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BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?

17 Jun 02 - 04:21 PM (#731641)
Subject: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Has anyone seen the Starbucks poster referred to in the following new story? (I have not.) If you have, what do you think – did the ad's designers intend to make an insensitive reference to the World Trade Center collapse, or are people reading things into the ad (the way some people see skeletons in the ice cubes of liquor ads)? A lot of corporations have been criticized for appearing to capitalize on the terrorist attacks of 9/11 – usually with references to nationalism and patriotism in an attempt to associate these with the products' "strengths" – but I can't imagine that any ad agency would do something this crude on purpose and expect to make any sales! Here's the article:

Starbucks Dumping Posters: Image reminded some customers of collapse of World Trade Center
By IEVA M. AUGSTUMS / The Dallas Morning News

Starbucks has ordered its 4,310 stores to remove a promotional poster that reminded some customers of the World Trade Center disaster. The posters depicted two summer tea drinks – one green and one orange – standing side by side, with a dragonfly hovering to the left and the headline "Collapse into Cool" overhead.

The Seattle-based coffeehouse chain pulled the posters June 7 after hearing that a New York customer had complained the signs were "insensitive" in light of Sept. 11, company officials said.

By that time, a guest on the ABC late-night show "Politically Incorrect" had piled on, saying the dragonfly and two drinks were reminiscent of a plane and the twin towers and criticizing the use of the word "collapse." Others on the show said the charge was ludicrous.

Starbucks officials, saying the posters were not an intentional allusion to the events of Sept. 11, apologized to customers. "We deeply regret if this ad was in any way misinterpreted to be insensitive or offensive, as this was never our intent," spokeswoman Lara Wyss said.

The poster, promoting Tazo Citrus and Tazoberry beverages, was designed to create a "magical place" using bright colors and whimsical elements such as palm trees and dragonflies, Ms. Wyss said.

17 Jun 02 - 04:31 PM (#731646)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

I think we get a hard-on way too easily anymore...............


17 Jun 02 - 04:40 PM (#731651)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: GUEST,Paul

It's ridiculous.

A picture of a baby might well upset a woman who's just had a miscarrage. A picture of a happy family might upset peopl who have just had a divorce, etc, etc

To suggest that two glasses and a dragonfly 'represent' 9/11 is totally absurd.


17 Jun 02 - 04:43 PM (#731653)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Gareth

Question ? Is Starbucks correct politically or otherwise.


17 Jun 02 - 05:14 PM (#731678)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Mrrzy

I remember after Daddy was killed really hating all the Father's Day stuff on TV... but hey, that was me, not everybody. Not politically incorrect. Starbucks, however, I gather is walmarty in getting rid of Mom&Pop coffeehouses, which is PI in my book but this ad... when was it designed? If after 9/11 then likely it was sparked by that, however unconsciously, but chances are it was in the works long before that... and I think it would take someone close to the disaster, like I was then, to mind. Have the anti-Irish come in to object to it being green and orange? For crying out loud!

17 Jun 02 - 05:31 PM (#731691)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

I'm gonna be glad when I'm dead and I don't have to hear ANYTHING else about Sept 9th, 2001...

It lands solidly in my Old News file...

Especially when it comes to absolutely idiotic stuff like this... or the original Spiderman movie preview being recalled, because he caught a helicopter full of bank robbers in a big web between the 2 towers...

IT was the BEST preview that movie could have possibly had... even after Sept 9th...

It COULD have become a CELEBRATION of perseverance...

Instead, all this wet-blouse, PC, caving in is just one more way that the terrorists won the day, and keep winning day after day...

17 Jun 02 - 05:38 PM (#731694)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Ron Olesko

Wasn't it a Starbucks in the neighborhood of the WTC that was charging rescue workers for water on 9/11? They took a lot of abuse for that so I'm sure they were being ultra-sensitive when they pulled these posters.

17 Jun 02 - 06:29 PM (#731729)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

I heard that story too Ron and don't know whether it's true or not. I personally don't care a damn about Starbucks myself and see the joints as little Yuppie Collection Devices.


