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BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug

03 Jul 02 - 06:53 AM (#741284)
Subject: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: alanww

What do Mudcatters think about these two UK FFs on the August Bank Holiday weekend?

I usually go to Towersey FFand like the singing in the barn at the Three Bells(?) pub in the village. But it is more expensive than Bridgnorth FFhttp:// at £58 (plus £12 for camping) rather than £44 (plus £5 for camping). (Also, the Shellback Chorus, for whom I sing, is booked for Bridgnorth in 2003 and it might be nice to do a recce.)

I tend not to bother too much with the dancing or booked acts (although I probably would be interested in seeing some of the singers, eg The Wilsons, Johnny Collins and Dave Webber & Anni Fentiman at Bridgnorth) and instead like a good pub singaround session, perhaps with a bit of session music too.

How convenient is the campsite at Bridgnorth and what are the pub sessions like?

Within the woodland flow'ry gladed ...

03 Jul 02 - 07:13 AM (#741294)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,Jim

If you are only interested in the pub singarounds and sessions, why bother to buy a ticket at all?

03 Jul 02 - 07:18 AM (#741296)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: alanww

Jim: Because in Towersey it is not possible to camp without one and I don't want to have to have a drive at the end of the day if I can avoid it! (But I agree with your general sentiment, as I don't get a ticket to Sidmouth anymore!)

Served up in pewter it tells its own tale ...

03 Jul 02 - 07:28 AM (#741301)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Morticia

It's the 3 Horseshoes, Alan and as you know, I won't be at either this year, gotta save those pennies for my Great American Adventure.

03 Jul 02 - 07:40 AM (#741311)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Watson

Bridgnorth Festival is at a school. The camp site is on the school playing fields, so well situated and convenient.

There are sessions in various rooms at the school and there's usually a lot going on in the town - about 10 minutes walk away.

03 Jul 02 - 08:00 AM (#741322)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

Thanks, Watson- do you need a festival ticket to camp?

03 Jul 02 - 08:05 AM (#741327)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Watson

The booking form says camping £5.00 as a separate item, so I assume you don't need a festival ticket, but to make sure you could phone Sandra Surtees on 01746 768813.

03 Jul 02 - 08:08 AM (#741330)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

Thanks! :0)

03 Jul 02 - 08:22 AM (#741333)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I have worked as an MC at Toweresy but have never been to Bridgnorth as it's just after Whitby and I'm usually knackered however for what it's worth I'd plump for Bridgenorth mainly because Steve Heap runs Towersey

03 Jul 02 - 08:26 AM (#741335)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,Steve Heap

MC Fat

Could you please clarify your reasons for making a personal slur against me?


03 Jul 02 - 08:27 AM (#741337)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Trevor

This could be fun!!

03 Jul 02 - 08:28 AM (#741338)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Trevor

Alan, why don't you just move to Salop and have done with it?!

03 Jul 02 - 09:13 AM (#741364)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

Now there's a thought, Trevor...

03 Jul 02 - 09:29 AM (#741378)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,MC Fat

No personal slur intended Steve, however I feel over the years Towersey has become more PLC. I have run events, concerts , clubs over many years and I think my judgement on artists has been fairly sound. I also booked heavily through you Steve, accepting your judgement on artists however that was never reciprocated when I offered any tour dates to you , your 'business head' went on. I feel that whilst I can appreciate the 'professional' manner that you run your organisation. The human touch has become slightly lacking. Nver the less you do make a considerable contribution to the festival scene as we know it and unlike some of us mange to make a living out of it. Jim

03 Jul 02 - 12:02 PM (#741495)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: the lemonade lady

I think B/north is a great Festival AND you can get freshly squeezed lemonade there as well. I've made some discoveries about my competition which can be seen at 'The Festival on the south coast'I use one whole lemon in my drinks AND I only charge £1.00 AND I don't get plagued by wasps and niether do my customers. See you all at B/north??

03 Jul 02 - 12:03 PM (#741498)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Trevor

Not that Sal's into blatant self-promotion of course...!

03 Jul 02 - 12:10 PM (#741511)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: the lemonade lady

There's only one way to sell 'em - tell 'em! tee hee!!

