grateful that his suffering is finished.


12 Jun 02 - 09:22 PM (#728851)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

It really was an honor and a rare privilege to have known him. He was a prince among men.

13 Jun 02 - 12:12 AM (#728915)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Kaleea

Kendall, we are certainly looking forward to having you to cat around with us for many more seasons of festivals to come, & tons of topics worthy of staying up half the night online to cuss, uh, oops, I mean DIScuss!!! Kaleea

13 Jun 02 - 12:31 AM (#728923)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: wysiwyg

Hey, Kendall, if hugs are all it takes to get you on the road, head this way. Check my Mudcat photo (events section) to see how big my *ugs are!


13 Jun 02 - 09:31 AM (#729109)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: GUEST,Dani

Can't PM from here, Kendall, but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. You'll get through this stinky time, but I'm sorry that you have to. Sorry for your friend's family, too.


13 Jun 02 - 10:07 AM (#729135)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: kendall

Steel is tempered by fire, mankind, by adversity. Seneca

13 Jun 02 - 10:31 AM (#729158)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: CapriUni

I can't be at the festival to give you a real muscle, bone and heart hug, Kendall (Which may be a good thing, as some have called my hugs too strong), so I'll just give you an electron hug, instead:

{{{{{{{ Kendall }}}}}}}

13 Jun 02 - 10:40 AM (#729162)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: GUEST,Patrish

Hi Kendall,

Just sent you some super charged positive and loving thoughts. I will hug you at the world mudcat gathering
Patrish xx

18 Jun 02 - 02:10 PM (#732340)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: bfolkemer


I'm geting into this thread really late. I was thrilled to scan the messages and find out you're done with radiation.

It seems to me that when I have been really sick, had surgery, etc., that I didn't necessarily feel better everyday, but I could see progress from week to week.

I'm saddened to read about Tony. I ran into ALS a lot when I was hospice chaplain--such a cruel disease. I hope his family and friends are able to stick together as they grieve.

Sending prayers your way,


18 Jun 02 - 03:03 PM (#732369)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Stilly River Sage

Hey, Kendall, can you see a difference this week from last week? The throat less sore, the voice a bit smoother? (I'm experiencing sympathetic vibrations with your throat this week, having come down with laryngitis. I hope we're both better soon!)


18 Jun 02 - 05:21 PM (#732466)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Liz the Squeak

Hope it goes well, still thinking of you...


19 Jun 02 - 12:43 PM (#732986)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Naemanson

Kendall, I haven't kept an eye on this thread since my last post. It was only last night at Roll & GO rehearsal that I heard the news about Tony Bok.

I never knew him but I could see you were not quite up to snuff when I saw you on Saturday. I put it down to you cure and recovery. I am sorry to have missed the chance to meet someone who meant so much to you. I hope as you hold him in your heart you find that place to be always sunlit and warm.

19 Jun 02 - 04:00 PM (#733138)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: euclid

You just left here and we miss you already. Take care, old friend.

19 Jun 02 - 06:53 PM (#733241)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: GUEST,Kendall

Hey folks, please welcome my old friend Euclid. He just joined Mudcat, and, a fine addition he will be too. I'm visiting my buddy, Dave Mallett, and using his confuser. Today he took me to the spot where his grand dads barn burned down when he was 9 years old. It was the inspiration for his classic saga titled "Fire" We have been doing a little picking and story swapping. I'm off to a bluegrass festival for the weekend, gonna drive the banjo pickers nuts with my open back, no tone ring Vega!

19 Jun 02 - 07:11 PM (#733258)
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
From: Midchuck

Kendall, get me a snailmail address for Dave Mallet. We'll probably do "Ballad of St. Anne's Reel" when we get onto our 3rd CD, and I'd rather send him the statutory royalties directly (pittance that they'll be) than let Harry Fox bite off a huge chunk.