17 Jun 02 - 06:31 PM (#731731)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?

Catspaw, the entire world heard that story

17 Jun 02 - 06:47 PM (#731748)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

Yeah I agree, but the question is....Is it true?


17 Jun 02 - 06:51 PM (#731750)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: mousethief

Where can I go to see wet-blouse caving in?


17 Jun 02 - 07:03 PM (#731755)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

I've seen the poster, and anybody who thinks that it looks like the WTC, intentionally or not, needs to see his/her medical care provider for either new glasses or a medication adjustment, as appropriate. Starbucks (which, by the way, serves the only decent coffee within walking distance of my house) is a leader in a very competitive market and is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to do anything to annoy customers/potential customers, at least not on purpose.

17 Jun 02 - 07:17 PM (#731764)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Blues=Life

I hate the very notion of "Politically Correct", because no one can satisfy me with the answer to "According to whom?" The phrase reminds me of the classic test of a person's intelligence...s/he is judged by how well their opinion agrees with mine! Arrgh!

Screw it, I'm going to go play some more


17 Jun 02 - 07:22 PM (#731768)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Without seeing the poster it's impossible to hazard a guess as to whether scrapping the poster is a ridiculous but of PR, or putting it out was a sick effort to cash in somehow on September 11th. Or maybe both.

The business of doctoring movies to remove the Two Towers is crazy and rather sick. Is the idea to pretend that they never existed, airbrush them out of history?

Maybe in disaster comic book films, like Spiderman, where the superhero saves everybody, that makes sense; there wasn't any superhero to do that on September 11th. But, as I understand it, the airbrush wielders have been busily removing any record of the existence of the Two Towers from all kinds of films and TV programmes which just happened to include them as an indication that they were set in New York, the way they might include the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty. or Tower Bridge in London

If that is true, it seems rather disgusting to me. I think I'd feel it as an insult if I was a New Yorker or maybe even more so if I'd lost somebody in the disaster.

17 Jun 02 - 09:40 PM (#731877)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

Artbrooks, I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT!!!

You're a closet yuppie aren't you? Go ahead...Admit it......You have a Lincoln Navigator and wear clothes from LL Bean........Am I right?......I knew it!!!


17 Jun 02 - 09:43 PM (#731879)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: mack/misophist

Starbucks is NOT politically correct. They're doing their best to ruin coffee, for god's sake.

17 Jun 02 - 10:19 PM (#731896)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

Spaw, actually its a Chevie Blazer and Lands End!

17 Jun 02 - 11:09 PM (#731921)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Jeri

Spaw, apparently the thing with the water DID happen. Click

17 Jun 02 - 11:55 PM (#731952)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: GUEST,DW at work

Yes, the water thing is true, I was there.

Basically anything that gets Starbucks a few less customers is good in my book. Ever see the Simpsons episode where the entire mall is nothing but Starbucks except one store, but that's about to close too to become a Starbucks? That's how DC is getting. I understand London England is getting that way too. How much coffee can the western world drink?


18 Jun 02 - 12:24 AM (#731968)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Metchosin

misophist, I would agree, I hate the taste of over-roasted burnt beans.

18 Jun 02 - 01:18 AM (#731987)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

I can't believe I said "Sep 9th", TWICE...


It's not easy being this addled...

18 Jun 02 - 01:19 AM (#731989)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Mark Cohen

All you Seattle (and ex-Seattle) 'Catters, remember when....? Did anyone ever think that little company would turn into the McDonald's of coffee? Well, maybe the Tommy Hilfiger of coffee. Well...anyway, you get the idea. Thanks for the link to Snopes, Jeri, I was about to check the site. I agree with Barbara 100% on this one.


18 Jun 02 - 01:44 AM (#731991)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

Thanks Jeri....I checked Snopes but missed it for some reason.....Must have had a Clinton Hammond attack....


18 Jun 02 - 01:57 AM (#731994)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Metchosin

Well I can't comment on the ad, but as far as coffee goes and as PT Barnum once said, no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. Or the world for that matter.

18 Jun 02 - 02:08 AM (#732001)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

Good to know I'm not alone here spaw!