03 Jul 02 - 12:57 PM (#741542)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Linda Kelly

I did find Towersey very well organised, but I have to say that as someone who usually spends a festival in a singaround rather than watching a guest _ I have started to question the cost of the tickets, when all I am going to use is the camping facilities. I won't be back at Towersey this year, but may return in the future. When you add the cost of the travel and the prices charged for food then you are looking at £200 for the weekend, and there comes a point when my purse says no!

03 Jul 02 - 01:57 PM (#741599)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Liz the Squeak

The way round the camping fees? Become a steward!!! I did it several years ago when my poor lean purse would cope no longer. For a few hours standing talking to people and being bossy (something I'm really no good at.... *BG*) with motorists, I get to camp for free, see all the acts I want to for free, and if I do the morning campsite shifts (which people don't seem to want to do for some reason, they all want to do the concert/dance tents and sit on the desk), I have the whole day free for my own nefarious delights.


03 Jul 02 - 04:40 PM (#741728)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: janey

We haven't been to Towersey but did go to Bridgnorth three years ago. We don't go to Concerts but the campsite was very nice, very big and with a more kind of cool atmosphere than most folky campsites (veggy food tent, circus performers, woman with a strange type of bus wagon thingy for kids). It is a nice walk down to the town; i remember we went down on the Friday night and didn't find any music but had a very civilised evening around the pubs amongst pleasant company. On the Saturday I seem to remember there was something going on in the Railway Station Bar...and we sat in the back garden of a pub and had a good afternoon in the sun with a good singaround type thingy. Unless it has changed alot though, or there is stuff going on at the school site, the singaround side of things was very low key and I wouldn't bank on finding loads of sessions around the town. Heck why not save all the heartache and worry and get yourself up to Whitby where you won't fail but have a good time!

03 Jul 02 - 05:37 PM (#741762)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Gillie

Bridgnorth is great. Recommend the ride on the steam train, it is called folk, rattle and roll. Great to have just about everything on one site. There are sessions in the town which can be very good. The Three Horse Shoes being one of the main ones. Accomodating landlord, he usually has sessions outside the folk season.

Lemonade fantastic, Mrs Lemon!!

Folk festival aside it is worth a visit just to have a look at Hogh Town and Low Town, very picturesque. Reccomend with a ******


04 Jul 02 - 09:00 AM (#742122)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: alanww

Thanks for the ideas and comments everyone - it looks like it will be Bridgnorth for me this year!

On Monday morning as we set sail ...

04 Jul 02 - 09:37 AM (#742163)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: the lemonade lady

it'll be great to see you there. I hear you may be going to Squilver Fest also as well!!

'Summertime and the livin' is easy.....'

04 Jul 02 - 04:24 PM (#742419)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Mr Red

Straight choice - commercial versus homely. Both big. SAR and song clubs are more fragmented at bridgnorth (not been to Towersey for 10 years) but make no mistake - they are both biggies. If it's dancing you want there is probably more at Towersey but not automatically better. Guess where I'll be.

04 Jul 02 - 05:13 PM (#742444)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Col K

Only one winner


Fresh lemonadefrom Sal, steam train, good campsite, great company well organised and nearer to Whitby for those who like to kill themselves by doing all week and the weekend


04 Jul 02 - 06:44 PM (#742504)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Emma B

This will be my first year at Bridgenorth - looks like it will be a real 'home from home' Mrs Lemon's remarks explains why I got stung by a wasp at Alcester this year (you weren't there!) See you all there

04 Jul 02 - 08:09 PM (#742543)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

Don't think your geography argument holds water/beer, Col (to mix my metaphors/drinks), but I'll give Bridgnorth a go this year too, I think.

The singing in the barn at Towersey will take some beating though!

05 Jul 02 - 02:48 AM (#742692)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Liz the Squeak

Being physically nearer a place doesn't always make it easier to get to... many people living in the south east/west will know that on public transport it's cheaper and easier to go via London. Example; from Weymouth to London to Oxford/Thame to get to Towersey, is easy and half the price of trying to get from Weymouth to Oxford/Thame directly. Even with a car, the quicker roads go to/from London and the major cities... so it's often easier to go to London first and start from there!

My manager takes less time getting to work if she takes the train from Upminster to Fenchurch St and then underground to Euston, than if she got on the underground at Upminster and travelled to Euston with a change at Barking or Aldgate, on the same tracks!


