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BS: Personal Message problems anyone?

17 Jul 02 - 01:15 PM (#749726)
Subject: BS:Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

Havent been able to access my personal pages for many hours. Anybody else experiencing this?Maybe it's just me.

17 Jul 02 - 01:20 PM (#749729)
Subject: RE: BS:Personal Message problems anyone?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, I can get the Personal Messages all right - but the "help" page is "Connection Refused", which is highly unusual when the connection to the forum is working OK.

17 Jul 02 - 01:28 PM (#749736)
Subject: RE: BS:Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

Thanks for that info. I just get a big purple square saying Bugger Off(only in computer speak)when I try forPersonal Pages.

17 Jul 02 - 01:30 PM (#749739)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: katlaughing

I haven't had any trouble with the PM's, but I do get a "page cannot be displayed" for the Help forum. Have you tried accessing through the different servers, Greg? Ragtime, shorty, and I don't know if dharma is still around or not.

17 Jul 02 - 07:48 PM (#750001)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?

I'm not able to get to my personal messages either. I thought it was just me. I've been trying since about 8 this a.m. bet

17 Jul 02 - 07:52 PM (#750003)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: bet

I just reset my cookie and I'm working

17 Jul 02 - 07:53 PM (#750005)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

mine are still inaccessible.Bet, are you by any chance on ntl cable tv internet? I ask because Ihave that, and I often have problems that people with computers don't have.

17 Jul 02 - 07:55 PM (#750007)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

Oh,just cookieless. That doesnt help me. my cookie's fine but I'm still locked out of personal pages.

17 Jul 02 - 08:32 PM (#750039)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Snuffy

I tried to PM you greg, and the first two times it said there was no such member; the third time it decided you did exist.

So I know the message was sent (eventually), but haven't a clue if it arrived.

WassaiL! V

17 Jul 02 - 08:35 PM (#750044)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

i saw it had arrived Snuffy, but couldnt open it. Shortly after that I couldnt even get at the list of PM's. think it must have been your letter that broke it! perhaps it was unduly offensive?

17 Jul 02 - 08:45 PM (#750052)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Snuffy

I've heard a gentleman defined as someone who never gives offence - unintentionally!

18 Jul 02 - 02:28 AM (#750172)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: fat B****rd

Yeah !! Nobody hardly ever replies. SULK

18 Jul 02 - 04:05 AM (#750202)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

OK Fat B****rd I'll send you a letter to cheer you up just as soon as my b*****rd system is working again.

18 Jul 02 - 06:41 AM (#750263)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Noreen

greg, your cookie may have been corrupted (by Snuffy's actions?), so it may help to delete your cookie and then reset it. I had to do this once for a similar problem. Won't do any harm, anyway.


18 Jul 02 - 08:58 AM (#750333)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Snuffy

Hey Noreen, I may have offended plenty of people, but I don't think I can claim credit for corrupting any!

WassaiL! V

20 Jul 02 - 11:56 AM (#751608)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: fat B****rd

Thankyou Greg S. I am waiting.............

20 Jul 02 - 06:30 PM (#751750)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

Dear Mr B****rd(or may I call you Fat)
I will be sending you a cheering--up PM as soon as I can sort out access to my personal pages. Until then, hold yourself in readiness.
Yrs etc
G Stephens

20 Jul 02 - 07:30 PM (#751779)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: little john cameron

Bre'k intae the weans piggy bank an' buy a REAL computer instead o' the mickey mouse contraption ye hae noo.Ah hae a wheen o' stuff ye wid like bit it is ower sophisticatit for ye. Get rid o' yer cookies then grabbed them back,that'll fix it.ljc

20 Jul 02 - 11:48 PM (#751865)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: greg stephens

ljc I tried your letter with the "translate" fature but it doesnt seem to help

21 Jul 02 - 12:13 AM (#751872)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Bugsy

I can access my PM page Just fine. Trouble is, I haven't had a PM since Christmas Eve last year (Sob!)(that's sob not S.O.B)



21 Jul 02 - 12:21 AM (#751875)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: little john cameron

See there's anither reason tae get a new ane.That's twa things dinnae work.A hope this threed disnae gae ower a hunner posts or ye're scuttered again.Did ye liststen tae the Joseph Spence mp2? ljc.

21 Jul 02 - 12:41 AM (#751880)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Sorcha

Haven't had one for a couple months so I don't really know. Last time I had one it was OK.

21 Jul 02 - 12:52 AM (#751888)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: katlaughing

Jeez, Bugsy! Where ya been?! Nice ta see ya! Sorcha...I've gotten so used to email with you...want I should send you a PM? Thanks for the SNOW, btw!*bg*

Dear sister, bet, so glad to see you are "working fine!" Greg, she is on a regular old the hinterlands of the Rockies! ducking for cover, now

21 Jul 02 - 01:33 AM (#751896)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: Sorcha

Don't much care, kat. Can if you want. About to go to bed just now, though.

21 Jul 02 - 04:31 AM (#751909)
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Message problems anyone?
From: fat B****rd

Got one from Jeri, very nice too. Greg, I'm holding myself even as I type. Why don't we all send a random member a personal message just for the sake of it..fol de rol !