18 Jun 02 - 05:54 AM (#732074)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Am I right in understanding that Starbucks has a company policy against allowing people to make live music or sing in their coffee bars?

18 Jun 02 - 09:14 AM (#732153)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Kevin (McGrath): I don't think so. I attended several song circles (small ones, mind you) in the back room of a Starbucks in Wayne, PA before the manager shut it down because some nimrods had brought in an electronic bass and drums one night, and had made too much noise!

However, there may be a policy against allowing live-music performances in the main seating area; I don't know for sure.

Artbrooks: Thanks for giving your impression of the poster! I'm glad to hear that any similarities between it and the images of 9/11 were not so blatant as to give even the appearance of being intentional. I guess people are going to be sensitive to this sort of thing for a long, long while, and I can't say I blame them, but I agree with Clinton that when people give in to that sensitivity to the point of seeing images of 9/11 in ordinary things, then the terrorists have achieved at least one of their goals.

18 Jun 02 - 09:40 AM (#732162)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: GUEST,The Bottom Line

For those who Can't See The Forest For The Trees

...The ambulance workers did eventually get their $130 back, but they had to jump through hoops for what should have been freely and promptly tendered.

Starbucks isn't heartless -- it did provide free coffee to rescue workers, gave $1 million to the September 11th Fund (a national relief endeavor to help victims of the tragedy), and collects further contributions for the fund from its customers and friends.

(Other companies have made similar contributions, including $10 million each from Microsoft and Lilly Endowment, $5 million from IBM, and $4 million from UPS.) It's thus not an unfeeling company [Starbucks], merely one that fell down badly on problem resolution.

True: It shouldn't have happened, but look at the other side of the picture...

Woe to those who call Evil Good and Good Evil!

18 Jun 02 - 10:06 AM (#732177)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: catspaw49

But which one is Knievel?


18 Jun 02 - 12:32 PM (#732266)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Dave the Gnome

Anyone heard the rumour about some parties wanting to change the name of the second Lord of the Rings films for similar reasons?

I checked snopes but could not find anything.

Only out of interest.


Dave the Gnome

18 Jun 02 - 12:36 PM (#732269)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

Ya Dave... there's a small internet petition... most of the sigs on it are voting AGAINST the petition...

Once again I'll quote George Carlin...

"Think about how dumb the average person is... now what you have to realise is that HALF the people are dumber than that!"

And people wonder why I have no love for the human race....

18 Jun 02 - 12:57 PM (#732290)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

You're kidding... Somebody out there actually wants to change the title of Tolkien's "The Two Towers" for the movie, even though that's been the title of the book since 1954???... Omigod, you're not kidding. I just checked Google, and here it is:

Unbelievable. The petition actually says "The title is clearly meant to refer to the attacks on the World Trade Center". What idiot wrote that??? Hah, probably the same idiot who named it the "Rename 'The Two Towers' to Something Less Offensive Petition Petition", which of course means that anyone signing it has to agree that "I have read the Rename 'The Two Towers' to Something Less Offensive Petition Petition Petition".

Well, at least there's a notice that says "This petition has been suspended temporarily due to a lack of maintenance by the petition author." Either he lost interest, or he walked into a tree and knocked himself out.

18 Jun 02 - 01:06 PM (#732298)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?

You ain't too bright yourself, Clinton--otherwise you'd live somewhere other than Michigan--

18 Jun 02 - 01:11 PM (#732301)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Don Firth

Following an explosion in a Scrabble tile factory, there are people who could walk through the debris and find something to be offended at.

Don Firth

18 Jun 02 - 01:21 PM (#732310)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

Sad, but true eh SharonA

Well put Don...

guest... one day I'm moving back to Canada... no more of this America-lite for me...

18 Jun 02 - 01:49 PM (#732332)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Kim C

What's next, is someone going to want to change the title of Stephen King's "The Dark Tower"? Tower Records? Obliterate the word "tower" from every language on the globe? Oh please. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do, fercryinoutloud? Whatever.

