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Yippee! I'm coming to Hull

10 Aug 02 - 07:17 PM (#763148)
Subject: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: greg stephens

The Lancashire Society for the Promulgation of Truth is sponsoring me for a Missionary trip to Yorkshire in the autumn, to try to spread light to the heathen. I am hoping to be welcomed into your hearts.

10 Aug 02 - 07:22 PM (#763149)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Murray MacLeod

As long as you are not charging for your services you will be made welcome.


10 Aug 02 - 07:24 PM (#763151)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

it will be good to sea you in ull, but whats a promogulation? i dont think we have got any in hull, you had better bring your own.john

10 Aug 02 - 07:24 PM (#763152)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: greg stephens

I have no instructions about MacLeods. I am looking for Grimsdykes and Hubberthwaites.

10 Aug 02 - 07:26 PM (#763154)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Ps, don't forget, we have got a big fis deep see museum.

10 Aug 02 - 07:27 PM (#763155)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Murray MacLeod

Don't forget Ramsbottoms ...


10 Aug 02 - 07:32 PM (#763157)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Murray, why would greg want to bring a rams bottom to hull with him?

10 Aug 02 - 07:41 PM (#763164)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Cobble

Dont do it most sane people escape from ULL.


10 Aug 02 - 07:53 PM (#763167)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Amergin

interesting...but why would anyone want to go to hell uh i mean hull?

10 Aug 02 - 08:00 PM (#763169)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Dorrie

hull is lovely why does everyone always have to be mean about it?! i've lived here 18 years and shes never done me any harm (hull that is)

10 Aug 02 - 08:19 PM (#763179)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Les from Hull

This is a local city for local people. There's nothing for you here!

(But please get in touch if you want to meet any of the drivel mongers. I can't think why you should. But there's no accounting for taste.)

10 Aug 02 - 08:21 PM (#763184)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

if you luckky, les might show you the big fis deep see museum.

10 Aug 02 - 08:47 PM (#763195)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull

But the best fish and chip shop is there.... can't remember exactly but it's near the market.

Otherwise, why? Did you not learn your folk songs:? From Hell, Hull and Halifax, good Lord, deliver us?

Guest, who's been to Hull but escaped to Beverley - it's much nicer and has a gas lit pub.

10 Aug 02 - 10:20 PM (#763225)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

who are you guest, are you local? 9the chip shop is called Bob Carvers.john 9them chips is really nice but, make you're belly fat.

10 Aug 02 - 10:31 PM (#763233)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Ebbie

A promulgation, for your information, John in Hull, is somewhat like a stroll down Memory Lane, but brisker. So I agree with you- I don't see how Greg S can bring it with him since he does not appear to have been there before.

11 Aug 02 - 05:35 AM (#763294)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Linda Kelly

Be afraid be very afraid.

11 Aug 02 - 05:45 AM (#763298)
Subject: RE: See you at Whitby
From: GUEST,Terry Gildert, Nottingham

Usual places usual times usual state (hic). Mines a pint

11 Aug 02 - 05:46 AM (#763299)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

I came here 22 years ago and I can't find my way out. This place is well knocked by locals, fornerrs and interlopers like me but it gets to you and keeps you.... you haf bin varned.

11 Aug 02 - 09:33 AM (#763346)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Matthew Edwards


The dangers of Hull

You are liable to be accosted by an intoxicated polar bear while strolling through the Land of Green Ginger. If the bear has been stored in the fridge next to sume9 bananas it may be very infused,(thanks to a spilling error) and try to flog you a copy of the English Book of Penguin Folk Songs.
You also need to watch out for fish in the pavement, and a loud cry of "Oss on flags" will warn you either of the imminent approach of an escaped horse, or a large singer with a ring in his ear.
Watch out also for any purple helmeted cyclists as these are gold medallists from the Incontinental Athletics Association who have leaked for England.
Any herd of cows you encounter may be an advance invasion force from Lincolnshire who have just swum across the Humber.

11 Aug 02 - 09:41 AM (#763349)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Ebbie

"The Incontinent Athletes"? What a pity.

