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Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15

12 Jun 02 - 06:16 AM (#728178)
Subject: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: Amos

A really interesting series of reviews by owners of the Martin D-15 can be found over here.

On the whole they give it a 9.7 out of 10, and uniformly rave about its sound.

This may be the buy of the century for a guitar that sounds this good.

GAS sufferers, take note.


12 Jun 02 - 06:18 AM (#728179)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: Amos

That link seems to not work. The address is:

which should be here.



12 Jun 02 - 01:38 PM (#728469)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: Steve-o

Amos, I will attest to the accuracy of this assessment. Traditional Music, here in So. Cal., had one of these hanging amidst about 20 various Dreadnoughts. I played them all, and this was hands-down the easiest player and the sweetest tone. No kidding.

12 Jun 02 - 02:30 PM (#728521)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: 53

I haven't seen one yet but maybe I'll get a chance to try one out soon. Bob

12 Jun 02 - 06:38 PM (#728724)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: nager


I bought a D-15 over here in Austrlaia several months ago and agree with what you say and what was said on the website. Fantastic instrument and got it new at a very good price here in Newcastle, NSW. I had the action lowered a tad. Now it is perfect and sounds tremendous fingerpicked .. especially in an open tuning. My wife, who is not a musician, loves it too... she says its dark colour matches our furniture beautifully when I play it in the lounge room!!!!


12 Jun 02 - 07:39 PM (#728766)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: bigchuck

Go to the same place and check out the reviews for Martin's 000-15S, which is possibly the best sounding folk guitar under $1500 IMHO.

13 Jun 02 - 06:45 PM (#729536)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: Kenny B (inactive)

I asked for a UK£ price at a local store well known for "Good" Deals the answer was £899 , $500 is a steal!

13 Jun 02 - 07:02 PM (#729545)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: C-flat

I can't understand why Martin guitars are so pricey here in the U.K. Obviously there are shipping costs involved but that's more than double the price!

13 Jun 02 - 10:32 PM (#729658)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: nager

That sounds very expensive to me in the UK. Here in Australia I bought the guitar for $1500Aus with several extras thrown in like new strings etc, capo, strap etc plus the case which is included in the price. That's around 570 english pounds or $850 US. Not a bad price for Australia with its lousy dollar and import duties etc but still a lot dearer than the US's $500!! Martin had them listed on their site in the USA for around $980 US when I checked several months ago. However some dealers on the Net already had them discounted then. My local shop here had it priced at around $2000 Aus and discounted it by $500 when I haggled and mentioned the Net prices. A few months later the shop had a big sale on ALL guitars knocking several hundred dollars off most brands including Martin, Cort, Maton etc. And they moved heaps too. Can't understand why the D-15 should be priced at 899 pounds in the UK.. that's very expensive...well over $2300 AUS and considerably more than the US price. I will be in the UK in August/September and no doubt will drop into a few music shops while there. At those prices though, don't think I will be buying anything! Cheers Paul


14 Jun 02 - 05:10 AM (#729769)
Subject: RE: Review: Martin's $500 Dreadnought 15
From: Terry K

It's all down to what they think they can get away with charging - we are, after all, known as "rip-off Britain".

Some years ago I was in Vermont and bought a Cannondale mountain bike. After paying import duty and VAT it still cost me less than half the extortionate amount they charge for Cannondales here.

The worst though, was when in Boston I came across a Church's shoe shop which was selling shoes (made in Northampton UK) for far less dollars than we pay pounds. So it's not all about freight and taxes.