As for Starbucks, it was nice when it was a novelty and a treat. Now it's common and not nearly as charming. However I must confess, when the pre-Christmas anxieties set in, I really like going to Starbucks on my lunch hour for a Mocha Valencia and 30 minutes in a puffy chair. :-)

18 Jun 02 - 06:07 PM (#732494)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Coyote Breath

Well I like coffee entirely too much to go to a starbuck and get it. As for Tommy Hilfiger; down here on the edge of the Ozark plateau we have a tee shirt with the TH logo on it only it sez: Tommy Hillbilly.


18 Jun 02 - 06:21 PM (#732499)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I imagine they'll have problems anytime they want to re-release Spielberg's AI, where the Two Towers rising out of the flooded ruins of a future New York area are a central image; or the re-made King Kong, where they are the setting for the final denouement in place of the Empire State Building in the proper version.

But I can't imagine there's been a film set in New York since they were built which didn't have them in the background at some point. I think rather than desperately try to edit the image out retrospectively, it would be far better to produce a movie collage made up of all those bits.

As for Starbucks, fortunately it's still possible in some places to get two cups of better coffee for the price of one cup at Starbucks.

19 Jun 02 - 01:15 PM (#733008)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Clinton Hammond

I think it's funny... watching Deep Impact the other night... after the tidal wave hits New York and the water recedes the FX guys ahve the WTC still standing...

Nothing ages faster than Speculative Fiction...

19 Jun 02 - 09:13 PM (#733322)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: robomatic

For the record: When there is better coffee to be had than Starbucks, I go for the better coffee and also support my local roaster. (In Anchorage we have better roasters than Starbucks).

When there is no better coffee to be had, which is usually when stuck in airport terminals, I have Starbucks and am properly grateful.

But... When I learned there was a Starbucks in the Forbidden City, I bought the stock!

19 Jun 02 - 11:17 PM (#733373)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Amos

JEsus H. Christmas. Wodda load of neurotic bullpucky and codwallop. It's bad enough we are creating a culture tailor-made for victims instead of those who do; now we are going to go into frenzies on behalf of imaginary victimhood??

And the Federal Government will soon be tasked with protecting American citizens from having bad dreams? The "Communication Neutrality Act" of 2013 will make it illegal to issue public communication suggesting or alluding to any possibility of pain, discomfort, illness, loss, death, confusion or upset.

A nation is a terrible thing to waste; a dream is a terrible thing to lose. Home of the brave, my candied butt!!

I spit.


20 Jun 02 - 01:38 AM (#733429)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Liz the Squeak

Amos, a candied butt.... hmmm, sounds interesting.

I have only twice ever bought at Grabbucks, and then only because the philistine I was with cares not a jot or tittle for the rest of the world, but does rather like their hot chocolate. I was stunned at the price of 2 chocolates and one piece of cake, which equated the price of *1 CD, *3.5 Happy meals *1 main course lunch at a Harvester Inn, *2 main meals and one pint at a Wetherspoons' inn (pub chain in the UK) or a paperback book.

As for the continued twitchiness about the WTC, why is the same twitchiness not extended to Hiroshima/Nagasaki, which killed or injured far more people, to both World Wars, same again; or to any one of the other atrocities people have committed upon each other in the name of religion or freedom.

Yes, I know lots of people died there, and it was a calamity of epic proportions, but as long as they keep sanctifying the remains, the scar will not heal.

Would they be so twitchy if it had been those two towers in (insert name of Middle Asian country with two large towers full of bankers), as seen in 'Entrapment'? I think not.

It was a truly horrible thing and nothing will make it better. But life has to continue, and this kind of sanctification will only warp and twist the memory of those who were involved. Life goes on, get over it.


20 Jun 02 - 05:45 AM (#733489)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Banjer

The actions of Starbucks are similar to the building supply company in south Florida when hurricane ANdrew hit. Scotty Lumber outlets actually raised the price of their plywood sheeting (needed to seal off broken windows, etc.) while Home Depot put into effect sale prices scheduled for a sale later that month. According to news articles Scotty's was fined by state officials for price gouging. There are a few Starbucks outlets in this area and as others have reported they are way too high priced! I can buy a pound of coffee and ruin it better than they can for a lot less money! If I were a customer of theirs I would let them know that their knuckling under to the ridiculous PC faction is very discouraging!! I have seen the ads and it's like those stupid inkblots, no two people will see the same thing. I saw a summer scene with two beverages standing in a pleasant meadow surrounded with the trappings of the season.