11 Aug 02 - 10:09 AM (#763355)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Oaklet

Couldn't have put it better meself, Matthew Edwards. Are you local?

11 Aug 02 - 10:27 AM (#763364)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Oaklet

Gregg, will you please pm jOhn to arrange a tour of the Spanish quarter. It will change your life, not neccessarily for the better, but a change is better than a rest, apparently.

11 Aug 02 - 12:19 PM (#763401)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: greg stephens

Look I'm not really coming to Hull, it was joke,what would anyone want to come to Hull for?

11 Aug 02 - 02:55 PM (#763451)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Oaklet

For the big Fis Depp0 museum, the tour of the Spanish quarter and the fact that Hull is on of the few cities with an ox-cart bear and bannannannanas delivery service. Where else would you hear the plaintive cry of the vendor - "Are'nt these cattle little charmers? Buy me bear and sume banananans9!!". And the "Smells of Hull" tour. Think of it as a pilgrimage.

11 Aug 02 - 05:49 PM (#763508)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: greg stephens

No.I am coming, really, get those bears in the 9fridge and some of thoe wun pound boxt iscreams.

11 Aug 02 - 05:52 PM (#763512)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: brid widder

Hull is no joke... it's deadly serious... as all the recent local threads demonstrate... and smallpiper is right... THERE IS NO WAY OUT!! maybe you should stay in Lancashire... home of Hubberbottoms Ramsdykes and Grymsthwaites

11 Aug 02 - 07:20 PM (#763544)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Mrs Cobble

brid widder.... There was a way out (I escaped!!!) but I think they filled it in...... Cobbles Dad was smuggled out on a fish train.. (in the days when there was fish to go on the trains...) he was thrown off at Goole... now there's another story!!!!

Mrs C

11 Aug 02 - 09:14 PM (#763604)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

oAklet-Mathew is not local, but i seen him in The Tip & Spale one night at the filk session, he offered to buy me a bear, but i had already had plenty that day so i said 2No Tanks", the Tip & Spale is on Spring Bank, it is called Spring bank because, in the olden days before they invented muney, people used to buy things with springs, but when they got too many springs, they used to put them in the Spring Bank for safe keeping. When they invented muney, the bank was turned into a pub, and people go there now to sing and play music.The best curry ship in Hull is in Hull as well, some mudcat peepol have been there, like Dorrie and Mick the singer. Sume famus peepol come from hull as well, like John Prescot 9he lives near my mam), he got famus for thumping sumebody that tried to nick his eggs, and Paul Eton from the beetiful Sooth, 9he lives near me and Mick and Dorrie, he got famus for drinking loads of bear, and he goes in The Avenue pub 9like me and Mick), the bloke what invented Toilet Duck comes from hull as well 9i'ts a type of bog cleener).john

11 Aug 02 - 09:22 PM (#763609)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

there is sume more famous peepol what come from hull but i ca'nt rimember who they are now, there is sume peepol that look like famus peepol, there is a bloke that looks like Rod Sterwart, he lives near us as well, and he has been to the curry ship,his name is Mat and he is a milkman, there is a bloke that looks like David Bowie, and he is a milkman as well, and he lives on Chants Ave 9neer the roondaboot.john

12 Aug 02 - 04:51 AM (#763719)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

The late Mick Ronson guitarist with the spiders from mars he came from here. Ami Johnson - sum tart wot flew solo to australia when that was a big thing cos no other wuman had eva dun it afor. See they all try to get away but the place sticks with them even after death.........

12 Aug 02 - 05:34 AM (#763728)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull

I've just realised something. Cromwell was a north of England man, wasn't he? Obviously what he was saying to the displaced Gaels was not "To Hell or to Connacht", but "To *Hull* or to Connacht".

12 Aug 02 - 05:47 AM (#763730)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Oaklet

Actually, it was a misquote. He definately said "To Hull or Cottingham" but some deaf git (probably from Analby) mis-heard him.

12 Aug 02 - 07:53 AM (#763751)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

Cromwell was a southern larger drinking pansy! Hows that for an accurate summing up of one of the biggest murdering bastards in british history aka a very complex character with deep religious convictions and a true sense of justice and fair play old boy.