05 Jul 02 - 04:17 AM (#742715)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Trevor

Well done all those who spelled Bridgnorth correctly!

05 Jul 02 - 06:31 AM (#742772)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

Ah- my sister lives in Bridgnorth so I learned the spelling some time ago :0)

05 Jul 02 - 08:26 AM (#742808)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Folkie

If Janey is looking for sessions/folk clubs at Bridgnorth I hope she'll come to the ones I'll be running.

23 Jul 02 - 10:52 AM (#753036)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: alanww

Refreshhhhhhh .........
I'm sure they will both be great festivals and, assuming I do finally get to Bridgnorth, I will certainly miss the singarounds in the Barn at the Three Horseshoes at Towersey, as run by Pearl and Tony O'Neill. Pity!

... rolling over and over in each others arms.

23 Jul 02 - 08:49 PM (#753429)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: vectis

Might even get to Bridgnorth this year. I'm intending to go and catch the tail end of Whitby. Where do you camp, how much, do you NEED a season, where are the sessions? I like to tune and song swap.
May even see Alan and Noreen among others up there.
I won't catch the start of Whitby I'll be recovering from a week of Broadstairs.

23 Jul 02 - 09:22 PM (#753447)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Noreen

I rang to find out about the camping situation for Bridgnorth, Mary: you don't need a full season ticket but must have bought some sort of ticket (1 day or evening) in order to be allowed to camp. Camping is then £5, I think.

They are considering changing this for next year, camping to be just for weekend ticket holders, as it gets full.

Look forward to seeing you again.

24 Jul 02 - 11:07 AM (#753719)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: alanww

Yes, certainly looking forward to seeing you again, Mary.

The life of a shepherd is a life of great care ...

02 Aug 02 - 10:11 AM (#758725)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,Alan Surtees

I am definately going to Bridgnorth. I have just found this site, VERY INTERESTING. You are right camping at Bridgnorth will be restricted to Weekend Ticket holders in future but there are many other sites around Bridgnorth. Bridgnorth's Tourist Information Centre can advise. Loads of singing at Bridgnorth this year in a new venue (for the festival) CASTLE HALL. I hope you enjoy the acoustics. Try the Black Horse in Low Town for five hour sessions at lunchtime until teatime with Ian & Fi Carter. Whichever festival you choose (If I wasn't going to Bridgnorth I would certianly be going to Towersey) have a great August Bank Holiday.

02 Aug 02 - 02:55 PM (#758882)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Col K

I should hope you are Alan, see you there

03 Aug 02 - 05:13 AM (#759181)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: SussexCarole

Will be Towersey again this year for one or two days - but only for the barn etc - can't afford a ticket. There is an excellent camping site at Radnage which is high on the hills overlooking beautiful countryside approx 5 miles away.

03 Aug 02 - 12:58 PM (#759319)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: The Shambles

Having read the above, I still am not sure if Towersey is worth a visit just to take part in some informal music making, apart that is, from singing in the pub's barn?

04 Aug 02 - 05:09 PM (#759720)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: the lemonade lady

Welcome aboard Alan - good to see you, will you become fully fledged? I'm glad you'll be at Bridgnorth, we need you!!

Hugs and kisses


04 Aug 02 - 05:18 PM (#759723)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Liz the Squeak

Towersey has a plethora of guests and ceilidhs too - lots of morris teams.... Kate Rusby, Last Night's Fun, Mr Fox, John Kirkpatrick, Aly Bain, Phil Cunningham, that enough for you??


04 Aug 02 - 05:19 PM (#759725)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Liz the Squeak

And our very own Sam Pirt with 422....


05 Aug 02 - 02:01 AM (#759893)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Caz

Alan if I were you I'd go to Bridgnorth because OUTSIDER are performing there Sat and Sun and Mary is doing a bodhràn workshop!

Hope to see you!


05 Aug 02 - 08:48 AM (#759974)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Folkie

Keep well away from Towersey Alan, there'll be plenty for you to do at Bridgnorth keeping the rest of us in line.

05 Aug 02 - 03:53 PM (#760201)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Col K

But who keeps Alan in line?