20 Jun 02 - 07:59 AM (#733534)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Grab

For those of us in other countries, or those of us who aren't Starbucks customers, this is the poster.

To anyone who found it offensive, I can only say, "You what?!?"


20 Jun 02 - 08:39 AM (#733554)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

I can only say that Starbucks is 3 blocks from my house, and so is IHOP. Starbucks charges $1.40 for a cup of coffee (in my big cup). IHOP charges $1.25 for a small paper cup. Starbucks brews it a gallon at a time, and goes through a lot of it, so its always fresh. IHOP makes it in 10 gallon batches, and it was stale the two times I went in there. Starbucks is quiet and lets me sit there as long as I want reading my book. IHOP is noisy as hell. If I want to go anywhere else, and there are other coffee options in town, I have to drive 3 miles or more.

Pulling the poster was bullshit. Implying that denying water to WTC victims was corporate policy because one idiot employee of one outlet did so is just as much bullshit. The denial from headquarters that it happened may well have been based on increduality that anybody could have been so callous and/or stupid...and I'd bet he/she isn't working there any more.

Is Starbucks PC or not? Personally, I don't care, but then I find the entire idea of judging people or organizations on "political correctness" as repugnent as trying to lump people or ideas into "liberal" or "conservative". They put out a good product, which admittedly isn't to everyone's taste, and they are very successful in their nitch market.

20 Jun 02 - 08:45 AM (#733560)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

art - $1.40??????? The cheapest Starbucks coffee in this area is $3.50 and they go UP from there!

20 Jun 02 - 08:57 AM (#733566)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Amos

Right -- well, everyone knows dragonflys are just like jet airlines and frozen tea is just the same as a skyscraper. Give to me one large break!!


20 Jun 02 - 09:21 AM (#733577)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

Have to admit - my BIL thought the GRASS was city buildings surrounding the glasses of tea. He kept talking about the "buildings" -why did they put in the buildings - my sister and I couldn't figure out what he meant.

20 Jun 02 - 09:29 AM (#733589)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

$1.40...$1.60 if I didn't use my own cup. The wierd drinks cost more, of course.

20 Jun 02 - 10:49 AM (#733652)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Thanks, Graham, for the link to the page with the image of the poster itself. After reading the news story, I had had in my mind's eye an image of two narrow, cylindrical glasses (not wider at the top than at the bottom) that might have been reminiscent of the WTC towers, with the dragonfly approaching from the side of one of the glasses. I was relieved to see that the actual image, with plastic Starbucks cups and the dragonfly above them (and four butterflies around them), did not bear any reasonable resemblance to photos or video of the terrorist attacks of September 11.

I wasn't sure what the green things in the poster were; I knew they were supposed to represent cut grass but I didn't realize they were Starbucks straws until I read the Urban Legends article. As a graphic designer, I don't think the straws "work" in this image, but they never gave me the impression that they were buildings, since they are at different angles rather than being uniformly vertical.

But even if anyone thought they were buildings, they aren't close to being in proportion with the skyscrapers surrounding the WTC, so again I don't see an intention on the artist's part to connect this image with 9/11. Besides, the sky was cloudless that day, and there are puffy white clouds in the poster image. And I can't imagine what any complainant thinks those butterflies are supposed to represent – the souls of the victims, or what?

In other words, IMO it's just WAYYYY too much of a stretch to try to say Starbucks was being "insensitive" by publishing this ad. Those who make the claim that the company was insensitive should look to their own oversensitivity. What's next, an injunction against the implosion of dangerously dilapidated buildings?

20 Jun 02 - 10:56 AM (#733657)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

The poster in the link is NOT the one they were showing on the news last night, BTW - the one on the news DID have cylindrical glasses - (with straws in them) (people were saying they resembled the searchlight beam memorial) and less butterflies. I'm pretty sure the dragonfly is lower in relation to the top of the glasses as well. but still it looked like a couple of drinks in a garden.