12 Aug 02 - 05:00 PM (#764008)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Matthew Edwards

Oakleaf, as jOhn9 observed above I'm not from 'Ull, but I've been a frequent visitor recently so I've had an opportunity to observe some of the local customs and practices.(BTW I love to hear you and the rest of PTH at Nellies) As a result I am willing to join Greg Stephens in his mission to bring the true gospel from across the Pennines to the poor lost folk of Humberside.

'Tis not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me...

PS. Greg - are you coming for the Hull Shanty Festival? and the power boat lunch at the Minerva? or have you got 'Ullterior motives?

13 Aug 02 - 03:43 AM (#764236)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Abuwood

Don't forget Carvers Fish & Chips down by the Market.

IT IS NEVER DULL IN HULL they used to say.

Coming home for the Festival, and hoping to stay for Nellies Monday 2.9.02. Hope to meet you all there.

PS Why is there always loads on the Mudcat about Hull?

13 Aug 02 - 04:52 AM (#764260)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

'cos the people who live here have nothing better to entertain their minds in that desert between making music times. (eh?)

13 Aug 02 - 05:19 AM (#764272)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Skipjack K8

A truer word was never better badly conjugated, smallpiper!

13 Aug 02 - 07:18 AM (#764308)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

Thanks I'm aspiwering to liturary fame 9in the great tarditshun of jOhn from hull)

13 Aug 02 - 07:29 AM (#764310)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: GUEST,Oakley

Is he really too busy with his business plan9 for the dating agency? Without his posts, I'm at sixes and nines.

13 Aug 02 - 07:12 PM (#764756)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Col K

Im coming to Hull for the Maritime do, I was born there and left to convert the heathen lancastrians many years ago but now I feel it is time to pay a short visit to the Land of Green Ginger to renew my faith in my home city.Ill be with the Shellbacks so come and see us singing somewhere that weekend, take for a pint and show me how generous all you catters from Hull really are.

14 Aug 02 - 09:21 AM (#765081)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Les from Hull

Generous, us? You must be mixing us up wi' somebody else. Now them Lincolnshire lot, they'll buy anybody a pint.

We'll no doubt see you in Minerva over the weekend.

14 Aug 02 - 10:27 AM (#765104)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

Yup they'll buy you a pint alright but nick your fags from out of your mouth!

14 Aug 02 - 10:59 AM (#765118)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Skipjack K8

Perhaps you could revise that last statement for our American brethren, John?


14 Aug 02 - 05:55 PM (#765448)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Michael

I don't understand, how can anybody COME TO Hull? Where would they come from? The implication is that there IS 'somwhere else'beyond. Don't be so bloody daft.

15 Aug 02 - 10:49 AM (#765834)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Michael in Swansea

I attended a meeting in work today the outcome of which means that I won't be able to come to 'Ull this year, the other Baggies will be there - Michaeless!
Les, give Maggie my hug.

Miserable Melancholy Michael.

15 Aug 02 - 02:07 PM (#765996)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Les from Hull

So sorry that we'll miss you, Michael.

15 Aug 02 - 07:41 PM (#766176)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: rambling rose

Thats a real shame! Do you want me to come down and have a word with them?


15 Aug 02 - 07:46 PM (#766179)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: smallpiper

Note for our Colonial Friends in Britain Fags = cigarettes!

15 Aug 02 - 07:54 PM (#766183)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: John Routledge

'Ull must have more postings per head of population than anywhere in the world. I think that the Guiness Book of Records should be told.Keep up the good work peeps.

15 Aug 02 - 07:56 PM (#766186)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i fink yoo are right mr Rout edge.jhon

16 Aug 02 - 02:59 AM (#766316)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Abuwood

It's just that Ull folks is warm and friendly it is in their genes....

19 Sep 02 - 09:10 PM (#787922)
Subject: RE: Yippee! I'm coming to Hull
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

So when you comming to hull then greg? Like Dorries said , hull is really nice and freindly etc, and if anybody says any bad things about hull we will smash yoor face in, 9there is loads of us here and we proud of this fine city, so just watch it) I been in hull for 28 years now, I was born in Beberley, and I lived in Cottingham for a few years.john