05 Aug 02 - 04:03 PM (#760210)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Dave4Guild

I think Sheila might have something to do with that side of things, ColK !!

06 Aug 02 - 04:34 AM (#760486)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: John J

I would avoid Towersea and Sidmouth in favour of others, not because of the quality of the festivals (they're both very well run festivals) but because they are prohibitively expensive.

Festivals like Bridgenorth and Whitby are equally well run and with similar quality of artists, but they are MUCH cheaper.

This is only my opinion, others may not agree.

The beer is cheaper in the north too!


06 Aug 02 - 04:48 AM (#760492)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug

Towersey is wonderful. Lovely atmosphere. Excellent stewarding. Loads to do & see. I wouldn't avoid it!!!
Its great value for money considering it runs thursday eve to mon night. You can carry your own beer so that's not a consideration.
How much cheaper are the others?? And anyway, travel costs come into it too.
This thread seems a bit anti-Towersey - which seems unfair to a nice well-run festival that a lot of people return to year after year.

06 Aug 02 - 12:49 PM (#760715)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Micca

And I will be at Towersey too!! anyone interesteed in a Mudcatgather like we had last year???? Sunday after the Lunchtime sing? in the Barn at the 3 Horsehoes?? about 3 ?

06 Aug 02 - 02:08 PM (#760776)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: John J

Guest, I wasn't being anti-Towersey, my comments are only my opinion. It's a very good festival indeed.

You can carry your own beer around with you certainly if you prefer, although I prefer £1.09 / pint (often less at the Tap & Spile in Whitby)of well kept cask beer rather than cans of 'draught' stuff.

The festival is indeed run from Thursday evening until late on Monday, but so are others. I just find it hard to justify £70 for Towersey when I can go to Bridgenorth for £44 both prices include camping).

You quite rightly point out that travel costs come into it, but that is variable and dependent on mode of transport / distance travelled and so on. That is something the individual must decide on. Hardly under the control of the festival organisers. I'm sure if I lived in Thame I'd go to Towersey rather than more distant festivals.

Having said that I'm going to Wadebridge Festival in Cornwall: a VERY low cost festival, but with high transport costs.

At the end of the day you takes yer choice and pays yer money!

I hope you enjoy whichever festival you end up at.



07 Aug 02 - 02:59 AM (#761156)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug

I'm sure we'll all enjoy whichever festivals we go to - can't fail really.
I'd always heard that phrase as "you pays yer money & takes yer choice" - makes much more sense your way round though!!!

07 Aug 02 - 07:48 AM (#761214)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Hamish

Well... I'm going to Bridgnorth, 'cos they booked me! Come and say "hullo", fellow 'catters, if you see me around. I have a total of seven engagements over the weekend.

Tally ho!

09 Aug 02 - 04:09 PM (#762733)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: The Shambles

Which ever one you attend, will you help spread the word there?

Action for Music

10 Aug 02 - 06:42 AM (#762953)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: GUEST,Sandra S

I think you all know who's keeping Alan in place.

19 Aug 02 - 10:54 AM (#767935)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Dave Bryant

Linda and I will probably be at Towersey - well at the sessions in the "Three Horseshoes" anyway. Last year we put the caravan on a CL (Caravan Club Certified Location) site nearby and only bought the odd day ticket - mainly to visit the market stalls including SHS.

I can remember the days before the first festival when there was a club in the "Three Horseshoes" last Sunday of every month (Dartford FC used to turn up en mass). There were guests like "The Yetties" and a northern a cappella group called "The Valley Folk" which consisted of a chap called John Dickenson, two Caruthers sisters and a certain character called Steve Heap ......

19 Aug 02 - 01:52 PM (#768017)
Subject: RE: BS: Bridgnorth v Towersey FFs - 23 to 26 Aug
From: Liz the Squeak

See you there chaps - and the way to avoid the cost? Volunteer to be a steward!!! Done it for 5 years now, and it sure makes life a lot cheaper - I don't pay for my tickets, I get free camping, I don't drink a great deal (trying to stay hangover free, not really a problem for me) and I take my own food. I worked out that I spent as much on food as I did on a ticket, so now I take it all with me. Now all I have to do is work out how to stop spending money in the craft fair and market and I'll be laughing!