20 Jun 02 - 11:01 AM (#733662)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

and some people just have way too much time on their hands. have you seen this?

20 Jun 02 - 11:22 AM (#733677)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Yeah, somebody showed one of those folded $20 bills around the office. Who thinks these things up?

Wow, so there are two (at least) Starbucks "Collapse" posters making the Urban Legends rounds??? Can anyone post a link to this second image, with cylindrical glasses?

20 Jun 02 - 12:43 PM (#733732)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Haven't found that cylindrical-glass image yet, but I did run across the following page, which seems to explain the whole thing – obviously, al Qaida terrorists have infiltrated Starbucks's advertising agency as part of Osama bin Laden's "Holy War On Inferior Columbian Coffees":

20 Jun 02 - 01:04 PM (#733744)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: GUEST,Mike Strobel

Dear Catters, Please confirm if indeed, this terrible example of capitalism is true of starBUCKS...........'cause if it is, I'm gonna spread the word to boycott those bums, everywhere I go. Thanks.

Mike Strobel

20 Jun 02 - 01:26 PM (#733757)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

Which terrible example? Their withdrawal of the poster (Which I admit is a terrible example to capitalists anywhere) or their suppossed association with the Holy War on Inferior Columbian Coffee?

20 Jun 02 - 03:31 PM (#733851)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: PeteBoom

Ummmm. the "holy war on inferior columbian coffee" is from They have a tendency to be "cute" with current events and issue "news" stories they think are full of biting sarcasm and witty cynicism. I'm sure if I was 17 I'd think they were right.

wandering away mumbling...


20 Jun 02 - 04:35 PM (#733892)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Yup, Pete, kinda like "The Onion" does, only "The Onion" does it well! *G*

20 Jun 02 - 08:00 PM (#733998)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: robomatic

Let's not respond to hysteria with hysteria. Remember the rumors spread about the moon and stars symbols used by Proctor and Gamble? It was real stupid, obviously stupid, I personally saw a hand-written warning against the Satanists at P&G posted at the entrance of a grocery store in a small native village in Alaska. But what could P&G do? They defended their image and withdrew it from circulation for the time being. I think Starbucks legitimately felt in the same boat. Sometimes you have to make allowances for outrageous situations.

BTW, whatever the outrage you may feel about the 'charging for water' incident on 9-11, that was a local call made by a store manager, it might have been insensitive or worse, it might have been an attempt to make sure the water went to people who really needed it, not some yokels who were going to cart it off and sell it. The corporation made a substantial donationi to relief, and you should be aware that the relief effort itself has come under controversy.

20 Jun 02 - 10:40 PM (#734060)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Actually the grass in the poster works like one of those Magic Eye drawings. If you stare at it long enough you will see an image of a man with an umbrella on the grassy knoll just as the motorcade passes along with Paul McCartney in bare feet. One of the guys mentioned it to me tonight as we were standing in the field waiting for the UFO to land.

The only thing that bothers me about the poster is the word "collapse". I'm not bothered about any possible connection to 9/11, I just can't figure out what it is supposed to mean! Drink and ice tea and collapse? Is that supposed to mean the same as "refresh"? Maybe I'm not hip to all that groovy jive lingo those crazy young kids on Madison Avenue are using these days, but from an advertising point of view the poster doesn't make much sense. I hope the person who designed it kept his or her day job.


20 Jun 02 - 10:51 PM (#734065)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Actually the grass in the poster works like one of those Magic Eye drawings. If you stare at it long enough you will see an image of a man with an umbrella on the grassy knoll just as the motorcade passes along with Paul McCartney in bare feet. One of the guys mentioned it to me tonight as we were standing in the field waiting for the UFO to land.

The only thing that bothers me about the poster is the word "collapse". I'm not bothered about any possible connection to 9/11, I just can't figure out what it is supposed to mean! Drink and ice tea and collapse? Is that supposed to mean the same as "refresh"? Maybe I'm not hip to all that groovy jive lingo those crazy young kids on Madison Avenue are using these days, but from an advertising point of view the poster doesn't make much sense. I hope the person who designed it kept his or her day job.


20 Jun 02 - 11:48 PM (#734076)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

The replacement poster includes three glasses of some tan colored beverage sitting on the sand. Each has a straw sticking up at an angle remeniscent of an WW2-vintage anti-aircraft gun. The symbolism is obvious, of course.

21 Jun 02 - 02:32 AM (#734106)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Liz the Squeak

I boycott Grabbucks anyway, because I object to paying £2.50 (can't work out the US $ but probably about $1.95) for a cup of scalding coffee that will irritate my stomach lining and make me bounce off the walls for 4 hours. Besides, the only cup I've ever drunk was too hot to drink hot and too nasty to drink cool.

And they use UHT milk which I'm allergic to.... don't ask how, I just heave if I drink more than one of those little catering cartons of it....


21 Jun 02 - 05:57 AM (#734178)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Wrong way round Liz - £2.50 equals $3.74. $1.95 would be equivalent to £1.30 - which is still bloody expesnive for a cup of coffee.

21 Jun 02 - 06:45 AM (#734190)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: RichM

I looked at the poster after the controversy started, so I can't say I looked at it objectively. But it DID remind me of September 11, in an eerie way. Just a coincidence, I think.

As for Starbucks, I occasionally have a sit down and a coffee there; it's right across from my favorite music store--the Ottawa Folklore Centre! and the coffee (basic) is a buck-50 canadian, close enough to regular prices...
...and sometimes I do shop at Walmart's...


21 Jun 02 - 08:55 AM (#734251)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Robomatic: Proctor & Gamble? Moon & stars? No, I don't remember that one going by, and I can't find anything about it on the Urban Legends Reference Pages at What's the story?

21 Jun 02 - 09:27 AM (#734274)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

Remember the Lipton commercials where they fell into swimming pools after tasting the tea? that's what "collapse into cool" conjured in my mind.

21 Jun 02 - 10:27 AM (#734286)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?

The offending image

21 Jun 02 - 10:32 AM (#734289)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: MMario

that's the THIRD version I've seen! (each slightly different)

21 Jun 02 - 10:58 AM (#734303)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Variations on a theme, from (silhouettes of cups and bugs, with "grass" below) (the cups at the beach, with palm tree)

21 Jun 02 - 11:04 AM (#734307)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: SharonA

Oh, and here are those bugs and cups again (also the "grass" pattern in the map of the USA): (note also the same font in the page head and on the van).

21 Jun 02 - 05:53 PM (#734416)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: robomatic

SharonA: Go to Do a search: Procter and Gamble satanism and you'll turn up the situation I was referring to.

Sometimes you gotta feel sorry for the big guys.

21 Jun 02 - 06:19 PM (#734441)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Liz the Squeak

I remember the Proctor and Gamble story, it was some time ago (70's or 80's) and several thousand churches boycotted P&G products for the simple reason it was a partial moon (horned god) and 5 pointed stars..... the star used by Sir Galahad on his livery, and called the Star of Bethlehem.... Oh how those early Christians liked to sanitise pagan images......

In the end they just took the logo off for a while. It crept back in a few years later and no-one said anything about it... Personally I think an advertising campaign featuring a semi naked baby rolling about unsupervised in hot washing up water and bouncing around in a washing machine far more sinister and upsetting.


21 Jun 02 - 07:24 PM (#734485)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: artbrooks

Happens I have an "official" copy of the offending poster (miniature size, to put in those annoying display things that sit on tables). I'd be glad to scan it and send it to anybody that PMs me an e-mail address.

21 Jun 02 - 08:45 PM (#734532)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Amos

Well just so we can stay on a musical theme here, how about we turn this into a song challenge. I'd like to see a song which eloquently parodies the profound stupidity, short-sightedness and emotional shallowness of the airheads who started this whole ridiculous flap by thinking dragonflys lok like jetliners.

Winner gets a free tinfoil helmet to protect them from FBI Thought-Scan networks redcently installed all over the world on top of cell-phone towers with special passive sensors capable of piclking up, discrominating among, analyszing and storing iover 250,000 separate threads of brain-wave frequency thought per tower. This is one of those things they paid for from the WTC Victims Fund which they didn't mention of course.


22 Jun 02 - 12:17 AM (#734613)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

How did Seattle become the focus for coffee? In the grocery stores here, "Seattle's Best" in several blends is the top in price (slightly cheaper than Starbucks) but very popular. Good fresh beans!

Starbucks sells both dark and light roast coffees and one near me has about a dozen varieties in the bean for sale, from African to Indonesian to Arabian to Columbian to Central American. Certainly the biggest variety in my city. This in addition to the per cup coffees, lattes, espressos, etc., etc. Their per cup prices are about par with other purveyors. I can't understand the grabbucks attitude of some posting here. Just anti-success?
The other big chain here (in western Canada) is Second Cup, about the same pricing, good coffee, but not into the coffee bean business.

22 Jun 02 - 12:53 AM (#734622)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Wincing Devil


You can see the ad here. No wonder nothing ever gets done! everybody's worried we're gonna offend somebody.

Q: How do ya know when you've offended a redneck?

A: Tire iron upside yer head had oughta be yer first clue!

22 Jun 02 - 12:35 PM (#734751)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: DougR

I think the dislike of major corporations by many of my mudcat friends has clouded the issue here. If you read the whole article Jeri posted a link to, you would also see that Starbucks contributed 1 million dollars to the NY relief fund, and furnished free coffee to the Ground Zero workers.

It appears to me that some employee, who had not been authorized to donate free water, coffee, rolls, or anything else, did what an employee is expected to do. He/she sold the water. Decisions to offer free merchandise are not made at the counter, they are made at the management or ownership level. Also, it is easy to to use hindsight in a situation like this and criticize, criticize, criticize.

I don't know if all Starbucks stores are company owned, or if they are franchise operations. If they are franchises, the owners of the franchise probably would make this decision anyway, not corporate headquarters. In this case, corporate headquarters is about 3,000 miles of NYC. How in the world would they even know such an event took place as the events of that terrible day unfolded. Corporate headquarters did respond after the happening was publicized, and a check for $130 was sent to the offended parties. Would they have sent the check if there had not been such negative publicity? Who knows, but why not give them the benefit of the doubt? I'll tell you why, in my opinion. Because major corporations never do anything good.


22 Jun 02 - 01:15 PM (#734757)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Speaking as devil's advocate, major corporations are owned, for the most part by us. Through our stock and bond purchases, through our unions and associations who invest their pension funds in their stock, through our mutual and trust funds investments. We may vote on their policies annually (although I think most of us just send in proxies).
If "major corporations never do anything good," are they not reflecting the shareholders attitudes?

22 Jun 02 - 06:41 PM (#734900)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: DougR

Dicho: I was not reflecting my view of major corporations when I made that statement. I believe that is the view of most of my mudcat friends. The ones I am referring to would never give the Starbucks corporation the benefit of the doubt.


22 Jun 02 - 06:49 PM (#734904)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Jeri

Thank you Doug, but I believe most of your Mudcat friends would rather speak for themselves.

Major corporations have people in them, and people can make stupid decisions. Sometimes the stupidity is a matter of company policy. Sometimes, the stupidity starts at a the individual level and just keeps getting overlooked or encouraged - what, it seems, happened here. Starbucks seems to have had an unusually long chain of stupid decision makers.

22 Jun 02 - 07:33 PM (#734931)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Long line of stupid decision makers- that does explain their success, doesn't it?

23 Jun 02 - 08:14 AM (#735113)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Cappuccino

What an amazing place this is - I've just started a new job, and one of the magazines I'm editing is for the British coffee industry. I picked this story up from a news feed and bingo... all the data is in Mudcat!

Thanks for helping me in the new job, folks!!!

- Ian B

23 Jun 02 - 05:55 PM (#735356)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: DougR

Jeri: I'm sure my mudcat friends will avail themselves of that opportunity.


24 Jun 02 - 02:36 AM (#735554)
Subject: RE: BS: Starbucks 'Collapse' ad: PC or not PC?
From: Liz the Squeak

That's funny, I had to log the accounts for said coffee industry not so long ago.....